i 1- THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALttM, OREGON SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 19, 1021 FOR SALE BUSINESS CARDS BUSINESS CARDS BUSINESS CARDS REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE I piled Blowly, YtdnUiT nitou ti i tret ku m,.. I I,' i t CLASSXriZD ADVERTISEMENTS ' , RU P.r Word: Per Insertion te Three Insertions , 5. On Week UU iosertioss) 8c Month 20e Sis month' contract, per mo 15e 1J month' contract. per mo...l2e Minimum for any tdvertisement, tie a. NORWICH UNION ITRa DfSUR&NCB SOCIETY ' XhSelsoa Bolaod Barghardt tertdent Agent 871 Bute Bt. MONEY TO LOAN , Ob Real Estate L K. FORD fOrmr Ladd Bmh Bank) LOANS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE ' W insar inythlnc W have ths money v.o loan Pay bck liko root Our tarns and eity property 1UU ere coin tflete,, us first. J LATLAB LATXAB 40S-T Oregon Bide. Phono 1844 NEW TODAY rilEY 'LOOK LIKE NEW THE HAT Box, 17 8. High. BUILDING LOTS ANY PART OF town, befor you buy your lot, aee us; we have them it right prices and easy terms. W. H. Grabenhorst k Co.. 275 Hl B, 7 WANTED LISTINGS OS INSTAL raents; houses at right, prices. W. H. A iirabei-horat ti Ce., 275 State Ht. NAP 5 ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW with basement, in good condition. Price $210O; $1700 cash, balance terms at percent. W. H. Graben- fcortt Co, 275 State St. r fOR RENT 8 ROOM MODERN HOUSE . . on paved street end ear line, will leaae for 950 per month. W. 11. Graben horst A Co., 275 State St. iW 8ALE BY OWNER NICE FIVE room bungalow, immediate possession. - t 1244 N. Front St. MRS OLASKIN PRACTICAL XCRSE, 1409 N. Church St. Phone 1203 from ? a.m. to 7 p.m. FOR 8ALE OR TRADE FOR 8ALEM property, 148 acres near Nashville, Lincoln county. A No. 14, care States- wan. WANT TO RENT OR LEASE RANCH suitable for dairy. Give full psrticu- lars. Write A-15 care Statesman. ' FOR WALNUTS PHONE 62F2. e FRCITLAND NURSERY SALES YARD back of office, 540 State street. Phone 1140-M. WANTED- MIDDLE AGED LADY AS housekeeper. Have one child. M. - Nicbo'.s, Route 6, Box 80-A. Salem. S BOXES APPLES. $450, DELIVERED. Baldwin, Jonathan, Rome Rome Beauty, Red Cheek Pippin, Spitxenberg. Ward K, Richardson, Phone 494. IT WILL PAY YOU TO INVESTIGATE our policy on brick bi-ildings. Aslt as l about it before renewing your next policy. This company ia for you. Use it. Oregon Fire Relief Ass'n. Phone , ' 347. Bush Bldg. , $1600 BUYS A SIX ROOM HOUSE AT 2124 South Winter street, lisrbts. wat er and sewer. - Many othera. DonT bifv nntil vou see us. Kruerer. 209 . nis RMv WANTED ft ROOM BUNGALOW, EAST Not past 14th street; not to exceed $3000. Address "W." care States , man.- J - - - i - ' I J. ffi TALLMAN PIANOS. PLAYER Li a -pianos toned, refiaished, repaired. rnaoe xoov. 1.1 a. commercial. WILL BE 80LD TODAY FIVE room boose, garage, comer lot, good .location, for $500. - One hair cash balance good terms. Bee Ben F, West, 870 hk State street. WANTED A. COMPETENT GIRL FOR general hotfxework. Phone 1351, 695 N. Liberty. t 4 ROOM, HOUSE AND TWO LOTS FOR t $1600, foou rasn, - balance mommy payments. This must be sold quickly Bee Ben F. West, 3704 Stste street -I ' FOR RENT 4 ROOM FURNISHED it 1 rill, li-hl wnlar mm a fnmm w in. Phone 1020-K. DRESSMAKING AND REMODELING a- Call; 411 N. Front streeti 1 .Worthwhile 108 Acres on .paved highway, fair bl!ga. - 50 acres in cultivation, mostly bottom land. Price $105 per acre. 40 acres close to Salem, nil in mltiva- tiop; will take city property in ex change op to $50O0.; Price $10,500. 117 acre, good land, fair- baildlngs, $4,750. V.. cash, terms on balance. We have aome rood irades. MILLS &C0PLEY : Realtor , SSI ft State St. FOR SALE - i , One of the best money making farms near Karens. ' ? acre with good buildings and completely, furnished with tools . and machinery, good team, row and 75 fine chicken; 10 acres loganberries, 14 acre prunes: food dryer. You ran bay this with $2000 down, balance ' crop payments or will take aome good tity property. $ room bouse. Vt acre, a bargain for $800.- S (rooms plastered. Vt block south of ' state street, good bey at $1550. Exchange. We have some rood ones, both farms and city property. THOMASON 331.4 State street EMPLOYMENT REMUNERATIVE FASCINATING BUS j Ires, for live man in every roomy in ' trregon. Supertube. guarantee 1 sg ainat punctures, blowouts, valve hal ing. Call, write, Ssrff, 371 State St. Salem. WANTED ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN who bat had experience selling life Insurance, stocks or advertising. Must be able to devote his entire time and be ambitions for advancement. Mast have the courage to present business proposition ' lo merchant! and profes- sional eaen. 'Answer in yonr own hand writing stating age, educational qual ifications, experience as solicitor, etc. Address "T-No. 81." Statesmsn office. MALE AND FEMALE WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO take una paper subscriptions, a rooa 4 ' proposition to the right people. Address the Paeifie Homestesd, Statesman Bl!g Halesn, Ore. PERSONAL fACIAL-SCALP TREATMENTS, Via . )tl rv: manicuring, shampooing.. Or $ eon Bath House. Phone 540. 