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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1921)
i f- ' 5 FIRST SECTION Pages ! to 6 TIF05CT0S ! 10 Fazes 5EVENTY.FIRST YEAR SALEMOREGON THURSDAY MORNING.. NOVEMBER 10, 1921 PRICE: FIVE CENTS run Lru ' . I " I - i if: I : ; fi ; i - i . i D Wkji uw 4 -if SSoN Cheering Assurances Of Support by British People tConv$yer4 to Conference iBy.Premier. PORE B EN EDI CT I ALSO SENDS HIS APPROVAL Preliminary Get-Together, is Held by American Four rAnd Advisors WASHINGTON, Not. 9. -While delegations of the powers worked today perfecting pains for the armament conference, cheering assurances of support for the pur poses of the negotiations reached Washington from two Important cuarters of the old world. Premier Lloyd George of Great Britain, in a message expressing regret that he could not attend the opening session. Saturday, de clared the heart of Great Britain was "deeply set on the success of the conference,' and promised the diligent .efforts, of the United Kingdom toward; a solution of the All Contingent Meet It became known through unof ticlal channels that Pope Benedict had. given his approval of the pur poses set for the conference and might pronounce the official sane tion of the holy see at' the 'consis tory November 21. -He has. pre pared to i maintain close contact with, the negotiations. The certainty of support by two such powerful forces struck aaote of .encouragement in all the, dele gations as they conferred. For the .most , part these, conferences produced no surface developments of ; importance although they ' brought together tor the tint, time the full membership of the Ameri can delegation j and Its advisory Uvea of the other powers a breath ing; space in which to review their plans. Conditions Withheld The meeting of the American bl g four an dthe advisory commit tee of 21 was no more than a pre liminary 4 get-together. The poli cies to be fostered by this govern ment were laid before the commit tee in ehe most general way. con ditions of the naval reduction program worked out by the dele gates being withheld until .a per manent committee organization is effected. Former SenatorSutherland of Utah was chosen chairman of the advisory; body,,, but, further organ ization details were left in the hands of i a special committee of six. Mr. Sutherland was placed at ! the head, of the special committee, i whose other members -are, Samuel Gompers, Rear Admiral W. I Rodgers.,Wlllard, Saulsbury, Hen ry .P.. Fletcher and- Mrs. Eleanor Franklin ; Egan." i Dead to be Honored Further, conferences , are , to - be ' held tomorrow byvnearly all for ' eign delegations, although all will pause to pay homage to the un known "American soldier dead. An elaborate tribute is to be be stowed by the British delegation which will make a ceremsnlal pil grimage to the capitol lo lay .a wreath on the bier. A. J. Balfour, head of the British delegates, pending the arrival of Lloyd George, is expected to arrive in tme,to take pare in this cere mony. , Premier's Regrets Received CPremier Lloyd George, In a message delivered at the state department today by Ambassador Geddes, expressed . regret at his inability to attend the opening of the armament conference. "Will von nlwajta eXDresS tO President Harding my keen re gret and disappointment at hav ing been unable to attend the, opening of the Washington con ference," the message said. lThe discussion to which ho has invited the powers Is of pro found Importance to the world. Nothing but the intensely doli cate state of the Irish negotia tions and the obligation which 1 feel to parliament and the coun try to be present Until those ne gotiations are completed and the ' government's .unemployment - leg islation is in - operation would have prevented my sailing last Saturday. I must discharge that obligation before I leave but 1 wUl. Mil i at . the earliest, possible moment and I hope to be with . you before the conference reaches the deciding stage. Harding's Lead Appreciated "I need not assure you tou the heart of Britain is deeply set . on the success or the conierencrj. The world has needed such a lead as. President Harding gave us last July for many months, it was the new world's opportunity. To ' hare -grasped-;,lt? 