i ;' 2 THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 24. 1921 More ; Bargains " Every Day ::::yrr: ..At:;;;;---;. The New Store Worth & Gray DEPARTMENT STORE Successor? to W. W. Moore SOUND TIRES SOUND ALU Dedicated to Stimulating Our Present Industries And to the Establishment of New Ones AROUND v a. -4 The Way to Build Up Your Home Town Is to Patronize Your Home People The Surest Way to Get More and Larger Indus tries Is to Support those You Have VICE BROS. Trade and High 177 H. Liberty SL Salem. Or. - - t ii' i : : , ) : . : PB) gfld Fd3 PS1(3(BS) i i i Eat a plate a flay 4 .- . WEATHERLY ICE CREAM : Sold everywhere BUTTERCUP ICE CREAM CO. . w P. M. Gregory, Mgr. 210 South Commercial Street DRY GOODS NOTIONS V j. WOMEN'S x : JlE AD Y-TO-WE AR :FURS CORSETS V" 1 v' 4G6 Slate .St ; Phone 87T ; 'Eyei Tested . Lenaaa crataly . dapHcaUd. Op tlcal npain er.fn!ly Md promptly , ' v Bad " i f i .'- ' Hariman Bros. Jewelers and Opticians i Salem, Oregon ;! Save , Si Your Clothes Sivt Work and Worry by hiving roar Unn dry work don by tfcs Salem Laundry Company1 136 Liberty St. rhone25 OWPCO. i:-. K 1 Kroom Handles, Mop Han dles, Paper Plugs, Tent Toggles, all kinds of Hard TVod Handles Manufac : l flnrftrf liir IIia j i - Oregon , Wood vProductsCo. t West Salem Capital City ; Laundry , Quality and Service ' Phone ies MonumentsaM ' Tombstones 1 Made In Salem Tkls la th. only atonaaMai work la 8ali Big Stock on Display Capital Monumental Works 2ai 8. Com! Oppoalta Camaiary Tbona 689 . . - ., Made In Salem u by experienced Swiss Cheese .". "'-!t . '' makeri ; ! : ? Swiss ".Cheese Cream Brick Cheese Limberger Cheese -Order from - the 'factory or ; from your" grocer '. . Salem Cheese Factory . I'hone 81F11 J T On pared reform school road, southeast of Salem' Salem THE WEBB t CLOM COMPf OF UNDERTAKERS RUNS BACK FOB MORE THAN FORTY YEARS OF UNINTERRUPTED SERVICE TO THE PEOPLE OF SALEM AND ITS VICINITY ;,; :v - j ' ' I . ', - " ' Mr. Clough Was in the Undertaking Business Here When He Was His Own Manu- ;facturer Times Have Changed Greatly in That Time, and the Service Has Changed for the Better An Up to Date Undertaking Establishment These uays nequires a Large People. Through more than 40 years of uninterrupted service, though not always under its present exact title, the undertaking ' firm of Webb & Clough has been before the people of Salem as a palliator, a helper in the time of the last woes. It began back in the days KING'S FOOD PRODUCTS COMPANY Dehydrators and Cannerx y ; Oregtn Fniiti and Vegetables Salem Portland The Dalles :. - .:rT-t'-J- -i- " " .: ' Oregon " ' i; Wiring8 Fixlnresr Mazdas f -j Electrical Appliances Salem Electric Company ' If ItS electric, com to ns.M Masonic Temple.'- Phone 1200 Our efforts will be to assist in every possible way the development of the fruit and berry industries of this valley OREGON PACKING COMPANY A Licensed Lady Embalmer to care for women and children "is a necessity la all funeral homes. We are the only ones furnishing such service. , , ., i ' ' Terwilliger Funeral Home 770 Cbemeketa St. Phone 724 SALEM, OREGON 'We carry fhe following lines of PAIXT8, Sherwin Williams Co. and Bass llueter Co. 1 Klso Everything In Building ; Material Falls City-SalemLumber Company A. B. Kelsay, Mgr. , ' r , 349 8. 12th St Phone 813 Wa Ara Oat After Two MUllona i Wa ara aow payta? rar thrf. qnartra of a millioa doUr a yar. to the dairymea f thia aartioa toe Bilk. "Marion Butter? la Ua Bast Bnttar llort raw b : Sattar fowa la tba .. , .. - .vrrjrta $1 t ' , j MARION CREAMERY. o , & PRODUCE CO,,,, 8alem, Ore. Phone 248S This campaign of publicity for community upbuilding has been made possible by the advertisements placed on these pages by our public spirited business men-men whose untiring efforts have builded our present recognized prosperity and who are ever striving for greater and yet greater progress as the years go by. investment ana Means a j when Oregon was larcely a wilder ness; before the day of good roads, of electricity, of gas en gines. Indeed almost back to the coming of the first locomotive to the then interminable woods. There have been many chsnrs In personnel, but even more in the Mambor Marloa County, Intar 8ta U tnd Katlonal Baalty Aaaoclatlona L A. HAYFORD REALTOR i I 305 State St. SAtEM. OU EG ON 5' DIXIE BREAD Ask Your Grocer a SALEM BAKING CO. G. SATTERLEE AUCTIONEER Phones: Residence, 1311 Office. 