The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 23, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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Good Start Toward Stock
; ing Old People's
Interested . friends made It a
genuine "Harvest Home" for the
Old People's home, Tuesday aft
ernoon, at the ; First Methodist
church. It was a "fright" or a day
to be out; the rain and wind were
dovn to the lowest standard of
. '-
! 1 V.
fate Girl from
KtUShlpmancii ; y"
Bert Van lUyla ., . L
i v . - 1 w m r
disagreeable weather anywhere.
But how they came flocking in
with their offerings.. Fruit came
in baskets and sacks and in jars;
fruit in tin cans, In jelly, in. every
kind and color that fruit conies in.
- Flour, baking powder, spuds,
vegetables, and a little real money
were brought in by, friends who
believe that Thanksgiving should
be giving and not- all getting.
Jams and jellies, and dainties that
would tempt the appetite of weary,
tired-to-death invalids who, how
ever patient, long for these undis.
guisable home products that call
back the days when they too,
were young, and strong and full of
hope for the future; .everything
that friendship could suggest,. was
brought, to add to the winter's
store for the home.. It, wasn't too
much. The occupants of the home
would soon face starvation if they
had nothing other than what was
brought in on this one occasion
but it was a splendid Thanksgiving-start.
A number of offerings
were taken directly to the home,
and many were deferred because
of the inclement weather.
The home will have 18 guests
in the near future. It has IS at the
present time, and its capacitty Is
taxed to the utmost. The building
of the new home next spring will
give much more room and better
facilities fo rearing, for the aged
invalids who go there.
The harvest decorations of corn,
pumpkins and other appropriate
fall products,' were put up in the
First church ground floor, by Mrs.
LaMoine Clark's class of young
business women and were very at
tractive. The reception was in
charge of the woman's missionary
society, taht has official charge of
the home;' though the home itself
is entirely undenominational as
seven'1 different creeds are rep re
pented, and four sects are repre
sented there at the present time.
Many of the gifts have come from
friends in other churches, or in no
church at alt: - "
".".Mary Garden" says' that If she
marries It will be after the style
of: Fannie Hurst her husband
taking breakfast with her about
once a, week.. With that sort of
a platform we can see where Mary
dear, will never have a chance, to
exploit that very peculiar manner
of living a ' married life. . Hut
Mary is safe.- anyway. Exchange.
t ' v
Take the Scenic Shasta Route
' To
Sunny Southern
i JK II r
Through Sleeping. Car -Service
''-and -I.
'! : 'JlosAngele ' -
offers all the comforts of modentravel.
Convenient schedules', 'observation:-cars and r ex
cellent nieal atebtherj features' of, the '
' Shasta'Route. 4 :?
. .. Round Trip
- Winter Excursion Tickets
are on sale at
Reduced Fare
to Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, San Diego
For tickets and information ask Agents, or write
Southern Pacific lines
Ji i : , ; . v -, uenerai rassenger Ageni.
, .it. K -
i ,. 4
mf t t f
Assertions That Teutons Are
Preparing for War Bran
ded Flat Falsehood
Newspapers in Berlin Ex
press Fear America Will
Credit Frenchman
BERLIN, Not. 22. (By the
Associated Press) In a state
ment to the Associated Press to
day,; the German government
takes issue with the charges of
Premier Briand of France in his
address before the Washington
conference that the German po
lice forces and the Reischswehr
constituted a nucleus for a future
German army.
Tt declares M. Briand's asser
tion that the Reichswehr was
composed exclusively of officers
and non-commissioned officers of
the old; army is" Incorrect, and
says that the bulk of the Reich
swehr is made up of youths be
tween the ages of 19 to 21, re
cruited since the war. .
Innocent Purpose Claimed
The statement says that the
"protection police" were created
at the bidding of the entent, and
adds , -.,...
' "The Reichswehr is wholly un
offiliated with the Schutzpolizei
which took the place of the pro
tection police when the .entente
ordered the latter's dissolution.
"The Schutzpolizei is primarily
an agency to maintain law and
order. It takes orders solely
from the civilian ministries of the
federated states. Its numerical
strength and its composition with
reference to the ratio of officers
and 'men are designated and su
pervised by the entente control
commission. "' 1
Arms Destroyed, Claim
"The number of rifles and
small arms it is permitted to have
are specified. It does not possess
heavy callbred arms. The Kin
ohnerwehr, "or civilian guards re
ferred to bysM. Briand have been
dissolved and their arms: have
been surrendered and destroyed.