'promptly u Continued on pas ). MElORIIi f OR W HAS APFROVAL OF C0IIERCIAL CLUB Plans for the erecting jpf a civic auditorium to be built at a cost of at least $100,000 and to be dedicated to the sol diers, sailors and marines iho served in the World war, were launched at the regular ofoen forum meting of the Salem Commercial club lastsnighf. The enterprise was presented by the club's commfttee on community service and -v&s unanimously adopted by the large assemblage of local business men who were , present. Prior to being brought befre the Commercial club, the plan for the building of the memorial had been broached to of ficials of other Salem clubf and organizations and met with the emphatic approval of. ill The .plan is in line wih a recent legislative act which permits the issuance of bonds, by cities for the purpose of erecting community auditoriums after such plan has been approved by, voters at an election. The proposal will next be pre sented to the Federated Clubs; of Salem and it is expected tha it will be brought before the Salem city council for the purpose! of placing the measure on the ballot at the next general election, j Speakers Laud Move Col. "E. Hofer and Judge p.J H. D'Arcy commented favorably f on the new enterprise. Colonel ,lo fer asserted that Salem had, lip idly outgrown the present facili ties of meeting places and de clared that community life would be stimulated through the pro vision of such an auditorium. Colonel ;- Hofer spoke of the suc cess of the Portland auditorium and said that it had been a "very provitable investment ' for, tihat city. Other enterprises now be ing planned for Salem's better ment -would in no way be inter fered with by the new movement. , "It -tea splendid undertaking and, we should all work for any thing that tends toward public betterment," i said Mr. D'Arcy. Text of Report The report, signed by the five members of the committee, name ly R. O. SnelMng, Dr. HenryfE. Morris, Col. E. Hofer, Otto K. Paulus and Dr. B. F. Pound, fol lows: I .."The .undersigned executive committee was requested by the general committee on community service meeting Tuesday evening, October 25, to prepare a report on plans for erectring"a civic auditor ium as a memorlaj to the soldiers, sailors and marines. The commun ity service committee was otgin ized last January under the civic department of the Commercial club and has held several success ful community gatherings for the purpose of developing and unify ing community spirit and to make Salem a more desirable and ideal community for homeseekers. g Need is Demonstrated f , "These meetings have had the effect of demonstrating j the need of a larger community building in The fifth annual roll call' of Willamette chapter, American Red Cross, will be launched Armistice day, November 11. This chapter includes Polk and Marion coun ties. . As is well known, the Red Cross has been doing great work in the. two counties during the past five years. During the fwar its activities were towards help ing families in distress where ithe son or husband was in the per- Families Are Helped I Since the close of the war ,;the greatest work of the Red Cfoss has been active in helping i ex service men and their f amities, and it Is this work new that is taking the major time of those In ; charge : of Red Cross . work. Dr. D. M. Fields has been named as general chairman of this 1; fifth annual roll 'call. Through his - efforts Interest!4 In the call has been aroused through out the two counties. i As in former years, member ship in the American Red Cjross consists in the giving of only St a year, and it is this small um that wilt be again asked of the manv thousands who showed! in terest in former years. Rural Meetings Called will be held in which the gfeat In the rural districts meetings work of the Red Cross is doing will be fully explained. In j Sa lem and other cities and tajwns of tho county the work "of secur ing membership in the roil Icall will be ih charge of those especi ally interested in Red Cross wprk. i In this -work of launching) the fffth annual roll call, mempcrs RED CROSS ROLL CALL WILL ..... BE LUCID I1IS1E DAY which the better tendencies of community life can find expres sion. There is in this city of 20, 000 people, and rapidly growing larger, no suitable place for hold ing large conventions, community gatherings, Indoor sporting events, art exhibits, community sings and gatherings in which the commun ity life can find expression. "Your committee and the gen eral committee is composed ol five members of the Commercial club, to which have been added the mayor, the president of the Commercial club, commander of the American legion, the presi dents of three strong women's or ganisations, to-wit: The Woman's club, the War Mothers and the Salem Arts league, to serve as ex officio members. After full dis cussion the general committee unanimously endorsed the propo sal to build a suitable civic audi