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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1921)
8 THE .OREGON STATESMAN.. SALEM. OREGON SATURDAY 5 MORNING, NOVEMfSKR 12, 1021 s 4th. History Makiog Anniveitsar'y Emfcts With a 7, Yards Hope Muslin One big lot of the standard quality mus lin goes on sale at the unprecedented ' low price. Limit to cus tomer. Dollar Day $1.75 Aluxnixranf ; Ware Percolaters Double Boilers and Roasters, made of extra hear Aluminum ware, na t tonally adrer Used: only 185 will be sold during Dollar sale Special Our . v 1 I .- It I 1 18 lbs. Granulated Sugar 4 lbs. Peaberry Coffee Dollar Day Specials . . . . Two Here are some rapid fire Bargains This tionized business; we move goods quickly i i .a. .J LmaIj. aI (ham nuve nere and we $iuu uau vi tuvmi ... ' Men's $2 Dress Shirts Nearly all'Our J 2 values aro being group- T ed together for these special days in our p Men's Department Special for Dollar Day 1 Big Bargain D 2 Pairs Ladies' 75c Silk Lisle Hose $1.75 Aluminum Ware ,, - -v n whlto. nli t Percolators; double boilers and roasters, la brown, back gray and white .all g - Made of extra heaTy a!umlnum ware, $ , sizes " carry the bCSt V I nationally advertised; only 185 will be P I k Mtlona ldjtlsed goods. J B0ld during Dollar sale I Center Bargain Tables ... Bargain Basement Store 7 Yards 22c Heavy Weight Flannel 5 Yard$ 36 inch Curtain Marquisehe Light and dark colors, checks and stripes d w Colorg of ,v eru and white) an tf - make your, winter gown, underskirts p extra quality i mercerized Marquisette. P I and pajamas f roni hia standard quality. I Regular value 35c per yard. I Special for Dollar Day A - Dollar Day Special U , JL 6 Yards 25c Percale 4 Yards 40c Satin Hair Ribbon In colorful stripes and small checks (1 !''' i ' !' ' 36 inch widths. While quantity lasts- I In a big range of colors, also extra wide $T Special for Dollar Day' 1 fsjnn f"' . -...- ... . y ... - ... . .- ' PoUar'Day Special .! 8 Pairs Men's Heavy Cotton Sox 4-i-39c Honey Comb Bath Towels In brown, black; blue and gray; one big ! Large size and finest quality Towels, lot goes on sale. While quantity p made with a firm and heavy weave, limit I l8!,8 r . , of 8 to customer. ! I . Dollar Day Special A Dollar Day Special .! X Ladies' $1.50 Winter Weight Union Suits $2 Ladies' Chameusette Gloves White ribbed with "fleece lining, long g NQyf Jt ! 1ot0 tlme ;,8 settIng in these rf sleeves and ankle length; all sizes for p I wi b? all extraordinary value colors D large and small women. m j fiem mouse and brown. I . Dollar Day Special A tadies Furnishing Section. Main Floor J. 2 Yards 94 Heavy Sheeting $2 Pure Silk Stockings Regularly sold at 75c per yard, extra g d t J uJ gtdck fine quality heavy weight sheeting, just P I it $2 puro silk stockings, In all the $ arrived for the wiling. I latest lorg wm g0 at I Special for Dollar Day X Dollar Day .Special .;. A $1.50 All Wool Serge $2j50 Yanity ! Cases A fine quality hard wearing Vool fabric t Tiese Vanity Cases With ivory manicure tf -fl in plain colors of red. green, blue i, p set will be a sure winner for the women 3) v purple and brown; also stripes and folks. ! ! I checks. Dry, goods Section .... JL' dentef Bargain Tables 'I ' ' -, " ' I ' ' Big Lot of Blankets, Each Pair $2 Ladies' and Girls' Corsets " One big lot of Blankets, all full size $ 1 S1" f Vll fan??us abo d 4 , , .... I "Te model corset and one big lot of D I the colors are gray, tan and white. I T. W. corsets, in all sizes and ttyles. I Center Bargain iTables : . . M, Special for Dollar Day X 6 Yards 25c Press Gingham 85 Trimmed Hats. Each ' In stripes and checks famous Fenwlck dj tm i ' m - '"quality. 