The statement disputes M. Bri
and's assertion that Germany still
possessed numerous arsenals
equipped to turn out; war mater
ials and asserts these plants., are
limited to two or three required
to jkeep the German army - sup
plied ! and that,, : output' is
supervised' by the entente, control
commission. ...
. i Speech Declared False
-.The government's statement re
fers the Trench premier to the
address frojn the throne in which
King Qeorge of Englared declared
satisfactory progress iad been
made by , Germany In execution
of her, financial and disarmament
obligations, 4l, :
- Newspaper comment generally
characterizes M. Briand's speech
as "flat falsehood," but most of
the Journals express fear that
America may believe what he
eaid. . The opinion general? ex
pressed was that his I attitude
would likely undermine and nul
lify the whole effort toward disarmament.
Tonight t Armory, the great
American composer and pianist,
Henry Souvaine, assisted by Miss
Penelope Davies. soprano of New
York will; appear at the armory
in piano and song recital. It will
be, a superb affair. These con
certs In Oregon are sponsored by
and largely fipancid by the G .F.
Johnson Piano, . company and
therefore only a nominal tee of
50 cents is charged as udmUsloa.
For Wednes day Selling
Good " hevy quality cotton .blankets,
thrcclqUarters size, these are double V
blankets, in grey with pink and blue J
stripes. ; ' .-.v-;-'. ,r ,
Soecial for Wednesday selling at 'k.
(Limit 2 blankets to a. customer) .......
1 w to; ;, .... if ;
i : - ..1 . .
Have a picture framed for "that Christ mas gift. We frame them to order.
(See sample of frames.4.;rj
. 177Hlibart89ieoa A
President Harding to Make
Study of Case of Every
War-Time Offender
JYom a Common Laborer
Editor Statesman:
I hare read. with much interest
Borne of the discussions relative to
the superintendent of the training
school, and I consider it my duty
as a friend of Mr. Gilbert to otter
a word.
- I have been a common laborer
most of the time since have lived
in Salem, and at one time I en
Joyed the privilege of hiving Mr.
Gilbert as my working partner in
the lumber yard, and a though he
has acquired the position o super
intendent of the training school
and I am still a day laborer, we
are Just as good friends as ever.'
I believe that Mr. Gilbert is the
soul of honor and If I had a boy
who had to be placed in a train
ing school, I'll tell the world that
Mr. Gilbert is my ideal of the
man I would want to be in charge.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert have been
on the JbU four years and now
comes thi3 complaint of incompe
tency queer that it took the
board of control four years to
find it out.
Perhaps if Mr. Gilbert had been
feted to an eastern junket as was
Dr SteineT when he took charge
of the penitentiary and several
other public official, the training
school would not be as efficiently
handled as the penitentiary
seems , to be. Politically I am &
Republican, and I believe that
when a Republican takes hold of
the "steering wheel tof state" he
should exercise the same good
judgment and conservatism that
he would in the management ot
his own private business, and H
this idea is not carried out. even
tually the state governmeut will
pass into other hands.
The Republicans promised us
an Bconomtry' administration, and
yet we note several proaosals for
unnecessary raises in the salaries
of officials, among them the gov
ernor. Every time we elect a governor
we always have plenty of compe
tent candidates who are willing to
serve .at the former salary of
$5000 per year, so why raise it?
The governor's salary would
hot have been raised had the
question been submitted to a vote
of the ; people. ,The governor
knew this, and so did the legisla
ture, , and that's why the people
did not get a vote on it.
Several instances of the sanre
kind have already, been mention
ed by oilier correspondents, am
ong them the salary of the super
intendent of the training' chobf.
Recently I heard a prominent
Oregonian state, in a.pubflc Ad
dress, that the people of Oregon
are sending $800,000,000 out or
the. state annually, for manufac
tured goods. Not all of this im
portation is necessary, and, as
loyal Oregonians, We should til'
our official positions with "our"
best and most competent citizens
and' buy Oregon manufactured
goods as far as possible and so
keep our money at home. .
Yours truly, .
R, W. Palmer.
960 North Twenty-second street.
Supreme Court Expected to
Expedite Opinion on Val
idity of -Law
The supreme court yesterday
heard arguments in the case of
Thomas Henry Boyd, appellant,
against the state bonus and Joan
commission, a suit Instituted by
Boyd to test out the validity of
the state bonus and loan act for
veterans of he World war.
Mr. Boyd is commander of the
Portland post of the American
legion and was one of the ardent
workers for the bonus and loan
act. One of his attorneys, who
appeared in the argument yester
day was Franklin F. Korell, one
of the sponsors of the bill In the
legislature, as a member of the
Multnomah county delegation.
