The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 23, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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lMed Dally Except Monday by
. jig s. Commercial St.r Salem, Oregon
(Portland Office, 627 Bbard of Trade Building. Phone Antomatlc
: ' - - ' : ' . - 117-59) -
the greatest eonclare in the his
tory j of the world. His areer
eloquently tells the possibilities of
a career at the command of erery
American boy. Exchange, j
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use tor repub
lication of all newi dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited
licatlon of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited
In this paper and also the local news published herein.
R. J. Hendricks. ..... ,- .Manager
Stephen A, Stone Managing Edlto-
Ralph Glorer Cashier
Frank Jaskoskt If anager Job Dept.
Business Office, 23.
Circulation Department, 681
Job Department, SSS
Society Editor. 106
Entered at the Postofflce in Salem, Oregon, as second class matter.
A resolution was presented in the United States Senate,
recently, which might settle the Newberry case by declaring
both Newberry and Ford ineligible to hold the office.
Most men will agree that Newberry violated the written
law. But under the abnormal situation of 1918, even viola
tion of the written election law might be a merit. President
Wilson, egotistical, inordinately jealous of personal standing,
espoused the Ford candidacy with the whole weight of the
government and of his personal political power. He demand
ed that the people sacrifice all political affiliations, not to
"support the government," which the whote nation was do
ing to the limit of-its strength, but to vindicate and glorify
him personally by supporting his -party name. It was up to
Newberry to do one of three things Sacrifice his political
beliefs at the President's demand and be a slave like the ne
gro Who blacks his master's boots or curries his poodle dog;
openly fight the government as an autocracy that was worse
even than Huh jdpminatio ; or, get Jds dollars, into the fight
and counteractrthe President's incredible autocracy. There
had been no written ;' law, against suck presidential gro
tesquerte; no other President had ever had the effrontery,
the un-American -brutality,' to so seek, to override :the popu
lar, will. And-yetf it was a moraHapse that needed to be
punished; even the violation of the written law against the
misuse of money, might be a virtue if it destroyed this mon
archial tendency of the President.
; No law can now punish the President for his grotesque
misinterpretation of Americanism; perhaps no law need to
be written against a recurrence of such an act, for not once
in a century does such a curious malformation as the Wilson
single-track mind come into power. ; Perhaps Newberry
should not profit by what was, and is, a legal offense; but
certainly Jvord should not profit by the moral crime that
prostituted the Presidency to put him into office. If the
Newberry election was bribery, not to say theft, certainly
the alternative Ford. victory would have an even less hoti
orable title. ','' V ;
: Nor is it intended in the-above to say that Henry Ford
might not have made, might not make, a splendidly service-
; There are a great many 'beople in the' United States of
both and all political' parties, jvtfhp would like to see Mr. Ford
grveri a trial at some great pUWi service clothed with ade
quate authority for the exercis'd:of his type bf mind and his
enormous enermr. 'i- - y . .
"', Mi . Jt' i
The torrential rains of Friday, Saturday, Sunday and
I.Ionday were like those of 1860 and 1890, which brought the
great floods of those years but in both, cases deen snows
were on the level and in the foothills, adding enormously to
the volume of water that had to be carried off. There have
been few if any times since the, settlement of the Willam
ette Valley when so thudh rainfehVin so short a time as iu
the recent storm. Many people can be thankful that this was
not preceded by a heavy snow fall. '
' "
Tfiere are prospects that the flax industry may be pu
forward decidedly next year. But it will not take its rightful
place till the processes of manufacture are taken up to the
point of spinning and weaving.
'They are saying it with ollye
branches at Washington.
; China does not object to the
open door, bat she wants to name
the 'usher. ;' Vv,", -i
Some one suggests this: Do not
restrict your ante-Christmas ac
llvitles to shopping". Da plenty
of buying.
