The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 19, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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(Continued from page 3.) Sr
be wanted to know whether or
not his left leg was not too bad
ly injured. To Bee Ernest go
through It all bo bravely was en
ough to. make us all forget the
danger. I asked permission to go
-to the post commander at the fot
of the bill lor a stretcher. Going
down I helped carry our only one
pn which Davidson had been,
placed. Vhe"n we reached the P.
C. after going through a terrific,
barrage, we found that all the
Than Midget prices for
your Meats. Our Meats
are of the very choicest
quality, our prices un
equaled. Saturday Special
PURE LARD, No. 5 Pail
Center Cuts
22c lb.
"'Milk Fed .
20c 76:
icnc id.
Milk Fed
r '20c lb.
The . Salmon Season on
Coast closes Nov. 20
Get yours now
Whole Fish
..' 9c lb.
J25clb. '
Fancy San Juan
V 25c lb. '
- ., ......
When Good Meats are
sold for less The Midget
will sell them
' 351 State Street
stretchers were being used. I
decided then it would be test to
carry Davidson to the First Aid
station about a mile down and
leave him thero, so I could bring
back the satire stretcher. I Tiid
so and returned about an ho:iir
' later- As I was making tor the
bill. I saw the few who were IeU
in our platoon coming down. Cor
poral Siegel told me that just as
I left "Ernest was killed by an
other shell I went up to the
spot anyway, to get my blankets
-and equipment. I coulu find no
trace of Ernest, the trees ' were
felled by the shells and the land
was so disrigured it was impossi
ble to traverse it.
The gad news was spread rap
Idly from company to company
of our battalion, till every one of
Ernest's frienda knew of his
death. How sad everyone felt.
He was continually on my mind
for a long time after that event
ful day. Only a few days later
while I was in the hospital 1
dreamed of him. Even now thai
some time has elapsed every time
I think of that experience, re
morse brings back to me the
thoughts of those old days in
France, when I had the honor of
eoldiering with a man like Ern
est, who was so staunch andi
Many a soldier whose deeds
could not be compared to Ernest's
was given a D. S C or Croix de
Guerre, which only goes to show
how some individuals with real
courage and bravery were recog
nized in the A E. F.
Above all I" want you to feci
assured that your son's name
was borne to the battlefield un
sullied, and that his soul was de
livered as clean and as spotless
as you' would wish it. The name
"Eckerlen" in our company was
significant of one who was ever
ready to defend a good canse,
live a clean life and die a hero
I heartily hope that this ac
count of your son's heroism will J
tend to ease the pain you have
suffered by bis loss, and, it makes
me feel highly honored to say
that I have never forgotten Ern
est In my prayer3 since that terri
ble day. Let us trust that after
the utmost sacrifice he who did
so much for the great cause will
be rewarded by eternal happiness.
I hope that from this letter you
will also larn how -proud and
exalted all the boys oT ts? oH
Seventh company have felt, for
having known and soldiered with
a man like Ernest Eckerlen. So
in closing, my dear Mrs. Eckerlen,
let me again extend To you my
heartiest feelings of sympathy, in
behalf of the members of the Sev
enth company, who as myself will
never forget the valiant death of
your gallant son. a rsal marine
and a true patriot.
Respectfully yours,
P. S. If It is possible for you
to send me one, I would ask for
a picture of Ernest. I urn sure
there is nothing I would appre
ciate as a gift more than a pic
ture of that old buddy of mine,
whose loss J have felt as If we
had been brothers.
filial 1EES
i !
derson and remained here until J
they went to Iowa. For the tin"'!
being Mr. and Mrs. Anderson will
matte tneu aoiab w.m .irs. An
derson's father who lives at Port
land. While at Silverton Mr. and Mrs.
Anderson are visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Meyers.
Employes Volunteer to Ac
cept Reduction and Fix
Arriount of Decrease
No Change in Working fcon-
ditiohs Forty-Hour
Week to Continue
The girls bare a tlngiy exam
ple to back their bobbed-hair
campaign. Richard III bobbed
hair and if anybody had interfer
ed he: would have got his head
n ; I
i .
