The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 20, 1921, Page 11, Image 11

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' t '
eii's Activities!!
-i if
HEMEKETA chapter ot the work which is occupying the at-
m. Daughters ol the American
Revolution will celebrate
next 'Saturday the- seventh an nl
Urwiry of their establishment. A
birthday dinner -will be riven at
the home of Mrs. Homer- Gqulet
and a birthday cake will b one
. r the features ot the o;or.rn.
Mia. Isaac Lee Patterson,' national
vice-regent, -who is in charge of
athe northwest Americanization
work ot the D. . A. It., will be. a
uest of honor and other invited
guests will be present.!-
Mrs. Patterson," who was then
state regent,, sponsored j Chemek
eta .chapter on its organization,
November. 26, ,1915. Mrs. S. C.
Dyer wa the 'first regent of the
chapter and others who h ave serr
ied ..are Mjs. Clara. .Heltzeil, Mrs.
' Seymour Jones and Mrs. U. Q.
Shipley, present regent..
;J Mrs . Seymour J.ones is local
i chairman of the Americanization
Begins November 23rd Walt
tention of all chapters of the D.
A. R. in a special manner this
year. The local group helped the
national organization in ther work
of rebuilding the village of Tillo-
loy in northern France.
A huge boulder will be placed
on the state house grounds in the
near future by Chemeketa chap
ter, to mark the way of the early
pioneers. It will be placed as near
as possible in the path of the Old
Government Trail. The boulder is
estimated to be anywhere from
seven to 19 .tons in weight.
The women of the D.A.R. in
Salem maintained an auxiliary ot
the Red Cross during the war.
They have always taken an active
interest in naturalization days in
the Marion county court and try
to attend in a body on those days.
The Pythian Sisters club will
meet Tuesday afternoon in Mc-Cornack-
hall. Mrs. Idiln Young is
chairman of the social' committee.
A social hour will follow the busi
ness meeting. Mrs. May Radcliffe
is president of the club.
Officers of the , Count Ots Me
class have just been made known.
, A IB
We hava ist unpacked a
vbiggeri.'f of it than we
ever carried vbef ore. " And
we're going to sell it at
"these prices!
to rn "iuis.
$U95 $2 JO ;&lS
up to $438 per pair
Short Dresses Demand
". Attractive Silk Hosiery:
Winter Conditions Demand
The most moderate of prices
." Y;' We Meet Them Both!
& Co.
Where it Pays to Pay As. You. Go
Officers club of W. R. C.
with Mrs. Delia Clearwater,
232 South Church.
Study club of W. P. M. S.
with Mrs. Blaine Kirkpat-
. Pythian Sisters club. Mc-
Cernack hall. 2:30 p. in.
Catholic Women's league
'.church sacristy. 3 p. m.
W. C O. F Sewing club.
in evening with Mrs. Eugene
Eckerlen, 605 North Liberty
D. A. R. birthday party,
with Mrs. Homer Goulet
Mrs. B. F. Heikes was chosen as
president; Mrs. F. D. Socolofskt
vice-president; Mrs. Harry Ralph,
secretary and treasurer; Mrs. P.
W. Da vies; social committee, Mrs
George O'Neil, Mrs. P. W. Davies
and Mrs. E. G. Ross; Sunshine
committee Mrs. C. T. Hoover, Mrs
C. M. Oglesby and Mrs. G. C. Bar-
The class members will enter
tain for their- husbands in the
near future.
The Catholic . Women's league
will meet in St. Joseph's sacris
ty Taesday, November 22 at 3
o'clock. Members are urged to be
present for the first meeting of
the league aince summer.
The Study class of the Women's
Foreign Misstoanry society will
meet Monday .afternoon with Mrs
Blaine E. Kirkpatrick. Mrs. A. A.
Lee and Mrs. H. V. Holienberg
will have . charge of the lesson
Sewing for Miss Laura Heise will
occupy the hours following tbo
COLLEGE, -Nov. 18. Maine Sea-
coast Mission, the philanthropy
maintained by Sigma Kappa to ed-!
ucate children on the coast of
Maine who are far from schools,
will receive the proceeds from the
benefit daace which the fraternity
is sponsoring at Lauralhurst clab,
in Portland, Friday, November 25.
Alumnae members of Sigma Kap
pa a.nd active members of Upsilon,
the chapter at Oregon Agricul
tural college, are hostesses at thit
affair to which college students,
and friends of the fraternity are
being invited. Among the Salem
(oik who will attend the dance
are Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kellog,
Mr. and Mrs. Reed Rowland, Miss
Marjorie Brown, Misa Jessie Gib
son, Miss Olga Kirkwood and Miss
Bertha Vick.
and promises to be more gener
ally attended than ever this year.