27 inches wide. Special for p I Regular values to $7j50, placed on sale SI - this i selling. ' I for these sensational bargain giving days I - DQjlar Day Special X Dollar Day Special ............ f. X 4 Yards Colored Cretonnes Ladies' $3 Silk Waists 35c duality fancy flowered and colored $1 tlQon $ 1 designs, 32 and 36 Inch width. I en. Assorted sizes and colors; all new I Special tor Dollar Day JL sjtyles. j . Center Bargain Tables X ? Crepe Bloomers Ladies' Regular $4 Value Skirts - Regular 75c quality, ladies' Crepe - Of wool imd wool mixed material in d m ,t Blooraers.-znade with elastic kneo and p I plaids an( checks, not a big lot but a & I waist band. Fancy design. good assortment. T Center Bargain Tables X Bargain Basement Store X rcmFRAV EARLY L&ZA U UUPuSHOPPING HOT SPECIALS These Prices for Saturday and Monday Only Come Early Ladies' Trimmed HATS Choice of any hat in the house for ladies and childreiu Tliey will all go at 1 y2 PRICE $30 Value SILK DRESSES Wonder values in Bilk' Georgette, Crepe dje Chine, Trieoliue and Charmeuse. - Special at ; $11.75 ays at I 1 "fl :. is the kind of stuff we believe in This at less expense and make it possible for I AAir avap thic lict onri morlr nnf trmir wyva viw uu j . vvm THE PEOPLE'S CASH STORE 3 Granite Stew Pans $ 1 Of white and blue granite ware a set of three sizes. Regular value at $1.75. In the Bargain Basement F (if tiiey last that long). j !';:.!,:.. j. ,-, ,f, , , ..... Ladies' jersey JACKETS ' ' I j : ' i Choice of any one in stock. H assortment of colors and all sizes, $3,50 Ladies' $5 Valne OCFjORDS I And Two-Strap Slippers in lirown aud Black. sSpeeiat at i urday .Sat the Store that Can and Does Undersell 11 1 1 1 f Tit 1 . I . J " .f store believes in sales and special events you to GET MORE AND BETTER GOODS FOR YOUR MONEY. We mean honest notntH artiriAe SHOP WHERE $3 Wool Sweaters One lot mostly ladies' Sweaters, in col- d ors . values you'll remember for a long time to come. Bargain Basement Store . . . . 1 8 Pairs Ladies' Cotton Stockings A sale price that will compel the at- d tention of evetytjne. Made of heavy qua- J lity cotton. Reg. 25c value. Special for Dollar Day 1 1 No. 2 Wash Tubs Extra heavy quality Wash Tubs. Regular Galvanized Iron $1.75 value. $ Basement Store: Special for Dollar Day $2 Quality Heavy Unionsuits Out of our regular stock we dffer this d fine quality men's and boys' warm Win- P ter weight TJnionsuits. i Special for Dollar Day 1 2 Pairs Men's! Silk Sox Regular one dollar quality. Pure Silk Sox for men; the colors are black, brown, green and navy. Special for Dollar Day 4 Pairs Leather Faced Gloves Heavy weight 1 canvas with a heavy weight leather facing. These gloves of fer to the men j service at a lower cost. Special for Dollar Day $ 1 1 1 1 $ 3 Pairs Men's Suspenders Men's heavy weight, firm elastic Sus- tf penders. Former 50c value. On sale at fraction of their worth. Special for Dollar Day 3 Pairs Men's Wool Sox A heavy and fine quality wool; a value d that will not be forgotten for some time to come. Special for Dollar Day . Boys' $1.50 Wool School Caps All wool Boys' Caps made of finest hard wearing serges, j tweeds, velours, etc. All sizes. i Special for Dollar Day $ 1 1 Yard Fine Corduroy Velvet Specially used for the making of Ladies' tf and Men's bathrobes and children's coats. J) $1.75 value. 