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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1921)
.T t THE OREGON STATESMAN SAltHsL OREOOti SATORDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 12. 1921 M ft ! : . I: si s , it: 4. r r i 4 &tt Oregon SIcAtzrxtn CLAISITIED ADVSKT1SEMEHTS IUU Per Word: Per Insertion e 8c T1 k v a ln.i.rliiial One Week (ail insertions). On Month 20e Sis month' eoutrsct, per mo.15e 12 months contract, per m.iit M iBimam for uf advertisement, J5e NORWICH UNION . rOUi INSVRJLNCB SOCIETT Thlelsoa, RoUad Bmnthantt SWldPt Ageaat .,871 State Bt. MONEY TO. LOAN .. V On Ral Estate , . i T. K. FORD fOrer Lavdd Baab Bank) . LOANS REAL ESTATE .INSURANCE: f t y Insure anything Wo have the money ", to loan Pay aa back like rent Our ! ' farm and city property - IUU ara com ). plat. Ami as first. , LAPLAR LAIXAR I 408-T Oregon Bldg. Phono 1644 NEW 'TODAY LKT US REMODEL YOUR HATS HAT BOX. 17 S. High. HONEY TO LEND CITY" OR COUN try. Elmo 8. . W hite. 402 Maaoaic Teropla. i THEY LOOK LI fC E . N EW THE HAT bo, . ns . ingn. YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT OUR plan of insuring brick buildings if jou own aceh. Let ua figure with ' yoa on your next policy. . No obliga tion. Standley k Foley, Arts., Bush Bldg. Phone 347. FOR RENT FURNISHED APARTMENT -with private bath.' Adults only. 1296 t Marios afreet. '' A. J. FOSTER PAINLESS CHIROPO ) " . diet. Coma, bunions, ingrown naila . removed. 322 State St. Patton Blk. 4 . Phono 57. . HOUSES S rooms, modern, 3 lota all in fruit, on Iiatel avenue. Price $2100. 7 - rooms on N. Front, near Highland school. Price 12,800, rash 550. 5 rooms on N. Commercial, bath, toilet, lights, etc. Price $2,000. Caah $800. 12 rooms on Broadway, 4 lots, 2 fire- plsces. Price $4,000. For business chances, building lots, loans sad innnranee so . LAFLAR & LAFLAR, 408 7 Oregon Bldg. , SEVEN ROOMS FURNISHED, MODERN ' Near state houae. Professional couple , will share with young couple r or two gentlemen. Phone 1459. NOTICE THE UNDERSIGNED HERE- l .... ttm wilt tint h va- -sponsible for sny bills r flnsncisl obligations incurred by his "wife after this date. Ben Wheeler. WANTED ROOM AXD BOARD FOR two braiaeas people (man and wife) phone 1888. . OWNER WILT, SELL DIRECT ROOM Lome ia choice location, large lot, good fruit, garage. Apply 1541 State St. 63 ACRES, 40 UNDER CULTIVATION 8 acres Italian prunes, 7 Mi acres .log- : anberries. i seres strswberries, 5 room bouse, bsrn, chicken bouse, wov en wire fence, & mile from school; . . tn p.i l'75n(V eood terms. 82 acres 6 miles from Sa'em on paved read; new a room nunjuow, "" i good family orchard. Price $12000 65 acres, 10 miles from Salem on good road; aa acres unacr ' :nka mwtA mature. , 7 room house, good out buildings. Price $9.500. ! . . , $50 acres. 160 under . cultivation, pal- ance pasture most of which ia seeded, the beat of modern buildings. 1 his ' ia a first claaa dairy ranch and can . b aurchased on good terms. Price r Timber : - f -:, . (UW' lit ' miles from "o.?: d rosd. About 3000 cord of wood Price 9iMO. LAFLAR & LAFLAR ' 406-7 Oregon Bldg. EMPLOYMENT FEMALE WANTED BY J-ADY-WORK BY THE boor, a "'Kt " " rWrvice station. I WANT WORK, HAVE CAR COVER . . sama fitafea- valiey rrom t-r:w '. rare Statesman.'' ,' ; ; ;. WANTED ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN who haa had experience selling lifj insurance, stocks or advertising. Must . . vi. a.i- tiU entire time and bo ambitious for advancement. Must have the courage to present wu..... proposition to mervnauia Y. . a... n nnr own haad . swnai hm. . r - , writing stating age, oducational vh -ifkations, experieace as solicitor, ete. Address "I No. 31," Btstesman office. "MALE AKD FEMALE WANTED ME3I AND WOMEN TO . . .nVrlntiona. A rood ISae lana ymywa -r . , - proposition to the right people. Address "the Pacliie noraesirax, , Salem. Ore. ' PERSONAL FACIALSCALP TREATMENTS. VIO- ' let rsy; manicuring, anaiupwv.... . , -. : egoa Bath Houae. Phono 640., Vj- ASTROLOGY STARS - TELL LIFE'S . story. Send birthdste and dime for trial reading. Eddy, westpon ot. a IA Kansas iiy, aiwiaoari. FOR SALE CAN ART BIRDS FOR BALE FEMALE CANARIES, 80c for short time only. Phono 1280. 1030 Chemekets St. , " FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST . farm paper, sends 15c to the Pacific , . Homestead, Salem. Oregon, for a three months trial subscrtptioa. ' Mention this ad. HOUSES V ALADDIN READY CUT HOUSES"- .., 80 percent saved In roat of construc tion. Cbaa. F. Smith, factory- repres entative,' 620 Northwest Bank Bldg., ' Portland, Oregon. - LIVE STOCK FOR SALE FOUR RED POLLED BULL calves , both registered . sad - grsdes. John Caplinger, phone 67F3. . ORADE EWES .HAMPSHIRE AND Lincoln, to lease to responsible parties. ' Mrs. Jessie C. Jones, Gervala, Oregon. Phone 8F12, Salom. MiSOELLAJt EO 0 a ; FOR SALE POTATOES. $2 . A SACK. .HsjTi $18 per ton. Phone 2091-J. FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS, 10 cents a bundle. Circulation department. Oregon Statesman. FOR SALE MiCiXAV0T7 APPLES DELIVERED. PHONE W l FOR SALE RUBBER-TIRED TOP gj; also a Burrev,. both ia ewel lent condition. Pbone 67 F3. UASOLINE AHU OIL TANKS froui the largest to smallest. L. A. nesUeott, factory representative. 