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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1921)
THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM OREGON WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 23. 1921 4m. 1 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF Referred to Hoard The Bupreme court yesterday Is sued an order referring to the board of examiners of the State Bar association the application of Lee Roy E. Keeley, Portland at torney, for admission to the prac tice of law in Oregon. The board of examiners is asked to submit a recommendation. Tho. Spa WH I serve Thanksgiving dinner f rota' 1 p. m. till 8 p. m.AdT, Overcoat Stolen- . . . , . ,, .... It. K. Mann, of 444 South Com mercial street, reported to tbe po illce last night that bis overcoat had been stolen from a local res : taurant while he was enjoying his r ainner. The coat Is a gray gar ment with a black belt. a letter from the Veterans' fjfe and drum corps that appeared in Salem on Armistice day, thank ing members of Capital post iio. 9, American legion, for courtesies extended. W. II. Brooks and J- S. Vaughn of the corps played at the funeral of Lincoln, while T. M. KellogR was in the regi ment that captured Jeff Davis.i i Mr. How will I A different musical instrument each evening at the First Chris tian church. LeGrand and Howe are worth hearing. Adv. j ! So Luncheon Tomorrow tended visit. But If he does not Astomorrow is Thanksgiving day keep up a regular remittance of and everyone Is expectec to eat $25 a month, as ordered by the at home or with their neighbors, court, the permit to visit hischil- the Marion County Realtors asso. dren is revoked. He is also or- Ciation has postponed for one dered to return to his former week Its Thursday noon luncheon I wife her wrist watch and soma at the Marion hotel. silverware. Dr. R. I. Kd wards ; Physician and surgeon, 406 TT. S. Bank building. Special atten lion given diseases of children. Adv. Mnmmari MIimw Pic For Thanksgiving. Mistland Bakery. Phone 544. Adv. Waser. Mr. Waser is a cheese maker by occupation. Girl From God's Country Thanksgiving at the Liberty. Adv. A Th Foruanl Movement Program Wa Worse in IKfll ! Gen. W. H. Byers, who can re member pretty well bck into the early days of Sfalem, tells hia friends that compared with 1861, the present flood is a small af fair. During the 1S61 overflow. Offering the $F000 and several Other things, and then the final wording is, "upon conriction." ) .on at the First Christian j he says, people traveled between church, : Hear LeGrand and Howe tonight. 7 : 3 .Adv. ' , On Marriage License Just one marriage license was issued yesterday and they will be married Thanksgiving day. It was to Leonard C. Mahony of Gervals. a farmer, and . Shirley Crookham. of Woodbarn. T1m Spa Will serve Thanksgiving dinner from 1 p. m. till 8 p. m. Adv. - Appreciated the Court cy ; Fred K. Mangls is in receipt of Liberty and Commercial streets on a raft. In those days tbe court house grounds wero sur rounded with a picket fence and deep muddy roads. Tlw Gray Rrlle Will s erve roast turkey dinner all day Thanksgiving; $1 per plate. Adv. Barometer Rising For the first time since last Friday noon the barometer was risirtg last night and indicated clear weather for today. The reading last night was 29.9, the highest it has been since Friday noon when it wag 30. Wild .Animals Loose- In "The Girl From God's Coun try." at the Liberty starting on Thanksgiving. -Adv. Constance Binney . "The Case of Becky" Thursday ; Curwood's . "God's Country and The Law" Service Impaired- It Is probale that the Oregon Electric will not operate south of Talbot for several days. This is due to the fact that a small bridge is out not' far from Talbot and to the washing away of several hun dred feet of track. Workmen are now on the Job repairing