. i 1 A ft FIRST scrum Pages I to 8 w , TWOSECTlOllS' A 'A i'.'-k SALEM, OREGON; SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 6, 1921" ! PRICE: FIVE CENTS i ' : . i 1 - ....... M ' - I ' ! 1 - M . f ' ; t . 4 1 m 1 ' if i 11 I- ) I; )! I! J i .1 ' i4 '- t :$ . ' t ' i t i v 1 ... 0- - ft - . i t HARA S DEATH Dead Premier's VVork For Disarment Conference' Is Held of Benefit, and Pol icy Hot to Change. ASSASSIN, MAY BE SOfi OF SAMUBAI JL Romantic. History.; Back- of Itinerant Idlers and Pol . ;0 itidal J Claw t, WASHINGTON, Not.' 6, (By ' ne ABsocuted Press) Assassin ation of Premier Hara will result in no change in JapanY attitnaB toward the Washington confer ence. Baron Bhldehara, Japanese ambassador, said today. n ln' a statement, be declared Ilara'a -work In shapinr Japan's attltade toward . the' conf erenceH was deslned to prove of great ben efit to mankind. A great and good wan has been taken -from Japan at a time when he could least be spared, he said, adding -that v to carry forward the Pacaflc policy to ' which "the premier had been committed would be a Just and worthy tribute to his memory. Senate Expresses Sorrow A resolution expressing ; regTet OTer the death of the premier wag adopted today by the senate. ; ' The fact that the assassin was one of their own people has tend ed to confirm. In the opinion ot -Japanese here, apprehension of the existence of political and o ; cial unrest ot which the attack - appears to hare been an expres ' cion. : . ' Information from Toklo that . the assassin la the son of a former Samurai, recalls to Japanese one of the most romantic and dramat ic epochs of history. In the an- rient feudal days the Samurai 'Ttwo-sworded warriors." "were r powerful throughout the empire, ind showed a tttriking simiianiy ', to the European nobility and cen . try during the middle ages Obed ience to their feudal superiors -even onto death was their watch , worcf. "It wai birth and "brtfsdlnK that countea. - . '. . . " Social 6tatas Gone ' The Samurai lived n the castle of their Dalmyo and received from : him rations for themselves ana families. ' Gradually with the dis appearance ot chivalry tire Sam- ural were dismissed by their lorus . and they became itinerant idlers. Therefore, they became known as people. . Their descendants .re tained their pride in their ances tors but they have no privileged social status In Japan. .- ' Chinese Trouble . Worries : Many 'have fallen lnta great mUrr- and ther have Inherited wandering-unrest. . Many of the (Continued on page 2) ARMISTICE EABB1JMU mom AIMS ;." : "-f ' - " " - ' ':ti i WASHINGTON, Nov. 5. A proclamation setting aside Nov ember 11 as a legal holiday, as a mark of respect to the memory of those who gave their lives in the world -war, as typified by the unknown and unidentified American soldier who is to be buried in Arlington National cemetery on that day," was issued tonight by President Harding. It follows": : 1 t , The Proclamation ' "By the president of the United States, proclamation:. "Whereas a Joint resolution of congress, 'approved November 4, 1921, 'to declare November 11, 1321, a legal public holiday,' pro Tides as -followr""-"-v ' 'Whereas Armistice Day, No vember 11, 1921, has been desig nated a the appropriate time for the ceremonies incident to"' the burial of the unknown and' uni dentified American soldier In the Arlington National -cemetery, and . 'Whereas this unknown sol dier represents ; the manhood of America who gave their lives to defend its integrity, honor, and tranquility against an enemy; and - " Whereas, the nations of the earth are on that date joining with the United States in paying respect and homage to this un known soldier; ' thererore ne h - 'PABolrnd bv the senate and the house that-the president is hereby authorized to issue proc- 1 ? reatlon declaricj, November. llt IS FEATURE i At SiLVERtON i. Pprmission Obtained to Make Believe Battle Part of Pro gram Nov. 11 ' SILVERTON, Or., Nov.! 5.- ( Special to The Statesman.)-! Nearly every day the f Armistice! day entertainment ' committees are giving out new features of the program which is to be lield at Silverton. All ot the business houses ' Will close : and the two mills will also set aside work for the day. t ' Rev. George Henricksen has returned from Portland with the promise of Attorney Elmer R. Lundberg to speak at - Silverton November 11. The Portland at torney is a veteran of both the Spanish-American- and the World wars. Besides the Portland speak er there will be 'talks by" promi nent .'Silverton men. The ; com munity singing will also be an important; feature of the pro gram. 4 ' Rev. George ' If enricksen and Prof. B. T,.. Yoaeare 'fn charge of the 'program,4 '. William Zosel, Carl Moser anJ William Fluhrer I are In charge of the parade which is to assem ble t at the1 school ' house -at" to o'clock. It is expected , that i if the Weather permits the parade win;be a; large one: Mr. 