The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 24, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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Important Administration
Legislation Enacted Dur
ing Special Call
Appropriation Bills, and Pos
sibly Bonus, First Up
For NeW Session'
Si ?
tablishment of a technical status
o peace with the former central
powers and enactment or. i -construction
legislation were princi
pal achievements of the extra
geesion of the 67th congTein,
which ended today.
Called soon after President
Harding's Inauguration, virtually
all of the "executive's legislative
requests were heeded. The prin
cipal requests were adoption . of
the Knox peace resolution, provis
ion for peace treaties, tax and tar
iff revision legislation and consid
eration of a new department of
public welfare. Only on the lat
ter was no definite action takn
except for public hearings and in
troduction of bills. . ',
' ' Peace Action Flint
" The peace resolution was the
first concern of the extra tssion.
The Knox measure was adopted
b the senate ApYil 30, and by the
house in amended form June 13,
the final draft being enacted July
1.' Peace treaties with. Germany.
Austria and Hungary followed
and were ratified October, 18. An
other step taken early In the ses
sion was ratification by the sen
ate April 20 of the long-delayed
S25.000.00a Colombian) treaty.
Of domestic Interest, passage of
the tax revision bill was the most
important. The permanent tariff
revision bill was passed by th)
house, but was laid aside 'by the
senate until the next session.
Main Measures listed
Besides passing appropriation
bills aggregating nearly 1900.
000. 000. .including the army and
navy supply measures, some ot
the more' : Important , measures
passed were: . ,,: . ,,;T. . .
; The temporary Immigration re
striction Dill.-. . , . ...
j Establishment of the federal
bud a:et svstem. . - , -. V
tThe Capper-TIncher bill- ' for
regulating grain markets.
1 Tbe Edge export .corporation
itii' v .,
livestock Industries.
? PrbTldlrie tot H6rgattafl0tt;M
soldier rieriet ,getitiei' and other
K.Farm Credits' Bill TMsetf,
" fw. i iov v ...... j nnM ...
4 no pucyyaiu-iuwucr t.ncm-
lty biUi?-
it .
? The-agricultural credits meas
ure:" firmrfdinr a bil lien dollars
revolvjng r4itf Ittnd. for tnewa
f (nance corporation, v '
Th .WHlla-CamBbell ' anti-beer
bill, prohibiting - "medical'rs beef
and-reducing. wine and whiskey
The federal rood roads aid bill,
appropriating $75,000,000 " for
state ald.i'. -'-- . !' .
Free Tolls Mil rends
: Numerous other measures were
enacted partially being passed by
either the senate or house. These
Included the Borah bill to restore
free Panama canal tolls to Amer
ican vessels, passed by the senate.
The house passed the allied debt
refunding and the $500,000,000
railroad debt bills. The house al
so passed the bill authorizing co
operative marketing by farmers
organization!. Revision of con
gressional reapportionment and
for, a. new' codification ot federal
statutes, the first since 1S78, al
so were begun. j
"V Ot the many hard-fought con
troversies, that of the aoidiera'
bonus bill stands out, Republi
cans have .promised action In the
next session
New. Session December 5
Numerous investigations, also
were conducted, prominent among
them being the general inquiry
into agricultural conditions by a
joint commission.
.Whentthe regular session con
venes " December 6. appropriation
bills for the next fiscal year and
possibly tbe soldiers' war bonus
measure are to head the house
i calendar, while the senate's cal
endar, will include the tariff re
vision measure, the railroad debt
funding bill, the allied debt re
funding measure, amendment ot
the transportation act and tho
; Newberry case.
" . f-f ; J . . , mt I I ' 111
i (Continued from page !.
Salem today, so far as the general
pubnc is concerned. The general
delivery window will be open
from 9 to 10 for transients only.
No routed mar will be delivered
None ot the routes will be carried
though mail will be collected and
dispatched as- usual by a small
force of clerks who will take their
real vacation later.
There is no such word as
Thanksgiving day in the railroad
calendar; no vacations, no holiday
rates, no nothing. . Nobody Is
happy, nobody Is thankful, noth
ing looks good after tha flood and
the rate and wage drop, and the
railroad looks like one ot tbe or
iginal Gloom boys, Gloomy Gus.
i most likely after a bad night in
mosquito time, and the Jazz biros
. pounding a rickety floor over bis
wakeful and weary head. No
, Thanksgivinga-tall for tho rail-
. roaas: ;;;w
; , . Public Offices Defterted y
.The state house and the court
house, will be as deserted as it
they hadn't: eyer been ; built . or
p v n & reamed of. .T pawilerteai
foicr 3 piaft0-icattrt th tout
Pr fhi, p-rtTi, nru whoever.
has an official paper that ougnt
to be handled on November 24 is
clear out of luck unless he han
dles it himself. For the state
and the county won't touch it
with tongs, on Thanksgiving day.
