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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1921)
t ; THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 24. 1921 9 n 1 1. I I i . . t. - V ti I ,4 .. I t ; '. i ,. 1 ; L : ? V' : f .J, II OPINION IS HIDED DOWN IN CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ACTION from a vote of tie directors to BOSTON, Nov. 23. The su preme court today handed down its decision in the litigation con cerning: governing boards of the Christian Science church and its publications, lit held that the di rectors of tha First Church of Christ, Scientist; of Boston (the mother church) have the power to remove a member of the board, of trustees of the Christian Sci ence Publishing society. It dismissed the bill brought by the trustee to prevent directors from interfering with the affairs of the society. llulen Exceptions Waived The- decision In other respects cortfinned the report of Judge Kredernek Dodge, who sat as mas ter In the controversy, except that it made no ruling on the question 'whether John V. Dittemore. re ; moved as a director by his fellow members, or Mrs. Annie M. Knott, elected to succeed him, was a di rector legally. The latter ques tion was declared to be at issue Jn a separate suit. Exceptions to the master's report taken by Mrs. Emili H. Ilulcn of Brooklyn, N. Y.. having been waived, were not considered by the court. The ap peals of Mr. ond Mrs. Edwin A. Krauthoff of Washington were dismissed. In its ruling as to the power of the directors to remove trus tees, the court held that the re moval of them by- Lamont Row lands, as trustee, was effectual. In KupiTim Court One Year Today's finding came almost a year after the supreme court took the case for consideration, fol lowing extended arguments on the master's report. The suit was filed originally on March 2,, 1919. Judge Dodge filed his re port a year later. The original suit was a pe tition by the. trustees of the Chris tion Science Publishing society for an injunction to restrain tha directors of the First Church of Christ. Scientist of Boston from interfering in the management of the affairs of the publishing so ciety or from engaging in a com peting business. This resultnd wlands of Pi-;- the board of were sub- John V. Ditte whose fellow- loved him. and his reinstate e B. Hulin of tasked leave to rus'ees' suit as J her petition. A, Krauthoff church. The hat individual remove Lamont Ka ayune, Miss., from trustees. Other Action Brought Five other ac'ibns sequently brought. more, a director directors had renti sought to compel! msnt. Mrs. Emil Brooklyn, N. Y.. intervene in the t one of the original so-called first members of the caurch, but sub sequently withdrew Daisy and Edwin asked the court t rule that the church manual wis the supreme authority of the trustees asked t members of the (church be re strained from influencing other members to canetl subscriptions to Christian Science publications. Attorney (Jei era I Acts Finally Attorney General J. Weston Allen of Massachusetts asked that the issues raised in all other suits be tried out In an information which he filed, ask ing that the courtjdeclare that in establishing the Christian Science church Mrs. Maryl Baker Eddy created a public charitable trust. and that the directors were the governing body of the church and had power to declf re vacancies in the trusteeships ofl the publishing society and to determine what lit eratare should be Frederic Dodge. of the United Stats circuit court, was appointed mister to deter mine the facts a PAH LEY IS IN CLASH Britain and Chinese Dele gates Tangle on Far Eastern Questions After That Thanksgiving: Dinner "Alloiv tJs, Sir, to Suggest" FRENCH ENTER DEBATE Root Resolution Center of Sensation at Conference in Washington in treaties with the United States. Great Eritam and Japan to give immediate relief. Recognizing that it appeared hardly possible to establish a new customs regiome at once, Dr. Koo said China would impose a maxi mum rate with full freedom within that maximum including the right of differentiation among tfie different classes of commodities- Finally, full autonomy, he said should be restored to China after a certain period to be agreed upon. AH OWNERS iby the licensing departments to ."Appendix Removed-. ''Tonsils i place the licenses in the hands of Out," 'Backbone Straightened. i the motor vehicle owners as unl "Nose Rebuilt" ! promptly as possible. Issue in the trustees' original Suit and to in- Is i l. -A AV mmmtmmwmamvi 3 v w 'A Cigar Befitting the Occasion 9 MASON-EHRMAN & CO. DISTRIBUTORS OF THE NATION'S FINEST CIGARS" terpret two deeds by Mrs. Eddy. HeJ Dittemore case in Removal High In his report, filed In March published. a former judge of trust made also heard the part. : Contested held that the legal right to 1920, Mr. Dodge directors had no remove Rowlands from the board of trustees or Dittemore fiom the board of directors. Concurrent action by the first members, he said, was