If : I Hi" I ,f I I . f ' ft ii'' s ? r. ! r: r 1 ' I . : - T i -. I. ; ' '; i .'. i h i ' J ; . ' i - ' . t v i" - '" f I CITY NEWS IN BRIEF Gol Itoad t INHlland Ivan O. Martin who returned Saturday from Portland, says there are now paved roads all the yay, with the exception er about half a mile and ths bad crossing over the Southern Pacific tracks near the Valley Tacking com pany's plant, . , tif Harness, .Putters, Itttr Rag Cloves, belts,' purses, suitcases, robes, c. for Christmas gifts. bnaieri Harness Stoe, 170 S. Commercial. Adv. - . Believe In Max ' A." P. South wick or Ilickreall, who has been in this country but a few years, lias already become convinced that tlar is a 'profita ble crop. He has signed for 20 acres with the Willamette Valley Flax and llemp Growers Cooper ative association and also ' for 91,000 of the common stock of the cooperative body, organized as a holding company with the Association. Thanksgiving Potter Here ' The lobby of the Salem postof tice has been decorated with a number of artistic posters, all showing a Puritan family giving thanks about 300 years ago. The 1 HOUSE PETEKS . IRENE RICH IN "The Invisible Power" CLYDE COOK -Original Funster Prizma rathe Hews V- ; Fruitlarid Nursery has sales yard in bark of office, 540 Stale St. South of court house. Hartman's Glasses Easier and Better Wear them and see ; HARTMAN BROS. Phone 1255 Salem, Oregon NOMKING gpitalrs it K2H V. Commrcil ttnei Chop Baey, - Noodles and American DUnM, ice cream and drink, , c Opn 11 Jn. to X is. -Special 8nBdy CHICKEN DINKEB r SAVE $ $ $ by buying your hardware and Jurniture at The Capital Hard ware & Furniture Co., 285 N. Commercial, street. Phone 947 TREES Tor Spring Planting Order Prom THE SALEM NURSERY CO. 428 Oregon Building BALEM -: OREGON Phone 17 6 S 31 CAPITAL BARGAIN HOUSE " We pay highest pries. -1 We boy and sell everything. We sell for lee IB Center St, Fhon 898 Let us supply yon with Clothing Shoes Hosiery Hats Dishes, etc. at the Lowest Prices SALEM'S BARGAIN CENTER , 373-77 Court St. ? Steinbock iBuys Household Goods Junk . Iron ; Rags Bottles . Furniture : Clothing- .f . ' Auto parts . ! Etc, etc. ; ; Steinbock .Junk Co. ! "The House of Half a Million and One Bargains ' 402 North Commercial i . . Phone 623 ' posters are from the postmaster general's department at Washing ton and call attention to the won derfully prosperous country in which , Americans live, compared to the hard time3 and privations of the Puritans during their first Thanksgiving services. Hats Xot Over $. Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday. Special; Thanksgiving prices, any hat in the store not over $5. Mrs. L. G. Curtis, 123 N. High St. Adv. i Xo School Thi Week As this week is Marloa county teachers' annual institute week, there will be no public schools iu session in any school In the coun ty. The law requires that all teachers attend the institute. Card of Thank We desire to express our grat itude to the many friends who so graciously ministered to us in our great bereavement and sorrow; also the choir who rendered the favorite hymns and those who gave the many beautiful flowers. Mrs. James H. Wilson, S. C. Wil son, Mabel Morford. Adv. Move To Salem For Winter A. Q. Spence and family of five have recently, moved to Salem from Gaston and will make their home in the city during the win ter on North Broadway. For the Iluxy Rutdiess Man , Our tudlo will be open for sit tings, by appointment, evenings and Sundays during the holiday period What's better for a gift than a good, well made portrait? Parker-Shrode Studio. Adv. Realtors To Oregon f"?.y As the Marion County Realtors association ill hold no meeting next Thursday, many members of the association are planning to attend the meeting to be held at Oregon City Monday, November 28, when realtors from Marion, Clackftmas and Yamhill counties 'will hold a Joint session. I 1IEI ' . I HILBORN At the residence, 344 North Twenty-third street, Sat urday evening, November 19. Ira Luthehr Hilborn. age 50 years, husband of Mr3. Millie E. Hilborn, father of Mrs. E W.! Hunter. Miss