Out at the penitentiary there
will be a real vacation. A picture
show will be given in the fore
noon, a whooping big chicken din
ner at noon, a cessation of all la
bor for the whole day, and all the
vacation that th9 season can
bring. It is gloomy weather, and
a prison is not the ideal place to
inspire the most thankful hearts.
but Warden Compton hopes -o
make It a better day for every
one than the general run of days.
Training School Celebrates
A half day vacation from both
work and study is to be given at
the boys' training school, and a
dinner that will linger long in the
memories of the boys. In the af
ternoon, they are to have music,
and, indoor games at the gym,
and the whole day is to be given
over to a real Thanksgiving spir
it. .
There Is no Thanksgiving dance
or entertainment of any kind at
the armory this year.
A Jolly-Up party at Waller hall
is the Willamette contribution to
the holiday spirit. An elaborate
program of impromptu eports,
music, games, sociability, is to be
offered, and the student who is
unfortunate enough to be strand
ed at college instead of goinii
home for the big dinner, may be
the luckiest of 'em all. With the
train service bo precarious since
the flood, it Is likely to be almost
a fad to stay over in Salem for
this one event.
Football In Afternoon
The one big public celebration
is the football game this after
noon, at 1 o'clock, between the
Salem high and Lincoln high of
Portland. The 'Lincoln team,
coached by Chief "Wap," for
years the great end of Wilalmette
university, has not touched the
Portland championship, but has
demonstrated real class, and has
some of the players rated as mem
bers of the hypothetical all-Portland
team. The local team has
been going like a whirlwind of
late, and puts up a classy game
that would win the heart of any
critic. It should be an even
enough game to give a thrill every
minute. The hour was set early,
so the two-meals-a-day Thanks
giving could be enjoyed at the us
ual schedule hour of mid-afternoon.
Chcmawa Has Holiday
Chemawa will have tbe royalist
dinner of the whole year, with the
employes, men and women, from
the superintendent down to the
last on the list, as servitors to
fetch in tbe food and; to wait on
the students... In , the afternoon,
there will be some class and other
rivalries, including two football
games, and the whole day will be
one, grand round of good things
that will wipe out any homesick
ness that might seek to prevail
The 'varsity team la to start fotr
Forest Grove at 7i30 in. the morn
ing. to mob UD'the: Pacific eoTleee
team mat gave-tnem a afubblng
earner in .the season, 4V... ,
i;Sfc ; Joseph's "' Ca tndl tc i eh o reh
will nave no special -TRanksrfY-
Ing service except the -regular
mass at 7:30 this morning, ac
cording to Rev. j, R. Buck.
i vA ThanksgiylngisejTice .will be
neld in the -West Salem Methodist
Episcopal church 'this evening at
?: 30.;, A v20-mlnute song service
wm be led! by Wiillara J. Morrow
The ' Free Methodist church and
the Friends church will join in
the service.
- Rev. G. A. Goodspeed will give
tne invocation and Charles II.
Raymond will give the scriptual
reading. Miss Esther Spitsbart
in - ...
ww sing a soio. i ne ottering win
be, for the aid of public missions.
The address of the day will be
made by Rev. A. Hawthorne, John
W. Simmons will make the closing
At Central Congregational.
t Tho I .Central f Congregational
church will have a sacred concert
his evening at 7:30 In the nature
oi a inanKsgiving service. ! Kev
J.rJudy of Spokane, the new pas
tor of the church. Is expected to
arrive In time to attend. Refresh
ments will be served during the
Tho program of the evening
will be as followsr
Prelude, orchestra; Invocation;
anthem, "The .Joy of the Harvest
Days," Ira B. .Wilcox; solo, "How
Lovely Are Thy Dwellings," Sam
uel Llddle and Mrs. Guy Newgent;
anthem, "God Is Our Refuge," J;
J Bell; violin solo, "Autumn Rev
erie," Albert Kussman; reading.
Miss A. Grajrg; anthem. "Praise
The Lord," R. L. Blowers; solo,
"0 Heart of Mine," J. Riley; and
anthem, "I Will Extol Thee," J.