The reed for garments for the
poor it greater than it has been
duriag recent years, although the
demand last year far exeeeaea
what was thought possible. All
garments donated are kept in the
court house in Dallas and when
ever it is learned that there are
needy in the county Ibey are vis
ited and relieved as far as this
organization can do the wort.
The work is also somewhat
novel. Outside of Portland there
Is but oue'other guild tn the state,
that having been recently organ
ized at Marshfield. Each lady is
urged to donate two garments.
preferrably home mode, and these
are kept on hand until there is
a demand for the same. The
committee in .charge of this
year's affair are as follows:
Reception Mrs. M. M. Ellis,
Mrs. M. L. Boyd. Mrs. Prapher.
and Mrs. Conrad Stafrin.
Lunch Mrs. W. V. Fuller, Mrs.
J. R. Allgood. Mrs. Eugene Hay
ter and Mrs. I. L. Smith.
Decoration Dr. V. C. Staats,
Miss Van Voorhees and Mrs. B.
F. Preston.
Garment Mrs. Oscar Hayter,
Mrs. Ida Manston and Mrs. I. F.
Yoakum. ,
All Dallas ladies are invited to
attend and participate.
Mrs. Mark Hayter was hostess
for the civic section of the Dallas
Women's club Tuesday afternoon.
Plans for the care ot the court
house grounds during the next
year were discussed. It was an
nounced that no word had as yet
been received from the county
The brass wind sections ot the
Symphony orchestra will be dis
cussed at the meeting of the mu
sic section of the Woman's club
Monday. Mrs. D. J. Bone will
be hostess.
The literary section of the Dal-
as Women s club wni De enter
tained at the home of Mrs. Cha3.
Bilyeu Tuesday afternoon.
i HE Polk. County Needlework
guild wilt hold its annual re
ception, tea and garment do
nation in the basement of the
Prcbyterian church Tuesday, November-
29. ' This is an annual
affair that has always proven one
Ot the big events of the countyl
f- V - V Just a Word
f ; L To the
j r 'ikS; iWiiter
i a . J Millsaery i
Furs Predominate
The French Shop announces the showing of the new millinery for the Mid
Winter season. The display, contains Fur Hats in Seal, Nutria and, Squirrel
delicately trimmed with gold and $il ver crowns. Then there areHhc smart
models in gold and sliver laces'; others with that charming brocaded effect,
rich velvet and gorgeous feathers Yoo'U 'be delighted with the skill winter
fashion designers have used n bringing ns these beautiful models. The prices
range from t
Fur Coats
"We also have a fine sKowing of furs and
Zealand seal coats.
$8.50 10 $16.50
Smart new dresses for street, afternoon
and evening! wear.
Closing. Out
"We are closing, out all our early fall hats at very special prices,
models yet remain. ;
Several interesting
115 ITorth HiffrtXt
Phono 1983
sanctorum of the American
household, accompanied by his
court of lesser though still im
portant dignitaries.
Though minus his usual plum
age and strutting finery, he is a
welcomed guest and the family
and friends who have gathered
around the decorated table to
take part in the festive homage,
great his arrival with expectant
and happy expressions.
Not alone is King Turkey hon
ored. There is Queen Plum
Pudding. Archduke Cranberry
Sauce and the Royal Fixins' that
get their share of admiration and
attention and all have a part in
making the occasion one which
will last in the memories of those
who are present. Even are the
fmall dishes of tid-bits and ap
petizing entrees as well as the
myriad of after-dinner surprises
an important addition to tr fes
His visit is all too short. One
or maybe two brief .assaul'n and
the Court of King Turkey Is no
more. The Kink departs, leaving
behind fond remembrances of hia
oodness and many a defeated
The walnut has always been
much In evidence during the
Thanksgiving holidays usually a
bowl of them adorning the festive
tables after meals. The adapta
bility of the nut in the art of
cookery is increasing its popular
ity and many housewives will this
year include walnuts in the main
courses of the Thanksgiving meal.
Below is set forth several new
and tried recipes in which walnuts
play an important role. These
dishes will be found appetizing
and healthful and will be splen
did additions o the holiifay me
nus. . '
Wilnirt Carrot Salad
B crrts (the umal bunch). .
24 English wahiutg
Ran through exinjer, salt and peper
to taste.
Juice ot 2 lemoni
2 tabWtpaoBfaWi B(-ar.
Batter, V4 tf
Cook in 4oall l-ei!r tarn with milt.
