ft THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 5, 1921 i 'J 1 3 I v r- it r 1 lit Ml 1 it 1 J ill i w 4 CXJiSSXFIED ADVEETIBEsCESTS 1 ! ! Rate Per Word: par Insertion .. 2e three. Insertion 5c One Week (tix insertion) 8e lno Month 20e Bis month' contract. ter ino 15e I 12 months contract,- per mo...!2 Minimum lor any advertisement, 2ie NORWICH UNION ? rma insurance society TbJelsxm, KoUnd Banttutrdt Ktetdent Agent 871 BtaAe Be - MONEY TO LOAN On Real EataU ';. T. K. FORD " V ' Otot Ldd Bub Buk) ? 10ANS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE We insure anrthlna- We have the money Ve loan fay as back like ten: Our farm and city property litU are com plete, , dee a first. LAX LAB. LAXXAR 404-7 Oregon Hid. Phone 1644 NEW TODAY l-a Vt'TT r.T k IT uno vrtr mttpyt on I H ''more, for tale cheap. Phone 1725 W F S"' 11 " i W x. r. ijw V3 . Mun. it a a I a a " TOR SALE STUDEBAKER SPECIAL 7 Siz. Fine condition Five rord tires: complete equipment. Cash or terms. Phone 1892 W. a FOR SALE A LIGHT TRUCK IN GOOD . condition, also a MaxwelL runabout, suitable for trailer. Both cneap. Phone f S"22. FURNISHED SLEEPING ROOMS IN modern home, close in. Gentlemen ? preferred. 447 Liberty street. FOR SALE POTATOES AT 8305 N. ,; 4th atreet. , FOR SALE 1 5 OR 20 HEAD YEAR- Ung steers and some heifers. One mile 'east Turae i on Marto' road Ed . Bartos. ., j . - . iSCSERVICE MEN 10 ACRES BEAR ing prunes! a dandy orchard ; 54 'miles south for S4Ot. 1 Year loan will nanaie this.. R. A. Jiohney, 209 Or . egon Bldg. WANTED ARTISTS MODEL . FOR about six weeks. All or spare time. i write a-iv statesman. fOR SALE 5 ROOM BUNGALOW IN a south Salem, basement, electric lights, ,s sain, new. 92250. O. H. CANNON S31 Sute St. - Realtor - Phone S34 OVER 50.0O0 POLICY HOLDERS ARE receiving protection from the Mcninn- Title Co. at a very low cost. Are yon - receiving ita tenafitt Ht.nHlev A Foley, Agts, Bush Bank Bldg. Phone WATCH SALEM GROW NOW IS THE , time to bur a good lot. Be sure and see us before tou bny. Krueger, : , realtor, Oregon Bldg. IOB SALE NICE LITTLE BUNGALOW well Icoated. Price 91600, terms, own- PATRONIZE YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD Grocery. 2095 North Fifth atreet. THEY LOOK LIKB NEW THE HAT - will located. Price 91600, termi, own Box, 179 Soath High. R SALE-JT ROOM BUNGALOW. locks from postoffice, bath, electric (his, basement,' furnace, 93760. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 31 State St. Realtor - Phone 534 EMPLOYMENT ' KALI WlNTUn EXIMITin YOITNO MAS ; who hialjhad experience selling life : insurance? stocks or adTertising. Most be able to derote his entire time and he ambitious for advancement. Most have the. courace to nresent business p ho petition to merchants and proles sional men. Anawer in your own hand' Writing stating age, educational qua! ificationa, experience aa solicitor, 1 Address "I-No. 81," Statesman off ete, ice. MALE AND TEMALB WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO ft take farm paper subscriptions. A good proposition to trie rigm people. Address the Pacifie Homestead, AUtesmaa Uidg Salem, Ore. PERSONAL ACIAL SCALP TREATMENTS. VIO .let ray: maaievriec ahambooing. Or- . egoa Bath House. Phone 540. AJ3TR0L00T STAR!? TELL LITB'8 , story. Bead birthdate and dime for erial reading. Eddy, Weetport St, 88 ynm City. htisaor FOR . SALE .'4 .scAir abt. map TOR BALE FEMALE CANARIES 50e ! for ' short time only. Phone 1280 1030 I'.herneketa at. IF; YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST T imrni paper, tena io w in, a-ciia I Homestead. Salem, Oregon, for three trial subscription. Mention this aa HOUSES ALADDIN READY CUT HOUSE8" 10 percent saved la cost of construe tins Chaa. F. Smith, factory reprea Utive, 620 JVorthweat Jank isiag Portland, Uregon. LIVB STOCK ttEAP COWS FRESH AND COMING ares. 4U4 8. iota be. - VfVL SALE BAY WORK ; and 1, weight 1400 far 1. i; . 1 1. WORK TEAM, AGES apiece. Write ft aQKTELlJLrXOTJS APLE3 DELIVERED. PHONE 4-M CHEAT SEED FOR SALE B. i Ktmick, AVoodburn, Oregon, j I0R SALE A FIXE AIRDALE DOO. it 9 months, old. Phone 760-J. Patton f brothers.':. ; ; - GASOLINE AND OIL TANKS f -from the largest to smallest. L. A. y.iL t'tive. 864 B. 12th t, phone 1602-J. , FULLER BRUSHES FOR DEMON- THE HOUSE OP HALF A MILLION .sod one Urtatns. Wt bay, sell or "hange ad everything ia 4he line of Junk or second hand goods. fc'r buy or sell. Btaia beek Junk Co. Remember to a nlara Jtoa N. Commercial BU PhciVa 523? FCRXITURE FOR SALE RUGS, BED room sets, buffet, eateasMB table, kit ' I? '. stove, cooking men tis, Jiahes, bedding, Mtra rockers. Ml aa living r'om furniture, wardrobe; i'?1"- ood wringer, wash board and. tuba. Room 26, Berymaa block T Peoples Cash Store, phona 1888. THE WESTERN SONGSTER IWltOOL AND COMMUNITY SINGING especially good selection of ths songs I feu have been wanting, with words and t- Snaie romolete. No m.i,.. v " - -TO lit J?b'' yo have, you should have t U S fls one, contsining the Oregon songs AV jch la lots of a doten or more; $1 50 ? I Te hundred,, postpaid. Second edition ' I -nted since September. - RE00 TEACH&RS MONTHLY ' I S. Commercial 8W Salem, Oregon FOR SALE MlftCElXJUTECrUH FOE SALE OLD NEW8PAPER8, 10 cents uunaie. circulation department, Oregon Statesman. POULTRY SPRIXO CHICKEX8 BUY YOL'R spring chickens for your Sunday dinner for 25c a pound. We will dress tbera free of charge. Farmers' Produce Co. 160 South High. POULTRY MEN SEND EIGHT TWO eent stamps for apeeial three months' triai for too brat and oldest journal In the west. The articles and adver tisement are of special Interest to the poultry breeders of the northwest. North west Poultry Journal. 211 Com mercial St- Salem, Oregon. WOOD FOR GOOD VALUE IN REAL WOOD, Phone Judd, 108F3. FOR SALE 1.10 CORDS OF OAK wood. C. J. Brice, Falls City, Ore. FOR DRY MILL WOOD AND OLD Y1R call Tracy Wood Co, Phono 520. FOR 8ALE FIRST CLASS SECOXD growth big fir and oak. Phone 1154. DRY FIR AND OAK WOOD FOR SALE. Phone 7YF2. OLD GROWTH 16 IN. FIR, $8.50; 4 ft. second growth and ash. Phone 1467. FOR BALK BEST GRADE HILL WOOD second growth and old fir, 4 ft. or 16 in. Fred E. Wells, Phone 1542. 80S 8. Church. FOR RENT APARTMENTS. FOR RENT 3 ROOM APARTMENT; well furnished. 248 N. summer, phone 1480-M. . BOOMS FOR RENT FRONT ROOM OVER THE Price Shoe Store. Newly painted, goou for tailor shop or Insurance office. Patton Brothera. FOR RENT ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN in modern home and centrally located. Please give name and address E, care Statesman. HOUSES F. L. WOOD 33 li STATE 8T REAL estate, rentals. FOR RENT A CLOSE IN SEVEN room, mostly furnished. see w m. Fleming, 341 State St. GARAGE FOR RENT A GARAGE. 1295 MAR- " ion. Phone 1413 J. LOST AND FOUND LOST LOST 915 IN CURRENCY. LAST week. Finder please leave at Mates man office. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR MEN'S slightly worn clothes. Phone 179. OLD MATTRESSES MADE OVER Capitol City Bedding Co. Phone 19. WANTED 100 8ACKS OF BLACK walnuts. Must be new crop and cry. Damon Grocery Co.. 899 N. Commer cial street. WANTED EVERYTHING IN HARD - ware sad furniture. Best prices paid. THE CAPITAL HARDWARE AND FURNITURE CO. 285 N. Commercial St. Phone 947 WANTED TO RENT HOUSE. 4 TO (S rooms. Immediate possession. . Phone . 1118 M. WANTED TO BUYSHETLAND PONY with or without harness and buggy. State price, aixe, color, age, weight, temper. Enclose photo if convenient. Apply Box A-9, Statesman. BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory STORAGE OARAGE TRACY 8 STORAGE GARAGE Ferry atreet. 544 AUTO TOPS Al'TO TOPS South High. W. C. WRIGHT, 171 AUTO TOP. UPHOLSTER1 WORK guaranteed. 553 South 12th. Phone 1128. TIRES AND ACCESSORIES JSMITH-W ATKINS, 147 NORTH HIGH, risk. Silverton Cord, Hood extra ply tire.s Everything for auto. " USED CARS FOR SALE 1917 5 PASSENGER light car, - good condition, good tires, $150. Merchants Delivery, 654 Ferry street WAXTED LIGHT TRUCX 17 RX , , change on Hudson, Eases' or Baby Overland Frsd Kirkwood, 248 StaW 1 street. OARAGE AND REPAIR AUTO REPAIR SHOP L. MILLER, 245 Center. Phone 890. HOFFMAN Jk ZOSEL TIRE REPAIR lug. vulcanising, retreading: 197 South " Commercial street. Phone 471. CAPITAL GARAGE BUICK, 8TUDE baker repairing. 173 South Liberty. Phone 88. FAIR GROUNDS OARAGE TIRES. Ac cessories, used ears. Our work guar anteed. 2641 Portland Road. Phone 808. 80UTII COMMERCIAL GARAGE GEN eral repairing and overhauling. 420 8. Commercial St., Salem. BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN AUTO ELECTRICIAN; EXPERT TROU ble shooting. 238 North High. Phone ; 203. PRESTO LITE BATTERY SERVICE ' a tat ion. Expert battery and electrical work. Farria Bros. Phone 1803, 418 Court. -j ' RADIATOR SHOPS SALEM AUTO RADIATOR SHOP 198 Sooth 12th. Phono 28. f - JT C. BAIR, RADIATORS, FENDERS. 'Bodies repaired. 444 Ferry. l CONFECTIONERY REMINGTON CONFECTIONERY. HOME made candies, confections, eigars, bag aiines. 1272 Sute. BEAUTY PARLORS NOW OPERATING MODEL BEAUTY Parlor, 110 North Commercial Street. 56. ' CARPET AND RAO WEAVING CARPET AND RUO WEAVING. COL onial styles aad colors. Phond 84F21. CHINESE PHYSICIAN f DR. It. M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 153 8. High St., phono 2S3. "CLEANING PRESSINO CLEANING, PRESSING DONE TO YOUR satisfsctioa. Classy lino collars, ties. The Tneeerv. 1837 Stste. , DRUO STORES BREWER DRUG CO. - 405 COURT. Phone 184. ELECTRICIANS 8ECURE MY liaURT3UlI WIBiAUi r.aKVot. llWw. BUSINESS CARDS MUSICAL FRANKLIN LACNF.R PIANO. 17th. Phoue 1008 W. 268 N. GERTRUDE SMITH PIANO, SILVER toe, Oregon. Green 801. MrfSj, HENRY LEE PIANO. 1321 N. Capitol. Phone 1017 W. 1 LAURA GRANT PIANO SCHOOL credits given. 336 N. High. Phone W1W. MIXNETTA MAGERS VOCAL, DERBY Building. Friday afternoon. Saturdiy. LlESSIE F. BCSH TEACHER PIANO. formerly instructor Metropolitan Col lege Music, Philadelphia. 1363 South Commercial. Phone 883 J. LENA BELLE TARTAR VOCAL IN struetton. Phone 834. DOROTHY PEARCE PIANO. North Winter. Phone 345 J. 257 NELLIE KULK.EY STONE PlAtfO 873 Leslie. Phone 751 W. ALL3E CHANDLER PIANO. Aorta Cottage. Phone 8i-W. 251 BEATRICE 8HELTON PIANO STUDIO 845 Marlon. Phone 1289. LILLIAN HARTSHORN PIANO, 194 North Church. Phone 178. T. & ROBERTS PIANO. ORGAN. South 14 th, Phone 770. 870 DAM F. LANGENBERG. VOCAL Derby Bldg. Pfaoa 2078. LENA WATERS PIANO. Phone 1184M. 1473 MOLLIS STYLES VOICE. PIANO. 859 Center. Phone 301CR. JULIA MILLS WEIGEL, PIANO. 1660 South Church. Phone 1S91R. LUOLK BOSS P1AMO. ORGAN. North Liberty, Phoae 1187W. 498 MATT1E GILBERT STRING IN8TRU ments. 1572 Bute. Phone 1166 R. MISS MABLE SHEPHERD. PIANO L layer; dances, all occasions. 267 N. iberty. BERTHA JUNK DARBY, AUTHORIZED teacher, Godowsky Progressive Series Piano. 079 North Cottage. Phone 1:U-W, WESTERN CONSERVATORY OF MUS ie of Chicago, Frank E. Churchill, rep resentative. Diplomas granted. Odd fellow's Bldg. SALEM CONSERVATORY OP MUSIC All branches taught, diplomas granted. John R. Sites, director. 1237 Court Phone 626. TOMER WENDELL HELM TUBTNQ. REPAIR tag, Phone 492. EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED piano tuner. Leave orders Will's Music stora PIANOS PIANOS, PLAYER PIAltOS; NEW. ased. J. W. Talimsa. 121 So. Oom'l. SHERMAN CLAY CO PIANOS, 8TEIN ways, Duo-Art ane others. Moore Dunn Music Store. Masonie Temple. MXJSIC STORES GEO. C WILL PIANOS, PII0NO grsphs, sewing machines, sheet music, and piano atudies. Repairing phon ographs and sewing machines, 432 Sute, Salem. FINANCIAL MARION-POLK COUNTY FARM LOAN association has money to loan at six percent: W. D. Smith, secretary-treasurer, 303 Salem Bank of Commerce. FURNITURE STORES FRANK F. RICHTER NEW, SECOND hand furniture. S49 N Commercial. Phone 452. rURNITURE HOSPITAL 4- FURNITURE REPAIRED OR MADE TO Order. Reftnisheing and upholstering si speciality. Phone 1742. Brown and Groves, 1201 Sooth Commercial St. GREENHOUSES PORCH BOXES BEDDING PLANTS for sale. Smith's, 301 North Commer- iial. HOTELS LEpNARD HOTEL NEW MANAGE itient, clean neat rooms and apartments. 54 N. Front St. CHERRY CITY HOTEL; ROOMS 75c tip; diaing room ia connection, family stylo. Corner High snd State INSURANCE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE company. J. C. Balch, agent, room 5, McCornack Bldg. Phone 96. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY WITH Bankers' Reserve Life ; G. F. Booth, Genera Agent, phone 20H8-W. liadies' Wearing Apparel CORSETS MRS. ESCH AGENT FOR PRINCESS Corsets. Phone 1043 R. 891 S. 12th. UK8SMAINO DRESSMAKING TAILORING, MRS. Ooodwin, 445 North Commercial. MRS. C. JEPSON MODISTE, 2567 Oak, phone 929. MRS VARTY, DESIGNER AND MAKER 1 - Ladies Suit and uowns. uver am ter't Store. LA CLA8IQUX GOWN SHOP EXCLU8 rve modela. Expert designing. 831 Stata. MAUD SIMONS, DRESSMAKER. 1710 Bellevue 8t. . YQUNO WOMAN WOULD LIKE PLAIN sewing, beading, etc. 82 day. Ad dress Y.W.C.A. CARRIE FISHER -r DRESSMAKING, designing. Spencer corsets to ori'er. 2 McCornack Bldg. DRE8SMAKINQ BY THE DAY. PHONE 845-J. Mrs. Reid. EDITH M. ASHLEY DRESSMAKER. 1845 Broadway; 1436 J. MRS. R. CARTER EXPERIENCED dressmaker. Phono 1971 W. RUTH MeADAMS DRESSMAKER, 756 South 12th. ; Phone 1824-M. HAITI E WILLIAMS DRESSMAKING. 248 North Cottage. Phone 1552-W. MESDAMES SCOTT A CHASE DRESS makers, 219 Stats St. Phono 987. HEMSTITCHING MRS. BRECKENRIDGE HEMSTITCH ing, mail orders solicited. 175 8. 19th Phono 174 M. SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING, chainstitching, pleating, buttons. 329 $30 Oregon Bldg. Phone 379. MILLINERY MRS. C. A. GRIMM MILLINER. Fan cy aprons, novelties and hand made fjowers. 5t9 Conrt St. PLEATING MRS. HILDEBRAND, PLEATING 390 $onth 24th. i Phone 798-M1. DANCING WHITE DANCING ACADEMY MRS. R. L. Vhite. principal. Phono 278-J. HAT SHOPS HAT SHOP MEN'S AND WOMEN'S lata renovated aad blocked. 495 Court i street. ! ; ' ' - "landscape gardener FRED BLAKE, LANDSCAPE GAFl; it. til..-,. t'ttnH. 1H41.M ' A Ubvrtr. ; Phon. ion- BUSINESS CARDS !' LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY, 136 S. Liberty atreet. Phone 25. Oldest largest best. Established ISm. CAPITAL CITY ST BAM LAUNDRY Quality work, prompt serif ii-e. 12 04 broad way . Phone 1C5. MAGNETIC HEALER"' DR. H. J. AXDERSFN MAGNETIC tealer. Drugles Phyiirian. 419 Or egon BMg. Phone 165. MBD1CAX. MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Pkone 617-W. HONEY TO LOAN TO LOAN' ON' GOOD REAL ESTATE tl.Otrf), $1,500 or -2,5o0. Soeolof sky. 341 State. NURSERY STOCK WILLAMETTE VALLEY NURSERY All kinds nursery stork for kale. Kte 7. Phone 105K5. COMPLETE LINE TREES SMALL fruits, ornamentals. Capital City Nur sery Co., 426 Oregon Bldg. phone 75. PRACTICAL NURSE PRACTICAL EXPER'.EXCE NURSE Mrs. Meitxler. Florence Hotel. Phone 928. PAINT WALLPAPER SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS, WALL paper and picture framing. Good work I men. 455 Court St. Phone 4"5. PAINT CONTRACTORS PAINTING AND DECORATING HIGH class work for particular people. L. D Brandon, contractor. 365 North High, phone 645-J. AUBREY H. CLARK PAINTING, PAP erhanging, kalsomining. Work guar anteed. Terms reasonable. Phone 2035-J. 1464 Ferry. PAINTING AND CARPENTER WORK by first class workmsn. Day or con tract. Wells, 2.09 Marion, phone 1692-W. PERIODICALS MISS GOODHUE TAKES SUBSCRIP tions for all magazines. 251 S. 17th. street. Pl.one 741 M. PEIKTIKQ FOR WEDDING INVITATIONS AND announcements, see Bertelsoa, printer. " Y" Building. PRIVATE EOSriTAXa WASTED CONFINEMENT CASKS AT private hospital. I have beet of equip ment Phone 10.10 J PERFUME AND TOILET ARTICLES CALIFORNIA PERFUME CO EX tracta, toilet articles. Mrs. Moyer, 170 South 23rd. Phone 1284 PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER MARGARET BURNS PUBLIC 8TEN ographer. 408 Maaonie Bldg, Phone 262 PLTJMBntO PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phono 1397-J. Shop, 127 Union street. A. L. Godfrey. NORTHWESTERN PIPE CO, WHOLE sale and retail plumbing supplies. SIS N. Commercial. Phone 179. JOB'S PLUMBING SHOP, SHIPPING and Broadway, Phone 1S02. Prices reaaonable. If you have anything to fix let Joe do it SIGNS UNION SIGN CC SIGNS WITH KICK. Show cards that talk. 424 N : Commer cial. Phone 546. REPAIRING AND EHjZ USTKQ CUTLERY GRINDING UMBRELLA repairing, safety razors, etc. Stewart's Repair Shop, 317 Court street. BEN WHEELER EVERYTHING RE paired. General sharpening, chimney sweep 1485 N. 17th St.. Phone 1418W SECOND HAND GOODS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SEOOND hand clothing and ahoes. Alao do cleaning, pressing and repairing. Call and deliver. Capital Exchange, 842 North Commercial. Phono 1368-W. WE BUY AND SELL SEOOND HAND goods of all kinda, pipe fittings, bar boss, collars, collar pada, tools, aad chains. Trod Schindler. 188 Oeater SHOE REPAnUNO WILLIAM'S SHOE SHOP 198 SOUTB Hih. SCAVENGERS SALEM SCAVENGERS GARBAGE. RE fuse of all kint'a removed. Cesspools cleaned. Phone 998. STUDIOS DE LUXE STUDIO SOMETHING DIF ferent in photography. 147N. Com'l. STOVE SSTOVE-REPAIRINO STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years experience. Depot National fence, sizes 26 to 28 inches high. Paints, oil and varnishes, etc., logan berry snd hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works. 250 Court street. Phone 12 1. TAILORS FRANK PALM MERCHANT TAILOR, 211 S. High, and Ferry. TRANSPORTATION SALEM -SILVERTON STAGE Leaves Leaves Salem Silverton O. E. Depot News Stand 7:00 a.m. 8:15 a.m 11:00 a.m. 1 :(X) p.m. 5:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. SALEM-INDEPENDENCE MONMOUTH STAGE: Leave Salem, O. E. Depot T:00 a.m. 11:00 am. 5:i0 p.m. Leave Monmouth Hotel 8:15 a.m., 1:00 p.m., 6:15 p.m. Leave Independence Hotel 8:30 a.m. 1:15 p.m., 6:30 p.m. Special trips by appointment. Seven passenger car for hire J. W. PARKER, Prop. Res. phone 615 Business phone 7 TAXI DIRECTOR. T LAN HAM TAXI COMPANY PHONE 840. THE OREGON TAXT-TRANSTKB CO.. Liberty A Ferry. Phone 37. Dry slab. 18-ineb wood for sal rKANSFER HAUlISw CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO 226 State St., phone 933. Distributing forwarding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. WOOD 8AWS FOR SAWING WOOD CALL 1959 J. Stine A Son. CITY AND COUNTRY WOOD SAWING. Phoae 2046. Fisher Bros. WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT & POWER CO Office, 301 South Com'l 8t. Ten per rent discount on domestic flat rates paid in advance. No deductions for absence or any cause unless water is shut off your premises. i WHERE TO EAT WHITE CLOUD TEA HOUSE OPEN Sunday morning 8 o'clock. American stylo. llOVa North Commercial. Phone 472. PROFESSIONAL OEXSOPRAOTOXa DR. a U SCOTT. P. 8. CHTROPRAO- tor, $0918 U 8 Bak Bldg Pkoao. S7j Re. 828K. j PROFESSIONAL CHIROPODISTS A. J. FOSTER PAINLESS CHIROPO dist. Corns, bunions, ingrown nails removed. 322 State SL, Patton Bik. CORNS AND TALLOCSES REMOVED without pain. Appliances from iadi viduaJ impression. Dr. Talro. Masonic Bldg, Phone 442. SWEDISH INSTITUTE THE SWEDISH INSTITUTE OF ME Luno-Therapy. Massage, steam baths, electricity, iredical gymnastics, V-ray, u.edieated packs for rheumatism, run down conditions, stomach, kidneys, etc. Home treatments given. Drs. G. W. and Ruth Brown, Swedish grad nats. Room . 30 1 2 Oregon Bldg. 08TE0PATHJ0 PHYSICIANS DKS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, U. 8. National Bank Bldg. DR. W. L. MEaCER, OSTEOPATHIC Physician and aurgeoa; KirksvUls r adaate; 40 405 U. S. National Bank tdg. Pbooee Office, 919; Has. 014. DR. JOHN i. LYNCH, OSTEOPATHIC Physician aad Sutgeun, 408-404 Oregon Bldg: Phones: Office. 1894: lUa 5ro. OPTIC1AS8 POMEROY A KEENE JEWELERS AND Optometrists. 388 State. GLASSES FITTED BY DR. L. R. BUR dette at the Bow Optical Company, 82a Sute atreet, opposite Ladd aad Rxah haek LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS" Camp 5, Armory, Firit. Third Mondays. REAL ESTATE Improved Acreage Bargain in 2 acres, with neat 4 room bungalow, barn, garage; some fruit, good soil, on paved road, close to town. Price $2000: terms, $900 down. We have acreages all kinds for sale or trade. S, R. PEARSON 210 211 U. S. Bank Bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE BT OWNER nice improved 40 acre farm cloae to Salem, ,'rica right. Phone 63K5. FOR SALE Three room house and nice lot. Price $850. Terms. Five room house, goo lot, for $1650; good terms. Six room house large lot and good buy fur 81600, terms. For Largains See H, L, MARSTERS Gray Bldg. Phona 60? LET US EXPLAIN THE NEW SYSTEM of selling your property. Property listed not exclusive. Your property photographed. Brown, Magee and Bessie Snyder. Over Busick's Store. State and Commercial. Phoue 559. SMALL AND LARGE FARMS. CITY homes and choice lots. Fire and auto insurance. Arthur E. Peterson 229 Oregon Bldg. a GREAT REDUCTION ON HOUSES BOTH NEW AND OLD Some we own, aome we are handling for other folks, and for the next 10 days we will give you some real bargains. If not sold by November 1st we will have to rent them, but we prefer sell ing, even at greatly reduce) pricea. See ns Monday morning if you want to bur. f JOSEPH BARBER & SON . 200 Grsy Bldg. GOOD BUYS 15 sere chicken ranch, all cultivated, 2 acres of mixed orchard, also grapes and English walnuts, good 7 room plaster ed house with cement basement and electric lights, eleven building in all . on place. I-ocsted 4 blocks from paved road near Tualatin. Price 88000, or will trade for modern home in Salem. 20 acres all cultivated, 4 room bungalow, barn and wood house, located 8 miles east on Silverton road. Price $5250. Vt down, balance time. Vt acre lota A good location near paved road and ca Une. Price $400 per lot, $23 down, bi..ince $10 per month, 6 percent interest. If you are looking for a location to build, here it ia at a small cost. 210 acres, 20 cultivated, 2V& million feet and barn. Will take part trade on property near Salem, part trade on property near Salem. 10 room house at 1107 S. Commercial street. Price $2300. 5 room plastered bungalow in good con dition, partly furnished. Price $2200 terms. 5 room bungalow, new last year, located near McKinley school. Priee $1900 cash. 6 room house located at 1008 S. 12th street. Price $2300, terms. Good 9 room house located 8 blocks out. Price $2100 cash. We write fire insurance. If you are looking to buy, trade or sell, see W, H. Grabenhorst & Co. Realtors 275 Sute Street FARM ON HIGHWAY MUST SELL 100 acres,- miles north of Salem, 14 mile from school, hesvy loam soil, 80 acres cultivated. 15 acres beaver dam, 4 acres cherries and apples, 10 acres young logans, 2 sets buildings. This is a first class proposition, on paved road; to sacrifice at $150 per acre. cash. This is a real buy and your chance to subdivide. See us today. Socolofsky, Realtors, 341 State Street. NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIMBER GENERAL LAND OFFICE, WASHING TON, D.C., OCTOBER 20. 192L Notice is hereb" given that subject to the conditions and limitation of the Acta of June 9, 1916 (39 Stat. 218), and June 4, 1920 (41 Stat. 758), and the instructions of ths Secretsry of the In terior of September 15, 1917, and June 22, 1920, the timber on the following lands will be sold at 10 o'clock a.m., Icember 5, 1921, at public auction at tbe United States land office at Port land, Oregon, to the highest bidder at not lesa than the appraised vslue as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one-fifth of one percent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be de posited st time of aale, money to be returned if sale is not approved, other wise patent will issue for the timber which must be removed within tea years bids will be received from citixens of che United States, aasociations of such citix ens snd corporations organized uni'er th-i laws of the United States or any t4te, territory or district therof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser, the limber -n any legal subdivision will bo effered separately before being in cluded in any offer of a larger unit. T. 4 S., R, 9 E., See. 17. 8W4, NE14. fir 360 M 'E4, NW4, fir 425 M SW NW, fir 1050 M, SEVi NWVi. fir 1650 M., 8W4 NW4, fir 750 M.. NE4 SEK. fir 330 M., cedar 25 M, NWU SEVi. fir 850 M., SE4 SE. fir 1025 M., cedar 95 M.. hemblock SO M, 8W SE, fir 1675 M pine 20 M KE SW. fir 1550 M.. NW SWU, fir U80 M, SEU 8W4. fir 1275 M SW14 8WV4, fir 475 M, See. 21. KEs NEVi. fir 1320 M cedar 120 M, hemlock 150 M NWVi. NE4. fir 1440 M cedar 240 M, hemlock 290 M SE4 KE, fir 1940 M eedar 70 M., hemlock 270 M, BW14 NE. fir 1880 M eedar 60 M , hemloek 130 W NE4 NWVi. fir 1820 M, cedar, 155 M hemlock 310 M NWVi NWVi fir 2340 M.. cedar. 50 M hem- Wfc lOO M.. SEU KW14. fir 1950 M hemlock 20M SWVi NWVi. fir 1920 M pine 20 M NEVt SEVi. fir 2200 M NWVi SEVi, fir 2100 M SEVt SEVi. fir 1650 M, 8WU SEVi, fir 1865 M. hemlock SO M., NE4 SWVi. fir 1840 M, NWVi SWVi, fir 2900 M 8EVi 8W. fir 2000 M 8WVi SWVi. fir 2550 M, none of the fir. eedar. hemlock or pins timber to bo sold for less thsa $2 per 'M. . (signed) Geo. K. wicraam, Acting, CommJuioner tieatral Land oUica. Geo. R. Wickfhsm, REAL ESTATE A BARGAIN OF A 6 ROOM HOUSE, modern, on X. Commercial, paved cr oer at $"JJ(M). Easy terms. See Wu. Fleming, 341 State St Best Buys HOUSES 5 room modern house on paved street, 1 block from carliae, price 32oo. Terms. 5 room modern plastered bungalow, gravel street, at carliae; only 2750 Terms. 6 room strictly modern bungalow, every convenience. $4250, and take in sec ond hand Dod?e car, 6 room first class buegslow with lot 60x2O0; located at limits, one block from carline. $40uO; half cash. 8 room strictly modern 1 'j story bun galow, paved street, close in : upstairs in apartments rents for $50 per month Price S5OO0; terms. FARMS 91 acres half cultivated, family orchard, good buildings. 1 mile from railroad, price 97000; $3000: down. 110 acre grain and dairy farm, 90 acres cultivated, electric lights in all build ings, spring water piped, a fine home. 9t miles Salem, 4 mile school. On ly $14000, 1-3 cash. Federal loan of $"000 at 5 percent now on plaee. See this if you mean business. 70 acres heavy black loam, good build ings, water system, l mile from town with Catholic church and school. A good buy st $125 per acre; cash. 38:i acre first class dairy and stock farm; $125 per acre. Will sell with or without fine Guernsey herd: 57 Vi acres in Waldo hills, all cultivated, 8 acres prunes, new buildings, silo, garage; 3 miles from Shaw on rock road. $10,000 and everything, stock, implements, feed, furniture go. See us if you want to but. sell, or trade. S0C0L0FSKY Realtors 311 State FOR RENT 6 ROOil ; rtOCSfi ON N. Liberty, furnished, at $40 per month. Square Deal Co. Phone 470 VACANT LOTS-WE HAVE A LARGE list. Buy before the demand appears. The Fleming Realty Co. 341 State St Notice to Fruit; and Berry growers. We are going to place one the market one ot the finest tracts ot tana near Salem, the S. 11, Hill farm, 3 miles east of Katera on the Garden road. better known as the Ueo. Swegle farm. There is no better land in the valley for fruit and berries or garden vruck, Snd will be sold in smsll trsrts to suit purchaser. The price will be below the average for this kind of land. Come in and : let us show you this before yon bny, THOMASON 331'i Stste St. FOR SALE OR TRADE ONE OF THE finest highly improved 40 acres of Waverdim land, on two fine gravel roads, rural route, ; close to school, two miles from one town and five miles from another. ' Has good barns and outbuildings, machine sheds, fair house, fine family orchard and is well fenced, has good well) and fine running water. This is one of the best pieces of land in the Willamette valley. Price $8,000, part cash and will take good bouse in city up to $2,500 as part payment, balance easy terms. If interested- call on or : write Ir. C. H. Schenk, phone 1182. Derby Bldg., Salem, Oregon. I7Vs acres all in cultivation, nearly level, located Vi mile to city limits of Wood burn, on paved road; 9 room house, bath, toilet, housa painted white, sec and honse 14x26, with kitchen 9x12, one barn, 42x64, second barn 42x44, silo in barn, garage ' 18x44, blacksmith shop, wood shed, etc. All fenced snd cross fenced, good : family orchard, bearing; land ia all tiled; 2 deep wells with water tower. Ahis ia good, deep, blsck fertile soil, occupied by owner and in good eondtiion. Price $24,500. First payment, $15,000. LSA. HAYFORp, REALTOR 805 State Street THIS IS OPPORTUNITY FOR SALE, grocery store, gaa station and freight depot. located on Pacifie highway, north. Socolofsky, 341 Stste St. FARMS 65 tj acres, 13 miles from Salem, 1 mile from town. 43 acres in crop, 7 room house, bsrn 24x40, with 2 sheds 16x40, chicken house 16x30, hog house, tool house, etc. Price $9500. Might take some trade. 31 V4 acres, 3 miles from Turner, 4 acres prunes, 1 acre logans, 2 seres mixed fruit, good house, barn and- out-buildings, mile to school. Price $6600. 198 acres near Crsbtree, fair buildings, $65 per acre. Terms. 100 acres, 30 under, cultivation, good house and barn, $3500, terms. 17 acres, 10 acres commercial orchard, Good buildings, $6,500. 26 acres, good orchard, good buildings paved road, price $4800. Good terms. We have a large list of small tracts close in, at attractive prices. LAFLAR & LAFLAR 406 7 Oregin Bldg. $1500 COTTAGE AND 8 LOTS ON Fairmount hill. Easy terms. '! A. C. BOHRN8TEDT- 407 Masonic Temple j ' Salem, Ore. HOUSES 6 room bungalow on N. Cottage. $3800; $1000 cash, balance rood terms. 5 rooms, 2 lots, all kinds of fruit and berries. $2100, terms. 5 room bnngalow on 16th street. $4200 Good terms. 5 rooms modern on N. Commercial $2000; terms $800 cash. 6 rooms, modern, on S 24th St. $5500, terms. 6 rooms, 2 lots at 2355 S. Commercial $6,500, terms. LAFLAR & LAFLAR 406 7 Oregon Bldg. FOR SALE OX SOLDIER LOAN" PLAN, unimproved tracts close in. Socolofsky, 341 State. I WANT MORE SALEM HOUSES Some dandy farm and orchard trades Chas. W. Niemeyer "Just Real Estate" 57 varieties 215 218 Mssonie Temple, Phones 1000 1014. FOR TRADE 312 acres of good timber, will trade for a good prune or berry ranch; will pay the difference in rash. 3 acres in bearing fruit with new 6 room bungalow; water system, bath and toilet; outbuilding's. A fine view overlooking; city. Price 85000; half cash. 6 room bungalow, strictly modern, nearly new; 3 blocks to car line. A fine borne, price $4000: $500 will handle. MILLS & COPLEY Realtors 8314 State St. WOOD'S BARGAINS Dairy farm, 180 acres, close to psved highway, 845 per acre or take small tract, part pay. 40 acre improved. $1800. trade for borne in Salem. Have a new bunjalow for 8950. Apart ment house, good income, price right 40 acre fruit ranch, take nouae part pay. Choice tot for sale F. L. Wood F. L. WOOD S41 State Street FRUIT 3URKET NEW YORK, Nov. 4. Evapor ated apples, nominal. Prunes, tead Peaches fanleL sieaay. teacnes, quiet. PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that a road district meeting will he held at Central Howell school hous n Road District No. S9 In Marion County. Orepon, on Saturday, the oth day of November, 1921. at 1 o'clock p. m.. for the purposw ol levying an additional tax for road purposes ia said district. W. M IU'cllEY. c?ounty Judgfl xoTicn Notice is hereby given that a road district meeting will be held at Uelle Pass! school house in Road District No. 8 in Marion' county. Oregon on Saturday the 5th day of November, 1921, at 2 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of levying an additional tax for road pur poses in said district. W. M. BUSHEY. County Judge. WHOLE MILK AND CREAM WANTED Marion Creamery & Product Co. Salem. Oregon Phone 2488 I SALEM MARKETS Prices quoted are wholessle snd pric es received by farmers. No retail pricea are given. Wheat, sacked, 82c. Oats, milling, net, 40a. Oats, feed, 35e. Vetch and oat hay, 81. Clover Hay, $10. Mill run lill feed, 824, Eggs, Butter and Butterfat Eggs 46c Hi 47c. Creamery butter, 49c Butterfat, 47c. POULTRY Hens, light, 16c. Hens, heavy, 22c. Chickens, spring, 22c. Rooster, old, 6e t lOe. Pork. Mutton and Beef Hogs, $9.50 (tf $9.75, Lambs, 5c. Top Veal, 11c to 12c. Pork, dressed 11c 0 12c. Steers, 4c BVsa- Bulls, 3e FRUITS Tokay grapes 10c. Baaanaa, 9 He. Lemons, $7.25, Oranges, $7.50 $8. Florida grape fruit, $8. California grape fruit, 6. Huckleberries. 15c. Washington cranberries, box, $5.50, VEGETABLES Sweot potatoes. 4 Vie. Potatoes, f l 80. Cabbage. lVic. California tomatoes, lug, $3. Cucumbers. $125. Cauliflower, $2. Turnips, $2.5t. Bell peppers, lb., lie. Parsnips, $2. Oregon onions $3.75. Carrots. $1.25. Head lettuce. 