' I'.' GMJ . L . ' ff ft - !r Tne Statesman receive tht lee4 . "Port of til Associated the greatest an; pact . Uable press assodatlosr ta ta SEVENTY-FIRST, YEAR '" SALEM. OREGON. FRIDAY MORK1XO. knCTIM!B IS loot 1- 1 . t i - -w-t . Ubil It) 1' . , T : ; 1 . i i - "; v -r- I DINNER GIN FOB GARDNER BY OFFICIALS f ' Following New Charge of Assault on Girl Mail Rob ber Entertained at Lead ing Phoenix Restaurant. AfiOTHERROBBERY ALSO LISTED AGAINST HIM Transfer to Leavenworth is Deferred to Play Square , With Inderlid niOENIX. Ariz., Nov. 17. J. P. "Dillon, United States mar nhal, and several other persons entertained Roy Gardner, escaped convicted mail robber, at dinner in one of tbe leading restaurants tonight. Before the dinner Gardner was taken from the county jail to the federal building to be questioned. This led to reports . he had been spirited away. 'Police and postofflce inspectors today announced that they had secured evidence implicating Gar dner in a mail robbery at Mari copa, Ariz., November 3. 'The mail that was stolen at Maricopa was taken from a locked mail car on the Arizona- Eastern, which was waiting to be brought Into Phoenix. The only (thing df value that was taken, according to the officers, was a watch, which they announced they . had found in a local pawn shop, and the proprietor of the shop had' identified Gardner as the man who pawned it. Assault Charjre Preferred A charge of criminally assault ing a young girl here was pre ferred against Gardner by state officials today Just a few minutes before instructions were received from the department of justice of licials at AVashington cancelling the order received last night for Gardner's immediate transfer to the . federal penitentiary at Leav enworth. Kansas. No action can be taken on the state charge against .Gardner un til' after the federal charge of at tempting to rob the United States mails Is disposed of, according to Thomas Flynn, United States dis trict attorney here. Girl Under 10. In the state charge, Gardner is accused of assaulting Mafia Mu- not, a girl under 16 years old, on Oetober-21. Immediately after the girl reported the alleged at tack pa October 21, a "John Doe" warrant "was issued today, after ehef I ha ttdetttlfled Gardaer as her assailant.' His name was put on the warrant. "Fair enough. was Gardner's comment when Sheriff John Mont gomery read the state warrant to him. ' Later, ' however, Gardner denied that he-actually assaulted the girl. . Reward in Doubt .. ' The change nvtlie orders from the state department of justice was doe to a desire on the part of the government to play square with Herman Inderlied of Phoe nix, the mail clerk who captured Gardner after a struggle in a mail car at the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railway station here on Tuesdar night, according to an announcement by District Attor ney Flynn; . (Continued on page 2) STAGE SER VICE IS EMPLOYES DALLAS, Or., Nov. 17. (Special to The Statesman) At a meeting of the Southern Pacific railroad employes num bering about 120 at the local car shops in Dallas a committee was appointed to visit the Dallas business men and ask them to co-operate in a movement to have the auto truck and jit ney service between Dallas and Salem and other points served by the Southern Pacific discontinued. The committee members in ar guments declared that the com pany for which they work has a monthly payroll In Dallas of something like $15,280 and J?ay In to the county annually $43342 an dthat a large amount of these taxeat Is used to construct hard surface and other,-roads over BETTER PUT NUMBER ON YOUR HOUSE Drastic Action Promised if Residents Fail to Comply, Authorities Say If your house is not numbered. or if it is numbered incorrectly. you are an offender against the peace and dignity of the city of Kalem, so declared by ordinance duly made and provided. There has been complaint from the postoffice authorities, and there is to be an attempt on the part of. the city government to have all houses numbered, and numbered correctly. So you would better take due notice, and act accordingly, if you happen to be among the offenders. You may get your correct num ber at the office of the city re corder. It is to be presumed that this warning, and perhaps other warn ings of the same kind, may ba sufficient to bring about a gen eral movement to have this mat ter straightened out, as it should be, for the convenience of many people. If nothing short of drastic ac tion will suffice, then that kind of action will be resorted to. IT L, Ok Loveland Wanted Fort Benton, Mont, for Grand Larceny at L. C. Loveland, who has been living oir a farm near Jefferson, was arrested yesterday afternoon by Deputy Sheriffs Smith and Barber and is being held in the Marion county jail awaiting fur ther instructions from officials at Fort Benton, Mont. L,eveland was (arrested on fin strwettone -f rom the- sheriff's of fice in the Montana city, and is held under a grand larceny charge No details were wired from Mon tana! concerning