The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 24, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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i i
NG. NOVEMBER 24. '1921
Xo Turkeys Left i Willamette that the water Is re-
The local market is pretty well! ceding slowly: .With 26.6. feet as J
sold out on dressed turkeys. The! the high water mark this year,:
Thanksgiving closed with a retail I the guage yesterday afternoon
price of from 42 to 4a cents a I read 22.5 feet.
pound. The wholesale prices for
turkeys yesterady was from 28 I Candr For Thanksrivine
to 30 cents a pound for lire birds I Send her a box of Haas fresh
nrt 85 to as cents a. txnnri fn I candy. Exclusive agents The
dressed, f The Witry market is Ace, Masonic Temple AdT.
Farm Sells for SG4QO
Baby Chick S. G. Crabtree has sola to J.
All local hatched this season M. Enjriisn a 4o-acre raria ana
H7 per 100 for WJtfte Leghorns. other land near Staytoa. The
Reduced prices .on all varieties. I deed of transfer gives a $6409
Now booking orders for spring de- J valuation.
livery. U. N, Needham, 65$ State
St., SalenL AdV. J Take Your Turkey Dinner
At the Gray Belle. Adv.
Two Marriage Licenses
At the marriage license coun
ter of the county clerk two mar
riage licenses were issued yester
day. The first was to Grant E.
Wikoff i of Salem rural route 9,
a farmer and Lois 11. Bartruff of
Salem rural route 7. The sec
ond wag to John E. Springer of
Salem, In the secret service, and
Selma Bergerson, milliner and
designer of Salem.
We Have
A nice assortment of French
pastry to go with your Thanks
giving dinner. The uray Bene.
Adv. ; i
Lost But Little Time
I Wrong Folks Got Credit
pany lost less man one nays time lt wag. c. B. Clancey, who
from flood, troubles. Four mo- thoognt so much of the school
r tors were removed from, the sub- teartim 0f Marion eounty a to
V Dasemeni wnen tne water rose to decorate most artistically the
a aeptn or one root in tne case- Btage at tae high school auditor
jnent, but tnese were repiacea Imn wnere the annual Institute
with the . falling water and the BeB8jon9 were held. Someone had
mm is now operating on tne mentione( the fact that ,Mr;
usual three shifts. lrismv was a. Rotarian and then
else went a little fur-
The Drug Stores Will Close thep ftnd t61, tb teachers it was
On-ThanksglTlng day between h Rotarr club that' was eo
the hours of 12 noon and 6 p. m
I thoughtful. But it wasn't. It
was Mr. Clancey.
Experienced Waitresses Wanted
For steady wor. ine uray
Belle. Adv.
1 40 decrees, almost in less time
than it takes to write the story.
For three hours it stuck down to
40 decrees: and then, almost in
a flash, it began to rise, until it
reached 54 degrees Fehrenheit.
The card index on the automatic
recording thermometer at the
Hartman store shows this ireaic oi
the weather most CTaphically. The
change from warm to cold, and
then back up to warmth has not
been explained.
Students Go Home
A large number of Willamette
students left on the Oregon Elec
trie 4 'clock train for Portland
and way points yesterday to spend
the Thanksgiving nouaays at
home. i
Salmon 7 Cents
Fitts Market. Phone 211. Adv
A. J. Foster. Chiropodii
Phone for appointment 9a7 ; I Turkev Dinne
iZZ Stale. -Adv.
Red Cross Booths Planned
If weather conditions permit, a
number of Red Cross booths will
be placed In the down town dis
trict Friday, the closinc day of
the fifth annual Red Cross roll
call. As the weather broke all
records for beintr uncomfortable
the past week, it was decided to
continue the campaign for. mem
bership unttl Saturday night.
Mrs. A.: Sheridan. Others regis
tering were J- J- Graff. Seattle;
V. L.- Greg?. A. R. Hunter. , Cor
vallis; E. E. Haysler, George
Moore, Spokane.
BL1GH Portland arrivals:
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Ostrom,
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Vick. H. E.
Whitney, O. E. Summers. M. M.
