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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1921)
A " - f V ' . 1 i I iitB wiUtiieb Occasional rains; diminishing westerly winds. Ths Statesman receives the leased wire report" of." the Associated" Press, the greatest and most re liable ' inn association la tar B 13 U Vj ' H IT T.l it nm m w UKSGON, WhU.NKSUAV AlUKNtNGNOVKMBER 23, 1921 PRICE: ? FIVE CENTS r f I, 1 9 1.1 . If 1- flDnnd bltdCirini B&OtiiEMbL hfi feiW i& jLBhh K MAYOR baker mvtM 'ISSuV Developments of Fan Easl- tation Move More SlowrV at wasnington. CHINESE ECONOMICS bENTER OF PEhliSAL American Scheme of Reduc- tion Appears to Be Grow ing in Favor WASHINGTON,' Nov. 22. (By the Associated Press.) Negotia tions . relating to both, the Far East and armament limitation moved more slowly today as at tention of the arms delegates passed . from general policies to details. China's economic embarrass- ments formed the text of the Tar Eastern . discussions, which re sulted in the appointment of a snb-committee of representatives of nine nations to study the sub ject . of . administrative autonomy for China with particular refer ence to. tariff and tax restrictions. American Plan Gains The. land armament problem comerencs ana e8 armament committee of the whole was called for ..tomorrow with the expectation xnat - rremier- omou i or jrrancn wouia. say m v asto nis country vu armies. 'v - - , - . I On .the side- of naval experts I . was an air of growing (confidence that, details of. the American plan I would eventually Bring an , me i rowers Into agreement. It is pos-1 sible that the navaV . plan may receive some consideration' at to-I morrow's meeting of the-rive del egations, which constitute ...the armament committee of the whole but the greater, attention is-' ex pected, to, center on. land arma ment In view of the imminence of M.- drland's departure for France. It Is the preservation ot her army, with the moral hacking of the principal powers, that most Interests France 'at' present and -It Is known M.: Briand would he pleased, to take back to France a formal conference endorsement of the position he has ' taken against material reduction. Hughes Consults Advisors Whether the other delegations will - be r willing to . go so. far .as to take formal action of that char acter. ; Is oncertaln, although it Is taken for ; granted that at to morrow's meeting there will be , many;. general, expressions . of., apr preoiatlon for the reasons wnicn imhar. France, to maintain the largest army. Land, naval and Far Eastern Questions -werte talked ovter hy ; KAcretarv Hughes today with the American advisory , committee' ot ;21, and after he had presented a . reoort sub-committees were in structed to prepare reports for thA American delegates on de tails. The submarine issue raised 5 tvr Great Britain will be one (Cqntinued on page 2) CHAPTER 2-C0AT i SAVED FROM RIVER This is goat story No. 2. and like all real interesting stories, there is a happy end Ing. The, ; goat that floated down the raging Willamette on a leg Monday and held on after being capsized at the MarionfPolk - county bridge, and again at the Southern Pacific bridge when the goat -. and the log almost parted company, reaped the reward of perseverance. Last Monday Captain A. J. Spong and some friends were sitting on tne porcn ai i"f , captain's home at Spong's Some" one of -the -party called the captain's attention to a log floating down the river and what appeared to h . rider. He. was Incredu lous at first, but 'upon' close examinationit proved to be . rat nr and a real rider.- The captain at once got ont his boat, wenr to the res cue, and now the goat Is en-4 Joying me. not on me b'j . wtar of the Willamette, but . In a barn at the iSpong home j at Spong's lanaing. BE HONORED AT BANQUET Affair for Minister to Sum to be SlagetTat Mariori Hbt in December . A ".dinner for Oregon newspa permen in honor of E. E. Brodie pnblisber of the Oregon ICty j f!n- Editorial association, former pres- ment or the State Editorial asso ciation, and who has been I ap pointed, minister to Slam, will be given at the Marion hotel at a date during the first week In De cember. ! I This was announced last night by Elbert Bede of Cottage Grove, president, of the, State Editorial association, who with G. Lansing Hurd, . businessi. manager of the in Razntfn.T!ma I. mat-. SLl - lL8!1 i.?K!iern rTa " "fAKi V u uiUv ( D I ii Mr. Brodie , will leave Decem ber 10 for Slam- M III Fred Curl is Victim Unyer: ified Report Says Entire Family Drowned ALBANY. Ore.. Nor. 22. h At least one life was lost and an un verified report of the drowing of an entire family baa reached here ft0. f gjfJJ; trom a wall . of water that Bwept down the 8treamt OTerfuow. Ug tne ioWiandg for a dutante of more than six miles. Curl was the victim. He fell (roni PacIflc .Wgttway bridge Sunday night at Jefferson When fie stepped on a loose plank WhUe workinr with a Southern Pa- clflc crew clearing trees from tho railroad bridge nearby. His body was found by a searching party at 9:30 this morning in a field. Curl was the son of Cal Curt, re He Biding four miles from Albany was IS years old. , , j ! , Livestock losses along the San' tiam have been heavy, according to reports received here, FIVE OFFICIALS OF Members of .Atchison peka Si Santa Fee Staff Killed in Accident PHOENIX. Arix.. Nev. 22. Wj H Oliver -of Los Angeles-, as sistant to the chief engineer of the toast lines of -th Atchisonj To- peka & Santa Fe railway, ! and four divisions ot that railway were killed when a motor Inspec tion car overturned three miles north of WIckenburg, Arir., 40 miles nortnwest or here In addition to those killed sev eral persons were Injured, some of them seriously. The others dead are William Mathie. of Winstow Ariz., division superintendent. H. C Storey, Prescott, Ariz assistant division superintendent , William Bowman, of Wieken uui, i uauiuaoici ui luo a tvovvs. Phoenix district I i J. A. Jaeger, assistant division engineer, The accident happened, accord ing to those on hoard the Car, as the car was rounding a curve. An axle on the front truck broke they said, and the car plunged down an eight-foot embankment turning over at least once ; The tour division officials were instantly killed but Mr. Ol iver aiea iaier on me tram mai was bringing the dead and injur ed to this city. Jury in Osborne Case Unable to Reach Verdic SEATTLE, Nov. '22. A jury trying the case v of. Mrs. Ivii Os- born, charged with manslahgh ter in connection with' the 'death bf the 9-months old adopted daughter, after deliberating; five hours in superior court here; .to day, failed to reach a verdict land asked to . be discharged. it was explained that the -jury seemed deadlocked,' -standing 9 to 3. Judge Calvin S. Hall,, however, ordered A urther; deliberation I and the . jury still was closeted jlate tonight. j I Mrs. Osborn was alleged to have struck and otnerwise mistreated the baby. Inflicting injuries that resulted In death. I o DEI moinimi Wo u(Q(9j(gj $s)wiiuu ini smsHnim ousted from m uimmm TT : t i . . 'rr. HlfZU nj?1?Jrj? nnmnn nrtirr cur pinerc i ... . . j. . n nvonm di irnnrn m m hk m : u r m ii ir i i Hiahurav t nnmrinriQ in xtat nin niun rn U I J I I l ULUULU 1 1 j " I i 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 11 IIIniHIIU IN FILM CASE Detective is Barred from Giving Testimony in Ar buckle's Trial INTEREST IS JMTCWCp I Comedian Am'USed : When Drawings of His Fin gerprints Are- Shown SAN FRANCISCO,, Nov. 22. The prosecution - closed ' its Case late today In the 1 manslaughter trial of Roscoe (Fatty) Arbuckle, after reserving the right to. In troduce further testimony torn or row. , Gavin McNab, chief counsel for the defense, made the open ing statement for Arbuckle. The state has failed miserably to prove us case, he said. This line ot argument was ruled out by the court and he was in structed to "state what he in tended to' prove." lectlve Barred , We will prove that Arbuckle Was not in the Hotel St. Francis room more than, 10 minutes with Miss Virginia Rappe," he said. Arbuckle Is accused of having inflicted fatal injuries on Miss Kappe a motion picture actress, in his rooms in the hotel Septem ber 5. " ! - 1 : .George Glennon, house detect ve of the St. Francis was 'the first; witness ! called by the ! de fense. The court ruled out Mc- Nab's attempts to have the wit ness detail a conversation he had 'with. Miss Rappe following I her alleged injuries at Arbuckle's hands. ,. rv liquor Offered Chambermaid Before the trial, the defence announced that Glennon had made a statement to the district attorney in which he said that Miss Rappe had exonerated ! Ar-1 . . . 