864 8. 12th. t, phono aoo2 J. FULLER BRUSHES FOR DEMON- ''"on. C. Grimes. (41 Mill. Phone 1037-J. , - MR. BUILDER GET MY PRICES ON ak and maple flooring, alto surfacing , and finishing oid or new floors; all work guarantee!. Pbone 60F3. S. U. Smith. FALL AND WINTER APPLES EALD i win, Cooa River, Jonathan, Spy, f Vpitzenkerg, Home Beauty and other. I 4 boxen assorted for 14.50, delivered. -Ward K. Richardson, Phone 494. THE HOUSE OF HALF A MILLION and ana barfaina. Wa bay, sell or ; exchange anything and everything in tha line of junk or second hand goods. Sea os before yoa buy or sell. Stain bock Junk Co. Remember the place. 403 N. Commercial St. Phone 523. THE WESTERN SONGSTER SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY SINGING Ad especially good selection of the songs yoa have been wanting, with words and mnsie complete. No matter how many sons-books yoa have, you should have this one, containing tha Oregon song. Prices:1 Single copies,. 25c; 10Vt cents each in Iota of a dozen or more; $12.50 the hundred, postpaid. Second edition printed since September. OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY 215 S. Commercial St. Salem, Oregon POULTRY POULTRY M EN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps lor special three months' ' trial for the best and oldest journal in tha west. The articles and adver tisements are of special interest to the poultry breeders of the northwest Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Coni- ntercial St., Salem, Oregon WOOD FOR GOOD VALUE IN REAL WOOD, Pbona J odd, 108F8. FOR BIO FIR, 8ECOND GROWTH OAK or aan wooa, pnone int. FOR SALE FIRST CLASS SECOND 'growth big fir and oak. Phono 1154. OLD GROWTH 16 IN. FIR, $8.50; 4 ft. aecond growth and ash. Pbone 1467. . SECOND GROWTH FIR CUT AUGUST limited quantity, $5.95 cord delivered, ' Must order week ahead. Phone 108F3. WOOD FOR SALE 16 INCH OLD FIR. $8.00. 4 foot limb and old fir, $7. ' Ash, $8. Second growth fir, $6. -Phone 42F14. 16 INCH BLAB--AND MILL WO0D. $3.50 per load. Dry . planer wob $3.50 per load. Tracy Wood Co. Phone 620. FOR SALE BEST GRADE MILL WOOD - second growth and old fir, 4 ;ft.Tar 16 in. Fred E. Wells, Phono 1542. 305 8. Church. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT 3 AND 4 , ROOM FULLY furnished downstairs apartment, also large front sleeping room. Will fur nish for light housekeeping. Pbone 1175-J. Or call 346 N. Front. i ROOMS FOR RENT ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN in modern home and centrally located. ' Please give name and address. E, care Stateaman. - !' HOUSES F. L. WOOD S31A STATE BT, REAL estste, rentals. : r WILL SHARE SEVEN ROOM FURN Uhed house with couple. Phone 145B. FOR RENT A CLOSE IN SEVEN . room, most furnished. See Fleming, 341 State St.- FOR RENT STRICTLY MODERN 8 room nouae ana garage, uu b. nn $50 per mouth. Call at bouse be- tweea 9 and 12 a.m. 1 to 4 p.m Friday, Saturday, Sunday. LOST AND FOUND LOST LOST A FUR NECKPIECE ON LIB : erty, .between court and State. Re ward, Keturn to btstesman. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS OLD MATTRESSES MADE OVER Capitol City Bedding Co. Phone 19 WANTED EVERYTHING IN HARD ware and furniture. Best prices paid THE CAPITAL HARDWARE IVIl ITB.VTTrB.R ro 285 N. Commercial St. Phohe 94t WANTED TO RENT HOUSE, 4 TO 6 rooms. Immediate , possession. Phone 1118-M. BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory STORAGE OARAGE TRACY'S STORAGE GARAGE Ferry street. 544 -i AUTO TOPS AUTO TOPS W. C. WRIGHT. 171 South High, AUTO TOP UPHOLSTERY WORK guaranteed. 653 South 12th. Phone 1130. - .-':' ' ; t TIRES AND ACCESSORIES SMITH-WATKINS, 147 NORTH HIGH, Fiak, Silverton Cord, Hood extra ply tires. Everything . for auto. j SCALES AUTOS WEIGHED 15. 2395 FRONT USED CARS FOR SALE 1920 FORD TOURING. fully equipped. , Good aa new. Call : at 1580 N. Fifth atreet. j FOR SALE 191? PASSENGER . light car, good condition, good tires, $150. Merchants Delivery, 654 Ferry atreet. - . llL WANTED LIGHT TRUCK IN EX- ehano - on Hudson, Essex or ' Baby - Overland. Fred Kirk wood, 246 State - street BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN AUTO ELECTRICIAN EXPERT TROU ble shooting. 388 North High. Pbone , 203. . . , - ; PRESTO - LITE BATTERY SERVICE station. Expert bsttery snd electrical . work. , Ferris Bros. Phono 1803. 418 " Court -- - -.! : QARAGE AND REPAIR AUTO REPAIR SHOP. MILLER, 145 Center. Phono 890. HOFFMAN k ZOSEL TIRE REPAIR ing. vulcanising, retreading; 197 South . Commercial street. Phone 4U. CAPITAL GARAGE BUICK, 8TUDE baker repairing. 173 South Liberty. ""Phone 88. FAIR GROUNDS GARAGE TIRES, Ac cessories, need esrs. Our work guar , anteed. 3641 PortUnd Road., Phone 80S. -v - j... - r --tih i SOUTH COMMERCIAL-GARAGE 43EN ral repairing and overhauling. 