WEATHER mm Tie Statesman receives the leased wira report of tha 'Associated; Press, the greatest and, most re liable press associativa ta the world. Friday rain; moderate to fresh southwesterly i gales. SEVENTY-FIRST YEAR SALEM, OREGON; FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 25, 1921 PRICE: FIVE CENTS j3 RE M GIB 45 CE d) I" 1111 FOUND ASHORE Schooner Ecola of San Fran cisco Missing1 After Un successful Attempt to En ter Coos Bay. DEBRIS INDICATES ,J TUG IS AT BOTTOM Second Ship Owned in Port "land by Balfour Guthrie, " ' Grain ' Buyers ASTORIA, dr., Nov. 24. A telephone report from Sunset beach, 10 miles south of here, says wreckage in quantities has com. ashore, all marked "Sea Eaglet; ' -The Sea Eagle, according to information, is a San Francis co tug which was ordered last week to tow the schooner Eco la into Coos bay. She had the schooner in tow Saturday but could not enter Coos bay be cause 6f rough weather and stood off. No word from either craft has since been re ceived; ; ' ' ' A patrol from the Point Adams coast guard crew1 who returned tonight after having combed the beach from Sun set beach to the Columbia riv er "jetty reported that !on Co lumbia beach they found a portion of Sea Eagle's pilot (Continued on page 2) HAMFORD M'NIDER PROTESTS PARDON FOR EUGENE DEBS MASON CITY, la., Nov. 24. (By The Associated Press) Hanford MacNider, national commander of the American Leg'ion-; ate turkey with his parents here today but put in a strenuous wdrk day otherwise getting ready to meet Marshal Foch here tomorrow and continue with him on his tour to the Pacific coast. He received a Thanksgiving message from the French hero and wired a message to President Harding pro testing against the pardon of Eugene V. Debs. Commander MacNidef'a mes sage to President Harding fol lows: . Deb Branded Traitor 'The American Legion of men and women' who offered their Uvea to preserve the integrity of this country respectfully asks that no leniency be shown those trai tors -who stabbed them in the back TODD CLEARED ON 3 COUNTS; John "W. Todd, former superintendent of Salem schools, indicted by a federal grand jury on a charge of using the mails with intent to defraud, was found not guilty yesterday in Portland onthree counts, the jury failing to agree on the fourth count, which read as follows: - "Unlawf ul use of the mails February 2, 1920, and covers the $700 check of.E.'C. Miller of Salem, which was sent through the mails for collection by the Ladd & Bush bank of Salem to the Lexington Stater The verdict was returned sealed Wednesday night after, the jury had deliberated nine hours. After reading the verdict at 10 o'clock yesterday morning. Federal Judge R. S. Bean announced that as a retrial was now necessary, that the new trial date would be set Monday, ' ; ' - " Transaction described" The: -count on which the Jury disagreed pertained t6 the check "OLDEST THINGS" WANTED; SHOW US WHAT YOU HAVE The Statesman roId like anywhere from three to a dozen of "tho oldest" things In Marion county or in the state: The story of the Oldest Man now a resident of Ore gon; his photos, anything ' about him. The Oldest Woman in the state; such a wonderful story as she and her photos would tell! The oldest deed; the old est contract.; the oldest pho tograph which wouldn't be a photograph at all, but a daguerreotype; the oldest al most anything of interest. And not only the oldest, but the most interesting peo ple, papers, almost anything that has a genuine "kick" in its story. The Statesman will be dee-lighted to incorporate some of these pictures and facts in its naws, in a way that will make them live again at they lived when the pioneers themselves were young and strong and were making the most wonderful history in the world.. Send or write The States man what you -have. Boise High School Team Is Champion of Idaho - r i -, ' BOISE, Idaho, Nov. 24. The Boise high school eleven this af ternoon won the interscholastic football championship of Idaho when It defeated Twin Falls high School team by a score of 5 to 3. Gotham Accident Report ' Discloses Fatal NEW YORK. Nov. 24. An ac cident occurred every 20 minutes on the streets of New York last year. There were 27,550 vehicu lar accidents, which killed 86 i persons and injured 17,133 men and 6.146 women. Private cars were in 7,608 o. the mishaps, business automobiles in 3,423 and taxicabs in 1,231. while they were giving their an to their country. It a pardon-s tTanted to Debs or others fairly and justly