Fay Hilborn M. Dale Hilborn and Nile W. Hilborn. all of Salem. The body is at the RIgdon mortuary. Notice of funeral later. Webb & Clough Leading Funeral Directors Expert Embalmers RIGDON & SON ! Leading Morticians You're Not Too OldTo Learn j., Many JLfm3s w ar? k? ' tajs question "Am I too old to learn?" u. The will lo'take hold is not governed by age. The older person generally has a greater stimulus, a differ ent outlook on life and can see the usefulness of each part of our course. i We have had maiy older leople and always find the aro eminently successful in tho field they ultimately choose. Call at the office and let us tell . you about some of these older people. t Capital Business College I Salem, Oregon The Stovebuilders' Masterpiece Lang's Langwood Range Bakes and holds fire twice as long as any other range with less wood, or your money back. If, your dealer will not supply Lou, send for catalogue and price list. We sell ranges that save yon money.; t , a PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE 271 N. Com51 St. Salem, Ore May Start Something R. O- Snellihg, secretary of the Salem; Rotary club, says the meet ing ffext Wednesday noon will be a special open forum meeting- As several Rotarlans have something special to tell they will be given the opportunity. The meeting will follow -ubjeets broached two weeks ago when there were several suggestions as to what should be done for the good of Salem, Only Five ltv .Weeks Till Christmas. If your sitt ings for holiday photos haven't already been rnao, better arrange for them early. Onr first holi day delivery of finished work will be; made December 5. Parker Sbrode Studio Adv. What Can You Iiuy For five or six dollars that will go as far towards supplying Christmas presents to your friends as a dozen well made portraits? the most acceptable thing you can give. Parker-Shrode Studio. Adv. Mave Heard of Our Ways Real estate dealers living in Redmond have heard of the work now being done by members ot the Marion County Realtors asso ciation, in what is termed the multiple listing plan of listing real . estate. They have ssnt to tne local association for a copy ot its by-laws and constitution and also for some information re garding multiple listing. "Birds of Orron" In beautiful colored pictures. this evening at First Congrega tional church. Many Saleniite Saw Game All who went to Eugene to see the big football game did rot tra vel In automobiles. The Oregon Electric sold S7 round trip tick ets with a number of one-way fares. i Hobol Travel Increasing ; According ! tora!lroad men, travel Is heavy to the south, es pecially the hobo travel. Many freight trains show quite a sprlnk ling of passengers between cara and on top of coal cars all head ing towards the sunny south. Shell Company Report The Shell company of California has filed with the secretary of state a statement showing that during the month of October the company sold in Oregon 250,415 gallons of gasoline and 2065 gal Ions of distillate on which a total tax of $5039.28 was paid. We Wish to Titanic i The merchants for their hearty co-operation and liberal donation for our 10th anniversary celebra tion Friday evening, November 18 1921. Salem Heights Improve ment League. Adv. Recovering From Operation Mrs. S. E.IFleener Who under went an operation November 14 at the Willamette sanitarium. was reported yesterday as making a very satisfactory recovery. She lives ; at 2090 North Fourth street. Layette Quota Complete:; : The last box of infants' layettes made by workers Tor the Red Cross in Salem and vicinity, is already prepared for shipment and will be forwarded tomorrow to the relief j commission for Eu rope. ; The box will be shipped to headquarters! in New York City. First shipments with 54 layettes were shipped! some time ago, and the shipment of tomorrow will contain 46, completing the local Red Cross quota of 100 layettes. Each layette Is a complete infants' equipment, it is thought that a large proportion of shipments will be made to Poland and other central European countries suf fering severely