SUNDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 6. 1921 THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON ll 9t9HmmWmm w fx-i 1 1 J By MARGUERITE GLEESON THE Cherrlans were hosts at a delightful formal dancing party, in the. Shrine mosque Wednesday night. .Dainty cor sage boquets were given the wo ' men and papier mache caps were given to both nen and women ot the door. . Bouquets of lavender cosmos decorated j the halC Following dance , Frank Myers waa host at a supper party at the Spa for all membes of the dancing party. Those present were M. and Mrs. Charles Knowland, Mr. aal Mrs. O. J. Schei, Mr. and Mrj. J. i. Lauterman, Mr. and Mm Z J. Rlggs. Mr. and Mrs. Hal D. Patton, Mr. and Mrs. Lio L Gil bert, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Canfield, Mr. and Mrs. Romeo Goulet, Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Fullerton, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Kapphabn, Mr. and M rx. W. J. Kaerth. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Kuhn, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Webb, Mr. and Mrs. George G. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. 17. G. Ship ley. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Myers, Mr. and Mrs. F. Q. Myers, Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Gllle, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Davis, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Goer; Dr. 'and Mrs. O. A. Olson, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Daue, Mr. and rJMra. E. A. Kurtt, Mr. ani Mr3. WT. J. Buslck, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Love, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Stiff. .Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Perry. Mr. and JL- V9 1 I i t - - v 1 HKi in mm li i - ' I Mrs. B SOCIETY NEWS 1 WEE M The Store for Dinnerware - Glassware Cooking Utensils WM. GAHDORF The Store of Housewares Mrs. John J. Roberts. Harley O: White, Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Morris, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Gleason, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Fred DeLow, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hamilton, Dr. and Mrs. FroJ Ellis. E. C. Patton, Fred Mangis, E. T. Smith. O. A. Hartman. Oli ver Myers, C. E. Wilson, Miss Luella Patton, Miss Eliza Nolan, Miss Gertrude Hartman, Miss Margaret White, Miss Annette Colquette. ISS PRUDENCE M. PATT ERSON was hostess for a Hallowe'en dancing party on Tuesday evening. Autumn leaves, jack o'lanterns and corn stalks forming the decorations. Her guests for the evening were: Misses Marjory Mellinger, Ruth Griffith, Lenta BaumgartHer, Mary West, Ruth Page, Alice Mc Klnnon Margaret Pierce, Mar garet McMahon, Ruth Tucker, Iva Claire Love, Leah Ross, Mabel Ackerman, Helen Ramsden, Lu cille Moore. Donald Rlngle, Max Moon, John Caughill, Frank Rine hart, Donald Davidson, Kola Mc Clellan, Chris Busch, Frank Pat terson. Edwin Armstrong, Ar thur Montgomery, Warren Finch, Ralph Olson, Ellis White and Wilt Gosser. Mrs. Gorge H. Burnett, Mrs. Lawrence T. Harris and Mrs. John McCourt, who have been In Pen dleton the last week, were the in spiration for a number of social affairs while they were there. Mrs. Will H. Bennett, a former Salem resident, entertained with an informal afternoon Tuesday, honoring the three women. Wed nesday Mrs. Burnett, Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Roy Raley were guests of Mrs. George Hartman in Walla Walla. " Judge and Mrs. Gilbert W. Phelps were hosts at a dinner party Tuesday evening honoring Judge and Mrs. Burnett and Mr. and Mrs. George Hartman. " On Wednesday evening Judge and Phelps entertained with a dinner party, their guests includ ing Judge and Mrs. Harris, Judge and Mrs. I McCourt. ; Miss Effie Jean Fraiser and Roy W. Rit ner. Salem people are taking an active part in the Pacific Inter national night