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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1921)
t ; ' ! . . ' lit r.f. fHsr section Pages 1 to 6 SEVENTY-FIKST YEAR SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY MONLNG, NOVEMBER 24, 1921 PRICE: FIVE CENTS ':n Annnn nnnn ": !M II QJ o J I . Yi no j :uv u uuUulJuulJ if i .1 . , , : : nnnnn Irj i o l ) Lr ) "J 7 i - it . i m n m PARIEI 4-:. I RECESS FOR HAY T(iree Central Points, of In i terest Hang Fire as Con ference Ends ' Delibera- i Hions Last Night. CHINA AND BRITAIN . CLASH IN OPINIONS . Briand Pn Farewell Address, Emphasizes Need of Pro ' tection for France - "WASHINGTON, Nor. 23. ( By Th Associated , 'Press l.wnen the arms delegates quit work for ' the Thanksgiving recess these . considerations embraced central ; : points ot. Interest In their dlscus- filons: - '' ..; v ' , ' Whether tha effort to apply . generally ; accepted principles - to specific cases; In : the Far. East would bring definite accomplish menu or only lead, to futile , .bat v ; rwr Land Armament Issue ague Whether in view of the position ' irranra nd the . aeneral situa tion in Europe any serious at- tempt should be made to agxeo n limitation of land atmanrent. Whether a way can be fnnd to hasten consideration . ot details of the naval limitation plan; which Is proceeding smoothly,; but too slowly to senary some aeieaico Ttalfiratfli Clash ;. rf theiA Questions, the first "was brought sharply to the fore tonight by several direct clashes of opinion regarding- elements of the Far Eastern negotiations. At today's executive session of tho nine delegations, the right of the Chinese delegates to speak for an of China was reported to hava been questioned by France, and i.. . Ttrfticih Internretation 1 the general principles adopted was challeneged by some of the . Chinese. Earlier in the day the land armament problem had been debated behind closed doors by the delegates of the big five dele ' gallons without other result than the appointment of a sub-commit-. tee to. consider collateral tubjects like use of airplanes and poison t gases. ' Briand ajs Farewell Premier Briand ot France. making hia farewell speech to the conference, pressed his argument that his country dared not disarm, unless she had guarantees f roro the other powers and although the general discussion drew re newed expressions of sympatny . from every other national poup, no one proposed any formal joint declaration ot policy. . r th tda of the naval reduc- Hon program developments were 1 : "rw out of the picture 1 .u-t -A HolAiratAa Showed iTOr patience and pointed ... Ilia) . and oolnted out the pos- negotiatlons Si? ; might become j confused Jr to J hanstive a discussion of totalis. It Is possible that the naval ex- prt will be asKea to " their methods so as to JP;.t- actions " J,,' .... , Parley in Tie Today . Tomorrow will be a day ot rest so far as meetings ot th confer ence and Us subdivisions are con- cerned. although it may see some real' progress thronich consulta- tions among individuals 'n;a groups.: S ".Western Oregon Homes ;v;Are Washed Into Ocean NEWPORT, Or Nov. 23. Re ports were received today from Millport and Taft. Or., on the Lower SUeti river and bay, that 15 families are homeless and five houses containing household goods and all belongings were washed down the river and Into the ocean : h h flood there.. The river rose seven feet in one hour, giving the owners no chancs to remove contents ot their homes. Numbers of ranchers lost barns filled with hay and grain, nd one barn was Been afloat "in the river with two cows tied In the mangers. ' ' ? -; , ; . TIIE WEATHEIt v' Tlaln; strong southerly interior, strong southerly coast. . :'. .. , winds gales WHO SAID THANKSGIVING v.,;. --fix f fi efs fyzFn ipxi-A - WA 1 ii ' i i Mil V it '1 ? '5 ViUM.V ' 1 1 THAMSGIVING FETE CELEBRATED TODAY IN NUMEROUS WAYS ii : , i . v'' -s -Union public Thanksgiving services are to be held this morning at 10 o'clock at the First Congregational church. No other church services are to be held, it being the intent to gather all who will, intjo one big, thankful congregation. Rev. J. J. Evans, palstor of the First Christian church, will be the presiding officer. The program is here given: Hymn. Responsive reading, led by Rev Jm. lvans. Prayer, Rev. O. F. Lifcnmg, German evangelical church. Special music by choir ofj First Congregational cnurcn. j Reading of Thanksgiving proc lamation, Rev. Ward W. iLong, First Presbyterian church, j Scripture Lesson, Rev. Blaine E. Kirkpatrick. First Methodist Episcopal church. j. Offering, for the Near East re lief, presented by Rev. jW. C. Kantner, First Congregational church. ;i Music. !! Thanksgiving sermon, by Rev. T. Milllken, First Baptist chjurch. Benediction, the Rev. W. C. Kaatner. Family Reunions Numerous Most ot the stores and all the banks of Salem will be closed tight for the whole day. It is es sentially a "home" day, and the family reunions ' that are sched uled are beyond count. 