from the late war. New Fixture Installed i Some beautiful commercial type of lighting fixtures are being in stalled about town by the Salem Electric Co. With shop in the Mi sonic Temple. One of the latest and best of these fixtures has just been installed in the French Shop on High street. Adv Musid for Thanksgiving For the i union Thanksgiving services to t be held Thursday THINKING of the Christmas Shopper We're already beginning to think of the Christmas shop per, and have prepared ourselves for the biggest Christ mas business in our history. Accordingly,' wex have stocked our shelves to the limit with attractive gifts for everyone and economical Christmas buyers cannot af ford to overlook ouur offerings. Candles A complete line, from the plain, everyday sort and small Christmas candles priced as low as 15c a dozen, to fancy artistic ones selling as high as $2.50 each. Game We made an exceptionally good buy on carrom and cro kinole boards this year and can offer them to you at a saving. Our prices range from $6 to $10. Commercial Book Store 163 North Commercial St. morning at 10 o'clock at the First Congregational cnurch, a male quartet will render special music and will lead in the singing. The quartet is composed of H. B. Glaisyer, R. H. Robertson, Albert H. Gile and G. N. Cone. Miss Lu cile Ross will accompany on the organ and will play several se lections during the morning pro gram. Tnere will te responsive singing by the audience and the male quartet will sing two Thanks giving numbers. Big Dance Wednesday evening, Nov. 23. Special masquerade dance Friday. November 25. Elite hall. Adv. Dr. It. Ii. Kdwanl ' Physician and surgeon, 406 U. S. Bank building. Special atten tion given diseases of children. Adv. Xorth Howell District Progresses The North Howell school dis trict is progressing. At a social held Frirday night at the school house, there was organized a Par ent-Teachers' association. The program and basket social of the same evening realized about $35, which will go Into the general school fund for the purchase of athletic equipment, play ground apparauts, etc. Trnftsc Fitted at Tyler'a drug store by an expert in the business. Adv. Where is Czecho-Slovakla? For those who are a little weak on their geography since the map of Europe has been made over, there is a large volume of maps al the Salem Public library. It is Rand-McNally's largest and latest edition of maps. It shows ex actly the many new boundaries in Europe and sets rigbt just where one may find the Serb-Croat-Slo vene state and other countries of unuaual names. Box of Candy One pound and three-quarters for one dollar and a quarter. I lass' Home Made Special. The Ace, 127 N. High street. Adv. Old Third Oregon to Meet The Old Third Oregon regiment will meet in Portland December 10, according to an announce ment made yesterday from the ad jutant general's office. Among those who will attend are Colonel George A. White, adjutant gener al; Colonel Carle Abrams. Cap tain H. C. Brumbaugh, Captain T. E. Rilea, Walter A. Spaulding. Louis H. Compton and Major O. Miller. Efforts will be made to have as many as possible of the old Salem company M attend the reunion. , The old Third Oregon holds two reunions a year, on Au gust 5, the date it was organized, and December 11, the date it Sailed for France. Dra. White and Marshall Osteopathic physicians, U S Bk. - Adv. Will Have Busy Time Dr, E. O.. Sisson, professor of philosophy in Reed college, Port land, will be in Salem the first two days of this week and, accord ing to his present' schedule, will be kept pretty busy, Monday morning he speaks to the Marion county teachers' institute, and at noon will appear before members of the Salem Commercial club.On Tuesday morning he will again de liver an address to the teachers, and Tuesday noon speak to the members of the Klwanis club. On Tuesday afternoon he appears on the program at the teachers' Insti tute, speaking on "The Final Test." Candy For Thanksgiving Send her a box of Haas fresh candy. Exclusive agents The Ace, Masonic Temple Adv. Red Cross Booths Next Week Owing to the extremely bad weather Saturday, no Red Cross booths were placed in the down town district, nor was any special effort made to add names to the annual Red Cross roll call. Braz ier Small, general chairman for the roll call in Salem, says the booths will be placed Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday weath - er permitting. It is felt by those in charge of the roll call In Sa lem that many have not been called upon who really appreciate the good work of the Red Cross Boards Phone 64 and who would be willing to take an annual membership at $1. Want to Become Citizen- Thomas William Hall has filed with the county clerk's office his declaration of intention to become an American citizen. He was born at Hespeler, Canada, in 1869 and came to this country by way of Detroit in 1901. His home is at 1496 Ferry street and by oc cupation he is a carder. Several years ago Mr. Hall made his first declaration of becoming a citizen, but for some reason failed to ap ply for final citizenship. He will now have to wait two years. Special Thanksgiving Sale Trimmed and tailored hats, Sat.. Mond.. Tues.. Wed. Miss Larsen, 429 Court Adv. Title to Property Confirmed In the suit of A. A. Klinger and wife agaiifst Josephine E. Palmer and a dozen others to quiet title to lota in Mt. Angel, an order was issued in the circuit court yesterday confirming to Mr. Klinger title to the property in fee simple.. A Clamifled W1U bring you a buyer. Adv. Amended Complaint Filed! An amended complaint has been filed in the circuit court by A. F. Fellows, in which he brings suit against Fred A. Kurtz and alleges j that there is still due him for cherries delivered in July, 1920. the sum of $1834.65. The total amount of cherries delivered amounted to $3816.74 of which Fellows acknowledges there was $1982.09 paid. That was the year Royal Anne and Lambert cherries sold for 13 cents a pound. Special Thanksgiving Sale . Trimmed and tailored hats. Sat., Mon., Tues., Wed. Miss Larsen, 429 Court. Adv. Taken I'nder Advisement The Marion county circuit court ha staken under advisement, after the offering of testimony, the di vorce suit of Lela E. Bolton against Elmer L. Bolton. In the divorce suit of Estella Lundeen against Harry Lundeen, the court granted the divorce and $25 a month alimony for the support of the two children. The children were awarded to the mother. Experienced Waitresses Warded For steady work. The Gray Belle. Adv. Files Twentieth Report The 19th and 20th semi-annual account of the estate of W. D. Claggett was filed for record yes terday by Frank Welch, executor. The 20th report shows a balance ot S4.977.29 in the estate. .4 One License YesterCay One marriage license was is sued yesterday. The fortunate ones were William I. Powers, me chanic of Independence, living in 'Marlon county, and Mrs. Eva O. Perkins, living in Marion county L'aear Independence. t- Legal Blanks Get them at The Statesman of fice. Catalog on application. Adt. Attendance Good Notwithstanding about the rainiest day ot the season Satur day, 59 children attended tne story telline hour yesterday at the Salem public library, when Btories were told by Miss Lucile Crockett, children's librarian. Joint Party Held The Chrestophilian and Chres- tomathlan literary societies neia a joint party In the Chresto hall on the Willamette university cam- ous yesterday atternoon. This is an annual affair and the only joint event ot this semester. The hall, newly furnished and decor ated, was filled with the univer sity men and women. Salmon 7 Cent Fttts Market. Phone 211. -Adv. Armory Burglarized The police department at Al bany has notified local officers rtnat the Albany armory was en tered Friday night and army over coats, raincoats and shoes taken. The Gray Belle Will serve turkey Thanksgiving day. -Adv. dinner Horses Stray D. S. Hildebrand, whose ad dress waB not given to the police has reported that two bay horses are missing from his farm, hav ing strayed away recently- The animals weigh about 900 pounds each Serve Gray Belle French pastry- -Adv Official Permit iven Harry