0UCK16. Uiennon Was eXCUSea irom ineirnnrrPBn tnmnrrnw vlrtnallv nri. stana iouowing ine court s rui-i . Sk m 9 m . m . a ing. Kate Brennan, a chambermaid at . the- St. Francis, followed Glen non, and testified that she dusted oft the two doors Introduced by the prosecution - for:, fingerprint evidence, some time after the fin gerprints were supposed to have been made by Arbuckle and Miss Rappe. The defense endeavored to prove through her that in' the dusting process she rubbed ; out the finger prints. Arbuckle gave her a tip of sz.50 ror cleaning his. room and offered her some whiskey which she refused, she said. GnKt He Aril 'Vnfhlnn' Mrs. Lois Harding Lancashire. a guest at the hotel during' the party in Arbuckle's rooms, said she was near these rooms 'and heard and saw nothing. Mrs. Martha Hamilton, a train ed nurse, followed Mrs. Lanca shire on the stand and testified that she attended Miss Rappe at the Wakefield hospital where she was taken from the hotel Adjournment was taken at the conclusion of her testimony More general Interest was evi denced in the trial today than on any day since it began. Crowds thronged the court room and. the adjoining corridors. Other crowds waited outside the court building to obtain a glimpse of the prin cipals of the trial. Fingerprints Identified Al Semnacher, manager : for Miss Rappe, and Josephine Keza, chambermaid at the St. Francis, told of the party In the hotel in which Mis Rappe is said to have been fatally Injured. The last prosecution witness today -was Prof. E. O. Heinrich, consulting criminologist' of the University of California, who identified fingerprints-found on two of the hotel doors as those of Miss Rappe and Arbuckle. The doors were then brought into court and elaborate photographic exemplars of the fingerprints were produced by Heinrcih. '. Gavin McNab. chief counsel for the defense, said In his opening statement that the room in which Arbuckle was alleged to haTe locked himself and Miss Rappe at .he time of the supposed attack, 'was open at all times. The win dow' shades were up at all times also, he said." and the Interior , of the room was therefore in! full view of other hotel guests Arbuckle Amused l Following the statement an, ar gument arose over, the testimony of George Glennon,? hotel detec (Continued on page 2) Highway Conditions in State Are Summarized by Department Damage to the Pacific highway south of Jefferson, caused by the high water since Saturday, which wa sfirst estimated by the state highway department at from $20,000 to $30,000 has now been reduced in estimate to about $12,000. It has developed that no pave ment has been injured, and that the main damage was to two ed. aggregating 546 feet in length. In that district water deSh of14 "f elt 6 TheTSaBetIam riv er, which caused the flood, has gone down more than 14 feet since Monday morning. Tho highway department yes terday prepared the following statement concerning damage to CONGRESS TODAY AFTER VOTE ON TAXATION BILL WASHINGTON, . Nov. 22. revision bill, and adjournment certain today by the adoption I agreement in he senate for a I 5 o clock tomorrow. Immediately after passage, president. Resolution Adopted A concurrent resolution w?s adopted by the senate late today to adjourn sfne die tomorrow night after a vote Is taken on the tax bill. The resolution now goes to the house where it is expected to be acted upon favorably. The senate, in executive session 1 tonight endeavored to clean the I slate of presidential nominations and more than 200 were con firmed.. Other Matters Precluded I Pinna fnr tho art lnnrnmnt nf elude any action on pending reso I Sr lutions to order work on battle ships stopped while the arms con ferences is in session. Senator Ten hours in bed every night was recommended for school chil dren by Elizabeth M Houner yes- I terday morning in "address to teachers attending the Marion county Institute. It children would attend fewer movies and go to bed earlier; they would net come to school the next day tired out, she said. Dirty hands also came In for condemnation. Miss Hopper claim ed that fully 75 per cent of con tagious diseases are spread by un clean hands. Ideal conditions of living would control 20 per cent of diseases, she said, and then 0 per cent could be cared for pro perly by proper instruction in ths schools. Utah Commended Miss Hopper commended Utah for having the most practical Some time today the bailiff In local justice