R. Rarris.
Wet Wood Pulp Rate is
Reduced, Barnes Reports
A reduction in freight rates has
been secured for wet wood pulp,
according to E. T. Barnes, gen
eral manager of the Oregon Pulp
& Paper company.
This reduction will enable the
mill to ship to a number of dis
tant points and meet competition
and secure considerable new bus
iness. The Important feature of this
freight reduction is the fact that
with the additional business,, to be
secured it will enable the 'mill
management to run. the sulphite
mill to its fullest capacity. The
new rate will become effective the
first of the year, MriBarnes said.
Wallace Says Troubles p
' of Farmers Economical
- ATLANTA, Ca Nov. 23.,
Farmers' troubles .throughout the
United States are economical and
not political and until the time
comes when the farm, is conduct
ed on purely business lines, their
troubles will continue. Secretary
Wallace "told delegates to tho con;
vention of the American Farm Bu
reau federation iodayv J3e .saicL&eJ
believed tne great : work the de
partment of agriculture should do
to help the farmer was along eco
nomic JJnes. 2-'.L.l '. ".-LJ
Mrs. Chin Tung Declares
Through Interpreter That
She Likes Salem
"Oon fo, see ma won hip ying."
No, this ;is not the .title of a
Chinese Jazz record, but it is a
Statesman reporter's idea of how
Mrs. ChinTung .three weeks from
China, expressed her good opinion
of Salem as gained from her first
three days in the city.
Mrs. Tung Is the first Chinese
immigrant to arrive; in Salem in
a period of about lO years. She
cannot speak English, but said,
through an interpreter, that she
Is determined to learn the lan
guage, i
With her; husband. Chin Tung,
acting as manager of the White
Cloud Tea House, Mrs. Chung ar
rived in Salem Sunday. Their
son, Chin Nin. aged 7, is also in
America for the first time.
i want very mucn mat our
son speak American and be Am
erican," Mrs. Chung told the in
Despite the fact that this i3 her
first experience with Americans
Mrs. Tung is not bashful, but
gaily undertakes a conversation
with English-speakng visitors, as-(
sailing mem wun a torrent ot
eager questions a la Celestial. .
Mr. Tung was a former Port
land resident, having conducted
Test au rants ; in that city for the
past 20 years. During that time
he has -made five trips to China,
having marHed there about 12
years ago.
Are Speaking
At Rotary Club Meeting
The weekly luncheon of tho
Rotary club held yesterday noon
at the Marion hotel, was devoted
to individual expression of opin
ions that will be continued at the
next meeting.
Fred Schmidt, speaking on the
duties of a Rotarian, read from
some literature on Rotary in
which it-was stated that the ob
ject of Rotary was not only for
the betterment of the individual.
but for the betterment of the
Mr. Schmidt brought out that
last spring a committee reported
on Boy Scout work.; approving it.
He thought a Rotarian should
take an active part in the civic life
of a city, and should also become
interested in boys work.
In a discussion, it developed
that the committee appointed to
look after boyk had conferred with
County iudge W.' M. Bushey and
that be was -filling to call in. this
committee' when any special boy
proposition,, waa presented. .-.
j F ; G,; ' DecHebach' said he
thought Rotarians should be en
raged in some uplift work and
that the! time had come when some
practical, work should be done by
Rotatiaiis. Ho urged the RotarK
ans tojet together ' and accom-
pusn sometning.
(Continued from page 1)
because; he too had done wrong."
The case went into the jury's
hands at 1230 yesterday after
noon when Federal Judge Bean
made the following statement:
"Th purpose! of this statute
is to prevent the postoffice from
being u sed to promote a fraud. It
is not j necessary for j the govern
ment to prove llntent; by Todd to
use thi mails, but. merely that
they wc re' Osed.f .
Foar Cpouiits in -Cmsiii
The jury: mtist $a9 ttpon feach.
of the four tduhte inythe,;?axyft-,
mem againsl vros Wtityrojana:
John Todd. Bh chargo.'iBeijea;
that the mails had been .uaedMd'
defrauding, j The jiiiry s"m uatj re
port upon each county stating
whether j it , is a verdict o guilty,
not guilty, or, failure to agreed
The first count alleges-misuses
of the mails October 29. 1919, in
the returnine of the check nf V.
E. Evans of Salem from the North
western: National Bank of Port
land through the mails to Ladd &
Bush bank, Salem.
The second count embodies an
allegation of a similar offense No
vember 4, ! 1919, with another of
Evans' checks.! and names the
United States National Bank of
Salem as the recipient of the let
ter. ! i I -
The third count alleges unlaw
ful use of j the malls February 2.
