tt-rnvrcn a V tmPVTXT. NOVEMBER 9. 1921 THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON HijUCiOuni Ms-f . : S Two Local Growers and State Hospital Take Dis-' plays to Portland That Salem' will be well repre sented at the first annual chrys anthemum show which opens to- day In Portland was made known : last night when it was found that two local growers would show in addition to an exhibit from the .state hospital. Outdoor grown flowers will be shown by both" local growers. One variety to be 'shown by C. B. Clancey of Salem is the Harvard -of which no other examples are entered at the Portland show. That Salem entries at the show are as good as any shown is the s statement of Salem- people who have seen the display in the Green room of the Chamber of Com merce in Portland. More than 3000 blossoms will be shown from ; different sections of Oregon and California. Salem visitors to the . Pacific International Livestock ex position may view the blossoms ; during the week. Patronesses , and wives of the . members of the chamber will view the exhibit today. Tea will be served from 3 to 5 p. m., during which time a concert will be given by., an Instrumental ; quartet con sisting ot, Frances ' Knight and v Kathleen Jordan, violinists;' Hazel Babbidge, 'cellist, and Flora Mae ; Ross, pianist. ',. Thursday, will be. civic club day, and. Friday there; will, be special features In celebration of Armis tice day. Disabled veterans will be guests of honor and a dlneir 0 ' sum BIOS US HI 1 Take the Scenic Shasta Route y To , . Sunny CALIFORNIA Through Sleeping Car Service . -to" : f SACRAMENTO SAN FRANCISCO r ? and jdiV.i-' ' ) f$.jU ; , LOS ANGELES , . . ; 1. j offers all the pomforta of modern travel. ;v - v..: i , - . , . Convenient schedule's, obseryatioiucaTs, and ex- f.'- W t ceUextf . meals are oth$r features othV- ' Shasta ftoute r . ' ' "L. "S -1 - Winter Excursion Tickets areT on sale at f Reduced Fare i For tickets and information ask Agents, or write v.. Southern Pacific lines . JOHN M. SCOTT, ' General Passenger Agent. frlntt Albtt ta bar, tidy rW tint, hmndtmmm pmnd mmd hrnlt punJ Hit tmmtidart mud In th pound crystal ! humidor with poiif mi$tr Tofcaoco C. .c, will be given in the evening jat which ex-Governor Frank O. Low den will be the speaker. i Pome of the exhibitors of flow ers are Martin & Forbes, Clark Bros., Smith's Flower shop, Chap pelle's flower shop, Niklas & Son, Tonseth Floral company, Wilson, Grout & Gehr, Fred M. Young, Swetland Floral shop, Holden Floral company, O. E. Anderson. Nippon florist, Joe Kleida, Swiss Floral company, Robinson Floral company. Van Kirk Carnation cotnopany, Henry Kahm and bu reau of parks, Portland; Sherrie florist. La Grande; Romaine, flor ist, Albany; Clancey, florist, Sa lem; J. A. Axel, San Francisco. 1 Major General Wright Visited Salem Yesterday Major General . William M. Wright, successor 4 to General Hunter Liggett in commandof the Pacific coast corp3of the army, was in Salem yesterday for a brief stay en route to Portland, Vancouver barracks and Canjp Lewis. General Wright spent yesterday morning at Corvallis inspecting the military activity it Oregon Agricultural college. 3 Tonight he will meet the offi cers of the Oregon national guatd stationed in Portland at the Mult nomah county armory and will then go to Seattle. f During the World war General Wright commanded the 89th com bat division and the Third and Fifth army corps in "France. f Major Charles Gjedsted, com manding the Oregon coast artil lery and assistant to the. adjutant general of Oregon, served ' with" General Wright in France as corp, mander of the Fifth corps head quarters troop. Adjutant Gene ral George A. White, Major James Dusnbury and Major Gjedsted went from Salem to Corvallis on Monday night to meet the com mander. Southeni r i ; ;;.( Round Trip - atsv i and some r. A. Get the joy that's due you! ;We print it right Here that if you don't know the "feel" and the friendship of a. joy' us jimmy pipe GO GET ONE I And get some PrinceAlbert and bang a howdy-do on the. big smoke-gong! For, Prince Albert's qualityj flavor coolness f ragr ance--is in a class of its own I You never tasted such tobacco! kWhy figure out what it alone means to your tongue and temper when we tell you that Prince Albert can't bite, can't parch! Our exclusive patented process fixes that! ! I c Prince Albert is a revelation in a matin's cigarette ! My, but how that delightful! flavor makes a dent! And, how it does answer that hankering! Prince Albert rolls easy and stays put because ft is crimped cut. And, say oh, go on and get the papers or a pipe ! . Do it right now! i r; i v y . k ' ': . . . K1L1E1T TEN LADS TIE TESTS for y Two Will Be Recommended for Appointment to West Point Academy Ten young men. all members of the Oregon National guard, presented themselves yesterday at the adjutant general's office for examination, wjth a view to securing appointment to West Point military pcademy. The ex amination was held at the arm cry. Th examination is competi tive, the two making the highest record to be ry.ommended to Gov ernor Olcott for appointment to West Point and the final examin ation to be held at Vancouver barracks next March. Those reporting yesterday for the examination, all members ot the Oregon national guard, are as follows: Edward N. Patterson, corporal, second company, coast artillery corps, Marshfield. Walter D. Thomas, private, third company, C. A. C , Newport. Leonard Pitman, first class pri vate, fifth company, C. A. C. or Albany. Clifford W. Rich, first class private, fifth company, C. A. C-, of Albany. Harold G. Savage, first class private, second company C. A. C. of Marshfield. Fay M. Bragg, corporal, separ ate company A Infantry', O. N. O. of Medford. - Willis F. De Vaney,, corporal fith company, C. A. C. of Albany. Joseph V. McGee,-. first ser geant, fifth company, C. A. C. of Albany. ' James H. Van Winkle, first private, fifth company, C. A, C. of Albany., William It. Clary, corporal, first company, C. A. C. of Ash land. Clary is attending Willam ette university. The examining board consists ol Col. Clarence E. Dentler of Portland, Col. J. S. Dusenbury of Salem, and George W. Hug-, su perintendent of the Salem public schools. Besides the two who make the highest standing, there will be appointed two alternates. If the two who receive the appointment cucceed In passing the examina tion next March at Vancouver, barracks, their appointment be comes final and they report July 1, 1922, to the military command er of West Point. ' It may be said that no appli cant 'may receive the appointment unless in the finest of physical condition. It tdsts $15,000 to I educate each man at the West Foint military academy. nence eaeh man-who takes the examina tion is given a physical examina tion by Captain Howard uarrutn, of Portland, of the medical start. To the average young man who has aspirations of a-West Point career,, the start should be made bv lolninsr the '- Oregon national guard. This is according to the opinion of a military man tamil iar with conditions in Oregon. THOUSAND MARINES TO GUARD MAILS ... (Con tinned from page 1) will be sent are San Francisco and Los Angeles. Declaring it was proposed to protect the United States mails "to the last postal card, regard less; of cost and sacrifice," Mr. Elays said he wanted it known that the postof fice department M Buy a pipe- had declared "open warfare on the crooks and bandits. During i the 12 months ended last April 9, according to Mr. Hays, $6,300,000 was stolen from the mails,; but in the six months following the announcement that postal employes would be armed the total stolen fell to $318,869. Benefits May be Provided The advisability of enacting legislation, authorized the gov ernment to pay death benefits to the families of postal employes slain by bandits, is understood to have been; discussed today by the cabinet. Plan Protection SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 8. San Francisco's plans for protect ing mail from bandits were an nounced here tonight. Postoffipe Inspector ' S. H. Morse has ordered special protec tion for postoffice safes and gas bombs will be supplied postmas ters in California, and every post master, it is understood, will be given arms and ammunition with which to protect eheir offices. A military guard will be placed around the main postoffice. the government mint and the ferry postoffice i which was robbed re cently, one guard being slain in conflict with the bandit. Practice With Firearms Target practice will be carried on so that employes may become expert with firearms and every clerk in all of the larger post- offices will be given revolvers and sawed-off shotguns for use in case of holdup. Firearms necesasry to carry out the protective program will be placed at the disposal of postal au- tboities by the army. ARMISTICE DAY PROGRAM GIVEN OUT . (Continued from page 1) proclamation. The program follows: Orchestra. America, audience. Invocation. Rev Blaine E. Klrk- patrlck. Fighting songs of four great wars 1. Revolutionary war. Mrs. W. Prunk, Mrs. Ralph White. Mrs. Charles Reynolds, Mrs. George Steelhammer, Miss Valeria Brlggs in colonial dance, "Laces and Graces." 2. Civil war. Miss Ada Miller. Musical numbers by Veteran Fife and drum : corps. 3. Spanish-American war. Mrs. Arthur Jajin, assisted by Spanish War veterans. Address, Judge George M. Brown. 4. World war, Mrs. Carleton Smith, assisted by World war vet erans. Quartet Mrs. Carleton Smith, Mrs, William Prunk, Miss Ada Miller and Mrs. Arthur Rahn. Comic Skit, Biddy Bishop. , THOMNo MADE -- - ' SIMERAL'S SUCCESSOR (Continued from page 1.) am in the way as President. I therefore, resign as president, so I win not; be in the way of the progressives who may run the council to suit themselves. "I wish" to thank the brothers who have given their assistance to me during my four, years as presi dent. "Yours for the best for labor, "L. J. SIMERAT In accepting Mr. Simeral's res ignation, all delegates from .the local trades unions expressed ap preciation Of Mr. Simeral's ices in behalf of organized labor during his four-year term of of- nce. At tne same time the mem bers stated that Mr. Simeral must have been misquoted as to report- ea expression irom mm concern ing diffeernces existing in the lo cal council.! UNKNOWN DEAD ! IN HOME PORT (Continued from page 1.) for this innpr wiard ptafm-a them will -pass on Thursday a throng ot Americans paying hom age. Xot if minute of that day but has been claeimed bv trnmc. person br some society to lay a wreath on the casket, among Vnem the British ambassador tn testify to Britain's sympathy. The t Kncia nni (,u isier io Arlington to wither at last on the stone above the quiet nook in which the unknown will come to rest forever. Houses Built Rapidly, But Not Fast Enough to Meet Necessities SILVERTON Or., Nov. (Special to The Statesman) The housing situation in Silver ton is again becoming serious, for although a number of houses' are under construction all of the time yet more people come to Silver ton right along than can be sup plied with accommodations. During the last two months a steady stream of easterners has been arriving at Silverton with the intention ot wintering here. Silvsrton citizens have done all in their power to accommodate these, many Silverton people even f-haring their homes with strang ers until other places could be found. It was reported at Silverton yesterday that 25 more families were expected this, month.. Al though mosL, Of these have been and still are Scandinavians yet many other nationalities are rep resented, i ReadJhe Classified Ads, GROWTH RAPID at sinn 1MB J ARE NOT WANTED IT PARLEY Annual Banquet of Cherri ans to Be Old-Time Stag affair is Decision At the annual initiation and banquet of the Cherrians to be held early in January there will be no women present. The event will be an old-time stag affair. This was decided last night at the monthly session of the Cherrians held at the Commercial club. The hope was expressed that at this 10th annual initiation George Rodgers, King Bing of the eariy days of the Cherrians, might be present. As all old-time Cherri ans remember, Mr. Rodgers was one of the live wires of the or ganization in its early days. The annual Christmas tree of the Cherrians, which has attract ed so much favorable attention each year, will be decorated and lighted with electric lights. . This tree has now grown to consid erable size since the Cherrians first decorated it for the holiday season. It is the large fir tree in the southwest corner of the courthouse square. Should the city council decide to call an election to vote on the purchase by the city of the auto mobile park which brought thou sands to Salem during the tourist season, the Cherrians will be on hand to aid in serving as clerks and judges of election, to save the city this expense. Upon a call for volunteers for this ser vice, 18 responded. The session last night was an especially interesting one, with the last half hour of the meeting being devoted to story telling. Ralph McAfee Addresses Students at Willamette Ralph McAfee of Portland ad dressed the student body and fac ulty of Willamette university dur ing chapel period yesterday. His talk emphasized the importance of this week and the coming 'con ference to be held in Washington and the influence it would have on future generations. ,He said: "The college men and women are living in an age in which they must take the leader ship of the world. They must face the problems of our execu tives in a thinking manner. The college men and women must take their place in the leadership of their community. Recent Permits to Build Show Aggregate of $7000 Building permits representing new structures and improvements to the value of 17000 have been issued by City Recorder Earl Race during the first seven days of the present month. The permits were issued to the following named . builders and property owners: : " R. C. Miles, 220 Rural avenue, a one-story fram dwelling to cost 59C0. Lr. H. Wenger, 388 Rich mond avenue, a one-story resi dence to cost 52250, to be built by Wenger Brothers, contractors. J. B. Ashby, 210 South Nineteenth street, repairs and atlerations to a one and one-half story dwelling at a cost of $300. A. L. Conger, one story dwell ing at 2345 Cherry avenue, cost f500. Joseph Baumgartner, altera tions and repairs to two-story brick structure at 149 North Front street, to cost $2500. William Lebold, 295 South Six teenth street, alterations and re pairs to one story frame dwelling cost $400. Marked Revolver Bullets Leading to Complications DEDHAM. Mass., Nov. 8 Marked revolver cartridges alleg ed to have been introduced In the jury' room by the jury foreman during the trial of Nicola Sacco and Batalomeo Vanzetti, convict ed or a double murder at South Praintree in April, 1920, were cited in supplementary motions filed late today for their retrial. Judge Webster Thaxer la3t Saturday reserved decision on previous motions for a new trial for the men, whose conviction ha? hen the subject of radical dem onstrations chiefly in Europe and South America. The motions filed today were supported by affidavits of counsel who interviewed jurors after the trial, of the widow of the fore man of the jury and of certain jurymen. Since the trial : two of the jurors have died, including Walter Ripley, the foreman. No intent to take the cartridges 'nto the jury room is alleged, the information asserting that Rip ley, who owned a revolver and cartridges similar to those which the prosecution said were found on Vanzetti when he was arrested bad carried them nnwittinply into the room in his vest pocket. 1.1VKSLEY XKWS LIVESLEY. Or.. Nov. 9. The Red Hills district Supnday school convention was held at the Lives ley Methodist church last Sunday. Three schools were represented, Rosedale Friends, Liberty and Prospect Hill, also a number of people from outlying districts were present. The program was interesting and: inspiring. Mrs. I. G. Lee of the Highland Friends church ppoke on "The School and the Book." Mrs- C. A. Hadley of the Rosedale Friends church gave tn interesting demonstration on bow to tell missionary stories to children, illustrating her stories with objects, v Professor ,McCor mlck of Kimball college, gave a .wonderful address on "The" Bi ble, the Greatest Book." During jtteafteraoon tbo, Lives! evjm ale quartet sang two selections "Oa. Sflverv Sea," and "Go Ye Into All tlse World." The next con vention will he held at Liberty, the first Sunday in May. The regular monthly meeting of the Sunday school workers' council was ne!d at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Johnston last Friday evening. Plans were made for a Christmas Sunday evening program. Mrs. C. D.i Query was hostess to the members of the G. T. cluo last Thursday afternoon. At a guessing contest Mrs. William Schwab, Mrs William Meier, hers and visitors present were: Mrs. George Higgijis. Mrs. W V. Tohnson. Mrs. Alice Coolidge. Mrs. F J. Lanison. Mrs. Flora Holly Mrs. Frances Dressier. Mrs. i Harrv TracvJ Mrs 'i. nacon, Mrs. B. Stutesman, Mrs. H. Carpenter. Mrs. P. Henningsen. Miss Iurena Holcomb, Miss Ed ith Ross, Miss Irma Griswold, Mrs John Walker. Mrs. c . Mrs! S. C. Davrnport and Mrs. Mary Zielke. : Mrs. Charles Dungan is visiting at th? home ol Mr. ana Mrs. r. D. Fidler. C. D. Query is adding a meat department to hip store. Rev. Erwln Kanton went i Wilsonville last Friday evening to help Rev. Alfred Bates with a church entertainment. Tred Gustafsen is reported o be sick, as a result of his recent blood .poisoning. Miss Lourena Hoicomo oi ai- banv has been visiting with her cousin, Mrs. P. Hemmingsen for several days. ; Marshfield Officers Hunt for Ten Cases Brought Ashore From Wreck MARSHFIELD, Or., Nov. 8. Search for 110 cases of Canadian whiskey which was brought ashore from a small boat which was wrecked on the coast 10 miles south of Bandon, has so far been fruitless. ; Ed Riley and John Schnaid, the two men! who operated the boat and who were held in jail, have been released by Sheriff Elling- sen. They claim their boat was go ing from Victoria, B. C, to Maz- atlanr, . Mexico, when they were wrecked. ; They said they did not own the boat; were to be given $500 each for making the trip. They said that when they had landed the whiskey from the wreck they gave a fisfaerman the engine from the wreck to haul the whiskey to his house and guard it until a customs officer could be notified, but that the fisherman, after' undertaking the job, held the ; liquor and it was later stolen. Officers here decided that they had no charge against the men wno operated tne boat and re leased them rfrom jail, but will continue the ; search to find the whiskey. PLURALITY BIGGEST IN GOTHAM'S HISTORY (Continued from page 1) time in that city's history. In Albany, home of William Barnes, returns at midnight indicated a victory for the first time in 22 years. Schenectady and Troy re mained in the Democratic column, while Rome, which elected a Re publican mayor two years ago, was re-captured by the Demo crats. Beer and Wine Platforms Win Buffalo and Rochester elected Repablicans. In Buffalo the present mayor, George S. Buck, Republican, was defeated by F. X, 8chwab, also a Republican, who ran on a platform declaring for an amendment to the Vol stead act, to permit the sale of beer and light wines. Republi cans won in Elmira by a land slide vote. There was a Republican upset in Johnstown where Mayor Wil liam Chamberlain was defeated by Percy Ripton, Democrat. Lack awanna, the only city in the state having a Socialist mayor, was carried by the Democratic candi date. The Republican majority in the New York assembly will be continued in 1922, as the result of today's voting. With only cne district out of the 62 assembly districts in New York city reporting, and with five districts in other parts of the state missing, the figures showed 79 Republicans, or three more than the constitutional majority of the lower house have been elected. Kohler Cleveland Mayor CLEVELAND, O.. Nov. S. Fred Kohler, formpr chief of po lice. Independent Republican, to day was elected mayor of Cleve land over Mayor W. S. Fitzgerald. Republican, according to nearly complete unofficial returns to night, Kohler's final plurality it esti mated at 10.000. His election followed a house to bouse cam paign without the backing cf an organization and without him having made a speech. Mayor L E. ' Hill. RepuUican, was re-elected in Lakewood, over Mrs B. B. Pyke. member ot the Democratic national committee. Mayor-elect Kohler is 36 years old. He entered the police de partment in 18f9 and in 1?03 be cara its chief. He was dismiss ed ny the civil service commission in February. 1013. on charge? of conduct unbecoming an officer, filed by former iiayor Newton D. Baker. '!'!:,; r Since that tlme Kohlrwa de feated for offices of ouncllman. municipal court clerki sheriff and rTVTintv rnm m i'tfnr n.u! I i QIC WHISKEY 61 III Era Dm II HUGE SUIT Total of $10,100 Asked by Mrs. Parmele as Result of Accident A damage suit for 10.100 was fiio.t vpsterdav in the Manon county court against William M brown, as auegeu uaiu-i, accident sucsi-u iu " " caused by the car wmcn jur. Brown was driving. Nellie J. Parmele, the plaintiff. in her complaint, alleges mai while riding in an automobile as a guest on July 14, 1921. the car was struct by a car driven by Mr. Brown and; that as a result she suffered great physical and men tal damageJ She alleges that many ligaments of her body were torn and twisted and that she suf fered serious mental shock. Sho alleges that she was obliged to spend $25 for a doctor's bill and may be obliged to spend more. For herphysical pain and mental stress Mrs. Parmele asks damages amounting to $5025. Mrs. Parmele has been appoint ed guardian of her 13-year-old daughter who was also a guest in the car which, she alleges, was struck by the car driven by Mr. Brown. ; For her daughter, she has "also filed suit, asking damages amounting to $75 for doctor's bills, ; and damages for physical pain and mental stress, a total ot $5075. In both complaints Mrs. Parmele alleges that the accident was caused by reckless and fast driving., and lack of care on the part of Mr. Brown, in driving, and also his lack of control of the car. he was elected to tne latter of fice and re-elected in 1S'2. Trinkle Virginia Governor RICHMOND. Va.. Nov. i. State Senator E. L. Trinkle, Dem ocrat, was elected governor ot Virginia today by a plurality ot at least 50,000 over H. W, Ander son, Republican, according, to re turns complied by tht Times uis- patch. John Mitchell, negro, running on a "L.ny Hlacit Kepuoncan ticket, polled about 2,000 votes. ; , , 1 Democrats Regain Legislature- LOUISVILLE, Ky.. Nov. 8. Sweeping the state from one end to the : other the Democrats today regained control of the state legislature lost to the Republicans two years ago. A Republican mayor was elect ed by a large majority in-Louls- Tille, All Republicans Win. INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. 8. Sam uel Lewis Shank, Republican and former mayor of .... Jndianapolti went Into office again today on landslide. He accomplished de-' feat of his Democratic opponent, Boyd M. Ralston . by a majority tnat is placed unofficially at 22,' 000. i i The entire; Republican ticket was victorious. Ohio Votes Bonus. COLUMBUS, O., Noy. 8. Un official returns from approximate ly one-fifth of the total precincts in Ohio in today's' elections showed the. soldiers bonus amend ment proposal would carry by at least 500,000 majority while the poll tax and senatorial redisrict ing proposals would be defeated by from 250,000 to 300,000. Kentucky Elects Woman. ASHLAND, Ky., Nov. 8. Indi cations here tonight were that Kentucky for the first time in ifs history bad elected a woman member of the state legislature. Reports from 18 important pre cincts out of 45 in Boyd county," the 89th legislative district, gave Mrs. Mary Flanery, Democrat, a lead of 200 over Dan Vose, also of Catlettsburg, her Republican opponent. Maryland Democratic. BALTIMORE, Md.. Nov. 9. The Baltimore American (Repub lican) after conceding that the Democrats would carry the city "by 6,000 or more" added that Gordy would be elected comptrol ler and that the Democrats would have a majority in both houses of the next legislature. Couzcns Holds Load. DETROIT. Nov. 8. Mayor James Couzens, seeking re-election on his administration's mu nicipal ownership program, was holding a lead over Daniel W., Smith of approximately two to one when one-fifth of the precincts had reported late tonight on to day's non-partisan election. The tabulated ballot in 131 pre cincts was: Couzens 9,844; Smith 5,041. Republicans In Control. TRENTON, N. J., Nov. 9. Par tial returns from the election j mrougnout tne state ror the legis lature earlv this morning Indicat ed that the ; Republicans would control both houses of the legis lature with five Republican sena tors re-elected they will have six majority in the senate. ! Oil has been struck In Arkan sas. Now look for another trek bv the Arkansas Traveler. ? Cabinet Steam Baths Tub Baths Shower BathsSwedish Massage By Appointment Myrtle Bernard, Residence ; At Model Beauty Parlors, BB BIS W Differences Over Surtax Continue to Keep Repub-: lican 'Ranks Apart t-1 WASHINGTON, Nor. 8. Th breach in the ranks of house Re publicans . over acceptance of the I senate ' maximum Income1 urtit of 50 per cent continued 'to widen, today. ' - r': , House leaders sought to defer, the fight at least until after re writing of . the nlll by tne comer; , ees gets under way., but; whether, negotiations to that end which were opened with the "Insurg ents" would be successful remain- ; ed to be decided., It the negotla-, tions - started 4 - today - ? terminate : ! without an 'agreements majority- -; leaders plan to bring In . a ml j to force the bill to . conference without Instructions. . " Chairman Penrose of, the sen ate finance committee,' said vh4 expected the bill .to be ready for , the president next week. Othef w senators and some house leaders were less optimistic. Estimate! j as to the time of final congres slonal action ranged from 10 days h to three weeks. . ." 1 Treasury experts completed es- timates as to' the revenue which, would be yielded, by the senate bill. The total for this flscaj year was placed at! $3,242730.- 000, as compared with' $3,450: ; 000,000 under existing law; that ; for the next fiscal year at, $2 t 717,280,000. and that; for the J P80.000. . - -' i; -'v i - V Colonel R. H. Rosa Is : ;u " Reported Dead at Bandon mAUShHeLD, Or., Not. 8. Col. RV H; ROs, for years one o the most prominent citizens of Bandon and known ' throughout the state, died Monday night at his home near' that city, accordV ing to word .reaching here today. He had 'been In poor health for two years and was 73 years bfd. ; s J : ;;,4 ..4 , Bobbed hair often goes to the head. i. ' 1 rT-r - ...... :B0NDS: City of , Redmond, 0r.; Water Bonds ud JMy' !, ltti. 'Dn July Denomination S500 Tht Cltjr.'of ' Redmond ii tb 1 trading . au J . financial, renter of ;the best iaicrlraltnral; district "oC Dchut . vountjr. . , ; 1 ! - Th 'eity fciii lw"'iutioni b.nkt, ' ;two hottla, larjro warchouaes, two ! Rood ' aixed and ' modern t deoart" ment atores, hat ut rompieted a new union high ichool otinf S100.O00. i ,rr Several , new . brick bualneai " bnildlnti are now under eon (traction. i Net eity 4eM ts only $10,000." Exempt from federal Income Tax i Eligible for investment . of tv inica and truat ftindg and legal at tecurity for publie df potlti. ; Price to yield 6.75 'percent Wm. McGilchrist. Jr. ' Eetldent Sepreienttttve . CLASS XXUTDaXXi k CO. -Room 209 U. S.Bank Bldjf.j BONDS: The StovebuilfJers' Masterpiece Lang' Laiigivpojd. Range Bakes and; holda, fire twice as long ha any other range with less wood. or your money back. If your dealer will not supply you, send for catalogue and price list. We sell ranges' that Bare you money. ; PEOPLE'S FURIilTURE STORE 271 N. Coma SU . Balern, Ore Masseuse Phdne 1250R 110 N. Cora'l. : Phone 95G 7 I Ml