420 8. CoauBsrcial t, Salem. BUSINESS CARDS KADIATOa SHOPS SALEM AUTO RADIATOR SHOP 198 ; South !12ta. Phone 23. JJ C. BAIR. RADIATORS. FENDERS, Bodies i repair,. 444 r'erry. CO.MLCTlUBy REMINGTON CONFECTIONERY, HOMT i made eaodit-s, confection, cigars, nag ! azines.; 1272 fctate. BEAUX7 PARLORS NOW OPERATIKO MODEL BEAUTY I Parlor J 110 Nrta Commercial Street. 958. ! i CARPET AJTD RAO WEAVXXO CARPET! AND RUO WEAVING, COL onial styles and colors. Phone 8 it'll. CHINESE PHYSICIAM DR. L. U. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN 1 disease. 153 8. High St.. phone 283. CLEANING it PRESSING CLEANING. PRESSING DONE TO YOUR I satisfaction. Clatsy line of collars, I ties. The Toggery, 1357 State. DRUG STORES BREWER DRUG CO. Phone 184. 403 COURT. ELECTRICIANS SECURE MY FIGURES 1N WIRING. : By contract, by hour. At pre-war prices.! H. Hatch, phone 1744-W. FINANCIAL MARION-POLK COCNTY FARM LOAN i association has money to loan at six percent. W. D. Smith, secretary-treas- I ! urer, 303 Salem Bank et Commerce. FURNITURE STORES FRANK IF. RICHTER NEW. SECOND Band furniture. 849 V Commercial Phono 452. FURNITURE BOSPITAX FURNITURE REPAIUED OR MADE TO order.! Kefiaisheing and upholstering a speciality.' Pbone 1742. Brown and Groves. 1201 South Commercial St. GREENHOUSES PORCH, BOXES BEDDING PLANTS for sale. Smith's, 301 North Cominer ! eial. -HOTELS LEONARD HOTEL NEW MANAGE? ment, clean neat rooms and apartments. 254 H. Front St. CHERRY CITY HOTEL; ROOMS 7jc up; dining room in connc-tioa, IsJiily style, i Corner High snd Mtale. INSURANCE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE company. J. 0. Batch, agent, room fi. MeCornack Bldg. Phono . SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY WITH Bankers' Reserve Life; G. F. Booth, General Agent, phone 2098-W. Ladies' Wearing Apparel CORSETS MRS. ESCH AGENT FOR PRINCESS Corsets, Phoae 1043 R. 891 8. 12th DRESSMAKING FIRST CLASS DRESSMAKING 449 N. High, Mrs. Reid. DRESSMAKING TAILORING, MRS. Goodwin. 445 North Commercial. MRS. C. JEPSON MODISTE. 2567 i Oak,i phone 929. MRS VARTY, DESIGNER AND MAKER Ladies' Suits and Uowbs. over HU ler's Store. EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESS BY THE ' day. Phone 1413 J. LA CLASIQUE GOWN SHOP EXCLUS ive aiodeis. Expert designing. 331 State. MAUD 8IMONS, DRESSMAKER 1710 Bellevue St. ; CARRIE FISHER DRESSMAKING, designing. Spencer corcsets to order 2 MeCornack Bldg. EDITH M. ASHLEY DRESSMAKER. 1345 Broadway. 1436 J. MRS. R. CARTER EXPERIENCED , dreaamaker. ; Phone 1971-W. RUTH MeADAMS DRESSMAKER. 756 South 12th. Phone 1824-M. HATTIE WILLIAMS DRESSMAKING 848 1 North Cottsgo. Phone 15j2-W. MESDAMES 8COTT CHASE DRES8- makers, 219 Btate stw Phono 941. THE ADSITTS ARE PREPARED TO do any and all kinda of ladiea tail oring for old and new customers. o N. 12th street. Phone 2085-R. HBMST1T0U1H O MRS. i BRECKEN RIDGE HEMSTITCH ing, mail orders solicited. 17o S. 19th Phone 174-M. SALEM ELdTE HEMSTITCHING chainstitching. pleating, buttons. 329 330 Oregon; Bldg. Phone 879. " MRS. C. A. GRIMM MILLINER. FAN ry aprons, 'novelties and hand made flowers. 519 L'ourt t. PLEATING MRS.! HILDEBRAND, PLEATING 390 South 24th. Pbone 798-Ml DANCING WHITE DANCING ACADEMY MRS. R. L. White, principal. Phone 973 J. I BAT SHOPS HAT SHOP MEN'S AND WOMEN'S hats renovated and blocked. 495 Court street. ; LANDSCAPE GARDENER FRED BLAKE, LANDSCAPE GARDEN er, 1565 South Liberty. Phone 1031-M LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 136 S. Liberty atreet. Pbone 25. Oldest largest best. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work, prompt service. 1264 Broadway j Phone 165. MAGNETIC HEALER DR. H. J. ANDERSEN MAGNETIC healer. Drttgless Physician. 418 Or , eron Bldg. ' Phone 165. : "MATTRESS FACTORIES DON'T BE MISLED WE MAKE NEW mattresses to order. We make ever ' old niatresses snd gusrantee satisfac tion. We do carpel cleaning. Otto Zwlcker. Phone 1154, MEDI0AX. MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 51T-W. J : PRACTICAL NURSE PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE NURSE , Mrs. Meitslor Florence HouL Phone 2" . Koesebi1 stock; " WILLAMETTE VALLEY NURSERY All kinds nursery stock for sale. Rto 7. il Phone ! 105 F5. COMPLETE LINE TREES SMALL fruits, ornamentals. Cspital City Nur sery Co.. 428 Oregon Bldg. phone 75. "PAINT WALLPAPER SEE I PORTER FOR PAINTS. WALL paper and picture framing. Good work men 455 Court St. Phnne 485. PERIODICALS MISS GOODHUE " TAKES , SUBSCRIP tions for all msgstioes. 251 S. 17th, street. .-, Phone 741-M. ; s Use Statesman Classitied Ad BUSINESS CARDS MUSICAL FRANKLIN LAUNER PIANO. 268 H. 17th. Phone 10O3-W. GERTRUDE SMITH PIANO, SILVER ton, Oregon. tirwn 801. MRS. HENRY LEE PIANO. Capitol. Phone 1017 W. 1321 LA Lit A GRANT PIANO SCHOO! credits given. 336 N. High. Phoae 197 1 W. MINNETTA MAGERS VOCAL, DERBY Building. Friday afternoon, Saturdiy. JESSIE F. BUSH TEACHER PIANO, formerly instructor Metropolitaa Col lege Music, Philadelphia. 