the track. Library Clos"d j- The Salem public library, fol lowing the example of all state in stitutions, the court house and the postoffice, will be closed all day Thanksgiving -day. There Are Strings to the $5000 j For those who are dreaming of capturing a mail robber and secur ing the 5000 award of the post- office department, a careful read ing of the placard in the lobby of the Salem postoffice will show that the big award is not to be Banded over until there is a ocn- viction. The notice tells air about SuIt for Appraising Property Home-made Mince Pie For Thanksgiving. Mistland Bakery. Phone St 4. AdT. Will be Quiet Thursday Not even the grocery stores will open Thanksgiving day. The meat .markets will remain open until 10 o'clock, and then close. All public offices as well as banks will close, and at the pos)ffice there will be only the general da livery held open from 9 until 10 o'clock a. m. for transients. Experienced Waitresses Wanted For steady work, The Gray Belle. Adv. Take Turkey Dinner At the Gray Belle tomorrow. Adr. J. S. Gilkey and F. L. Buan, doing business under the name or the Standard Appraisal com pany, have brought suit against the Salem Laundry company for $1."0. The plaintiffs allege thit at the request of the Salem Laun j . i i . Campaign Kxtrmlrd ! 1 compnay iney appraiavu iu On accoount of the extremely I property oi me iaunary lasi rcu- bad weather since last Friday, ruary and that; the services were those in charge of the annual Red worth SloO. and that the sum nas Cross roll call have decided to ex-1 not been paid. tend the campaign to close next Saturday night. It was originally planned to have the roll call close On Thanksgiving eve. With the new plan, it is probable there will be booths established fh the down town district next Saturday. Home-made MJnce Iic For Thanksgiving. Bakery. Phone 54 4. Mistland Adv. Marion Hotel Serves Special Thanksgiving dinner to morrow, 4 to 8 p. m.; $1.50 plate. Make your j reservations now. Adv, t'nlon Son ice Announced A union Thanksgiving service Will be held in Jason Lee Metho- The Free Methodist and Highland va8n,nBlon Friends church will join in the service. Rev. I. G. Lee will speak. All residents of North Salem are Welcome. Coming to the I'nited Stat Russell M. Brooks, vice consul at Newberg-on-the-Tyne, Eng land, has been! granted ,a short leave of .absence. He visited wiih his wife at Bordeaux. France, her former home, and lft for this country on November 20. On ac count of his limited leave of ab sene he will not be able to xisit Salem, and will have only a few days to transact business in Another Ricy cle Is Stolen Donald Lock wood of 1133 Court street reported to the police yesterday that his bicycle had been stolen from the parking strip south of the Y. M C. A. building on North Commercial street. The many bicycle thefts reported re cently are attributed by the po lice to youths who seize wheels and abandon them a short time afterward. Mr. Heinz has extensive walnut plantings near Scotts Mills. "A. R. Porter, ferryman in charge of the Euena Vista ferry was a visitor in the office ot County Commissioner J. T. Hunt yesterday. Charles Smith, ot AumsvIIle. has been visiting in Salem during the past week Mrs. David H. Looney of Jef ferson is in the city for a short visit with friends. Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Hocken-! smith of Albany will spend! Thanksgiving in Salem, at the Jpme of their; daughter. Mr ames.H. G. Ewing, 1565 South Cottage street R. O. Snelling of the Associat ed Oil company was in Albany yesterday. Charles Mr Atwater, business man of Monmouth, was in Salem Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. I. C. Conner arrived in Salem last night and are visiting at the home of their daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Goodwin on North Com mercial street. Stlffler to A. Mackaben, lot I. block 3. Oak Lodge addition to Salem, $10. P. E. and Ora F. Thomuon to William Davis. 