The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 20, 1921, Page 9, Image 9

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Automobiles, Society; Special Ftdzrc czl
1 Genercl Weirj
TRUCK S t R" A :C.. tl Q:R.g -':l:
? Bicycles Accessories I -i ! I
u -
L, rxflflc Highway .
-roruana-oregon City Regular
route of pacific highway, via west
Ide,. pared to Bolton; Bolton.
Oregon City bridge, graveled and
In falr condition. Oregon City
bridge closed to vehlcuar traffic at
Certain hoars - and loads greatly
; restricted. Traffic will find the
r routes oat C of. Portland on the
east. side vl. MtlwauKie street or
82nd: street paved entire distance
to. Oregon City.
Oregon.. City-Canhy Pared.
' Cahby-Barlow Pavement un
der v constrncilon and highway
, closed; necessary . to detoar over
the old road, , which is .graveled
: but rough. :.., i(. .. ,.,; , . ,
i v Barlow - Salem Albany -All
pared. ' " - ''
Albany cbrvallla - junction
City - Eugene Best ront'via Cor
Tallis, good gravel macadam. Al
bany to Corrallla nd pared from
; Corvallla to .Eugene.
. Xugene-Cottage Grove-Divide
Paved except at Camas Swale and
Cottage Grove.
!. Divide-Oakland --New pave-
rnent completed and open to trav
el Divide to Drain. Excellent ma-
, cadam from Drain to a point 3.7
and Rim Parts for all Car
Free Expert Advice
150 South High Street
miles south of. Yoncalla aftd from
there it is paved to Oakland; -
Oakland - Sntherlia - Wilbur -Roseburg
Paved, Oakland to
Wilbur, good macadam Wilbur to
Rosebarg-Myrtle Creek Spared-
Myrtle Creek - Canyon vllle
Galesrille Good macadam.
Galestille-Grave Creek Paved.
Grave Creek'- Pleasant Valley
Grants Pass Macadam to three
miles north of Grants Pass pave
ment into city. -
Grants Pass - Medford-Ashland
Paved , throughdui: highway
over Siskiyou Mountains will . be
kept open throughout the winter
season by means of snow plows if
necessary. t -, . ,; " ;
! Colombia River Highway
i Astoria-Portland Paved except
about one. mile through, city of
Rainier which is graveled but
quite rough,
i Portland-Mosier Paved. -
tMosier-The Dalles -Paring" .op
eration under wajr fife miles
west of Rowena. Road ; colsed
front 7 a. m. to 12:15 noon. Open
12:15 to 12:45. Closed 12:45 to
5i30 p. m. The cars which are in
lino and waiting at the point' of
paving, operations will be allowed
to , pass through at 10 a. tn: and
3 p. m. Open 5:30 d: m. to 7 a. m.
The public is cautioned in partic
ular to be on the look-out fof the
contractor's trucks atall times
dnrlri g open . periods. , These
trucks have the right of way, and
drivers of cars should drive slowly
and carefully and keep td the ex-
Tht?:firrtl cost
is practically the fast
V-1 lVi.
ComrilercidI and Ferry Streets, Salem, Oregon
Ddd ee, Brothers
us ' . 1 ,' r" v.,.-. . . ., k
. - - - - -
lnw'Wtf I"
m ' - r r "'v1
Wfllafd fi Batteries, of siahdard S
Willard quality, may be had for
yoiir Ford car:nd" at a price
you'd expect to pay for a lot
16s9 value!
Auto Electricians
23S florth High. '; Phoflt203
tfeme right on all curves. - Travet
can detour over the old road over
Seven Mill Hill at all hours. ',
The Dalles' r Seufert: Paved.
Seufert - Deschutes River:
New highway open for about 300
yards past Cape Horn only 12
feet wide. Contractors are still
working at .this point, And trav
elers are cautioned to drive slow.
Balance of road new gravel and
still loose on the sides. Cars are
warned to drive slow and keep oh
gravel in passing.
Deschutes River-Heppner Junc
tion - Umatilla - Herraiston-Echo-Pendleton:
Standard state high
way construction, gravel macad
am.. . ( .