1 Turkeys, with the price running to an average of 40 cents a bound, are likely to live a lot longer than they would at a ' price j- within plucking distance of the! average short-waged buyer. Rut there is a vast Held of thankfully-priced other meats and fruits and vege tables and clothes and firewood, so that the day promises to be ob served, in. the true spirit -of Us original foundation! ii Poor Families Found " - ( At that, however, there"" are I Yv ' Irv '-LI families that have not much other than appettites to be thankful for. One case of desperate poverty was found and relieved yesterday, by the First Methodist church com mittee. It is feared jl good many more such cases are in the city and country, that need the help of a kindly hand in this time when a friend would be worth so much. t is. suggested that every thank ful person show his spirit by find-.l ing some one near him who needs a little boost ana men doosi io beat the band. There may never be another time as good. i Realtors Forego Meeting The Realtors will give up their- regular Thursday dinner at the Marion, and dine at home today. Nothing out of the ordinary will be attempted at ihe Y.M.C.A. The place will be open all day for the benefit of the many men ana boys who may wish to read, or write, or sing, or swim, but there Is no special program, j Thanksgiving day is one of the national holidays. Everything that has the United States stamp on it is vacating today, on earth, land, in the sky, one does a lick today, save as it absolutely has to be done; and whoever does work; gets credit for a vacation on! another day to make np for it. Uncle Sam is mighty particular about : his Thanksgiving day?. He's 'going to make . 'em thank ful, it lie has to do ithy force, "i Oneral pelivery-One JTour There 'will be no ppstoffice in (Continued on page 4) HALL MIY Rl FOHKUREB Opinion Has it That Coos Bay Man May Have Ar - rangement With Olcott Rumor that Senator Charles Hall of Marshfield may decide to become a candidate for state treasurer Instead of governor is believed to have considerable sub Stance back of it, and by some this Is belisved to be the backing of Governor Olcott and his advis ors and close friends. Hall would be a rormidabH? can didate for governor If given solid bank and utility support. but probably would not win. He would have a chance to win a three-cornered fight for the treas urership participated in by him self, O P. Hoff, incumbent, and Judge T. F. Ryan of Oregon City. With only Hoff and Ryan in the race for treasurer the sti'e administration would be in the embarrassing position of being unfriendly to both candidates. In the campaign of 1918 Mr. Olcott and most of those who are now closest to him as governor supported Hoff against Ryan in th3 primaries. In recent months the state administration has br j ken with Hoff. Th relationship with the state treasurer has be come so strained. In fact, that a reconciliation is not possible. As for Judge Ryan, he represented an element that never has been friendly to Olcott and probably never will be. One of the leaders of this element Is T. B". Kay, for mer state treasurer, to whom Ry an is exceedingly close political ly. Ryan served as deputy state treasurer under Kay when the latter was treasurer. The caadidacy of Senator Hall for treasurer, as far as tha pres eat administration is concerned. would sCrve thdonble nnrpose of eliminating Hall from fhe guber natorial race and givinc the ad ministration a candidate on whom to throw its support for treasurer IS 1 DEAD 1 BELFAST TROUBLE Order Restored After Day of Fighting on Main Streets of City BELFAST, Nov. 2 3. By Tne Associated Prss Yv'hen dark ness fell tonight the death roll as a result of the disorders of the last few days had reached 18. The wounded numbered 75. Five persons were killed today in sniping and sporadic outbursts ! shooting. Order has been re stored tonight. This afternoon a man stindms in Royal avenue, the city's main artery, was shot. He was watch ing shooting in York street. A woman was killed and two m?n and two women wounded. When the disorder broke out in York street area the streets vera almost impassable. Two men lay down on the pavement and began firing. Car Thieves Operate in Salem During Daylight Daylight car thieves made a haul in Salem yesterday when they seized a Ford touring car be longing to J. A. Hammell, of Re public, Wash. The car was stolen from where it had been parked on the south side of State street between Commercial and Liberty streets. u Mr. Hammell reported the theft to Sheriff Oscar Bower and to Chief of Police Verden .Uoffitt. stating that he had parked the machine only a brief time before it disappeared yesterday afternoon- " ' '.