court may announce: "Hear ye! Hear ye! The court will now resume hearing of the case of Rosa Battalion against George Matten." "Yes, your Honor, here Is ex hibit A, and here is exhibit A's nursing bottle and here is exhibit A's nurse." And exhibit A, a smimling, sunny-haired baby boj of about 11 months may be placed in the cage or whatever receptacle Is re served for exhibits. For Rosa Battalion, a young woman has taken into court the child t that was -born out of wed lock and has essayed local efforts to obtain -financial assistance front George Matten in providing for the -care of tho youngster. Mfss Battalion declares Matten is the father of the child. - f . . Matten; , who Is a blond-haired young chap of likable demeanor, TEN HOURS IN BED URGED FOR CHILDREN OE SCHOOL AGE INTERESTING CASE If BE GALLED IN JUSTICE COURT " " ,. ,, the state highway system by the flood: East Side Pacific Highway Pavememnt and drainage in ex cellent condition from Portland to Jefferson- The Pacific highway at Jefferson is closed to traffic ana will not be thrown open before Friday morning. Two bents slightly sunken on south approach of Moialla bridge; damage about $250. South of Jefferson. Santiam river overflowed a district approx imately three-quarters of a mile in width and covered about the same length of highway. The pavement throughout this distance is- without damage excepting on two bridges which are a complete (Continued on page 2) ADJOURNS Final enactment of the tax sine die tomorrow was made of the unanimous consent vote on the revenue measure by the bill will be sent to the King, Democrat, Utah, today sought to obtain committee action on his resolutions to this effect and was promised by Senator Pago Republican Vermont, chairman, that a poll of the committee wostd be taken to determine whether the question had been taken up. Re-; publican leaders declared an ad verse decision was certain. The only important section to be put Into force immediately is that relating to the income tax, the other changes going int6 ef fect January 1. The present sur tax rates will be continued for this year, reductions going into effect next year and being reflect- (Continued on page 2) 1 school health law. In which the teacher as well as the pupil must undergo an anuual physical ex amination. Speaking of general health conditions of children, Mirs Hop per claimed that the percentage of children under weight is mucn larger in the rural districts than in the cities. If proper attention were given, to the health, habits and hygiene of school chlldre 1, there would result happiness fo all, Miss Hopper said. Speaking on the "Political Aims of Education." Dr. E- O. Sisson said that American schools sliould teach children to think for tJ em selves, claiming that the making of an American is of greater im portance than the building of a (Continued on pae 2) denies the charge, although ad mittinfr acquaintance with Miss Battalion. All persons in the courtroom were compelled to smile yesterday afternoon when the question of the. disposal of Exhibit A was Irought up by Attorney L. H.'Mc Mahan, representing the plaintiff. Judge Unruh had just announced that the court would adjourn un til Wednesday at which time. Miss Battalion's physician who had been suddenly summoned on a case, could appear in court. "If the court please, I am wlll iJlg to admit entry of the baby as exhibit A, and recommend that it be taken care of by the court stenographer," was jestingly sug gested ly Attorney Walter Keyes, who appeared as counsel for Mat ten. L"- ' ' '? t . Mrs. Emma M. Brown, stenog- (Continued on page 6) N DEFENDANT Former Salem Man Says He Tried to Protect His Friends ONE PAYMENT ADMITTED Mistatement to Government Agent Also Conceded on Witness Stand PORTLAND. Or., Nov. 22. it was p desire to protect his Salem friends from the government land office that led John W. Todd to lie to a federal agent who visiteil Sa lem, according to Todd's testi mony this morning in his trial before a federal Jury on the charge of using the mails to de fraud. Todd explained from the stand that CarloB L. Byron; with whom he is jointly indicted, had told him that If the ' government land of fice ugent found out when those valuable irncts were, they would use the information and Tot'd sam !ie understood that the Salem peo ple who had contracts for the land would suffer,. Todd, therefore, told