details of tbe charge against Loveland. Sheriff Bower received word that J a Montana officer will soon arrive In the city for the purpose of returning Loveland to Fort Benton. Imperial Potentate Cutts i Will Be Portland Chief PORTLAND, Nov. 17 Plans have been completed by Ai Kader tem ple fir entertainment of Esnest A. Cutts,' Imperial potentate of the Mystic ShMne, who is expect ed to arrive Portland from Se attle Monday for a two days visit. The largest delegation, of of ficials of the Mystic Shrine sine 3 the 1920 convention here is ex pected 'to accompany Potentate Cutts on his visit here and tour of the 'various temples in the United States, Portland Laborer Held To Have Committed Suicide Portland, , Nov. 17. After in investigating the death of Swan Swanson, whose body was found last night in a lavatory of a ho tel, police today decided it was a case of suicide and released Axel Swanson. a brother, who had been detained' pending the out come of the inquiry. which auto transfer companies operate without paying anything for city licenses and" but a small amount in the automobile license and gasoline tax. The matter has been up before the city council for action and that body has instructed its ordinance-committee to present at the MM ARRESTED 1 29 MflSTE FILE REPORTS National Grange Confers Degrees on Nearly One Thousand Applicants BOUCK CASE DEFERRED Spirited Debate Expected When Case of Suspended Official Comes up PORTLAND, Or, Nov. 17. Presentation of reports by mas ters of 29 state granges, disposal of routine business of the conven tion and initiation of applicants into various degrees occupied to day's sessions of the National Grange convention. In the aiternoon candidates were shown the mysteries of the fifth and sixth degrees, and to night about 1,000 applicants re ceived the rites of the seventh degree, i Bouck Not Debated Fred Nelson, acting state mas ter of Washington, who succeed ed William Bouck after Fne latter was suspended by National Mas ter Lowell, made Tiis report, but no discussion of Mr Bouck's dis missal followed. It was predict ed that a spirited debate on the suspension of the Washington state master will feature one of the sessions soon when the matter comes up for discussion before the convention. New York Move Grows Among the interesting reports read today was that of the grangre league federation ex change of New York. This or ganization has an authorized cap ital of $1,000,000 of which about 40.000 farmers have subscribed 1750,000 of the capital stock." Its business is going at the rate ot $5,000,000 a year. The feed de partment for the first nine months of this year did a business of $2,639,000. It now has its own elevator and mills for mixing balanced rations. A. B. Cook, state master of Michigan, made in his report a suggestion that all state" Krange sessions be held a short time be fore the national grange meeting to facilitate various kinds of grange work. Cooperative Move Helps The growth of the Washington grange, which has a membership of 21,021 was attributed for the most part to the cooperative movement started ten years ago, in the report of State Master Nel son. " The program of the national session tomrorow will include a morning meeting of the seventh degree, and afternoon and night business sessions. Fire Damages Residence of Mrs. Mary H. Finney Fire, thought to have been caused by a defective flue, last night caused damage estimated at about $1000 to the residence oc cupied by Mary H. Finney at 608 North High street. The department was called out at 8:40 and found the blaze to be a stubborn one, the flames having worked into the walls and under the floor of the dwelling. . The building and household furniture were partially covered by insurance. next regular council meeting an ordinance which will put a license on these lines ot business and will also take in traveling orchestras which have been in the .habit of coming to this city from other towns and putting on dances sole ly for profit. At a meeting of the Dallas Com. merdal club last night the action of the Southern Pacific emplores was heartily endorsed and a com mittee appointed consisting of C. B. Sundberg, W. I. Soehren and II. G. Campbell also to confer with theDallas merchants with a view towards getting them to dis continue the patronage of the out side transfer companies.. DEMAND a) FURTHER TESTIMONY AGAINST JOHN TODD IS HEARD IN TRIAL PORTLAND, Or., Nov. n.Evidence was introduced this morning in the government's prosecution of John W. Todd, on the charge of fraudulent use of the mails, as to Todd's ap parent effort to establish the facts in the minds of Salem peopie that he did not get $100 for each timber claim con tract he sold for Carlos L. Byron, jointly indicted with him. but that "he was to get" this amount when the claim was finally settled. This apparent effort to clear himself of having received any money in the deals was made by Todd following the visit in Salem of a government agent, according to testimony of several witnesses