1ST&O1.OGY STARS TELL LIFE'S 1 'atorr. - Send blrthdste and dime for 1 trial r4inc Eddy. Westport St. 83 vr r FOR SALE CANARY BIRDS si FOR ' SALE FEMALE CANARIES, 60e for short time only. Pboae 1280. J030. Cbeet B - FARM PAPER IP YOU WAST TO GET THE BEST farm paper, tends 15c to the Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon, for a three months trial subscription. Mention this ad. HOUSES ALADDIN READY CUT HOUSES" 30 percent saved in cost of construc tion. Chan. F. Smith, factory repres entative, 620 Northwest Bank bldg , Portland, Oregon. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE PIGS. PHONE 1F15. FOR SALE A SPAN OF FOUR YEAR old rolta. Phone 83F12. dairy cows at Arerio.x : will sell st public auction a "ar.otd of high grade dairy cows. Tuesday, Nov ember 22, 1921, at S. P. Sto-k varus. Independence, Ore. -4ale start at 11 o'clock a.m., rain or shine. Tn's herd of cows consists of about 22 hrj-i of Jersey, njont of them fresh win raJtea by sides: balance to Irci'ieD before December 1st. Ten bead of flo'rtein cows, fresh and coming fr."sh this month. This bunch of cows are all young end in good order, heavy producers with high teats; all T.B. tested. Chas. Tay lor, owner. KisoziojurBoua APPLES DELIVERED. PHONE 4 F-2 FOR SALE POTATOES, $2 A SACK Hay, 13 per ton. Phone 2091-J. FOR SALE SLIGHTLY USED WHITE Rotary Sewing machine. Terms. 1335 State street. MUD AND DIRT DO.VT HARM CON goleum rugs. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Commercial. FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS, 10 cents a bundle. Circulation department, Oregon Statesman. BETTER HEATING STOVES AT LOW er prices. Msz O. Buren, 179 N. Commercial. GASOLINE AND OIL TANKS from the largeat to smallest. L. A. Westacott, factory representative. 864 8. 12th St, phone 1602 J. CUT PRICE SALE DOUBLE MESH nets,1 $1.50; single $1.00; Brilliantine 40c; Rouge 30e; Comb Brush $1.50. Oregonian Beauty Shop. MR. BUILDER GET MY PRICES ON oak and maple flooring, also surfacing and finishing old or new floors; all I 7, r5 1Irnleec- rnon 0UJ- U. Smith. I FOR SALE MALLEABLE GARLAND aiz hole coal and wood combination range. Almost new. tall at Portland I Railway, and Power Co. office or phone 85. THE HOUSE OF HALF A MILLION and one bargaina. We buy, sell or I exchange anything and everything in the line of Junk or aeoond hand goods. Sea na before yon buy or sell, stem- bock Junk Co. Remember the place. 402 , commercial Bt. Phone t2. THE WESTERN SONGSTER nnnrviT, antj commtinitt singing An especially good aelection of the wnp tou have been wanting, with words and I music complete. No matter how many songbooks you have, you should have this ana enntaininv the Orernn Bonn I --eTi-uVfra:;r lha hnndreii. noatnaid. Second edition I printed sinee September. OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 215 8. Commercial St. Salem, Oregon POULTRY FOR SALE LIVE PULLETS, ALL kinds. Hop Lee, 436 Ferry street. POULTRY MEN 8EXD EIGHT TWO cent stamps tor special three months' trial for the best and oldeat journal in the weat. The articles and adver tisement are of special interest to the pouk. breeders of the northwest Nortowett -Ceultry Journal, 211 Com mercial St.. Salem, Oregon. 1 WOOD FOR BIG FIR, SECOND GROWTH OAK I or; ash wood, phone 77F2. OLD. GROWTH 16 IN. FIR, $8.50; 4 ft. second growth and ash. Phone 1467. WOOD 16 INCH OLD FIR, 2 CORDS $15.50. Grub oak, 4 foot, 2 cords $15.50. 4 foot old. fir. $7. Phone 42F14. IC INCH SLAB AND MILL WOOD, $3.50 per load. Dry planer wooc. $3.50 per load. Tracy wood Co. Phone 620. . DRY WOOD FOR SALE SECOND ar.,-... Z "a ..!:' TJ ,0'J6 ,nA.r.V 9: V" a',?,' Phone 195. Stand, State and High FOR SALE BEST GRADE MILL WOOD second- growth and old fir, 4 ft. or 16 in. U-ed E. Wells, Phone 1542. 805 8. ChureX FOR RENT APARTMENTS vrtrt nrvT rrpvtaurn ipi PT men of two rooms for adulta. Close in. Ca'.l 1516-M. FOR RENT 3 ROOM FURNISHED apartment, well located. Ivan G. Mar- tin, Mssonic Bldg. Res, phone 759. ROOMS FOR RENT FURNISHED SLEEPING room for two. 891 North Commercial. FOR RENT FOUR FURNISHED rooms to reliable party, no children. 59 X. High. FOR RENT ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN in modern home and centrally located Please give name and addreaa. E. eare Statesman. WILL GIVE FIVE YEAR LEASE TO restaurant, confectionery, florist and song shop in new auto stsge terminal at Kua-ene. Call 1212-J Salem or ad dress Auto Stage Terminal tare of Sinecd Hotel, Eugene. HOUSES F. L. WOOD 341 STATE ST, REAL estate, rentals. FOR RENT 10 ROOMED FURNISHEB house chesp. Address No. 13 States msn. FOR RENT A CLOSE IN SEVEN . room, . most furnished. See Wm. Fleming, 341 Stste St. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS OLD MATTRESSES MADE OVER Capitol City Bedding Co. Phone 19 WANTED WOOD DEALER WANTS TO buy dry oak and fir. Armstrong iransier. rnone ivo. WANTED EVERYTHING IN HARD ware and furniture. Best prices paid . 