The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 24, 1921, Page 9, Image 9

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Jhe Total Was 485,950, Against 23,000 Cases Put Up
Tyvelve Years Ago-rPayroI!s in Six Months About
a Quarter of a Million Dollars,. and Paid to Growers
Nearly Six Hundred Thousand Dallars On Way to
Milion Cases.
t Salem is by far the. greatest
canning center in the northwest.
The total 'number or cases pack
ed by the four great canning
plants In the city during the past
l season aggregate the vast total of
4 8 5.9 $0 cases. -
.Twelve years ago only 23.000
'cases of canned goods were pack
ed in Salem. The increase has
AJj total almost equals half a million
V leases.
, And with the canning of 485,
950 cases in Salem, there has
been paid out during the past six
months, a total of 1247,000 in
pay roll alone. This is a conser-
vative estimate.
And for products paid out ac-
4 tually in Salem for fruits and ber
ries delivered to the four packing
t plants in the city, there has been
. paid out. according to the pack-
ers' own books, a grand total of
$593,000. That is, growers in
the trading vicinity ' of ; Salem,
I have received during the past six
months, a sum almost equal to
$600,000 for their products can-
ned by the four Salem plants.
These figures, are for canning
only, and do not include the large
sums paid out by the Salem Kings
. Food Products Co.. nor by the
Aorthwest Fruit" Products com
pany. The figures are banning
figures only.
' The pack of loganberries in Sa-
, lem alone is placed by the font
' ulants at 117.700 cases, on a con
servative estimate, based on the
'' books of the plants.
Those on the Farms Know
What They Want and Make
Their. Wants ' Known
Nebraska farmers wives have
issued a Bill of Personal Rights
Rather it ia in the form of an ul
timatum embracing six points, not
14 The platform on which they
will stand Is the following:
A Dower washing machine -for
the house for every tractor bought
for the farm. - i
A bathtub in the house for
every binder on the farm.
Running; water in the kitchen
for every riding plow for the
fields. '
A kerosene cook stove for every
automobile truck.
' A f Ireless ooker for every new
mowing machine.
Our share of the farm income.
What the wife will demand as
her share when her husband
wants to buy that half-quarter ad-
1 joining on- the north probably is
left to time and circumstance. At
j any rate it will - be something
commensurate with the expendi
ture, If we may reason from the
examples -iven. . In short, the
. farmers' wives are going to have
well equipped houses on the well
equipped farms. J And why not?
A labor saving device is as much
. needed in the work a woman does
' as for what performs. Why
should a man have an easy time
' plowing or cultivating the corn
while the wife rubs her washing
on an old fashioned washboard?
H is Justice merely, an equal di-
-vision, that they seek. It may
be not quite easy to install in the
1 farm house some of the most val
uable ' labor saving . machinery,
t but It can be done. There cer
tainly Is no reason why. such
1 homes should not have running
water in the kitchen, if the far-
1 mer has a riding plow, ,or a bath
tub If the grain is cut with a
I binder. The Nebraska women
make a good case. Pittsburg Ga-
m zette Times. "
It is Considered Important to
Maintain the Nation's
" Food Supply
f There Is a campaign on all
over Ihe United States in favor of
r, power, gardening,, especially power
truck gardening. In the interest of
v maintaining the nation's food sup-
ply. Some ot this propaganda is
being put out in. the form. of short
Ftoriee human interest stories
The following Ja, a'very good ex
i ample) rjt i. v
; oxri rainy; . spring
: By W. T.' Ayers .' :, -
Old Jason Williamson leanedon
: torn' a onrl ' plnwprpd at the
v glowering clouds. -It had been one.
The cherry pack amounts to
35,633 cases for this season.
Blackberries, which have de
veloped as one of our great indus
tries only in recent years, ranks
second in the canning industry
of the city, with 103,686 cases.
The pack of canned prunes runs
about the same as that of cherries.
The actual figures show that 35,
300 cases of prunes were canned
in Salem this past season.
Pears rank' third in the num
ber of cases packed, the aggre
gate being 94,650 cases.
Oregon strawberries, which
grow more to the acre than any
other state in the union, were
packed in Salem with a total. ot
36.850 case's.