1920, and covers the $700 check
of E. C. Millerf of Salem, which
wag sent through s the malls for
collection by the Ladd & Bash
Bank of Salem to th Lexington
State Bank. L .
The last count i'3 based upon he
allegation that on Octolber 9. 1919,
by transmitting! the check of Mar
garet F. Power on the Bank of
Commerce of Coupevllle, Wash.,
from the Ladd & Buish Bank of
Salem to the Ladd & Tilton Bank
of Portland. I
Banks Not Limbic.
Federal criminal codes covering
fraudulent use of thejmalls place
responsibility upon tie priacipal
for the acts ot his agejnts. Under
Interpretations i. of the code, the
banks are not held liable for acts
enumerated In the Indictment, be
ing' classified as agents for the
principals. The government's at
tempt to convict the I former Sa
lem superintendent or schools is
based on Mr. Todd's Alleged con
nection .with certain transfers ot
money, :
The , case has tatrkcted wide
spread attention in Salem and vi
cinity, due to the prominence ot
many local individuals who had
.been ' attracted invest varying
amounts in timber claim locations
of fered by Todd nd Byrdn.' " f
TbIlsttsfJ.3 ;ltge -victims
s ppear on the grand I Juryjndlct-
menf as follows: P. J. Kuntz,
Esther C. Wheeler, I. W. Lewis,
Jean DeWitte. F. E. Evans, J. T.
Ross, C. McCarter. C. N. Cham
bers, E. E. Bergman, J. J. McDon-'
aid, Lyman McDonald. E. A. Mil
ler, F. G. Myers, C. Lee Canfield,
Irene Rintheim, Margaret Power.
Carl Webb. Mrs. Roma Hunter, E.
C. Miller, H. H. Vandevort. Emma
Vandevort. F. L. Wilkinson. Mrs.
F. L. Wilkinson; Lottie D. Wins
low, Mrs. F. E. Evans, A. J. Ev
ans, Lester R. Evans, Mary II.
Young, Miles B. Young, Fred F.
Prince, J. B. Hileman, a. F.
BeartTsley. Arthur E. Cummins. G.
L. Cummins, Mrs. E. A. Miller. F.
G. McDonald. Mrs. Electa McDon
ald, and Frank DeWitte.
During tne trial the state intro
duced testimony tending tp show
that Todd had made a statement
to F. A. Kurtz, of this city, that
Byron had served time in jail, and
was a crook and absolutely unre
liable? There was also much tes
timony to indicate that Todd had
generally introduced Byron a3 be
ing a responsible business man
and that Todd had given his many
friends to understand that Byron
could be trusted.
While testifying in his own de
fense. Mr. Todd asserted that lie
had had implicit faith in Byron's
statements that he had been
cleared from similar land fraud
charges for which he (Byron) had
been indicted some time prior to
the Salem operations.
Unmasked Bandits Rob
Northern Pacific Train
SPOKANE, Nov. 23. Two
armed, unmasked men boarded
the observation car of Northern
Pacific passenger train No. 1,
westbound, as it left the Spokane
union station at 9:10 o'clock to
night and robbed the few passen
gers in the car Of about $50 in
cash and a considerable amount
of jewelry.
The robbery took place in plain
view of people on the station plat
form and employes in the rail
road yard. The robbers jumped
from the train before it had gone
over 200 yards, and were chased
by yard workers. The Northern
Pacific tracks are on an elevated
structure and the robbers escaped
by sliding down a coal chute near
Post street.
The train did not stop. A re
port of the amount of money and
valuables taken was telegraphed
by the, train conductor to Spo
kane from Cheney, Wash., the
first stop.
Mulkey and Brady eager
for Another Go and -Will
: Stage Main Bout
The nlEht ol Friday. Dec. 20.
five wesk3 off, has been eet for
the next smoker to be given by
Company F. Oregon national
guard. The meet last Friday
night was so successful, that thero
is promise of iar greater interest
for future events of the kind.
There wasn't a thing lacking to
make the first program a succes.-,
save the preliminary doubt by
some of the prospective patrons
Now It looks good to every one
in the least interested in athlet
ics, and the boys are counting on
a full house.
The fullj program has not been
made out j but there will be an
other Mulkey-Brady' bout, this
time for lfi full-sized rounds. The
first meet! was unfortunate InJ
that it ended in Mulkey losing on
a foul. Probably no spectator
thought that a foul was intended.