convicted of treason or sedition during the time when the nation's very life was at stake, the lives of those American boys who lie broken in the hospitals (Continued on page 2) JURORS ANOTHER of E. C. Miller of Salem, and made out to Carlos L. Byron, jointly Indicted with Todd and now a fugitive from justice. More than a hundred similar checks were given to Todd and Byron by Sa lem investors for . worthless tim ber claims. Testimony given during Todd's trial was to the effect that Mr. (Continued on page 2) CORN SHOW AT I INDEPENDENCE IS DEC. 2-3 dash and Merchandising Premiums Valued at $400 Hung up for Successful Contestants. ALL GROWERS URGED TO LIST ENTRIES Boys' and Girls Clubs Come in for Important Part in Polk Exhibit INDEPENDENCE, Or., Nov. 2 4. (Special to Tho Statesman.) Dates have been selected for the holding of the annual corn show here. It will be Friday and Sat urday, December 2 and 3. About $400 in 'cash and mer chandise premiums are being of- j fered in prizes on corn and corn products. The premiums are at tractive, including sugar, flour, shoes and a dozen other articles which are useful, as well as the cash 'prizes to be paid. It is a Polk county affair, with no charge of entries or admission, and it is urged by the manage ment that every farmer ' and grower of corn will enter dis plays. The chief purpose of holding the" corn show is to get more far mers interested in growing corn and better corn Last year one exhibitor carried away over $50 in prizes and his chances are just as good this year. The boys and girls have not been overlooked, provisions hav ing been made for club work and as individuals. The corn show will be held in the display room of the Indepen dence garage, which has been of fered for that purpose. Pill SOUNDERS IT Score is 18 to 7 Willam ette putplayed in All Points of Game TACOMA, Wash., Nov. 24. After losing to Willamette for three successive seasons, the Cok lege of Paget Sound eleven turned on the rivals today and won an 1$ to 7 victory. The local team showed a superiority in all depart ments of play, the local, backf ield showing up and playing strong. N BELFAST TROUBLE Bomb is Exploded Under Tram Car Carrying Ship yard Workers BELFAST, Nov. 24. (By the Associated Press.) Two persons were killed outright and eight wounded when a bomb exploded this evening in a tram car carry ing a load of shipyard workers along Naval avenue. Throughout the day the city, which has been the scene of several outbursts of bombing and shooting within the last three days, had been cmpara tiTeiy quiet. , Tonight two other tram cars were bombed, three persons be ing' killed and a number seriously injured. This brings the number of deaths to 25. William Smallwood, supposed to have been responsible for One of the bombs, was arrested ; bv troops, but he has protested his innocence. The crowd made des perate efforts to lynch him. His homo is ifl the Sinn Fein quarter..-:" . ' ; Five shots were fired In a gro cery tonight, killing the proprie tor and a customer.- m BEARCATS HE RANCHER IS KILLED BY ANGRY BULL Charles Vaughn of White Pine Crushed to Death by Head of H6rnless Animal SPOKANE, Nov. 24. Charles Vaughn, a cattle man of White Pine. Mont., died on a train near ing Spokane tonight of injuries received yesterday morning whei he was attacked by a bull on his ranch. The animal knocked Vaughn down in a corral and crushed him with its head. It had no horns. Th same animal attacked a ranch hand a year ago in a sim ilar manner. The man's life was saved by a dog. ELKS Hi IS ANNOUNCED Services in Memory of De parted Brothers to Be Sunday, Dec. 4 The annual memorial services of Salem lodge No. 336, B. P. O. Elks, will be held Sunday after noon December 4, at the Grand theater. Justice George M. Brown will deliver the address. In the eulogy, to be delivered by Charles R. Archerd, the roll call will include the names of six mem bers of the Salem lodge who have passed away during the past year. These are as follows: M. L. Hamilton, February; Simon J. Yoder, March; Daniel Webster, March; Sam West, May; A. G. Mj gers, July. Tha program for the memorial services is as follows: Funeral March Chopin Elks' Orchestra Ritualistic Ceremonies Lodge Officers Prayer. .. .Chaplain, Bro. Hinges "God Shall Wipe way All Tears" . Caro Roma Miss Mary Wylie Address Brother George M Brown, No. 336. Romance Rubenstein Elks' Orchestra Eulogy Brother Charles R. Archerd. "Come Ye Blessed" John Trindle Scott Miss Mary Wylie Benediction. .Rev. W. C. Kantner