The apple pack of tire four
plants will run 58,000 for the
1921 season.
The raspberry pack amounted
to several hundred cases. The
pack of tomatoes this year total
ed 250 cases.
Those who are familiar with
the canning industry, call atten
tion to the fact that although the
enormous amount of almost 500,-.
000 causes of fruits and berries
were packed In the city, the yo?.r
1921 was a . rather unfavorable
one in many respects, especially
in the shortage of the prunn crop.
The same authority estimates
that wltVn a very few years, or
within two or three years, with
favorable crops, the four canner
ies in Salem will put out in ex
cess of 1,000,000 cases of fruits
and berries.
gol darned rain right after an
other all spring. The ground right to work for Just
about two days then soaked up
and soggy for a week.
The "boys" as Jason called the
halt dozen veteran farm hands
had filed the hoes to razor keen
ness during the rainy days but
still couldn't wield them fast
enough to get over the patch-when
the dry days gave them a chance
to work against the weeds
The trustworthy old . horses
never moved so slowly it seemed
to Jason as on the few bright days
he could put a cultivator into the
rows. Now it was going to rain
again and he was so far behind
the season that it seemed as
though he couldn't catch up if a
drouth should set in and last the
rest of the summer
: Jason had lived through other
similar seasons, but this one af
fected him dlffeerntly for after a
fashion more than the value of an
early crop, and of possible second
crops was involved
- Young John Williamson had
left the paternal rooftree a year
previous and settled on a nice level
patch of garden ground, a few
miles down the state road. The
old man had wanted John 'to stay
and live at the old home with his
bride, and old Williamson had
acres enough for them both to
farm. This was agreeable up to
the point of how the farming was
to be done. i
John wanted a lot of new
things, a farm -lighting system,
some new greennouses, . a ; more
modern water plant, and some
power farming equlpmemBt
Father stood for the whole list
till it came to power i farming
tools. He held that the Biblical
admonition that man shall earn
his bread in the sweat of his brow
meant hat hand tillage I was the
only kind that a righteous farmer
would countenance. Further he
felt that these rapid modern meth
ods were too hasty to be good and
too easy to be worthy,
"I'll die before I'll chase some
snorting gas engine up and down
the rows on this garden natch'
declared the old man id his final
nlMtattitn !
utviuaiu au a
So John moved out. And his
mother who regularly visited her
children brought the bad news
that John didn't have any barn
yard it looked like a garage.
Old Jason leaned on the fence
till the rain began to fail heavily
and then went wearily to the
house. I
That night he was taken sick. A
little too much rain, worry, or
hard work or all three hadj put
him in bed to stay
And the next day the sun shone
and a nice breeze commenced dry
ing things up. He could look out
the window and it sure made him
suffer to think that another day
of fair 'weather would find him in
bed when he should be out in the
field.- But fever and pain nailed
him to the old corn husk mattress
and he could only, roll over and
groan. - . . -j ' '! :
A few days - later old! Jason
weakened from what had seemed
like a long nightmare. Te sun
was shining, the birds were sing
ing and it was -a fine day all over
the . country. Jason lay there
weakly and tried to think. . He
wondered what shape the! work
was in. Then he wondered how
soon it would rain again., lie tried
to 'get up. but couldn't. if '
. lie .heard voices in the kitchen.
He heard another, and suspicious
sound, like the popping of a mo-torcyclo-
in the . distance. f Thin
steps approaching, f I ? 1 v
.-.''Well dad you're getting a good"
rest for once in your lire,',!- sap
John as he came into the rocin
with his mother. j------f
It's nothing to joke aout.
John boy" said old, Jason JStyh.
weak attempt to be stern. "These
are working days, the only ones
we've had all summer."
"There's been quite a few of
them before at that," said John.
"You've been in bed only three
days now. It rather feels like an
other shower so don't begrudge
yourself a rest because the sun is
"Oh my God," groaned Jason,
"all I've raised this spring is a
crop of weeds," and he turned
over toward the wall.
"You've had a nice healthy crop
of 'em all right," said John, "but
they're all harvested now. By
night there won't be a foot of your
truck patches that isn't clean of
weeds and ripped up from one end
to the other. If it rains you
should worry."