Vest Side Pacific Highway
Portland - West Dayton: Paved
West Dayton - St." Joe: Gravel
ed and in fa! condition. County
road from West Dayton to Mc
Mlnnvllle via Dayton and Three
Mile Lane, paved.
St.' jbs-McMinnville: Paved.
' McMinnville - Amity: Use old
road, which is graveled but very
rough. , ,
Amity - Holmes Gap;, Paved,
except stort graveled stretch near
Holmes Gap.; a ; .
Holmes Gap" - Rickreall: Newly
graded and graveled, passable but
slow going. . 1
Rickreall - Monmouth: Paved.
; Monmouth' Corvallis: Paved,
except seven miles just south of
Monmouth, which is closed to
through traffic.- Traffic is be
ing detoured via Monmouth and
i Independence and Sdver.
; Corvallls-Jnnction City: Paved.
' Coast Highway
Astoria-Miles Crossing: Paved
or planked. ;
Miles Crossing-Warrenton Cut
Otf: Single track pavement; con
struction work in progress; sec
tion open to traffic subject to
short, delays. , . t-f
Warrenton Cutoff - Skipanon:
The cutoff itself is closed but
road via Warrenton is paved and
open. -:f ,
, Skipanon to Seaside: Paved.
" j.SeasideTUlamook County line?
Graveled, rough but fair going to
Cannon Beach JuUcUon; narrow
single track' graveled road " from
Cannon! Beach Junction to Ham
let Junction, and from there to
the Tillamook - County line, new
rock road in fair, condition.
Tillamook Couhty Line r Tillj
amook City: Graveled ox rocked
and in fair condition. ;. , j
Tillamook - Pleasant Valleyt
Paved. : i . . ,
: Pleasant Valley - Sand Lake
Junction: -New nighway under
construction1 and .closed.. Takd
old road which Is graveled and id
fair condition. . .
- j Sand Lake Junction - Beavers
Paved. : ;
Beaver - Cohder Cutoff: New
macadam; except two short
stretiches; which are rough but
passable. I , ;
i Conder Cutoff - .Hebo: New
cutoff not yet open; traffic take
bid road which is rough but pas
sable. , ! f . v : r
i i Hebo-Cloverdale: Graveled and
fair. 1 I J . i L
VI' Cloverdalo Neskowln: Rodgh
and narrow but passable.
Southern Part of Coast Highway
I; North Bend Marshfield - Co
quille: Paved.
: i, Coquille-Bandonr Earth road;
closed for cars during rainy sea
son. ; ! 'J. K"i - f ' '
Coq u il le - Ban don : Seven Dev
ils earth and sand road no sur
facing, practically impassible for
cars. v ; ;
:i T)avti1ft rtirv Pnnnfv T.fni'
Good gravel road all winter for
cars. . ;
i Curry Couhty LIne - Port-Or-!ord:
In bad condition but pas
sable. New grade Denmark-Sixes
River will probably not be com
pleted this" season. , '
; Port Orford - Gold Beach: Ten
miles macadam, two - miles new
grade in Brush CreeV valley and
Ltndville Hill, In soft condition
hiit nassable-at present-time, but
will no doubt be Impassable for
carg later on in winter. Lind
tille "Hill south to Gold Beacb,
dangerous but passable for light
cars most of winter . . - ,
-Gold Beach - Brookings; Nar-
fbw dearth road, practically Im
passible for cars. ii winter.
jr Brookings - crescent uuy: a
ricu travel road.
McMfnvHIe'i Tillamook Highway
McMlnnvUle Bheridan:. Paved.
Sberidari - Willamina - Grand
Ronde - Hebe: Good macadam.
Hebo - Tillamook: Pavement
and macadam. (See report on
Coast highway.)
Mt. Hood Loop
Portland - Sandy: Paved to
Gresham; take bluff road, which
is graveled and in good condition
from Gresham to Sandy.