1MB lArlTAL ti A KL) VY AnL AND FURNITURE CO. 285 N. Commercial St. Phone 947 BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory STORAGE OASAOE TRACY'S STORAGE OARAGE 544 rerrv street. AUTO TOPS AUTO TOPS ' W. C. WRIGHT. 171 South High. AUTO TOP UPHOLSTERY- - . WORK ru.te.d. 653 south Kth. phone Auto Directory 4- TIBES AJiD ACCESSORIES SMITH W.iTK IN. Sj 147 NORTH HIGH, Uik, Silvertou jt'ord. Howl extra ply tires. tirjjlijj'K Lor.l' IO-: SCALES AUTOS WfrlGHKlJ 15. 2395 FRONT USED CAES FOR SAllE 1I'. 9 PASSENGER light ear, good ! condition, good tires, 160. Merchants Delivery, 654 Ferry street, i -i- WANTEDf LI$HT TRUCK IN EX chane bn Hudson, Essex or Baby Overland. Fred, Kirk wood, 24C Stale street. I ' GARAGE i AND REPAIR FAIR GRpUNDS GARAGE TIRES, AC cessorit, used icara. Our ou guar anteed.! 2041 Portland Road. Paone SOB. I AUTO REPAIR SHOP L. MILLER, 245 Center.; Phone H90. HOFFMAN A ZOSEL TIRE REPAIR ing, vulcanising; retreading; 197 boutb Commercial street. Phone 471. - CAPITAL; GARAGE BU1CK, STUDE baker repairing. 173 South Liberty. Phone -ha. i SOUTH COMMERCIAL GARAGE GEN eral repairing and overhauling. 420 S. Commercial tit . Salem. BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN ACTO ELECTRICIAN ; EXPERT TROU- ble ahoowng. 230 North High. Phone 203. j ! I 1 PRESTO!-LITE i BATTERY SERVICE altliuuf. expert uoliery snd electrical wo.-k. i Farm Broi. Phone 1B03. 418 Court! RADIATOR SHOPS SALEM 1ACT0 RADIATOR SHOP 198 South; 12th. i'hote 2s. J. C. $AIR, RADIATORS, FENDERS, Bodies! repaired. 444 Ferry. I CONFECTIONERY REMINGTON CONFECTIONERY, HOME- made pandies, confections, cigars, mag- axinesi ltiz state. BEAUTY PARLORS NOW OPERATING MODEL BEAUTY Parlorl 110 North Commercial Street. lira CARPET AND BAG WEAVINO CARPET AND RUG WEAVING. COL- onial jStyles and colors. Ph-e 84F21. CHIMNEY SWEEPS KEL1AHL.E cmimex sw tfcP JOHN Bfcckley. Prwine 7 30-J. i CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. L.fM. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 153 a. High Bt, phone 283. f CLEANING PRESSING OhEASuo, t-Ktssmu uvxt; ru xuuk aaiisiaciiou. 1 glassy una 01 oouara. x ties- The Toggery, 1857 State, , .TOItri ' , VHVM BlUltXiB co. - 405 court. xo. T ELECTRICIANS SECURE MY I FIGURES ON WIRING. By contract, by hour. At pre-war prices. H. W. Hatch, phone 1744 W. FINANCIAL MARIQN-POLK COUNTY FARM LOAN association has money to loan at ais percent. W, D. Smith, secretary-treasurer) 303 Salem Bank of Commerce. FURNITURE STORES FRANK F. RICHTER NEW, SECOND hand furniture. $49 N . Commercial. Phone 452.1 j FURNITURE H08PITAL FURNITURE REPAIRED OR MADE TO order. Refiaisheing and upholstering a speciality Phone 1742. Brown and GroVes. 1201 Sonth CommerciajSt. GEEENHOUSES -t- PORCH BOXES BEDDING PLANTS for 'sale. Smith's, 301 North Commer cial', ! HOTELS LEONARD HOTEL NEW MANAGE- meat, clean neat rooms and apartmenta. 254 K. Front St. CHERRY CITY HOTEL; ROOMS 7oc "Pi oiningUm in conneHion. family 1 HORSESHOEING PRACTICAL HORSESHOEING PETE Coiiley, Shder. Brick shop, 253 Chem ek4a street. I I 1 '' j j IN 3 USANCE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE company. J. 0. Balch, agent; room 6. MqCornack Bldg. Phone 96. I SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY WITH Bankers' Reserve Life; G. F. Booth. Oefaeral Agent, phone 2098-W. Ladies') Wearing Apparel CORSETS MRS;. ESCH AGENT FOR PRINCESS Corsets. Pnone loea-it. bdi- a. i.a. SRESSMAKZSO FIRST CLASS DRESSMAKING 49 N High. Mrs. Keia. DRESSMAKING TAILORING, MRS Goodwin, 445 North commercial. i 1 ; MRS. C. J EPSON MODISTE, 2567 Oak, phone v.. I MRS VARTY, DESIGNER AND MAKER Ladiea' Suits and Gowns. Over Mil ler'a Store. I 1 EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESS BY THE dy. Phone 1413-J I LA tLASIQt'E GOWN SHOP EXCLUS- 1 ,Ta models. expert aesigning. aim Ki.ta i I J ! I MAUD SIMONS, DRESSMAKER 1710 I Bellevue Bt. 1 CARRIE FISHER DRESSMAKING designing Spencer eorcsets to oraer. 21 McCornack Bldg. EDITH M. lASHLEY DRESSMAKER. 1B45 Broadway. 14SO-J. MRS. R. CARTER EXPERIENCED dresimaker. Phons HU-w, RUTH McADAMS DRESSMAKER, 756 South 12th. Phone ib3-js. HATTIE WILLIAMS DRESSMAKING. 248 North cottage, mono u- t MESDAME8 SCOTT CHASE DRESS makers, 319 State l. rnone THE ADStTTS ARE PREPARED TO do any awl all kinds of ladies ta! eine fnr old and new customers. 852 14. 12th street. Phone 2085-R. ESMSTZTtTBTJrO MrtS. BRECKENRIDOE HEMSTITCH ing, mail! orders solicited. HJ a. i" j'hone 174 M. SALEM ?UTE HEMSTITCHING- rnainstitcning, pieami. ". 830 Oregon Bldg. Phone 879. MILLINERY MRS. C. A. GRTMM MILLINER. FAN- hr aprons, novelties and nana maae flowers . I 51" "Jones pi. The aasslfied Ads. MUSICAL FRANKLIN LAUN'ER PIANO. 268 N. 17lh. Phone 1008 W. GERTRUDE SMITH PI A.N O. SILVER ton, Oregon. Green BUI. MRS. HENRY LEE PIANO. Capitol. Phone 1017 W. 1321 N. LAURA GRANT PIANO SCHOOL credits given. 336 N. High. Phone 1971W. MINNETTA i! AG ERS VOCAL, DERBY Building. Friday afternoon, Salard-gr- JESSIE t. BUSH TEACHER PIANO, formerly instructor Metropolitan Col lege Music, Philadelphia. 