required Eddy's trust deetid to make law ny one of Mrs. ful the removal nf ueia mat umemore could be re moved only by a Court of equity as a director under! of 1892 and only director- under adopted later. The master said able to find that a trustee. the trust deed for cau?e as a church- by-laws Mrs. Eddr in tended all branches of Christian to be carried supervision of he was Science activities on under unified the constituted authorities of the church or that she intended to subject the trustees to supervis ion by any other Constituted au thority of the chuifch. The trust deed of 1898, he said, seemed to him - to contemplate society in close all not under the rule or its officers." Many Suljs Follow "a publishing iance with but of the church .CHICAGO. Nov. 23 (By The Associated Press) The attempt to settle specific problems trou bling the Ear East ld today to the first sharp clash ot opinions in the arms conference. A British view of the concreto application of the four general nrincirrle nd on tori met with a challenge from the Chinose and the Chinese delegates were poin edly asked by the r'reneh to show by what authority they presumed to speak for all of China, over pro tests of the south China govern ment at Canton. Japs Invite Kxnminntion Stranzelv enough the .laDanese. who had hepn tho first tn ruisp nJ- jections to the consideration ot details of the Far East, cams for ward with a suggestion that they would not oppose an examination of their famous 21 demands trea ty with China to ascertain whe ther It conflicts with the open door Although the action of the French in questioning th creden tials of the Chinese a momentary flurry in the meeting of the nine delegations the divergence of He opinion between the Chinese and British over application of the four principles of the Root resolu tion attracted widest attention be cause of its possible effect on fu ture negotiations. Should the British view prevail, declared the Chinese, it would mean an inter nationalication of Chinese eco nomic resources- Chinese Answer Challenge The French objection was in terposed when the Chinese pre sented a plan by which China would regain tariff autonomy by a gradual change from foreign control. The Chinese replied to the challenge that they were rep resenting the only government in China recognized by the power and Were attempting to help the negotiations by furnishing What ever information they could. CUT THIS OUT IT IS WORTH MONEY Cut out this slip, enclose with oc and mail it to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave.. Chicago. III., writing your name and address dearly. You will receive in re tnrn a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for coiichs, colds and croup; Fo ley Kidney Pills tor pains in side and back; rneumatism. backache, kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley's Cathartic Tablet". a wholesome and thoroughly cleans ing cathartic for constipation, bil iousness, headache and slugzish bowels. Sold everywhere. -Adv. VERY TARDY Congestion in Application for Licenses Certain First of Year ' Loue What do you suppose j Mr. de Smythe has all those Ict 1 ters added at the end of his name for; I didn't know he had ever ; got any college degrees? , Clara What letters arte they? Lonise They are "A. It.. AO., ! B.B.S.. : and N.R " Can you im ', pgine what they stand for? Clara Oh yes. He's a member ! of the Veterans of the Operating Table, and those letters stand for ir everybody would Imitate sweet cider fnd go to work this would be a much happier world. HKAl.TlI VIM vtooa sr VITA.UTT CONDITION IS UNUSUAL! MUJE OR FEilALK PawphWl Ft ilMBMt. Ak flor WEIXMl-S th ORIGl a BKWARE OF IMITATIONS St-nSTITOrKSl WEIjCH DRfO co t Klr" St.. IVjt. H, 'rnc. At ttief dm ' -J Less Than 70 Percent of Number of Year Ago Have Sent in Requests ' i 1Q ; i -H- r? SCHOOL REPORTS ARE PUBLISHED un Siiverton Few Pupils Short of Becoming District of First Class The difference of view between He held, therefore, that Row-1 the British and Chinese develop ed when a British spokesman ex plained to newspapermen that his government regarded the four ac cepted principles as meaning ac ceptance by China of a financial consortium, pooling of the opera tion or railroad concessions held by the powers and continued su pervision of China's customs. The Root resolution, according to the British viewpoint, was adopted with acceptance by China ot these principles in view by the lands was "still a trustee" and that Dittemore continued toi be a member of the board of direct ors, instead of Mrs. Annie j M Knott, whom the other directors had elected to succeed him Numerous collateral suits fol lowed the publication of the mas ter's report. jn the courso of the final ar guments befbr? the court begun late in Novtember. 