Summers. J. W. Watson. Others
registering included K. S. Kow-
agnchi. Brooks; Delmer De Sart.
Corvallis and Marion R. Cohn, Seattle.
the Cloverdalei pupils on Friday
afternoon- Several of the parent
were present. School closed for
the following week on account
the teachers institute.
Forrest Brown's Trial
'Postponed Until Saturday
Reported by Union Abstract
Neophytes Initiated
50c, White Cloud Tea House,
110 Com'l St. Adv.
Returns From Canada
Charles W. Niemeyer has re
) turned from a two weeks business
'; Visit in the province of Alberta,
Canada. - He was in the big
? wheat farming district near Ed-
vmonton. He-aays. a, number of has fned with the county clerk
As an added burden upon theiTo Attend Flax Meeting
already ! heavy Initiation, the new George Quayle, general secre-
men of j the Chrestophllian Liter- tary of the Oregon State Chamber
ary society brought suitcases and of commerce will probably attend
handbags with them to classes the meeting of flax growers to be
yesterday morning. When asked held in the Commercial club next
as to where they were going they Saturday at 10 o'clock a. m. He
replied that they were not sup- writes that he is greatly interest
posed ito tell During chapel ed in the development of the in
period the men exchanged seats dustry and I will make every effort
with the women initiates and the to attend the meeting.
women exchanged their green rib- 1
bons for the green frosh hats of SSST contractor, has
tne tresnman. t,h uimoA ani forward-
ed to Washington his formal con
William Wenger to Robert and
Pauline Wenger, 74.74 acres J.
H. Foes donation land claim, 7-2-W..
William Wenger to Robert and
Paulina Wenger, 36 acres in Mc
Allister donation land claim, 7-2-W.,
James B. and Eliz. Hunt to
Jacob Miller. 87-100 acre in Eli
Gieger donation land claim. 4-2-W..
Frank H. and Winifred E.
Reeves to Winnie Pettyjohn,; part
of block 33, University addition
to Salem. $19.
B. C. and Katberine Zielinskl
to H. M. Hawkins. N'W 1-4 of
SW 1-4 section 33-6-2-W., 110.
Trial of Forrest Brown upoi a
charge of bavins intoxicating j li
quor In hi3 possession was yester
day postponed for the third time
within 13 days by Justice G. j E.
Unruh. i
Brown is being held ia the
county jail following his arrest jby
local police. According to fit
nesses. Brown made an attempt
to outrun Officer Birtchett. after
dashing a bottle to the pavement
in the down-town district.
The case was postponed vaster
day due to absence from the diy
oi Brown's attorney. P. H. D'Arp.v -j Hi
The case will be heard Saturday In
. s , T - v. i V
morning, juuge lbiuu aiiuuumta
last night.
was announced here today. J An
excursion of - Anchorage business
men, leaving Saturday, is expected
to make the rail trip to Fairbanks
in 20 hours. I
A Fairbanks party returning to
the states will catch the steamship
Victoria at Anchorage and Will
journey from Fairbanks to Seattle,
it is anticipated, in nine daysJ
- .... a ( a - - - - - J
IS.-The Ulley Creek bridge will
be ready? Jor light train tomor
row. Several other bridges remain
to be completed but travel will
not be impeded meanwhile. ,Tha
span over the Nenana river will
be ready by Christmas. . . '
" .... '.iim.j 1 . K
George W. Hubbs of SilTertOn ru v nZZT ' tract for erecUng several buildings
..i-j i,w i Home made Chile, steaks, I. Q,iTti Indian
u w wwh a v . j nOH I IPII M 11 II L11R J U LI t. V A I - M a J- I X UC Ilia WW S, J
nAnnfe ar Vominz iato that coun- I nt win I aops. etc., J act a uieA 4a oo. 1 Rrhooi The contract price is
t n KflnV1ff thfir fnture oitlJl i- 'tii0 intfnpJ vum inert iai ou- -.;, K() 7 K
9 - o w - , I DU3IU17S9 UU IUU ao vvy- 1 ! - I v
' ' I MW W W?l
i wheat.
head will read, VHuhbs Real; Es- gp,,, Busy
Tli Gray Belle
tate Company,
... . , i Air. a a . wm ...