1363 South Commercial. Phone HbA-i. LENA BELLE TARTAR VOCAL In struction. Phone 334. DOROTHY PEARCE PIANO. 17 North Winter. Phone 345 J. NELLIE MULREY STON E PIANO 873 Leslie. Phone 751 W. ALLIE CHANDLER PIANO, 251 North Collage. Phone oaa-W. BEATRICE SII ELTON PIANO STUDIO 345 Marion. Phone eiS W. LILIAN HARTSHORN PIANO 394 North Church. Phone 17s. T. S. ROBERTS PIANO, ORGAN, 270 South 14th. Phoni 779. DAN. F-. I.ANGFNBERG, VOCAL Derby Bldg. Phone 2079. LENA WATERS PIANO Phone 11H4-M. 1472 Mill MOLLIE STYLES VOICE, PIANO, 859 Center. Phone 2016 K. JULIA MILLS WEIGEL PIAXO, 1660 South Church. Phone 1391 R. LUCILE ROSS PIANO, ORGAN, 498 North Liberty. Phone 1187 W. MATTIE GILBERT STRING INSTRU ments. 157a btate. Phone 1156 R. MISS MABLE SHEPHERD PIANO player; dances, all occasions. 257 N. Liberty. BERTHA JUNK DARBY, AUTHORIZED teacher, Godowsky Progressive Series Piano. 679 North Cottage. Phone 1950-W. WESTERN CONSERVATORY OF MUS ic of Chicago. Frank E. Churchill, rep resentative. Diptrinaa granted. Odd Fellow's Bldg. SALEM CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC AH brsnchea taught, diplomas granted John R. Sites, director. 1237 Court Phone 626. TUNERS WENDELL HELM TUNING. REPAIR ing. Phone 492. EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED piano tuner. Leave orders Will's Music Store. PIANOS SHERMAN CLAY A CO PIANOS. STEIN ways, Doo-Art, and others. Moore Dunn Music store. Masonic Temple. MUSIC STORES GEO. C. WLL PIANOS, PHONO graphs, sewing machines, aheet music, and Diano atudiea. Repsiring phon- orranhs and aewinc machines. 482- Stste. Salem. DANCING WHITE DANCING ACADEMY - MRS. R. L. White, principal. Phone 2 7 8-J PLEATING MRS. HILDEBRAND, PLEATING 890 South 24th. Phone 798-M1. HAT SHOPS HAT SHOP MEN'S AND WOMEN'S hats renovated and blocked. 495 Loan street. LANDSCAPE GARDENER FRED BLAKE. LANDSCAPE GARDEN er. 1565 South Liberty, phone 103 1-M LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 136 8 Liberty street. Phone 25. Oldest largest best. Estsblished 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work, prompt service. 1264 Broadway. Phone 165. MAGNETIC HEAIsER DR. H. J. ANDERSEN MAGNETIC bealer. Drugless Physician. 418 Or egon Bldg. Phone 165 MATTRESS FACTORIES DON'T BE MISLED WE MAKE NEW ms'tresses to order. We make ovei old matresses snd guarantee satisfac tion. We do .carpet cleaning. Otto Zwicker Phone 1154 MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517-W. PRACTICAL NURSE PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE NURSE Mrs. Meitxler. Florence Hotel. Phone 928 NURSERY STOCK WILLAMETTE VALLEY NURSERY AH kinds nursery stock for sale. ' Rte 7. Phone 105F5. COMPLETE LINE TREES SMALL fruita, ornamentals. Capital City Nur sery Co., 426 Oregon Blig. phono 75. FOR SALF OREGON IMPROVED AND ilson strawberry plants from inspect ed yards at $2 per 1000, prepaid. J B. Peterson, Shaw, Oregon. Phone 22F21. PAINT WALLPAPER 0LIDDEN LINOLEUM VARNISH FOR Anything that needs it. Max O. Bur en, 179 N. Commercial. 99 CENTS FOR 9 LBS BEAUTIFUL Ka'.soinine. Does an average room Max O. Buren. 179 N. Com 1. SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS, WALL paper and picture framing. Good work men. 455 Court St. Phone 435. IVORY PAINT BEST QUALITY FOR interior woodwork. $1 quart, second grade 75c. Max O. Buren, 179 N Commercial PERIODICALS MISS GOODHUE TAKES SUBSCRIP tions for all msgaiines. 251 8. 17th street. Phone 741-M. PAINT CONTRACTORS PAINTING AND DECORATING HIGH class work for particular people. L. D Brandon, contractor. 365 North High. Phone 645 J. AUBREY H. CLARK PAINTING. PAP erhanging. kalsomining. Work guar anteed. Terms reasonable. Phone 2035-J. 1464 Ferry. PRUTTINO FOR WEDDING INVITATIONS AND announcements, see Bertelson, printer, " Y " Buildine. ' PRIVATE HOSPITALS WANTED CONFINEMENT CASES at private hospital. I have best of enninment. Phone 1959 J. PERFUME AND TOILET ARTICLES CALIFORNIA PERFUME CO. EX tracts, toilet articles. Mrs. Moyer.. 170 South 23rd. Phone 1224. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER MARGARET BURNS PUBLIC STEN ocrspber. 408 Mssonic Bldg. Phone 262. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 201 8A-J lem Bank of Commerce Bldg. Kates reasonable. PLUMBING PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phone 1397-J. Kbop, 17 Union street. A. L. Godfrey. NORTHWESTERN PIPE CO WHOLE ie aid retail plumbing supplies. 19 N Commercial Phone 17 SIGNS UNION SIGN fo SIGNS WITH KICK. Sbowean: that talk. 424 N. Co turner cial Hhi.ne 540. REPAIRING AND SHARPENING CUTLERY GRINDING UMBRELLA repairing, gaiety mors, etc. Mewart s Repair Shop, 347 Court street. BN WHKELER EVERYTHING RE paired. General sharpening, chimney s 17th St. phut,e 141b-W. SECOND HAND GOODS HIGHEST riilCES PAID FOR SECOND imiiil clothing and shoes. Also do cleaning, pressing and repairing. Call a"d ieln-rr Capua! Kxchange, 342 North Commercial. Phone 13bij-A WE BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND goods of ail kinds, pipe fittings, bar iifsi, collars, co lar psds, tools, snd chains. Fred Schindler, 258 Center street SHOE REPAIRING WILLIAM'S SHOE SHOP 195 SOUTH His-h ECAVENOER3 SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE. RE fuse of all kinc'a removed. Cesspools cleaned. Phone 998. SWEDISH MASSAGE REJUVENATE YOUR TIRED AND NER vous body by a scientific massage. Home treatments. Selma Willing, Or egon B!d Phone 110. 