13o3 South Commercial. Pbone 883-J. LENA BELLE TARTAR VOCAL IN atruetka. Phone 334. DOROTHY PEABCE PIANO. so North Winter. Pbone 84S-J. NELLIE MULKEY STONE PIANO S73 Leslie. Phone 751-W. ALLIE CHANDLER PIANO, 251 IL t. '...I - ... Uk... U-llA Li; BEATRICE SHELTON PIANO STUDIO 345 Marion. Phone riS-W. LILIAN HARTSHORN PIANO 394 South 14th. I'htne 7"f. r. s. Roberts piano, organ, 270 Houth 14th. Pliont 779. DAN. F. LANGENBERG. VOCAL Derby Bldg. Phone 2079. LENA WATERS PIANO 1472 Mill Phone 1184 M. MOLLIE' STYLES VOICE, PIANO, 859 Center. Phone 2010 K. JULIA MILLS WEI GEL PIANO, 1560 South Church. Phone 1391 K. LL'CILE ROSS PIANO, ORGAN, 498 North Liberty. Phone 1187-W. MATTIE GILBERT STRING ISSTRLT ments. 1372 State. Phone 1150 R. MISS MABI.E SHEPHERD PIANO player: cances, all occasions. 257 V Liberty. BERTHA JUNK DARBY. AUTHORIZED teacher, Godowsky Progressive heries Piano. 079 North Cottage. Phone 1950-W. WESTERN CONSERVATORY OF MI'S- ie Of Chicago. Frank E. Churchill, rep rexentative. Diplomas granted. Odd Fellow's Bldg. 8ALEM CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC All brsnches taught, diplomas granted John R. Sites, director. 1237 Court Pbone 626. TUNERS WENDELL HELM -TUNING, REPAIR ing. Phune 492. EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED piano tuner. Leave orders Will's Music Store. PIANOS PIANOS PLAYER PIANOS; NEW, used. J. W. Talhcan, 121 S. Com'l. SHERMAN CLAY CO PIANOS, 8TEIN ways, Duo-Art, and others. Moore Dunn Music store. Masonic Temple. MUSIC STORES GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHONO- graphs, sewing machines, sheet music, and piano studies. Repairing pbon ograpna and sewing machines. 432 Slate. Salem. PAIN I CONTRACTORS PAINTING AND DECORATING, HIGH clasa work ifor particular people. L. D Brandon, contractor. 365 North High. Phone 645-J. AUBREY H. 1 CLARK PAINTING, PAP- erhanging, kalaomimng. Work guar anteed. Terms reasonable. Phone 2035-J. 1464 Ferry. PAINTING AND CARPENTER WORK br first class workman. Day or eon tract. Wells, 2109 Marion, phone 1692-W. PR1MI1KG FOR WEDDING INVITATIONS AND announcements, see Bertelson, printer, ,.v.. Biding .TJUVA1E HOSPITALS WANTED CONFINEMENT CASES at private hospital. I have best of equipment. Phone 1959-J. PEJiPUa&li AJiD XOLLET ARTICLES CALIFORNIA PERFUME CO. Ex tracts, toilet articles. - Mrs. Moyer.. 170 South 23rd. Phone 1224. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER MARGARET BURNS FUBLIC STEN ographer. 408 Masonic Bldg. Phone 262. PUBLIC BTENOGRAPH&R 201 SA lem Bank of Commerce Bldg. Rates reasonable. PLUMBING- PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phone 1397-J. Shop, 127 Union street. A. L. Godfrey. NORTHWESTERN PIPE CO. WHOLE sale and retail plumbing acpplies. 219 N. Commercial. Phone 179. bin UNION SIGN CO. SIGNS WITH KICK, : Showcards that talk. 424 N. Commer cial. Pbone 546. REPAIRING AND SHARPENING CUTLERY GRINDING UMBRELLA repairing, safety rsxors, etc. Stewart s Repair Shop, 347 Court street. BEN WHEELER EVERYTHING RE paired. General sharpening, chimney sweep. 1485 N. 17th St. phone 1418-W. SECOND HAND GOODS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND hand clothing and shoes. Also do cleaning, pressing and repairing. Call - and deliver. Capital Exchange, 342 j North Commercial. Phone 1368 W. WE BUY AND SELL 8ECOND HAND goods of all kinds, pipe fittings, har ness, collars, co'.lar pads, tools, and rhaina. Fred Schindlvr, 258 Center street. SHOE REPAIRING WILLIAM'S SHOE SHOP 195 80UTH HiglK SCAVENGERS SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE. RE fuse of all kinrTs removed. Cesspools elesaed. Phone 998. SWEDISH MASSAGE REJUVENATE YOUR TIRED AND NF.R 1 Tons body by a scientific massage. Home treatments. Selma Willing, Or- eron Bldg. Phone 110. STUDIOS DE LUXE STUDIO SOMETHING DIF- ferent in phonography. 147 N- Com 1. TAILORS FRANK PALM MERCHANT TAILOR. 211 8 High, and Ferry STOVES STOVE oIEPaIRINO STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED--40 years experience. Depot National fence, sixes 26 to 28 inches high. Paints, oil and Tarnishes, etc., logsa berry and hop hooka. Salem Fence and Stove Works. 250 Court street. Pbone 124. " TAXI DIRECTORY LANHAM TAXI COMPANY PHONE 54. THE OREGON TAXI-TRANSFER CO Liberty Ferry. Phono "7. Dry - slab 16-inch tmI for sale. Classified Ads. In The Statesman Bring Results BUSINESS CARDS TRANSPORTATION SALEM SILVERTON STAGE J-?" Leaves SUvertoa O. E. Depot News Staad 7:Oo a.UA. 8 .15 ID ll .uo a.m. 1 :oo p.ia :o p.m. 6;ii salem -independence Monmouth stage I.esve Salem, O. S. Drpot 7:00 am. ll:o(J a.m. 5:oo ' rave jioumouta liotel 8:15 a ra 1:00 p m.. 6:li p.m. i-fe indr-pt-ndeute Hotel 8:30 am, 1:15 p m., 6 :S0 p.m. sspet-iai trip i,y appointment. fceveu pauger rar for hire. J. W. PAKKER, Prop. Res. Phone 1,15 Uus.ness phone 7 TRANSFER HAULING CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St, pbone 33. Distributing forwarding aud storage our specially. Get our rates. ' WOOD SAWS FOR SAWING WOOD CALL 1939 J. Mine & Sou. CITY AND COUNTRY WOOD HAWING. rnone 2040. Fisher Bros. WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT h POWER CO. vmu-e, oui soutb com I St. Ten per cent discount on domestic flat ratea pai5 in advance. No dednctions for absence or auy cause unless water ia shfutoffyour premises. WHERE TO EAT WHITE CLOUD TEA HOUSE OPEN Sunday morning 8 o'clock. American style. 