CAuroKxiA nrr bread
1 tup walnut Meat, fhoppeJ
4 rap BBolasai .-
V np brown sagar
1 eup fUrar j
2 rnps tiraa flour
1 i cup soar Bulk
1 teasMBfiil silt t
t teasposnful soda
Bake fn nxxrerat o"a 4." nttnate.
wAXjnrr aurn applx dresskq
Tor Wild Dack
Pare, quarter and eere three or four
tart apple. t'lvep eearaely. Add ae
ka If cap chopped vmlnut Beats, one
half tesjpeonfol (rated iesoon peel, salt
to taste. !
Lar stale er d7 bread in colj water :
BBtil aret throaKh. . Sqneeie oat lightly.
Add salt, pepper, aape, savory or thyme
aad either eelerylaaJi or finely ekeppod
ceelry. Add chopped onion browned in
butter, 1 cup chopped walnut meats.
Fluaa Paddis a la Walnuts
1 cup suet chopped fine.
1 rp raisin '
1 cup currants
1 cup bread mmbs
1 cup brown In jar
14 cup nxtlasaea
1 cap flour ;
1 tcapoenfil btk nf powder.
Spice to taste 1( cinnamon), clove, nut
Duec about a teaapoonfal of each.
1 cop chopped walnuts.
Sufficient mitt to make a still bat
ter. Takes about -half cup milk. Place in
a greased pudding meld and steam threo
Thank sstrinc Walnat Cake
3 caps sifted flour, put back in sifter,
add: 4 teaspoonful salt
2 teas poonfu la baking powder !
2 cups sugar ;
2-3 eflps of patter
1 cup milk
2 cups chopped walnuts
2 M
I teaspoonfu) vattnilla.
Bake one hour. :
1 pint of whipping cream
2" cups walnut meats (chopped)
14 cup maple sagar cut ia small pieces
t package Knox's gelatine dissolved in
one-half cup cold water.
Dissolve the gelatine, add whipped
rreaiu nuta and maple sugar. Pack in
mold with salt aad ire all around three
hours before serving.
Jack owned a German-made
watch. Recently it refused to run
so Jack took it to the jeweler.
He made a post mortem examin
ation and when Jack called for
the verdict his watch was handed
to him with a piece of crepe tied,
lo it. "No hope," was the mourn
ful verdict of the jeweler.
"What s th matter?" asked
Jack, alarmed. '
"Found a cockroach Inside."
; "That what plugged op , the
works, eat"
-No! replied the jeweler. "The
cockroich had been keeping j the
thing going, but he died, at f his
post. London Telegraph. ;
Oee tnateMBaa Cteeetne Ada.
A Sales Campaign
When the business man says the market is dull he
refers to the market where he has been accustomed
to sell his products. Business will remain dull for such
a man if he does not find means to extend his territory.
j ... -
Keen business men are always on the alert to find
a market beyond their usual territory. Sdmr enter
prising stockmen from Massachusetts exhibited at the
recent Livestock Show in Portland and thus enlarged
their trade area. , ! j
There is always a market if you ran. find it . Many:
wideawake firms are securing orders from points hun
dreds of miles beyond their usual territory by use of -the
Long Distance telephone. Such orders arc secured
at pmall expense and without undue delay. . Pacific
Long Distance lines reach all Pacific Coast points. with'
connections to all points east, f -
Ask for Pacific Long Distances wVl
Apr $sk
The Pacific TelcptoneTJ
and Tclegraplfi
m x
Mrs. a L. Crlder was hostess
to. the Sarah Childress Polk chap
ter. Daughters of the Amerncan
Revolution, Monday evening, No
vember 14. An interesting pro
gram was given. Mrs. A. V. R.
Snyder read a paper covering the
second of Prof. J. B. Horner's
'Outlines for Study of Oregon
History," which was highly appre
ciated. The regent, Mrs. M. L. j
Boyd, read the message from the
president general N. S. D. A. R,
Mrs. Anna Rogers Elinor. Mrs, J
Oscar Hayter read Mrs. Keating s
message, which was given last
spring at the conference In Wash
ington ..D. C. The members saniJ
"America," accompanied by mts.
A. V. R. Snyder. Beautifuf yel-
low chrysanthemums and flags
were used in the living room, and
delicious refreshments were serv
ed by the hostess.
December Number Ladies' Home Journal Patterns Now on Sale (on Balcany)
The Petri artist-pupils recital
given Friday evening at the Pres
byterian church proved to be .a
delightful musical treat. Mrs.