25.08 acre 1p section 34-8-2-W., $2100. Reuben P. Boise et al to J. B and M. L, Sullivan, lot 1. block 55, Bolse'a subdivision. $10. Eltxv Zimmerman, to X. JL an! I ft it. Bengaman. part of block 5, Roberts addition to Salem, $10. 30ti ; Federal Rugged Tires $13.90 at VIck Bros. New stock I REALTY EXCHANGES Five Serure Beds Five transients, Lee Nelson, Al fred Batts, Joseph Bernard, 3. Davi sand Joe Canby were book ed for beds at the city jail last n'.ght Lee Nelson, one of the quintet, is an itinerant street preacher who visits Salem, semi occasionally. according to police records. When he applied for a bed last night, Mr. Nelson plead ed the cause of a small dog that had followed him, and the home less canine was also booked for shelter. ! Reported by Union Abstract Company I Mome-made Mince Pic For Thanksgiving. Bakery. Phone 544. Henry Souvaine America's greatest pianist, at armory tonight, at 8:30 p. m. .i j I Plays exclusively for mpico repro MistlandL,jL J. -Adv. ducing piano. Adv. The Spa ! Will serve Thanksgiving dinner from 1 p. m. till 8 p. m. Adv. I Estate Appraised The estate of Mary M. Hunt has been appraised at $3433.35. The one-third interest in the 13 acre3 in section 14, T. 7. S. R. 3 W., was given a value of $2000, ! HOTEL ARRIVALS I MARION Portland arrivals were Soe Richardart, H. D. Flary, C. A. Pearl, Mrs. R. Bermtield, Vorf hu-pkt Sif orv . "The Girl From God's Coun- pis car wmcn naa Deen veil siana try" at the Liberty starting Thanksgiving. Adv. on Band M ay Organize at Turner Msicians who can play norns parked Car Struck ments, reported to the police that and the one-third interest in lot Mr and Mr. A. N. JV yong . A o, in diock z, city oi aiem, vai- ing in front of the apartments had I ued at $1033.35. The appraisers been struck; by a passing antomo- I were W. C. Winslow, S. M. En- bile late yesterday afternoon. The dlcott and Gabrielle Clark. car had not stopped but a witness turned in the 21237, Oregon number as being license, this ma- and other Instruments are talking Lhine recorded In'the name oi organizing a lurner.uduu..- bf the 8tate niKnway commission Salmon 7 Cents Fitta Market. Phone 211. Adv. : H Yv. eral of the Turner musicians have it . ini I recently been playing with the naJlinail S VJiaSSeilT lberty band. As soon as the Tur Easier and Better ner band Is fully organized, it will IA front axrl of the McKlnea car was bent ahd the car was thrown onto the parking. Woar them and see j cooperate occasionally with the Tnrlpy yun HARTMAN BROS. Phone 1255 ' Liberty players NOMK1NG CiUm Oreron I Tlianksglvlnz Dinner . p 4,;.., . n,!.. ,j.,xt Marion JIOIKI, luursuajr, iut, 24. 5 to 8 p. m.; $1.50 plate, Come and bring your; family. Adv... 4, w i i.i nor At the i Gray Belle I Thanksgiving; $1 per Adv. Court Orders Sale in the suit of H. M. 4 Ingels against-Bertha B. Fell and seve ral others, the 'court has ordered the sale by auction of the south half of lots 5 and 6. in' block 16 all day nf rnlvpraitv Addition. Salem. The plate. I Sale is ordered to be made by O. D. Bowers, sheriff. Van Bostkirk. O. M. Brewster, Frank H. Rhodes. I. T. Olsen, J. R. Reed, C. H. Brakeman, L. W. Damon, Scott Kent, H. O. Barr, H. W. Underhill, E. M. Pugh Others registering were F. N Marks, Albany; Helen S. Smith, Eugene;; Miss L. Young, Ethel Martelle, F. F. Moore, San Fran- Homer and Taullne Harrison to Frank W. and Mabel L. Bath. 54.87 acres John Stipp DLC 7-2-W. $1 and other. Sarah E. A. Stayton to G. E. and Emma Thomas. 