The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 10, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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    More Bargains Every
Day i
v At' - -. '
The New Store
Worth & Gray
Successor to W. WT. Moore
177 N. Liberty St. Salem. Or.
Eat a plate a day
Sold everywhere
" ; .-! -1 ".'.' P.-M. Gregory, Mgr.
210 South Commercial Street
466 State St
Eyes Tested
Glasses Fitted
xns accurately an plicated. Op
jtical repairs caralully and promptly
Hartman Bros.
Jewelers and Opticians
Salem, Oregon
Your Clothes
- 8av Work an4 Worry
ky kavui( yoor laun
dry work 4on by ta
Saen Laundry
j" Company
i3G Liberty St. , Phone 25
troom Handles, Mop Han
ks, Paper Plugs, Tent
'ogjrles, all kinds of Hard
rood Handles Manufac
j turcd by the
Oregon Wood
Products Co.
- West Salem -
Capital City
.Quality, and Service
Phone 165
onuments and
Made In Salem
la to only monument worka
. . . la 8atem
Big Stock on Display
Capital Monumental
8. Cam'l Opvoaita Camatarj
tbom en
Made In Salem
experienced Swiss Cheese
Swiss Cheese
Cream Brick Cheese v
Limberger Cheese
er from tho far tory or
from your, grocer- ,
llera Cheese Factory
1 Phone 81PU ,
aved reform school road,
southeast of Kalem i
Phone 877
. u
, TAe Way to Build Up Y our Home Town
Is to Patronize Your Home People
Cases of Seeming Miracles Performed by the Simple Processes of This Latest and
Greatest Branch of the Healing Art Health Not a Local Condition.; It Is a
Total Relationship, a Unity of Functions That Make Up One Harmonious Being
Dr. 0. L. Scott Is a Pioneer of the Pioneers of This State and This Science
A thousand ton freight train, I
laden with silks and spices and!
the priceless textiles and lacquer!
and pearla of the Orient, is rush-j
Ing across the continent. It is ,
worth ten million dollars, and Its
owners are in a nervous sweat;
every second until Its safe arrival.
Dehydrators and Canners j
Oregon Fruits and Vegetables
Wiring 'Fixtures
Electrical Appliances
Salem Electric
If It's electric, come to us."
Masonic Temple. 1'hono 1200
Our efforts will be to assist in every possible way the
development of the fruit and berry industries of this
A Licensed Lady Embalmer
to care for women and
children is a necessity in
all funeral homes. We are
the only ones furnishing
such service.
Funeral Home
770 Chemeketa St. Phone 721
We carry ttie following lines
of PAINTS, Sherwin Williams
Co. and Bass Huetcr Co.
Also .
Everything In Building
Falls City-Salem Lumber
A. B. Kelsay, Mgr.
349 S. 12th St. Thone 813
Wt Ar Oat AfUr Two Millions
w" r bow pa-rlnc oer thr
quarter of million dollar ajrr
to tba dairymen of this tertion for
inilk. '
"Marion Butter"
la t Bast Btitter
Mort cows and Better cowt i tha
erring ae4 -
Salem, Ore.- Phone
Dedicated to Stimulating Our Present Industries
And to the Establishment of New Ones
This campaign of publicity for community upbuilding has been made
possible by the advertisements placed on these pages by our public
spirited business men-men whose untiring efforts have buildejd our
present recognized prosperity and who are ever striving for greater
and yet greater progress as the years go by.
Speeding: westward, s if to
meet it and do titanic battle, is
another ponderous express train,
bearing half a thousand precious
lives, and the malts that carry
messages of hope and cheer to ten
thousand homes. The two trains
plunge towards a meeting point.
The Dalles
Member Marfan Coanty, Inter St
ta and National Eaalty Associations
305 State St. '
Ask Your Grocer
I'bonea: Residence, 1211
Office. 1177
' " i
It Satisfies
f j Made By
j 12th and Chemeketa
Order from your grocer
Will they try to fight out the
I right of way on the one track, or
will one take the siding? What
iif they should clash, the wreck-.