.The Filipino legislature has re
fused ;to confirm a number of
Governor Wood's appointees. The"
Democrat must be in a majority
over' there:
Our Idea of the recent elections
is that the Democrats carried New
York city, Kentucky, Virginia and
Maryland, in mayoralty and legis
lative contests, something they
hare done, almost without excep
tion, since the organization of
these voting units. Therefore
hurrah! Exchange.
Cordell Hull, the new chairman
of the Democratic national com
mittee, says the Democrats are
coming back, lie points with
pride to the result of the recent
elections. That is what a nation
al chairman is for.
appears that the
States fa feeding only SOO.000
Russian children, al
though ; iuost folk thought we
were already caring for
ions. The awkwardness and in
competency of the soviet govern
ment stands in the way of its own
people.; If a man wants t6 hand
Russian a nine-dollar bam it
takes a month of labor and a
mile of red tape to get it to him.
The white man's nurcen is be
coming; very heavy and danger
ous in British East India. i
It is announced that the fol
lowers! of Ghandi have arranged
to greet the Prince of Wales when
he arrives in India with a com
plete shutdown of all industry.
A part of the plan is to strike
at the (business of cloth importers
by placing spinning wheels in the
homes! of the Indian peasantry.
Ghandi has warned his followers
thai no one will be in good stand
ing: with him who does not dress
in homespun cloth. The Ghandi
followers have already placed a
i I: . i
boycott , on all schools, j courts,
elections and foreign goods.
There has never been a 'time In
India since the Sepoy rebellion in
18$? that the embers of disaster
have not been smoldering;. Since
1191 the British have struggled
with a state of dangerou native
unrest' that, at times, has risen to
a point near civil war. No
outsider, in fact, knows to what
repressive measures the j British
Fine after the storm.
Thanksgiving tomorrow.
Let us be thankful that it wa
no worse.
The big dehydration plant will
be going again today; likely
starting up at 7 o'clock this
morning, if the water in the river
keeps on falling as fast as it did
yesterday and last night.
la "a
The King's Food Products com
pany has already put through iu
dehydration plants over 500 tons
more apples than were used all
last year; and they have steady
polng on apple, away into Janu
ary. So a shut-down is a serious
matter with these people.
Rut we seldom have more than
one period of hiph water in a
season; and not often as high a
it was this time.
Former Emperor Charles in his
exile in Madeira serves usefully
as an exhibit of one of the posi
tive gains from the war.
b -b -m
An observer at the Washington
conference notes that there is not
a single specimen of the tali
blond-headed Nordic" type
among te delegates.- It would be
more important to know whether
the ' blond beast" idea were har
bored under any of the brunet
Recital is Given by
Willamette Students
oubtless there are people who
feel that a bandit should not be
shot. He ought -to be arrested.
ihsn '
' sentenced to prison and
pardonedipToledo Blade." '
Aladdin, when he rubbed the
lamp, summoned no genii to com
pare with what has attended War
ren Gamaliel Harding the past
few years. In that time he has
graduated from the humble post
of a struggling country editor to
occupy the seat of authority in
" The average red-Wooded American
finds no pleasure in play or story unless
there is "something doing" all the time.
' That applies to a Savings Account.
If vou watch it mount from nr.y to a
i,....lrol ilnllars. then no toward five
JlUUi "
hundred, you fed saving is exciting end
rorth while.
' Keen '"Vour ' United States National
irrowinff. Think oi tue capital you u uavo
invest, j
were forced during the: World
war as an antidote to German
propaganda. Certainly they were
driven to inflict wounds that still
ache. ;'-
' The differences between Eng
land and, India are partly racial,
partly Industrial; but more than
anything - else the resentment of
. r i. . . i i
a captive people. .
maia is overcrowded with a
population! of 300,000.000. Gov
era men t is a difficult prvblem
and the Indians hare been heavily
taxed-to pay for' it. Tho tax on
the land itself supplies 1 40 per
cent of the revenue and the rais
ing thereof involves taking about
50 per cent of the net product of
the native agricultural cultiva
tors. I ; !