'JSosel has - been chosen marshal ' ot the day.. V . ;; ' Permission) has been obtained from the mayor and the city.eonn cllmen ' to stage a sham , battle in the evening.' - f.- -ji ; - Colleges Compete In ; " , Judging of Livestock . .' r't m '. PORTLAND. Ore., I Nov, X Stock Judging competitions among students of western agricultural schools was a feature of the open ing day of the Pacific Internation al Livestock exposition today.'' ' The teams ' representing the schools were: K' !' ' .. California Agricultural college L. A. Pillisier, N. D. Hudson, R. H. Thomas. I University of British Columbia Lu-Bennett, A. Blair, W. J. S. Pye, ' v:,-:' ' ! ' ' University of Idaho - Earl N. Wilson, R. S. Bristol; J. I T6ws. - Oregon Agricultural cololepe C. E. Taylor, C. B. Brauskaut,; Wil liam Perry. . - -.. - Washington Agricultural j col lege R. W. Oatman, C. S. Aider sonr R. C. - Patrick. - . . 4-1 ' The Judges were headed by 1 J. E. Dorman of the western division of the United States department of agriculture and Included 1L M. King of, the University ot BritisU Columbiar R. C Jones of Oregon Agricultural college;- E. G. Wood- ward, Washington State college; W. E, Tomson, California Agricul tural college and F. W. Ackerson, University of Idaho. 1 PAPERS CONSOLIDATE ASHLAND. Or.,. No. 5. fThe Square Deal, an Ashland weekly newspaper, was consolidated to day with the Medrord Clarion. L. A. Whitehead, the publisher, will return to New York city; ' ! 1921, a holiday, as a mark of re spect to the memory of those who gave their lives In the world war. as typified by' the unknown jand unidentified soldier who Is to1 be burled In Arlington National cem etery on that day and the presl? dent is respectfully requested to recommend to the governors of the various states that proclama tions be Issued by them calling on thair rMonle to cause in their pur suits as a mark ot respect on this solemn occasion. . r "Now, therefore, I, Warren' O. Harding, president of the United States of America, irt pursuance of the said Joint resolution of con gress, do hereby declare Novem w it. 1921. a holiday, as a mark of respect to the memory of those who gave their lives in tne late world war. as typified by the iun known. unidentified American sol. 14 to be buried in Arling ton National cemetery on that day and do hereby recommend to i tne governors o? : several states Secretary of War Weeks Also Comes Under Fire of Senator Who' Says Men Were Hanged Untried. LETTER FROM WOMAN READ TO SESSION New Accusation is That Nurses Were Made Cour tesans for Officers WASHINGTON, Nov. 5. Pre senting further support for his charges that American soldiers were hanged over-seas . without courtmartial, Senator Watson, Democrat, Georgia, tonight in the senate turend his fire, on Secre tary "Weeks and General Pershing of the'i'rdenial of his assertions. ''Alluding to a statement made today by i the war secretary that no decent man" - would make charges X with respect to army nurses such as were made several days ago In the senate. Senator Watson while disclaiming any in tent to attack the nurses as a whole, said he would leave o any impartial tribunal to' Judge whether he or. Mr.' Weeks was the morevMdecent He said his charge as originally made was "that offi cers in too many cases made cour tesans of the nurses." - -v- i'k' Says- H- Can 'Prove. It' "And I can prove It," he exr claimed?., I. i Vr.''ffr . r : "'Reading General Pershing's statement; ; as made, yesterday in Nashville, Tenn.; that the Watson charges ot illegal hangings and in human treatment of privates by officers, was a "most outrageous and untrue accusation," the sen ator declared: "When the general denounces a senator -as A liar, he had better remember that it is witfcin the power of the senate to bring him here and a time may come when we will do that. If he talks that way about more senators it may be done. We have as yet.no kai ser that eaysi 'Me and God'." Woman's Letter Read ''I am not going1 to lower my self' the senator 'continued, "to the level ot either Secretary Weeks or General Pershing by In dulging in abuse. I simply content myself with saying that it was a1 great impropriety; for either of these gentlemen to publicly con demn another without the slight est investigation." Senator Watson than read a let ter from an unidentified Rich mond, Va., svoman who said she served. 