Members .or ,WUiametie umver- i . ,rarot m.Mi instrnment
sity sororities , and , fraternities i h eTening at the Fir6t curls-
Tvrti , LAwA A t-r nflf' fill f .
- - - i 'v " . i serenaae vesteruay. ine new
i js -
i Slowly Falling
110 V4 Com'l St, Adv.
j Ordinarny, after; Tery high, water I Sena stAte Street Homo
f the flood recedes, rapidly, and inj A warranty deed was filed for
members of the Chrestomathean
Literary- society formed a band
are worth hearing.- Adv.
R. A. Booth, state highway
during ; the early hours of the commissioner, who recently under
morning and sang in front of the went an operation in a Portland
It you get into a rut. remember
you put yourself there and It is
The last rail was laid November np to you to pull yourself out.
I.. . i ' . i
Established 1868 ; -
General Banldnj: Business
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p, m.
Nelson's Automobile is
StriDDed of Many Parts
SILVERTONT, Ore.. Nov. 23.
(Special to The Statesman) The
For' car belonging to E. Nelson I
was robbed Monday night. Every
thing that was loose or could j be
removed was taken. Cushions;
tools and even the spark pligs
were gone. Mr. Nelson lives in
the Silverton hills and his build
ings are set in about half a niile
from the road, which leads some
to suspect that the thief was ac
quainted with; the surroundings.
, .:
Mr. and Mrs. James Carson,
Columbus. N. M.. sign a letter
saying. "We have both concluded
we- shall never be without Foley
Cathartic Tablets and we believe
them to be essential to good
bealth" Thev keeD the stomach
r,weet. liver active and bowels
regular. .They banish constipa,-
No trace Of the articles have
far been found,
SILVERTON, Ore., Nov. 23.
(Special to the Statesman) The
first5 malt train to Silverton sihee
the flood arlTed at ' 7 : 10 ptm.
Our Utah Coal is going' at
These prices are cash:
Utah Lump CoaLi.?17.00
Utah Stove CoaL- ? 16.00
Utah Ess Coal 150
" We guarantee all our
. " coals
a dajTOr two the river .goes bad record yesterday in which Blanche different -houses on the campus, hospital, has so far recovered that
i to normal, iuh wuo, Niemeyer ana wnanes w. ixiemcjr- Fr0m au reports it was a success he is now at his home in Jfiugene.
i mere appears to do sucu er deeds to D. vanaerDm .tne and t0 nom9 of thQ members who He has written friends that he
I oL water coming from the tipper j property at 1541 State street. In- were gently roused from their feels like getting to work.
leiiiai ioiouuo i siumDers ll VI! s real ireai. i
tn 13.50 were attached to tne i i College 3Ien WiU Meet-
deed. The law requires fl fori xrnsse I The 15th annual meeting. and
each $1000 for which property Is Fitted at Tyler's drug store by conference of presidents and iac
sold. an expert in the business. Adv. ult.ies independent collegea and
Marion Hotel Today- Gatke to Speak- 1u
For your .Thanksgiving dinner. I Prof.; Robert M. Gatke of w il- " ' t W oronto nr
Bring yourjamiljrwith you: 5 to hamette university wm "deliver a ? v h&0 n Sluf
8 p. m.; si.50 a plate. auv. lecture on "The First Indian Z?Z- VuZ nniversitv will sneak
School of the Pacific Northwest," VnvotnW ,K Aw ..Thft p,ft.e of the
Files Assmned Name i I at , the 17th annual meeting of Uihle in the . course."