Jeanette Boyer-Xanten proved to
be a colorature soprano with a
polished technique and lovely
style of Interpreting
The songs she gave with Miss
Margaret Laughton, flutist, were
brilliant concert numbers. Tha
song, "Nature Love's," composed
by Miss Lucille Ross of Salem,
was especially enjoyed
Charles Thomson, baritone,
showed esnecial versatility with
his "Vale." given with pathos;
"The Rinsers," with humor and
the "Nid, Nid. Nodden." with
quaint simplicity. Franklin Lau
ner and William O'Neil both
pleased the enthusiastic audience
with their skill and technique
Mrs. Petri played the orchestral
scores of the concertos on a sec
ond piano. The lare auditorium
was comfortably filled with an
enthusiastic audience.
The program given was as fol
The Wren (flute obligator . . .
Sir Julius Benedict
Jeanette Boyer Xanten.
Concerto, A minor, op. 16..
, Edward Grieg
Franklin Launer
Aria from Faust, "Dio Possente
Vale Russell
The Ringers Lo&r
Charles Thomson
There Are Tairies at the Bot
tom of Our Garden. .Lehmaxin
Nature Love (MS.) Ross
Lo, Hear the Gentle Lark
...4 Bishop
Jeanette Beyer
Jeanette Boyer Xanten
Concerto -No. 1. B flat minor,
op. 23 Tschaikowsky
William O'Neil
Dnet from Don Giovanni, "La
cl darem la mano". . . .Mazart
("Your Little Hand")
Mrs. Xanten and Mr. Taomson
The Oregon Music Teachers
association meets in Portland on
Thursday and Friday of thi3 week.
A number of Salem music teach
rs will be in attendance at the
state meet.
The first Salem symphony or
chestra concert will be given Jan
uary 6 Instead of December
as was previously ' announced
Conflicting dates caused the
change of time. Mordanst A
Goodnough will be the soloist for
this concert. . .
Three days hence and the entire world will bend in prayer, offering thanks for the many good things they
have enjoyed. We take this means of thinking yon for your continued patronage, and to show our sincerity
we present those very things that you will want and need to make this festal holiday an enjoyable one at sur
prisingly low prices .
A Special Selling of a Newly Arrived Shipment of
Fashionable Party Dresses
This Thanksgiving season is being;termed the Easter r .
of the Fall the fashions portrayed through this gorgeous
array of party and afternoon dresses will delight everyone j
that sees them They are mostly Brownr Black and plue-'!
fancifully made and trimmed with lace--while the richness
All hail the King Turkey!
Once a year with due pomp and
ceremony this great national fig
ure is ushered into the sacred
V j
I ' ij
I.Q Earn
f of the contrasting color trimmings will also speak the II
' beauty of the style come early Monday and make your se- vL
f lection; for that Thanksgiving party, "
$25 Broad Cloth Coats
If you want a real bar
gain in a coat, now is the
time jto'buy. They are
made of finest all wool
Broad Cloth, embroid
ered, Jstyles to suit your
$14J0 .
Ladies' Jersey Jackets
Another shipment has
arrived to sell at $3.50.
Also informing you that
Thanksgiving day ends
our sale of Jersey Jack
ets, and you might later
find them higher than
; $3So
Buy them now
Indicating a Selling That Will ProTe Lencrneaal
Ladies Silk Waists
Fashioned of finest all silk Georgette, Crepe de Chine
and Satin with pretty hand embroidered color effects.
These are positive values to $6.50. It will be wise to
put a couple away for Christmas gifts.
isite Philippine Underwear of Lingerie Cldth
Jiach dainty piece has been skillfully made by deft nimble fingers. Fine scalloped edges; bow
knot, floral, conventional designs, cut work, hemstitching and Calado work are featured. All
hand-hemmed and hand-seamed. Made with square, round or V necks. Sale Price
U Pure Silk Hosiery That
I Smartness Commends
to Fashionable Women
t 51.10 a Pair
SILK HOSE Full fashion
ed, finished with double
-lisle sole, toes and high
spliced heel and elastic garter-proof
top. In black.
.white, cordovan, medium
2, grey, silver, beaver and
V nnde.
i -
: Men's Clothing at
Startling Redactions
MEN! It's high time for
you to be seeing our new
line of Men's Suits. The j
holiday season is at hand j
a new suit bought here !
will mean money saved j
to you. Prices are '
S $12.50 to $29.50 i
1'With all purchases at this store w4 )ffer you free and prompt delivery service. This includes all other depart
Omenta as well as groceries-because we sell sugar nearly at cost and sometimes less, we will have -to omit thfe
J r .itemrom the above service . 1 , ,. . . v:;.."