110 ft North Commercial. Pbone 472. PROFESSIONAL: CHIROPODISTS CORNS AND CALLOUSES REMOVED without pain. -Applimi.-es from sndi vidual impression. Dr. Tatro, Masonic Bldg. Phone 442. CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. L. SCOTT. P B.C.. CHIROPRAC tor, 609-12 U. S 87; Res. 828 R. iBank Bldg. Phone CHIROPRACTORS - DR. R. P. AND Pearl M. Bradford, graduates snd post graduates of the fim chartered school of Chiropractors in the world. Ten years in practice. Phone 526. Rooiua 318-819-320 Oregon B Idg. SWEDISH INSTITUTE THE SWEDISH INSTITUTE OF ME-kano-Therapy. Masssge, steam hatha, electricity, medical gymnastics, V-ray, Biedicated packs for rheumatism, run down conditions, stomach,, kidneys, etc Home treatments given. Drs. G. W. and Ruth Brown, Swedish grad- stcsJRooins, 01jjOregon Bldg. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, 506 U. S. Bank Bldg. DR. W. L. MERCER, OSTEOPATHIC Physician and surgeon. Kirksville graduate, 4O4-405 U. H. National Bank Bldg. Phones Office, 919; Res. 614. DR JOHN L. LYNCH, OSTEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon, 403-404 Ore gon Bldg. Phones, Office, 1394; Res. &MF5, OPTICIANS POMEROY KEENE JEWELERS AND Optometrists. 888 Stste. GLASSES FITTED BY DR. L. R. BUR dette at the Bow Optical Company, 325 State Street, opposite Ladd and Bush Bsnk. LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS. Damp 5, Armory. First, third Mondays. REAL ESTATE 4 ROOM PLASTERED HOUSE; A GOOD one, for $1200; $300 cash, rest like rent. Large corner lot close to school, car line and store, at a bargain. 5 room mostly modern home on paved atreet, close to car .large lot, plenty fruit. $2700, easy terms. This is a good one for the money. Vacant lot or lots for good car. We have clients waiting for homes, hsve sold 4 in last 2 days. List your prop erty with us. Do not ask or recom mend exclusive listings. If you wsnt to sell come in and tell us about it. We are Realtors but independent and ft-4-e from all men, yet servants of all. JOSEPH BARBER & SON 200 Gray Bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE BY OWNER nice improved 40-acre farm close to Salem. Price right. Phone 53F5. VACANT LOTS WE HAVE A LARGE list. Buy before the demand appears The Fleming Realty Co. 341 State St Best Buys and Exchanges 10 seres, 3 'A miles out, most j!1 in fruit, small house; a birjuin for $2650. Will trade for hoai in Sa lem. We have some n'ood buys in houses on terms to suit yo.i, good & room modern house with 2 large lots, A snap at $2000 and $200 will ban die. We have some fine tracta of 10 and 20 acres at $125 per acre On easy terms. $10 per sere down and $1 per acre per month. THOMASON 331 State St. NOTICE OP SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIMBER GENERAL LAND OFFICE, WASHING TON. D.C OCTOBER 20. 1921. Notice is hereb given that subject to tbs conditions and limitation of the Acts of June 9, 1916 (39 Stat. 218). and June 4, 1920 (41 Stat. 758), and the instructions of the Secretary of the la terior of September 15, 1917, and June 22, 1920, the timber oa the following lands will be sold at 10 o'clock a.m.. Itacrmber 5, 1921. at public auction at the United States land office at Port laud. Oregon, to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised value aa shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interor. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one-fifth of one pereent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be de posited at time of sale, money to be returned if sale fat not approved., otner wise patent will issue for the timber which must bo removed within tea years Lids will bo received from eitixeaa of the Uettcd States, aasociationa of such dtis ens and corporations organised onder tb-i laws of the United States or any Utc, territory or district therof on'y Uton aDDlieation of a qualified purchaser, the Umber an any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being in eluded in an offer of a larger unit. T. 4 8, R, 3 E, See. 17, 8W, NE. fir 360 M NEK, NW14, fir 425 M NW KWii, fir 1050 M, 6E NW. fir IB AO at., sw a, nr iov . NEt SEH. fir 830 M., cedar 25 M. NWtt SEU. fir 850 M- SEtt SEtt fir 1025 M, cedar 95 M.. hemblock 80 M, SWU 8E14. fir 1875 M, pine 20 M, NE 8WK, fir 1550 M.. NW SWU. fir 1480 M- 8E14 8W. fir 1275 M, 8W4 8W?, fir 475 M, See. 21. N'EU KEU. fir 1320 M cedar 120 M hemlock 150 M, NW. NE4, fir 1440 M, cedar 240 M, hemlock 290 M SKU KEU. fir 1940 M cedar 70 M hemlock 270 M- 8Wi NE V. fir 1880 il, cedar 60 M hemlock 130 M NKV nwu fir 18-20 M- cedar. 155 M h.mUwk sio M NWli NWSi fir 2340 M, cedar. 