"What d'ye mean." said the old
man and he sat up.
Then mother thought it was
time to interfere.
"Lie down now and don't get
excited," she said as she bent over
the laboring figure on the bed.
"The day you was took sick I sent
.word to John and he came up. The
next day be brought his automo
bile cultivators and things up here
and he's been at work here ever
since. Now you mustn't be cross
about it."
"Do you mean that you've
weeded and cultivated all that
stuff in the last two days," asked 1
the old man.
"It will be so by night," said
John. "1 borrowed a couple of
tractor cultivators besides what I
own and brought along a couple
of men who can run 'em. I'm
afraid dad that you're going to
have to buy one or two. Old Jer
ry's been running a little one all
day and he's as tickled as a kid
with a new bicycle. You can raise
twice as much and do it twice as
often-. no doubt about it. Get on
your hind legs as soon as you can
and see for yourself.
"If 8 a low down trick to play
on a sick man," said old Jason as
he lay back on the pillows. But he
smiled and reached for lhs son's
hand as he said it.
Big Sacks of the Mistland
Brand Being Sent to the
Markets Every Day
There is an interesting pro
cess going on at the packing
plant of the Oregon Growers' Co
operative association. High and
Trade streets, where the grading.
sorting and packing of the bulk
of the Oregon crop ot walnuts is
being done something like 100
tons of them in all.
M. P. Adams took In nearly a
million pounds of loganberries at
Brooks the past season for the
association; then he received
prunes for the dehydration plant
of the King's Food Products com
pany for the association. Now
he has. charge of the walnut
branch of the business of the as
He also helped in the grading
and' packing of the filberts; but
they are all gone. They did : not
have enough of JLhe filberts to
satisfy the local demand.
The Mistland Brand
'Mistland Grafted Oregon Wal-
nuts" is the brand on the sacks
that take the nuts to market, and
"Oregon Growers' Co-operative
Association Salem, Oregon,; and
Weight 100 poundt net" appear
Vrint iti :r ah )ii' iiio
The next grade,, is "Mistland
No. 1," and a third grade is "Fir
land No. 2." i
Nearly 40 "tons have already
gone to market in these sacks,
and more are going all the time
All the nuts have not yet arrived
at the plant. They are coming
right along. They come in sacks,
too, having been cleaned and
dried i at the farms, mostly in
prune dryers, and they are also
kept separate as to variety.
The first process at the pack
ing plant is the grading, in a big
new grading machine graded as
to size. From the grader they
are poured onto sorting tables,
where women sort the nuts. The
broken, discolored and otherwise
defective nuts are sorted out
If you buy "Mistland Grafted
Oregon Walnuts" you may be sure
a1 nm sottlnir tho hect walnut
jwu .c
irrown in me wunu, ueiier iu
flavor even than the California
No walnuts are wasted. The
second and third grades and the
culls are sold as such.
Mr. Adams says the grafted
Franquette walnuts grade better
than" any other; more evenly, lie
thinks they are the best walnuts
grown In the world; that is, the
grafted Franquette walnuts that
are produced here In the Willam
ette valley.
There are other good walnuts
grown here, too; splendid quality
nuts, flavored fit for an epicure.
Dutl no other variety grades like
the grafted Franquette.
There will be much Interest in
watching thS career. of the new
federated republic made up of
Hounduras. . Guatemala and Sal
vador . If it steers clear Of the pit
falls that beset its path it may
nrove to be a real power in Central
AmArlran affairs. Costa Rica and
Kirrarua mav loin it later. Thve
nrnbihlr in waitine to see howlhearing prune trees. 2740.20 non-
the innovation works. . the . new
government being modled along
the lines ot the American consti-1 bearing walnut trees. 234: logan-tuUon-
; berries, 423.71; blackberries and
Marion, Polk and Yamhill
Counties Prolific in Both
Fruits and Grains
Oregon Has Aggregate of
8,419,954.88 Acres De
voted to Farming
A sumary of agricultural and
horticultural statistics for Oreon
compiled by the state tax com
mission for 1921 and ba?ed on
reports received from the county
assessors, shows that Oreg-or has
a total of 8,41,a.8 acres In
farms and a total of 3.081,33S.
acres in agricultural and horticul
tural products. This is on the ba
sis of 33 917 farms reported. No
reports were received from Har
ney and Klamath counties
Marion county is shown as
leading the state in the produc
tion of small fruits, oats, corn,
hops, clover, potatoes and wal
nuts. Total acreages reported were:
Winter wheat, 785,946 94;
spring wheat, 272,126; oats 265,
608.83; barley, 66,546.50; rye,
61,029.87: corn, 47.409.12; clo
ver, 87,339.08; alfalfa, 164.181;
wild or marsh hay. 158.401.75;
other hay crops. 202,461.33; po
tatoes. 39.702.39: other root
crops. 6482.66: field peas. 291.-
75; field beans. 856.25; hops, oia
acreage, 99 23. 95; hops, new acre
age. 1458.25: other crops, 793,
064.63: bearing apple trees. 39,-
310.23; non bearing apple trees.
6321.73; bearing cherry trees,
3497; non-bearing cherry trees
627.4 2; bearing peach trees, a.
055.70; non-bearing peach tree.
413 88; bearing pear trees, 9,
176.05: non-bearing pear trees.
2718.67; bearing prune trees, 23.-
564.73; non-bearing prune trees,
12.082.60; bearing walnut trees.
1334.42; non-bearing walnut
trees. 1327.11; loganberries, ,
259.27; blackberries and rasp
berries. 14 51.4 0; strawberries
4049.07; other bearing fruits and
nuts, 1752.66; other non-bearing
fruits and nuts. 566.75
For Marion, Polk and Yamhill
counties the figures are as tol
Marlon county Winter wheat,
22,036.75; spring wheat, 13.799.
7o: oats, 42.861.25; Barley,
1405; rye, 384.37; corn, 8263.62;
clover. 15,630.50; alfalfa. 192.75;
wild or marsh hay. 1054.50: oth
er hay crops, 8725.58; potatoes.
5033.39; other root crops, 529. 2o;
field peas, 9; field beans, 52;
hops, old acreage. 4 689.20; hops.
new acreage. 485; other crops
910.88: bearing apple trees. 1.-
308.15; non-bearing apple trees
106.48; bearing cherry trees,
539; non-bearing cherry trees,
125.67; bearing peach trees,
154.93; non-bearing peach trees,
23; bearing pear trees,, 387.80;
non-bearilng pear trees, 97.67;
bearing prune trees, 6749.53
non-bearing prune trees. 1873 49;
bearing walnut trees,'" 147.0:'.:
I non-bearing walnut trees, 431.36
loganberries; 3868.06; blackber
I ries and raspberries, 468.82;
strawberries, 1273.70; other bear-
mg iruits and nuts, 238.41; otner
non-oeirmz iruiu ana nuts. a .
75; total acres in agricultural and
horticultural products. 143,910.-
66; farms reported. 4724; total
acres in farms, 382, 301.73.
Polk county Winter wheat.
14.459.50; spring wheat, 4602.50;
oats, 22,176.33; barley, 827: rye,
147; corn. 1296.50; elover S.
149.73; ! alfalfa. 44; wild or
marsh bay. 1 258; other hay
crops, 11,822.75; potatoes, 63S;
other root crop3, 18.25; field
peas, 9; field bjnas. 17.2 5: hops,
old acreage. 2748; hops, new
acreage, 389.50; other crops,
397.50; bearing apple trees. 1.
164 75; non-bearing apple trees
143.75; bearing cherry trees
612.75; non-bearing cherry trees.
54.50; bearing peach trees. 61.25:
non-bearing peach trees, ;."0;
bearing pear tiees, 171; non
bearing pear trees, 24; bearing
prune trees, 4049.23; non-bearing
prune, tree. 3316; bearing
I . .
walnut trees.
230.50; non-bear
ing walnut trees. 105; loganber
ries. 268.75; blackberries and
raspberries. 29.73; strawberries,
284.25; other bearing fruits and
nuts. 57.50; other non-bearing
fruits and nuts, 73; total acres in
agricultural and horticultural
products. 80.633.33; farms re
ported. 1270; total acres in tarns
Yamhill county Winter wheat.