G. A. Coffey and S. M. Hays 1 the Pacific coast branch of thai ,
have .filed, to record., with. , the Americal Historical association to Don't Cn,t Library Papers
roiratyeleTk as:'rexiu1red,,bT,:aw be held in.Portland November 25 a patron of the Salem Public
the name under which they will and '261 The addresses delivered library learned a I ew : days age
46il)ttsiBBssjCat 'stern'tar- at the annual meetings are kept that it is mighty risky to cut or
association. .1 mutilate a newspaper, magazine or
any book in the library-. He was
Observed cutting out an article
a.iut.frim'rTimea'MJ Smith.ind I Will serve Thankselvins dinner in a newspaper in, the Jibrary- ye
.'fr!'" . '..'VTVT- '. ' I .-. .1.1 O . I J , I tUara ia o rl rX-
I rum X y. m. mi o ll. w.- aui. I was iuhii hick wwi v. -
eon law wiucn nroviaes mat sac n
To Elect Of fleers Friday 6 'lan act is punishable by a fine of
U Continuous-' Show
I: :
c -' l Curwood s : "
9:15 p. m.
A Classified Ad
JWIJltrtac yoa a buyer,
'AdT. '
CberrlansIeet ' December
r The' hfext' meeting of the Cher-
The annual election of of fleers from $5 to $50 or a Jail sentence
.----...a. . . .
of the! woodmen of the world will lot not more than six moatns.
be held rrtday night at the lodge
. . ' An.fcTy Aoldvm Cain. TailarwnniL
J WarhnanV Glasses rians wnrbe Teld on Th TnigM of ttfTftkM een more than usual in- In response resolutions pass-
S. f -- - - - , lTimdv Dopember fi according tdl wre'" jne airairs oi me ioage,iea Dy v uiameiie uuiversi it
yt Easier and 'Belter1 ITueW. Deeemwr . acrora disarmament, and sent to
r ! War them and see an announcement mu yy - - . r,o- w rnHprwr oae
...... Bing Knowland. The by-laws ana i , i rr;Vi .VaVnn-
" . m m. a. mm I m i A u runiaru jriuvciucui m. ivwiuu i ji l ho a f vj jiuvv"o v
HARTfllAri ISKUd. Is on at the First Christian ference committee. Dr. Carl Gregg
Vhon 1255 , Balem. Oregon Tne8day after tne fIr8t Monday in cnuwa, ear xrana ana owe uoney T -
- I . . - At. I LUU I EllL. A . O U . I iU W 1UC iClfcilU v uw --
mmmam i lrtAam nni bh iiih rnir u uir i rrr i. w m . .
"I feel quite optimistic tnat tne
conference can work out the great
The Rev. Martin Fereshetian, l results we all desire and I cer
stomach. bad breatn. coatea
tongue. Not habit forming. Sold
everywhere. Adv.
V 4
Where Rolls the Oregon. Inc.. Is
the alluring name of a motion pic
ture producing company that filed
articles of incorporation here yes
terday with a capitalization or
580.000, and which will have its
headquarters in Portland. The in
corporators are Frank M. uyam.
Fred H. KIser and uert K..naney.
Articles were filed yesterday by
the Apartment Investment com
pany of Portland, capitalized at
4250,000. The Incorporators are
Theo. G. Williams. Bernard, u,
Metzgar and C. A. Houghtaiing.
Hospital Patients Will
Enjoy Thanksgjvingaable
Here ia the menu that will be
served at the Thanksgiving din
ner today for inmatss of tne
state hospital for the insanie, as
announced by the steward of the
institution yesterday: sixen-
hundred pounds of meat, 900
pounds roast plg,.5 00 roast chick
n 200 nounds turkey. 125 gal
lons gravy, 125 gallons . mashed
potatoes, 90 gallons cabbage sai
ad, one barrel pickles, five bar
rel's sweet elder. 60 bushels ap
pies, 500-pumpkin pies, 125 gal
Twomhor a the resrular meet I
fYi ana ' va hPlt T h A
- a Tnaa.r nf in tnnntn ir is
possible that two meetings will be
CI'USO nil . r .. . . .-I. . . j, , i i. ik.t
tpttairs tt H2H CommtreiU sttMt neld m December. The annual pastor or tne unitarian cnurcn, tainiy snau ao my nest m -
Sf? BB.!!' J!2Ui election of officers will be held oti ! , ra
vim. ...r .r hh. Tnlnr Af December E. epc. iu mo x.uw-ua .
n , ui. w . i i w b
BPC1HI Binoil
. SAVE $ $ $
iy buying your hardware and
furniture at The Capital Hard
ware & Furniture Co., 285 N.