throughout the trial. E. A. Miller, principal of a Sa lem school, this morning testified that Todd called him by telephone and warned him that '"a govern ment agent is in town and will call on you, so be very careful what you say." Victims Testify Miller, as well as a long list of other Salem people, paid $500 to Carlos Byron, now a fugitive from justice, through efforts of Todd, as an initial payment for an al leged highly valuable timber claim which has never been forthcom ing. Leading witness for the gov ernment this morning was W. C. Winslow, an attorney, who testi fied that Todd assured him, when he bought a contract for his wife, that Byron was a man who had never been in any trouble with the PRINTING BOARD IN OT SESSION. OVER PRESS STATEMENTS Neither side made any concessions and difficulties refused to be ironed out when the state printing board was called yes terday by Governor Olcott relative to the printing of a report of State Treasurer Hoff by the state printer which wa3 charged to the state, resulting in a bill of $44.53 which Olcott and Kozer refused o approve on grounds the report was not proper matter to print at state expense. At the meeting yesterday Secretary Kozer demanded a retraction by Hoff of statements in a letter sent to the board in which Hoff said Olcott and Kozer had approved the re port before it was printed but had reversed themselves after it was printed. This, Kozer said, was a reflection on himself and the governor. Hoff vehemently refused to make a retraction. Olcott and Kozer declared they had not approved the report, and had never seen it. Crawford Called In Hoff called in his deputy James Crawford to develop this point from his side. Crawford conced ed that neither Olcott nor Kozer probably had ever seen the copy but declared the law had been followed, in transmission of the report to Secretary W. M. Plimp ton of the printing board whp had approved it. This. Crawford said.-was no departure from the regular procedure. "Matters of this kind." said Crawford, "are handled in tiro 111 RELATIVE TO HOP PRO "It's great to read of the won- derful profits made in growing hops," declared Frank W. Dur bin in addressing menfbers of the Marion County Realtors associa tion yesterday noon- "But there are bad years. I have been In th? hop bus;nes since 1S90- and have had my ups and down, mostly downs." Under normal conditions. Mr. Durbin declared there is more money in the hop business than in any other farminp, but the trouble is that within a year or two there are likely to be condi tion quit? different from normal. English growers will soon have planted all the acreage they h3d before the war, and this with the increased freight rates and the cost of exchange, would like lv threaten the hop industry in Oregon within two years, he said. Fijmres Ar Submitted For those who were thinking government, but thai ho was 'in." with the government to the extent of having information that would make possible early entries on fand. Otfcc-r witnesses have testified that Todd told them Byron had been indicted any number of times through machinations of big timber interests, but that nothing had ever been proved against him. Todd Is Blamed Then news of Byron's Port-. land conviction arrived in Salem, 1t 1 . i mii i . , . ! jVinslow said Todd explained the matter by saying that Byron's con viction resulted from using the mails to return money to people he had been unable to locate. "I admit I was a fool in the transaction," was the substance of Winslow'g statement. "But I want to say I would never have given Carlos L. Byron a penny of my money but for Todd's state ments as to his honesty." (Continued on page 6) same way the secretary of state's office handles vouchers. Mr. Ko zer never sees them. They are approved by his subordinate." Kozer Makes Accusation Olcott and Kozer assumed they had gained an important point in Crawford's admission that they never had seen the copy. but Crawford refused to admit this and again cited the customary method followed by the board. Hoff declared that If the board can not rely on its secre tary it would be better to with draw his authorit3r. (Continued on page 6) of going into the hop business Mr. Durbin fubmilted the cost of an 18-acre yard; as follows: Roots. $48. . Planting, $54. Wire, $600. Poles, $288. Cost of construction. $216. Hop house and store room, $1,000. Stoves and pipes. 