The World war Complicated the
problems of British administra
tion. For one thing, the use of
native troops in the field against
the Germans took j away the awe
of white -men upon which the
British have relied,. The employ
ment; of native troops against the
Moslem: Turks In other fields of
action stirred up i dangerous re
ligious antagonisms.
Most, important of all, the war
turned the activities of j the na
tives away from the farms' and
toward! the factories. Before the
war there were not above 2,000,.
000 -Indians engaged in such pur
suits; now there are 10,000,000
Great. Britain has returned to her
task of : peaceful administration to
find a changed people to govern.
, Oddly enough,! however, the
Yery elements which make Eng
land's task difficult also make
Chandra task difficult. He will
no doubt find It i Just about as
impossible to reconcile' the Mos
lems and Hindus as did England
The Moslems, by agreeing not
to I kill i cattle and making other
concessions, have; arrived at
sort of patched-np brotherhood
with the Hindus; j they have had
several: Moslem-Hindu congresses
with varying degrees of success.
, But the press reports, on the
very edge of the coming general
strike, state that the Hindu fol
lowers of Ghandi are again be
i ! 1
coming very suspicious of the ag
gressive intentions of the Mos
Perhaps the strongest reason
why Ghandi s rebellion is never
likely to accomplish much, except
to j stir ! up race hatreds, is an in
dustrlat one. Many bf the na
Uvea most qualified to lead a re
bellion j against ! England have
found profit from; business enter
prises under British rule. They
are not of a mind to kill the goose
that lays the golden egg.
Salem Pioneer Dies
In Portland Aged 66
An old Salem pioneer. Emanuel
Mitchell, died in Portland early
this week. He was born in New
York City in 1855. and when only
four years of age sailed with his
parents around Cape Horn. The
family settled in Salem in 1859.
Mr. Mitchell moved to Port
land in 1872, where he followed
the plumbing trade. He never
married.- Surviving him are two
brothers,5 Henry and Abraham,
and two nephews, Miche and Sim
on. Two nieces also survive,
Martau and Recina. All live in
The public speaking and music
departments of V:;:amette uni
versity pave a joint recital yester
day in Waller hall. The program
consisting of musical and spokeu
numbers was as follows:
'The Lesson," Lloyd R. Waltz:
a reading by Miss Lucille Jeff
reys; "My Sweetheart's Baby
Brother," Miss Mildred Drake; a
selected reading by Miss Irma
Harding; "The Recessional." by
Kipling. Dan Taylor: ' The Great
Auk." Miss Martha Mallory; "The
Kartc." Miss Martha Fers'ison;
"The Surprise," with a cast pr
During the semester numbers
will be given to which the general
public is invited. Admission is al
waysh free unless announced differently.
Chemawa and Pacific
Plan Thanksgiving Day
The Chemawa football team
plays Pacuic university at Forest
Grove. Thanksgiving day. and tho
Native Americans are hoping t
stage a come-back following their
first meet this season, but Che
mawa has been saying nothing1 at
all and doing much, so that there
may easily be an upset for clos
ing the season,
The Pacific team is heavy, ana
fast, and has been going t3.rong
all the-year- It is believed to be
the best team the Institution ever
put put. If the Indians can de
feat them on their .home grounds,
they will have made a really Won
derful piece of football history.' -
A new shingled grandstand na
been built at Pacific, donated by
a local enthusiast. r
Famous Shaft Builders
An American and an English
man were discussinc the merits or
their respective parents.
"Ah!" said the Yankee. "I
guess my father was a clever man.
He was a chimney shaft builder
and made himself famous with the
last shaft-he erected."
"Sure thing," continued the
American. "It was so high that
when the weathercock became
stuck the man who went up to put
it right hid to take a week's ra
tions for the journey."
