i THE WRITIIKII The Statesman receives the leased wlr report of ' the - Associated Press, the greatest and most re liable press assoclattoa la the world, Saturday: . Unsettled, probably rain in wgt portion; moder . ate southerly winds. .- SEVENTY-FIEST YEAR SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 10, 1921 PRICE: FIVE CENTS ; 1 - f ; -! -- ) - ' i : V v . Hi - I-,": It 4 -.A t r V 1 . V i ' - V SSlm ACTORS THIAL Film" Comedian Appears Woe-Begone As Evidence Times Goes Against Him Doctor Heard. NO ADJOURNMENT FOR FOOTBALL GAME TODAY Interest in Case Revives and Crowds Expected to Fill Court Room SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Not. 18 Final, selection of the Jury, and the introduction of expert medical testimony, marked the sessions to day on the manslaughter trial of Roscoe C. (Fatty) Arbuckle in connection with the death of Vir ginia Rappe. Five jurors are wo men. Interest In the trial in creased with the conclusion of the Jurry questioning and the court room was crowded for the first time In three days. An alternate Juror was selected at the direction of the court. . . ' Doctors ShelbyP. Strange, act ing clfy autopsy surgeon, and Wil liam Ophuls, who conducted both external and internal examina tions of Miss Rappe's body, were the first witnesses. They describ ed the bladder rupture which caused Miss, Rappe's1 death.- The prosecution accuses Arbuckle of causing this Injury through the application of external force. , May Heo Football Game A half hour argument was built around a defense question to Dr. . Ophuls to whether Miss Rappe's fatal Injury might have been caused bp sudden immersion in a tub of cold water. The question, amended several times, was al lowed and the doctor said that such an Injury was possible from such a cause. He also admitted the injury was possible from other causes.' .";' :. v ; Miss Rappe was Immersed In a tub of cold water during the party In the hotel St. Francis at which It Is alleged she was fatally in jured. , Some time was passed in discus aion as to whether there should be Saturday and night sessions Gavin MeNabb. chief counsel for the defense, suggested that a ses Jaon should not be held tomorrow on accoount of the "big game" be tween California and Stanford universities." The court said he de sired to proceed tomorrow. Court and counsel decided to leave the matter to the Jury to decide over night. Night Sessions Probable The court said that night ses sions might be desirable at times but not continuously as they would be too exhjrusting to the fury and counsel. Arbuckle's feelings changed from cheerfulness, apparent at the time the Jury was selected, to con cern and worry during the taking (Continued on page 6) PUBLIC UTILITIES WILL PAY TAXES ON $123,311472 SUM Public utilities of Oregon will pay taxes the coming year on a total apportioned property valuation in the state of $123,311,472.13, according to a statement made public yes terday by the state tax commission. This figure for the 1921 roll is $566,328.1.6 less than that of 1920. This reduc tion is due to lower ratios, and it is notwithstanding the fact that the full value of the uilities his year as fixed by the state tax commission is $4,447,794.76 mre than last year. The full value for 1920 was $181,057,000.53 and for this year $185,504,795.29. , T The total apportioned value of the utilities combined with the general assessed property valua tion of the state makes, the total assessed property valuation in Oregon about $l,02o,000.000. Harney county has not yet re turned a corrected figure to the commission, so the exact general Valuation has not yet been ascer tained. - 'i The summary of utility valua tions shows the following totals for the various classes:. --v Station and depot companies, 184.308, 596. 70, sleeping car com panies. 1463,404,31; gas and electric companies $29,545,011.69 express companies, $231,206.91;, telegraph companies, $1,001, 723.97; telephone companies,$7, 549.876; tank line companies, $160,653.55. ,-. . Following Is the apportioned value as fixed by the state tax commission by counties: , ; Baker, $6,094,543.85; Benton, GIRL OF 16 FOILS ROBBER ! IN SPOKANE 4 - .1 " Juanita Gutrrie Beaten With Club, But Outwits Burglar in Walsh ome SPOKANE, Wash., Nor. 18. After being beaten with a club, suffering .three scalp wounds, which necessitated 20 stitches. Miss Juanita Guthrie. 