Sit SECOND NEWS SECTION PAGES 1 TO 4 I Pp and Progress Pages, Society, General ; "V S 3 H fl Nebs end Classified PRICE: FIVE CENTS SEVENTY-FIRST. JYEAR ; SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY -MORNING, NOVEMBER 10, 1921 V I Si' t "V1 mm: i 1 f if II It I L VI I M CLVB CALENDAR I tHlity . H. AND MRS. ASAHELi annual insDectiontoL ihe . local nifrti v . . I,. -i oujsi. wun metr-two eon, tent. Asahei; Jr.; .andt Etewatt. are at home, lu Salem following Mr. and Mrs. H.'.P. Boise are three and a half years in Europe. I spending a few days in Portland mou ol-iM time they raided in I and will return -this evening. Paris where Mr. Bush was cash- ler of. the allied reparation com- , Mrs. J. B Brophy Is -visiting in mission. Thejr will occupy" their Portland with friends, old home in Salem. - . v ! i ' Mrs. M. C. Smith of - Albany Cpl. and Mrs. George 11. White ,8 a Kest at lnft ome her Jlon- attend th remntinn !von , fni Smith is secretary of the Albany and' Mrs. Joseph K. Pasteilo In chapter of the American War honor of Major .General Wright Mothers. She , visited in Turner of the Ninth cprpa area. yesterday. While in Salem she " cwrpa area. will also visit with her daughters ? w w Mrs. O. M. JohTieon and Mrs. H Friends or Mrv and Mrs. Roy A Johnson. II.. Mills 'are congratulating them . V iB 7.. r i, ". Zt T Mrs. W. C. Kantner leaves to-terdayr-lltf will be called Char es & for Seanle where she will Kent for his grandfather. Charles , u t h ner g, Mrs. 0. Mrs.Prances McLeod andMra. Tne openlng afralr of the Chry- Lyda Wendllck, state officers pr ganthemum show in Portland was . the .Daughters of Veteranswere the receptIon for wlvea of mem- guests yesterday of MrsoW. J. bera of the Chamber of Com- Entreaa. . They were here for the merce y8terday afternoon in the v ; , - 11 " green room of the chamber. Ia PL VaJ- the receiving llae-were Mrs H. Lbjutoaj brecting varai H Van Duzert llTtl. Peter Ken, Our largo showing now here. Xet Mrs.- E. C. Crawford. Mrs. Max us take your order bow and In- S. Hirsch, Mrs. Jahn T. Dou?.all sure -complete satisfaction j and Mrs. W. D. D. Dodaon The COMMERCIAL BOOS : STORE Ua tables w?rc- In chargo of Mrs. ia V rAiBmwW Phow S4 Jftmea D. Abbaft. Mrs. Ralph H. NKT N. Conunerclal , . ITioae o nrnside, Mrs. H. J. Ottenheimer, '...""J;"' T 1 Mrs. Roy T. Kishf p, Mrs. Whitney Boise. Mrs. Frank B. Andrews. Mrs. William MacMaster, Mrs. O. i , . ; lllw ficiVo otirt Mr. Frederick H. TheSlore for M strong. Miss Elsie Wlkoff and Alvin Krug of Silverton were married recently at the Baptist parsonage were Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Wikoff. 1HL UliKPIU WW SVl-J-'" UVAVU TUR j.ilXJVlW. wii duuuuliiiuii Frarit and Francis WiKorr, par- ' . I wli'iii p' ! ihiw minmwim mm ii ininiimiiin i ' iw hi him i iinn i i i Mrs. L. S. Adams, aunt of the bride; Minnie and Martha Krug, sisters of the groom. Following the wedding the party, went to, the Wikof r hornet four miles north of Salem, j where a lunch was en joyed. The young x-ouule took a short honeymoon trip, over the. Colum bia highway to The Dalles. Tby will mak their home in Sliver- ton. . Saturday night the happy cou ple were given a reception at their home. The following rela Uvea and friends were1 present: tyr.; and Mrs. Joe Kaser and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Brutiner. Mr. and! Mrs. S. V. Kaser j and family. Mrs. Fred Kaser. Mr.' and Mrs. Ale Mathys. Mr. and Mr. Harvey Knnzi, Mr. and Mrs. H. Bailer and family. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Brazier, Mr. and Mrsi Al pheus Schar and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stortz and family, Mr. and Mrs; D. E. Geiser. Mr. anil Mrs. George Elton and daughter Helen. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krug and aon.Lyie, Mr.. and Mrs. Joba Brunner Fred Krug. Mrs. E. S. Adams, Miss Leon a and Miss Nora Baumgartner, Miss Lois and Miss Rtfth Bartruff. Miss EdUh Rqss, Miss Minnie and Miss -Mar- ii tha Krntr flrant and-Francis Wl-1 i koff and Adam Blumenschier. CLUBS AND 1 ifr'flBSV'-A. jAftfli-AWMW ! 1 " ... , , ... .. , . HF IlSniX ' r.: "'t 5: r ' Poetry Appreciation section t JXlZi- W Wtr'r ' s of Salem Arts leauge. with ft Ty?V' T- . 9 - . Mra Willi nrw I -.srf 'AAW&y 15iKr' i ". -i - jtl and Mrs. Frank Spencer, hoe- 0 liJiiV' iSri: I& I j4' ' F-U W. . C. Aid. all day meet- IrrT I ' t - r "V:;i,' V ! t2Uin3 Thompson, meet at O. E. de- hl9Sr r va 1 . I 1 4 fe ? " WS . I pot at 10 o'clock, take cars. f i f ' " " , n,Ci'?r?rJ?ltiU I ' Evening classes. sewing H H ' i rC ? - -iSffwJ 1 ! and millinery; Smith-Hughes b - ki ' i i p?);ry ; work in semor high school. 1 Ii jJllgjlR ?4dUfiiJ:i Armistice . Day program. S iyHtl! 2:0 in armory; American 9 ' ' I r1 rTh'-ii (,rrK4f5 l . i, . -CAii ' 1 Legion -in charpe; public in- MmkMmMf4 1 mwARY . i .5 rbapmnn's chapel, Dallas, 0r. November a. . . , I ; interment was In the Pallas I. O. r, cemetery. t Lane County Jury5 Unable To Agree in Murder Trial EUGENE, Ore., Nor. 9. The jury which tried Fred Thomaa In circuit court her on a Charge of murder In the second, degree in slaying hta neighbor, WHey Hub bard at Dorena. Lane county. Sep tember 6. today reported to. Judge Sklpworth that it could not agr upon a verdict and was dismissed. The jury retired at 6:15 o'clock Tuesdar evening and deliberated all night, .reporting to the court at 19 o'clock this morning. The judge set November X5 as a daU for Thomas.' second trial. SOOTHES The Store for - Dzsnerw&re (Peking Utenxfl xrit The Store of Housewares Oreeon Agricultural .. College, Corvallis, Nov. 9. Mary.E. ayne of Salem is a member cjf the Greater O. A. C. committee which is: In general charge of the Home-1 comingj week-end, which! begins! with the W. S. C.-O. A. C foot ball game Friday,' and will end! with open house in the halls, sor orities and fraternities Sunday. The j annual inspection of the Is II "it W . ... is .-1 3 1 ' (k - v ' i - ji1 1 i fi rffi Xrrwri Mi7 Ftchla tent. Daughter. fit 'Mis, Min- Of Veterans, was made last night tun inoivi v (vihbwui nle Krug wa3 bridesmaid i and Francis Wikoff acted aa best man. The bride waa attired in blue crepe-meteor and carried a bou quet of white, rosebuds. : . -i v .Those at the wedding ceremony - w . V O W.F.C j i ' , -L by-Mrs. Lyda Wendllck, deputy Inspector. Mrs. Frances McLeod, department presUamt, was also I among, those present. The regu lar inspection and meeting was followed by supper at the Spa. Mrs. W. J. Entress, department secretary, has been deputized to inspect Betsy Ross tent of the Daughters of Veterana in Port land, i Mrs. Entress-wlU accom pany 1. Mrs. Mcleod and Mrs. Wendllck td Portland this morn ing, j. ; ; The Women's social circle of the Central Congregational church will hold a bazaar in tne cnurcn Tuesday November 15. A chick en supper will be , served in tne evening.! I . I. i' . ! Etakta, the North Salem club, met Tuesday, with Mrs. Mason Bishop, j Mrs. W. Fl Fargo pre sented a number of original se lections' as -part of the program. Henrietta BiKhop sang and Doris Hicks gave a reatitag. The next meeting- of the club lwIII be with Mrs. Gilbert Burton, one month later.! i Mrs. George M. Thompson will be hostess for the Ladies' Aid of the W. R, C. today at an all-day meeting. Sewing will fill the hours. Members are'requested to meat at the Oregon Electric depot at 10 O'clock and cars will con yey members to Mrs. Thompson's. Effie Mande (Millcr Lewis 'lied very suddenly at her Salem home Sunday November 6. She was, born on the old pioneer honee near Perrydale, Polk county, ;May- 21. 