It was merely hard luck. But ir
hasn't improved the relations o"
the two contestants. Both ara
training for the coming match.
Mulkey at! Monmouth and Brady
in the armory here. Brady is a
flash in speed, with a portentious
record behind him., but in Mulkey
he goes against the punch of a
heavyweight with the strength ot
a prize wrestler and the speed and
Ekill of a featherweight. Brady
will need all his record to stay in
the ring for 10 rounds.
The other events will be an
nounced in good time.
Centre College to Meet
California New Year Day
NEW ORLEANS, La., Nov. 23.
Centre College of Kentucky
will play the University of Cali
fornia at Pasadena, New Year's
day, according to announcement
fonight by Manager J. McG?e ot
Centre football team, which is
here to meet Tulane tomorrow.
Manaer McGee state definitely
decision has been reached to ac
cept the invitation of the western
collee to meet it during the Tour
nament of Rose.
Invitation Ienb?tl
PASADENA, Cal., No. 23. No
invitation has been extended to
any eastern or western college or
universitty football team to play
in the annual East vs West game
here New Year's day. it was stated
tonight by J. J. Mitchell, president
of the Pasadena Tournament of
Rose commission.
Mr. Mitchell said that no invi
tation would be sent out unitl a,ft
er tomorrow's games and perhaps
until after those of Saturday, al
though there was a possibility the
invitations to both the eastern and
western teams would be forword
ed Friday night.
Mr. Mitchell stated specifically
that Centre college had not been
invited, although it had been un
der consideration until It was re
ported that the Danville, Ky., in
stitution had entered into nego
tiations for a game at San Diego,
Cal., New Year's day.
Classified Ads. In The
Statesman. Bring Results I
Several Players Have Op
portunity to Win Letters
In Game Today
Brown. Post. Socolofsky and
Mclioberts, four of Salem's bright
est stars, will be on the bench
todav when the Salem high school
football team trots out on Sweet
land field to battle with the in
vading aggregation from Lincoln
high school of Portland. It is
understood that the four will en
ter the game soon after the start
but are not privileged to start
the game, in order that several
other players may qualify for
school emblems for this season.
The line-up which will start
today will put Lilligren. star red
and black backfield man. on the
left end position and Stolzheise on
the right wing. Moorman and
Ellis White will play the tackle
positions, with Ralph White and
Max Jones in the guard berths.
Cciughill is back in the center po
sition after being out for several
Karnes and will pass the ball to
Rheinhart at quarter. In the
backfield Lynn Jones will .play
fullback, Adolph left half, and
Purvine right half.
Sweetland field has been fairly
under vater for the past week,
but every effort is being made
to drain it and though slippery,
will be in fair shape today con
sidering the amount of rain. The
Salem team will be at an equal
disadvantage with the Portland
school as it had little opportunity
to practice on the slippery field.
Fans hold prospects for today's
frame bright and chances evenly
divided. The Portland school's
record for the season has been
almost the same as that of the
locals, -with a slight advantage
for Salem. Comparative scores
of teams that have played both
schools Rive Salem the advantage.
but were taken from the first of
the season, and Lincoln is reputed
to have developed a strong ag
gregation after a poor start in
the season, much the same as Sa
lem. Coach "Tubby" Hendricks
expressed himself yesterday as
being well satisfied with the con
dition of the team and expresses
confidence in his men.
Jake Schaef er, Jr.,
Wins World Championship
CHICAGO, Nov. 23. Jake
Schaefer, Jr., of Chicago, tonight
won the 'world's 1 8 2 balkline bil
liard tournament, defeating Wil
lie Hoppe, holder.
The score was &oo to s46.
Schaefer played out in six Inn
ings with a high run of 212 and
an average of 83 1-3. Hoppe had
a high run of 140 and an average
of 69 1-5.
The score by innings:
Schaefer 86. 212. 16. 212, 130,
4450O. High run 212.
Hoppe 140, 26; 7, 126,
346. High run 140.
Army and Navy Vie
On Gridiron Today
ANAPOLIS. Nov. 23. A fairly
lengthy drill in formations and
signals, marked the final practice
of the Anapolis midshipmen today
in preparation for the big inter
service struggle at New York Sat
urday. Attention also was given
to new plays to be used against
the West Pointers. Two entire
regiments of students assembled
in the stands while the practice
was in progress and cheered the
The navy warriors will leave
for New York tomorrow.