399.59 acres land in sec 1 1-12-9-1-W, $1. aran E. Stayton to G. E. and Emma Thomas, part sec. 11-9-1-W $1.00. Carrie M. and L- A. Thomas to G. E. and Emma Thomas, 399.59 acres sec 11 and lZ-s-i-w, (1492.51. J. W. Thomas to G. E. and Emma Thomas, 399.59 acres sec. 11 and 12-9-1-W $1492.51. Emma Hurst et al to Geo. O. Hard wick, lot 1, block 3, Engle- wood, $200. i 11. W. and Anna L. Smith to Seth H. and Nellie M. Baker, lot in Turner, $4500. J. H. and Olive J. Moser to Gil bert R. and Minnie Moser, part of lot 1, block 5, Davenport add to Silverton, $1. Willis and Stella Caldwell to J. L. and Eva Quinn, lot 1, block 3, Holilster's add to Stayton, $200. Gottfried Horn to Luclnda Horn, lots 3 and 4, block 3 Boise's first add to Salem. $1. J. D. and S. C. Barber to M. T. and Mary Irwin, part of lots 5 and 6. block 16, Geo. H. Jones add to Salem. $10. Mrs. Margaret M. Huffman to cisco; F. A. Wintz, Anna Tanger. Newberg; Elbert Bede, Cottage Albert and Helen Meyers, part of. Grove. block 73. North Salm. $300. BLIGH Portland arrivals. C. Winnie Pettyjohn to W. E. W. Robery, ll. W. Wright. J. A. Smith. 37x100 feet in block 33. Lindsay, E. C. Clark, R. L. Han- University addition to Salem. $10. sen, Z P. Lee. L. M. Flint, G. W. Mary Anderson et al by Bheriff i Moore. J. J. Graff. Others reg- to Flora Woodward Burns, lots istering were Marian Chase, Cor- vallis; G. L. Faxron, Newzerg; r. and Mrs. J. E. Elliott, Se- tpUlrs tl62H V. CommwcUl strMt Chop Boar, Koodlai and AJBaricaa Xllaliai. 1C - crams ana anuu. j l i Ooaa 11 to .lxJa. t Ailia Special Bandar CHICKEN DINXXB , DIED Drivers Blame Kach utner Aint tW iftfti CTnAri ueorge ti. uraves oi oo .wui A N Moor ts that durins li y,fT' .Trrp Pe bi floodlrofS'SL aterlattle; Zeta Prichard. Stayton; A while driving west on Center I . " , . . ! cm , r TtriK. street he was struck by Henry SAVE$$$ came into the basement of the4Bok. StortmaKrj' 257 7Vorth? Chlttk 5n.V the VWood burn; Mr. c November 22, 1921, Annie Flu- reported the mis,hap apd ,each Silverton; G. F. Wright, ahd Mrs. Claud Ev R. Eldridga, placed the f blame upon the other by buying your hardware and furniture at The Capital Hard- Ware & Furniture Co. 285 N. Commercial street. Phone 947 v TREES . Tor Spring PlanUng Order Prom THE SALEM NTJBSEKV tu. 428 Oregon Building RALEM. -: :- OREGON Phone 17 63 bacher. at the atfe of 42 years, She Ts survived by a Drotner, Carl Flubacher. of Sydney, and three sisters. Lena Flubacher, r Svdnev: Friedi Flubacherl of , Estacada and Mrs., Bertha Ifl"- nnc npr ni unaua. utj . will Ue held from the Flubach- tr ilOIII till Houaj L. .. nui nnfil imn . Rev. F. W. Launer, of halem j Towns such as Turner. Jeffet Evangelical church, officiating. B0t Marion and Mill City and 8 The Elks Attention ! Don't forget the big dance Wed inesday evening at the Elks tern pie, beginning at, 9 o clock. mittee. Adv. if PERSONA' above the zero: mark. That big I Asbury Park, N. J flood, he Bays, was" not caused by a sudden downpour, but by . steady rains and the j melting' of snow in the mountains. The Moorea family was then living in a house Cord-Ion the lot novf occupied by the parsonage of the First Methodist church, and the water came up to the first flooir making it neces sary for the family to move out. water crept up on Ferry I Interment will be at the Sydney few others! that have been shut street and around on State almost CAPITAL BARGAIN HOUSE We p7 highest price. We buy and sell everrthlBg. CVe veil for lea gig Center St. Itum 898 cemetery. Services ana ounai . frnm man (tpiive.rv on account under direction ot tho lf the rjppled condition of the railroads, will get mail in a aay nr two. I'ORtmaster tiucKesiein WARMOTH At a local hospital h uken up with the department Tuesday, wovemoer js, the matter of delivering and re- Mrs. E W. Warmoth, at the .. motla frnm thftRo tnwns age of ze years, nooy at , o r, u ..t.MI.1imBn( TiS.n. l 1.1 uv. .v.. . aV. VjltlUAlI comwJiouiuHn . eral announcements later. Special Sale lriee j 30x3 Rusged Federal Tires at Vick Bros. New stock. Adv. i W(bb & COlfifA I Win Keceive Approval ' ' .i II Eighty of the 133 sc Leading tuner al Directors Expert Embalmers ighty of the 133 school dis tricts in Marion county will re ceive this j week diplomas from the office of the county superin tendent entitled. "Public School Award of Honor." These diplom as are sent to each district hav ing an attendance of 93 per cent or more during the school month closing November 4. to the present location of the Sa lem public library, Mr. Moores said. RIGDON & SON .