1177 SALEM : : OREGON BETTER YET BREAD a It Satisfies - Made By M1STLAND BAKERY 12th and Chemeketa Order from your grocer Considerable Force of physical appearance of the state. The gloomy forest has been light ened by clearings where hope hlooms perennially. What were then little clearings, have broad ened into splendid, sunlit prair ies where the darkness never dwells. The Oregon of "Thana top8is" was funereal; it did not look towards the, sunshine, poli tical or physical or social of to day. There has been almost as great an advance towards the light of day in the methods of funeral ser vice over the departed, in these 40 years since the Webb & Clough firm came -into incipient being, aa there has been in Oregon In churches, or schools, or farm pro duction, or any department of society, politics or business. The worshipers of "The Days of Old" ought to know what those days really meant, before extolling tnem to the derogation of today, Made to Order Then The first Clough establishment had to make its own coffins, in a corner of the shop set apart for wood-working. There were no commercial caskets to be had here. A shop might have on hand a few hardware fittings, snd may be a few yards of cloth; but nev er a metallic casket, never a fine broadcloth finished casket, nevi a dre&m of the unobtrusive ser vice of today. The coming of tne dread angel was like the tramp of a steel-shod horse clanging over th cobblestone pavement; t was like the surgery of the same day, that held its victim by main strength while it sawed orf a leg, or an arm, or explored the body for an experimental treatment of wounds that it could not well diagnose, nor palliate by anaes thetics. Brutal in its uncovered efficiency, the undertaking and the doctoring of those days grated cruelly on; the nerves of all who perforce had to call nn these pro fessions for aid. Following a death, the order would come for a coffin, made to specifications. Mr. Clough says that many a time the order has come to him In those early day?, with the length and breadth ot the deceased cut on a notched A. M. Clough Seamless Hot Water Bottles and Combination Syringes Guaranteed Not To Leak Prices from $1 up - Brewer Drug Co. 405 Court SU Phone 184 i i "; ; I t V u i i i ( V i S I A ,4 'V ! t 1 I C. B.Webb, Manager" stick; then he would have to make a coffin to the required size, hammer and saw making a dismal din through the whole neighbor hood and advertising the passing of one more unfortunate. Then the gruesome black coffin, and with stock handles screwed to the sides, "would' be carried to the home, or the church, where the services would be held. A horse drawn 'hearse would convey the remains to the cemetery, a group of stout men would lower the box into the grave, fortunate : there was no stumbling or slip ping that let it crash to the not torn, and the whole service was cruelly crude xlike rubibng salt in a wound already feverish and palpitating with pain, Chancs For The Better There is one change vastly more, important than the mere palliation of outward conditions That is, the change In the age of mortality. Such a priceless boon as science, and education, has conferred on mankind in lowering the death rate for children! The change is almost unbelievable; it is almost like the miracle of the . birth of a whole new race. For merly, epidemics of typhoid, of diphtheria, of scarlet fever, of meningitis, took children almost by the whole family; one, two, three, half a dozen from a single family, in as many days. Ixwest in United States But now, there are so Tew chil dren's caskets in the Webb & Clough stock, as to be hardly find able. The last figures on the state death rate showed only 62 deaths per thousand of children under one year of age; the lowest infant mortality in the United States. So few baby deaths occur nowadays that they don't need to carry many baby coffins in stock r-thank God! There used to be a casket fac tory in Salem, that was finally moved to Portland. The caskets first shipped in came from Cali fornia; a traveling man, John P. . Fin-ley, began to cover this terri tory in the late eighties, and this made unnecessary the little home Casket shops. A factory was es tablished in Portland in the early, days, that lived a precarious ex istence for several years; finally being sold to the California com