16 years old, foiled a burglar's attempt to rob the home of Mrs. E. Walsh this afternoon, according to police. To prevent a further attack the girl promised to help the thug search the house. While doing so she reached the front door, which she unlocked and escaped to the street. The thug vanished through a rear door; Pinnoor AI"lrt Qnrmrl no Co lem Marshal and Coun cilman Passes Away James N. Glover, one time city marshal and councilman of Sa lem and conceded to be the only white man who lived to see his squatter right" become the cen ter of a city of 100,000 persons, died at his home in Spokane yes terday. He was 84 years old and was one of the '49'ers, coming across the plains with his father in 1849 by ox-team. The family settled six miles east of Salem on the old (Mover donation land claim. James Glover moved into Salem in a few yearg and was one of those in terested in the establishment of the first ferry across the Wil lamette river. He served for one term as city marshal of Salem and several terras as city council man. About 1872 Air. Glover moved to eastern Washington and took a "squatter's right," wliere the center of the business district of Spokane is now located. He has always been active In municipal affairs of the Inland Empire city and served for one term as Spo kane mayor. I He was born in Lincoln county, Missouri, in 1837, coming to Or egon in 1849. He is survived by his wife. He had no children but numerous nieces and nephews live In and near Salem. One brother, Pay ton Glover, lives in Spokane, and another, Samuel Glover, In Portland. W. J. Glover, county road mas ter, is a nephew of the northwest pioneer. Other nephews and nieces include Rlaph Glover, Ron aid C. Glover and Arthur Glover of Salem; Mrs. Harvey Taylor, Macleay; Mrs. Ellen Lambert, Stay ton;. George and Frank Glov er, Sublimity; Mrs. Flora Hobart, Silverton; Mrs. Dolly Johnson, iMarquam; l Edward, Grant and Phillip Graves, Molalla. j Mr. Glover visited in Salem two years ago, stopping here on his way home from California. His death followed a long ill ness. $999,615.44; Clackamas. $r 091, 795.65; Clatsop. $2,725,784.94; Columbia, $2,445,271.45; Coos, $1,131,889.21; Crook $54,147.89; Curry, $13,546.05; Deschutes. $575,774.13; Douglas. $6,655,- 716.29; Gilliam, $3,599,579.68 Grant, $395,389.40; -Harney, $359,974.46; Hood River. $1,- 828,958.23; Jackson. $3,575.. 000.44; Jefferson. $1,027,967.07; Josephine. $1,892,475.61; Klam ath, $1,360,576.52; Lake. $131, 109.94; ( Lane, $4,117,896.53; Lincoln, $561,897.82; Linn, $3,- 387.184.48; Malheur. $2,248. 360.23; Marlon. $4,693,586.64; Morrow. $2,771,874.19; Multno mah. $35,273,200.21; Polk. $1, 240,013.80; Sherman. $3,270, 176.63; Tillamook. $793,320.47; Umatilla. $10,729,251.97; Union $5,072,521.85; Wallowa. $1,051,- 663.15; Wasco, ,$4,129,598.74; Washington, $1,842,575.55; Wheeler, $5,133.08; Yamhill, $1,258,100.71. Total $125,311, 472.13. JIES II. 6L01 i DIES IN SPOKANE NEWBERRY RI If SENATE IS WAXING IR1 Pomerene, Ohio Democrat, Says He Would Resign if Similar Evidence Were Against Him. THREAT IS RECEIVED BE SENATOR M'NARY Charge is Made That Spen cer's Committee Has j Blocked Testimony WASHINGTON. Nov 18. Declaration by Senator Pomerene Democrat, Ohio, that he would re sign if evidence such as that sub mitted against Senator Newberry werb adduced against him, marked further consideration by the sen ate itoday of Henry Ford's contest of Mr. Newberry's seat as senator from Michigan. Asked by Senator Walsh, Dem ocrat, Montana, what his action would be if he had violated no laws, the Ohio senator replied: "at I were innocent, I'd fight the: battle of my life for my rights; I would not remain silent.' s mocking CnargeU Mr. Pomerene charged that ma Jorlty members of the senate elec tions committee, presided over by Senator Spencer, Republican, Mis souri, had blocked all efforts to gather pertinent testimony in its investigation of the case. He as serted that if the committee had wished to be fair it would have subpoenaed Mr. Newberry and als$ would have attempted to get facts about the Newberry funds in the campaign by calling officials of banks which had Newberry ac counts. . r Fear Is Denied Mr. Spencer denied that Mr Newberry was afraid to appear be fore the committee or that the committee feared to call the sen a tor; because his testimony might huft his case. . On the contrary Mr Spencer argued, Mr. New berry, as well as most of the Re publican members of the commit tee, regarded the Michigan sen a torf presence as unnecessary. Mr. Pomerene again assailed thd camDaicn expenditures, as seating that Mr. fJewberry knew all! about them and that the sena tor; was responsible for the acts of jhis agents. s McNary Threatened I5VASHINGTON, Nov. 18. That Senator Charles L. McNary was indued in the list of senators who received threatening letters from Henry Ford incident to tho Newberry case became known yes terday In Washington. If the Ore goji senator votes to seat Senator Neiwberry, Ford has declared he would exert his . influence to op pose McNary'a re-election. Although Senator McNary has issued no statement indicative of his stand, it is understood that Senator Curtis is relying upon his vote to oppose Newberry. The Ford letters. It is said, have been received by several senators of the progressive type, most of whom will come up for re-election with- n Jthe next two years. Sileni High Wins from j .Silverton, Score 20-0 St T Salem hi eh school added anoth er! victory to its record this sea son when the crimson and black eleven defeated Silverton high school with the score of 20 to 0. The game was played at Silverton yeste-rday-afternoon , and waa played on a muddy field during intermittant gusts of rain. Nlgro Lynched After I Taken from Sheriff HRLNA, Ark.. Nov, 18. Will Turner, a negro charged wth as sajiU upon a young white woman today, was taken by a mob from a sheriff's posses while being re moved to Marianna for safe keep- ink- After being shot to death his body was brought back here and burned in the city parK. Liquidation of Dairy i League to Be Fought IHILLSP.ORO. Or.. Nov. 18. Three hundred dairymen from all pdrts of Washington county met hre Thursday night and after fqur hours of deliberation, voted in fight against liquidation of the Oregon Dairymen's league, re cently voted by the directors, sub jefet to referendum of the mem bers. 3IAX ILL PIE MARSHFIELD. Or., Nov. 18.j R. Johnson, Allegany farmer. whose wife recently sued him for divorce, shot himself through the biad on the street here today. Physicians said he would die . h - ! ! JUSTICE, 78, WHIPS LAWYER 66, IS FINED John W. Linck of Tacoma Too Handy With Fists When En raged at Attorney TACOMA, Wash., Nov. 18. Justice of the Peace John v- Linck. 78. was found guilty of as sault in the third degree and fined 1 and costs by the verdict of a ury in police court here today. The charge was preferred by Ernest Hoppe, 66, an attorney, following an altercation over po ssession of legal documents in which Linck admitted striking Hoppo with his fist. Justice Linck is a former mayor of Tacoma, a Civil war veteran an dhas been justice of the peace off and on for more than half a century. The jury which tried the case wa$ composed of a bank president a lumbermill man. a plumber, a real estate dealer, a railroad land agent, an undertaker and the commander of the local post of the American legion. IS UP 1 Usual Jockeying Between Those Who Own and Buyers Is On The market in Salem was of fering yesterday 30 cents a pound for live turkeys wholesale and ?.r. cents a pound for dressed This is a few cents lower than the offerings a week ago. In the words of those who are buying, everything is up in tne air. It is the usual Jockeying between those who own the tur keys, looking for higher prices, id the buyers for we market who would like to buy now in or der to know just where they stana in snupplying the trade. However, there is a general im pression there will be a show down next Monday. If Portland happens to be overloaded, there Will be a slump in price. There has been somfc selling in lark's quantities in Roseburg this week but the Btory will be told for this immediate section, dealers say when the Portland market is made known next Monday. Sympathetic Walk-out . Canon City District, Company Reports In DENVER, Colo., Nov. 18. De crease in the number of strikers y Huerfano and Lasanimas counties and a sympathetic strike in the Canon City district, were reported by the Colorado Fuel & Iron com pany as the principal develop ments in the Becond day of the strike against reduction of wages in 13 of its coal mines. While the total number of idle miners is larger than yesterday. the company's statement said that this was due to the sympathetic strike in Canon City and that con ditions were better today in the other two districts. Approximately 180 state rang ers are on-duty in Huerfano coun ty, acting under a second martial law proclaimed today. The new proclamation was made necessary, it was said, by provisions of tho state constitution that troops must be in the field before such a proc lamation can be effective. Adjutant General Hamrock is in charge at Walsenburg and to night the situation was reported as quiet, with no disturbances of any kind. Tho striking miners were to hold a meeting at Wal senburg tonight. Attorney General Victor E. Vsva uhan Infnrmnil f thn Pinon City walkout, declared that this step was contrary to provisions of the state industrial law, which re qaires a 30-day-notice before any change in working conditions ca be made effective. Obsolete Battleships May Become Implements PORTLAND. Nov. 18. J. N. Barde of Barde & Son, a local firm, announced today that his firm had placed bids with ths United States government for J.2 obsolete battleships and .that if the bids are accepted the ships would be brought to this coast for dismantlement and conversion in to agricultural implements. Bids on ihj 12 naval vepsela would be opened at Washington December 15, according to Mr. Barde. He declined to state what price had been offered, but said the value placed on the ships by government appraisers was ap proximately $4,300,000. TURKEY MARKET STRIKERS ARE Oil DECREASE BOUCK AND ASSOCIATES ARE EXPELLED FROM GRANGE ON DISLOYALTY. CHARGES AND BARRED FROM RE-ENTERING ORDER TODD APPEARS IN BAD LIGHT Bf TESTIMONY Most Important Deposition So Far in Trial Furnished By C. R. Arundell, Feder al Investigator. ATTORNEYS IN CLASH PROSECUTION UPHELD Check for $500 Given by E. C. Miller Plys Import ant Part in Case PORTLAND, Nov. 18. Most important testimony against John W. Todd, being tried in federal court on the charge of fraudulent use of the mails, was that of C. Roger Arundell, special federal attorney, whose investigatory visit to Salem has been referred to i countless times by witness after witness. Arundell testified that Todd told him he had never received i anything, -and never ejected to receive anything, for all his ef forts in inducing a long list of Salem people to turn over $500 each to Carlos L. Byron, alleged timber locator, as partial pay ments for timber claims.. "Todd said that it was his friendship for Byron, a thin? of long standing, that induced him to his activity," Arundell testi fied. Todd burned all unexecuted con tracts of Byron's on the day be fore, Arundell said Todd told him. There was no correspondence of any kind between-himself and By ron, Todd said, because all their communications had been by tel ephone. Tried to Podge Mails "I would prefer this check on fthe Lexinston bank would not go throuKh the mails. Would you mind making out your check on a Salem bauk?" This was the rather unusual request which Todd made to E. C. Miller, after Miller had given him a check of $500 as initial payment on an alleged valuable timber tract to be located for him by Carlos L. Byron, jointly indicted with Todd, but now a fugitive from justice. ' Miller with entire trust in Todd as one of the most representa tive men of Salem, testified yes terday that he obligingly drew sufficient money from his Lexing ton account to cover the $500 payment. This was then trans ferred to the Salem bank. The check was never cashed because Miller requested its return when he became uneasy as to Byron's Portland conviction and sentence to Jhe federal prison at McNeil Island. Immediately following this damaging testimony, Charles W. Robinson, moved that the entire inatter be struck from the re cord because the check had never been cashed. (bjotlon Overruled United States Attorney Humph reys, however, was on his feet immediately. "One of the counts on the in dictment is basod upon this trans action," said the government pro secutor, "f contend that in try ing to avoid the use of the mails, he did the very thing he didn't Untend doing, for he used the mail in the transfer of funds from Lex ington to Salem." -Judge Bean upheld him. and the testimony remained in the re cord. Big Raspberry Pool is Sold in Lane County EUGENE, Or.. Nov. 18. The pool of 112,000 pounds of this year's crop of raspberrfes handled for the growers of Lane county by the Eugene Fruit Growers' as sociation Iha3 just bf-en closed, said J. O. Holt, manager of the association, today. The price re ceived by the growers for red raspberries is cents, and for black caps, 10 cents, which is 2 cents higher than received by Bome of the other large raspberry shippers this year, said Mr. Holt. The Eugene growers podl was the largest in the history of the association. PORTLAND, Or., Nov. 18. William Bouck of Sedro Woolley, Wash., former master of the Washington State Grange; C. R. Cottrell of Kent, Wash., secretary of the so called secession Washington Grange and J. C. Wrage, and R. A. Briggs, executive committeemen of the same body, were expelled from the national Grange at its convention today, and forever barred from re-entering the order. "The vote to expel the Washington men was taken in ex ecutive session today and the result was made public tonight. The action was precipitated unexpectedly by the submission of a report of the executive committee, recommending it, and the vote to adjpt the committee report was unanimous with every delegate in his seat. The action brought to a dramatic close trouble which had been brewing for more than a year in the Washington State Grange. Bouck and his associates were accused of radical and dis loyal actions; Bouck was tried before the national Grange at Boston last vear and was ordered reprimanded by the national master. At the Washington Grange sitting in Col-J ville last July Bouck delivered his being ordered suspended from office by National Master Lowell. Bouck and his associates then organized another body which ihev declared was the state'Grange. They were later enioined by court action functions, it (Continued UNION THIKSEIIGSE FIRST! CONGREGATION. Union Thanksgiving services this year will be held next Thurs day morning at 10 o'clock at the First Congregational church. Rev W. T. Milliken, pastor of the First Baptist church, will deliver the Thanksgiving sermon The offering to be taken at the services will; be for the Near East relief. At a! recent meeting of the SaTum Mlnisterlassoclation it wa? unanimously decidtd that the call from the Armenians and others in Turkey, was the most pressin. The order of program for tho services is as follows: Hymn. Responsive reading by the Rev. It has been enough years since ueorge lambert saw nis an nounced weight of 14 8 pounds, to start a new calendar and grow moss and two-foot whiskers all orer it. With that weight, Lam bert won two straight falls over Art McClaih at the armory last night. Lambert ; Is an experienced, powerful man, with a neck that simply offers no chance for an op ponent who hasn't grappling hooks, or a grizz-y bear trap with two inch teeth. McClarn couldn't touch that neck, not being so equipped. Lambert won tho first fall in 36 minutes of as pretty wrestling aa was ever shown in Salem, with a body scissors that McCIain could not break. Iambert waa the aggressor most of the time through both bouts, and showed much class in his various holds. McCIain Squirmed out of an as tonishing number of dangerous LAMBERT WINS FROl I GLAIN ' ILKEV EORFEITS TO BRADY UNPLEASANT OFTEN ENCOUNTERED BY RED CROSS CREW "Controller of Destiny! Please send 3 few individual floods and famines." No, this is not an excerpt from the prayer-curse of art Indian pariah, but it probably expresses the innermost thoughts i of some Salem Red Cross solicitors after a few experiences that have been recorded during: the present campaign for enrollment and renewal of members of the great relief organization. All Salem districts are being canvassed and the returns being brought injure small as compared with otherfyears. Workers? report that subscrip tions received are from loyal menders who wlicther in the home of rich or poor realize the broad scope of Red Cross relief and in each of these instances the R. C. dollar; has been gladly paid over to the solicitors. However! there is another group of individuals met with ty the an address which resulted m irom assuming any orange ' on page 6) J. J. Evans, pastor of the First Christian church. Prayer, by the Rev. Gustav F. Liening. pastor of the German Evangelical association church. Music by the Congregational choir. Reading of the Thanksgiving proclamation, by the Rev. Ward Willis Long, pastor of the nm Presbyterian church Scriptural lesSion, by the Rev. Blaine Kirkpatrickv pastor of the First. Methodist church. Hymn. Thanksgiving sermon, by the Rev. W. T Milliken, pastor of the First Baptist church. Benediction by the Rev. W. C: Kantner, pastor of the First Con gregational church. holds, but his offensive was never dangerous, though he had Lam bert flat for a verdict on flying falls of various kinds, The sec ond bout was also a Lambert vic tory, in 20 minutes of hard work. McCIain is a fine, gentlemanly worker, who never took or tried to use a really punishing hold. It was the old story of the profes sional against the amateur, who, however clever, has not the ex perience or the disposition to do his worst, and ho loses. The weights were announced as 163 for McCIain, and 158 for Lam bert, but they were hypothetical weights, for Lambert certainly looks pounds the heavier, and is far the stronger. The rooting of the crowd wasn't able to pull the local man through a winner.' The main boxing bout was a disappointment, ending in a series of fouls in the second round of (Continued on page 6) workers and thcsx are the men and women who not only refuse to aid in the work, but who have no courtesy for the volunteer workers who receive no remuner ation for the weary hours'Bpent at a ta-k that at its best is not the most agreeable. , Here are a few sample exper iences: - 1 "" " ' - . "I don't give to any of thesa here drives." j . "Don't try to. tell me about home relief work or the starring CHURCH CHINESE WILL W OE JAPANESE Ambassador Shidehara Will Today Present Statement Relative to Proposed Far East Policies. I AMERICAN REDUCTION PLAN IS OPPOSED Call Issued for Third Formal Session Which Will Be Held Monday WASHINGTON. Nov. 18. (By the Associated Press.) At to morrow's -meeting ...of.' the- "big nine," Ambassador Shidehara of the -Japanese, dclegatlqn will pre ent a statement of the Japan ese xiewpolnt In response to the proposals of (tho Chinese dele gates. j Japan's position on China's pro posals is being authoritatively out lined this way: ' T ' Japan would like to see the conference adopt a set of princi ples which, "it guaranteeing Ja pan's right ' of existence" would generally and especially, insure for China her territorial, apd insofar a3 possible, her complete adminls tration integrity. At tho sanio time these principles could affirm the doctrm of equal opportunity for all. .- ; '--i. -v..-.,, - No Broad Program Ready , Japan, for tho moment, harm broad program to apply to China, believing that it she sought to Im pose a broad platform it wou!4 lay her open to suspicion as possi bly concealing some hidden pur pose. As suggestions arise Japan will explain her own views which include a welf defined limit con- i-ornlntf fhtno Kavntt A wtitth Yinm spokesmen say they will not goJ As Japan and China are mem bers, of the League of Nations and have subscribed to making publio all treaties, she is ready to refrain 1 Will I I,, htbAlfCO uuv uuuwlo iuo practicability of having China par-, ticipate in new treaties concern ing that country. Japan, however. is agreeable to submitting conclu sions to Cbtna for an opportunity to register disapprprai, should sho so desire. , j KcoMomtcs Cat Figure ' j Japan would subscribe to a dec laration for the neutrality of China but .would point out that during the Russo-Japanese war, owing to territorial and geograph ical conditions, both Russia and Japan were obliged; to combat on Chinese territory ' and that ! it might be necessary to,trUverse her soil again. V SUMA A i Japanese spokesmen argue that there may, therefore, be a differ ence of degree between the eco nomic activity of Japanese and that of other nations, more par ticularly in Mancaurla and Mon golia but they contend It does not imply that Japan has any in tention of excluding other nations from the commerce of Chins, f (Continued on page ) ' CLASS people in other countries." i "Red CrossT No o, I helped them during tho war, but nobody needs th?in these days." "I never Joined the Red CroSa during the war. I don't believe, in those outfits" - In a few Instances there Is I no preliminary rebuttal, the door is slammed In tho face of tha solici tor and that ends the Interview. Occasionally the worker coiries to a home where It Is very evi dent that the occupants are mak ing a brave straggle to keep the wolf from tho door. In such cas es the solicitor j sympathetically realizes that the Red.Cros dol lar should remain at work in that rome. ! - i "1 will try to have it next year" is the usual promise, , and the worker expresses "a wish for good (Continued on page 6) I; T i s- i -