-gffi5-. wwm -t- flee. Catalog on application. Adv. Leading Morticians Let us supply yon with Clothing Shoes Hosiery Mats Dishes, etc at the Lowest Prices SALEM'S BARGAIN CENTER 373-77 Court St. it 5 i i X- I. it H i Steinbock Buys Household Goods Junk Iron Hags Bottles Furniture Clothing Auto parts ' Etc., etc. Steinbock Junk Co. The House of Half a Million and One Bargains 402 North Commercial Phono 523 Stop Coughing Schaefer's Throat and Lung Balsam, selling for 25c, 50c and $1.00. Pro duces quick relief for the worst cough. Pleasing to take; beneficial to the system and a sure cure. Get a small bottle today. Scbaeiefs Drug Store Sole Agent Gardes Court Prepaitiona 135 IT. OomX Phone 197 Divorce Cirantu The circuit court has granted a divorce to Estella Lundeen. in her suit aEainst Harry Lundeen. She was given the custody of the two children, and $2. a month for their sUDDort. The father is to be permitted to visit the chil dren upon giving notice ot his in- It is I Jidle.s Day Today Today is ladles' and girls' day at the Y.M.C.AJ The high school girls will have swimming and gym work beginning at 9 o'clock this morning. At 10 o'clock will be gymnasium work for women and at 10:45 o'clock, swimming. Be ginning at 1 o'clock in the after noon there willj be swimming for the high school girls until 3 o'clock. At 4 o'clock, there will be swimming for the smaller girls, all to be in charge of the Y.W.C.A. At 7:30 o'clock in the evening, there will be gym work for the larger girls and swimming until 9 o'clock. 1 Turkey Dinner 50c, White Cloud Tea House, 110 Com'l St. Adv. Alout Turkeys- The retail price yesterday in Salem for dressed turkeys was from 42 to 45 tents, according to the turkey. Tho opinion among dealers is that this is about the price that will prevail for the re mainder of the week. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. B rot ton were guests Monday night at the A. C. McClain home- Mr. Protton if. physical director of the Eugeno Y. M. C A. Robert A. Eakin of La Grande is a visitor in the city. Mrs. Ft. L. Mathews left Mon day for her home in Seattle after several davsvisit with Mrs. John Ft. Sites. Mr. and Mrs. J. Astill had as their guests over the week-end Mr. and Mrs- James Johns, Jr., of Pendleton. Mrs. G. E. Terwilliger went to Oregon City j-esterday in the in terest of the women s Keller corps of which she is a depart ment officer. Sid Russell, of Marlon, tran sacted business with the Marion county court yesterday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Cllne and family, of Mt. Angel, were Salem visitors Tuesday. John Kimsey of Macleay. who is road patrolman for district No 60 conferred with County Road master W. J. Culver yesterday John Davenport, of near Silver ton, visited Salem friends Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Hunt of Su bllmity. are visitTng in Salem at the J. T. Hunt residence. Charles Heinz of Scotts Mills, was a Salem visitor yesteTuay. 2. 3. 7, 9. 