50 M, hem toek 100 M SE fW, fir 1950 M hemlock 20M, SWft NWW. fir 1930 M nine in U . NEVi SE'jl. fir 2260 M KW?4 8E14. fir 2100 Mn SEW 8E, fir 1650 M, 8WU SE. fir 1865 M, hemlock 20 M NEU 8W4. fir 1840 M, NWli 8W1i, fir S900 M, 8EH 8Wi, fie 2000 M? 8WU 8W14. fir 2550 M, none of the fir. cedar, hemlock or pine timber to bo sold for less than $2 per (signed) , Geo. R Wickhsm. , Acting Commissioner General Land office. -Use Statesman Classified Ada! REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 5 ROOM HOUS FUR-1 1 . V - I 1 m. e4StT ... ml m unro, cie i per buhib. 9 ruom tvout, well kMttt, at 4)36 pet OaOit ih. fan islaj , Square Deal Co. Phone 470 WANTED BUSINESS j PROPERTY I.N exchange for farm property. 10 acres, with 6 room house, good barn, two weKs, 2 acres logaas, one acre wai huls, variocs fruits J ou prel road c.oae in. Good prOVty to cu. ia one or niore acre tracts. S-m1 or tike trsde. $8,000. Litton k Darby, 48-i Coort stree.t ! - BARGAIN $3,750 BUf S THIS 6 ROOM p Uttered- buagslew, ; with full base ment, laundry trays, : living room, din ing room, 3 bedrooffia, kitchen, bath, toilet, large i porch, gas, electric light, fireplace, rooma newly papered and newly painted outaide. Garage, cem ent walks, paved street. Lot 50xl5O See L. A. Hay ford Realtor 305 State St LET US EXPLAIN THE NEW SYSTEM of selling your property. Property listed .not exclusive. Your property photographed. Brown. Magee and Bessie Snyder. Over Busick's Store. Stste and Commercial. Pbone 559. SACRIFICE SALE 127 H ACRES FIN est and best improved land in Waldo Hills, 2i miles to railway station; close to school and church. New bars about 38x70 with 2U foot oata. Grain elevator with cement bina inside. Ce D-.ent silo, new n.ocern four room cot tage, water system, woven wire fences. Grain, hay, live stock, machinery and equipment valued at lover $3,000. All for only $17,000 on reasonable terms. A. C. Bohrnstedt, 40? Maaouic Temple, Salem, Oregon. ! Best Buys 0 acres all cultivated.! 24 acres prunes and log a ns, new buildings, bungalow; rock road, between i Shaw and Aunts- ville. $4,70O. acres with 9 room bouse, barn, chicken bouse, bearing fruit; price $4500. Take mortgage or any good paper. j 0 acres, 9 cultivated, house, chicken bouse, well ; 4 miles : Salem, rock road : $3100. Your own terms. 0 acrea bearing prunes and walnuts south of Salem; cheap at $4000. acres all cultivated, family orrb ards, building, at Store, church and school; 5 niiies front Salem; this land is choice. $6300. 3 4 acres on Pacific highway 5 mile north of Salem, best soil, Vt in cherries, sti.Awborriet and apples; barn, well ; hi mrta from Haysville school. Only $2750. $1150 cash, as service station, store, resk'ence, and '2's acres land on paved Pacific high way; going business, complete for im mediste sale. $7,500. 00 acres heavy loam laoil, 80 cultivated. 15 beaverdam, 2 sets buildings, on Pscific highway 6 roi'et north of Sa lem; priced at a ta. rifice, $160 per acre. A worthwhile investment. It is to your benefit to see these before you buy : tbev are i right. S0C0L0FSKY Realtors 341 State. St GOOD BUYS 820 acre farm, build inn, 4)5 acres sum mer fallow wheat, about 15000 cordf of standing fir; Will consider part trade. Price $65 per acre. 0 acre tract located i on Howell prairie on main Silverton road, all cultivated. Good buildings. Price $5,250. Terms 0 acrts all in bearing fruit. 8 acres prunes, I Vi seres I logana, buildings; rock roat" and close to paved highway Price 85.000. I 210 acre farm 6 miles from Salem, 100 acrea m cultivation! about 40 acres ei fine timber; buildings. Price $85 per acre; terms. I e have some good buys in bouses and vacant lots. I you are looking to buy, trsde or sell see W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. Realtors I 875 State Street SMALL AND LARGE FARMS. CITY homes snd choice tots, rue and asst insurance 1 Arthur E. Peterson 229 Oregon Bldg. FOR SALE 6 ROOM MODERN BUN galow, furnace, fireplace, bardwood floors, garage. 15.600. 5 room modern bungnlow, fireplace, ev erv convenience. $4,500. These are attractive bungalows, priced right ' and can be bought on ess? terms.'' i WINNIE PETTYJOHN 331 State St. Realtor -- Phone 534 Worth! While Fine borne close in, $4000. 5 room bungalow, $1650, $600 cash. 40 acres near Salem, well improved f 10.500. I 117 acrea with good buildings. $4750 147 acre farm, well located, close U miroal ststion; good buildings. Price foO per sere. 10 acres with 7 acre in fruit, to trad' for city uroperty.i Price only $2650 40 acres 3 miles from Salem to tradi for Sslem, property.' MILLS & COPLEY Realtors 331 Vt State St WE ARE REALTORS LIST WITH US for results. Krceger, 209 Oregon Bldg. ! FOR SALE OR TRADe ONE OF THE finest highly ' improved 40 acres of beaverdam land, on two fins gravel roads, rural route, close to school, two milts from one town snd five miles from another. Has good barns and outbuildings, I machine sheds, fair house, fine family! orchard and is well fenced, has good Well, snd fine running water. This is one of the best pieces of Isnd