torium, centrally , located, and large enough to serve the social life and community needs of this growing city, but more than all else to express in the form of a tine public community center our appreciation of the services of the soldiers, sailors and marines not only in the great World war, where they went forth to preserve free institutions and the honor and flag of our country, but to defend this government against all foes within and without, and in which memorial building they shall be, provided ..with suitable Quarters to hold '? their . public meetings in the , future. They are today without an official home. ?The last , legislature enacted a law under which any city, can erect a memorial building in the iorm of a community houso' and this committee has secured legal advice that the city, council can submit to the people , a proposal to erect such a memorial build ing. "Many communities are. pro ceeding to act under , the ,law, and your committee recommend! that this city proceed under this (Continued on page 4.) of the American legion through out the two counties have been liberal in offering i their co-operation and active assistance. Teachers to ftelp In order that the work of the Red Cross may be known every where and what the Red Cross stands for, teachers throughout the two counties will; be mailed literature and other Information. It is announced that the roll call this .year will begin next Friday and continue including Thanksgiving day, November 24, As local chairmen in charge of the roll call, the following have been appointed: i Aurora Miss Diana Snyder, mistress. j I Chemawa Mrs. J J. New meyer. : Dallas, with 10 near-by school districts Dr. A. B. Starbuck. Falls City Mrs. Ira Mehrling. Hubbard Mrs. C. W. Mayger. Jefferson John T. ;Jones. Liberty R. V. Oh mart. .J4arion M. A. Barber. Mt. Angel G. D. Kbner. jSalera--Brazier Small of the American legion. ! Salem Heights R. L. Van Ars daU 1 Scotts MiUs-J. R. Payne. SUverton Rev. George Hen ricksen. ! Stayton O. V. White. Turner Mrs. J. F. Lyle. West Stayton Et A- Wilson. AVoodburn Woman's club, Mrs H.F. Butterfield, president. Local chairmen for Gervals, Aumsville, ? Independence, Mon mouth and several other locali ties' have not yet been: announced. PARTY CHANGE IS RESULT IN MANY CITIES Elections Show Substantial Gains for Democrats in , Maryland, Kentucky, Vir ginia, New Yark. CLEVELAND IS FOR MANAGERIAL SYSTEM Detroit Reelects Cousens on Patform of Municipal Traction Ownership NEW YORK. Nov. 3. Final summation tonight of results of yesterday's elections indicated substantial gains for the Demo crats in Maryland, Kentucky, Vir ginia and New York, while mu nicipal ballots in many cities re sulted in changes of party control. The outstanding case of state wide Democratic victory was in Kentucky, where that" party re gained control of the legislature, which has been Republican for two years. . In Maryland, where the lower house was elected, with 27 mem bers of the senate. Democratic control was increased. Increase in New York. In -Virginia the Democratic gu bernatorial candidate. State . Sen ator E. L. Trinkle led his Repub lican opponent by a wide margin, which extended also to his run ning mates, including J. . M. Hooker, the party's candidate for cfongress. In the New York assembly, the Democrats increased their repre sentation by 23 seats, although the .Republicans, with 96 assem blymen, still retained a wide working margin. Albany will have a Democratic administration for the first' time in 12 years. The Democrats seized every berth in the city administration balloted on, including a. large majority of the 19 aldermanic seats. City Manager For Cleveland. Detroit re-elected Mayor James Cousens, whose campaign was waged, on a platform calling for municipal traction ownership, while Cleveland gave Fred Kohler a substantial plurality over Mayor W. s. Fitzgerald, Republican and voted to change toa city manager plan in 1924. Cleveland is said to be tho largest city which has . adopted this plan. - Republican mayors were elected in Indianapolis and Cincinnati. Tammany Celebrates Tammany chiefs tonight were celebrating the results of yester day's election which promised un challenged control of the city's governmental machinery after January 1. In the f rectest Republican routo experienced here, Mayor Hylan vias re-elected as was one of hip running, mates on the Dem ocratic ticket. ; He had a. plural ity of 147.986 over his Coalition ist opponent, Henry H. Curran. Ninety-three, percent of, the 1. 