Closing Ritualistic Ceremonies Lodge Officers. "Daughters of the American Rev olution Lampe Elks' Orchestra The olficers of the lodge who will have charge of the services are: Exalted Ruler Roy D. Byrd. Esteemed Leading Knight D. G. Drager. Esteemed Loyal Knrght E. M. Page. Esteemed Lecturing Knight W. I. Needham. Secretary Harry J. Wledmer. Treasurer Roy Barton. Esqufre George P. Griffith. Tiler A. L. Fraser. Chaplain Karl E. Hinges. Inner Guard Milo Rasmussen. Organisht D. C. Burton. Director Elks' Orchestra C. J Kurth. Director Elks' Chorus Dan F Langenberg. Trustees W. D. Evans, Dr. II. H Olinger, E. W. Hazard. YOUR RED CROSS DOLLAR Today and tomorrow are the last days of the annual JUnt Cross membershin campaurn. Kx-ser vice men and pnbllc-spirited wo men are giving of their time and money to the work. A year's membership costs but $1, half of which is retained by the local Red Cross and will be expended In aiding needy ex-er-vkre men and thq'r dependents. The balance of each membership payment will bo sent to national headquarters of the Red Cross for, general relief work through out the United States. Have your dollar ready. If a polocitor has not found yoii at home, the payment may-be made at the Willamette chapter office. State street, near North Church street or at the office 6f Attorney Brarier Small, room 22 Orepon build Ing. A phone rail to 290 will bringf a messenger who will receipt for the membership pay ment POPE READX r-lTP ' LONDON, Nev. 24. A Central News dispatch from Rome says the newspaper Tempo publishes an Interview with Cardinal Gas- parrt. panal secret"-"" of tft who is Quoted -'as having asserted Pope Benedict is ready for a rec onciliation with Italy. EASTERN ISSUE S UPPERMOST CONFERENCE Divergence of Views Among Delegations Considered Fundamental Obstacle to Agreement. CHINESE HINT THAT THEY MAY WITHDRAW Present Mongolian. Courts ' May Make Immediate Changes Impossible WASHINGTON, Nov. 24. (By the Associated Press.) The Far Eastern negotiations, complicated by a disagreement over the mean ing of the four general principles adopted, will again become the live issue of the armament con ference when it resumes work to morrow. How acute the divergence ol view over application of the four principles might become was problematical tonight, but the Chinese seemed to regard it as a fundamental obstacle to a com plete agreement regarding China. Chinese 3tay Quit Some Chinese officials even went so far as to say there would be nothing left for them but withdrawal from the conference should an interpretation advanced in British quarters receive full approval of the powers. The opinion held with apparent unanimity by all the delegates concerned, however, was that the issue would be so handled as to preclude such an impasse at the present time. It was pointed out that the views to which the Chin ese took offense were delineated by a British spokesman outside the conference and so far have not had the formal endorsement even of the Pritish delegation. These views wf;re briefly that the open door policy defined by the four principles included Chinese acceptance of the consortium and the pooling of the operation of railway concessions, a combina toin which the Chinese" declare would mean virtual "internation alization" of China. Chinese Reticent It was uncertain tonight wheth er the subject would come before the nine delegations meeting to morrow as a committee of the whole on the Far East. For their part, the Chinese w:re said to feel they could not raise the point with propriety because views at tributed to the British never had been officially before the Far East committee. Apparently, a somewhat similar position was taken by the other delegations, and so it appeared possible that the disagreement might await further development until discus sions bring it into prominence. The specific subject selected for discussion tomorrow is China's request for abolition of the sys tem of "extra territoriality" un der which the foreign powers have set nn their own courts within China to .handle cases iu which J their respective nationajs are in volved. All nations reresented have indicated their "sympathetic interest" in the Chinese request, although it has been apparent that even some Chinese delegates do not believe the present con dition of the Chinese courts would make the change immediately possible .aval Experts Procress Amone some delegates there was a belief that the cases .of Shantung and South Manchuria might also be reached