TP H v . - - . r ; : : ft l- V.. .---:- .... . . v.. . . ' rv ' ' : FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 4, 1921 X a.- V -1 .1 jlj CITY NEWS IN BRIEF - roperty Aside I On petition of August Rein ? brecht.'In the estate of Jnhanno i i Reinbrecht the county court has I l issued an order setting aside. cx- U i mpt property for his own use lots I 9 and 10. in block 11. Frickey'a $t : ivauroaa aaaition to the city of Salem, also household f urniBh I ines of S300 value. Only 2 Doz. Beautiful Sailor Hats ranging from 8.75 to 1.50, your choice S6.50. Curtis Hat Shop. Adr. Executor Released The county ..court hag-relelsed from .further liability Frank 0. ( Johnson, executor , of the estate of Carolina Daberco. As apprais ers of the estate of John Burdett The cdurt 'has appointed ' William Brown, Arch Claggett and George Mudge. . i Sirs. Curtis is Offering IUal ' Bargains, many-Btyles for S3 ft-QV. .... .... Xew Machine Shop C. R. Hammond of Salem will enter business In Salem, and will j unowv.iaio UllUOCll Wild nn lJi41C f Cready of Valsetz and C. L. Starr of Portlands -The-business will ie that of a machine shop .doing SllTtinras Jane Novak : Helen Jerome Eddy Jerome Patrick 1" Joseph Bowling : Irt'i Frothing. Ham's . The OihcriWomanV 3 . Hartaan's Glasses Easier -and Bettei , Wear them and. see HARTMAN BROS, (hone 1265 Salem, Oregon NOMKING faatalra M 162H V. Coraaretal sine Ohoa Sua. NoodlM an AawrUaa kZi&u. ! ctsub and drinks. - Opaa 11 a-m. to i a paalal Sunday omexsar vusm TREES I i!lfor!8oring Planting Order From 428 Oregon Building OSEOON Phone 1763 SAVE $ $ $ fcv buvinir yourharfware and Inrniture at The Capital Hard; tfare & Furniture uwzso an. Commercial street. 'Phone. 34? ro yo.4ak n ' TURKISH BATHS : If not, why not? No other baths or ' treatments can produce the permanent wv lief to the person , Buffering rrnm dlaarreeabla;e6ld or ail-. ments of the flesh, .or body ilke ! Open 8 a. m. nntil 9. p. m, OREGON BATH HOUSE 1 Lady and Qentlemeir attendants f Office Outfitter Steel Pens: Select your office pen from the many styles we are show ing. Special price on large lota. Ton are sure to find a pen here that suits your fancy. Always see our Une first. COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE 163 N. Com!. Phone 64 f J EXTRA SPECIAL , Our Utah Coal Is .going at i . REDUCED rRICES i These prices are cash : '. f Utah Lump Coal. . . . . . . .f 17.0O 2 Utah Stove Coal 10.00 I Utah Egg Coal 15.50 Utah Nut Coal.......... 15jOO f We guarantee all our coals Special prices on moving I Give us a trial ' LARMER TRANSFER all klnd3 of mechanical work. The company will do business un der, the name of "The H. & M. Co." The - prlnclDal offices wilt be in Salem. The stock of the company has been placed at 14,- 000, divided into 160 shares of $25 each. 'Articles of incorpora tion were filed yesterday in the county clerk's office. Spring Chicens Buy your spring chickens for your Sunday dinner for 25 cents a pound. We will dress them free of charge Farmers Produce Co., 160 South High. Adv. Assumed Names Filed Certificate of assumed name has has been filed with the county clerk by Anna Kruger, who will conduct her millinery business at 409 Court street under the name of Gibson Sisters. The assumed business name of the Cherry City Garage will be used by E. Roth and William Copley In conduct ing a garage business in Salem. One Marriage License. " Just one marriage license was issued yeserday and that was to Elroy Nash of 608 North Liberty street, a stockman, and Winifred Roberts of Salem, a waitress. Fall Work Completed . . You're ready for winter. This winter will be an asset it your take a course at the Capital-Business College. New classes, night and day. on Monday. November 7. Adv. DIED FLEMING At his home near Brunk's Corner, November 3, 1921,.Henry M. Fleming, age 72. Survived by six bods: M. M. of Salem, J. F., of Seattle; A. C, of Corrallis, J. O., of Inde pendence; William M., of Aal tey, Ida, ' arid David H. of Portland. Remains In care of Terwilliger Home. Funeral an nouncements later. FUNERAL The funeral of Levi L. Buckner who died at his home, 1232 North Commercial street at 