The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 20, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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' ! . " j i-r ' - ; - 'n
Moslem1 and Hindu Render
Royal Honors to Doughty
Foe of Booze
From Limbri to Delphi Wor
ker Meets With En
couragement DELFI.V India. Not. 7. John
son, the "American anti-saloon
crusader who lost an eye trying
to dry up th British Islet, is get
ting another kind of a reception in
India. Moslem and Hindu, thous
ands of them In the past two
weeks, . have rendered Johnson
honors rarely ehown to any per
son short of royalty. Indian
journalists describe the Ameri
can's entry into this ancient capi
tal somewhat as Thomas Moore in
"La 11a Rookh" pictures the bril
liant and triumphant arrival ot
the Sultan of Eucharia. to claim
the heart and hand of Aurungzebe.
' Mr. Johnson has been lavishly
entertained by the Thaker Sahib
of Limbri and other ruling princ
es and has been the recipient of
That Good Old
Let that new suit for
Thanksgiving be a Cloth
craft Serge
Blues -Browns.
217 N. Commercial
Aaron Astill, Prop.
All ot these are quality instruments that will add
and good cheer to any home, j They will make
REMEMBER We handle music and musical instruments exclusively.
415 Court Street
numerous gifts. These include a
case of jewels and a gold watch,
containing one prince's photo
graph and his engraved coat-of-arms
inlaid in regal purple enam
el. At Jaipur, a delegation of
leading citizens came to the train
at 2 o'clock in the morning and
begged Johnson's secretary to
permit them to enter his car and
gaze at the sleeping race of Robin
Hops and John Barleycorn. The
request was granted and "Pussy
toot" did not know of the affair
until breakfast.
Native Demand Speech
The night before, at 11:30
o'clock. Johnson's train pulled in
to Ajmer. About 500 natives
were at the station and yelled for
a speech- The crusader whs
awakened and as the stop was
cnljr for a few minutes he didn't
have time to dress. Whereupon
the American' appeared on the
platform in slippers and pajamas
and gave the.crowd a vehement if
brief broadside against the drink
Haroda. governed by a native
ruler, "entertained "Pussyfoot" as
a guest of the government. An
entire mansion, with a coterie of
servants and a chief of staff,' and
a carriage with driver and -footman,
were assigned to him and
the reception was attended by In
dian rajahs and princesses as
well as officials of the state. Mr
Johnson later was entertained by
the dramatic portrayal of an In
dian folklore play and examoles
of native household worship. Th3
national hymn was sung and
flags were flying as he entered
the province. He visited a social
settlement and in the evenln?
spoke to 3.000 at a prohibition
mass meeting presided over by
the Prime Minister of Baroda.
Addresses Students
Ahmedabad. the great Indian
manufacturing center, was next
visited and after a series of so
cial functions the American dry
leader was taken to the home of
Mahmtma K. Ghandl. Speakins
later before several hundred stu
dents of the National university,
the president faculty and stud
ent body of which were seated on
the floor, Mr. Johnson made, a
good Impression by refusing to
accept a chair and, amid cheers.
sat on the floor himself. In the
evening a mass meeting w held
In the town hall, the largest as
semblage place in the city, which
was able to accommodate not
more than half the people who
clamored for admission.
The Thakor Sahib, ruler of Lim
bri, feudal state which is indepen
dent of British rule, was the cru
sader's host at Lis place the next
day. The Thakor Sahib shut P
the distillery and closed all ot the
rum shops of his state and the
prime minister of Bhavanagar. re
gent of a neighboring province,
r.nnottnced that on November 1 it
would become dry.
".t Gift is Presented
. A committee of 60 Delhi busi
ness -men, followed by a crowd
that completely jammed the rail
road station, met Johnson upon
his arrival here. It was with dif
ficulty that the American and his
secretary. Tartni Prasada Sinha,
were able to reach their; carriage
through a "cordon ot police. 'Then
followed three memorable days in
which ; "Pussyfoot" jumped from
one event to another. ' The largest
open-air demonstration, in the
rear of the city, hall, was attended
by 6.000 and was presided over by
Join Our
One Dollar Starts You
on the Road to 1
1 Ownership I
of one of these quality instruments. It's an easy
road to travel. Small regular payments soon
make the instrument your own. j
This Is The Home Of
The VictrolaThe SonoraBush
& Lane Pianos
- j
' Si
The latest Victor Records are here for
Hundit Madas Mohan Maliviya.
bead of the reat Hindu univer
sity at Benares- The Hindu intel
lectual leader traveled 400 miles
to act as chairman of the meeting
which presented Johnson with an
address of welcome printed m
two languages on Indian hand
woven: cloth, i Another gift from
Delhi people -was a gold woven
Leaders of! the I?lhi demon
stration included the head of the
Khalafet movement in India, the
political head; of the Moslem
church and Bishop Warns of Am
erica. ; Mr. Johnson was acclaim
ed by One of the speakers as "our
brother who cime to II 2.000 miles
from America! to help the people
or India." j i
Assassin Demands Privileg
es of Custom and Or
ders Favorite Dish
CAEN, France, Oct. 26 Men
condemned to! death, it has be
come a custom in France, inty
cat or drink jwhat they like for
their last meal. Most of them
ask for rum and a cigarette.
The prosecutor of the republic
was amazed when a few days ago.
a condemned j assassin refused
them and, in response to a request
as to what hip desired, said: "I
should like to! have a "homard ..
l'America.ine." The "American
lobster' or thfi lobster done In
the American j fashion" as it ap
pears on the menus of the best es
tablishments, requires a deep wa
ter stomach irj order; to digest it
"Can't I get you something In
stead." asked j on of the guards,
"a sardine or borne other kind of
tish?" . t j '
"American lobster or nothing."
demanded the! man about to die
"I have always adored American
lobster; but 1 nave never been a"n
le to eat it without sufferin indi
gestion for hcjurs afterward."
,' There is nd doubt about it, my
friend; ; we'il have to operate on
you." the doctor said cheerfully.
"Operate!" j the patient ex
claimed. "Grjeat Scotf, doctor.
I've no moneyj for expensive op
erations." "Hum! Weil you're insured,
aren't you?"
"Yes. but I Can't realize on that
until after I'm dead it goes to
my estate." ! i
"On. that's (all right, my dear
fellow," the fioctor said, again
smiling cheerfully. "That's per
fectly all right don't you worry
about your bill at all!" Emmett
Campbell Hall; in Judge.
She--D;d you ever see the Ho
mer 'twins? I
' He Yes. I
"Dori't you ihlnk the boy is the
picture ot his! father?"
"Yes and j also thing the gir".
is the phonograph ot her mother.
Chicago News. I
Holton Band
a touch of refinement
ideal Christmas gifts.
i !
your selection
Phone 983
j ; j.
; I ; 1
I i j
i r I
H !
, '5 :
nenrl Desire Landru. the "Bluebeard of Gambais. , on trial in Paris charged with the murder of eleven
persons, ten of whom were women whom he is said to have romised marriage. He is accused of having
burned the bodies ot his alleged victims and to have buried the remains in the yard of his home at Gambais
near Paris. The picture shows French detectives working unier orders from the Prefect, during In tha
yard of Landru's home for the remains of his allege d victla.
Queer Arrangement of Petty
Business Affairs Found
In Big Nation
Small Fortunes Are Paid for
Necessities, Pound of
Honey Costs Much
BERLIN. Nov. 8. Soma Am
ericans in business in Germany
say that the continued deprecia-
lion of German and Austrian
money threatens to force Amen-1
an branch manufactuilng plants
ind distributing houses in the
two countries to close or operate
at a heavy loss in the hope that
conditions shortly will improve.
A number of smaller German
businesses, principally dependant
on importations of raw materials,
also are facing a crisis and to
avoid bankruptcy, which they ses
five or six months distant when
the exhaustion of reserve funds
and stocks has been completed,
arc seeking to - consolidate with
larger, ;moro firmly established
Orders Not Filled
The American manufacturing
concerns, dependent on German
raw materials, are faced with the
peculiar situation of having huge
outstanding orders in adjacent
countries which they are unable
to fill because the Germans in
sist on delivering raw material at
current prices, more than double
in marks the prices at which the
material was contracted for, and
which would make impossible the
filling of outstanding orders at a
Insistence by the foreign con
cerns on delivery at contracted
prices has been without avail,
protestations either being ignored
or the foreigners being told
frankly told that such procedure
would almost immediately bank
rupt the German firms, in view
of the recent depreciation of the
Mark's Value Annoys
American distributing houses
also are embarrassed by the fact
that they have large contracts to
fill at prices based on 1-previous
values of the falling mark.
"To make the situation worse,
certain German interests, have
started a cut-throat competition
to secure -and hold the export
trade in manufactured articles,
which has enormously .increased
within the last few months," the
representative of an American
branch manufacturing plant said.
"This competition fails to take in
to consideration the fundamental
proposition that funds must be
who should do your
wiring. Our de
pendability U your
insurance. Defect
ive wiring often
causes a disastrous
fire. Let us serve
you electrically -4-jou'll
find you will
have no cause for
complaint. If you
are interested in
elect ri'-ai appliances
the latest
come in and nee us occassionalty.
.ill rf ji ii
I . 117 I.IVK WlllFS
M-rvn Jt - 4vM
?et a3ide for depreciation but isinaw, Housnton county. Mich.
based almost solely on the desire
lor immediate profits. The un
avoidable consequence will be that
within six months or so these
firms will face the necessity of re
pairs or improvements, without
money to pay, unless teh capital
stock is drawn upon. Such a con
dition cannot long continue, un
less there is a substantial improve
ment in German money."
Industries Suffer
Industrialists hardest hit by
the conditions have again resort
ea to the argument tnat the na
tion will be bankrupted if the en
tente insists on collection of fu
turet indemnities in sums agreed
nnon aid in th's connection point
to the damage done economic Ger
many by tna payment of the last
1.000.000,000 gold marks, wh'ca
cost approximately 53.000.000,
(00 paper marks and was credit
ed with forcing the value of the
mark down a score of points.
The efforts of the government
and the bis bankers to agree upon'
a method of raising- the n-?xt 1,
000,000.000 gold marks and the
evident willingness of the bank
ers to stand by the government.
! are discounted by these finan-l
Hers, some of whom profess, to
hope the reparations commission
will deridp full oavment is im
possible without disrupting the
economic situation of urope and
accept part payment.
In the meantime discussions be
tween the bankers and the gov
ernment's economic experts have
been continuing, behind locked
Detroiter Puts Own Theory
Into Practice by Plant
ing Forest
All Forests Will Soon Be De
nuded by Present Waste
ful Methods
IT. A plan for "harvesting of
the forests.' as opposed to the 1
present system of denuding the
wood tracts of this and other
states and that, if it proves ad
vantageous, may revolutionize
the lumber industry of the coun
try, has been put into execution
by Henry Ford on a section of
land about two miles from Sid -
) p
) I
JVan Cieaf Gulick ot Bentonsport, Iowa, a globe trotting cowboy,
who in full regalia travels from one city to another on a tranaconU-
SnHi&Hnf mlifS,; WUI write a OQ W xpeHences
doling his trip. He has visited manv Ktta nnH k ... .
i !
The plan, that is attracting con
siderable attention among, lum
bermen, has as its basic principle
the conservation of Michigan's
last dwindling timber .supply.
SetxllinRs Protected
The section chosen for the ex
periment is a part of Mr. Ford's
holdings in the upper peninsula.
The idea, in brief, is i to remove
from this tract only the mature
trees. Underbrush and the waste
wood left in lumbering operations
are to be carefully cleared away
to protect the remaining trees
against fire. The young trees re
maining will be permitted to at
tain maturity. In the; meantnme
they will seed the ground about
them and when they, tn turn are
cut. the nert crop will have been
started. Thus harvests may be
liiade in each of a period of years
indefinitely. One feature of the
plan is to leave sufficient space
between the growing young trees
to permit . their rapid develop
ment. !