in the Willamette valley. Price $8,000, .part cash) and will take good bouse in city up to $2,500 as part payment, balance easy terms ii in teieste call on or write Dr., C. H Schenk. phone 1182. Derby Bldg Salem, Oregon, i FOR SALE NICE ! SIX ROOM HOUSE large lot, with frtiit and berries; close to car. Price $1500, terms. Brand new bungalow, 5 rooma, on paved streets. $300 cask, balance like rent. We have rood earaire building that is now bringing good noney; close in. If interested in any: of these call at 212 Grav Hide. H, L, MARSTERS Thone 907, SALE OR TRADE 10 acres good land, lays smooth, sandy soil; about .15 i acres clear, balance brush pasture. jNearlr new six-room bunealow. rood i barn and out-build ings. On county road mile snd half from towttt Prjca $3000. Or will trade for horse in Salem. 2AO acre river bottom fane, pood improvements $65 ocr acre. Good bungalow, $1250 Choi -e residence llot near Stste house, $1750. For bargains in houses or land, see V. L. Wood. 341 State St. Special Price $1250 t mom cot tare, snd a good one; plast ered, electric lights, hot and cold water, bsta and i toilet: bsrn, gsrage: nice corner lot; good street and side walk. Near car f line. Bargain. Some terms. S. R. PEARSON 210-211 IT. jS. Bank Bldg. A BARGAIN OF A 6 ROOM HOUSE, modern, on N. Commercial, paved cor nor at $2:0. Eaay terms. See Wm. Fleming. 341 State 8t. . - $3400 BUYS A jNEAT FIVE ROOM plastered bungalow and bath; with full cement basement. Laundry trays. Corner lot. East front. A rest home for someone. atrueger. Realtor, 209 Oregon Bldg. ' RICHMOND ADDITION TWO BLOCKS from sehooL corner lot. esst oa south front (lot no. 10, bloek Xo. 4) will sell for $300 cash, which is assessed valuation but less than 50 pereent of what it has eoat me. See C. L. Moo res. Supremo Court hldg. M BT ID MY i Adeto GarrtsWa .New Ih of REVELAT10P.S OF A WIFE CHAPTER 217 THE WJY JJLX.IAN CAME TO Al A LHJfc. S RESCUE. "Well,? girls, what do You say to a little ispin before we gut home? Dicky threw the words care lessly over his shoulder to Lillian and me jseated in the tonneau. MaJ. Grantland's machine, with its owner, Mrs, Durkee, Alfred and Edith and Leila Fairfax was already Out of sight down the Long tfeach road. I surmised that Dicky had purposely waited until the others were out of sight before proposing this amendment to his original plan of taking me directly home. l a love to," I said promptly. tnd Lillian also assented enthus iastically. I saw him smile enig matically, almost triumphantly, then he turned the. car around and soon shot out of the Long Island Beach road and headed east on the wide boulevard which runs almost tho whole length ut Long Island. Something In his rnrc- - minded hie of a email boy plan ning some pratilt, that i would be time enough to worry about H when he should himself spring his joke.! whatever it was. There fore I gave myself up to my en joyment! of th3 ride, feeling but one drawback to my enjoyment, and that the conviction I bad that Lillian was watching me intently. tnough covertly. That , her scrutiny had some thing to do with Maj. Orantland I was as; sure as I was that I was beginning to feel a little resentful of her patent disapproval of my renewed! acquaintanceship with the young officer. r child in leading strings I told myself with absurd heat that my ev ery word and action as well as those of the young officer should be watched- so captiously. I had the grace to be ashamed of my self, however, even as my Irrita tion welled within me, and wl!lt the swift passing of a few more miles through the pleasant sum mer air; I began to feel quite tranquil gain, - A Littl Plan. But I had reckoned without Dicky, i He drew up the machine by the side of the boulevard when we had; put ten or twelve miles between uh and the Long Beach road, ana turned to us, his eyes dancing, but with a little set une about his lips, which told me that he had evolved some pur pose which he was determined to carry out. "Now that we have gotten rid of the bunch what do yon say to our dropping into 'Ye Old Tavern and having a' quiet little meal ourselves?" I saw the childishness of : his plan in an instant, felt resent ment agate 8 1 him of an hour be fore coming back to me. He meant jto make Maj. Grantland think that after pleading fatigue as an excuse for not joining tue crowd in dinner at the beach 1 had seized the- opportunity ' to dine with my husband and Lil lian as eoon as bis back was turn ed. ! Dicky 6ff Again. I j v 1 r'-rT"y;T,"r And j yet, I hesitated to oWjcl to Dicky's plan, for I realized that he would le furiou'- - v if I refused to aid h'm n his in fantile! plan for "getting even.' If only" Lillian bn t ftred that she, because of her seeming a urd prejudice against would abet Dicky In Vs plan, in stead ot hindering him. I had misjudged her, however, as I realized with the first words she uttered in her reply to his proposal, words that were more hurried than her wont in a patent endeavor to save me the embar rassment of either