268,464 voters registered voted - a. turnout which observers declar ed was the heaviest in New York's history. Korbdittt Vote Small Townsend Scudder, Democrat carried the city by 261,975 over W. S. Andrews of Syracuse ior Judge of the court, of . appeals. , A feature of the, election was the small vote of the Socialists. about 50,000 less than given Mor Hs Hillquit when he ran for may or four years ago. Jacob Pankon the party's candidate, received $3,309 votes. An exception to the geieral Democratic sweep was in the foc-j ond judicial district where Dis-i trict Attorney ,11. E. Lewis, Re publican, was elected as a candi date for the supreme court bench. Party Still Militant WASHINGTON, Nov. 9. Re sults of yesterday's elections prove that the spirit of the Democratic party "is still militant," Chair man Condcll Hull of the Demo cratic national committee, said to day. His statement reads: "Fighting Democrats who cap tured numerous Republican out posts in Tuesday's election have given evidence that .the spirit of the party is still militant. A con servative interpretation of the elections indicate that the people are far enough away from : the mist and contusion of war con ditions and influences to see the merits of Democratic administra tion; to see and become convinc ed of the increasing demerits of the Republican administration. and to realize that the comprehen sive program of' reconstruction proposed by the Democratic . ad ministration. was, obstructed . and 'Continued ontpace f) PLAIN SOLDIER, WITH LIES PROCLAMATION NASMUCH as we are about to observe the third anniversary of the signing of the armistice, and the burial of car unknown soldier dead, let us, therefore, as citizens of Salem, do so in a befitting manner, by showing our true patriotism to our country, our flag and the brave soldiers who so nobly fought and died for us and for the cause of humanity. Whereas, the president of our country has de clared November 11 a legal holiday, it is to be ex pected that all will observe the day to the fvResi extent in showing our thanksgiving and gratitude for again being at peace after war. (Signed) GEORGE E. HALVORSEN, Mayor TS SAY President Will Be Asked to Serve in Tax -Revision Fight, Prediction WASHINGTON, Nov. 9. Presi dent Harding may be asked to act again as mediator in the tax revision fight. . This is the view of house Dem ocratic leaders, who point to the wide split in the Republican ranks in congress on the income surtax provision. Democrats say the majority leaders are opposed to the senate amendment with its maximum rate of 50 per cent, but are faced with the possibility of its final enactment through a coalition of "insurgent" Republicans and the solid Democratic minorities. Leaders of the "insurgent" Re publicans in the house have now agreed, however, to defer fight until after the conferees get un der way their work of re-writing the tax bill. Under the agreement as out' lined by both sides, the bill will be sent to conference tomorrow without instructions to the house managers, but the managers be fore agreeing with their senate co-worker3 on tho surtax provis ion will ask tho house for in structions. This, it was explain ed, would open up the fight in the house, probably next week. The tax bill as passed by the senate, was reported back to the house. Upon examining it mem bers found that the senate had added 833 amendments. Despite this great number of changes. Chairman Fordney of the house ways and means committee, said the bill probably would be in con ference only a few days. Bingham Overrules Move In Brumfield. Murder Case ROSE BURG, Ore., Nov. 9. Overruling the motion of the de fense Jn the Brumfinld murde- case. Judge George G. Bingham. in a decision filed with Count Clerk Riddle today, states that a transcript of the entire proceed ings ia not necessary to promote justice. Immediately following the trial which ended with the death sen tence being passed upon the con vi.'itd murderer, tho doft-nse f ilo J a motion, asking tl.:it fie canty pay the expense of a t'jnscript of the proceedings upoj! which to base i. bill of- cncepfuBS anri an appeal tn tho :;tate suommc ecu t It was claimed that the fuuds oi the defendant were exhausted and that h was unable to pay the cost of this transcript himself. Asahel Bush and Family Return Home from Europe Mr. and Mrs. Asahel Bush and two sons returned yesterday after an absence of about three and one half years pent in Europe. Mr. Bush served in the capacity of cashier of the allied reparation commisison. He was stationed first at Barcelona, Spain, but the greater, part of their time abroad was spent in Paris. They expect to make their aome la Salem. IT mm