pany and known later as the Or egon Casket Co. A funeral today, from a first class house like that of Webb & Clough, is so quietly conducted that it seems to run itself; like the air, the sunshine, the Truth. The awesome silence, that made every sound seem so abnormal &ld so cruel, in the old days, does not prevail. The crude fit tings of the undertaking service of 40 years ago, have given way to a sympathy and a sure effi ciency that was not even dreamed of in the olden times. A Fine .Chapel The Webb & Clough Chapel is a real jewel of decorative art. It is designed in a general color scheme of blue, yellow and grey, with draperies and fitiing3 in per fect accord. There is a reading desk for the speaker; a choir loft, curtained off. for the singers; a curtained room tor $ the family, with private entrance and exit; and ample ground-floor room for the transfer of the casket and for the passage of the cortege, direct to the Btreet under a cov ered portico. The holding of funeral services from such a chapel, has almost entirely super seded the older practice of a borne funeral, where the home was"tfTung with grief for days and. days that could have been mercifully modified by-taking the services to a specially prepared chapel. There is a beautiful electric fountain' playing in the chapel, that gives a striking relief in its breaking up of the, 'spell of dead silence. The splash ot the water, the glisten of the sparkling drops, the motion as the little streams play upward, hate a really Won derful effect upon an "audience. Nothing, 'jierhaps. can take away the solemnity of the occasion; nothing should, or would be done to make it a gala occasion. But to make the passing of life seem more like a triumphant entrance into the life beyond, seems alto gether fitting and this little fountain, far more than the beau tiful flowers grouped around the casket itself, seems to force this effect. Some 'savage peoples have had some of the same thought to send the departed on their way as to a triumphal Jour ney, rather than as a severance from all that is worth while. It is worth while. ' It Is a great spir itual advance, to restore, some of this feeling. . The Webb & Clough' company keeps two auto hearses!; both in grey, finely fitted and dignified in appearance. Their latest ac quisition is from the Saybrs & Sco ville factory, at Cincinnati; there is only one other its equal on the Pacific coast. It ;Is a real marvel of beautiful, massive wood carving, mahogany interior, gray Spanish leather upholstering, and cast aluminum disc wheels. Thfcy also have a pall bearer?' car; all these cars are kept on jtheir own premises, always ready, for ser vice. More Room Xeodel When the company : built its , " "' ' ' K k - "vs ! am I ? , - . v 4- 7 Eari A. Paulsen present commodious piaee of bus iness, at Court and High streets, it teemed adequate for jail prob able needs. Now, however, it is crowded for storage for all the stock of mortuary goods kept ia stock. The upstairs is; used -for a display room, a- morgue, and an attendant's room; tl.e p'.nce is never closed, srnoe one jbeint; al ways in attendance. Every de partment of tfco place hs connect ed with the main telephone line, as well as each of the residences of Messrs. W-3bi, Clough and Paulsen. The Etock of clo5i. to 100 caskets, in the distiiay room and the store room upstair, and the large quantities ofisilgs, fa brics, cbcuiicais. and the hun dreds of boxes of metallic fi'tings fill the place to more: than it? originally rated capacity; tome ? One prrft ' . J 9 r :; r7T.TV - r -. ..- . : ( ' '-JsS!m':Y - , -. ' fii'io-c- v-f---'-' ' V:; j---r -s " ' " ' -- - ' - -fc- '" r f '- "VtLTL - - - - - ftm Way Suffer WSta StomacI TroobU whan n .-.- Hours 10 .-ij ' ' Webb & Cloiiigh extension of room Is already planned for the future, The c6m pany carries ( such a stock as would warrant' calling it a whole sale dealer, though itj buys only, for ts own very large trade. Carries Largt IJne The company carries a very ex tensive line of robes and suits, ranging up to the most elaborate creations of the finest materials. The demand for such habiliments Is increasingly large; designed j to be especially suitable for tnoriu- ary attire, they meet every need, i and the company undertakes to do everything possible to ibe done, from the first call. 