"Oh, ho." laughed the. English
man. "That's nothinp. My father
was also a shaft builder, and the
last one he built was so high that
he had to go up every night ana
take the top off to let the moon
go by." Unidentified.
Polk County's Oldest Native
Son Succumbs to Weak
nesses of Old Ace
age upon
til about
the streets of Dallas un-
a year ago when old age
prohibited him irom getting to
town oftn. During his younger
days he Was a noted fisherman
and many of the expert fishermen
of this vicinity owe their first I re hela uesaay arternoon from
training to Mr. Enibws patience
dallias ever cen In this part of
the country. , i ' t
i Mr. Embree- is survived by two
sisters, Mrs. Mary " Hayter and
Mrs. Alice L Dempsey, both resi
dents of Dallas. Funeral services
He was a lover of flowers anad
during the later years of his life
(the Chapman chapel Ker. Frank
James of the MrthoJTst church or
Hiciatin.c. Interment was In the
he devoted his time to raising , tmoree wrawry mar w
some of I the finest spwimens of reall. I ; "
DALLAS, Ore.. Nov. 22 (Spe
cial to The Statesman) - .lohn
Boyle Embree, Polk county's old
est native son, passed away at the
Dallas hospital Saturday morning
following an illness of several
days due to old age and other com
plications. t
Mr. Embree was a son of twlo of
Polk county's first settlers, Mr.
and Mrs. Carey D. Embree. He
was born on the old donation
land claim near Rickreall on Oc
tober 17, 184 2. the farm now be
ing owned by H. Crowley and the
old house which Mr. Embree built
on his arrival in Oregon and the
home in which Mr. Embree was
born is still standing.
Mr. Embree never married and
lived with his parents n the old
homestead until about SO years
ago when after the death of his
mother he came to Dallas to live
with his father and established a
home in the western part of Dal
las where, with the exception of
but a few years during which he
lived iii Harney county, he has
since resided.
Mr. Embree was a character
that the open frontier life pro
duced. He was a familiar person-
Logan of Sophomores
; Wins Cross-Country Run
Albert Logan, represent'ng the
sophomore class came across the
finishing line, with a lead of about
50 seconds in the annual cross
country run at Willamette yester
day. Clair Geddes, running for
the freshman class was second.
The time made by the first two
men was very good considering
the condition of the track.
The run was staged in a rain
storm andon a sea oi mud. The
track was covered with water in
places and the mud caused the
race to be one of endurance rather
than of speed.
1 Wj .. . (oS
lr-it B ' ' V J 1
Tii ii nil iii iff mini m i""1'
j ' ! y
Jj The pleasure of drinking ll
11 one cup of j rfj
is greater than could be '
(i supplied by many cups ll H ' v
"11 of ordinanr coffee. jj TLvV
Km mm. m i il u i i iimii II mi in i m
1 1 - - ' ' - "
! ' ' " I -' t ' '
!';uii,i!J.i!!:ii.,i!li!..,i..ilLlJicij.!i,riJ!ii'ji j,!;li,,ilil!lLii:l! h
. 1 t :
Wednesday, November
23rd, 1921.
it i.
Salem's BIGGEST EXCLUSIVE SHOE STORE will make a great many SPECIAL cut prices. The
Fall has been so beautiful that fall and winter shoes have not moved, therefore we are beginning at
this early date to close out the winter lines. You can buy your winter foot needs and your shoes
and slippers for Christmas presents at. ; I . M ' ' -
JCiTber 21, 22 and 28 MarioB coon-
y TfachcT latttitut. r
tVrfmh'r 4. Mnodar EU Memorial
erTire. j craad theatre.
tJecewheT 5, Monday Mabel Oarrixon,
Grand Theatre.
reetnSer IM and i 11 Taewdar anl
Wednesday ApoHv elnh rmtnrvrX arita
Vir(inii R, rotoratjarn aopTaiK. -
lee-. 14. M'ednesdar Ope a forna Cam
mornial iclulr. t .
