The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 04, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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    - - - ' -
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it ME
Lower Rediscounts An
i I nounccd by Federal Re
. . serves Sole Influence
NEW YORK, Not. 3. Compre
hensive and substantial advance
of slock prices today were influ
enced solely by the lower redis
counts announced by nine of the
12 federal reserve banks and con
curred in by tbe bank of England.
, :; Financial interests general re
garded this as evidence that de
flation had made farther marked
progress and that easier credit
conditions Boon would prevail in
the world's leading- markets.
Then local money market re
flected these phases for a time,
the five per cent opening for call
loans soon being cut to 4 1-2 per
cent. Later, however, on demand
for funds, the rate rose to o 1-2
per cent, that figure holding at
the close.
Bonds made a better showing
relatively than stocks, most of
the several liberty series record
ing highest prices of the year with
victory 4's which rose to par,
on extensive accumulation.
Oils, steels, motors and equip
ments, more or lesa as named,
were in the forefront of the day's
operations at net gains of one to
five points, Mexican petroleum
again being the feature.
A dull boy must be asharp dis
appointment to his parent
Salem Variety
Wonderful values in Umbrellas
Big Special on Bed Blankets, heavy and large
sizes; priced per pair $1.85
High Grade Hose for boys and girls, pair 20c
Field of Five is Defeated in
Race With Heavier-Than
Air Craft
Harry Eibe, Chicago Para
chute Jumper, Drowned
When He Lands in River
; Remember that the place to get real values
; : . .1
r; I. .., is at tne
Salem Variety
152 North Commercial Street
OMAHA, Neb.. Nor. 3. Bert
Acosta of New York won the an
nual Pulitzer silver trophy race
for heavier-than-air craft here to
day, defeating a field of five oth
er contestants, ont of whom, H.
E. Hartney of New York, was in
jured when his plane crashed near
Loveland, Iowa.
Circling the race course from
Omaha to Loveland to Calhoun,
Neb., and return five times, Acos
ta covered the route of about 150
miles in 52 minutes, 9.2 seconds,
or at the rate of 176.7 miles an
hour, compared with last year's
record of 17 8 miles an hour,
made by Capt. C. C. Moseley, rep
resenting the Aero club of South
trn California on a Long Island
Coombs Is Second,
C. B. Coombs of New York was
second, making the course In
54:07.6. Lieutenant John A.
MacReady of McCook field, Day
ton, Ohio, holder of the world's
altitude record, was third.
His time was 57:20.6. Lloyd
W. Bertaud of New York was
fourth with time of one hour, one
minute and 31.6. Trouble with
his maehine forced James Curran
of Chicago to abandon the race.
Mr. Hartney, who is executive
secretary of the Aero club of Am
erica, was injured when his plane
iTlliii U Won
I have bought my partner's interest in the .
and in order to pay him off and pay up all the firm's indebtedness will sac
b " rifice profits for the entire month
. NOV.
Shoes For The Whole Fam ily at Cost, and Below Cost,
in Many Instances! Nothing Reserved!
See Our
They Tell The Story
was wrecked on a forced landing
in a field. His right hip was
broken and he suffered some in
ternal injuries, the seriousness of
which could not be learned to
night. Plane In Xose IHve
Trouble with the gasoline pump
of his machine forced him down
from an altitude of about 5000
feet, the plane making a no?e
dive. He was thrown 30 feet
clear of the machine which after
ward was burned when a souven;r
hunter accidentall threw a match
into the wreckage. Mr. Hartnev
cried when he learned of his ma
chine's fate. j
Mr. Hartney was taken to j
Loveland, given medical attention
there, and later was brought to
an Omaha hospital.
Trouble with the pump on
Hartney's plane delayed his start
until, late in the afternoon after
all of the other participants had
finished. His wife, who was on
the field, urged him not to at
tempt to enter.
Accident Tjist Lap
He was on the last lap when
the accident occurred.
To Acosta will go the Pulitzer
trophy with $3000 in cash, while
second place won $2000, and the
third $1000.
Harry Kibe. Chicago parachute
jumper, was drowned in the Mis
souri river when he landed in the
stream after making a jump of
2000 feet. Eibe evidently realized
that he was going to drop into
the river unless he changed his
course and frantically maneuv
ered in an attempt to save him
self. Efforts to Save Pntile
After alighting on the surface
of tbe stream his parachute sup
ported him as he drifted for about
a quarter cf a mile. Fruitless
efforts to save hin by volunteers
in a rowboat were hiade, the fact
they were unable to find! any
oars for a time delaying their efforts.
Apparatus Tested 'Out Will
Whereby Harding Will Be
Heard Across Continent
Doctor of Laws Degree Con
ferred on Warrior By St.