Boyd's other attorney was Jerry
E. Bronaugh. I. H. Van Winkle,
attorney general, and his assist
ant, Willis S. Moore, represented
the. state, while Stanley Myers
and Maurice Crumpacker appear
ed amlci curiae as representatives
of the American legion.
The court Is expected to hand
down an opinion in the case at
an early date so that the sale of
the Initial issue of $10,000,000
bonds under the act may be ex
pedited, if the act is upheld. The
date' for sale, was fixed as No
vember 30,' but because of the
test case brought in the courts
which has delayed the advertising
for bids, it will be necessary to
set a later date. The bonus and
loan commission has examined a
large number of applications for
bonuses and loans, and if the act
is upheld, will be ready to pass
immediately on about 4000 ap
plications, so there will be no de
lay in delivering the money as
60on as the bonds arc sold.
Woman Member of Con
gress Insists That bis
loyal Remain in Jail
ffing that recommendations to the
president have been1 completed al
though it was understood there
would be. no possibility of action
by Thanksgiving. Any affirmative
action in the case, he said, would
be either a pardon Of a commuta
tion, as Debs was not eligible for
parole. 1 '
Woman Member Stern
Mr. Daugherty indicated that
the Debs case, would go forward
after the program with regard to
the other prisoners bad been stat
ed. Alice Robertson, Republican.
Oklahoma, only woman member
of the house, contended persons
unpatriotic during the war should
remain in jail.
Bearcats Leave! Today.
For Game at Tacoma
tension of executive clemency to
offenders against war-time laws
now in prison will be given ealy
consideration by President Hard
iig, it was said today at the White
The subject was discussed at
the cabinet meeting and it was un
derstood a policy of leniency to
ward these offenders where possi
ble, was. generally approved.
Each Case Studied
The president asked the attor
ney general for a digest of .each
case and Mr. Daugherty expects to
have it completed in two weeks.
- Under the administration's pol
icy there would be no sweeping
proclamation of amnesty, it was
said officially, but each case
would be considered on its merits.
The president is understood to
view with disfavor release of per
sona who advocated property de
struction or industrial offenders,
although, attention would be given
service men guilty of Infractions
of .disciplinary regulations of
more, or less se riousness. There
are, according to Mr.-Daugherty,
about 75 civilian war-time law of
fenders serving sentences in fed
eral prisons and 14 soldiers who
would come within the clemency
Debs Cae Separate
Mr. Daugherty indicated that
the justice department would fa
vor freedom for this class of pris
oners by pardon, commutation of
sentence or parole, where the
facts and good conduct records
would warrant.;
The question of freedom for Eu
gene Y, Debs, Socialist leader, will
be treated separately h. said, ad-
The Bearcats will leave this
afternoon at 4 o'clock for Tacoma,
where they meet the college of
Puget Sound for . their annual
Thanksgiving game. The two
teams are reputed to be of about
equal weight and skill or stamina,
or both, will tell the story of the
score. The team will return Fri
day. Eighteen men, besides- Coach
Bohler, will make the trip. This
allows seven substitutes.
The initial lineup will be: cen
ter, Cramer; guards, Ramsey,
White; tackles. Rarey, Lawson;
ends, Hill and Richards; quarter,
Isham; right half, Zeller; left
half, Patton; full, Socolofsky.
The others of the 'squad will be:
Coughlan, quarter; Dunnette,
half; Mickelsoa. full; Carey' end;
Moodhy, Oliver, guard or tackle;
Baggott. tackle; Carey, end.
The team went through! light
signal practice, at the armory last
night, the last until they reach the
Tacoma field. There are no ser
ious injuries to any of the squad.
Some of the team plan to stop
at Portland and other. points on
the way home, instead of coming
with the squad Friday. The foot
ball season is over Thursdya afternoon.
The estate of Eugene Field, the
newspaper poet, has finally been
settled after 11 years of litiga
tion. It amounts to less than $10,
000. Where in the name of com
mon sense did; the man get so
much money is what the poets
want to know. ,
tfcU U Mt
a rat-rat kop
I bay fiv toavta
brtmi tor tv bit
nd 17 lb. ef irt
why thoald cleaning
t at war' prkw
i will II yow iudaj
n 1 tut for it Id
what it's vorth
don't intat a
mct na far to
at kafoury'a
or ptyne -521 '
im fin thai tat
nor Vat '
tea's atara J
Don't Say You're Sorry That
You Missed It
Do It Now!
r '
Anewly ahted group of smart PUId Skirts. .