( age take fire and a whole nation
be thrown into mourning? One
-v.i aimusi near me crasn, the
explosion, the screams
But it doesn't come. One train
slips smoothly onto the siding;
the other dashes by. The first
slides leisurely back onto the
main track, and both go their
way rejoicing. The powers that,
uncontrolled for even a second,
would have brought disaster, go
safely on to minister to the whole
This is an apt presentation of
what happens in every human
body, a dozen, a million times.
Every nerve impulse is a passen
ger train speeding in the one
direction; every muscle, every re
turning nerve reaction, is tho silk
train coming back with the spoils
of its trade. They must meet
within the body, along the same
single track; if they clash, disas
ter is instant but if they are
coordinated so that they go in
harmony, all i3 well.
Chiropractic is the coordinating
train dispatcher who adjusts
these time schedules so that the
trains, meet and pass without
wreck, and leave health and lite
unscatched and happy.
What is health?
What, indeed, could it be but
the coordination of all the com
plex reactions of the human body?
Health is not a local condition;
it is a total relationship, a unity
of functions that make up one
harmonious being.
Humanity has no power, to
make a "dead"' nerve, or a dead
tissue, live of its own accord,
and independently of the others.
Human intellect, human skill, can
not furnish the power by which
tissues, nerves, the soul itself
lives or grows. That is a thing
beyond the wildest dreams of the
sane scientist; life, and the pow
er of life to grow, is utterly be
yond the farthest stretch of sci
ence. Performs Seeming Miracle
And yet, though man cannot
produce life, he j can utilize its
powers to perform seeming mira
cles. Man cannot produce gravi
tation, or electricity, or chemical
affinity, on sun heat; yet he can
follow the principles laid down
for the use of all these forces,
and perform marvels of adaption
and utilization.
Knows How if Not Why
There is no magic in Chiroprac
tic science, which is based on an
accurate, profound study of the
human system. This science re
cognizes that the life is not in
the bones, in the flesh, but in the
nerves of sensation and control
that guide the body. No one
may know precisely how or why
they give to the mind the impres
sions they do; but as facts Chi
ropractic has studied them and
their work until it can say. auth
oritatively, that it KNOWS how
I if not why human ailments come,
and how most of them can be
! cured.
! There is Email opportunity for
I a controlling nerve to become dis-
placed or mechanically affected
j in a fleshy part of the body say
1 in the thigh or the arm. It is
surrounded by a flashy, fatty
Seamless Hot Water
Bottles and
Combination Syringes
Guaranteed Not To Leak
Prices from $1 up
Brewer Drug Co.
405 Court St.
Thone 184
The Surest Way to Get More and Larger Indus
tries Is to Support Those You Have
J. . ..-0 . 4 .... a'1'" ,
yT- .V . .
DR. O. L.
cushion that will stand any kind
of a shock, short of irresistible
crushing or severance by cutting.
The flesh nerve simply can't be
There is one place, however,
and only one, where the nerves
of sensation and control can be
mechanically affected; that is, in
the spinal column.
These nerves, for the whole
human' system, go out in pairs
from the vertebra; each rair
through its regular opening, like
wires for an intricate telegraph,
telephone or electric system in a
man-made conduit.
The spine, that must be flexible
and yet strong as a column of
iron, is padded with muscles that
hitch to every projection of each
separate vertebra. One may step
off a curb, and unduly strain one
of these balancing muscles, one
may over-lift, and slightly " dis
place another of these intricate
bony pieces. One might even lie
down, relaxed, and there could be
a slight slippage of the cartilages
and Ijgaments that bind them to
gether into a flexible whole.
But the nerves that go forth
from each intersection, each to
its own station in the body, have
small latitude for any such slip
page. Nerves are measured by
microscopic micrometer, and not
by rule of htumb; there is no
spare space for them in these
bony conduits. Pinch a nerve,
shift its bony covering even the
most microscopic distance, and it
is no longer free.
What happens wnen a nerve is
Liike a Short Circuit
Precisely what happens in a
short-circuit in an electrical cur
rent. First, it fails to do the work
at the terminus. The part may
fail to obey the signals; and re
fuse to act or to function as
it should; of it may wither and
die, like the flower cut off from
its parent stock; it may run
' ' " ' ' ' t - .