10 nad 11, subdivision of block 27, University addition to Salem, S1857.16. ., . , Helen M. and J. B. Perrott to Vlletha and Charles A. Bort, lots 5 and 6, block 14. McClaln's ad dition to North Salem. $10 and other considerations. Harvey and Nettie N. Good to Cornelia Galbraith, 1 V4 acres in P. Cox donation land claim 6-1-W.. $10 and other'considerations. W. VV. and Clara Hall to Jiun Baughnian. lots 12 and 13, blocte 1. Ben Hall s addition to saiem. $225. Ella and Frank McCaffry to John J. and Agnatheo. Wiens. pt. of block 57, N. Salem, $10. Louis L. ahd Mary B. Ernst to Claude K. Smith, 3 acres section 23-4-3-W., $300. William W. and Maude M. Game Boards A special showing of car rom and crokinole game 1oards at a very, special price. Nothing "can make a more acceptable gift. See our showing now that the best he not taken he fore you have your choice. Priced: $6 to $10 Commercial Book Store ' i 1(5.1 N. Com'l. Phone 64 A Classified Ad W1U bring you a bnyeT. Adv. ; f 0 James Oliver Curwood's Nomads Of The North 25' 001 LJy mm Run Through to Mill City i The stage lines managed to keep up service yesterday to Mill City by working transfers. The first ride was to a washout close to Me- bama where passengers were transferred. Then to another transfer just this side of Mill City. The Silverton stage yester day was taking the old road to Silverton, as the Pudding river was over the bridge. I Xhk Bros. I Have 30x3 4 guaranteed tires at $9. Other sizes at corresponding low prices. Adv. lAtst a Hog It ts reported that Mark Savage who has some Ftock on an island about two miles south of Salem, had a hog or two drowned during the big flood, along with some other stock and quite a number of chickens. Turkey Dinner 50c, White Cloud Tea 110 4 Com'l St. Adv. House. TODAY May mean the turning point in your success or failure. What you do today may in a large measure determine the future. The continued efficiency of your eyes is a vital fac tor you cannot afford to overlook. Phone us today for an examination that you may KNOW the true facts. MORRIS OPTICAL CO. 204-211 Salem Bank of Commerce Building Oregon's Largest Optical Institution Phone 230 tor appointment SALEM. OREGON Son is Born A son was born November 22. to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Waser oM Salem, rural route 5. He has ben named Frank Earnest Joseph SPECIAL For Thankigiving Mrs. Porter's fig and fruit pudding. The ideal way to buy'it for your Thanksgiving dinner. At this price it is cheaper than you can make it while our stocks lasts 20f CAN V CARL & BOWERSOX 383 Court St. Phone 409 1 LADD & BUSH, BANKERS Established 1868 ; ! ' ' " General Banking Business Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. i ! i . 3i. - - : --. - . i - : , t - ' ; i . ' . ' t III NOTICE Owing to the very disastrous fire ia our store on October 31, we are now oc cupying temporarily quarters at corner of High and Trade streets. Telephone same. No, 1374. U ; We will be able to take care of all needs in a very few days. Showalter & Jacobs ;u". t TJ .V ''t Silk Hoiersy We have just unpacked a bigger stock of it than we ever carried before. And we're going to sell it these prices I r i ; $1.10, $1.75, ;$1S5 kr--u i mm up to $438 per pair i Short Dresses Demand Attractive Silk Hosiery. . i Winter Conditions Demand The most moderate of prices We Meet Them Both! . U. G. Shipley Co. Where it Pays to Pay As You Go THE MARION Salem, Oregon THANKSGIVING DI Thursday, November 24, 1921 5 to 8 p.m. Toke Points on Half Shell or Canape ala Trionon Mock Turtle Aux Quenelles Consomme De Steal , Stuffed Celery Heart Burr Gherkins Mixed Olives Fresh Lobster ala Nerburff en ealae Tommee Sauffle Sliced Cucumber .. Small Baucheese ala Perigoux t Thanksgiving Sherbert Roast Oregon Turkey Chestnut Dressing Cranberry Sauca "I Domestic Goose Dressing Prince Jam : " ' Prime Rib of Beef Yorkshire Pudding - ' weet Potato Victoria Brnssel Sprouts Buerr Whipped Cream Potatoes Baked Hubbard Squash Salade ala Marion Hot Mince Pie I Fresh Mince Pie Palmer House Ice Cream Nabisco "Wafer I EnglifihPlum Pudding Hard and' Hot Sauce Mixed Nats Ouster Raisins - Camembert Cheese Bent Water Cracker , ' i Demi Tasse j . - I.. i - " : i ' " . ! U0 Per Plate , ! .C- o o : i