The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 18, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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- i
Doomed Man at State Pen
itentiary Wants no Ap
peal o Supreme Court
Executions Next Month At
Prison Likely to Be Pro
; e v longed Affair
Abe Evans of Dend. who is ii
a death cell at the state peniten
tiary, sentenced to hang Decem
ber 2 for killing James Doran oi'
McMinnvillc, declares that be
does not want his case appealed
to the supreme court and that he
wants to die on the date lixed
for his execution, so that hi?
troubles will be over. Evans has
so expressed himself to prison au
thorities. This means fliat on December
2 three men will be hanged at. the
state prison, the other two being
John L. Rathie and Elvie D. Klr
by, alias James Owens, who were
implicated in the killing of Sher
iff Til Taylor of Pendleton.
Evans case is -different from
that of ths usual prisoner in that
he is unable to read or write.
Most condemned men fisrht for
4 life as long as possible, and- in
tbelr narrow cells arel able to en
joy life to a degree by reading
magazines and newspapers. With
Evans it is different. The only
literature fc.e la able to enjoy Is
the illustrated periodicals that
are given him frequently. Minis
ters have taken an interest in
Evans and Have endeavored tc
touch his heart by picture of re
ligious characters.
lias Trinl Knififltf
. Evans apparently if apprecia-J CfOSS-COUntry
live oi me enons niaur iui i"
comfort, but frankly says he
wants to die on December 2 as
scheduled. He has told prison
authorities that if an appeal were
taken to the supreme court his
imprisonment in the little death
cell would merely be lengthened
into a year with the noose waiting
at the end. .
Evans has made two attempts
to end his life by suicide since he
was received at the state prison.
The crime for which Evans was
sentenced was committed nar
The Dalles in September. He tells
prison officials that he will make
a confession of his life on the
Evans' wife and young daugh
ter visited him recently.
Jack Rathie and Jim Owens, the
other two men who are to be
hanged December 2, feci that jus
tice has not been extended them,
and have Intimated that they will
so express themselves on the
Task To lie Lone
The three executions will nec
essarily have to be bv the same
Minor Clash is Reported
In Trinidad Situation
Event Put
Off to Give Right of Way
to Football Squad
There are just "cross" coun
try runners at Willamette who
feel that they have a riht to be
cross. They simply can t g?t u
out of their systems this week,
because the high school game to
day occupies Sweetland field and
they can't stage the annual inter
class event at the promised time.
Like as not it will be a beauti
ful, balmy day. with the birds
singing and the bees a-humming
and the grass fairly breaking its
fool neck to grow pretty and
sweet for the freshmen aid then
on Tuesday, the substituted day
for the event, it will be raining
pitchforks and sawlogs so thit
they'll have to swim most of the
way and use a dredge the rest of
the route. Ain't it fierce to give
up a perfectly cood day and take
a maybe-storm in exchange?
Tli rivalu rt nlanninp for a i
trap on the small gallows in hel4if; event Iieverhe!css. Men from !
TRINIDAD. Colo . Nor. 17.
One minor clash between the for
ces of the Colorado state rangers
and the striking miners marked
the fifst day of the strike of union
m'ners emplo;.ed by the Colorado
Fuel & Iron company in their
southern Colorado mine'.
At Frederick a ranger and a
striker, Frank Alesio, tome to
blows. According to Lieutenant
Stockton of the ranirers. Ales o
had been picketing and had been
told by a ranger to desist, where
upon a quarrel toliowed in which
blows were struck. Alesio claims
the ranger beat him with a gun.
after starting the quararel with
out provocation.
Tonight union representatives
repeated their previous st ltement
that men who worked in the
mines today will not go back to
work tomorrow and that the tie
up will be complete in this dis
trict. On the other hand. C. F. fc
I. officials said more men may be
expected to work tomorrow.
Unionist Party Asks Govern
ment to Continue Con
ference Efforts
Joseph M.Schendt
J pJfe Perfect
J V. Woman
prison Bertillon room, one of the
men going at a timo.
This means that most of the
forenoon of December 2 will he
tajken up with the grim task. The
hangings are scheduled to begin
at 8:30 o'clock in the morning.
As soon as the first man is pro
nounced dead it will be necessary
to remove the rope, attach a new
rope above the scaffold and sus
pend from it a heavy weight as
a test of strength.
This performance also must be
repeated for the third man. The
same rope 1s never used to hang
more than one man. It is be
lieved twenty minutes or more will
elapse between executions.
(Continued from page 1.)
The postof flee department can
pay the reward of $5000 only
for the "arrest and conviction" of
a mail robber, according to Mr.