Best in Years, Js Verdict of
County Superintendent
"The Marion county teachers'
institute which has just closed
was the most satisfactory in
years," declared Mrs. M. L. Ful
kerson, Marion county superin
tendent. "The spirit was .won
derfully fine. Everyone was
prompt in all sessions and there
was the closest of attention to
all speakers. No one refused to
work when called upon."
W. M. Smith, assistant state
superintendent of public schools,
spoke Wednesday morning on
'The County Unit Plan." This
plan is one by which all districts
in a county have their affairs
administered by a board of five.
This board elects the county su
perintendent and buys supplies
fot districts.
?r6ok county is the only coun
ty that has elected to put the law
in force, as it i3 optional with
While Mr. Smith, did not recom
mend tbe adoption of the law,
yet the impression was that he
looked upon the law with favor.
John H. Rudd, executive secre
tary Marion county Y. M. C. A.,
spoke on "Physical Education."
He said that the old idea of the
country boy being more healthy
than the city boy had been ex
ploded. He recommended plenty
of play for school children as a
means of keeping up their spirit.
I ''Jf, aJ??llow ptreak develops in
the play of a boy, watch oat for
htm later in his business deal'
ings,Vdeclarsd Mr, Rudd."- He al
so recommended. the countv nurse
a3 being of great help to dis
tricts. J. C. Nelson, principal ot the
Salem hizh school, declared that
more attention should be given to
thf ttarhinp of history, and to
the development of world affairs.
"We need a broader conception
of patriotism." declared Mr. Nel
son, "on? that will enable us to
regard all nations sympatheti
cally. We do not yet sufficiently
realize that the problem before
the Washington conference is not
merely the reduction of armament
but the removal of the causes
that lead to war."
To disarm without removing
these causes, Mr. Nelson said,
would not prevent war. Too much
patriotism is sentiment and is
not based on sufficient knowl
edge of facts, he said.
J. S. Landers, president of the
Monmouth normal school, said
that the work of teachers is just
now being appreciated. The pres
ent unrest, he said, is caused
mostly by selfishness.
Dr. Carl Gregg Doney, presi
dent of Willamette university, de
clared that the high schools of
years ago produced more inde
pendent thinkers than the mod
ern high schools. Ha alsa rather
condemned the present elective
system which now prevails in high
schools, claiming that results have
not been satisfactory.
"It is not the officer of the law
that protects our children, but
rather the preacher in the pulpit,''
he declared. "I tremble at what
the next few years will bring if
our young people are not led
aright," declared Dr. Doney.
The. fifth annual teachers' in
stitute which closed with the af
ternoon session ,is. regarded by
those especially Interested as the
best institute held in years. Not
notwithstandins the inclement
weather there was a. 100 per
cent attendance, and, j what all
speakers noted, an intensa inter
est in subjects discussed.
Woman Goes to Neighbors,
Calls Police, Faints When
Officer Arrives
Officer O. F. Victor, was called
last night to the home of Phil
Wood at 1009 North Broadway,
where it was reported that prowl
ers were making attempts to gain
an entrance to the Wood home.
The intruders had decamped
before the officer arrived, but a
slashed door screen testified to
the visit. Mrs. Wood was ! alone
at the time, her husband being
employed as a fireman with the
Salem Sand & Gravel cbmpany.
Mns- Todd told the officer that
the efforts to break into the house
had badly frightened her. Hav
ing no phone, she made a courag
eous dash to the home ot a neigby
bor from which place the police
were notified.
After Officer Wood arrived,
Mrs. Wood collapsed- ,
Several similar incidents have
been reported lately where prowl-,
ers have frightened women dur-;
ing absence from home of the
male members of the tamiiy. j
General Cessation of Tie-u'd
Brings 'Relief to Rail-road-Urves
POKTLANl), NOV. 23, A genf
eral cessation in storm conditions
that enabled the Spokane, Port!
land & Seattle railroad to breaty
loose all its stalled trains on thi
North Bank road and free th
passbngers from train No. 10
on the Oregon Trunk line in Cenf
tral Oregon today forecast th
opening of direct railroad comt
municjitions tomorrow betweM
Portland and the east by way of
the North Bank route.
The snow plow despatched fronj
Vancouver over the North lian"
Monday morning, broke loos?
train No. 3 and a few local pas
sensrers from the other traiii
were transferred to the steam1
Port of Portland at Stevenso:
and brought to Portland.