70. Sacks and baskets, $80. Baler, $200. As to the value of the hop crop to Oregon and esft?ciallv this rart of the Willamette valley, 1&t. Durbin said the total estimate for this year was""10,S 40,000 pounds, and that the total value of this cron amounted to $3,523,000. Of interest to the business in stitutions of the city was the statement that Marion and Polk counties ' grow more than two thirds of the hon crop o' Oregon. He credited 'Marion county with (Continued on page 6) REALTORS QMCTION I QUESTIONS ARE ELD BACK Objections of Japs and Great Britain Delay Arma ment Discussions CAUTION NOW OBSERVED Americans Choose Initial Policy of Silence on Far Eastern Phase WASHINGTON, Nov. 17. (By The Associated Press) Far Eastern -negotiations await the reply of Japan to China's dec laration of rights, and the Ameri can move for limitation of naval armament is slowing up because of objections raised both by Japan and Great Britain. Discussion of the Far Eastern problems were advanced by the big nine today! to the point of an agreement that a general ex- . . e I . fiki L i i a II ft tJ ui views uu iviuiia 3 pi ir grara should precede any consider- ation of specific points. Such a general presentation of views Ja pan was unprepared to make and the big nine adjourned until Sat urday. I Japan Asks Modification Meantime Japan made known her desire to modify the American plan of naval limitation to give her a "slightly greater" relative strength, and the opposition of the British to the submarine quota EUggested by the United States gave evidence of such determina tion as to attract attention of all delegates. The day's work seemed to in dicate that the first impetus of the conference! was giving way to a period of more deliberate dis cussion which inight preclude the possibility of outstanding develop ments for the, immediate future. Plans were made, however, to tackle the third big job of the con ference, the limitation of land armament early next week at an open session at which Premier Briand will make a far-reaching decalration of the views of France. Procedure Discussed. The big nine's session on Far Eastern questions today was largely given over tto a discussion of the method of procedure. The decision to permit each power to present a general statement before attempting to settle specific prob lems is understood to have had the endorsement of all heads of delegations, although Japan made it plain she accepted the Chinese plan only "as a basis of discus sion." It was decided also that when specific points are erached, the Chinese "10 points" are to be interlaced with the -items of the American agenda in determining details of procedure. Shidehara 111 A corroborating factor to the two days delay was said to be the illness of Baron Shidehara, Jap anese ambassador who is in charge of Far; Eastern problems for his government. It is under stood however? that the time re quired to communicate with Tokio and the determination of the Ja panese to give most careful ex amination to the Chinese propo sals have combined to make an im mediate statement of Japan's views impossible. It is expected that when this presentation is ready it will be given to the pub lic as an evidence of Japan's will ingness to proceed with the dis cussion in the open. U. S. Silent on Far East The American government which "has been understood to be in general accord with the Chin ese position, continued its silence on the subject but evidence ot general approval came from head quarters from the French dele gation with indications that Italy would follow suit. The French declared their wil lingness to give up their extr3 territorial privileges and their lease in Kauang Toheou provided their government's title to French Indo-Ghina was unques tioned. For China's aspirations they expressed sympathy, but they also indicated Japan's need of expansion in Eome quarter could not be minimized. Kato Plan Watched Formal annduncement by Ad miral Baron Kato that Japan would ask fori a greater propor tion of strength than had been proposed for her in the American plan became tonight the center of attention in the naval- arma ment negotiations Making the first explanation of the reservations with which Japan accepted the plan. Baron Kato also announced thaT his govern ment desired the right to possess at least one ship of the most lor- (Continued on page 6) I WOMEN ARE LURED FROM CRADLE SIDE Methodist Leader Decries New Feminism and Doctrine of Russian Dancers DETROIT, Mich.. Nov. 17. (By the Associated Press.) A challenge to the church to assume the leadership in the home and in various phases of public life, was sounded by speakers today at the national conference of the Methodist Episcopal church. Declaring that the American home is disintegrating underln fluences or "the new feminism," Rev. F. W. Adams ot Springfield. Mass., made a plea for changes in American home life. "The new feminism," he said, "is drawing the. best of our wo manhood from marriage and motherhood, while loose ideals on the permanence of marriage aro being imported by Russian bare foot dancers. "The hand that stops rocking the cradle begins to rock the boat of our family life." S TO E Promotion of Dresel by Un ited States Meet With Hearty Approval BERLIN, Nov. 17. (By The Associated Press) The promo tion of Ellia Lorlng Dresel to bo American charge d'affaires here as announced today in Washing ton will be answered by the Ger man government with the ap pointment of a foreign office offi cial ot simialr rank at Germany's temporary representative at Washington. Baroa Elmund von Thermann is on his way to tbe United States, but "he na"a merely been given instructions to