8TUDI0S DE LUXE STUDIO SOMETHING DIF ferent in phonography. 147 N. Com' I TAILORS FRANK PALM MERCHANT TAILOR, 211 9 Hith. and Ferry STOVES STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED-- 40 years experience. Depot National fence, sizes 26 to 28 inches high. Paints, oil snd varnishes, etc., logan berry snd hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works. 250 Court street. Phone 124. TAXI DIRECTORY LANHAM TAXI COMPANY PHONE 540. THE OREGON TAXI-TRANSFER CO., Liberty & Ferry. Phone 77. Dry slab 16-inch wood for sale. TRANSFER HAULING MERCHANTS TRANSFER PHONE 252. 554 Ferry street. ARMSTRONG TRANSFER LOCAL AND long distance hauling a specialty. Stand State and High. Phone 195. 1 CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St, phone 933. Distributing forwarding snd storsge our specialty Get our rates. TRANSPORTATION SALEM-SILVERTON STAGE hesves Leaves Sa.em O. E. Depot 7:0O a.m. 11 :00 a.m. Silvertoo News Stand 8:15 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 0:15 p.m. SALEM-TNDEPENDENCE MONMOUTH STAGE Leave Salem, O. 8. Depot 7:00 a.m. il:0o a.m. 5:00 p.m. Leave Monmouth Hotel 8:15 am. 1:00 p.m., U:15 p.m. Leave Independence Hotel 8:30 a.tn 1:15 p.m., 6:30 p.m. Special trips by sppointment. Seven passenger car for hire. . W. PARKER. Prop. Res. Phone Fl! Business phone 7 WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT & POWER CO. Office, 301 South Com'KSt. Ten per cant discount on domestic flat ri.tei paid in advance. No deductions for absence or any cause unless whter is shut off your premises. WOOD SAWS FOR SAWING WOOD CALL 1959 J. Stine A Son. CITY AND COUNTRY WOOD SAWING. Phone 246. Fisher Bros WHERE TO EAT WHITE CLOUD TEA HOUSK: OPEN Sunday morning 8 o'clock. Ameriesn style. 110 V North Commercial. Phone 472 PROFESSIONAL CHIROPODISTS A. J. FOSTER PAINLESS CHIROPO disf. Corns, bunions, ingrown nails removed. 322 State St. Patton Blk. Phone 957. CORNS AND CALLOUSES REMOVED without pain. Appliances from indi vidual impression. Dr. Tatro, Masonic Bldg. Phone 442, CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. L. SCOTT. P.S.C., CHIROPRAC tor, 809-12 U. S. Bank Bldg.. Phone 87; Res. 828 R. CHIROPRACTORS DR. R. P. AND Pesrl M. Bradford, graduates snd post graduates of the fust chartered school of Chiropractors in the world. Ten years in practice. Phone 526. Rooms 318-319 320 Oregon Bide, SWEDISH INSTITUTE THE SWEDISH INSTITUTE OP ME ksno-Therspy. Masssge. steam baths, e:octricity, medical gymnastics, V-ray. medicated packs for rheumatism, run down ronditions, stomach, kidneys, etc. Home treatments given. Drs. G. W. snd Ruth Brown. Swedish grsd nstes. Rooms. 301-2 Oregon Bldg. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS fRS WHITE - AND MARSHALL, 506 U. S. Bsnk Bldg. DR. W. L. MERCER, OSTEOPATHIC Physician snd surgeon. Kirksville graduate, 404-405 V. S. National Bank Bldg. Phones Office, 919: Res. 614 DR. JOHN L. LYNCH. OSTEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon, 403-404 Ore gon Bidg. Phones, Office, 1394; Res 5F5. OPTICIANS POMEROY A KEENE JEWELERS ANT Optometrists. 888 Stste. GLA8SES FITTED BY DR L. R. BUR" dette st the Bow Optical Company. 325 Stste Street, opposite Ladd and Bush Bank. LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED 8PANISH WAR VETERANS. Camp 5. Armory. First, third Mondays. REAL ESTATE BARGAIN OP A 8 ROOM HOUSE, modern, on N. Commercial, paved cor ner st $2300. Easy terms. See Wm. Fleming. 841 Stste St. FOR SALE NICE SIX ROOM HOUSE Urge lot, with fmit and berries; close to car. Price $1500, terms. Brand new bungalow, 5 rooms, on psved streets. $300 rash, balance like rent. We : have good garage building that is now bringing good money; close in. If interested in any of these call at 212 Gray Bldg. H. L MARSTERS . rhone 907. BARGAIN $3,750 BVYS THIS 0 RuOM plaktereu bungalow, tut full base meet, laundry lras, living room, J.u ing room, 3 bedrooms, kilcbeti, bath, toilet. Urge porch, gs, -lectric light. .r-plai e, rooms uewly papered and Lt-wly painted oulaid liarage. rem flit walss, paved fclreel. Lot 5cxl5v L, A, Hayford Realtor 3oS State St. VACANT LOTS WE HAVE A LARGE lint Buy befor tbe demand appears. The Fleming Realty Co. 341 State St SMALL AND LARGE FARMS. CITY homes and choice lota. Fire and aulo insurance Arthur E. Peterson 229 Oregon Bldg. s FOR SALE I HAVE A CLIENT THAT will build a house to suit you and sell it to you on easy payments. l.