1920. Mrs Htilin w;ithdk-ew from the litiga- signatory powers. llqn. The principal arguments! Quick Itetort Mad welre made liy Charles E. Hughes The Chinese quickly sent out now 8ecetarjy of state, on behalf word that they had agreed to no of the trustees; by former Gov- 'Ufh program. While Dr. Alfred erlior John chtisetts for William G. more; by Ed his own beha Choaf.e, Jr.. Allen. Argd ed on Decen court tobk t sideration L. Bates of Massa- the directors; by Thompson for Ditte- win A. Krauthoff in If. and by Charles F. lor Attorney General ments were complet- ber 1. 1920. and the he matter under con- Sze, Chinese minister to the Unit ed States, declined to enter into a detailed discussion of the inter pretation in the absence of an of ficial statement containing them The Chinese delegation oeclarjl committee discussion had brought forih no expression hv the dele gates of the British view and that Ch'na' placed no such interpreta tion on them. The consortium. Dr. Sze said, had' not been men-1 tioned According to the Chinese view The nfew Ininistry of President Alessand;ri of Chile is made up of his personal friends. Alllee samee I the Root resolutions annlv to the Unitefl States. open door as embodied in the pol icy defined by John Hav. walvin? or special rights and provileges. unhampered political and econom ic aeveiopment of China and as surance of her territorial, politi cai and administrative integrity. I'oIIU-&1 Control Feared - ' l - , . "Jin the . m i ? And they .:sS . packed in such a way as fj to keep them so. 'jrfi I '"'r You can depend on mu, fPimb ' SNOW FLAKES to sat- fvk 1 SmWX isfy your expectations. 'ilvfej Serve them often. -The tS ; v . whole family will enjoy i f 'Jrf' ! them-with soup salad, 1. J jj Dhn't a$k for Crackers- . dainty sandwiches or with m sr T , . r, milk for the kiddies. VfT y SNOW FLAKES Siiverton. which is striving to become a school distiict of the first class with 1.000 or more pu pils, has not quite reached that honor, according to the November 4 report, filed with the county superintendent of schools. On the second monthly report. Siiverton had enrolled 398 boys and 4 08 girls, a total of 816. Tha school next spring will graduate 1 boys and 23 girls. Sublimity, on the reoprt of No vember 4. had enrolled i4 boys and 44 girls, a total of 98. The Jefterson school has two boys and two girls who will grad uate next spring. The enrollment is 108 boys and 102 girls, a total of 210. Aumsville will graduate two boys and three girls. The enroll ment is 51 boys and 42 girls. Hubbard has one boy and three girls In its senior class. The to tal enrollment is 109 boys and 212 girls. Aurora has just' an even 100 attending school, of'whfcU 52 ari boys and 48 girls. Brooks en rolls 31 boys and 26 girls while the Pratum school reports 27 boys and 30 girls- Scbtts Mills schools will! grad uate three Loys and three girls next snrine. The total enroll ment on November 4 was 59 boys and three girls. Stayton in its high schcol en rolls nine boys and 11 girls in the senior class, to graduate next year. The total enrollment is HI boys and 130 girls. North Howell school had on November 4, an enrollment of 4 7 boys and 26 girls. Buteville had 34 boys and 2 3 fcirls. The Liber ty school enrolled 43 boys and 51 girls and the Mehama school, 21 boys and 15 girls- At Turner, the enrollment was 55 boys and 55 girjs. Mt. Angel has 179 boys and 160 sirls and will graduate 2" next spring. Woodburn reports a graduat ing class of 4 4. The total enroll ment is 137 boys and 150 girls. Mill City has one boy lor its grad uating class and if he sticks will have the honor of standing at the head of his class. The total en rollment is 39 boys and 3: girls. When it comes to schools w-ith rather small attendance, the Abi- qua Heights district near Rcnun Mills ranfTs first. It has just two pupils in attendance, both hoys The teacher is Miss Gladys Tay lor and her salary is $100 a month. The Hall district near Wood- burn has an attendance of three boys and four girls. The Harmony district has three boys and three girls and the teacher, Miss Ethel M. Hastie draws $100 a month. The Oak Glen district near About the first of the year there is sure to be a conation of work in the motor vehicle registration department of t secretary of fctate's office. The reason is the tardiness with whkh motor vehi cle owners are applying for and receiving their license plates, ac cording to a statement issued by the secretary of state yesterday, which hsows that tilthough 1 f 2 1 shows an increase of 15 per cent j in the number of vehicles owned ' as compared with 1920, the num ber of owners who have up to this time paid their license is than 70 per cent of the number who had applied at the corresponding time last year. ' During the entire year 192, there were 103,790 motor car li censed." says the Ftatement. To date, 19 21 licenses: have been is sued for 118.000 cars. Up to this time last year applications for .500 licenses were received,' while to date only 5000 applica tions for 1922 licenses have been filed with the secretary of state. This, in the face of a l. per cent increase in licensed cars in the year 1921 over the number li censed in 19 20. 