Theirs is sfeemin&iy hb end fo tie eligiilfully, 1
varied ways of plaids, checks and pleats m
these skirts. This group is a ipccial purchaie
whiclr was justiUpacked and tHe skirts rejg ;
resent &e greatest valaes oif th&seajon:' Tt?a I
Our Prices Always The Lowest
Gate :& &
Commercial and Court Streets
:!, .-iW ia-.i-t.-i mt yy-.vic-fiti - ' . . : .t-mlfj. i!,
i ft 'K
M i.5 Cpnilir.WiM bfttloMl JBay Thirdar' jt H . M
TMs ad. comprises a small list of .pig values available at this store for4 Thanks-
suing txnu every uay use, t
' Fojr Today Only; - M
. i I5)c dozen, ;4
Ladies' Home Journal Patterns For December Now on Sale (Balcony)
Douglas Fairbanks and Mary
Pickford are motoring along the
wastes of the 'African shores in
Algiers. If they are enamored ot
the desert Wastes what Is the mat
ter with - Nevada? Loa Angeles
era mm
Be Here--These Values Wfll Be Worth Youx1 While
' nHn
288 Roasters, 144 Percolators, 10 0 Double Rice Boilers.! 19 Tea Kettles,
48 sets of three milk pans, etc;, go on sale at a most unsual price for. the. day
before Thanksgiving. The quality Is of puref aluminumware of standard make
nearly all pans and kettles lipped. If you won't be here early don't be dis
appointed, because we expect them to gomighty fast.1
Shop Now This Store Will B e Closed All Day Thursday
Work and Dress Shoes
For men, women and boys large broken lots
consisting of many greater values than would:
ever expect, shoes of every description will-be;
lined up for your d An
quick choice at '. vXaafO
Ladies' Fine Sweaters
- - -Slip-on
and Tuxedo style the colors are
at their besti It you want real bargains, it
will pay you to come early, while
thejr last, special at
Ready-Made Tablecloths $1.49
Larga size, made of finest quality figure m ercerized table Damask-special for Thanks
giving Day ... .....J... i ..J49
For Thanksgiving 10c Pearl Cotton Silk Floss 15c Aluminum and
Fancy Napkins Crochet Thread Embroidery Thread , .,Gramte .. i
Bargain Basement Bargain Basement Bargain Basement Cookmg Utensils
Special Special Special Bargain Basement
9c each 5c 2c Skein Special $c each
odd ixrrs
Feischer's Yarn
One ounce bails, Fleisch
ers yarn. . Big assort
ment of colors. ' While
quantity lasts,
special at, ball. .
15 c
To-Wear at . Great Redactions
Free Delivery Service
With; all purchases of
(5 and over we offer you
free and prompt delivery
service., This includes
all other departments as
well as groceries
because we sell sugar
nearly at cost and some
times less, we will have
.to omit this item from
the above service.
Big Lot oi Men's Fine Dress Shirts
Values to $1.50. j Your choice any pattern may be had from, this
great selection. Come early j jCQ
and pick them oved, each , ......,..... U7C
Shop Where The Crowds Buy .
For Yonx
18 lbs. (fane Sugar, With
purchase of .$3 ,or
over la oy Cl firt
department . $lyU
uortee. per lb.
2 lbs. Best j .4 i jr
Economy Coffee OO
2 lbs. Cocoa,! , C
in fialk LO
i sack crown
VVainuti ..wU. taU
... . 19S
A 1 tvi rtvila .
w W .. . I
ivaisins,. i nn
Dry Peadje bm.VlljOn
in ,bunr ...... .ZU
- in bulk
Dry Apples, if -1 j f
In balk,; 3 lbt.
Dry Tig,,, black, fc
and white-.... LO
Italian Prunes, - Ofc"
S Jbs. ,...?, -ZO,
Best Petite Prunes, or
4' lbs. .. J... . Y&O.
citron !
Peer .....
Peel .....
Oranges, . '
1 dozen . J
Lemons -Bananas',
per Ib..i.i;.
Faney Applet,
per lb
05 ....-r....l;45
Pears.--- v- - :,j
4 IBS; .,,,,.. i 9fm O
r;.; .......... .20
, arge, f .- . t.?,.; g
-Celery ,.i..f. ril
Cabbage. , i : : -M
-per lb. ....... UZ
Mixed, Z: Aft
Candy i " iZU
10,000 packages mixed
Cookies, regular - pried
special .07
rancy nacon,
Bacon Back,.
;;pouhd ..Yy;..
Bacon Stripes,
.ponnd .......
Tlolla, pound ...
Times. .
. v