Sandys - Brightwood: Under
construction; practically impas
sable after rains. Through traf
fic to points east of 9oimon Riv
er have option of road via Mar
mot which is passable but very
Brightwood- Government . camp
Dirt road, but Boil is sandy and
road is passable and fair going.
Tualatin Valley Highway
Portland, Beaverton, Hillsboro,
Forest Grover- Gaston, Yamhill,
Carlton, McMlnnvUle: Paved en
tire distance.
Corvallis - Newport Highway
t Corvallis,- Blodgettt A good
graveled road via philomath.
Blodgett - Toledo: Road im
passable since rains.
Toiedo - Newport: Rocked.
111.000 have been secured.
Here are some ot them:
? Marion Hotel company, alter
ations to four-story hotel struc
ture at Ferry and Commercial
streets, cost ot repairs, $5,000.
. Herman Sproed, alterations and
repairs to one-story frame dwell-!
ing. 2590 Cherry avenue, cost
James Heltzel, to eret a one
story frame dwelling , at 1410
North Sixteenth street $100.
Sharp and Cox. contractors.
J. W. Knapp, 1090 North Firth,
to erect a one-story frame dwell
ing to cost $2500.
Salem branch. Woodmen of the
World, alterations and repairs on
two-story frame structure on
North Liberty near Court streets.
Cost $600. Henry Sehults, contractor.
east of Aumsvflle to Sublimity
and from' Sublimity to Stayton-
Buick Mas Reputation
of Remaining in Lead
In the automobile world, Buick
several years ago attained the en
viable, position of leadership, evi
denced by , the fact, that it was
awarded first choice of space at
the national automobile shows, an
honor conferred upon Buick by all
other automobile manufacturers
who are members of the National
Automobile Chamber of Com
merce, in recognition of the fact
that Buick had done the greatest
volume of business during the pre
vious year.
As each year has since rolled
around, Buick has been in the
lead. NOt only for a short period
does it lead all others but year
after Tear its business constantly
in creases, with the result that
the Buick exhibit -will be found
this year occupying the same
space at the shows It has occupied ,
tor the past few years. --wcC
, Ii, is "significant to note Jbat
the figures on which the award"
for the 1922 shows were made
comprised only the sales of six
cylinder cars, proving Buick to be
the largest builder of six cylinder
cars in the world.
Youth Confesses to
theft, is Reported
The mystery of the theft of a
flash-light and a gun from the
residence of Frank Anderson, at
720 Mill street. Saturday night,
was cleared by Frank Daniels, at
the police station Friday night.
, According to the record at the
police station, Daniels confessed
to Chief of Police Moffitt that he
had taken the. articles. The
youth will appear before County
Judge Bushey Monday morning.
do something serious. And his at
tempts are likely to be . funnier
than anything heretofore In Ma
repertoire. There are but few
David Warfields who can trans-
m : m mm fiwfM lain arKL
Chaplin, since he ha a earned a r i7r,lm-RZ
lot ot money, says he will makejCnaplin OUgBt 0 jet well enough
two more funny pictures and then 'alone. -Exchange., .v . ,
writes his
Cnapnn. who now
name Charles Spencer
The statement baa, been made
that beards and .mustaches ;i are
more frequentlyj seen, on the fe
male face than ever before. And
it Is aigued thai it .is caused by
thai sex .smoking -cigarette! Pos
sibly woman surirage might have
something to do "with' it.- .
Hdiv Buick AccessibUity Save
Owner i?
Lateness of Season Fails
To Stop Needed Road Work
False Lure of Something for
Nothing' Losing Appeal,
Says Quackenbuslv
Kihg Bkhlett
Rear of 175- N. Coml St.
Phone 723
Expert repays on all makes
, 'of cars'.
OAs, Greases, Accessories
We have had nearly a year of
critical reaction from high prices
in automotive as well as in gen
eral merchandise lines. As al
ways happens in such periods, the
appeal of low price has been made
This is a puhiBhing economic
phase for the trade and consum
er alike the dealer sacrificing a
living profit, and the pubJic get
ting, inevitably, less value for its
The stampede to a strictly trtce
basis usually lasts only h com
paratively short time: ' Tho keen
er Judgment of values reasserts
Itself and the appeal ot price loses
some of its lure-
"Report from tire dealers In
every "section, every state, every
nook and corner of the country,
indicate beyond doubt that the
public is swinging to a soldi value
basis in buying tires," savs Mr.