HONOR S UNDER CAPITOL DOME 1 AFFAIRS PREMIERS' TOPIC Lloyd George Speaks Mind on Foreign Affairs at Lord Mayor's Banquet; LONDON, Nov. 3. The lbrd mayor's banquet tonight assumed more than national importance when the premier, replying to the mayor's toast to the cabinet min isters, followed the custom of such gatherings at the historic guild hall of speaking his mind regarding foreign affairs. Custom Left Ileblnd The tradition has been that the premier must touch only on for eign policies, but in response to the lord mayor's suggestion that the guests anxiously awaited news of the Irish conference, Mr. Lloyd George expanded the statement. made early in his speech that the Washington conference is like a rainbow in the sky" and then passed to Ireland. Results Not Divulged He declared there was a better prospect of Great Britain's pro posals to Ireland being heeded to day and of Ireland accepting the invitation to enter the British commonwealth as an equal than fo ryears, but the conference was still in a critical stage. Beyond this he refrained from divulging the results or the possi bilities of the conferences. Labor Situation Clearing In his opening remarks, the premier alluded to the economic trouble afflicting the world, sdeh as followed the Napoleonic wars. He expressed the conviction that the force of the cyclone was al ready spent and followed with a recital of numerous symptoms in dicating a revival was coming; particularly the fact that '"in cvety land tho slackness that seemed to overcome labor is passing away." Bower and Boyer Will ; Attend Portland Session PORTLAND, Ore., Nev. 9. Sheriffs and county clerks from every section of Oregon will meet in annual convention here tomor row and will be the guests of Sheriff Hurlburt at a lunch td be served in tho corridora of the county jail.. Law enforcing officers of the city and government have been: in vited to address the meeting; of sheriffs by Sheriff Hurlburt i of Multnomah county, and president of the Sheriff's Association of Oregon, i Oscar Bower, sheriff, and Ui G. Boyer, clerk of Marion county said last night -that tbey expected! to attend the convention in Portland today. Butter County Fires Die Out in Missouri POPLAR BLUFFS. Mo., Kov. 9. Forest: fires in Butter county died out in certain sections last night, having burned to the limit of the f Greeted area, while in other sections rain stopped them. Damage to timber and grating lands in this county is estimated as ranging from $75,000 to $100, 000. . - HI WEIGH: OF AMERICA, WASHINGTON, Nov. 9. (By The Associated Press) A plain soldier, unknown but weighted with honors a& perhaps no American before him because he died for the flajr in France, lay tonight in a place where only martyred Presi dents Lincoln, Garfield and McKihley have slept. He kept lonely vigil lying in state under the vast, shadowy dome of the capitol. " Only the motionless figures of the five armed comrades, one at the head and one facing inward at each corner of the bier, kept watch .with hirn. I But far above, towering from the great bulk of the dome, the brooding figure of Freedom watched tod; as though it said "well done" to the servant, faithful unto death, asleep there in the vast, dim chamber below. j i America's unknown dead is home from France, and the nation has no honor too great for j him. In him, it prays its' unstinted tribute of pride and glory to all those sleeping in France. It was their home coming today; their day of days in the heart of the nation. j I . f I Sodden skies and a chilling rain seemed to mark the mourning of America at the bier of this unknown hero. But from the highest officials to the last soldier or marine or bluejacket rain and cold meant nothing beside the desire to do honor to the hero soldier, j I -. t ' j ' ' j The ceremonies were brief. They began when the boom of saluting cannon down the river signalled the coming of the great groy cruiser Olympia. H Slowly the ship swung into tier dock. Along her rails stood her crew, at attention and jwith a solemn expression. Astern, under the long, grey muzzle of a gun that echoed its way into history more than 20 years ago in Manila bay, lay the flag-draped casket. Above a tented awning held off the rain, the inner side of the canvas lined with great1 American nags. At attention stood five of honor. MRS. SOUTHARD in mm Woman Accused of Killing Husbands Arrives at Idaho State Prison BOISE, Ida., Nov. 9, Anxious to begin serving her prison sen tence of from 10 years to life, Mrs. Lyda Southard, convicted of kill. ing her fourth husband, Edward F. Meyer, arrived at the Idaho Etate