tomorrow, bringing the delegates face to face with some of the most compli cated questions of the negotia tions. Meantime, naval experts will continue work on details of the American reduction plan and the land armament negotiations will wait for the more pressing topic? to be disposed of. Sub-committees will be organized to begin in vestigation of such collateral is sues as airplanes, poison gas and the rules of warfare, but if a com prehensive plan for land arma ment limitation is to be worked out. it will be in a later stage. It is held that as a sovereign nation China now has the same power to enter into such arrange ments in the future. America Goes Half Way The American attitude toward (Continued on page 6) WOMAN DEAD; TWO MEN MAY DIE AS RESULT OF FIGHT SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 24. Bat Leahy, 65, proprietor of a rooming house here, tonight shot ant! killed Mrs. Anna Pierce, Seriously wounded Tom Lynch, a marine fireman, then turned the revolver on himself, inflicting wounds-believed ffttal, it was announced at police haedquarters. A motive for the shooting was lacking, police said. The tragedy occurred at Leahy's rooming house. Lynch was said to have entered the house with Mrs. Pierce. In Lynch's apartment the three got into an argu ment wijbnesses told the police. Lynch was not armed and Leahy encountered no resistance, according to the account. Though desperately wounded, Mrs. Pierce and Lynch rushed out of the place. The woman was found dead in front of the building. Lynch lay across the street, with bullet wounds under his heart and through his left shoulder. Leahy wias. in his room. A bullet had pierced his left temple. At the city hospital no hope was held for his recovery. Before losing consciousness, Lynch, according to the po lice said he had known Leahy but a few days. He did not explain the shooting. LIEN GIVES In delivering the union Thanks giving sermon yesterday morning at the t! First Congregational church, the Rev. W. T. Milliken said that he was thankful for the following reasons: First, that he lived in America and not Armenia. Again frs he thankful that he lived here and not in the troubled nations, fetich aa Poland, Hun gary, Czecho-Slavakia and Rus sia, and (again, above all, that America is not at war. Critical Age Here "America means a land of op LAX AND HEMP CALLED TD 1EET Tl Flax gfowers and those inter ested in 'preserving the industry for the illamette valley, are in vited to njeet Saturday morning at the Salem Commercial club at 10 o'clock for further discussion of the best means of organizing in a cooperative way. The letter which has been sent many who are interested m flax and hemp announces that a non profit cooperative flax and hemp growers association had been or ganized, and for the purpose of manufacturing the product into hemp and flax, a secondary body SALE1 HIGH BEATS LINCOLN OF PORTLJNDJ 7-0 SCORE Lillegreu carried the ball over ability to block the Portland the goal ; line for Salem's only touchdowk when the Salem hijjh school gridiron machine plowed through the storing defense of the Lincoln high schcool eleven for a 7 to 0 victory on Sweetland field here yesterday. The game was played on a field ankle deep with mud, making the continued at tempt of ; the air route used by both, teams unsuccessful and making yardage by line bucks equally difficult. Through a spectacular 55"yard run at the end of the third quar ter, Brown, the fast Salem high quarter took the ball to within 20 yards of 5 the goal line and by a series of plunges the ball was taken at the beginning of the last quarter to within 10 yards of the coveted goal. Lillegren was given the ball iand started for tht goal but was tackled when he was five yards from the line. Unable to gain his balance after the tackle Lilelgren: doubled himself up and was able, to roll over the line. Purvine kicked a successful goal. During the entire game the Sa lem high, men showed the machine like attack and defense which has characterized their play for the last thre4 games. On the line, Don Ringle oh the right wing, dis tinguished himself by brilliant tackling ahd blocking in the back field of the Portland squad. His REASONS 'ilFRICAi'J GRATITUDE portunity, and I am thankful that I am living in this age, and not in what are termed the good old days." declared Mr. Milliken. ''There has more happened in the world during the past 10 years than any preceding 100 years. We are. in one of the great crises ot the world's history. "In the year 304 A. D., Chris tians were, persecuted. In the year 311 there was religious tol erance, and in the year 312 Con stantine announced religious free don!. (Continued on page 2) GROWERS ARE to be known as the Willamette Valley Flax & Hemp corporation. Organization Democratic Three committees were ap pointed at the first meeting held at the Salem Commercial club to interview growers. These com mittees were headed by George W. 