1:20 a. m. Wednesday morning at the age of 74 years will be held at the Webb fk Clough chapel Saturday, Nov, 5, at 10:30 a. m. Burial will be in City View cemetery. RIGDON & SON Leading Morticians Webb & Clough Leading Funeral Directors Expert Embalmeri i On miauti siav on kealth Ij ' O. It. Scot X. O. TTVCXiB BUS &AT8I 'Wavry, -,$ta ho 40 tiie being fcorae-pover - bn- nan beiar " -' oat 39 pt the bone ara tick."' Danny The : Dude Who Elevated His Feet .Danny .the .Dude always sat with his feet higher than : his .'head because be bad been told it-was a man's prerogative-and 'Danny wanted to do everything that men do. Six months after he Joined the club Danny had lumbago. Sitting with the base of the spine curved forward is very apt" to cause disturb ance of the spinal alignment in the lumbar, or small of the back region. In Dan ny's case the spine was thrown .badly out of align- . ment, and , he might have suffered t for. a lifetime had he not obtained chiropractic spinal adjustments and re stored the joint's to their 'natural alignment. Chiropractic spinal ad justments remove the cause ot diseases of the head, . throat, "lungs, heart; stom ach, liver, kidneys and In testinal organs. 1 HEALTH FOLLOWS .'ouRoourncawRECTJ. .PRESSURE ON SPINAL ' NERVES IN DISEASES Of WHEW HEALTH BEGINS dependi a when ya tle phoaa 87 for an ap pointment. Coaaalta- lion to ; rithonl ' chart. ,THE FOLLOWING OtGANS ,EYl$j -ARMS HEART' 'PANCREAS riPlEEH , l KIDNEYS (S0WtLS jrVStAOOf" ffalsl Dr. O. L Scott: , , v Chiropractor 414-19 U. S. Bank Eldg. 1 I VTw. mi Look at the Sign ' For the benefit of travelers, as well as thoe who live in the- city and know very little of the where abouts of the Pacific highway, large white signs have been placed along the highway on Cap itol, Court and Commercial street, directing the traveler the right direction to drive t Portland and the direction to travel to keep on Pacific highway. For those in town who haven't traveled much lately, it may be said that Jefferson way south and return ing by Turner and the state in stitutions is one of the scenic trips in and around Salem. Sclma Willing, Graduate Xurse- Swedish massage. 416 and 417 Oregon building. Hours 10 to 6. Adv. Will Beautify Salem i While Salem is generally re Cognized by people who live here to be the most beautiful city on the coast, next spring efforts will be. made to make It more beauti ful. At a meeting held .Wednes day evening plans were discussed for a campaign of improvement to be launched next year. The civic are Bectlon will study, this winter, landscape gardening, planting and works on the city beautiful and be prepared to make known their ideas next spring. S. H. Van Trump is president ct this section of the arts league, and Mrs. J. M. Clifford secre tary. Better Work For less money. King Bartlett auto repairing. Rear 175 N. Com'l. Adv. Saturday's Story Hou Miss Lucille Crockett, ip charge of - children's story, hour and chil dren's library, says there will be but one story hour tomorrow morning. .That will be at 10 o'clock. Five pupils of the inter mediate grade will do the story telling. Miss Crockett says. For Master Masons and Families A dance will be held on next Thursday evening at the Salem Shrine mosque for Masons who have attained i the Master Mason degree and their families. Plans are announced by which this dance will be held the second Thursday of each month. The dance will be held under ihe aus pices of the Salem rum club. 20 Per Cent Reduction On repair work. King Bartlett Repairing. .175 N. Com'l. Adv. Root hi Pays Fine- Carl Booth, of the Spaulding Logging company's delivery force, paid a fine of $20 in Judge Race's court yesterday morning. Booth had been arrested by Officer Mil ler Hayden on a charge of driving within Salem boundary's at 30 miles an hour and of operating with open cut-out. Floral Society Tonight The first' meeting of the season of the Salem Floral society will be held tonight at the Commercial club. (Besides an interesting pro gram, there-will be a discussion of plans for. the winter, Vancouver License Issued-- According to ?a ;, report from Vancouver, Wash., a marriage li cense 'was