12 , months as an army nurse. iThe letter j said "officers made courtesans of the nurses wherever possible and nurses who resisted were sub- ( Continued oa page 2) that proclamations be Issued by them calling on the people ot their states to pause in their usual pur suits as a mark of respect on tnis solemn occasion. ! And. in order that the solem nity of the occasion may be fur ther emphasized, I do hereby fur. ther more recommend 1 that all public and church bells through out the United States be tolled at intervals between 11:45 o'clock a. m. and 12 o'clock noon of the feaid day, and from 12 o'clock noon to two minutes - past that hoar, Washington time, all devoute and patriotic ? citizens of the United Rtates Indulge In a period of silent thanks to God for these valuable lives and; of supplication for his divine mercy and for His blesisng Upon oir beloved country. I "In witness - whereof I have hereunto set my hand and -caused the scat of the United States to be affixed," V. : . ? A- ' T "-' 3 "'Done at the city oft Washing ton this fourth day of November, in the year of our Lord one thou sand, nine hundred and twenty tne and of the." Independence of the United States of America the tne hundred and forty-sixth. ..-' ; "WARREN Cf. HARDING, s ?;: By the president. V "CHARLES E. HUGHES. V - Secretary pt state." BAY IS BOMB At CORN SHOW TO BE HELD THIS SEASON Ketail Merchants Associa tion at Independence to Sponsor Annual Event INDEPENDENCE, Or.. Nov. P. (Special to The Statesman.) The Independence corn show and exhibit will be held' again this year under the supervision 6f the Retail Merchants association. At a recent meeting held by the association definite 'action was taken when A. ci Moore was appointed chairman ot a commit tee to take charge ot the event. Last year's exhibit' was a decided success, as the showing of fine quality corn did much good in spreading increased acreage in corn in Polk county, j A premium list is ; being pre pared offering cash and merchan dise premiums : ln the differnt classes. ' This 'year has" been very favorable for corn' and it is an ticipated, that a fine showing will be made. The show will be held for two days - early" in December. The project will have the enthusiastic co-operation ot Paul , Carpenter, county agent, and will have the hearty support of the business men generally. ' Man in Hospital After PAlflAIAM An'UlMlllAtl OREGON CITY, Or4 Nor. 5. William ilaxby is in tbo Oregon City hospital, probabjy with a fractured skull ' as a result of a couision between tnis city ana Aurora tonight in which a wagon, a Ford automobile that was tow lng the wagon, andi a Salem f oitland stage were ! involved. The exact -nature of Haxby's in- juries' is not yet known, but H Is be'ieved he will recover. ! 'O Eg Summers, driver of the stage, reported last night that the heavy-; road ; wagon had beenj tiedj by the tongue to the light car and was weaving from one; Bide of the road to the other when it hit the stage. Furniture, which com prised the wagon's load, was bad ly scattered as a result of the crash. , I The Ford car driven by William Olson, of Oregon City, was pro struck the southbound stage. The wagon did not have a tall light. Summers stated. i' The injured man was taken to Oregon City by Summers. j- Man, Who is Slugged by ' Robber Gets Compensation . It a thug cracks a laborer on the head, disabling him', wtile the la borer is employed : by- a concern operating under the j workmen's compensation act, benefits under the act are available to the work er. This is the decision of the state industrial accident commis sion in the case ot M. Sullivan of Oregon City. Sullivan -was employed by the Miller-Parker company, garage operators, and it was his duty to keep the place open at. night. One night a robber (invaded the prem ises and put Sullivan but with a slingshot. He is temporarily in capacitated, and while in that condition-will - receive- from the acciednt commission fund 137.44 a month. It is the first case of the kind that ever has come to the attention of the commission. Uniform Closing Held Up Till First of Year Owing to the tact that the holi day season is fast approaching, no further efforts will be made to secure uniform closing hours of retail stores in Salem, according to P. B. Keaney of the Business Men's elague. After January 1, it is thought that all stores will join in the movement for 6 o'clock closing, and this refers especially to Satur day evenings. The Jewelers espe cially want to remain open Satur day evenings until 7 o'clock, but It is undersood they will fall in line with the 6 o'clock closing after January 1. All grocers and meat markets have agreed to the 7 o'clock clos ing Saturday evenings. ' Milliners are unanimous for 6 o'clock -fclos- in. ! tJ . Taking everything into' consid eration, Mr. Keaney isays mer chants will all agree to uniform closing hours after the holiday season. 