the agenl he had no contract with Byron, !ha' he was only interested with him 111 an oil deal pertaining and that he had never received any money from Byron for all the contracts h3 had sold for him to Salem people a:ul never would re ceive any. money from htm. Court Jaetions Todd. "Why dW you worry about these locations You had de stroyed the; book containing the description the day before hadn't you?" interrupted Federal Judge Bean. i "Yes, they were burned the day before at the request of Byron." Throughout the entire morn ing narration, Todd blamed By ron. Always, no, Todd, was the mouthpiece ot Byron in whatever vas said to Salem people, and lodd did whan Byron told him to do, such as to reassuring the Sa lem people as to Byron's indict ments and prosecuting and say ing nothing to the government agent. ; He admitted having told his stenographer, Miss Wheeler, to tell the government agent he was out of the city, but he said he did this to give himself time to con sult with Byron and with legal ad vice. AttOrpey Winslow of Salem has already testified as to this. . Sum of $300 Received Only $300 was received by Todd from Byron, now a fugitive from justice, in payment for Todd's al most untiring efforts in Interest: ing more than 100 Salem resi dents in turning over $500 for timber contracts' which have ntver been fulfilled, according to Todd's story. "Byron said to me one day. Todd recited, "Now, Todd, you'ie not in this thing for your health. I'm going to give you $100 for each contract when the parties have filed on their claims. The $300 received was for caus ing Darrell Procter, Lloyd Lee and E. E. Bergman to locate through Byron. Todd claimed Todd claimed. Time after timo Byron would telephone Todd Irom Portland with the announcement that he had carefully checked over his af-counte and had found "just two or three morj claims that could he contracted for, and each time Todd would tell him to come down and perhaps they could find purchasers for them Close Friends Favored "I only appraoched those whom I thought the most of and wanted to benefit by this good tmng, Todd declared. E. E. Brgmen one of the few friends of Todd to receive a claim, was entirely financed by Todd in th projoct Byron was ; to find a purchaser immediately for Bergman's rliim but up to date none has been forthcoming, so Todd has never been reimbursed. When the ?100 financial ar rangement was made, Todd said he asked Byron if there was any thing about the deal ' that couid possibly get him in queer any where." and he was assured corn Dletely by ! tho bland Byron on this score. ! More than 140 con tract3 were; sold. REPORT PEXIKI MONTREAL. Nov. 22. The Canadian Export Paper company today denied that the price of news print paper sold under con tract for the first quarter of 1922 will be $75 a ton. a reduction of ?5S Bill Brown of Pittsburg Put in His Place When Shriners Storm City Hall PORTLAND. Ore.. Nov. 22. Mayor George Baker was tempor arily deposed and Chief of Police Jenkins along with Fire ' Chief Young were for a time suspended when members of the ijmperiol party of Shriners, led by Ernest A. Cutts, imperial potentate, stormed the council chambers this morn ing and installed W. S. "Sill Brown of Pittsburgh as assistant mayor of Portland. "The first official act of the as sistant mayor is to commend May or Baker for retiring before he was fired," said Mayor Brown in the staged burelsque show, which kept visitors in continual uproar, The show was part of the en tertainment staged by Illustrious Potentate Grant, Mayor Baker and W. J. Hofmann, chairman of the entertainment committee of Al Kader temple, designed to make the two-day stay of the visi tors pleasant. Bifilding Owned by Salem Club, Together With Boats, is Gone Here is a real hard luck story. The canoe house of the Salem Canoe club, and quite a number of canoes that had been stored in the house for the winter, have all disappeared. , The house has been' safely moored for several years just Safe ot the Spauldlng ; mill, but the heavy rush of waters from 'Mill creek and the general high water loosened the foundations of the building. ' j " And1 then If gradually" rose and floated away. The last seen ; of the canoe house was , when It passed the Southern Pacific, bridge on Its way toward Portland. If anyone down the river hap pen to see a nice-looking house on its way