Louis University
Electric Alarm System is In
stalled at Salam Bank
Enunciation as Distinct as if
Spoken Not More Than
Dozen Feet Away
Banquet Served by Chamber
of Commerce Sixth
Infantry Reviewed
SUth infantry. Just erapletln
900-mile bike from Camp Jack
son. S. C to Jefferson Barrack";
Mo. The regiment reached East
St. Louis two days ago. but was
held there to be give the oppor
tunity of passing in review before
its French and American com
manaders. ;
Another Effort is Made
In Behalf of Jack Rathie
The American Red ross at Ida
ho Falls, through its secretary,
has shown an interest in the case
cf John L. Rathif . now under sen
teni5 ' l! ned Cross
headquarters in SaiU. suggesting
tt at the matter of P"'" ?
Hathie be taken up, and
forts be maoe to m- -
Remember! We Have The Largest Assortment of Novelty Footwear in Sa
lem. We Specialize in Fitting Feet
Women's brown 'vrtmen' hrnwrr Women's black Brown kid Ox
Kid Tumps, Louis women s Drown- Kid, hand turned fords, Cuban rub
XV. heels, small Calf Ox, low heels pumps, Louis XV. ber heels, good
size heels S year welts,
$1.45 $3.35 $4.85 $4.85
Women's 'black Women's brown Children's patent Big girl Shoes
Kid high Shoes Kid high shoes Scuffers, extra Brown or black
$3.95. $5.85 $1.65 $3.95
Tho yegg man with his burglar
kit or the professional safe break
er with his acetyline torch and
drills, may as well side-step the
Salem Bank of Commerce, as the
bank has just completed the in
stallation of an electric device
which will alarm half the town be
fore the burglar has made even
half a start.
Besides electrifying the vault
doors and sounding a loud alarm
should any attempt be made to en
ter, the electric device gives phys
ical protection by two heavy
locks which will not open for six
hours after the attempted rob
bery. For protection in case of day
light holdups, the bank is wired in
such a way that a button may be
pressed from different parts of
the interior and the loud gong
sounded. One gong is over the
bank's vault and the other just
outside the, bank's entrance.
As an addition precaution, each
of the gongs is so wired that If
any effort is made to tamper with
it the alarm is turned on.
The door of the bank's vaults
are so lined that any attempt of
a would-be burglar to burn
through would immediately set
off the loud alarms, which can
easily be heard at night as far
as the police station.
Considering the great number
of bank robberies recently, the
Salem Bank of Commerce has in
stalled this electric alarm as an
additional protection to its pat
rons and especially for safety
Hence with push buttons in
different parts of the bank, and
devices installed to ring the
gongs should any attempt be made
to enter the vaults, the yegg man
or the high class safe blower will
find himself in extreme difficulty.
The United States death rata
for the past year shows a slight
increase. Whether or not this is
due to prohibition or the habft
of so many Americans drinking
the deadly hooch is quite uncertain.
$4.85. '
,Voung Men's high; grade Oxfords. Genuine calf
f -'-"-. '. skin goodyear Welts v j
SPECIAL NOTICE!- We have not bought pair of shoes for sales purposes. All shoes
f on -this sale are from our regular stock and 1 stand back of every pair of shoes
sold, during thisjsale. , . .
X i
X'zil STATE STREET Harry Cohen, Proprietor!
.WASHINGTON. Nov. 3. The
call of a bugle, the chime of bells
and the voic of man were swept
3,000 miles across the continent
irom San Francisco today to be
burled out over a wide stretch of
ground about Arlington national
cemetery with every note, every
vibration of tlje bell3 and every
spoken syllable as distinct as
though sounded a hundred feet
away. Yet the sounds originated
in San Francisco, the speaker
stood on the roof of the Civic au
ditorium there and the music
cam? from a phonograph record
played in tbe building on which
he stood.
1-resident Will Speak
It was the dress rehearsal of
the mechanism by which Presi
dent Harding's voice, as he speaks j
the nation's homage on Armistice
day over the casket of America's
unknown dead from France, will i
be carried to au audience waiting
before the amplifiers in New York
and to another gathering in San
Francisco. Telephone wires by
the thousands of miles, linemen
by the hundred, telegraph oper
ators by the score were needed
lor the test as they will be need
ed on Armistice day. High offi
cers in the army and the officials
of the American Telephone - &
Telegraph company which is mak
ing this contribution to the mem
ory of the dead soldier had no
doubts of success after the first
sentence spoken at San Francisco
was clearly audible to them at -
half mile distance from the am
plifiers at Arlington.