J. Wiedmer, secretary of the Salem Elks lodge, in response to a request to dispense with the meeting next Thursday evening, received the following telegram yesterday: "Suecial dispensation granted Salem lodge 336 to omit its regular meeting of lodge Thursday, November 24. George Neuner, Jr . district deputy grand exalted ruler." Roast or Fried Chicken dinner served all day today. The Gray Belle. Adv. Will Attend Conference At the annual older boys' con ference to be held at Corvallis the latter part of this week. Ward Southworth of the senior class of the Salem hh school will repre sent the visiting delegates and re spond to a toast of welcome. Am ong those who will speak at the conference are Norman F. Cole man of Portland, Dr E. C. Hick man of Salem. Dr. IT. G. Duback ot Corvallis. Lawrence Todman ot Shantung, China, and others prominent in Y. M. C. A. and old er boys work. Mrs. L. G. Curtis Is giving special Thanksgiving prices Monday, Tuesday, Wednes day. Any hat in the shop not over $5; -125 N. High St. Adv. I Frank Seigmond. of Mehama, i was a Salem visitor yesterday. Phillip Fisher, foreman of bridge construction for Marion county, conferred with county court officials Saturday afternoon. E. N. Downing, of Shaw, pat rolman of District No. 70, tran sacted business I with the county court yesterday.: Chester C. Jefferson and Earl Jefferson, "of Nq.th Hone II, were in Salem Saturday afternoon. Judge Thomas A. McBride left yesterday for Deer Island, iis home on the Columbia river, just below St. Helens. Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Johnson and daughter Julia, left yesterday evening ror roruana to remain Sunday and Monday. W. J. Hadley of Turner was In the city yesterday. I HOTEL ARRIVALS I BLIGH Portland arrivals : O. P. Rahn. M. Carle, Mrs. G. Meyers, V. G. Chessmann. Jack Adams. Roy Spencer, N. J. Hew ett and Marearet McKinnon. Oth ers registering ;were Francis Mc Fadden, E. R.jFeiler. Donald: H. B. BradenJ Bend; Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Clark Medford; S. E. Hoges, Oakland; C. G. Stout, Corvallis. - MARION i Portland arrival? included R. Vj Lemon, Mr. pal Mrs. Thomas. N. B. Sloembl, J. Nelson, H. H. Hardman, James ' Wilson. G. B. Guthrie. W. W. Whalen. P. B. Sibley, Vera Adams, Bessie Rogers, A V. Wolcott, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Young, George Underwood. Others were F. J. Heyfron, G. M. Ballantinc. Se attle; W. J. Greenland, C. Inl and Dolley, Eugene; C. J. Lake, Oregon City; R. B. Winslow, Sil verton; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Han sen, Astoria: J. G. Davies, Ro chester, N. Y. 1 BUS FOR BREAKFAST j 1925 fair goes. S Portland takes on her share. S S Now she wiQ ask the state to take on hers, and this wllK likely mean a special session of the leg islature. S i This is Thanksgiving week. "The old tight" at Eugene war a muddy and fierce one, for only two goose eggs; S S It was a wet day in Salem, but a very busy Saturday neverthe less. S fw Salem's live business men have a lot of Interesting advertising this morning, telling about sea sonable offerings and bargains. It is going to be a busy holiday sea son here. ; The Salem paper mill manage menria trying to keep up with the orders- The mill Is running night and ffayj every day in the week excepting Sunday; employ ing eigh hour shifts. But the or ders on hand how will keep the wheels busy till the first of Jan uary, and new orders are being pressed upon the sales depart ment, which 1 unable to promise deliveries for these till after the opening of the new year. All ot which makes the managers wish for greater facilities for accom modating the trade thai is so in sistent for more machinery. Plans are under ways for two naw paper machines, which would double the capacity of the mill. The room has been served In the main machinery building for these new machines; it was provided for In the original construction. And stranger 'things have hap pened than these two new ma chines should I be installed in 1922; calling tor an additional investment of; some $200,000. This would make the Salem