-'j; ( v The5 car carried Washington li cense plates, &om' 38,586, and had the drivers license in a small pan el in front iOf the driver's seat. t The englnev'number of th5 ma chine is 4061086. The car" was equipped with a foot accelerator and carried two spare tires cn the left running board. Portion of Caravan in Shelter at Grass Valley GRASS VALLEY, Ore., Nov. 23. Seven members of The Dalles California highway caravan ar rived here last night after bucking snow drifts from Shaniko. Tho snow ranged from six inches to al most three feet in depth. One au tomobile had to be abandoned eight miles out of this town on ac count of engine trouble. Chicago Car Fares Are Are Cut from 8 to 5 Cents CHICAGO. Nov. 23. The Illi nois commerce commission to night issued an order reducing street car fares in Chicago from 8 to five cents, effective Friday. The order Js not effective after July 1, 1922, although the com mission reserves the right to con tinue the order after that date. SEALED VERDICT IS ORDERED BY JUDGE IN TRIAL OF TODD PORTLAND, Or., Nov. 23. Despite demands from John YV. Todd's attorneys that a verdict be returned last nigljt, prior to the Thanksgiving holidays, the federal jury in Judge R. S. Bean's court, reported back for further instructions late last night. After conferring with the jury, Judge Bean requested them to bring in a sealed verdict which will prob ably be opened during the day. ! Judas Iscariot. Benedict Arn old and Cain were all dragged into federal court at Portland yes terday and lined up with John YV. Todd, former superintendent of Salem schools, by United States Attorney LestJr Humphreys whUe concluding argument of the Todd case which has been un der way for the past week. ''Judas Iscariot had a good rep utation before be betrayed his master with a kiss; Arnold had a good reputation before ' he be- Urayed his country; Cain had a GUILTY VERDICT ASAINST CASEY Man Convicted of Killing Buck Phillips, Former Guard at Prison Dan Casey, boxcar bandit, was condemned this morning by a jury in Circuit J&dge Kavanaugh's court to hang for the murder of J. H. 'Buck" Phillips, railroad detective. ' The jury returned a verdict of first degree murder without recommendation shortly after 1 o'clock. ' - The verdict automatically car ries the death penalty. Casey heard the verdict stoic ally. As soon as it was over, he lighted a cigarette. John L. Burns, accused as Casey's partner: in the murder, will go on trial Immediately. At torneys B. F. Mulkey and D. C. Lewis will defend him. Appeal to thei state supreme court on the Casey verdict is con sidered certain. Sentence will hot b e passed up on Casey until Saturday morning, and the notice of appeal will not be filed by his attorneys until that time, if they deeiCe to appeal. Phillips died ! June 15 of tho wounds received the night before in a gun fight with boxcar robbers in Albina yards. Casey and Bums were arrested a short time later while Casey was still suffering from a wound. He asserted tliat his Injury haid been received in a quarrel follow ing a moonshine party . in Van couver. His defense was an alibi. KLUX IS COLLEGE Texas Institution Has Fife Loss and Kluxers Put up ! $1000 In Cash GREENVILLE, Tex., Nov. 23. A pakage containing $1,000 ad dressed to the Greenville Banner was found on the desk of the edi tor of the paper today, with a lei -ter written on the official sta tionery of the Ku Klux Klan di recting that the money be turned over to President Winfield of Wesley college, jfor use in rebuild ing the administration building pf the college Whfch was destroyed by fire last Saturday. The letter was "signed by the Klux Klan and; bore the ffoicial seal "Green vine' KJan No. 144. Realm of Texas." SOLDI Kits RI21OtXN COBLENZ, Nov. 23 Four hun dred American febldiers will leaVc the Rhineland Friday and embark Saturday at Antwerp for New York. FFive hundred additional men will leave j within eight days and om thousand during Decem ber. good reputation before he slw his brother, and so did Todd be fore he helped to rob Salem peo ple of about $5,000," Prosecutor Humphreys asserted. Bible Quoted Humphreys availed himself lof Scriptural quotation when he re ferred to Genesis 3:19, and said: "Like Adam in the garden of Eden, afraid of J God because he had done wronTodd was afraid of Arundll, a -government agent. U (Continued: on page 4) LEGISLATURE WILL : BE ASSEMBLED ON MONDAY, DEC 19 Governor Olcott announced yesterday that he will call a special session of .the legislature to meet on ; Monday, Decern- ber 19. The purpose will be mainly to consider legislation; proposing to refer to the people a special tax. measure to raise' ' $3,000,000 as the quota of the state at. large for financing a World's fair in 1925 in Portland. The governor's statement i indicates that other legislation will be recommended. " The announcement was made by the governor following a conference with his Salerfl advisors. Presumably the gover nor has called the session for the last Monday before Christ mas so that adjournment in a week at the, most will be forced by the holiday season. j .: . - r For many weeks, it has been certain that the governor would call the special session in event thei city of Portland voted the special tax of $2,000,000 which' its citizens put through by a four to one vote last Saturday,1 1 : 4 -. The world fair fund will am ount to $G.000,000. Of this am ount the city of Portland has voted a special tax to raise $2, 000.000 and another million will ba raised there' by popular sub scription. If the legislature; re fers the measure and the people of the