4 -- j , Higher Freight Schedules 1 Are Ordered Suspended " . t " ! WASHINGTON. Not. jo Sched ules proposing to increase freight rates between California, Oregon and Washington points by 35 pr cent on classified shipments via the "Southern Pacific and tn Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation company lfnes, werg suspended today by the Interstale Commerce commission until the 6th of March- The Increases would Tiave'gono into effect No vember 6. I . TRASH ROBBER E IN LONE Seven Mail Clerks Subdued With Gun on Atchison, Topeka.& Santa Fe and Sacks Emptied. AMOUNT OF LOOT IS BELIEVED TO BE BIG Bandit Spends Leisurely uoing i.nrougn rags and Then Escapes KANSAS CITY. Mo., Nov, 5. -Authorities announced late to night they were without definite clues as to a masked man who boarded an Atchison, Topeka & Santa Pe passenger train from jKans., early today and looted, the mall car after compelling a mail clerk to bind six of his fellow workers. Eight Sacks Emptied Contents of eight sacks of mail weer taken; No estimate of the value of the haul was available. ' The robbery occurred while the train had stopped at the Junction for coal. The man, according to the clerks, apparently boarded the train at Quenemo, Kans. Masked and armed with a revol ver the bandit directed the six mail clerks to "put up their hands Clerks BoiAid With Wire V i He- took a- revolver from E. E. Doudna of Kansas City, who was in charge of the registered mail .pouches. T hen he compelled Don dna to tie the others with wire. Forcing the clerks to lie on the floor the robber spent almost an hour ransacking the registered mail pouches. He leaped from the train when it reached Holliday, Oregon Leads West In National Guard Personnel In proportion to its population, the Btate of Oregon ahs a larger membership in its national guard than California . or Washington. This is in accordance with reports received yesterday at the adjutant general's office In Salem. Oregon was one of the first states in tho west to organize its rational guard following the war, and one of the first to show ac tivity in national guard work. On September 30, 1920, the total membership of the national guard was 1426. On September 30, 1921, this had grown in the one year to 2052. On this latter date California had 2545 in its national guard and Washington 2639. Morelock to Remain in Salem Until December 1 Deputy Sheriff Lee Morelock, who has accepted a deputyship under United States Marshal Clarence R. Hotchkiss, will re main in Salem until December 1, at which time he will move to Portland, assuming his duties there. Since 1916 Mr. Morelock had been employed as an officer in Salem and vicinity, being em ployed as a guard at the peni tentiary during the administra tion of Charles A. Murphy. In March, 1919, he resigned his po sition at the state prison to ac cept a position as patrolman un der John T .Welsh, then chief of police. In -December, 1920, Morelock severed his connection with the Salem police department and ac cepted 'a position as deputy under Sherff Oscar D. Bower. lie Is a veteran ot the . Spanish-America war, having seen service in Utie Philippine islands as a mem- rer or u company, becona ure gon Infantry. NEVADA DKFKATS UTAH RENO. Nev., Nov. 5. Univr fity of Nevada's football eleven defeated the University of Utah eleven here today 27 to 0. The Salt Lakers line was easily pene trated by the Nevadans who put up a strong defense. COMMISSION NAMED MOSCOW, Nov. 5. The Rus sian soviet council of-rommisaars has appointed a special commis sion, headed by Maxim Lltvinoff, chief of the soviet legations abroad, to consider the question! relating to Russia's foreign d3ot. , THE WEATHER. Sunday:' Partly cloudy east, unsettled; probably rain west por tion; light southeasterly winds. . GETS B MARION HOTEL WILL HEED'S RIDER EXPEND $10,000 ON NEW BANQUET ROOM Plans were announced yesteday by the Marion hotel for improvements and changes in the hotel, particularly; for the building of a modern banquet room, equal in equipment to any ia the northwest, with a seating capacity of 125 J The improvement will cost about 810,000 and work will begin within a few days. By removing certainrpartitlons, and extending