Commercial street. Phone 947
Tor Sprtna PlanUna Order rrom
' . 4SS Oregon Building
bat.tcu -: :- OREGON
Plume 1711. ;
f PERS0M q
WARMOTH At a local hospital
Novemher zz. wrs. tiazei a
Warmoth. at the age of 2
years. She Is survived by he
husband. E. M. Warmoth
ville neit Ftlday. ! The McMinn-
vill Rotarians decided to hold a
session In the evening to which
all high: school students have Jack Hayes Is spending a few
Deeninvuea. mr. r eresneuan wiu,d ln Corvanis.
speak On "America, the Land of
whitiatfth of Eueene: her fath-1 from 1 p. m. tu s
er, Grant Taylor of Halsey and
or fra Cnv Bramwell I Where Zero Is
of Brownsville. The noay wu xvlJ?v "r'l
be sent by Webb " l v , v , ' T " Y I cn.nH, tb holiv in Prebstal.
I " "... . .. . . . . I .tt in Tt.ii. t) at nr.
been, it may oe euu inat. accora-1 v asn. aiiM n.uo
int tha t-nvprrlmpnt'a official I fomnanied them 'north.
records, the serd irauce at Salem is Dr. Carl Gregg Doney, presi
Halsey for burial.
tine seme mail . but only that
which the stages brougnt.
postoffiee force distributed
mail during the evening.
Goods packed, shipped or slore'd.
Fireproof Storage. .Prices to Please Yon .
Plione 930 ,
i" u v
On and after October 21st;
Oregon Electric Railwky will
round trip tickets to Portland
53, including war tax, .good
retnrn to and ! including the
Ions coffee, 125 ganons ond day from date of sale.
New Postoffiee is Now
Occupied at Silverton
SILVERTON, Ore.. Nov. 23.
(Special to The Stataesman)
Mailing and receiving mail were
made rather difficult in Silverton
Tuesday, due to the facfthat the
postoffiee force took advantage! of
the scarcity of mail and. began
moving into the new postoffiee
building shortly after noon. Mny
Silverton business men were seen
carrying huge packages from ne
Dlace to another , trying to Iget
them mailed. By working oyer-J
time the postoffiee force were
able to begin ' work -somewhat
systematically in the new loca
tion yesterday morning. I
Preparations are also bejing
made for the city delivery, whih
is to begin the first part of tiext
month, i ' -
$3.00 Round Trip to
Portland Every Day-H
Oregon Electric Railway
barrel cranberries, x150 gallons
milk, 300 pounds sweet potatoes.
160 pounds plum pudding and
trlmmnigs, 1850 inmates.
Mrs. Marv C. Wilson Dies
rHfUlU x 1L A 11 Ml
'i :;t:.- M' t-'VC-f .
r -:'
. '. 1.'
,,f, .;;, . . (, - -Jl. ti . I -un ui'-f mv- ,u?
466 State Street
; ':. Phone 877'
Agent, O. E. !Ry.
SILVERTON. Or . Nov. 2?.-
Miss Laura Payton, member of
the physical education depart
t n Via Coiom cnhools. 13
of ..VP"" ; .. .: . , Unendine the Thanksgiving vaca-
nim- sister. Mrs. Chariest mu.i ,- . n.,T,j
b. ru. Adv.
tion in Portland.
H. N. Sanderson left last night
for Portland. He will "return to
of those wholSalem tomorrow.
about the river I Mr. and Mrs. James wbb
Leading Morticians "
placed exactly lis
sea level. The city
dlnarlly I reported
above sea level.
Let os supply you with
Shoes Hosiery , Hats
'Dishes, etc. r-,,
0 at the'Lowest Prices
373-77 .Court St, y
Webb '& Clough
Leading Funeral
Expert Embalmers
' r Household Goods
Junk : :V" . ,
'Iron -y ':::.3.,
v' Bags :, ;.. ' ,: . , . .
f Bottles s ?