penitentiary late today from Twin Falls. Sheriff Sherman of Twin Falls drove the convicted woman and a Mexican prisoner to lioise by automobile. Mrs. Southard still has confi dence that the appeal her attor neys are making to the supreme court will free her. "Oh, I feel fine now," she smiled as she was greeted by War den Cuddy at tho prison gates. I know you and I are going to get along great together." On being conducted to the wo men's ward, she exclaimed: "Gracious, how neat It is, and I won't have to be cooped up in one little cell all the time." There are two other women prisoners in the ward, both serv ing time for murder. On her arrival at the peniten tiary Mrs. Southard was designat ed as prisoner 3052. THE WEATHER Fair; light variable winds. Appeal For Red Cross Is Made In Statement by President Harding Addressed to People of America WASHINGTON', Nov. 9. Pres ident Harding asked th Ameri can peoplo tonight to give their liberal support to the annual campaign of the Red Cross for relief contributions which begin Armistice day and continues two weeks. The call of the Red CroKS, ha raid in a statement, "should be .regarded as the call of coun try and humanity." Text of Statement Mr. Harding's statement fol lows: To the American People: "As president of the United States and as president of the American Red Cross, I announce that the Red Cross annual roll call will begin Armistice day, No vember 11, and continue through Thanksgiving day, November 24 and I designate November 13 as Red, Cross Sunday. ' "I recommend ministers and priests to stress the gospel of ser vice November 13 and 1 invite and urge my fellow citizens to accept the period of the roll call as an occasion for rededication of them selves to the principles and prac .Uce ol service. The Amcricaa Red sailors and marines as guards I ; . i j - I s.... v; Below I on the old dock at Washington navy yard, a regiment of cavalry waited, sabers at "pre. sent" at the black .draped gun calson and with its six horses to carry the casket to the capitol. The; troopers, faced toward the ship as she awung broadside to ber place and the gangway was lifted to her quarterdeck. To their right a mounted! band stilled Its restless horses. , ' Atarines at Attention On the ship, the files of her marine guard stood at attention. Rear Admiral L. II. Chandler, who escorted this dead pr(vat soldier across the Atlantic, was, garbed in the full, formal naval dress as were officers of his staff. As the ship's bell clanged out "8 bells," 4 o'clock, and the hour set for arrival the bugles gia and the crew again lifted the rails, The marine guard filed down thi gangwray to face the trooper, across the dock, the ship's t band came down and j formed beyond the marines. On deck at the gang-, way head, four sides-boys took ebeir places on . each side, the boatswain waiting behind them to pipe a dead comrade over the aids with honors accorded only to full admirals. j DigniUris Meet Ship Cars bearing Secretaries Weeks and Denby, Assistant Secretary Wain wright, : General Pershing. Major General Harbord. Admiral Coontz and Major ' General JLe jeune, the marine commandant, and ' their aides rolled up. These highest officers, of the army and navy formed in line facing the open space between the troops and marines. t- j ' On deck bugles called attention. Petty officers stepped, forward to raise the casket. Forward a gun crashed tho first roHj of the min ute guns of sorrow. Tho Olyrapia's band sounded tropin's funeral march and eo the slow halt step and carried high on the shoulders (Continued on page 5) Cross is both the volunteer and semi-official medium - through which our people may appropri ately express their patriotic. and humane desires to render; practi-. cal assistance to' their soldiers and sailors, to their fellow citizens in ' civilian life and jto those peoples of other lands who have a human claim on the sympathetic coaccra o our own people. s " i Faith Maintained "This American Red Cross has kept faith with i the principles which, gave it birth and with tho obligations laid upon dt by con gressional charter--.'to act In mat tcra of voluntary relief and in ac cord with the military and naval authorities as a medium of com munication between tho people ot tho jUnited States and their army and; navy. After a notable war service, it, in conjunction with tho yeteran's bureau and other ac tivities, stands by our veterans andi their families in a period of painful reconstruction, in which as too many of ns have been prono to forget,, thousands are in press ing needs not only of governmen- ; .(CoaUauel pa page 2