-t me know the location and- plan that interests ou WINNIE PETTYJOHN 331 'i State St. Realtor Phone 534 SACRIFICE SALE '127 Vi ACRES FIN est and best improved land- in Waldo Hills, 2V miles to railway station: close to school and church. New barn about 38x70 with 20 foot posts. Gram elevator with cenent bins inside. Ce meat silo, new meern four room col tsge. water system, woven wire fences Grain, hay, live stock, machinery snd equipment valued at over $3,000. All for only 1 17,000 on reasonable terms. A. C. Bohmstedt, 40? Mssonic Temple, Salem, Oregon. FOLLOW THE CROWDS AND BUY A lot on North Fifth street. We Save only a few more left. Come sn.l see ua. Krueger, Realtor, Oregon ll'.i'g. SALE OR TRADE 40 seres good land, lays smooth, ssndy soil; about 15 acres clear, balance bruh pasture, pearly new six room bungalow, good barn and outbuild ings. On countr road mile and hall from town. Price $3000. Or Trill tiane for horse in Salem. 2bO acre river bottom farm, good improvements, $65 per acre. Good bungalow, $1250. Choice residence lot near State house. $1750. For bsrgains in houses oi land, see F. L. Wood. 841 State St. Best Bargain 10 ACRES IMPROVED. MAl.ir iit from carline, 5 room house, bsrn, jar sge. 2 acres logans, family orchards, all good soil, well drsined. Will tske house not over : $2000. Price $doi' and a bargain. . Let us show you ; i cssh or trade. S. R. PEARSON 210-211 U. S. Bank Building FOR RENT GOOD SEVEN ROOM house unfurnished. Money to loan on good security. Square Deal. Realty Co. Phone 470 NOTICE OF SALE Or OOVERNMENT TIMBER GENERAL LAND OFFICE, WASHING TON, D.C.. OCTOBER 80. 1921. Notice is hereb- given that aubject to the conditions and limitation of the Acta of June 9, 1916: (89 Stat. Via;, anu June 4, 1920 4l Stat. 758). and the :..i.nriiini of tha Secretary of the In terior of September 15, 1917, and June 22 1920, the timber on the following land will be sold at 10 o'clock a.m.. December 5, 1921. at public auction ai h. fnii.d States land office at Port i,.d nmn. to the hizhett bidder si not less than the appraised value a shown by this notice, sale to oe su eject vo mr approval of the Secretary of the Intervr Tbe purchaae price, with an aoaiiiona .in.fifth nf one oercent thereof being commission allowed, must be de posited st time of sale, money to ....n. it U not aDDroved. other natent will issue lor the timbei which must be removed within ten year B.dt will be received from eitixens of th m.ij Mt.t associations of such eitix ens snd corporstlons organixjd unrn th lawa of the United States or sny -tate, territory or district therof on'y Upon spplication of a qualified porcliaaer the limber -m any legal subdivision wil be offered sepsrately before being n eluded in anv offer of a l'Sr,.,B,. , T. 4 S, R. S B, See. 17, SWK.NEV. , fir 360 M ES. WJ4. f SWW KWli, fir 1050 M, SE NW, fir 1650 m7sW NW. fir 750 M.. KEU SI5. fir 330 M, cedar 25 M.. j Nwli BE, fir 850 M, SE SE hr 1025 M, cedar 95 M- hemblock 8 M, SW 8E14i fir l M, pine 20 M SEV1 SW4. fir 1550 M., NW SW14. fir 1480 M. SK 8WJ4.fi' 1275 M, SW4 SW. fir 475 M, Sec 91 VFVi NE4 ' fir 1320 M., cedar 180 M.' hemlock 150 M, NW NE fir 1440 M, cedar 340 M, hemlock 290 M.. ori vru fir; 1940 M., cedar 70 M. Si SM'M sS&s'" ?f S: af fir 2340 M, cedar, 50 M,hem tick 100 M St NW4. fir 1950 M, !!&" '. ' iWU SWi fir 2900 M, SE14 8W4. fir 2000 M.SWH SWli! fir 2550 M, nose of the fir cedar, hemlock r pine timber to be sold for less than $2 per M. , .-a TJCIi.lrl.ani (Signed) ueo. n. ..-, Acting Commissioner Oenersl Land office MUST SELL AT ONCE WILL SACRI iv r..rnm modern cottage at icii Km. street. Laree lot, fruit, ri;.v, walnuts and caraee. Price $375i), terms; Phone 1014. c, . t r- rfb t i TiF 120 ACRES run oal,k .... - n- n , i. Ani,n, Htween Hebo ano rinvoritsle fiood house, barn and lam ily orchard. Stock snd implement with plact. Price $7000. $3000 down or would consider Marion County resi estate nesr Salem in that amount Bal ance easy terms. Harry Douglas, Hebo. Oregon, owner. GOOD BUYS 10 seres of first class fruit land, all cultivated, best of red hill land, fine for loganberries, strawberries, prunes, cherries, walnuts snd filberts. Price $1250. $200 down, balsnce $10 pet month', 6 percent interest. We hsve somer fine acre lots located south of Salem, close to csr line and paved highway, sightly locstion, best of drainage, fine bnilding sites. Price $400, $25. down, balance easy terms. 6 percent interest. 6-i acres timber and bmsh Una 'n mile from south Commercial street car line, sightly locstion. $1600, $30d down, balance easy terms, 6 percent interest. . , . . 150 acres of timber land, best of second growth fir timber. Price $65 per We" have some good buys in houses and vscsnt lots, before buying see us. W. H. Grabenhorst & bo. 275 State Street Best Buys 101 acres, 80 cultivated. 15 beaverdam. 10 young logans, 2 sets buildings; 6 miles north of Sslem on the Highway; sacrificed for immediate ssle; $160 per sere, halt cssh. We have a first class farm here to trsde for $100,000. California farm prop erty; we can guarantee thia proposi tion. 383 acre r"s':ry ranch. 