state pass it, the state at large will produce the remaining S3.OQ0.00O by special tax levy. The intention Is that the measure referred be voted on at the prim ary election next May. i Governor Olcott Hs the only governor who ever has called two special sessions of The legislature during a term of, office.' Gover nor Olcott railed the spec'al ses sion of 1920 primarily ' for the purpose of ratifying the national woman suffrage; amendment. A large amount cf other legislation was enacted. ; ' ' "The people of the greatest county in the state, a county rep resenting at least one-third of the population, one third of the assessable property and which MANDAMUS SUIT IS BROUGHT TO TEST 1921 BUDGET LAI Constitutionality of the 1U21 budget law by which a road dis trict designated a municipal cor poration, will be tested in a case filed yesterday in the ( circuit court entitled E. Kinsey against Oscar Steelhammer, as aisseasor of Marion county. And upon the result of this case, which will probably be ap pealed to the supreme court for final-decision, hangs the fate of special taxes voted In Marlon county November 3 for ths levy ot special taxes for road improve ment the coming year, and similar elections in other,countIes. The November 5 election was held according to the old 1917 law and not the one that became effective last May. Instead of proceeding to the new law where in it is provided that a budget must be prepared at an advertised meeting and then later a meeting called to vote on the budget, there was just the customary 2U days notice that there would be an election for the purpose cf levying a road tax. If the supreme court should declare the November 5 elections legal, the'n the county assessor will be ordered to extend the rolls and road Improvement will a on as voted. It is thought. But if the supreme court sus tains the 1921 law, the effect will b that all November 5 elections will; be dclared.jiull and void, as the Selections were not held ac cording to the correct methods aa used in municipal corporations. In a number of road districts in Marion county, these special elections were held according to the lold form, and about $53,000 voted for road improvement; next year. : The suit as filed, which will be the test suit Tor the entire state, es that three free-holdeT in reel road district No. 60 Marion coun ty, petitioned the county court to call 90 road disiHct meeting for the purpose of levying a special tax for road purposes and that. acting upon the petition, the conn- pays one-third of the entire tax : of the state has voted by an over whelming majority In favor of the state bearing- a share of the . burden of expense of an Oregon international exposition in 1925," said the governor. , "For a long time I' have had it in my mind that In event the people of Multnomah county rave f an affirmative majority to the proposal that, as a matter of -Jus-, tlce, Qulty and right, a special' session should be called la order that the machinery could be cre ated to allow the people of the state- at large .to efcpresi , their opinion on the subject., : . . J "The regular caU for the ses sion will be issued' within a short time, In order to give the legisla tors ample opportunity, to arrange' their affairs at home tor a brief absence at the rapitol. In the call I will outline those things, which I believe the legislator. ' should consider, and the scoe of, the matters to which I believe if should confine itself." ty court ordered an election to be held November S, posting the us ual legal notices In due time. ' The complaint then recites the fact that the election was held in : Macleay hall, that a chairman and : a secretary were elected and that a motion to levy $989.62 road tax in the district was made. The motion was put to a vote and ot the 41 present J 26 voted in favor of the special levy, and the result of the electldi was certified tJ the county clerk. : - , ' Further It Is alleged,; that on November 18, the county assessor was ordered to extend the tax rolls of the district according to the amount levied, and that , the assessor refused to make the levy. The complaint then recites that unless the tax rolls are so extend ed the special road tax will nos be collected, and the' plaintiff asks for an order of the court for a writ of mandamus on the asses sor ordering him to extend the rolls. - Acting upon the complaint, the circuit court has Issued an order directing the assessor to extend the rolls as asked ' for or to ap pear November 26 and show cause why it should not be done. Gale of Two Days Has Become Gentle Breeze PORTLAND, Nov. 23. The gale which swept the coast yester day and the day before slackened to a breeze today, According' to reports from North Head. The wind was blowing, 25 miles an hour at 8 a. m. ; today. Three hours earlier it had been only 10 miles. .- - ' -1 . Rainfall in this : vicinity has been light in the past 24 hours. BOOZE BRINGS GRIEF Emil Schfndler,' of near West Salem, was arrested last night by Officer Birtchett on, a charge of being Intoxicated and was housed In the city Jail for the night. ..tic-