1 .". r.4
it .rvi'W?
V -
r A
amuck, so that the nerves go in
stantly on the Warpath like the
two trains on the one track and
no siding or guiding control.
This, Then, Is "Sickness"
This is "sickness," disease,
whatever one cares to call it. It
is the refusal of the part of the
body that is not properly govern
ed, to do its part in the human
organism. The function may be
tho use of the eyes, of a leg, of
an arm, of the bowels, of the
heart itself; no matter what, it
is "disease" and only the removal
of the cause will Remedy the man
ifestation. Chiropractic says that most of
the ills of humanity can be reach
ed through the adjustment of the
nerves at the points where they
can be reached, at the only points
where thry can go wrong where
they leave the spine to radiate
through the muscular system to
their final destination.
Wonderful Proofs
The wondrf-jl case of little
Miriam Rubin, of Waukegan. Il
linois, in February, 1921, is a
striking illustration of what Chi
ropractic theories have accomp
lished. The little girl, . always
apparently normal, suddenly be
came the victim of a mania to
talk. For 212 hours she" did not
sleep, but talked constantly. The
regular medical profession of the
whole world was challenged to
give her help; no help came. Fin
ally an obscure chiropractor, be
lieving that he had a remedy,
asked the privilege of making an
examination, it was allowed him.
not in hope, but as the last meas
ure of despair that had tried ev
erything else.
He found two of the neck ver
tebrae, between which the nerves
isue that control the organs of
speech, slightly misplaced: the
result of a fall, it was later learn
ed. He made one adjustmont.
the uncontrollable speech stopped
as if by magic, and the child slept
"r - ' t, f
-s h . y . K
li vJ
Why Suffer Witt Stomacl Trouble
Hours 10
a natural, healing sleep. She re
covered, absolutely normal in
every respect, almost in an in
stant, and has since been like
any Cvher little girl.
And a Kin s Son
The afflicted son of King Al
fonso and Queen Victoria of
Spain, the heir to the Castilian
throne, was healed by an English
chiropractor, after all the medical
science of Europe had given him
up to be deaf and dumb for life.
Even his royal parents, with all
their money and position, could
find nothing else in the whole
world to help him, save the Chiro
practic that is at the command
of any American parents.
"A poorly adjusted machine
always does poor work."
This axiom of mechanics is the
theory of Chiropractic that the
human machine cannot do good
work if it is not in good mechani
cal order. Nature supplies every
condition for healing; but seldom
will do the replacement of parts
wantonly or carelessly or even ac
cidentally mislaid or displaced.
The real Chiropractor has no ad
junct but his adjustment art;
neither electrical, nor mechanical,
nor thermal appliances. If the
science itself be true, there is no
other thing to take its place; all
other apparatus is superfluous.
This, however, could not be taken
to apply to a powerful X-ray ma
chine for photographing and vis
ually determining the extent of
deep-seated or obscure injuries.
In. the Flu Epidemic
"And that the science is true,
seems to be proven in a most
amazing record during the "flu"
epidemic in 1918 and 1919, "Flu"
has been held to be a germ dis
ease, with dealy power of infec
tion. That it was more fatal, all
over the world than any war in
history is stating the cruel facts
too mildly, it took a greater toll
of life than even the last World
war.' It would seem to be. the
last sort of disease that Chiro
practic could affect. And yet, th
records show that all over Am
erica the several thousand Chiro
practors lost only one out of ev
ery 8S6 cases they treated; the
mortality for the regular medical
profession is said to have reached
a far higher average many
times greater, the Chiropractors
Here in Salem, Dr. O. L. Scott
the pioneer Chiropractor, adjust
ed more than' 500 cases, and did
not lose one!
An Oregon Pioncrr
Dr. Scott is a real Oregon pion
eer. His father came to Marion
county at the close of the Civil
war, and settled at Scott's Mills,
to which place he gave the name.
His mother's family came here
in 1852 almost 70 years ago.