to the sea, members of the Salem Canoe club would ike to know whether it had been anchored before it attempted to make the falls at Oregon City. Juries Are Summoned in Case of Roy Gardner PHOENIX. Ariz., Nov. 22 Both grand and trial Juries have been ordered to report to the United States district court here tomorrow morning to consider the case of Roy Gardner, escaped con victed mail robber, who was cap tured here one week ago tonight by Herman F. Inderlied, a rail way mail clerk. Gardner was at tempting to rob a mail car at the Atchison, Topeka ft Santa Fe railway station here when he was captured. JAMES W. HOE HOUSE IS -M Iff FLOOD HELD I SAN DIEGO ON SALEM CHARGi James W. Rix, alias A. W. al auto thief, wanted on three separate charges,iwas last night arrested at San Diego, Cal., upon information by Vcr den Mofl'it. r-, . I In April Rlx sold a Dodge car to O. A. Chase. 1294 South Thir teenth street, for $800. Shortly afterwards local police ascer tained through its stolen Wash ington plates that the machine had been in the hands of Can adian thieves. Despite a clever alteration of the engine number the car was identified as being the property of a Vancouver, B. C, garage. Upon learning of the car's his tory, Mr. Chase co-operated' with Canadian officers in returning it to its rightful owners. Canadi an officers and representatives of the Burns International agency were in this city late in April, but all efforts to locate Rix failed at that time. Recently Chief Moffitt obtain ed information that Rix was in Tia Juana, Mexico. Upon : learn ing that Rix ventured across the border on occasional visits to San Diego friends, the Salem officer Jefferson Family Spends j Night in Tree and Other from Death Reported. TRAIN SERVICE YET BADLY HANDICAPPED Portland Partially Released from Grip of. Damaging Silver Thaw ; PORTLAND. Or., Nov. 22. Under the influence 7 of j warmer weather and a partial ' cessation of the heavy rains which, have fallen through-1 out western Oregon and Washington since last Friday, conditions , today .were; ;. im proved, according to reports : received, here. . .. The heavy- mantle of ice ( which covered the Columbia highway and points eastward ( was rapidly melting with the rise in temperature and the Willamette river at Eugene,' Albany and Salem was falling after having received a delurc of waters from swollen tribu-! In Portland the .Willamette 1 river continued to'rise slowly,! but" extreme flood conditions' were not expected unless fur. ther heavy rAins should fall Tonight, the rain had ceased Street car service has bees; restored almost to normaL bui telephone service V is badly damaged with 11,600 connec tions reported useless as a re. suit of fallen poles and wires. The Upper Columbia river Aiaj trict still remained cut off tonight with railroads making no predict uons as 10 wnen service will be restored. . , , , V i i Trains Still Marooned. Between Portland and The Dalles on either side the Columbia' river and from both directions ro-l tary plows .today were bucklnr ice and snow drifts and workmen were tolling to clear the tracks of the - Union Pacific and the Spoi kane, Portland & Seattle railway in order to . release trains whlct had been marooned, for days and to rescue toe 'passengers' frpm'nn trains. These'trains were at TJrll dal Veil and CelUo on the Oregor side ot the Columbia rlverVand Cooks and Lyle on ttie Washingloi side. ; :'i ' C 5-"; J After - arrangements" had ' beer made-to carry the passengers fron two storm-bound trains at Cook-; (Continued on page 2) M IS Mclntyre. allecred internation asked San Diego officers to awal Rlx's next visit - - ' ) According to a' telegram ft celved last night, Rix was finals apprehended by Chief of ; Tollc James Patrick of San piego an Is being held nntil arrangement' can be made for his removal "t( this city where he will face i grand larceny charge, n. In addition to the local charr Rix must also face a feder charge under the Dyer act rel; tive to bringing a stolen car froi one state to another. After th; Is disposed of he will face th nfost serious charge, which a', leges violation ot the Dominio auto theft act. ; : , ' 1 Information from Canada Ind cates that Rix method ot prt cedure has been to secure a in; chine from a "for-hire" agenr and then to disappear with th car, disposing of it and then rt peating the process In anottsc city.