jthe banquet room space over certain parts of the in terior court. the new dining room will be partly ' in tne shape of an 1j, with one part 41x16 feet and the other 30x2 feet. Glob to be' Accommodate! Thfl pntrani-tt Intn fha now Imn. quet room will pe Just to the right of the main djnlng'room of the hotel. It will be entirely sepa rate from the present dining room and used exclusively for lunch eons given by the Rotary and Kl- wanis clubs and Marion Count; Realtors association, and for clubs that may give dinner dances or need private dining rooms for spe cial occasions. By using both the banquet hall and main dining room, the Marion hotel can ac commodate more than 250 plates after the new room is completed,. The celling of the new banauet hall will be in heavy beams, while the sides to a i height of 10 feet will be panelled, all in some light color. To give sufficient light, there will be three sky lights in Papers were, signed yesterday and a trade closed in which Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Brown trade valuable farming property near Airlie to S. A. Manning for wll located business property in Salem on Commercial i street. Tho business! property taken in the trade by Mr. and Mrs. Brown Is the two-story brick building on South Commercial street. Just north of the brick building re cently purchased by T; M. Barr. Freight reductions that do not reduce in any Important way as far as the northwest is concerned is the accusation hurled at the railroads in a letter sent out Sat urday by Fred A. Williams, chair man of the public service com mission. Williams refers to the announcement of the carriers as "legerdemain publicity." Williams points out that com modities in which northwest ship pers are mainly interested are scarcely affected by the proposed reductions, and particular men tion is made of livestock. He de mands that the roads make a gen eral horizontal reduction just as they made a horizontal increase affecting all kinds of freight, as a means of combatting war con ditions. Tactics Questioned "It Is plainly apparent to any TO SCORE IN In a game repletewith star plays in which the air route was the main channel of advancement the Salem high warriors yester day held the gridiron agregation of the Corvallis high school to a 0 toO score when the two teams met on the Aggie field. The bril liant playing on the part of tbe Salem men has painted the pros pects for the remainder of the Beason much brighter and is' look ed upon by many as the much hoped for turning-point in the season's success; - Seventeen punts, , seven at tempted place kicks, two attempt ed drop kicks and nine passes made by the combined teams tell the story of most of the play, Sa lem punted whenever in the least danger and attempted either place or drop kicks whenever they came within the 40-yard line , of the coveted goal. I ! Adolph and Post played stellar 11 LETTER TO RAILROAD LUES '! ' ! ,. i. . 1 art glass, in addition to three win dows on tbe south side- ottbe haU. FiirnlslUngH Ffnt Clwr The general f nrnishtngs of the room will be high class and artis tic fn every way, in order that tbe hall may compare favorably with any In the northwest. ! ' ' " ; The Marion hotel, under the management ot A. N. Pierce has been making great strides in the favorable opinion of residents In Salem and the traveling public. The Kiwanls club with its 85 members holds its weekly lunch eon at the hotel on Tuesdays. The Rotary club with its 70 members takes luncheon at the hotel Wed nesday noons and the, Marlon County Realtors association,' with its 50 members, on Thursday noons. Need is Apparent. 1 Hence with the increasing need for a larger banquet hall. Manager Pierce and the hotel management solved the problem by deciding to change the interior of the hotel and provide' for a banquet - hall with, a seating capacity of 125. , . ,! J' 1 II II IN. .1 I It has a, frontage of 44 feet on Commercial street, and is now oc cupied by Lee L. Gilbert with his Elgin automobile agency, the Pa cific Tire A. Supply company and the Elgin Six garage. ; The farm taken by Mr. Manning in exchange consists of 325 acres of some of the finest farming land north of Airlie on the Coast road. It is understood that Mr Man ning will go extensively into farm ing with his new possessions.' ' who would ee," says the Wil liams letter, "that the carriers are resorting to tactics of 'much ado about nothing,' without real in tentions as to uniform reductions after tho 'manner in' which the advances were heretofore made, and that no real effort Is being made to see that such reductions