'Eyre, W. J. Denham and P. E. Thomason The announcement says: "This is going to be a demo cratic organization wherin the profits go to the man who does (Continued on page 2) quarter before he had a chance to throw the ball, made him a stellar player. Adolph showed up well in punting despite the slippery con dition of the field. Lynn Jones, who had been shifted to the back field again, did excellent work both in carrying the ball and in bolcking punts. Not until the last quarter did (Continued on page 2) Filipino Student at University in Need of Help; Makes Appeal j For Aid in Fight for Educatioi Leopold Theodoro is a student In Willamette university. It is un derstood that he is a Junior; that he may, if he is able to pursue his studies, graduate next yer. But he seems to be a stranger in a strange land: though he is a full fledged American citizen. He tells the editor of The Statesman that he hi often mis taken for a Jap, and that he ia of ten misunderstood in other ways and particulars. What he seems to need is a kind American friend or family to find him a plare where be may work and have MINISTER IS OUTSPOKEN If LONDON Ml PoHcy Enunciated by Brian; At Washington Called Is' otafed arid Productive c SelMnjury. MARQUIS WOULD BRING GERMANY INTO C0MIT Helping Hand to New Na ttons Urged as Means to Enhance Peace LONDON, Nov. 24. (By tfi Associated' Prcss)Ono of tl;' 'most outspoken warnings at". dressed by the foreign mimstr to another friendly nation W delivered today by ' Marqni Ourzon of Kedleston to Franc The British foreign ministc; declared if France pursued a: isolated' and individual polic j she would not, in the long rur injure Germany and would fai to protect herself.' - j The address was directed pri marily to' the "Washington co. ference,. bur it was clearly a; intimation ; to Ffance' of the el feet of that country's' attitud toward disarmament. It ls ' applied with equal force to tls1 French" policy in the Near East ; , Peace will never be achievj ed,V he said,t4if any one pov er tries to steal a march ' or another and conclude an ai rangement on its own account.! lie reminded Franco that he j safety lay in the confidence c the world. He5 cautione; France that she could not aw; ceed by a revengeful policy t-; ward Germany or be permit ted by isolated action to f ni trate the work at Washingtor! The speech was reraarkabl1 for the expressed determiw tion to bring Germany into tm comity of nations' and for is1 enunciation of Great Britain 1 duty in the new world whic' succeeded, the war. ; j Alluding to the new strut glinpf nations, he said; j "We are largely responsibly for the creation of these nev nations. Therefore, it devolve' on us to do our best to "curl their rivalry, help .their, prot' ress and make them instni ments of future peace.' 1 ) NEv7 YORK, Nov 24. DI armament of France would tt world peace and would be a tern j tation for imperialistic German to come back into power, Premit Briand declared here tonight in f farewell address to the America people. France, he said, want peace and wanted to live on am! cable terms with a democrat Germany. "But the former Germany hr not disappeared." he asserte "She is still lying in wait, Bti plotting, still trying to reviv hopes of revenge. She is eti" keeping an army In certain fori Germany Feared f "How could you expect Franc to disarm in such a situation? he asked. "If France waa unab to defend herself, . democrat Germany would be overthrow and the old imperialistic Germar would come back into power, i she weakened herself, it woti end the peace of the worl France has not the right to d (Continued on, page 2) ; some time left to pursue his St dies. . - Theodoro came to The State man office a few eveninsa ag having been rebuffed by a m who evidently got the Idea that 1 was a Jap. He seemed to wa only sympathy and kindly advt then. He came again Wedaea 1; eenlng, and a member of t Statesman force suggested th he write down his message. I was given the use of an tlnde wood typewri ter, an d he v readily typed ' oft the followin (Continued on page 2)