Word was received late todv
that Oregon. Trunk line train N4
102. which "has been howboum
at milepost. 8,. near N;orth June
tion, in the central Oregon coun
try since- Saturdaw night, had
been reached by a rescue tral?
from Bend and all passengers
transferred back to Bend. Th
train was still snowbound and
may remain stationary for severaf
days. i
Multnomah to Make First
Drawing of Women Juror$
PORTLAND. Ore., Nov. 23.
The first drawing Of women'$
names along with those of men oi
a jury panel in Multnomah coun
ty will be made Monday, when th
county commissioners begin to se
lect between 2000 and 2500
names from the tax arid registra
tion rolls for the 1922 jury ser
vice, it was announced today.
At the same time women are
served with notification of their
selection on the panel, the law re
quires that they be gtven an ex
emption blank, and the? have, the
privilege of merely signing It and
returning it to secure; exemption
from service. . . J ..
Read Tha Classified Ads.
Southern Pacific Runs Spec
ial Cap for Students
From Colleges
PORTLAND. Ore., Nov. 23. -
The Southern Pacific bore the en
tire brunt of the home rush for
Thanksgiving holidays today from
both Oregon Agricultural college
at Corvallis; and University of
Oregon at Eugene, for washouts
on the Santiam had put the Ore
gon Electric entirely out of com
mission. Four special trains in
addition to increases in coaches on
all regular northbound trains
were run from Eugene and Cor
vallis. !
The serious trouble on the San
tiam which has destroyed bridge
approaches. embankments and
trestles for both the Southern Pa
cific and Oregon Electric, made it
necessary for the Southern Pa
cific steam trains to detour at Al
bany by way of the Yaquina line
to Corvallis, follow the Southern
Pacific electric tracks north to
Gerlinger and then connect with
the main line at Salesi by way of
tho Sadem-Falls City line.
Ex-Seattle Mayor Testifies
in Los Angeles Against
Wobbly Crowd
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Nov. 23
Testimony of Ole Hansen, ex-
mayor of Seattle, In tbe trial here
of 11 member s of the I.W.W. on
charges of criminal syndicalism
was followed today by a riotous
scene in the court room and the
sentencing of one of the defend
ants to five days in jail for con
tempt, of court.
The defendants who acted as
their own counsel, plied Mr. Han
sen with questions after he had
testified he knew of acts of sabo
tage advocated by members of the
I.W.W. ' "As : tho -former mayor
was leaving the staiyl, Ben Whit
ling, one of . the defendants
sprang up &nd shouted- i'l,
"You old skunk."
A ball ft forced Wbltlihg? Into,
hia ieat while the other defen
dants surged around anl shouted.
Judge "Frank R. Willis ordered
them-to be seated ml when order
was restored, W, I. FrIt,v one of
the defendants, wai i Ven a f ivs
day sentence. 4i
-Fruit had been Yjut.rm bail on
the syndicalism : chargo while
Whitling was held in jail in de
fault of bail. i - .
Men and Women;Arrested '
i With Train Robber Band
WICHITA. Kan., Nov. 23.
With more than a dozen persons
in custody, police tonight believe
they had gone a long way toward
breaking up a gang of train and
bank robbers which has been op
erating In the southwest for sev
eral weeks under the leadership
of .Edward Adams, who was shot
and killed here yesterday by de
tectives who had gone to arrest
Several of those under deten
tion are women.
Goose is Stolen from
Home of L S. Sheldon
The L. S. Sheldon residence at
370 Bellevue was visited last night
by some undesirable and Mr. Shel
don is mourning the loss of a
splendid goose that had been loft
Kinging on the rear porch of his
residence. The theft was reported
to te police bui no traco of the
thief could be found.
R. W. Hawthorne, of Salem
route 2, reported to the police
last night that his car's side cur
tains had been stolen while the
machine was parked at Court,
tear Commercial street, yesterday
Michael Neil of Jersey City
Receives Property of
His Brother
After-litigation for the past
four years in dozens of motions
and the submitting of additional
evidence, the county court has
finally issued an order in the es
tate of James Neil who died in
Salem, December 2, 1916.
By this order, T. K. Ford, one
of the executors of the estate, has
been ordered to close the affairs
of the estate within 15 days and
turn the property involved over to
Michael Neil, whom the court has
adjudged to be the surviving le
gal heir.
James Neil, fir the three years
before Jxis .death, had served as
watchman at ' the Oregon state
hospital, and by ecoonmy for
many years, 'had accumulated
about 113.000 worth of property.'
He was nnmarrXed. i .
I4is-will, eleft H40 to the
Catholic church , in Salem, to be
paid on tho street -assessment
against the church, Garrette M.
at Bay View and seven lots In As
The balance of his estate h
willed to bis two brothers and sis
ters living in the east, although
their ' addresses were unknown.