75c. Celery, 85e. Beets, $2.50. Dates, Figs, Honey 2ates. lie. ' Figs, He. Comb bosey, esse, $8. no Cocoanuts, doten, $1.83. Grade Crossing Safety Is Urged by Mr. Buchtel The alarming frequency of fa tal accidents at grade crossings of highways and railroads in Or egon has caused Fred G. Buchtel, member of the public service com mission, to address letters to all county Judges of the state and to the railroad companies requesting their co-operation to tbe fullest extent in elimination of danger. One suggestion of Mr. Buchtel is that the highways retain a standard width of 16 feet of im proved road at crossings, instead of being narrowed down, as is often done. Care by road supervisors that brush and other obstructions to the view be kept out of the way, hand a recommendation that tbe railroads Tlag all crossings when cars are spotted near them, are other features of the letters. Mr. Buchtel encloses a circular illus trating and explaining the oper ation of various types of warning signals, a circular that was de vised by hint more than a? year ago and which carries the caption "Make Every Day a Safety Day Company F Admitted to Athletic Association Company F, ot Sa'em, Oregon national guard, will enter the Pa cific Northwest Amateur Athletic association, according to instruc tions from the major gen eral's office. Captain L. A. Milner, regimental sergeant 162nd infantry, who visited Salem a few days ago, has made arrangements by which the Salem company is officially part of the athletic as sociation. A smoker of members of the as sociation will be held in Portland December 1 and it is the intention of the Salem company to send sev eral of its best boxers to take part in the evening's program. Later in the month, as a mat ter of reciprocity, it Is understood thafthe Salem company wil! give a smoker to which will be invited members of the Portland and sev eral of Ita beRt boxers- Reduced Rates Portland OREGON ELECTRIC Account Livestock Show Tickets on sale November 4 to 12 inclusive. Return limit November 14, 1921 For further information call 60LF COURSE IS MUCH IMPillD President Farrar of Country Cl4 Tells of Recent Changes Made Ths IQihee Country club now bas the ideal nine hole golf coura j of the northwest, according to John H.j Farrar. president. lie bases thifs on the fact that thajto cation ofSthe coarse Is ideal with its fine drainage, so essential for a course In the northwest vthera there is playing during: the enttre winter. ! "Seven; grass greens have been needed this year Mr. Farrar said, "and will be ready tor playing by next sprng. Then it is the In tention &f the club to seed two more greens next spring." a Credit; is given Dr. H. II Ollng er, chairman of the greens com mittee, tbr bis untiring efforts fn making the course one of the fin est in the northwest. Mr. Fftrrar says that a Crals driving machine has been pur chased and will be ready for ue within s few days. It can be used either in the club house or out-doori. The machine is an In vention by which those who wish . to practice driving may do so. A ' ball is attached, and a register shows the force with which it t driven at each stroke. The mem bership Of the llllhee ccuntr club is nbw about 200, Mr. Farrar said. I nrsnAfn axd wife white. Mr. and Mrs. James carton, Columbus. N. M., sign a letter aying. iWe have both .concluded vet shall! never be without Foley Cathartic Tablets and -we bellevo. them to be essential to good health." They keep the stomach r.weet. liver active ana- ooweia regular, j They banish constipa tion, biliousness, sick headache, bloating' sour stomach. 5ason stomach bad breath, coated tongue. iNot'habit forming. Sold everywhere Adv., ! Brooks! Will Ship 100 Cars of Onion Products -- Brooks, tbe shipping point of the Lake Lablsh country, will handle more than 100 cars. of onions or a total ot 1500 tons this season. Most of the ship ments will go through Portland to eastern markets. There is a light yield of onions on account of the ravages of the onion maggot, and the heavy de mand indicates that the market situation" will be altogether dif ferent tian It was last yeat.when many celrs ot onions were dumped because there was no demand for them, j t Starting at $1.75 a hundred. onions have gone up till they ars now bringing $3.50 at Brooks, and some shipments are bringing $C a hundred in tbe east V - Fisher's Laying Mash I This great feed for hens; certainly brings the eggsi It is a properly balanced feed and when fed with Special Scratch Feed contains the elements to make both the white and yolk of the egg. You can increase your egg pro duction from 25 to 50 by feeding the above. And the price is less than othejrs ask. Poultry Supplies We have a most corn stock of poultry and supplies, reme tonics. lice killers, pletd feeds dies etc. of Also,, complete stock (whole and ground r grains ana our price is lowest in the city, quality considered. D, A. White & Sons Phone 160. 255 State St. Salem, Ore. To and Return Via RAILWAY . i on or address J.W. RITCHIE, Agent i HI ,! ' f F