pre pare the premises of the former German embassy for occupation. It i3 not expected he will be promoted to charge d'affaires while on his way, since he is a comparative newcomer in the German diplomatic service. At the foreign office today it was stated that the man to be sent to Wash ington would be selected from the staff of routine diplomatic off! cials. His appointment will be an nounced this week. Tho appointment of Mr. Dresel meets with the hearty approval of the German foreign office which considers him well qualified for that post. Non-Partisan League Repudiated by Farmers THE DALLES, Or., Nov. 17. Repudiation of the activities and principles of the Non-Partisan league and the condemnation of the plan to t ax the -etate for the purpose of raising money for the 1925 world s exposition at Port land, were voted late yesterday by Wasco county farmers assem bled at Wapinitia Plains in meeting of the couuty farmers union. More than 100 farmers representine all of the local far tiiers' unions in the county, at tended the meeting. MRS. HAAXA DEAD WASHINGTON, Nov. 17. Mrs. Mark Hanna. widow of the former senator, died tonight at her resi dence here. Salem followers of the boxing game are manifesting much inter est in the return of "Dubs" Mul key to Salem for the match with Sailor Brady at the armory to night. Mulkey, a former University of Oregon aYhletic star,' boxed in this city a year ago and at that time won the admiration of fight fans by his plucky scrap against "Battler" Hill, in which event he obtained a clear decision - over Hill.. Mulkey's home is at Mon mouth, and the Oregon man Is reputed to be an "on the level" exponent of the boxing game. Brady, whose home is at Seat tle, comes to Salem with the rec ord of having handled his man in recent contests In which he ha appeared. While the bout will be conducted in accordance with boxing commission rules, each man has expressed a determina tion to outpoint or outclass his opponent. The bout between Johnson and GEMS 1 Ml ILKE-BHY BOUT HEADS SMOKER ST ARMORY TONIGHT BE s 07 PARLEY IS E Idea of Conference for Lim itation of Armament Con ceived by President on Autumn Cruise. BEANS ARE SPILLED IN BALFOUR SPEECH Hughes Proposal for Slash- mg Navies Also Emanat ed from Executive ' WASHINGTON, Nov. 17. (By The Associated Press) Who formulated and executed the call for the armampnt orm. ference? : v. - . Who evolved the4 American proposals for naval limita tion? .-V . n . m The country has been ask ing these questions and has been hearincr nunv Dnnri. The best "inside story" here toaay nas all the earmarks of being the correct answer. President Harding, on & week-end cruise down the Pot- -omac this autumn, so . the story runs, locked.himself In' stateroom one eveninc and left word that he did not wish to be disturbed. " A little later he called to his room, one by One. some of the rln friend f in public life who had accoxn pained i. him and laid befor them sheets o paper on which. . he had written with lead pen-' cil, and with corrections and interlineations, some thing which they all read with' amazement. It was the Invitation to the arms conference. After some conference it .wai decided to forward the text to Secretary Hughes, and the Yacht Mayflower butted off from her wireless that night tha mr& which later were to ring around the world. Still Another Story Of course the preliminary dip lomatic feelinr was transmitted to the natiens concerned, but it is said that the text of the forma ' invitation was substantially the same as President Harding had conceived It that night on the Mayflower. . - , The evolution of the concrete American proposals for naval lim itation Secretary Hughes' bomb shell is still another story, y them to Secretary Hughes alone, while other persona have declared they were the composite effort of the four Amcrncan delegate of whom Mr. t Hughes is one. ! Everybody seenu agreed that they were not drafted by naval offici als, but almost everybody bad left out President Harding, until to day's "inside story" began to cir culate, r Balfour Mention Secret The great secret, to which A. J. Balfour referred to in hi d dress Tuesday, must Indeed have (Continued on page 6) Boatwrjght, although given sec ond place "with tonight headlin es, is expected to furnish as much excitement as the Mulkey Brady event, a both men r near the middleweight class and have been hammering their box ing partners into despair during the preliminary training period. "Art" McCIaln. a Salem man and a graduate of Oregon Agri cultural college, is known as one of the Zest wrestlers In his class on tbe Pacific coast and Is expect ed to be called upon for his best stuff when he meets big "Soldier" Lambert at tonight' smoker. In addition to the main events there will be three other boxing bout and an extra wrestling go One of the preliminary bouts la between ! "Battling Dutchman Severs and Clyde Mays. ! The smoker is managed by two local men. Armory Sergeant Har- Some admirers have : ascribed . (Continued on page 6) Tor ID