Besides the bequests ta his rela
tives, and the appointment of T.
K. Ford and Patrick uyan as ex.
ecutors, there was the provision
that if his relatives could not be
located in 10 years, the estate was
to be divided as follows:
One-fifth to Garrette M:' Julian:
one-fith to Ida Martin; one-fifth
to Marie Julian; one-fith to T. K.
Ford and John Quirk and one
fifth to the Catholic church of Sa-
lam and Patrick Ryan. !
By one of the stranre thtnrs
that happen, in advertising fori the
unknown heir of James Neil an
attorney in New York City hap
pened to remember the he knew a
Michael Neil of Jersey City, j
in correspondence with John
Bayne, more was learned of tho
James Neil who had died here.
and the fact that the Michael
Neil in New Jersey was the sur
viving brother. .
Tbe' matter was fought out in
the local court, with affidavits
coming from Ireland to show! Mi
chael Neil was the surviving
brother and that the two sisters
had died. j
About one year ago Michael
Neil came west and testified, and
such evidence was produced to
convince the court that Michael
Neil of New Jersey was the solo
surviving heir ot the James Neil
who had died in Salem in 1916.
The property involved consists
mainly of real estate in Salem.
Hillsboro ;Man Killed
When Jree Hits House
IILLSnORO, Or., Nov. 23. . j
Frank Atwood, lfi, was Instantly j
killed Monday nigM. wuen a tree
two feet in diameter .crashed into .
tho Atwood home in the
mbun-i N
tains above Buxton, according to
word broueht. hero "today. Mrs. M
Atwood. his mother, was badly In- ;.
jurea. a younger Droiner, aiso in
tho house, escaped unhurt,
CORVALLIS, Ore., Nov. 231. .
More than 150 delegates from the .
National Grange convention now
holding sessions in Portland, came .
here today and were entertained ;
at Oregon Agricultural college. :
President W. J. Kerr, of the col
lege made an address of welcome.
: -j ; . u i .
stranger" lewis, xormer worm s
neavyweignT wrestling cnarapion, ;ij
defp.itpH JtUkflnntt silvnor Prtrtu- f
! - m . . .. a m J . 1. '. .
gai in a one-iau maicn lonignq'
Lewis won, with a double arm ;-
lock in 11 minvtes. '
TJACflV P1TV . To tJnv 99 '
Helmer Myre, world's light he' - i
weight wrestling champion, j do- u
here tonight in straight' falls. H
. ; . 'it a
UV--:'-'1':" ''
; f WASHINGTON, Not 23. Cap
tain' C Wettengtll waa; relieved
today!'.. by the navy! department
from bis position.' at governor ot
Guam and was assigned to assist
the commandant of the thirteen
naval district, with station at
get Sound. His successor has not
been selected, it was sald.,c I.:
EVERETT, Wash., Nor. 23.
A warrant was Issued here today
for the arrest of Alex Livingston
until recently cashier Of the Com
mercial Bank of Snomhomish
county at Snohomish. He is :
charged with borrowing $2,600 of
bank funds on a promissory note .
signed by himself and payable on
demand, without tho knowledge i
of the board of 'directors' John
A. Vanderpool, Btate bank exam
iner, swore to the complaint. Tho
warrant had not been served tonight.
"Well, Mr. Artlaigh," Mlsa Pep
lej remarked arcily, "I Bee you -are
looking at my . new gown.
Really, now, what do you think
of it!"
"Charming, charming!", be re-
plied. "I would make Just one
small criticism, if I might be per
mitted." t
"You know I would value your
criticism. What is it?"
"That it begins a trifle too lata
and ends somewhat too early.
In trying to reduce your werght
by exercise don't forget to figuro
on the Increased appetite It, Will
give you. 1
a cad
fcH wk KKMocr, bloated Hon.
ch. Food does sot DotUMh.
hd km tource ol mixxj. cauijg
punt, bckhing, zzmeia and bead.
9 The pcmoa wkj, a toBMj
k rtkfiedwkk DoddbgleM
k pennjent, luring reCeC
Tlrig!feaUdwaope lie
of the itonich, conch lh blood,
il ncdoutIectmuI poi
nd rtrcngtLea ercry txx function
J The Urgo number of people who
bre Wuny Bd Dr.HrW,
Umoui roedkiae, NcoWaded fV all
catarthj cmdrtkk, off, the .honge
pwille erxWment for . . .'.