'The average license fee for 1922, based on the number of ap olications received to dale, is $25.15. Up to the lame time last year, based on the jiumber or ap plications received jin the depart memnt, the average fee paid was $20.20. Registrations prior to the year 1922 were upon the basis of the horse power rating, while for passenger cars for the y ear 1922 they are upon the weight of the car. This is an average increase of nearly 20 per i cent over the 1921 license fee "Motor vehicle owners are urg ed to forward their applications for 1922 licenses td the state de partment as early las possible in order to insure delivery or tne n cense plates to them by JanuaTy J While the condition in Oregon around the renewal period 13 no different from that existing in the other stales, everv Effort is made THE MARION j Salem, Oregon - 1 THANKSGIVING DINNER Thursday, November 24, I 5 to 8 p.m. 1921 Toke Toints on Half Shell or Canape ala Tnonon Mock Turtle Aux Quenelle Consomme De Meal Stuffed Celery Heart Burr Gherkins Mixed Olives Vroh T.nhRter ft la Nerburg en Calse Fommee Sauffle cctf Cucumber Small Baueheese ala Pfcrigoux ' Thanksgiving Sherbert Roast Oregon Turkey Chestnut Dressing- Cranberry Sauce Domestic Goose Dressing rnnce jam -y ; Prime Rib of Beef Yorkshire ruddin . Whipped Cream Potatoes Seet Potato Victoria Baked Hubbard squasn urussei opruun n Salade ala Marion Fresh Mince Tie lot Mince Pie i Palmer House Ice Cream Nabisco Wafer I English Plum Pudding Hard and Hot Sauce Mrxed Nuts j Cluster Raisins Camembert Cheese Bent Water uracacrs DemiTasse $1.50 Per Plate The Hritish view. If accented. c... v, rn,.f. kw anH thre Chinese assert, would be tanta-, girls The Summit district near mount to international fiscal con-i t.,-.. nrnuaA rnnr hnva and uicii wouia oniy De a snort step to political control. Notwithstanding these cross currents, the committee consider ing the Far Eastern situation. with special reference at the mo-i ment to China's financial affairs. made progress toward a solution of her customs by the aDOoint- nient of a sub-committee. Dr. Wellington Koo. Chfaes ambassador to Great Briid.n and a delegate, presented China's pro posal lor restoration of her tariif autonomy bv three stages. Koo Makes Proposal He asked that from Jannarv 1 China be permitted to levy a max imum duty of 12 1-2 Ter cent which he said had been stipulate ! two girls. The Oakdale district with three boys and two girls en rolled, pays its teacher. Mis Maysel Montgomery. $100 a monthu. The Hall's CariTp school, joint district near Detroit, ha a oi enrollment of two, equally divid ed between boy and girl. The teacher Miss Choral .Howell is paid $4 5 per pupil, total $90 per month. SHERIDAN NOTES ITCHING ECZEMA DRIED RIGHT DP WITH SULPHUR PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT CO., Portland, Or4 Any breaking out of the skin. even fiery, itchins eczema, can ; quickly overcome by applying a i little Mentho-SulDhur. savs a noted skin specialist. its germ destroying properties, this sulphur preparation Instant ly brings ease from skin irrita tion", soothes and heals the ecze ma right up and leaves the skin clear and smooth It seldom fails to relieve the torment and disfigurement. Suf ferers from skin trouble should get a little jar of Mentho-Sui- phur from any good druggist and , use It like cold cream. Adv. SHERIDAN. Or . Nov. 2 2. The Inspector of the Woman's Relief corps made her annual vkit to the local corps Friday afternoon. i Mrs. Martha Sargeant. mother of Dr. Sargeant is very ill at her home here. Mrs. Phil Bewley and mother. Mrs Waters, spent Saturday in McMinnville. Henry Smith was a businesc visitor in Portland Friday. Leter Potter, who has been ill for some time, is improving slow ly. Mrs. M. A. Clark left Saturdiv for Houiton. Tex., where she will spend the winter with her daugh ter. Mrs. George Schalabo Mrs. J. W. Phillips and little daughter, Jane, of Denver, have arrived in Sheridan to spend 'he nter with her son, Harold Phil- Because of Hps- in laaies auxiliary to xne Am erican legion will hold a rummage and cooked food sale on Satur day. December 3, at the Karstens store. Albert Jacobson's mother ot Portland will spend the winter in Sheridan. kmmM r msm MimmHi Coming Sunday JfeS5l J WWPWWk Asnes Ayrcs and Rud0,ph Valenllno lif&!0i Xmk, "The 'Sheik" JlH JSW I Continuous Show Today Today Tomorrow Saturday James Oliver CurwoodV " God's Country and the Law" Here is what you have been waiting for another JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD picture filled with thrilling adventure and red-blooded action. ..It is one of his inimitable tales of the North woods ot primitive men and beautiful women... It is the call of the North! And everybody answers it. "A Nick 0'Time Hero" For Laughing Purposes Only Another thing, possibly this K. K. K. stuff is merely from a pub licity , agent trying to boost the sale of nightgown material. , Art'-feitA'.-ll ' I'll. 1 i 1 Ml V, I ' S - ,' . - i i . HI I II II j h Valentino j