Armory, 8:20 I M.
Read what the Oregonian has
to say of his appearance in Port
land last week:
"nn audience that Was repre
sentative of musical Portland as
typified in students, teachers and
devotees of the piano filled the
Auditorium last night to hear Sau
vaine in concert.
Sanvaine Is a distinguished ar
tist and his playing is brilliantly
colored. His execution is clear,
concise, unhesitating, always with
the fine grain of perfect finish,
comprehensive . and intelligent.
His program included three num
bers from Chopin, the ".Etude in
E Major," "Three Preludes' and
"Waltz in E Minor;" two lovely
numbers of his own compositions,
"The Waltz of a Vienneze Doll"
and "The Mood of a Wanderer:"
"Clair de Lume" from Debussy Al
benlz's "Malaguena" and Tercy
Grainger's "Country Gardens."
One of his best-liked numbers
and one in. which he showed a
fine fire and- spirit was Tschai
kowsky's "Concerto in Ii-flat Mi
ndr," the first movement of which
had been arranged as a piano solo
by Mr. Sauvaine. After this num
ber the Ampico played certain
portions from Sauvaine's personal
recording for that instrument.
The Ampico, recognized by mu
sicians and music lovers alike as
one of the greatest inventions of
the age, occupied the center of
the great stage and magic melo
dies proceded from it quite as jf
unseen, fingers played. The audi
ence sat spellbound, for the elec
trical attachment which control
led the mechanism had been turn
on off-stage and the wonder of
hearing the instrument play un
aided brought attendant thrills.
The playing is in no sense mechan
ical aud the pianissimo is fault
lessly rendered, a quality too
often lacking in pianos that are
eelf-playing. The entertainment
was sponsored by the G. F. John-i
son Piano company. ;
A j most nnusaal treat a pro
gram of high order; by' artists
rccogaUed national repntatlont
Here are a few samples of how t he prices will run
Two lots of ladies' Shoes, in small sizes, OC
2VL to 4 at ?2-i5 and , VDQ
One lot ol ladies black kid, r rencli lues, short vamp
Shoes, Real $11
grades at -
One lot Hrown Castle Kid, military heels,
Kid tips, $9.25 grade' at
$8 grade Ladies' Smoked Elk, service
shoes, low heels? for
Ulaek kid 10 inch tops, Cuban heel, (
$ir-grades go for pDU)
(only a few pairs of these left, but arc good sizes)
"Red Cross" Mack kid or
$12.50 and $i:j.50
grades for
$7 grade Ladies' Rlack Elkservice shoes,
low heels, for
$8 to $D (Juti Metal laet
medium, heels, for
atcnt vamp- dull Kid tops,
(Service Shoes,
$7 to $f).50 grades dun Metal
English toes, lace, welt at -
$7.50 grade Gun Metal, round toe,
iJluchcr, goodyear welt, at
$7 Grade Drown Lace, English toes,
goodyear welt, at -Ll.-..
$! grade Rrown Calf Laee, English
goodyear welt, at i.J
$12 grade "Regal" hrown Calf Laee,
Pall Mall last, welt, high grade at .
For men, in duck foot, black, knee height,
$:U!, thigh height
I , ;
Hood Hulls Eye Red, steam cured, knee
c w
r .
E -1
height. $1.1.1. thiirh heiHit
.rr,.x. . .. , THERE WILL BE ...
many others, just such cuts in prices and correspondingly low on children's, lisses, arid boys' shoes.
YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS A B00TERY SALE where a sale always means a REAL SALE.
In every case the shoes carry our usual warrant of "SATISFACTORY SERVICE"
Littler fcUpmeycr SALEM, OREGON
At The Electric Sign "SHOES
U 4
4 t-
f -
r 1 A
h :
VI '
- 4 ?
Kl S
f ' .
-1 4 t
ii1 C