In a Bomb of Joy
"A Perfect Woman"
The Wonder Dog
V "Tin Cans"
4 Days Starting Sunday Continuous Daily
'n LLi
Pracont !
yy w 11 . iv , v 1
A few
at $1.00
The Original 12 Part Super Production'
First Time at Popular Prices
Cut out this slip, enclose with
5c and mail it to Foley & Co.,
2833 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111.,
writing your name and address
clearly. You will receive in re-
tarn a trial pacKage containing
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound
for coughs. cold and croup; Fo
ley Kidney Pilla for pains in side
and back; rheumatism, backache,
kidney and bladder ailments; and
Foley's Cathartic Tablets, a
wholesome and thoroughly cleans
ing cathartic for constipation, bil
iousness, headache, and sluggish
bowels. Sold everywhere. Adv.
CHICAGO. Nov. IS. (By the
Associated Press.) Employes of
Armour f& Co. 26,000 in all, to
day through their plant govern
ing committee,; agreed with offic
ials of the packing house that a
wage reduction is necessary and
fixed itsf amount. The cut is ef
fective November 2 8.
Thi3 h the first time in the
history pf the industry that a
wage reduction has been arrived
at in suph a manner.
Employes of Swift & Co., Wil
son & Cb., and the Cudahy Pack
ing comfpany, : who are holding
plant conferences, are expected to
accept similar reductions, and
Morris 4 Co. has announced that
It will follow the example of the
others, f
Ttvp-lay Meeting Held
The 4greement between Arm
our & (0. and its employes fol
lowed a two day conference.
Twenty-four employes, represen
tatives bf the plant councils in
nine cities, met with an equal
number f of officials representing
the conipany. i The books were
opened find th financial situation
of the pompany explained. The
questions was but to a vote and
the following reductions, effective
in all plants except that at Fort
Worth, Texas, adopted:
For pjcece workers, 8 per :ent
Unskilled labor, getting 45c
an hour? or less, 7 Vi cents.
Semi-pkilled labor, getting 43
ana &u scents an nour, a cents
Skilled labor, getting over 50
cents a 3 hour, 3 cents.
A minimum wage of 2; cents
an hour? for adult female labor is
Sclera! Plants Affected
These reductions apply to plants
in Ch'.cRo, St. Paul, Sioux City.
Omaha, 1st. Joseph, Kansas City,
St. Loufs and Denver.
The reductions at Fort Worth
where wages are gauged by local
laboj. cqnditions are:
Unskilled labor, receiving less
than 4ZM cents an hour, 7
cents. S
Sanii-fekilledj labor, receiving
from 42 to 47 cents an hour,
3 cents j
Skillefd labor, receiving moro
than 47lV& cents an hour, 3 cents.
Manjr Thousands Affected
When! the reductions are ap
plied to the plants of the other
member of the big five, 125.000
men an women will be affected.
In the final result, a far larger
number will be directly concern
ed, as Wages in several hundred
smaller packing houses are based
on the big five scales. '
No change Is made in working
conditions or the 40-hour week
Tonight officials of Swift A
Co. announced that after an all
day conference, representatives of
the Chijsago assembly of employ
es had froted that a readjustment
of wagejs was j necessary had ex
tended a vote of confidence In
the management and had voted
to leavfe the Iwage readjustment
to the discretion of the manage
ment. Swift & Co. said reduc
tions fcr various classes of em
ployes of the Chicago 'assembly
practicably corresponding to those
fixed bj the employes of Armour
& Co. 4nd effective on the same
date, November 28, and that they
expected the other 16 assemblies
of employes to take similar ac
Independence Corn Show
Will Be Large Affair
DALLAS, Ore.. Nov. 18. (Spe
cial to The Statesman) Polk
county's annual corn show which
will be held in Independence De
cember 1 and 2 promises to be
the biggest and best exhibition of
the kind ever held in the coun'v.
The committee in charge of the
fair which is compwosed main'.y
of Independence people has so
licited the merchants of the
county for prizes which will he
awarded for the best exhibits and
they have stated that he exhibi
tors this season will be more nu
merbus than in previous years.
made to give a fummage sale De
cember 3.
Miss Ella Magruder of Hills
boro. sp?nt the week-end , with
Hazel Lackey.
Mrs. Milton Potter is confined
to her home by illness
George Epley and H..A. Banis
ter were Dallas visitors Wednes
day. Mrs Frank Thompson of Hub
bard, is visiting at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Ban
ister. A. J. Bewley is in Portland on
the federal jury.