(nothing u . - "
Auto parts
VAc. etc. .
! Stelnbock Junlc Co.
fThe House of Half a
:,lIillion and One i Bargains
? I -t4C2 'NorfK Commercial
Next Thanksgiving
Are you going to be thankful
a year from now that you still
have the oia jod, at tne oia
Rather, are you not going
to be thankful that you decid
ed today to break away and go
to business school (day or
night) and fit yourself for a
better place?
Arm von not going to be
thankful that you nave mount
ed the first round of tlie lad
der which leads to still higher
positions? '
"What are you going to be
thankful for on -Thanksgiving
Day, 1922? ";,;
Ijeeal Blanks
Get them at The statesman oi
flee. Catalog on
AdT. I
Flax Growers Sign
Many i farmers
.13 feet above I dent of Willamette university,
of Salem is or- was a' speaker at the Linn coun-
as 130 feet l v institute this week.
Miss Lucile Crockett, cnuaren s
librarian, and Miss Ruth Brown
of the state library, will go to
Portland this morning to hear the
famous violinist, Heifetz
Raich Hamilton, who is at
tending the University of Oregon
a MiccnMri fSneclal to The Statesman)
Mi K,.M,ruf ' XTfred Jensen, Oscar Satern. and
A tpleeram lust received in ba- , . !t,i,t rmm Xphal-
lem announces,the deatn or airs, i where they had been duck
Mary C. Wilson yesteraay at ine hUntlng. The boys had quitia a
home of her sister in Spnngneia. . dUcks but due to the stdrm
LMo. : . I nnt ns manv as they had expected
W irilsnn ltTQfl fflT TltHaV I . . 1 cklJa
.ui. uoun , I to Ret. iney Tevurueo ucnoiuc
years at Dallas, where her -bus-1 poftland ;3 j
band, the late A. K. viisin, ..u,, X(T.1 Martin Tinelestad
in business, but for the last sev-1 and daughi,er, ; Helen, of Jetfer-
eral years maae neir uuuw l son, spent the week-end at the
farm in Polk county near Salem. . nme. 4
but recently Has neen on a tlu:io Mt. na Mrs. Aief Anderson
tracted visit to her sister wner who jliave . been spending a few
she died very suaaemy.
Of her immediate family she
luni nnlv one dauKhter, Mrs. O.
E. Frye, who lives near.taiem. xi
u prnected that as soon as iravei
H.tinna will nermlt, the re-
heretofore been intjerested in flax,
are now; signing
jup for acreage
since the Willamette Valley Flax
& Hemp Growers
sociation has been
have not
Cooperative as-
organized. W.
Capital Btxitolk
Fslem, Oregon ;
P. Brantley signed for five acres
of flax and C. R.J Porter tor 10
acres. Neither of ! these farmers
has heretofore grown flax.
t 7 v -- 1 ;-'
Temneratnre Is Freakish
li One of the most surprising
drops recorded in Salem for many
years occurred Suiday afternoon.
The thermometer tad been regis
tering at 52 degriees for a day.
when at hoori it dfopped down to
days at Silverton have returned
to Portland."
Several of the Silverton young
people" who are ; attending colieRe
are expected home for the
Than Ircer-vine' vacation. Amonff
mains will be brought to Oregon t&ose who wln return are Miss
for interment in tne iamuy iui iu Dorothy Hubbs, Miss Vivian era
the Dallas cemetery, mer. MiSS Helen Currie, Miss An
na Wnt,art Theodore Hobart. ic-
SilVertOn ChUrCHeS W 111 tor MadsenElgin Mlear, ana
DhserVe TnankSaiVinQ rolture college and Miss Marion
I Tavlor. Miss Olivia Deguire, Syl-
-m i I . 1
qtt vpBTnv Ore Nov. 23. van McCleary, bephus starr anu
Owbg to the very disattnmt lire ia ,
our store on October 31, Ware flow oc- V
cupying temporaril j quarter at corntr
of High and Trade streets. Telephone -
same. No. 1374.