Kvery Syllable Heard
Similarly, there was a long
reading of speeches from the
Ptage of the amphitheater here to
be carried out over the wires to
Snn Francisco. The voice of the
reader went on and on and the
few who witnessed the test, first
listened to this from every point
about the great marble structure
to a distance of more than half
a mile. Every syllable penetrat
ed clearly to every nook and hol-
Thon ihp voice announced tnai
i, nnirf vnirpt would be spoken
inwan Francisco. The faint whir
of the mechanism rose to a higher
hum and a new, deeper tonea
voice announced that chimes play
ed on a phonograph record in oan
Francisco would come next. As
clearly as if it were not a dozen
feet away, the click of the phono
graph mechanism came as the
lieedle dropped on tne wnirruiK
record 3,000 miles away; the ta-iiia.-
introductory scrane began.
then the bells boomed out waking
echoes in the cemetery, peanng
over the thousands of graves.
Trump Call Clenr
The deep voice took up the
task again with the announce-
ment: . . v
"Spoken from the roof of tne
Civic auditorium in San Francis
co "
It read out words of President
Harding's inauguration address
then announced the bugle call
records and the clear note of a
trumpet in stirring army calls
swept over the field more d?tinct
iv heard than the notes of the bu
gle at Fort Meyer, across the road,
where the garrison was at parade.
ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Nov. 3.
Hailed as one of our "old boys,"
officially honored by two univer
sities, welcomed and feted by the
citizens of St. Louis. Marshal
Foch of France today was shown
Amriran hosDitalitv as exempli
fied in the middle west. Sharing
these honors was General Per
shing, introduced to his fellow
'buddies" of the American legion
as "Black Jack."
From earlv morning until late
tonight the city poured forth its
hosDitality to the two warriors.
Both expressed keen delight at the
Honors Afreet Aarrior
Marshal Foch was Tisibly af
fected with the bestowal 'of the
honorary degree of doctor of laws
on him by St. Louis university,
Catholic institution. A few min
utes nreviously Archbishop J. J.
Glennon had presented him with a
commemorative medallion on be
half of the fourth degree, knights
of Columbus. Twelve-year-old
Elizabeth Fusse received a kiss
cn both cheeks from Marshal
Foch when she presented him with
a large bouquet on.benalt ot tne
International Federation of Cath
olic Alumnae.
A banquet tonight by the Cham
ber of Commerce concluded St.
Louis' welcome. Tbo marshal and
his party, which included Hanford
MacNider of Mason City, la., new
national commander of the Ameri
can legion, was to leave after mid
night for Indianapolis. General
Pershing left for Nashville.
Infantry Reviewed
A feature of the day's enter
tainment was a review of the
-v in order that tha
filDC9 vvf
supreme court may paw on om
legal point to b InTolved.
The claim H by th sec
retary of the Idaho Falls Red
Cross, that the present Jaw per-,
mitUnjc iexeccUoM in ILe state
Say hot b constitutional an
that the Uw was not
p aced in tn ttatute book, j
Ketere Is raad to tb" constl
tutioeallcotveatloii or 1S57 anU
also to 14 :ct that e. uln lefal
points regarding executions tav
never been raised,
Rookie Sentry: "Halt! Who's j
Voice: "Private Stock, Com:
pany C .
Rookie Sentry; -'Advance-
i Private Stock, .and be sampled.'
American Legion Weekly. 1
n j, il;
-mm t I - r'-lT.. . 1 I
Here's a Chance to Make Some
Easy Spending Money
Merelv pick up all the old waste around your home and
vicinity. Bring them to us and we'll pay you a good
We Want: I ;f
These are just a few of the many things that'll bring
you easy money. We also specialize in Duying nouse
hold goods. ! i " ' l "
Steinbock Junk
Auto Tires
402 N. Commercial St. Phone 623
"The House of Half a Million and One Bargains"
F- w. jr
. i rrinceaa Xenia, who will soon-
marry Wmiam Leeda. heir to Ua i
Fall and Winter
Baldwin, Coos River,
King, Jonathan, Spy,
Spitzenberg, Rome Beau
ty, Vanderpool.
Per box $1.00
3 boxes 2.85
5 boxes 4.50
10 boxes 8.50
Varieties assorted as
Several varieties, while
they last, per box 75c
Boston Marrow
Soft rind, fine for pies,
lb. 2c; 100 lbs $2.00
Cabbage tor
Solid, well trimmed, $2
per hundred pounds.
No charcre for delivery.
Phone 494
2395 Front St.
T1 A
' 1
fully and completely
like a long; cool drink "sat-
isfies" when you're thirsty '
but unlike anything you ever
experienced in a cigarette before.
A , better flavor, yes; a more
pleasing aroma, yes? but more
than that, a rounded out "com
pleteness' that is wholly satisfy
ing. ' t
i That's how Chesterfields "sat-
And the blendT-that'i why
Chesterfields "satisfy." Ablend
of Turkish and of Burley and of
the choicest of other fine home
grown tobaccos in&. new combination!
j " ''""
Z rand ike
can't be copied
Loorrr & Mrcu Tobacco Co.
AO 77GHT tint of SOT
i i
1 1 .
: I
1 i