Flynn. If Gardner should be sent
to Leavenworth without being
tried for the attempted robbery
held, Mr. Flynn explained, it
would be' impossible for the gov
ernment to pay the reward to In
derlled. Sentence Total Heavy
Sentences totalling 50 years
were hanging over Gardner when
he escaped from the federal prison
at McNeil's Island, Wash., Sep
tember E.
Thanksgiving Turkeys
On Market at 40 Cents
ROSEBURG. Ore., Nov. 17.
The Thanksgiving turkey market
opened today when an early lot of
P.PnWVTP iha wnnP W tre3ea Diros were purcnasea at
birds were bought today. Tomor
row and Saturday the largest part
of the dressed turkeys for the
Thanksgiving market will be re
ceived. The peak price is expect
ed to be reached during theclosing
hours on Saturday.
'Pyralin Ivory
Mirrors, Hair Urushes, Combs, Buffers,
Puffers, Hair Receivers, Jewel Boxes,
Trays, Cream Jars, Nail Files, I Jig Assort
- ment, VeryXow Prices.
Fancy Turkish Towels
Large size, extra quality triple texture. A
Christmas present of quality. Special 98c
Felt Slippers
Daniel Green's line. America's best. La
dics'. Men's and Children's Slippers.
, Ivory handles, Gloria top, rainproof, at $4
and $3.
Special Good Umbrellas, rainproof top,
at $2.
Fine Silk Umbrellas, fine handles, black
or colors, $4.99, $5.10, $6.75 to $9.75.
Children's Cotton Umbrellas $1.
Men's Overcoats All Wool
Prices $15.00, $17.50, $18.50, $22.50,
$25.00 and $28.50
Oregon City Virgin Wool Overcoats
Skinners Satin lined, guaranteed two sea:
sons, price $28.50
Gantner & Mattern Heavy All Wool
. Rough Neck Pull Over
Sweaters, School Colors
The regular price is $8.50. To Clean Up
v for this Season at $6.75
Same in Small Boys' sizes 28 to 34. The
regular price is $5.00. To Clean Up $3.85
240 N. Commercial St.
' The Home of
Washington Dry Sox Shoes, Martha Wash
7 ington Comfort Shoes, Daniel Greene Felt
Slippers, Boss of the Road Work Clothes.
Richmond Underwear, Guaranteed Rubber
all the classes have been in train- j
mg for s3veral weeks, so that it
won't be a mere amateur perform- j
ance. The freshmen had to take j
every man's word for his running
ability, at first, for nobody knew
anybody, and a tubby person with
a good voice and a fertile imag
ination had as good a chance as
a greyhound athlete who could do
100 yards in 9 flat.
But they have weeded out the
false alarms, and the freshmen
will be represented by as aliant
a --'team as ever wore green caps
All the older classes have had
their men sized up through pre
vious athletic competition, so they
start knowing fairly well what
material they have to count on.
Claire Gillett, who led the jun
iors and the whole university
squad last year, is ill with pneu
monia at his home in Woodburn;
not seriously, but he cannot be
expected to be in the competition.
His loss is a blow to the senior
The contest Is to be staged on
Tuesday, according to present
plans. It will comprise a few
turns around th3 quarter mile
track, a jaunt up Oak, Twelfth
and a few other streets, to make
a total distance of about two
miles. finishing at the grand
stand. Each team comprises five
men, and every contestant has to
come In under his own steam be
fore the class time is computed.
The race is to start at or about
2:30 p. ni.
I uiiiriT'n inuiRinr
HOI D muu
. I
Report of Short Demand in
Europe Has Detrimen
tal Influence
Red Cross Roll Call
Reports Encouraging
Not only at general headquar
ters of the membership roll call
of Willamette chapter.. Red Cross,
but also at the city headquarter
in the Oregon building, reports
reports of the roll call are encour
aging. In the city, where homes have
been missed or no one home at
the time those interested in the
Red Cross called, a second call
will be made before Thanksgiving
day, as it is the intention that ev
ery one in the city shall have an
'opportunity to respond-
On Saturday, several booths
will he established in the business
district of the city, all working
for Red Cross memberships, it
is also probable that booths will
be placed in a number of the
principal stores.
Students attending Willamette
university will organize the four
classes and a committee f sn
each will canvass each class, striv
ing for competition as to the num
ber of members that can be sa-
cured from each class.
CIIICAC.O. Nov. 17. D-crinv-took
place in wheat today after
an early advance. Reports of
rain in the southwest and lack i
European demand notwithstand
ing strength in foreign exchange
were leading bearish factors. The
market closed weak, 1 to 1 .r-x
net lower with December l.u3 1-4
to 1,07) 3-8 and May 1.0S to 1.08
1-4." Corn finished a shade to
l-S up, and oats off 1-K to 3-S,
and provisions unchanged to 0
cents down.
Absence of any aggres:-ivc sell
ing was largely responsible for
the strength shown during the
early trading in wheat. Hulls
contended that with reduced
crops and diminishing stocks cur
rent prices of grain would look
cheap should there be an appar
ent improvement in tconomic con
ditions. On the odvanc.?, howev
er, selling orders beci.'.e more
plentiful especially frc. m "levator
interests and from a nouse with
foreign connections- It was these
offerings which put a surplus on
the market and proved hard to di
gest late in the session h?u rain
reports seemed to indicate the
ending of drought in the 'southwest-
Slowness of export call was
associated in some degree with
announcemer t that , harvesting
had started in northern Argen
tina. v '
5:30 Closing is Favored
By Merchants of Dallas
LONDON, Nov. 17. (By The
Associated Pressi The Unionist
party delegates at Liverpool to
day registered a vote more over
whelming than the recen: similar
vote, in the house of commons, au
thorizing the government to con
ttinue its efforts by conference to
negotiate a settlement of the Irish
question. Out of 2000 delegates
not more than 10n at most op
posed the amendment, recording
contitnued confidence in the gov
ernment. The vote followed a statement
of the government position by Sir
Laming Evans, -secretary for war.
who denied that the ministers had
ottered an t'lster ragged and
bo'ir.d as theprice of Irish alle
giance to the king.
I'lstcr I neompi omising
The effect of the vote is to con
firm the mandate given Premier
Lloyd George by the house of
1'lster's reply to the premier,
wh'ch was delivered today, is de-.-cribed
as uncompromising. In
political circles the view taken is
that the deadlock has been reach
ed, for all the Sinn Fein negotia
tions with the government pro
ceeds on the basis that the unity
f Ireland was fundamental.
Though Ulster declines even to
d scuss such a basis in; conference
with the government, : the Ulster
; representatives have! indicated
jwilLnsness to have informal talks
j Premier'. Action Awaited
I It is stated by the iinn Fein
! publicity department that the gov
: ernment has not yet ! asked the
Sinn Fein debates toj debate Ul-
iter's terms, adding: i
-Thf . government j knows it
woul dbe of no use." j
There seems to be a general be
lief that the only way out is an
appeal to the country but there is
some difference of opinion as to
whether the premier will have a
general election, or will resign,
leaving an alternative. j nrnistry to
be formed, with the possibility of
: later dissolution of parliament.
of the deposed Alexander M.
Howat administration have gone
back to work.
"Some of tho skirts are abor
criticism," says an exchange.
We'll tell the world. Exchange.
250 Strikers Return
To Work in Coal Mines
riTTSBURG. Kan , Nov. 17
Probably 2."0 strikers returned
to work in the Kansas coal fieid
today, according to an announce
ment tonight by George Richard
son, commissioner for the oper
ators, and, the announcement said
there are now about 3."00 men
working in compliance with an
order by th? International Mine
Workers' union thatithe Kansas
miners end their strike.
Reports received tonight were
that relatives of several mmbers
30x3 Y
32x3 V
31x4 32x1
32x4 c
33x4 2
34x4 V
35x412 36x4 y
Full Guarantee
We have the largest assortment of Tires in Salem and
it is only on account of our large buying capacity and
experience that we are able to give you both price and
Malcom Tire Go.
Commercial and Court Streets
One of a Chain of Stores Established 1917
Firemen's Dance Will Be
Important Woodburn Event
DALLAS. Ore.. Nov. ,17. ( Spe
cial to The Statesman If A peti
tion has been circulated among
the business men ot Iallas asking
that they close their places of
business during the coming winter
months at :30 instead of 6 o'clock
as at the present time. During
the war this practice was taken up
by the business men and after a
little "kicking" was found to work
perfectly. As both the sawmills
and the machine shops early
during the winter months the
merchants claim that the average
man has time to attend to his
business before the hour of 6.
WOODBURN. Or.. Nov. 17.
A firemen's ball that will be the
genuine article is billed for the
local armory Thanksgiving night,
by members of the Woodburn fire
The local fire fighters have
pledged themselves to aid the city
in purchasing much needed fire (
equipment and everyth'ne possi
ble is being done to make th's
dance one of the biggest social
events in the history of the city.
A special committee of sin oka
eaters hrs been kent busv look
ing after the many details re
quired to make the event a re,il
success. A first class orchestra
has been secured, the floor is be
ing worked into shape, decora
tions will be most attractive anl
special surprise features will keep
'em all guess'ng.
Jackson i County Bank
Case Soon Goes to Jury
& V- -SO
' 's f
MKDFORD. Ore.. Nov. 17.
The case against ( H Owen.
Salt Yake City o l man and for
mer Medford orchardist. charged
with "aiding and abetting a
cashier to injure and defraud a
hank.-" an echo of failure of the
Bank of Jacksonville, and now on
trial in circuit court at .lacksm
ville the past two days, will prob
ably go to the jury yate Fridav.
The feature of the trial so far
has been testimony of W. II.
.tohnson. former president of the
bank, who was brought here from
the state penitentiary to testify for
the state. He was on the witness
stand all Wednesday afternoon
and today and will be cross-examined
by the defense tomorrow.
His testimony was of a technical
nature, relative to the bank's
business with Owen L. A. Lilje-
quist, assistant state attorney gen
eral, is assistws District Attorney
Moore in the prosecution.
Middle weight Champion
Wrestler of the world, who
will meet A. O McCLAIN,
Northwest Champion
Friday Nicrht
November 18, 8:30
Service Satisfaction Lowest Prices
Stupendous Savings in Men's Fall and Winter Apparel Costs
EVERY man will welcome the good news that the J. C. Penney Company is-splendidly equipped with everything .
a man nee&3 in Fall and Winter Apparel at. lower than usual costs. Large quantity buying for 312 stores
raake3 it possible for the J. C. Penney Company to acquire the choicest qualities and best values at lowest price
these we are passing on to our customers. Select your Fall and Winter requirements now, whil8 our stocks 'are
complete. Your purchases here mean truly remarkable savings.
Men's and Boys' Mackinaws
The popular short coat for crisp Fall and cold Winter weather.
Attractive styles and patterns and wonderful values are here for
your choosing.
! tf Mens double breasted heavy all-wool macklnaw, plain
$690 cr I,lalJ patterns. Sizes 3G to 46.
. Men's extra heavy northern all-wool H 1-inch jMackinaw,
? 8,90 louul breasted style, plain vr fancy plaUls. J;(i in 4'i.
ir AA fl0"' double breasted heavy nil-wool Mackinaw, fancy
Sj5,"0 l'Iaid Interns. iSizcs 2G to 34.
- f f Boys" extra heavy northern all-wool Mackinaw, dou'.tle
S5.5U bre'ns;d. plain or plaids. Sixes 'JG to M.
jj, . fo Tnvonilo double breasted heavy all-wool MaoUinaw. at
3)40 tractive plaids, for little fellows of :i to 10 ! years.
Men's Gloves
Men's Canvas Gloves
10c to 29c
Men's Work Gloves
Plain wrist and gauntlet, calf
and horsehide
$1.49 to $2.49
Auto Gauntlet GIovch
f J QQ Auto gauntlet .Gloves
vlvO all leather and lea
ther palms with maekinaw
Men's Flannel Shirts
With the advent of cooler weather these Flannel Shirts for
men are proving exceedingly popular. Oar stock offers a variety
of styles and kind? all exceptionally strong values.
Blue or jrrny heavy cotton and wool material, two pok
cts, choice or flat or military collar
Crnr. 1 hrtki or brown eotton warp wool sacking, flat
anil military collar styles
Gray, kh.iki. brown or olive wool broadcloth, coat style, r military collar, two button flap pockets...
t.I Khaki Army Se with flat cr military collar, two QQ
bi!t!ou flap army pockets. A real shirt for the money. . V JstlO
All wo,. 1 medium weight -flannel in pray, kbakl and $ CA
brown with flat or button-dowa collar , v
. S2.49
4liF il H Jr
Men's Leather Auto Gloves
and 2. 9S Mens
Gauntlet-auto gloves
Black leather.
Men's Leather Reversible Coats
ImMrtcl Cape Gloves
0 J A to :t.8 The new
?'x Fail Glove, made of
imported cape leather in full
line of colors wMh perfectly
finished details in seams and
fastenings. All sizes.
Men's Duck Coat
Blanket lined
$2.98, $3.98 an$4.50
Reversible coat. .".4 inches long, made of tan sheepskin on
one side and conduroy or muleskin on t 1 Q CA
reverse side; has four pockets and belt vlO.DU
Short reversible
coat L
Men's Work
Men's ,Molckin Pant
Heavy Moleskin Pants in drab
or black and white An a
stripes vv47
Men's Cottonade I'ants
Cottonade Pantu a good as
sortment of patterns. $4 aq
f2.4 and $l.0
Men's Worstel Pant
Suitable for work or. dress'
$2.98 am $2.49
Vuung Men's Corduroy Pants
Heavy Jersey Punts, very ser
viceable and a (Q QC
real value at
Men's Corduroy Pants
Fine grade heavy corduroy in
dark and army drab, durably,
made with heavy dQ QQ
trimming throughout VvssO
Our Unalterable
One Price io
l IT.
CTor.E oCAJiiMrio:: m tee wosll
Our Unalterable
Price to
, Everybody
; ei
'. i.