340 seres cleared, buildint-s sll complete, $12,000 in im nroveinents. V mile from town near Salem: orice $125 per acre. Will also sell fine Gtitrnsey herd. Will also sell fine Guernsey herd. 56 acres black grajiel soil, psrt clesred. -:Minr. 300 ylls to school. $3800, half cash. : T...IH b4ik)0 house on small place; not narticnlar about buildings. Must be on good road. Call us at once with vonr rtronoaition. Trade 160 seres in Wallows county for anything here. Try ns for results; we sell or trade any real estate S0C0L0FSKY Realtors i 41 Stste J 2 ROOM MODERN PLASTERED houe, partly furnished, v. ail locate! I or roouiicg or apartment house: tww lrg Wis. garage and fruit. This is offered at a bargain for o,uirk sale 6 room. Biutt'y u.oderu Louse, en paved street. lance til. garage aud Iruit Price $27uu. good teru.t 5 room Ihmisc-, $00 cash, bal ance like rent I large corner lot, close to school, car line snd store It you want a goad, well located lot at a bargain, see this. We have the best in city property or farm laud for the lowest price and bevt terms. JOSEPH BARBER & SON 200 Gray Bldg HOLLADAY LUGGAGE SPECIAL Sale prices. Max IV Buren, 179 N. Commercial. dandy : room modern BUNUAi.ow 1 ilh cement taement. east front; nouse goo, as new. macadam stret. east Salem, near sohool. Price $3500. R. A. Molmey, 2i'9 Oregon Bldg LFT US EaplAIN THE NEW SYSTEM of selling your property. Property listed not exclusive. Your property photographed. Brown, Magee and Bessie fcayder. Over Busick's Store. State and Commercial. Phone 559. FOR SALK w" :;AVE SOME FINE - acre lots located close to South Commercial street rarlme and paved highway, sightly location, good drain age, all cultivated snd sowed to oats and vetch; this is fine tree and berry soil. Price $400; $25 down, balance $10 per month, interest 6 per rent. W. H. Grabenhorst A Co., 275 Stste street FOR SALE OR TRADE T2 seres 12 miles from Salem, 50 acres under cult nation, some timber; 1 acre of logans, 1 acre of strawberries. Good 5 room house, partly furnished, ftoor1 barn and outbuildings. Team and tools go with plsre. Value $9,0o0. '"5 acres, II miles from Salem; 45 arret in crop, balance timber snd pasture, good 7 room house, good outbuildings. Value $9,500, equity $4,500; sell or trade. 7 miles 8.W. of Monmouth, 195 seres; 125 under cultivation, 70 of good oak timber, good bldgs. Value $19,500. Sell or trade. ifl acres on Westside highway, 40 acre of prunes, balance under cultivation, fair buildings. Value $14,000. Sell or trade. Will divide. 17 acres, 10 acres of fruit, good build ings. Close to town snd school on good road. Value $6,500. Trade for Salem property. Eastern Oregon. Idaho, Washington and Canadian land to trade for vallev land. LAFLAR & LAFLAR 40-7 Oreron Bide. PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE Notice is hereby given that 1 iiave impounded the following de scribed dogs in compliance with Ordinance No. 1404. to-wit: One male, long-haired, bird dog, white md brown spots, weight about 40 pounds. One black Water Span'el. male, weight abnut 20 pounds. Dne male, ShepherJ, dark yellow, weight about 30 pounds. One fe male, yellow and white spots, weight about 30 pounds. The above described dogs will be killed if not redeemed by owners on or before November 19, 1921, as provided in said Ordinance. W. S. LOW. Street Commissioner Adele yarHdon's New Phitse of REVELATIONS OF A WIFE CHAPTER 223 THE WAY LILLIAN MANAGED KATIE AND JIM- Katie answered the summoning bell promptly. "You vant someting. Meesis Graham?" she asked, smiling at me. "No, I m the one who wants something,. Katie," Lillian said "Is Jim anywhere around?" "He down in kitchen helping: me do dishes. We go to movies soon as we get fixed." Her voice expressed .the strong hope that no task of Lillian' would upset the plan for - the "movies." My friend's eyes tw.nkled, but her voice was grave. "I don't want Jim to do any thing tonight that will keep you from the movies,' she said "But I've heard of a desk and a draw ing board that I want to buy. 1 need them while I'm here witk Mrs. Graham, and 1 find I can get a bargain in them. But they won't deliver them so I want Jim" "Oh, dot Jeetn! He get any- tlng like dot so easy." Katie in terrupted with sublime ignorance of her Impertinence. "I run, tell heem you vant to see heem in dot shake of sheep's tail. I feen teh dishes oop qveeck, and we not be late by movies?" Her voice was wistful. "I won't keep him five min utes," Lillian promised, and be fore a similar interval of time had elapsed, Jim, awkward, but with honesty and eagerness to please wirtten atl over his face, knocked at the door and entered. "Sit Down, JimJ" I confess I waited with curious interest to hear what Lillian would say to Jim. I had caught my breath with admiration at the clever manner in which she had forestalled Katie's possible cur iosity by telling her the truth, which yet was not a truth. Jim would be abls to go upon his er rand without being annoyed by questions from his temperament al wife. I could imagine the life Jim would lead if Katie got the idea that he was employed upon some mysterious errand which he must keep a secret from her. She would have the truth out of him in no time. But with Katie satis fied. I knew that Jim would Yol nnteer no further information to her, and as for his betraylnc ou" confidence to any one else 1 knew that wild h'r n draw a single syllable from him. "Sit down, Jim." Lillian push ed forward a chair, and he sat down in it awkwardly. "Did Ka tie teH you what we wanted of you?" "She said something about your wanting me to get a desk and a board from some place that wouldn't deliver them," he re- M HEART ID llllf HUSBAND Jim's Word. That what want Katie think, and yo mast not tell t otberwlse." Linian eaid imprv?.