1878. r Sh joined the l'.aptist church at the early age of 14 end later united with the Chria- tlan churcl. of Falls City. bhe was marrieu to wudut Lewis November 5, 1899 and to this union two sons. Glenn and Marvin, word born. Besides her hatband and two tons she leav?3 her mother, Mrs. Mary E. MUlcr, two broth ers. Clay and Lloyd, a bister, Mrs Velma Prime, ll of Salem, two f!ste'rs. Mrs. Hattio Tbrockmorton of Portland and "WJHa Brown ot Seattle, and a brotucr. Henry Miller of Wenatcbeo, Wash. Funeral aarvicss wore rtad by Ilev. Putnam o'( the Bunsa.low Christian church of Salem ITC G II K - . Copyright bj Underwood a Underwood. The First Application Makes Skin Coo and Comfortable 1 It you are suffering from ecze ma or some other torturing,, em barrassing skin trouble you may quickly be rid ot It by using Men. tho-Sulphur, declares a noted skin specialist. . v,-"-'! ij - This sulphur preparation, be cause of Its germ destroying prop erties, seldom fails to quickly sub due itching, even of fiery ecsema. The first application makes tha skin cool and comfortable. Rash and blotches are healed right up. Meatha-Sulphur is applied like any pleasant cold cream and ia perffttly harmless. You can ob tain a small jar from any good at druggist. Adv. !' ' - ' GRAVE OF UNKNOWN HERO BEEN PREPARED IN ARLINGTON. I - " .k' 1e-4M:;4bs?l . .at jjsft swsi jo. .-jv 1 j 1 wsMw nr: 1 HiTti'JMfc" Wini ii .linTfi . -v.-. El t: Many Are THe Demands For Dainty; j ; ; Handkerchiefs PrnnrlnB- tie crave of the Unknown American Soldier, who will be buried in the: National Cemetery at ArfinXn on NorinSr .pot is a beautiful one in the hills of Virginia, overlooking city, of Washington j.r; 1 , as you Me them y 1 r ;4 .i:i, v Somehow, ypu rather ex pect omthirigivof 1 a a?ckcr' t It inst,mcet cirtain needs vof youf palate- ..,,. ; . " ' It must pt crisp Jt Tnust be tasty It rhust -be baked 'just to the point of. fullest flavor. SNOW FLAKES are all of, these. M . . Ask ypur grocer for TO REPRESENT ARMY AT UNKNOWN HERO BURIAL II? il . "ill' i N poii't as for Crackers - t : - r 1 r .... - V' 5 - - e-' i - -si 1 Li-.'K -W.jlv& ! A professor at Berkeley has it j fiRurtMl nnt hat 37 cents will I purchaso food sufficient for one day for an individual. But he j doesn't tell u& where the money i is to be spent and what amount I of food we may get with It It i would buy -quite a lot of alfalfa. We know just what you want in handker-: chiefs. For we have a stock that is as varied as Salem's taste in them can be! Every thing from Jazz handkerchiefs to theis mast, sheer and exquisite ones of fine white: linen comprise our assortments. The prices you'll find, are the best in town. , ' . l QolorM Kerchiefs - For Your Suit Durable Kerchiefs . For School Children GET THEM AT " -j THE PAY AS YOU GO STORE 1 . Will Be CLOSED ALL DAY FRIDAY ARMISTICE DAY 1 0 t M. J 'Donohni,VKSIf ortlie Distinguished Service Cross and a sergeant In the Regular Axmy,v.who will repreaent the enlLited men al the! burial of 'tha unknown American Hero at 'the Arlington Amphl- ; Btaatrt'oa'trmlstir day November 'Oth.- 4 SO Stato Street Phone 877 ' 1 it ' i 4 Kir- V