paper mill one of the big ones in its class in this country. Si S The census discloses that there are of voting age in the United States 27,661.880 men citizens and 26.759,952 women citizens. There will never be an election issue decided by the fact of tTiis disparity of number. Lecture Series Planned By Willamette Faculty The first of a series of lectures to be held by the faculty members of Willamette university will be held December 12. These meet ings are planned to bring the pub lic of Salem into a closer acquain tance with the university taem- Stop Coughing Schaefer's Throat and Lung Balsam, selling for 25c, 50c and $1.00. Pro duces quick relief for the worst cough. Pleasing to take; beneficial to the system arid a sure cure. Get a small bottle today. Schaefer's Drug Store Sole Agent Garden Court Preparations 1S5N. OoeiX Phone 197 PERS0MIS. bera. The following is a list ot the lectures to be held. December 12. President Doney "Palestine in Picture and Prose," a stereoptican lecture. January 9. Professor Erlckson 'Two Men of the Middle Ages." January S3, Professor Sherman Cbooetng a Personality." ' February 13, Professor Peck "Poetic Aspect ot Principle of Evolution.' . February 27. Professor Mat thews "Love. Courtship and Marriage." April 10. Professor Fake "Vitamines and the Balanced Diet." April 24, Professor Pannuntio "The Conquering Jew." The lectures will be held on Monday evenings as shown by the different dates in the chapel ot Waller hall at 8 o'clock. They will be free. Extensive Sport Program is Launched by Y.MJC.A. An extensive program of sporta swimming and recreation is be ing arranged at the T. M. C A for the public school boys this week. The following is the ached ile for the grade schools: Monday Park school, 9:30 to 10:30 o'clock. Loncoln, 10:45 to 11:45; Highland. 1:30 to 2:30 TttMirlsw j Richmond, 1:30 to 2:30; Gar 4 to S. A basketball league is arrang- ed for each class in the junior high school. The teams will try out Monday afternoon. Grant from 1 to 2; McKinley from 2 to 3: Washington from & to 4. The first games will be .played Tues day. . Washington vs. Grant ninth grade at 1:30 o'clock; McKinley vs. Grant eighth grade at 2:30; Washington vs. Grant : seventh Goods packed, shipped or stored. Fireproof Storage. Prices to Please Yon Phone Larimer Vick Br ot heirs Tire Specials Tire prices have been reduced from 15 to 30 per cent We have guaranteed 30x3 tires -all the way from $9 to $14 Other sizes in proportion SATISFACTION GUARANTEED LANCASTER and SOUND TIRES. Don't Say "I'm Sorry" I Just look a few month or a few years into Ihe ! future. Picture yourself seated in a large comfy armchair after a hard day's work resting but i unable to read, Those eyes so often misused and I so neglected have long sinee given out; you must ! now comfort yourself by sitting in the big arm chair f dreaming. But when that time comes don't say "I'm sorry." 4 ! ! "We hope that for you that time may never come, j That's what we're here for to give YOUR eyes i that careful attention NOW that will enable them to retain their fullest efficiency until old age. Let us examine youfeyes now and youll oev?r T hav to say, "I'm sorry I put it off." , ' JFl ' i . j MORRIS OPTICAL CO. Phone 239 for appointment i Oregon's largest optical institution 204-211 Salem Bank of Commerce Bldg. Salem, Ore. grade at 2:30. '. The second round of tho le&cu will be announced later. . Thanks giying SHOE SALE Begins November 23rd Wait Special Chicken Dinner Today $1.00 Plate .- SOUP: Oyster . soup or cMckea broth. with: green peas j and Termlcelll t SALAJJS: V Potato; Fresh crab or fruit. : . CHICKEN: ' Roast chicken with cranber ry sauce and dressing or fried chicken with country trtTT- , . t . j VEGETABLES .' J Mashed potatoes, tweet corn or creamed, cabbage ; : i DESSERTS - ' Choice of: Home made pie, Ice cream or cake Tea' Coffee Milk it THE SPA EXTRA. SPECIAL Our Utah Coal is going at REDUCED PRICES These prices are cash: Utah Lump CoaU.$17.00 Utah Stove CoaU. 16.00 Utah Egg Coal 15.50 We guarantee all, our 'i .';-'' k ' coals ; ' - 930 Transfer -1