1 Special for Dollar Day $2 Ladies' Voile Dress Waists Made of finest quality Voile. One job ( lot that consists of values to $2.50, go p on sale as a Special for Dollar Day 1 10 Yards of Curtain Goods Your favorite colors in flowered and (H plain designs. A value, that will not be p duplicated again. Special for Dollar Day 1 THE STORE THAT CAN and DOES UNDERSELL To many people its a mystery how we do it, giving such bargains as we do EVERY DAY IN THE WEEK but it's really simple after all. We are always on the alert, our big Volume enables us to sell big lots AND SELL THEM QUICKLY ON A SMALL PROFIT. i We Keserve The Right to Limit Quantities ' Off I Read Carefully Follis Here's Good News for You aid Monday of interest We are always preparing the THE CROWDS BUY 5 Cups and Saucers I Extra heavy quality Crockery ware -cups and saucers regular! value 35c each, to be sold in our Bargain Base ment. ! Special for Dollar Day . $ 1 7-Piece Water Set Consisting of 6 tine water glasses and pitcher, one big lot will be sold while quantity lasts in Our Bargain $ 1 1 Basement. j Special for Dollar Day . . 3 Yards 45c Quality Oil Cloth A great supply of lightj and dark colors, fancy and plain patterns, best quality oil cloth In ojir Bargain Basement. j Special for Dollar Day . S. $ 1 Yard 6-Foot 12-Oz. Canvass- Extra heavy quality Canvass suit able for truck and wagon tops, awn ings, bags, covers, etc. j From our Bargain Basement. Special for Dollar Day J $ 1 2 Silk Knitted $1.00 Ties A handsome arrajr of colors, plain and fancy stripes. These are a won derful value for men and boys. Dollar Day Special $ 1 Unbeatable Special Dollar-Day GROCERY BARGAINS One Lot of 10,000 Cans Mixed Canned Goods 12 cans 15-20-25q value, best quality canned goods goes on sale. " Dollar Day Special ,, 18 lbs. Sugar. g 3 lbs. M.J.B. Republic Coffee in bulkp 4 lbs. Peaberry Cbffee. Dollar Day Specials 3 lbs. Diamond Wj Coffee. (One Bmall can milk free) 8 lbs. Cocoa in bulk. Dollar Day Specials 4 lbs. Ground Chocolate. 17 lbs. Japan Rice. 17 lbs. White Beans. Dollar Day Specials 15 lbs. Macaroni. ; 8 cans Armour's Milk, tall. 12 cans Tomatoes! Dollar Day Specials . . . 1 sack Ilardwbeat : Flour ,.$1.65 1 sack Valley Flour i. . ..$1.4,5 HOT COFFEE SERVED FREE Premium Trading Coupons Given With 50c Purchase And Over $1 pargain Basement 1 ' Store 3 i lbs. Diamond ' W Coffee, one small can milk free - & lbs. Cocoa ln( bulk Dollar Day Specials . . . ) way for others to follow. We have revolu VALUE GIVING SALES. That's the kind 12 Fine Quality Etched Glasses Fine thin quality plain and fancy etched designs former values 15c each Dollar Day Special 3 MocllpS Pillow Cases- Regular 50c value large size hemmed pillow cases, extra heavy and fine weave quality. 1 . j Special for Dollar Day , . 2 Regular 75c Turkish Towels With wide fancy colored border an ap propriate gift towel extra large size limit 6 to a customer. i Special for Dollar Day $1.50 Quality Ladies' Bloomers Made of fine quality lastine in colors of lavender, white, flesh and blue fancy elastic knee and waist band. Dollar Day Special , $2.00 Sateen Underskirt! One big. lot fancy flowered sateen under skirts an exceptional beautiful design. Special for Dollar Day . .. ........ . 1 8 cans Standard Peas. 8 cans Corn. 7 cans Clams. Dollar Day Specials $1 $1 11 cans Pork and Deans. 25 cans Sardines. 7 cans Spiced Sardines, large Dollar Day Specials 9 lbs. Strained Honey. 10 lbs. Marfthmallow Syrup. 8. cans Velvet Tobacco. Dollar Day Specials ....... n 1 4U lbs. Mince Meat. 8 lbs. Pure Lard, in bulk. Dollar Day Specials m 1 It is Clothes like these at a price this that is bringing men to The People's Cash Store Men's Worsted SUITS Note that again Worsted Suits at J19.85! Plenty of clothes have been as low as $18.85 but. not Wor,irf Suits not shape-retaining, wear-reslst-ing. goo4-lookiDg woratoda" such kn thfcse. We consider this value a real achievement and so will yon once 1 n 1 1 ?1 1 like $2.9 8 you see them. . - - .. . t- ; I, '