horse show which opened last night in Portland. Among thpse who will take pari are Mrs. jZ, J. Rigfjs, who will ride iPeavjne Star, and Mrs. F. H. Andreaj. . Others pho will take part and who ftre well known o those who attended the night hbrse show at the state fair are Miss Pauline WesU whcj will ride Princess Pat. Mrs. I F. A. Martini of Garden Home, who will ride Harvest Girl. Governor land Mrs. i 'Ben Olcott are among the patrons and pa tronesses jof the night horse show; i ; 1 ' 22. The sopjhomore class of the Sa lem j senior high school were guests at i reception Friday night giveij by the Ansociiter! Student bodyi of tjhe school, j More than i00 persop were present at the which included a few the school. Socolofsky gave the ad- I Tuesday Special One Day Only Stamped and Hemstitched Dresser Scarfs and Centers 75c and $1 .00 V D. M. C Embroidery Crochet Thread Mrs. F. E. Mull ;i Room 10, Over Miller's Store Phone 117 , Salem, Oregon recept'on alumni of Herbert dress; of welcome tejh' fncimirsr class! on behalf of the student bodyj and Ithe response was made j by Bpnoit jMcCroskey of the soph-, omore class. j One actj skits were pur on bv the two oper c'assns, the Girl Reserves, he Book club, the Com mercial cl!ub and thie Latin club nnd ithe Q. M. C. and the T. A. Vocal numbers wen? givt-n by Franjces 'ard and Ellis White. Raymond Van Waters gave a hu-m-irqus reading. Rreshjments were se--. the j cafeteria. Miss I.uc'lle Moore was In entire :haree of the affair assisted by the social com mittee of I the student body of which shci is vice president. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Keliff were host,H at a bridge p-rtr Fri day jevenihg. frs. E. J. Huffman wonj highj scora for t" p'n'mr. Supper was served by the hostess following! the card game. Two table were arranged for and --he guests included -r, an-l M r. J. Huffmiin, Mr. and Mi"?. C, L Smith anil Mr. and Mrs L. W Millar. I I I ; The Piigresslve IDanc'ng cub met Tuesday erening and enjoyed the second dancing party of the season. arl Bussell g-ive a vo cal number. The club will meet sgaih November 22. ! TP A I number of Salem people at tended the Wlnifrfed Byrd con cert jin Albany Friday evening. It was held in the First Presbyter ian fcburch. I Salem people going over wem Mr. land Mrs. J. II. Albert, Mr. A Say "Merry Christmas?' This i ! Year With a Photograph GUNNELL & ROBB STUDIO 418 Oregon Building For Appointments Phone 263. and Mrs. W. E. Anderson. MrsJ John Griffith, Mrs. George Pearco! Miss Elizabeth Lord. Miss Doro thy Pearce, Miss Lucille Ross.:1 Miss Frances Parker, Miss Mary Jane Albert, Miss Esther Lean ing, Miss Kathleen La Rows, Miss Amelia Peevill. Miss Maud Ruggles and Miss Gladys Wolg mott. Three couples were hosts at a five-hundred party at the L. P.j Aldrich home Monday evening.; Those entertaining besides Mrj and Mrs. Aldrich were Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Needham, and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Huckestein. Eleven tables, were arranged for cards and a delightful time was enjoyed Mrs. L. W. Gleason and D. C. Minto won high score. Delicious refreshments were served by the: hostesses. Those invited included Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Stiff. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Quinn, Dr. and Mrs. Fred! Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Page Mr. and Mrs. Roma Hunter, Mrj and Mrs. L. V. Gleason, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Canfield, Mr. and Mrs William Cravatt, Mr. and Mrs E. A. Pruitt. Mr. and Mrs. Pau Rasmussen, Mr. and Mrs. Guy OJ Smith. Dr. and Mrs. O. A. Olson; Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Minto, Mr.! and Mrs. Otto Brandt, Mr. andj Mrs. Kearth. Mr. and Mrs. Guy! Doan. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Car.ip-I bell. Dr. and Mrs. Delbert Burtonj Dr. and Mrs. John R. Sites, Mrj and Mrs. Elmer Daue. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Fisher, Mr. and Mrsj E. Kapphahn. Mr. and Mrs. Geo) Elgin, and Mr. and Mrs. Clare Vibbert. ! Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Doughtoti are receiving the congratulations of their friends on the birth of a son, Donald Saunders Doughton who was born Tuesday, Novem ber 1. , On Monday evening a pretty Hallowe'en party was held at the home of Minnie and Edna Miller, 1009 North Fifth street, at which time the Misses Charlotte Horn ing Mos3ie Hill were assisting hostesses. The home was prettily decorated, ths color scheme being orange and black. The evening was devoted to Hallowe'en game? nnd nranks of Hallowe'en eve, al leaving at a late hour and report! ing a Rood time. Those present were the young business Girls? Sunday school class of the First Methodist church, and the young uusiness men s class of which Mrs. LaMoine R. Clark and Carie Abrams respectively are the teach? ers. Those present were Vev Golden, Eulalie Lindsay, Lydi$ Hunt, Mrs. Clark, Bessie Smith. Josephine Shade, Mabel and Maude Savage, Lenore Kooni Edith Benedict, Mossie Hill. Char) lotto Horning, Ruth and Phoebf McAdams. Minnie and Edna Milf lar. Everette Smith, Harold Latj tin. J. D. Burwick, Clark Le4 George A. Donald, Oliver Mathf ews, Guy McCartney, Albert Walker, Elgie Altimer and Carl MUler. j Miss Laura Heist, who refund ed Friday from Wichita, Kani will sail for Bomboy, India, Dof cember 14. She has been apt pointed missionary to the Meth odist Episcopal conference at Bombay. Miss Heist attended the annual convention of the execu tive meeting of the Women's Fori elgn Missionary society of the Methodist Episcopal church. Miss Heist will sail from San Francisco December 14 on the Creole Statei I The young women ot the Cenf tral Congregational church werji ?nests at a Hallowe'en party at the home of Miss Marion Steiwejr Monday evening. Autumn leaves, flowers and jack o'lanterns were use.d to decorate the rooms. Fol lowing an evening of games, rel freshments were erved. j Those present were Althea Dorks. Esther Canfield, Mildred t Palmer, Nellie Kinnman, Alma ; Viwicjer, May Gruchou, Mabel j Van Patton, Buward Busick. Loyd La Due. Arthur Martin. Wilbur McEwen and Otto Anfield. , r LATE COSMOS Close by the low-thatched porch it stands A group of cosmos, pink and mauve and white. Miss Mary Elizabeth Probst of! I fernlike foliage holds the Regardless oi Your Size or Weight "Stylish Stout" vSvelllinc System Corsets will impart an appearance of slenderization. A suggestion of the youthful lines gone by. Theyv - have added a new adage to the lore of fashion: No Woman Is Too Stout To Be Stylish i Permit one of our skilled corsetieres to demon strate this to you. Back or Front Lace For her slender sister try Lestelle or YoutMine " ; ' "' "' j ' S P. ' lr ' V I. t i ! ! Phone 877 , Other well-known Corsets arc La Vida anJ W.B. 466 State Street Salem was married Tuesday after- ' noon io Floyd F. Eberly of Ore- j gon City. Rev. W. C. Kantner ; officiated and the marriage ser j . vice was performed in the Congre- gational parsonage. Mr.' and Mrs. Eberly will make their home in Oregon City. i j Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Delano and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil ox were l.ostesses at a delightful three course supper party Tuesday; evening following the Progressive Dancing club party. Tho table was centered with a basket of fruit. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. E. Bowen, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Campbell. Mr. -and Mrs. W. F. Drager. Jdr. nd Mrs. V. J. Kaerth, Mr. and Mrs O. L. Martin. Mr. and "Mrs. Loais Mishler, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. McElvain, Mr. and Mrs E. A- Poulson, Mr. and Mrs. James Tweed, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph White. Dr. and Mrs. Ctrl Gregg Doney were bosts at a dinner party for the trustees of Willamette uni versity and their wive" Friday night Pink roses formed the dec orations of the table and the same idea was carried out on the place cards. Thirty quests were pres ent. Mrs. Doney was assisted in : serving by Miss Genevieve Find- lev. Miss Pauline Findley. MissH Edith Findley and Miss Eva Rob erts. The guest list 'rcluded Dr. and Mrs. B. L. Steeves. I. H. Van Win kle, Mr. and Mrs. A N. Bush. Rev. and Mrs. Blaine E. Kirkpat lick. Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Hickman. Rev. and Mrs. S. E. Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Barnes, Dr. and Mrs M. C Findley. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hendricks. Mr. and Mrs Thomaa B. Kav, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Bishop. Paul B. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs, J O. Goltra. The Bridge Luncheon club was entertained Thursday by Mrs. George P. Rodgers. Luncheon was served at 1 o'clock. Yellow chrysanthemums were used on the tables and about the rooms. Guests of the club for the after noon were Mrs. J. Du Heck of Vancouver, B. C. and Mrs. Joseph Baumgartner. The members present for the afternoon were: Mrs. Thomas A. Livesley, Mrs. W. H. Boot, Mrs. W H. Lytle, Mrs T, C. Smith, Jr., Mrs. O. C. Locke. Mrs. Melvin Plimpton, Mrs. John J. Roberts, Mrs. Henry Meyers, Mrs. David W. Eyre, Mrs. John McNary. Mrs. George F. Rodgers. The society will meet again in two weeks. The W. C O. T. Sewing club met at the home ot Mrs. T. E. .English on Cherry avenue Thurs day afternoon and for the even ing. About 16 members were present making useful articles to be sold at their bazaar held at a later date. Mrs. English, assisted by her daughter, Mrs. James Gar- son served an old-fashioned boil ed dinner to the guests in the eve ning. The rooms were decorated with huge bouquets of chrysan themums. ; Honoring Miss Fannie Morrison popular ibride-to-be, Miss Clara and Miss Gladys Page entertain ed with a miscellaneour shower at their home Friday evening. The rooms were decorated in a profusion of hearts and cupids with a Japanese umbrella sus pended in the center of the room from which numerous packages were strung. When these were opened many presents were re vealed. Dainty refreshments were served by the hostesses. The guests were Miss Fannie Morrison, Miss Kathryn Morrison. Miss Ruby Harlck. Miss Inez Heed man, Miss Marcella Caspll, Miss. Fleta Caspell, .Miss Ethel Wycoff, Miss Hazel De Laney, Miss Mae Rawson, Miss Noi-a Derrick, Mrs. Hattie Carl, Mrs. Lulu Mosher. Mrs. Curtis Witzel. Mrs. Paul, Gronka, Mrs. Glenn Seeley, Miss Ruby Page, Miss Lu cille Mosher, Miss Myrtle Pase and Miss Clara Page. Miss Winifred Byrd was honor guest at a reception following her concert in Albany Friday evening. The affair was given at the D. P. Mason home. Miss Flora Ma son and Mrs. T. G. Hosklns being hostesses. A number of Salem friends who attended the concert were among those present, as were a number of former friends and acquaintances of Miss Byrd's in Albany. S Elmira Scott was pleasantly surprised by a group of her friends Wednesday evening. Con versation and game occupied the evening, apd refreshments were served at a late hour. Those present were Mrs. A. P. Hugglns, ; Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Teeple, Mrs. E. Engdahl, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson, Mrs. J. Vogt, Reuben Nye. Otto EngdaUI. Miss Cora: Nye, Miss Ida Vogt and Master Howard Teeples. Miss Erma and Miss Alice Pa rerfus and Miss Marie Fuesti menn were hostesses at a delight ful Hallowe'en Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Papenfus. The guests came In costume. Orange and black decor ated the rooms. Yellow chrysan themums were the flowers used. Those present were Evelyn Poucher, Pearl Wallace, Urcel Erion. Befnlce Erion, Alda Flem ing, Wilma Oswald,-Mary Cnpper. Hazel Harper. Lola Shulte Thel ma Martin .