Kvonfs I Warranted
Mr. Ford and his associates ad
mit that the cost of rearing trees
in this way will be gteattr than
the present expense of obtaining
lumber, but point out that unless
conservation r?medies are applied
at once the future will see the
forests depleted and that the
country in the future will pay
dearly for its past neglect.
E. G. Kingsford, a member of
a Ford concern, said ; concerning
the venture and its possibilities:
''Mr. Ford is convinced that the
public interests demands a fun
damental change in treatment of
our forest wealth. The inevitable
result of the present pystem will
be denuding of our -forest lands.
As this denuding continues lum
ber costs will advance steadily.
Finally denudation will be car
ried to the point where- the need
of remedial measures : will be re
alized everywhere. At that time
reforestation will be the only hope
for the future and this is a slow
and expensive process.
All Must (o-0cratp
"The harvesting of trees is a
practical alternative; In our
present test we will cut trees with
a minimum diameter of 10 to 12
inches. We not only will remove
all wastage from the trees felled
to guard against fire, fcut will cut
away all of the balsams and oth
er trees that might ; retard the
growth of th? young trees leCt
"We realize that the Ford in
terests can do little without the
co-operation of other lumbering
interests. Much educational work
must be done before the idea will
come into general
use. We are
seeking to blaze a trail in the
effort to convince other lumber
men that the idea at least is
worthy of study and experiment."
j a tragedy or tne Tniddle-aeed
is the knowledge that any new
' love they acquire is warmed over.
The ehhhv visitor laid his tat
upon a chair" and approached the
j merchant pnuce wno naa grJlru
the visitor s request for a minute
of time. ' I can tell you. ne
'ihow to tHCom? a fcreat sn-c.
. ' how to win independence for life. '
Three seconds gon? from nf
minute I'm g.ving you," said the
I have here." went on the
th'nker. "an infr.Hiable memery
system. Master it, and you will
I master the rvorld. ou win noi
j forget to post the letter your wite
gave you this morning."
! "My trouble." said the mer
1 chant, "is that I can's find a re
HnhiP svstpm for 'orcetting the
things I want to. Your minutes
up." fc ,
SadH- th visitor "departed, no
two minutes later he returned to
th? office breathless and excited.
"I forgot my hat!" he said Chi
cago News.
The Irishman Wins
An Irishman came into the
otfico of the president of the Illi
nois Central railroad and said:
Me Name's Casev. Oi worruk out
in the yar-rds. Oi'd loike a pass
to St. Louis."
That is no way to ask for a
pass." said the president. "Yotj
should introduce yourself politely.
A Big Double-Header
Singing, Dancing, Music and Fun Galore
Bring the Kids and Come
Do You Remember
"Back to, God's Country"
Then You'lf Like
. i ... ' :
in a romance of the air, land and sea, peppered
with the thrills that dreams are made of in
Starts Thursday
The wild'animals of the ffir north take leading
Today Only Lucy
Elaine Hammerstein
'Her Point
Weekly Scenic Comedy
-Where The Big Shows Play
Come back In an hour and try It t
At the end ot me aay oc cam
the Irishman. Doffing nis nai, ne
inquired. "Are yes the man I saw
" 'I am."
"Me name is Patrick .Casey. Oi've
been workin" out in th yar-rds."
Glad to know you. Mr. Casey.
What can 1 do for you?"
Oi've got a Job an a pass to
St. lou t on th' Wabash. Yex can
go to th' div'l Case Eagle.
Your merits may not be appre
ciated, but you ought to be thank,
ful if-your faults are not exacsi-
Begins November 23rd Wait
Wbn lrrir!iir r soppr m i Trl
omph Pilli. 8f ! dpUM is U
proper cr Not td 4m Ur.
Do not oiiwriment wMh othT ;
prwiatiant. WriU for "Rolwf ' 4
pirticnUrt ' iw . Addrsr Ksttoasl
Mediral IattitaU. Milvftuki. Wis.
Read The Classified Ads.
I t A N &
of View
.V i :
1 ;
V ii
222KU3rmrSr.WMr91tL many principal crties.l Thhi pho-
? wf.i ipb was ta Ken wnen nt ron nia mnnnf p -- .
iuui 4w tors city.