Circle No. 1 of the Methodist
Episcopal church met with Mrs.
Ernest Dilley Wednesday after
noon. Jimmie Payne is on ths sick list
this week.
The funeral of "Uhcle Tom"
Faulconer was held at the Chris
tian church Wednesday afternoon
at 2 o'clock. Uncle Tom was 92
years old and an old time resi
dent of Sheridan, but at the time
of his, death resided in Portland.
Roy Graves was a Portland vis
itor Wednesday.
the month ol lane, 1918. tilled to proTlde wiythin to- for the custody ol the .cWWreB l
which time the defendant desert-j wards her support and that of and that the court return her
ed her and since that time has i two children- The plaintiff asasi maiden 'name of Otillle Hoffman.
SHERIDAN, Dr., Nov. 18. The
Dorcas society met Wednesday
afternoon with Mrs. Leon Lewis.
The auxiliary to the American
legion met Monday evening with
Mrs. Alfred Ivie" and plans were
$3.00. Round Trip to
Portland Every Day
Oregon Electric Railway
On and after October 21st the
Oregon Electric Railway will sell
round trip tickets to Portland for
$3, including ar tax, good for
return to and including the sec
ond day from date of sale,
Adv. Agent. O. E. Ry.
Mrs. Otillie Clarke
Asking for Divorce
DALLAS, Ore., Nov. 18. (Spe
cial to the Statesman) Otillie
Clarke has filed suit for divorce
from her husband Edwin Clarke
on the grounds of desertion. The
complaint states that the couple
were married In Canada in May,
1811, and lived together until in
Jts the
Flavor is to coffee
what happiness
is to life The
more happiness
the better life,
the more flavor
the better coffee
i 0 1 A I 1 1 In
tmTmJ2tMltWmmmm mm Kti m mm h .n i i i i ;.. .ii.un.J 1
r ; , S
Cut ts Oppoocd
OMAJIA, Nov. 18. The T.000
members of the Omaha chapter
of the j Amalgamated Meat Cut
ters and Butcher Workmen of
North fAmeriea will not accept
the wage reduction agreement
made fpday in Chicago between
representatives of Armour & Co.
and tbi "plant committee," ac
cording! to a statement made to
night by J. W- Burns, secretary
of district council No. 5 of the
meat cutters and butcher work
men. I .
If thje reduction is carried out
as planned it is stated that the
other packing; companies who ara
membej-s of the "big f ive ' will
institute the samo reduction.
These plants !in Omaha are Mor
ris & Co., Swift & Co.. Cudahy
Packing combany and Wilson &
Co. i
Who Leave Always
Return to Silverton
SILVERTON. Ore.. Nov . 17.
(Special to The Statesman)
According to Mrs. Axel Anderson,
who together, with her husband
and baby daughter motored to Sil
verton Wednesday from Portland,
everyone who has ever lived at
Sllvertjm will sooner or later re
turn, f !
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson recently
arrived at Portland by motor car
from Ipwa whero-they have been
riving 'during th last six years.
Mrs. Anderson first came to Sil
verton as Miss Lena Chlrstensen
In 1903 with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Meyertf. She made her home here
until 1909 at which time she went
to Portland i to live with her
father.! A few years later sh re-
I Saturday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
No Thanksgiving Table Will Be
Complete Without These
Here is a list of those things with
which your dinner should begin and
end. Prices are extremely low while
the quality is of the best.
20 pounds of Sugar, with each purchase
of $5 or over in dry A A
goods, shoes or clothing.'. vvll
Red Meiican Bean:., Tff
10 pounds IJC
Standard Tomatoes, . A
5 cans . .
Del Monte Peaches, OP.
2 tall cans OOK.
Black or white Figs,
1 pound
Shredded Cocoanut,
1. pound
1 dozen
Sauer Kraut,
1 quart
Cauliflower, 1 A
head 1UC TO
Best mixed Cookies,
1 pound
1 pint jar
Corn meal, wjjite or yellow,
1 sack
Standard Peas,
5 cans
Broken Sliced Pineapple,
No. 2 Vt
Citrus Peel,
1 pound
Vanilla Extract,
8 ounce bottle
Best Mixed Candy,
1 pound
Strained Honey,
4 pounds . .'