as granted are consistently and equitably distributed, but instead are subject to manipulation at the expense of those that can least afford to suffer." Discrimination against Oregon and in favor of California also is seen by Mr. Williams In i the re adjustment as proposed. AM Roads Receive Letter The letters is addressed to A. S. Edmonds, assistant freight traffic manager of the Union Pa- ( Continued on page 2) FOOTBALL GA1E roles for the Salem team. Adolph s remarkable punting and. Post's ability to; dodge interference proved invaluable to the locals. Lynn Jones and Lillcgren also showed t'p ; well. In the opening of the first half Corvallis 30-yard kick off wai received by Post, who returned it for five yards. Failing to- make yardage in two line bucks, Adolph sent Salem's first punt for a neat 31 yards. Corvallis fumbled tbe receipt of it and a Salem man fell on the ball. Again .unable to make yardage. Adolph attempted a place kick but it was blocked. Without attempting- to make any yardage, 'Corvallis punted and once again the red and black men were unable to cover tb. yard age - requirement. A piss " was blocked and Salem was forced to Continued pn pas fi t IN TJI BILL Vote Taken at Midnight Af ter Long and Fiery Battle Between Senators on Op posing Sides. t ' ' ; j i i - ADMINISTRATION IS I Clayed by Stanley, i - . Watson of, Indiana Defends resident La Follette r . ' ." Raps Mellon WASHINGTON, Nov. 5.. By a vote of 38,'to 28 the sen re jeciccl the Reed amend ate ment to the tax bill proposing to enact the soldier, bonus bill and retain Hhe excess profits as a y means I of financing "ad justed compensations for for met service roen.;.: , i-y y J : 'FJive. republicans, Capper, Johnson, Kenyon, . L&dd and LuFollette supported the am endment and two Democrats Glafss'f'and, :.31eye';.,vo"te.d.'' K ainit ,iC'VV "iK ; '-.v; Senator Walsh, Democrat, Montana," voted Jor the amend ment. . -. Republicans against includ ed Itorah,: Idaho,- McNary Or egon, Gooding,' Idaho, Sraoot, TJtah, Poindexter, Washington andi Shortridge, California. ' It was midnight when ' tha vote was taken and the amend ments by Senator Simmons. Democrat, North Carolina, and MdjjCetiar, Democrat, Tcnnes sep.j proposing; to , finance the adjusted " compensation1 out ot interest on the money owed tho United States by. foreign gov- ernments went over until llon day' " r';A::' ' ; ; The bonus debate developed toward the end into a hot poli tical fight in' the course ' of which Senator, Stanley, Demo crat!, Kentucky, assailed Presi dent Harding for asking ' the senate to recomit the bonus . bill last July and Senator Wat son,! Republican, Indiana ' de fended the presidents course. Senator Stanley declared .that there was only one power cn 1 earth that . could have made .the president turn bis back on the fourjmillion former service men. That! power," he said, was "the silent, insidious and, pitiless pow er o Mammpn, that, knew what it could do, that understood Its authority.', ';Va ;.. None of the crowned heads of Europe would have dared to do whatj the president did. Senator Stanley said, adding that the event would go dowa as'a "blot on history." ' . ' : . iUpublk-ans Challenged J '"rtis. senator from Missouri, (Mr. f Reed,)" the spoaker con tinued, "hag given you (the Ite publirant) an opportunity to show whetper you represent your: con stituencies or whether you repre sent Wall Street by the proxy of, Mellon and the president; is giv ing ' rou an opportunity to say whether you live up to the proud traditions of the Republican party that haf always beerl the "friend, of the , soldier; or. ' whether you live fp t the plane of the pres ent organization that Is the most 6uperiservlceable slave that Mam mon jever had since' the' children of Israel broke that frolic around the gfld calf In the neighborhood of SiSai." -Wjnehon Defends1 Presldrnt ' Senator Watson; Uepubtlc, In diana) replying,' said the move ment ! to recommit the bonus bill was nbt Initiated by the president, that tbe president acted only after he had been urged to do m by senators who pointed out the fed- -eral financial situation to him. He said nearly one-third of the Demo cratic) , senators either voted or were paired to recommit the bill and that in' the face of this they were bow charging the Republi- r cans ij with .being "tools of Wall ttreeti" a .r:- - . , -. Tbd first proposal taken up tonight was that by Senator Reed, Democrat, Missouri, to continue the excess profits tax as a means of financing the ''five way" ad, justaed compensation plan. Should .(Continued oa p& 2.). j , ' r v , t.- . -1 . t