We will be able to take care of aD
needs in a very few days.
Showalter & Jacobs
will come home for Thanksgiving (SDeciat to The Statesman) Alm from the Lniversuy
' . . .IT. 1Q I .11 III! HII I .11 i
.TA,.7 .'1 W . - I I
CTitrV anAtho. ofiitlorit. I . j i - ,ntnt larvipa nf St
iwu " .. i inursaay vy a - t i.. t u..!..
CaPt. H. C. Brambaugh of tne JoHns and Trinity congregations buari"llr V: '
bonus commission, is spending to- ,n Trin!ty ehurch at o'toc.
day in Portland, accompaniea oy i Rey George HenrlKsen win spea.
hi wife, whose former home was i There will be music Dy tne jomi
Portland. choirs. Services will be m tne
n.t!c -nr.n.froii Miller of Port-1 TCnrwerian language. inursaay
" - " . - k.i..oiiii I Maris, a. xr twi . w u ui
land is in tte city for a it of nlgnt the Method, Thanksgiving vacation
few days, the guest ol mm ana me vui at the home of his sister. Airs. i
who have
summer tn
Wisconsin, have returned to Silverton.
Rev. George Henriksen I3 at
rhuradav Portland today on a business trtp.
inursaay 1 . . , fa
Louise Healey.
Mrs. Ij. A. Wheeler, and son.
Mrs. C. F. Allen and, Miss Myrtle
Rilea. all of Portland, are in the
city guests at the home of Cap
tain and Mrs. T. E. Rilea,
North Winter street.
Oscar A. Steelhammer will
spend Thanksgiving witn nis
hrnthf-r J v steelhammer, at
Joint services at the
C Gunderson of fauverton
M. G. Gunderson. cashier at the
Coolidge & McClains bank is ill.
mm wm
Mr. wdMre. w. j. Hidiey at- Anchorage-Fairbanks
SSSi-'S tTTi',VKSr. Railway is Completed
T-afnrniTitr hnltlp late Dail"J
Mrs. Will Everett of Oregon FAIRBANKS. Alaska, Nov. 23
r?tv snent Saturday hero with virtual completion of the Alas-
Mrs Helen Butsky. while Mr- ka railroad between Anchorage
Lem Walker, patrolman from I i-vltt camp. Saturday evening
the West Stavton district, con-1 Thov mntnred back Sunday. '
ferred with Marion county com- j F. A. Wood and family went to
Patrolman I : ion, Snnrtav wh-are Mrs. F. A-
iii looivuiji a J votvi k.;aiv.ui jmi
Walker renorted that two smau 1 Wood was called Dy sicaucss u
bridges and several culverts had her daughter-in-law. M" ari
been storm-damaced in his lo4 Wood. Mrs. Wood will return to
Salem TueMay to remain 10 w
f rf hoi-
W. Blaco left here Thursday
morning for Portland to attend
the National Grange-
Mrs. Delia Blaco was snopping
in Salem Saturday.
Tt,. rwunt rainfall has eanseX
a greater rise in the water here
on the southwestern coast, and
Fairbanks, far to the interior.
been storm-damaged
F. Y. McClelland, sawmill op
nlnr nf Want Stavton. Was a
Salem visitor yesterday.
4 Acts 4
At Picture Prices
MARION Portland arrivals than ever known in' o short a
were W. W. Graham, IL W, Get- time before.
tima. J. A. Mott. T. M. Kin- M. Fiiflet and family were In
raid. G., F. Johnson. Mrs. L. F. I Salem Friday.
- NVi
111 ""?X
adult vears we look back with ten
A der thoughts to our childhood, to
happy holidays spent in the , home,
iietner 11 was ncn ui j-wi. ,-
A- spirit of thankfulness should fill us
today for what HOME means in this
America of ours, and for all the bless
ings 1921 brought us. May we never
cease to gather round the fireside, and
to invite there those less happily sit
uated. ; ' -
r . ...
1. I - - 1 -.
1? AJ W-WtU
ta Raria. L. E. Swan. Mr,' and
An entertainment was siren J7