-Crystal Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Papenfus and Mr. and Mrs. F. Fuenstman. y Mr. and Mrs. George Riches were hosts Monday evening at a five-hundred party at their home. Black and orange formed the col- morning dew That glistens In the autumn's paling sun. These shall not pass as other flowers have gone Scattering their seeds as curl ing petals fade In the full freshness of their blossom time Cruel Frost will strike them black in sterile death. BLANCHE M. JONES or. keynote of the decorations. Black cats, witches and other Hal lowe'en suggestions wera seen around the rooms. Mrs. Harry WenderOth and Harry Weidmer won high score for the evening and low score went to Mr. and Mrs. Paul John son. The guests of the evening were Mr. and Mr3. John Brophy. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glover, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Linn Smith, Mr. and Mr?. Harry Wenderoth, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weidmer and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jacobs. 7 Mrs. F. E. Chafer was hostess Wednesday alternoon at a quilt ing partv for a number of friends Cosmos "in varied colors formed the decorations. Cards fololwed the qtiiltine party and high score was taken by Mrs., Eugenia Gil lingham. Mrs. Myra McKinney. The invieed guests were Mrs. . B. Johnson. Mrs. Frank Derby, Mrs. Eugenia Gillingham, Mrs. Ida M. Babcock. Mrs. Joseph La Forg Mrs. Ida Godfrey, Mrs. C. A. El Kin. Mrs. W. M. Bushey. Mrs. Mayro McKinney, Miss Minnie Moeler and Mrs. J. A. eBrnardi. The Piety Hill club was enter tained Thursday gfyternojn by M-s. W. E. Kirk and r.Ms. E T. Barnes at the Ki:k home. The rooms were decorated with yel low marigolds and chrysanthe mums. ' Refreshments were served by the hof-tofses. The next meet'itg of tie club will b with Mrs Henry B. Thlelson. M:ss VU.a Kirk of Stephensville, Moot., house guest of Mrs. Kirk's, was a guest of the club. - Miss Helen Williamson was hos tess Monday evening for a HaW low e'en party at her home. Tho -guests came in masquerade cos tume,. The evening , was spent In playing Hallowe'en -games. Re freshments were served by the hostess assisted by her mother. Mrs. William Allen and Miss Eva Sand. The guests Included Catherioa Molvay. Barbara Molberg. Helen Saud, Frances Sand. eBnnetta Ed wards, Helen " Canfield. OlicO Canfield, Louise Allen, Gordon Barker, Paul Allen. Norval Ed wards, Herbert Hobson, Burl Shereck, Elbert White. Francis Hill. Delbert Hill. 4 V j Mrs.-IL L- SBrlggi was hostess Wednesday eVening at a mlscel- ( Continued on page St "Corsetless" Freedom Plus ample support is attained in the new frolset bandobelt made of coutil and elastic. It is excellent for athletic oi sport wear. A model for every type of figure RENSKA L SWART Corset Specialist 115 Liberty St. Salem, Ore. Add Elecrance munuiiHui.mmn V 2U . Every well dressed woman should have one of these pretty new furs adaptable for any occasion. Special For This Week For this week only ending Saturday night, we will have a special price on all Foxes in chokers and open scarfs. West Fur Co. 521 Court Street . Phone 1628 Did You Price uur sjiresses Three Weeho Ago? : If 550, you will doubly realize the extent ' of what we are of fering you when we , announce ' . ' Afew Reductions, On the Price df Our Entire Qtocfr Of DRESSES Silk Dresses; Wool Dressess; Dresses for the Misses; Dresses for the Business Woman; Dresses for the School Girl; Dresses for the Debutante I and for the Young Matrons! ; Dresses in both simple and more elaborate styles. In fact, every dress in our store (and we've just received some beauties) has had the price on the price tag considerably lowered. !l 4 SILK DRESSES $19.75 to $44.75 WOOL DRESSES $9.75to$34.75 7 . - 1 m bxplzn to The Pay As You Go plan is Money in YOUR Pocket,' .. - i n This store will be closed all day Armistice Day i ' - !