Quackenbush local Kelly Spring
field distributor.
"Tires took the brunt of the
economic shock in the automo
tive industry, and it is doubtful
it any,; other branch could have
sustained the trials from which
the Uro business is now triumph
antly emerging.
"In no other line-of m'.Tchan-
dise, wag the false lure of some
thing for nothing carried so far.
In no other field could second
grade goods be so craftily sold oy
implication as 'first' and no other
merchants suffered from . unscru
pulous competition as d d tho
ethical dealers in honest tires.
"But in the evil tlself. lay the
cure. - Excessive sale of Unsatis
factory tires by price appeal as
made the tire business almost the
first to recover from th prfee
at all costs' epidemic Nver be
fore were people- figarng- so
closely on actual mileage for their
money and they ars increasing
ly wining to pay a fair price.. for
Oonest quality."
Increase is Observed in '.
Total BuildinrJ Permits
Slowly, but-steadily,, the big
book in the office of City Record
er Earl Race ia beinr filled with
permits for the jerection , f many
new Salem homes and for the re-
Tialr nf olAor A wall in . Tlurfnf
r i " w n ....... wuiwg
the jast 10 dayspermlts for im
provements estimated at neany
William J. Culver, county road-
master, says that notwithstanding
the lateness of tire season, the
county is still doing some needed
On the Rosedale road, extend
ing for two miles from the end
of the paving on the Liberty road
to Rosedale, the road is being re
surfaced and smoothed out.
When weather permits, the
plant at Stayton is operating in
surfacing with crushed rock, tho
road to be paved next year. This
is from the end of the. pavement
Bcgins.November 23rd -Wait
Buick cars -are built so they can be operated witii a minimcrh of ckpc&se. If n
part heeds attention It is easily accessible. For instance, adjusting: .or putlb j
a new fan belt on a Buick ij a job thai is handled by tlie owner in a few cinutes.
Buick myites comparison. i . '
Goodyear Cord Tires reduced 30
Buick Sixes . .
22-Six-44 Three Passenger Roalster $1792!
22-Six-45 Five Passenger Touring.. 1823!
22-Six-46 Three Passenger Coope 2466 1
22-Six-47 Five Passenger Sedan 2778
22-Six-48 Four Passenger Coupe 2664!
22-Six-49 Seven Passenger Touring 2051 !
22-Six-50 Seven Passenger SHan 3010
Ask Ad
Buick Fours '
22-Four-34 Two Passenger Roadster $1133
22-Four-35 Five Passenger touring 1180
22-Fouf-36 Three Passenger Coupe 1730
22-Four-37 Five Passenger Sedan 1923
All Prices F, 0. B. Salcin
ont thk G. ill. A. C. Plan '
OttO J. WllbOIa
Center and Commercial Street
Gars. Away
.. c, -
But we are selling them cheaper than ever before
No one can afford to walk when good, dependable, used cars
can be bought at the following prices: -
One 1921 Roadster; has not run 1000
railes.. - X $425
(Starter, Demountable Rims and extras)
One 1920 Sedan; shock absorbers, demount
able rims, etc .U $560
(You ought to hear the motor)
. One 1919 Touring, excellent shape .$255
(He bought a Ford Sedan)
One. 1920 Roadster, a danCy.: "$385
tarter ana otner extras)
One 1918 Touring, a- very good buy .$225
Two 1916 Touring..,. ticn -
Several others to pick from, and as reasonable terms as any pne could ask for. On any
of the above cars that have not demountable rims we will put on demountable riihs,1 V
inch tires all around, also tire carrier for $40. ; .
j.; t .. i v
Visit our accessories department; we have accessories for every make of cars and if we
haven't what you want, we can get it for you. j
M ! . ' r '
' .. v, i. , - K
260 North High Street
Phone 1995