14.3t2.94; spring wheat, 3397.25;
oats, ; 20.166.50; barley. 571.50:
rye, 6; corn. 1911.73; alfalfa
40; wild or marsh hay. 490.50;
other hay crops, 1 872. 50; pota
toes. 569; other root crops, 284.-
30; field peas, 10,75; field benas.
none; hope, old acreage, l.-3:
hops, new acreage. 21; other
crops, 166.23; bearing apple
trees, 847.33; non-bearing apple
trees, 206 25; bearing cherry
trees. 301.23; non-bearing cherry
trees, 7.75; bearing peach trees,
72.23; non-bearing peach trees,
8.23; bearing pear trees. 38.25;
I non-bearing pear
trees. 76.2-j;
hearing prnne trees. 2150.36;
bearing walnut trees. 332.64; non
raspberries, 458.58; other bearing
fruits and nuts. 217.25; other
non-bearing fruits and nuts, 19.
5D; total acres in agricultural and
horticultural products, 69,076.96;
farms reported, none; total acres
in farms. 136.795.13.
(Continued from page 2.)
erty bond campaigns during the
He has built the present build
ing, installed the automatic low
ering device for cemetery use,
put in a capable auto equipment
and modern equipment and meth
ods in every department. His
ability as an expert embalmer has
been proven in the past eight
years, especially by the hundreds
of bodies that have been shipped
by his firm to practically every
state in the union, and a few into
Canada. Mr. Webb has taken for
his motto, the one used by the
Rotary club: "Service, not Self,"
and has followed it since long be
fore he knew there was a Rotary
club in existence.
The Modern Methods
In this age . when science has
made light, power and water ev
erywhere available, when machin
ery has lessened labor and anaes
thetics have dulled the edge of
pain, they have utilized science to
lighten the burden of the sorrow
ing. With the aid of science they are
able to protect the family and the
community from the danger of
contagion, to make transportation
safe, and to remove the traces of
illness and unnaturalness which
used to accentuate the grief
caused by death.
With the help of profesisonally
trained assistants, modern equip
ment, motorized conveyances, and
a fine funeral chapel, they are
able to relieve the family of "all
details, and perform a service that
brings comfort in the darkest hour
and affords the consoling con
sciousness that the last tribute has
been fitting and beautiful.
The Oregon Experts Will Be
in the Field in the Next
Few Days
The experts ,of the Oregon
Growers' Co-operative associa
tion are getting ready to make
a survey of the broccoli situa
tion. It will not be very long
now till arrangements will have
to be made for marketing the
crop, which will come on in Feb
ruary and March; mostly.
One grower up Independence
way said yesterady that he feared
the high water of the past few
days, which ran over his broccoli
field, had Injured his crop. One
of the experts named told the re
porter that be did not think any
serious injury would result from
the broccoli being under water
for a short period.
The association experts will
soon get some idea of what kind
of a crop of broccoli they are
likely to have to handle how
large and of what quality; but
they could say little yesterady.
As most people know, how
ever, rainy weather does not hurt
broccoli. The more rain the bet
ter. The only danger is from too
much or too severe I freezing
weather, and it is generally be
lieved that even such weather
may be rendered of no injurious
effect where the growers hill up
their plants.
Suffering Horse Killed
By County Humane Officer
A hunter who was out after
ducks Monday, found in a pasture
near Salem something that toot
from him all desire to hunt fur
ther, and brought him back to
town to lay the case before the
Quality in roofing Is whs!
gives it resistance to ran and
rain the two worst enemies
of roofing. Quality in Ml
thoid is built-in. That's why
It lasts so long why it's the
cheapest roofing you can buy.
There is no better protection
for house, barn, shed, fruit
warehouse, shop, garage, etc
Comes In three thicknesses.
Cement, nails and directions
in each rolL
Att0 f mt ihtm Viltkrti
ShitUtr4 und V ,
Spaulding Logging Co.
No paint necessary for ten
local humane society officer. The i
officer went out to the pfacei
Tuesday, and has made this re
port: A horse was grazing in the
field, with one hind ankle swol
len to almost the sixe of a targe
water pail, and suppurating as if
it had been infected for months.
What ever it was that started thJ
infection, must have affected also
the growth of j the hoof; for the
hoof shell, the wearing portion
ot the foot, had grown to an en
ormous length, seven inches or
thereabouts beyond the sole and
the frog or cushion of the foot-
The officer I killed the horse,
according to the law. He says
that almost daily complaints
come to him Of shameful neglect
or cruelty to animals, and he is
busy almost daily looking after
the welfare ot these poor, dumb
animals that do not know how to
come in their!, own 'behalf. He
wishes that all cases of inhuman
ity be reported to him, for action
through the Humane Society of
Oregon. Some meni he finds are
merely thoughtless, but some are
brutal. Especially, the law alms
to curb this latter class.
Mexican Revolutionist
Escapes Into Arizona
NOGALES. Ariz.. Nov. 23,
Daniel Vasquez,, alleged to have
been one of the .leaders of a rev
olutionaryrmOfement Hn Mexico,
who 'was arrested In Nogales, Son
ora, yesterday, .escaped today
across the, iatemationsl boundary
nounoenfeat made" by Mexican ofi
ficials. He has not been recap
tured, r
Eyesight Specialists
204-11 Salem Bank of
Commerce Building
Salem, Oregon
A call today may save need
less pain and suffering in the
Manufacturers of
High Grade Wrapping Papers and
Paper Specialties
A. C. Bohrnstedt
Life, Fire, Health, Acci
dent, Auto and Indemnity
Insurance. Bonds and
Mortgages, City Building
407 Masonic Bldg., Salem. Or.
Carefully ttrowu .
Carefully Selected
Carefully Packed
Will Give Satisfaction to
.Unj iPlantet) : '
428 Oregon Building
Phone 1763
Additional? Salesmen Wanted.
Peerless Bakery
: Makers of
Peerless Bread
'Try Our Doughnuts 20c
170 North Commercial St.
Webb & Clough
i Co.
Leading Funeral
Expert Embalmer
Cor. Court and High Sts,
Phone 120
Foundry Co.
Iron and Brass Castings
Sawmill and Logging Re
pairs, i Hop and Fruit
Stoves, Castings of all
1! kinds
Phone Green 931 '
260 North High Street
Boost This Community by Adver
tising on the Pep and Progress ;
Cost Little
Pay Big
Furnace for
I your home
L Boy the Ore.
l eon Blade. ,
Foundry and Machine Shop
17th and Oak Sts.. Salem, Or.
Phone 886
vent this
Brick building tile, drawn tile
Phone 917 , j Salem, brer
Schindler Bros., Prop.
Dealers in Milk and Cream
Wholesale and Retail
Phone 725 Salem, Ore.
Hardware Store
Wants Your Business
Hardware, Stores, Cooking
Utensils. Dishes.i Tools, etc
220 N. Commercial St.
Formerly Patton's
Capital City
Cooperative Creamery
137 S. Com'l St. Phone 299
Our Idea: Our Method:
ThejiBest Only Co-operation
Dried Fruit Packers
221 S. High St Salem, Or.
Always in the market for
dried fruits of all kinds
Buys and Sells Anything
; Associated with
215 Center St."! " Pacme 39S
Phone 1995
The Largest and Most
Complete Hostelry in Ore
gon Out of Portland
Dodge Brothers
Motor Co.
1848 S. Com'l St, Phone 42S
.Big crowds will gather rpunS about
To see flames taae your nome.
But when your loss is figured out
You stand it all alone., '
Journal of Commerce statistics
show the following fire losaea in Am
erica for July 1919, $20,189,(00; for
1120. 125.155.825.
ot Hollow Tile and help pre
"Where The
Crowds Always
ottt rnr
Pipelet t Fcrnacei
' ; And Up
Send for circular ,
Silverion Blow.
Pipe Co. t u
W. T. Rigdon '&
Funeral Directors
W. H. Grabenhorst
' & Co. ,
i Farm and Fruit Lands
Small Tracts and Inrext-
Telephone 615
275 State St., Salem, Ore.
THE -:: ;
I deserve the support of
everyone who wish es
to inculcate high prin
ciples of manhood into
the youth of our land.
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1 Thielsen & Rahn