- sively. j - I saw a startled look flaata to Jim's eyea. Lnt h liupaasirelr kept aileut, waiting for hr next words. j "Mrs. Graham and I hare la friend who is in serious trouble Lillian went on slowly, "Ther -is a way in which we can help her by keeping a desk which be longs to her until she la able to take care of it herselT. But U roust not be known to certain 1 a . tt m- . . a ... reopie mat airs, uranara nat tae dealt. Lillian paused, evidently for the more careful framing of ncr words. But I was watching Jim s open face. At the pronoun "her": which Lillian had u?ed I had seen an incredulous look; flash Into his eyes, and suspected that Jim-had recognized the fact that the friend we were trying to help and shield was Kenneth Stockbridge. j "I do not know Just yet where) you will be sent after the' desk." Lillian went on- "But I want rnu to be ready all day tomorrow to go anywhere at a minute' no tice, and above all things you must give Katie no Inkling that your errand is other than she thinks. I am telling you this now bo that you may realise the importance of this errand and be leady for ft." , "Katie nor anyboCy else won't hear nothing from me," Jim said earnestly, "and I Auesa Mrs. Gra- 1 ham knows that it there'a any- tmng sne wants done and it's a possible thing for me to do i U, it's as good as done." His eyes were turned on me with loyalty and fidelity that warmed my heart. Jim Is one of; the rarities of this earth, a man who remembers kindnesses dona and tries to repay them. I har ' known always, understanding my little maid's volatile nature j o well, that Katie, devoted as she is to me, upon several occasions would have reft my aenrice in the heat of her tempestuous outbursts of anger had her husband not re strained her by his rugged com mon Bense and loyalty. - This task which' Lillian had laid upon Jim would be beautiful ly performed. She could have chosen no better henchman, i (To be continued) j ADVICE FOlt WOMEN WHO SUFFER j .... I advUe every woman who suf fers with kidney trouble to try roiey tvianey fins" write Mr. Bessie Brawner. 252X Scofield Ave.. Cleveland, O. "I could not do my housework, but since tak ing Foley Kidney Pills I feel Ike a new woman and am able to do my work " Rheumatism, swollen ankles and backache, stiff Joints, sore muscles and sleep disturbing bladder ailments indicate disord ered kidney. Foley Kidney Pill uct promptly. Sold everywhere. Adv. ; - Judge Grants Divorce to Mrs. Hannah L V. Sim: DALLAS. Ore.. Nov. 17. -(Special to The Statesman) Clrcu'l ' Judge Harry H. Belt has granted ft divorce to Hannah L. V. Sims from Robert T. Sims after a voy age on the sea of matrimony, ' which lasted exactly two months. He also granted Mrs. Sims the right to ase her maiden name. . Hannah. L. V. Sweet. The couple were married In this city In May 1920 at which time Mrs. Sims was a waitress In the Gall hotel and Sims was night clerk. After -two months of married life the. defen dant disappeared and all efforts of the wife to locate him were fruitless. Tbe cause of divorce as filed In the complaint was deser tion. i- Classified Ads. In The Statesman Bring Results Skim Milk j't Buttermilk i For Feeding Purposes MARION CREAMERY Phone 688 I f SALEM MARKETS 1 Prices quoted are wholesale snd are prices received by farmers, Ne retail prices are given. Osts. milling, net 40e, Whest. No 1. 8Jf. Oats, feed, 35c Vetch and Oat hay, $12. Clover hay, $10. Mill run mill feed. $24. EGOS, BUTTER BUTTE SPAT rs. 50c. Creamery bntier. 49c. Butterfat, 45e. j V POTJX.TT I" (tens, ligni, toe. Hens, heavy, 2.1c. Chickens, spring, 15c, Roosters, old, 8e lOe. Turkeys, live. 30c. I Turkevs, drvied. Oc O 3Sei PORK. MOTTO AMD BEEP ' ' Hog. 7V4r f 8 54 c T Lambs. Sc. . , J ' " ' - Top veal, 13c. f if Pork, dressed. 111 0 lis. Steers. 4c $e,, . - B"1U 8C' i""r' PSTTTTS Tokay grapes, lie. ' '. Emperor grapes, tie, . i Bananas, S Vie. -j , Lemons, $7.00. " 1 Navel oranges, $7. ' -- Florida grapefruit, $6 0 $7.50. California grape trait, $6. . , t HncklebeiTies, 15e. ' l Washington Cranberries, box, 5.75- VEGETABLES , I . . Sweet potatoes. 4e. j V Potatoes, $1.80. - a Cabbage. Ittc - . f" California tomatoes, lug, 3.i Cncnmbers. $125. .; f Cauliflower, $2. '..! 1 Turnips. e2Ao. e " .-"'. Bell peppers, lb, lie. ; f J Psrsnipa. 2. - J. ,.. . " Oregon anions, $4. , 7 -j . . 1 Carrots,' $1.25. - - ., . , ' ; . Head lettuce, ?5e. . 1 Celery 8S. . Beets, $2 fl. sates, rras, hohet THtee, 15e. . , . ; . : Package dates, ease, IT. Pigs. 12. -r: I Comb honey, ease. Coooa-.ats. dosen, 1.8S, 'Tvrw' t ' . h - . '