acquiescence in or denying my husband's Bug restion. "What an annointed idiot you are, dear heart!" she apostro phized him oratorically. "Did n't you hear Madge Bay back there! she wasn't up tor dinins out? She ought to be in bed this minute, and she would be if this wonderful air hadn't beguiled me but of my seven sSnses. You turn this machine around, pron to, and start it in the direction of home and mother. We'll leave 'Ye Olde Tavern' flat this trip, my Dickybird, unless you want an other i yard-long doctor bill- Re member, this is the day Madge has b3en "outdoors." "It Us!" Dicky's tone held as tonishment. "Why. T thought she had been out two or thr;e days!!? "You should keep better post ed." Lillian retorted dryly. That Dicky caught hr mean ing If knew ftv the sudden flush which! overspread h'a face. He jerked himself around and bus ied himself with starting the car. but the tell-tale flush extended to the back of his neck and his ears, land I knew that he mut be furiously angry at Lillian, and no doubt at me as well. The drive home was a silent one except for the veriest com monplaces. And when, with the most elaborate courtesy he had assisted me from the car and al most (carried me upstairs to my roomi Dicky tried and failed--to affect a most nonchalant ai-, as he remarked: ,1 "As long as you need a rest so much;, Madge, you certainly don't want jto be bothered with nv talking. Besides, it's a t-rime tft stay indoors, so I think I'll vam oose with the ice cart, for wh' Tell Katie not to wait dinner for me. I'll pick up something along the road." "." ; ' ; j - (. (To be continued) S Why la It that when - a man looks up to the sky he always opens his mouth? Does it aid the vision? tENlES 'QUITTING "MOVIEV - ' I -i rf ! . :v J ; ( j j tui . "s m 1 wsasiiin .s n I 1 1 - Mrs. Lydig Hoy t. society leader, who recently became a film ac tress, and who was said o hava tired of the experience. Armistice Day is Celebrated ' High School Wins Football Game SILVERTON. Ore., Nov. 11. (Sbeclti to Tha , Statesman V . The Armistice day celebration: be gan this : morning ; with a ; very -large parade in which the: high school especially featured. After the parade the crowd gathered at tne opera nouse to listen to the program arranged for the day! It opened with patriotic songs by the nign scnooi cnorus. t The invoca tion was given by Rev. J. A. Ben nrtt. . . j ... . ,. A preliminary address waa giv en by W. Winstock followed by a vocal solo by Mrs. 8. E. lliohard son. ' The" speaker of the day. At torney. JS. R. . sLundber-f; of Port land, was s thetO latroCuced by chairman-of ha day, Rev.' Georga Henriksen, ' Alterv r Lnnd , burg'g address'Mrs. jttV 9' Onnden son gave a, ydijaJ soloi tud tha pra gram wasthe'iC cWed Ey every, body Eingins; America. The dedication, o( M-he -large bell which the Silverton ibusfnesa tne donated ro .JSC;- Paii:ts , parish 1 wa an interesting feature .or tha, day. . The high schoo kit Silverton mtt the f Estacada , high school . football team at Silverton thin aft ernoon. The core. was 63 to ,0 la WlVi Vi .Clf B IVUm ... V ir a memorial tablet. la to be un veiled to the mules that perished in the World war. what ia the mae ter with a similar tribute to the automobiles 'that" were equally fa:thfuL..H - Skim Milk , ir Bu ttermilk For Feeding-Purposes .r' -Caii'v-MARION CREAMERY Thofte 688 ' , 1 SALEM MARKETS I ; ' 4 - Prices )ot(e- are wBolmale and are prices rereived tr farmers. Ko retail prf-ea are grwn. . - ' Osts, milling, net 0e. Wheat No, 1, 86e. -Oata. feed, f 35e. - T f Vetrh and; Oat har, fl9. -Clover hay, 810. . , Mill run - mill feed. f24. ECrOS, BUTTER . BUTTERTAT r.ggs 4Re tt 4. C'reamerjr . butter, 49e , v . Bstterfat, 7e -v ' " . . ' ' irOVXTTv Ileos. lighfc, I6 t Jde.i" liens, heavy, 32c, " i rhk-keasv 'spring,' "1 . ' - , Roosters, old, Sr 4f 10r, , : Turkeys, ;ftv':83r. rXi ' Turkera. drevsed. 4do to 42e. ! pork; kuttom. axo beet Hera. 8.SO jt S9.75. ' v , l.aiuls, 5e,--- ' V f?-:'- i Top. veeL-ilSrv -,' -',..',..! Il'ork, dressed,- lie 0120. . Pteers, 4o t . 3 Vs e. v :. i . Buna, Sr. 1 i .)-FRUITS - j 'Tokay grapes, lie 4 Kmperor rrspes, Jle, ' 'Bananas, 4c... .. -l.enwns. 87..:' - jOrsages, 97 ft $7.5.- v . i . i. ' i Florida grapetrait, 8fl (t 7.5J. : California ; grape fn.lL ! - . T'nrlrteberri. l-1e. -..;- I Washington eranberrtes. box, $8. ' :: TBOSTABLES ----' I Sweet pUtoev4e.'r.?.-- ; '; 1 T' i Potatoes, 81 HO, :;. r-- ' ; Cabbage,. 1 " v - i -; ! California tow a lies, Jog' f S." ' i fW"i.lrt, 114 v.-. : -. !. . j Csblfflower. f 10: dot, . i Turnips,- $3.50..--' . . ..: . 1 , -'Belt peppers, lh, lie. ' .. Parsnlpsvi av--'-rf -rti'?' -1:. I Oregon onions, ; Z.TS. " , Carrots. tlS.T ;.- r, - r Head letroee, 75e. 1 . - , . Celery Hr..- T ' . ' Beets,- M SO.; .'";' j- SATES, TIGS. HOKET , Dates.- I5ei- :.-,- ;- -, - ,:' Paekare dates, eassv $7,' -' - rita, v iai ..'.. v :y '- - Comb boney, rsse, 8. . Coeoanuta, doseit,-'tl.83.!i,-- x ' . i o- v .- - if t jiasu- awiraaaa SHIM FOLK j SHOW PATRIOTISM