Sweet Potatoes,
5 pounds
Spuds, Beets. Carrots or
Cabbage. 1 pound
Best Cooking Oil in Bulk, (1 1A
.. 59c
. 19 c
.. 20c
43 c
1 gallon
Soda or Oyster Crackers,
2 pounds
Crystal White Soap,
10 bars
Lemon Peel,
1 pound
Lemon Extract,
4 ounce bottlt?
Best Oregon Walnuts,
1 pound
Pure Lard in. Bulk,
4 pounds
Fancy Mince Meat.
2 pounds
Salt Pork.
1 " pound
Bacon Square,
1 pound
Picnic Shoulder, -
1 pound ... .
Your Home and Yom
Personal Weeds
With the "Easter of the Fall" looming on the homon, this
store presents an interesting scene of activity. The holiday spirit
pervades our entire store. Every sort of merchandise for personal
adornment as well as for the home is represented in a wide range
of styles and qualities. All at prices for which the women of this
city will be duly thankful.
Child's Cashmere Hose
Polly Prim Aprons
The very chic Polly Prim Aprons,
They will astonlsa IQ
you at this price fiJC
Messalines, Taffetas
Regular $2 value, goes during
this sale at, -1 4Q
the. yard V 1 tf
Men's Dess Shirts
Wonderful S2 Dress Shirts, fn
all sizes, d1 AA
Special at wlwU
Partly Silk Neckties
And other good values to 75c.
A Rood' woolnap. 64x76, double
Blanket, regulaiiy sold for
Of, wool, in good weight and
quality, 9C
49c values )C
Regularly sold at this store for
2Gc a yard, but for this sale
they go at - f
yard IOC
Jersey Jackets
Th big selling will continue over
Thanksgiving do ("A
holidays at : V"0U
Guiznp Dresses
In a wide range of colors of all
wool Jersey, yr
Special at .' PXfO
Silk Dresses
For Thanksgiving sales we offer
one lot of Silk Dresses, valued
at SlJ-.50,
We take this means of thanking
ybu for your continued patronage,
and to show our sincerity we present
those very things that you will want
and need to make this festal holiday
an enjoyable one at surprisingly low
36-inch Warkulsette 4.
54-inch Indian Head .. ...49c
36-inch Indian Head 0!C
heavy and unbleached ...... 3)C
42-inch Pillow Tubing, QC
regular 49c value tJpC
60-inch Table Damask,
mercerized .......
Blue Bird QC
Lunch Cloths . . . . rrrvVvvi . f DC
. .... 69c
Napkins to match 4 ,
4 i. i
Men's Slickers
Rainproof Slickers, of good t quality
and standard make, An aq
to $4 values ........... 30
Boys' Wool Suits
Woolen Suits, two pair pants to each
Suit, $15 values. f q g
Special 3if 3U
"Shop Where The Crowds Buy"
Men's Suits
Also for young men, of good woolon
material and excellent 01 n Cf
workmanship. Special . $XU'U
Free Premium trading '
. Coupons -v
With all purchases. Begin aavlnr
them now for Christmas glfta. Oar
premium department Is now beinz
filled to capacity with thousands of de
sirable gifts you will want to rtva
Christmas time. . Vf s'
Valley Flour, t1 -QQ
1 sack plJ
Peanut Butter, in bulk, AAg.
4 pounds fxTlC
1 pound UC
Karo Syrup, CQ,
No. 10 JJC
Best . Fresh Eggs, K.1r
1 dozen JJ C
Marshinallow Syrup', tfjl A A
No. 10 can 1UU
Catsup, 9Q
1 pint bottle ..... OC
Brooms, limit jq
one to customer OOC
5 ans DOC
Dried Peaches,
1 pound iUC
Citrus Washing Powder, o j
1 package LkC
Pancake Flour, m q
1 sack tOC
Carnation Milk, rr
5 cans tall OJC
Clams. CQ
5 cans flat UsC
1atcs'. 1A
1 pound ZOr
Orange Peel. .
1 pound ......, 33r
Best Petite Prunes.
4 pounds Z5C
( 1 dozen 35c
White Spray best Walla Walla
CaneSugeat 'l0Ur' 1 8atk 5L85
cJlrT' -;:$W0:
Per bunch' 8c
Ill i : .. ' .... . ' 1 ' -1
turnedi to Silverton as Mrs. An