"An Early Convert
Dr. Scott was one of the early
converts to the profession of heal
ing by mechanical adjustment;
he graduated from the great Pal
mer school at Davenport, Iowa,
in 1910 the whole science dates
back only 25 years! He has no
other equipment but his X-ray
machine with which to photo
graph his patients for careful, ac
curate study of their ailments;
and his charts and his hands end
his experience.
Yet he had th privilege of
serving as instructor for Dr. Al
5 ''"fi
- !'-n
, . ' - '
r--- -
Trade and High
8tn Chiropractic Will Bemov tat CncJ
Health Begins When You
Phone 87
for an appointment
P. S. C. Chiropractor
Kay Laboratory 411 to 119 U. S. Kat'l Bk. Bldf
to 12 a. m. and 2 to 6 p. m.
fred Walton, M. D. (Harvard,
187V, who later turned his back
on his own old medical lore and
sat at the feet of the teachers of
the new science which he says is
a science where the old practice'
was a guess. Dr. Walton, la a
notable booKet. quotes tne great
Dr. Richard Cabot, giving the
autopsy records from the Massa
chusetts General Hospital, show
ing that 47 per cent of the orig
inal diagnoses made by , the ex
ceptionally Skilled hospital staff,
were found to be incorrect and
the patients were fatally treated
for diseases that did not exist!
The Chiropractic treatment of
fers an absolute remedy against
mis-dosings; Dr. Walton absorbed
it, and is one of its greatest ex
ponents today.
Courage of His Convictions
Dr. Scott has had the sublime
courage of his convictions that
his science is sufficient for most
human ills. . It does not doro or
bake or electrify them, to nalllate
or narcotize them for temporary
relief. It goes to the seat of the
trouble, which it claims Is mostly
nerves. A nerveless body, or
portion of the body, is weakened
bv the. loss nf spuRntinn nn.l mo
tion ; paralysis, or decay, or a
lowered health condition that
make the affected parts a prey
to every ill j that can reach them
for an attack, follow inevitably
this loss of nerve control. Germs
and aches, and every damning
pain, attack: the crippled portion
of the body. There is only one
way out restore the mechanism'
to proper adjustment and health
is inevitable.
Has Made Notable Success
Dr. Scott1 has made a notabW
success in his profession. Hit
offices in the United States Nat
ional Bank building are usuallj
almost like a voting booth oi
election day for people believ
in what he has proven to them
of his theory in shirtsleeves.
If people flock to this latest
health road, and go away smiling
and cured, it is because It has
made Rood; they care not how, or
why, but they know the effects,
and are glad.
Twenty Million Pounds of
the Fruit Needed by the
Dehydration Plants -
Ten thousand tons of apples!
Fee if you tan visualize that, in
a mountain of apples. That
means 20,000,000 pounds of ap
ples. Wll, King's Foe Products
company, at their dehydration
plant down on North Front street,
and at their plant at The Dalles,
will have used that big a moun
tain of apples for the present
season's run. when- th? last ap
ple Fhall have been taken care of
in the processes through which it
must go from tne tree to the neat
carton intended for the ultimata
The company was advertising
yesterday morning for more wo
men for the Salem plant, and the
need came from the great quanti
ties of apples which must be put
through the plant, running well
up to the first of he year. -
The apples are coming from
the Salem district and all over
western Oregon, as far south as
Roseburp and Sutherlin. and
from Yakima and Hood Itiver.
What are thy going to do
with all these dehydrated apples?
They know. They are already
Kold. and the big question now is
to get enough apples to fill the
advance orders. Th selling end
is already taken care of; has
been lor a long time. ,;
Dehydrated apples are so much
better than the old fashioned
dried apples that thse plants wijl
have to be -enlarged, to keep np
with the demand to say nothing
of increased prod net ion of apples
in this section to keep the plants
going in future y?ar.
Teacher:! ''Willie, can you tell
me how matches are made?'
Utile Willie: "No, ma'am; but
I don't blame you for wanting to
find out." I r ;i -v. -
Teacher' "Whv. what ilo von
mean?" .; - .. : .-"
Ultle Willie: -Mother says
you have been trying to make one
M ill
DR. O. L. SCOTT, SaleTnhiYorrrcJtorLJVrrl: