8 Tim OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM. OREGON fl 0 J n I I n or -m U o J UUU v LJ vJuLIUf ULJu w ;i . 1 .. " i v -i'cpj t ; . " I. I . ' I ! . ATwn rnrrfrr'1J 1091 T AT SALEM'S GREATEST WOMEN'S APPAREL STORE Phenomenal Values Now Offered. Entire Stock of Young Ladies9 and Women's Stylish Ap parel at ONE-THIRD to ONE-HALF Below Regular Value, Including Coats, Suits, Dresses, Waists, Sweaters, Skir ts, Millinery and Furs. - . - i - " ! ! ; ' ! Owing to unseasonable weather and the late arrival of merchandise and because of our determination to dispose of all surplus stock at once, we have resolved to take radical price reducing measures for immediate unloading. Forced to put on a sale of such Magnitude at this early date and at a time when you need such garments, instead of waiting fbr the usual Clearance Sales, we are offering you the advantage of a more com plete, stock and at the most remarkable reducti ons th people pf Salem and vicinity have ever known. All Thoughts of Profit Have Been Abandoned and Prices Cut to the Quick r 1 ; .- ... . - ; j ; - ; , j ' During this SEMI ANNUAL UNLOADING SALE we not only intend to cut out all profits, but L - iamII coll hrnd naw rmft rnot Jviaveafc in mnn intltnosr uritT LsIavh mfiiin(.l-L.. L JF " 8VI1 MSMUU UVTT U110 VVHU BUU UlfcMM IU utuujr uioioiaM O TT XJ ULIU TT 1UCLU Ul 11 lUTcr S CUol M If mm $16.50 For values up to $25.00 $18.75 For values up to $30.00 $24.75 For values up. to $35.00' $33.00 For values up to $45.00 $42.50 For values up to $55.00 mm S24.50 Fpr values iip to $10.00 $31.75 For values up to $17.50 $37.50 For values up to $55.00 $42.50 Far values iup to $G0.00 i $4575 Foir values up to $65.00 1 Iroasoa $9.75 For values up to; $15.00 $16.50 For values up to $25.00 $24.50 For values up to $35.00 $31.75, For values up to $50.00 $37.50 For values up' to $55.00 Unloading Sale of i Trimmed Hats Clever new shapes of velTets, velours, plush, beav er, -etc. Turbans and large velvet hats included. Many are. neatly trimmed with wings, feathers, ribbons and new distinctive ornaments. Back and all the leading colors. To make selections easy we will arrange all hats up to $10 In three lots' on our tables, and show cases, as follows. Trimmed Hats, worth regular 4 i to (5. Sale price ;s -.- -r r, .- - -- Trimmed i Hals, worth .regular ' $5;75 to.7.r Sale price ; . . . Trimmed llats, worth regular ; 7.50, to' $ 10, -Sale price ..... $2.75 3.98 .. .. 6.75 Knit Bloomers Special group ot Knit Skirts N and .-'Bloomers-values up to 1.25. Un loading ; i". .; AQ Sale price V. .-1. , 'zOC Crepe Dresses $3,98 : Great Big Group of New and nrettr CreDe Dresses. The kind Usually sold for $5 and '$5.50. Q QQ Sale jprice. . . ; . J 10 Waists and Overblouses , Every ' previous price record eclipsed during this great unloading sale. New and pretty georg ette, crepe de hine, taffeta, pongee and minonette Waists apd Overblouses.; Now offered at 14 off. Regular values 3 to $3.50 Sale price i ............ . Regular values $4 to $5 Sale price i'. Regular lvalues $5.50 to $7 Sale price L Regular values $7.50 . Sale price j. ............. , Regular values $9 i Sale price j. ........... . Regular j values $10.50 : Sale pripe (. :. . . . ..$2.48 .. 3.25 ... 3.98' ... 5.65 ... 6.75 ... 7.50 Extraordinary Skirt Values Our entire liie of hierh-erade Rllk, &Kiris one-rourtu to one-third below regular values: Regular values ?5.50. Aj- am Sale price . p)Z) Regular values $9. mm Sale price ..! UlO Regular values $10.50 rj rmm Sale price . .' O Regular values $12.50. Q OC Sale price '..I Regular value $15. - If. Of Sale price lLdO Dotted Veils Extra special values now offered in Glentex Dot ted veils and Hat Drapes. Regular values 25c. Sale price Regular values 50c. Sale price . .; Regular values $1. Sale price . J Regular values $1.75., Sale price 18c 29c 78c 98c mm V , -A .8 mm i a During Our Scmi-Annual Unloading Sale we offer an opportunity to purchase Christmas gift furs at great savings "from a large variety of fur' cravats, animal scarfs, "choker scarf capes and long' stoics, including Noppon 'nlink Scaline, Mar mot Gray Squirrel, Stone Marten,. Opossum, Rac coon, Black Fox, Gray, Fox and Eastern Mink. Buy your (Jhristmas gift furs NOW. 'A small deposit will reserve. your purchase, until. desired. - tit ,-Jt . i' i -' Bungalow Aprons 93c i 1 I - ; About 15 dbzen Ging ham and ifercale ap rons and House Dres ses that will wear, and wash to ypur entire satisfaction Jumper Dresses : $4.95 Navy, brow Jersey and Sport sizes. : and black Jumper dresses Coats. All 1'U Bloomers $1123 Black Sal ne Bloom ers,' perfectly made. Ilavo them tin all sizes: Middy Blouses $5.98 Big lot ot all wool Goody Middy Blouses. Red, Navy and green. Have them in all sizes. Values Ho $9, now . . $5.98 Crepe Kimonas $2.95 Japanese Silk and, Crepe Kimonas. Val ues to $4.50. Sale price $12.95 Sweaters $2.25 Special group of Sax ony Yarn Sweaters. Several' styles and var ious colors. Mammoth Sale of Plush Coats Phenomenal reductions now offered in I Plush Coats, including this sea son's most attractive, mo- dels. Strictly high grade garments. Made Iup in best quality plushj beau tifully lined throughout. Sizes 16 to 46, $25 to $75 values. Now $16.50 TO $47.50 Jf is-) Mm U i if" i . TVT.T vU'. llKr iwmal rrices I-revaii If price lowering of au astounding nature b any criterion; then this. Unloading Sale shouldsprove a history-maker. ' ' ' 1' ' " , ' SALEM, OIL (Old White Comer) SALEM'S GREATEST WOMEN'S APPAREL STORE r.-M'-i- i Stout Womeis Appsurel Women who wear the large sizes will he interested iu knowing we specialize 011 garments of this kind in suits, coats aud dresses. 110 niSREPSENT ATION. CUT OUT THIS AD. AD BRING IT WITH YOU. YouH find every! garment exactly ai advertised BRIDE'S GIFT TO TINPLATE KING'S HEIR. til . fir t ft 1-; ; S 1 1 I il i-ffrm 1 - - N. Woevodsky has Just finished the water color and pencil port rat o the Priifcess Xenia, the daughter of the Russian Grand Duchess. Vi portrait was given by the Princess to her husband. William B. Loeda, Ji ion of Princess Anastasia of Greece and the late William B. Leet Vmerica's "tinplatg king." Photo shows N. Woevodsky putting the flnla4J ug touches to the picture in his studio. INDEPENDENCE NEWS AND PERSONALS lis face "and one eye wera Tbaffly burned with hot grease Ha la ' taken at once to a Salem speclal ist ' '" i " - i The Stndy club will hold a meeting- Saturday afternoon at i home of Mrs, Perte Mark. Mi8a Bernice Wairof the domestic ici- , ence department of O.' A C. ni speak. 1 ' ' Miss DuPaH. county health purse., weighed and measured so children bf the grade school . while here this week and 25 per cent were found to be under weight. She advocates scales la the school and also hot lunch gt noon.- .' - , CierK uanisirr. woo nas com pleted the. school census reports there are; 162 boya and 168 gir in this district between th apt . of 4 and 20 years. This is a de- crease of 43 as shown by : last TPir'i census.. r Mrs Ray Brown and little daughter of Portland, are visiting Mrs. J.iW. Downey, Mrs. II, CJ Phillips, Mr. and Mn. Ray Chap man were saiem visuers nur-t ' 1 . 11 ". . j 4 Th a final cnmmlnr nn of tha value of the estate of Caruso de velops the fact that 4t is Only about one-fourth of the amount represented. ; The f property of a newspaperman is not the only one that cowers nnder the fierce light of pitiless publicity. Exchange. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT TWO THREE, room apartments, with garage, two blocks north ot state house and two two-room apartments at the Capital Hotel. Phone 630. j ! YOUNG BUSINESS MAN WANT ing home phone 176-M. INDEPENDENCE, Or., Nov. 6. (Special to the Statesman) Monday evening the Rebekahs en tertained at a masquerade party which was given at the Rebekah and Odd Fellow hall. A large crowd was presentj Pie, coffee and sandwiches were served. Lanoma Myers celeoratcd Hal lowe'en by inviting 15 of her friends to spend the evening at a party. After' the little folks had played the games of the season refreshments were served. A number friends met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Carbray Hallowe'en! to surprise Mr, Carbray. They were enter tained with games. Refresh ments were served. j Naoma Hewett entertained nine of her little friends last Friday evening. After a merry evening was spent ice cream and cake were served Mrs' W. L. Bice of Portland, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Aldin of Michigan, have been vis iting at the home of Mrs. B. E. Swope. . Mrs. Nora Mattisbn who ba been ill is reported improving. She Is receiving treatments at the j Deaconess hospital in Salem. 1 Mr- and Mrs E. M. Young left Friday for California where ,they j expect to spend the winter. Word was received from 'the I Deaconess hospital of Salem an nouncing the arrival of a 10 pound baby girl to Mr. and Mrs, Grover Mattison. An eight and a half pound boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Fredrickson Tues day. 1 . Mrs. C. B. Sunberg of Dallas entertained Sarah Childress Polk chapter of the D. A. R. Thursday at a 1 o'clock luncheon in honor of Mrs John A-i Keating, stato re gent from Portland. ; Other out of-town guests ' were Mrs. I. f L Patterson from Salem who wa8 past state regent and Mrs. WJ J Clark of Independence. Will Mattison and Frank'Park er of Astpria visited for several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs H. Mattison. f ; On Tuesday evening 4 a party composed of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Irvine. Mr. and Mrs. O C. Car bray, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mattison, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cockle. Mr and Mrs. C. Sloper. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Robbie and Frank McKinney motored to Dallas and surprised Mr. and Mrs. Walter Plant who recently moved to Dallas from this city. i The young people of the high school dancing club gave their sec ond dance at the high school gymnasium Friday evening. SHERIDAN NOTES SHERIDAN, Or., Nov. 5. (Special to The Statesman) The Hallowe'en parties given by the high and grade schools were a complete success in every way. Mrs. Staffer is in town looking after the intere:t of tho Ud CroSi A iecturo for the farmers was given at the city hall Monday by P-resident Mansc'e'd of the State Fa-m bureau. Th- Dorca-3 rocicty wns cnter- tain-d by Mrs. fiark at th. home of htr daughter. Mrs. Rj Graves Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Johannsen of Johannsen KinK Drug company, has been confined to his hom suff'-Ting from an infected finger, tho trou tie starting from a blister. Miss Cornelia Marvin, state H brarian, gave a leeture at the city library Wednesday afternoon, rel ative to the count library. The first number- of the lyceum course was siveu Wednesday eve ring at the Grand theater, by the Freeman-Ham mon.i company. Mrs. C. D. Hp.mmerstrct Is spending the week in Portland.-; R. N. Stevenson and A. K. Nul ty of McMinnviHe. were business callers in Sheridan Thursday. David Iagan of Sheridan and Miss Bernice White of Grand Ilonde were married last Trlday at Vancouver. Wash. Tom Bockes m-H with a serious accident at the Henderson At Mouser garage Wednesday when FOR RENT LARGE DOWN stairs 'sleeping room. Can be arranged for light housekeen- ing.. Call at 346 N. Front - C. I rtAVFNPOPT v nm am viiiuiii.viii . j GKOWEB AKS ' ' BHIPrXB ApplM. Potato," Onions. 84 Pta tM.i tmo verities. - "Tko v 1 lost that's frown." , TIADI 1 i 1 All kinds prodaco aoltcllM. 147 Front - , rorUan. Or. i . 1. mi -'1 I i I t.f .;... -J. .-..v -. .f . , ,. r. HAS Progress visited your home ? as ' et 11 Has ,the" Vacuu ra cleaner' presented your -wife with, a - couple (of hoars of 'rest each day? Have electric cooking uteni ; sils helped the missus' prepare your meals? Is your home bright : ly Illuminated? vIt'ls a progres sive step ! to. visit this electrical shop. Ask. your , wife to accom- ; pany you. . , . , !( I ELECTRlcFlXTTREtSuPPLYth 222 ff.LfBIRTY ST. PHONE 1954 An assortment of Silk and Woolen Dresn poods that is sure to please. Satins' Taffe ta, serges, trieotines, etc. Qual ity and riee are the predomin ating features in the entire store. Every yard guaranteed. 5G inch all wool trieotine per yaril -I $2.98 56 inch all wool French serjje, per yard $2.45 40 inch all wool French serge, per yard $1.75 50 inch all wool storm serge, sponged and shrunk per yard $1.75 'IC inch half Wool sere, per yard .75 .'6 inch half wool trieotine, yard .98 U7 inch velvet corduroy, per yard . 1.25 50 inch hroadcloth, sponged and shrunk, per yard J 3.98 Our Prices Always the Lowest GALE & CO. Commercial and "Court Streets .'56 inch chiffon taffetas, per yard.... 36 inch silk messaHnef, per yard.J :?6 inch silk poplins, per yard.... :5fi inf'h satin duchesse, per yard 36 inch lingerie satin, per yard. 40 inch lingerie satin, per yard.. $1.03 1.98 . 1.00 2.49 . U9 . 1.98