'I Wood Cominir ' liaek A rather curious reversion to the old-fashioned, is thu com back of many plain wood-finished instead of cloth-covered caskets These come in a variety of beau tiful woods. There are. blzarra tastes to be catered to, even in the matter of funerals; soma of the least expected colors and (de signs are asked for. Almost the whole range of primary and a great many other shades, n.ay be had in casket coverings, and some two-color designs are called tor as well. If ever plain black or white were the customary habili ments of mourning, the present day demand goes far afield from that practice as far as the ex quisite chapel service exceeds the cramped service in the house, that used to be thought the pro per place for a funeral to be held. The world is not more ir reverent or careless of its lost loved ones; but tne conventions of the two older mourning colors have been shattered and today carry little weight. Some wonder ful bronze and metallic caskets are kept in stock, besides the pol ished wood and broadcloth crea tions. The Personnel The officers of the WVbb Clpugh company are E. M Webb, president; A. M. Clough, vice president; C 1$. Webb, secre tary, treasurer and manager. Mr. E. A. Paulsen is the capaMe as sistant; Mrs. Julia Davis, the lady assistant; and Harold Lyman, night attendant. A I-arge Investment Ttie company carries a line ot eoods that would buy the ftock for a strong community bank or a large manufacturing establish ment; its investment runs up high into five figures. It rates as one of the largest, most capable mor tuary institutions, in the state; al most certainly it is the second old est under any part of the same management, only the HolmaT parlors of Portland antedating It. How Method Have Changed Illustrating how methods have the PuneraL Cars: of AVebb & Z mmZ mmm -f- " Chiropractic Will Baaova tat CaaM Your Health Begins When You Phone 87 for an appointment DR;0. L. SCOTT P. S. C. Chiropractor aj Laboratory 414 to 419 XT. S. Vat't Ek. Bldf. to 12 a. m. and 2 to 6 p. m. , 5: vr "7IM-"' ' Building, Salem changed, one might compare the dignified, capable service render ed by inch rb establishment: tin the Webb1 & Clough I company. with jtbe .window, advertising car ried many years ago by a Portland i undertaker. ' dle.had seteral-yny? -coffins made, rand dolls'. dresstlM as for burials to fit them;., and the whole dreary pantomime of " the last rites, . displayed in his ' front street window, as a "fetch ing" adyertisement. . If he had . advertised a raffle on embalming, ' or a guessing contest for the next free burial, it would have seemed hardly more grotesque or minister. . Tbe Webb & Clough funeral records date back to 18S8J no re cords are available prior to that -time,' thongh'-Mr, Clough wa here for years before that- date, He served. as county coroner. tot more than 26 years. He is a mem ber of the Artisans, the Odd FeK- lows and the Woodmen of : the World lodges, and is also the old est undertaker in Oregon, having been In the business, more than 40 years. Earl A. Paulsen enlisted In the United States navy hospital corps : in April, 1917, and served for It months overseas; he was also for 10 months in charge of the naval -morgue at Mare Island, Cat, a total service of 29 months, lie had been with the Epperly Un dertaking company of Tacoma, and with Chambers & company of Portland before coming here to Salem with the Webb & Clough company a year ago. lie isa member of the American Legion, the Veterans of Foreign Wars. . and also of Pacific No. 50, A. F & A. M. j , , . C. B. Webb purchased the bus- . iness in, 1913, known! as Lehman , & Clough, Incorporating tinder . the name of Lehman, & Clough: company, and later as Webb f Clough company, ! He has spent the greater part of his life Inv this line of work, having studied under his father at Medford, who ' began the undertaking profes sion in 18S4. lie was in business later in Washington, and wag as sociated -with Finley & Son of Portland shortly before coming to Salem. Since assuming own-' ership and management of the!' present establishment he has been made a member of the Rotary,, club, the Cherrians, the Commer cial club, the B. P. O. E ' tho Illahee Country club and vari ous other small clubs of this city. He has been a real Salem booster in every line, and was captaia of a team In; -each of the five Llb-r (Continued on page 3) Qough -... 1 i I: I ifi ,