issued November 2 to Milton M. Carson of Amity and Laura E. Halstead of Salem. Bids Close Today . So tar, only six bids have been received at the Salem postoffice for the job ot transporting mail to and from the Southern Pacific depot to. the postoffice during the coming year. This time, the de- School Lunches Prices reasonable THE LITTLE LADY'S STORE 1090 Center St., corner 12th CAPITAL BARGAIN HOUSE We pay highest price. We buy ant sell everything. We sell for lessw tlS Center St. Phona 808 Don't Procrastinate! Too many people think that' because they can worry along with their work with no more trouble than an oc casional headache, it is fool ish to waste money on an eye specialist. But in so doing these peo ple are really wasting their money- and more than that they're destroying their fu ture health. Don't put it off longer. KNOW that your eyes are right. MORRIS OPTICAL CO. 204-211 Salem Bank of - Commerce Building Oregon's Largest Optical Institution ! SALEM, OREGON Phone 239 for appointment partment Fpeclfios that the' mail carrier must have a sem-ned wag on or automobile, and one that locks from front and rear. For the past several rears., the con tract has been awarded to G. V. Gill. Wood Five loads 16 inch mill wood $13.75. Guaranteed two-thirds cord per load. Prompt delivery. Spaulding Logging Co. Adv. Pipe Organ Recital Sunday ' Musicians of Salem as well as those who love music, will have an opportunity next Sunday after noon of hearing une of Portland's greatest pipe organistst, Edjar Conrsen. He will appear in con cert Sunday afternoon at the First Christian church under the auspices of the Salem district of the Oregon State Music Teachers' association. High to Kntertain The McKinley junior high school will offer a program at the -arent-ieacher association - meet ing to be held aiext Saturday at the Salem high school building. This progTam will include a vo cal solo by Dorothy Lewis, violin solo by Margaret Kaster and for mal work and folk dancing unde$ the npervis-ion of Mis Ktta White, physical director. For Rent Front office room. Belle. Adv. Apply Gray Hawk vs. Hawk Alleging that her husband would not recognize her when they passed on the street, Florr ence E Hawk has filed suit for divorce from Charles A. Hawk. She alleges that he was continual ly freeting - and scolding. Also that he didn't want to live with Iter as husband and wife, but that she could stay in their home as housekeeper. The Hawks were married in 1909 and have two children. She alleges he is able to earn $22o a month as sales man, and asks alimony. Fresh Eastern Oyst Home made Chile, steaks, chops, etc., Jack's Cafe, 163 So Commercial St. Adv. Will lie Quiet on the 11th Upon request of the American Legion, business houses will close for two hours on the afternoon o Armistice day. At a recent meet ing of the Business Men's league, it was voted that stores would close in accordance of the wishes of the American Legion. The le-legion-asked for only ths two hours of closing in order that all might attend the exercises to be Jield during the afternoon in the armory. But the day will in gen eral be pretty quiet in the city as all banks will close and also the statehouse and courthouse. Field Secretary Coming- Martin Fereshetian, pastor of the ; Unitarian chnrch announces that Carl Wetherell, who repre sents three branches of the Uni tarian ' fellowship, has been sent irom Boston to look after the in terests of the church in the west, and that he will occupy the pulpit of the Unitarian church next Sun day morning. LegaT Blanks Get them at The Statesman of fice. Catalog on application. Adv. Miss Tartar Elected President At a meeting of the Salem dis trict of the Oregon State Music Teachers association held recent ly, Miss Lena Belle Tartar, super visor of music in the public schools of Salem, was elected president. Miss Dorothy Pearce was elected vice president. Miss Laura Grant, treasurer and Mrs. Bertha Junk Darby secretary. Ar rangements are under way for the sending of a large deleRatiorv to the state meeting to be held in Portland November 26 Bicycle Found Hallowe'en pranksters took the bicycle of C. W. Armstrong, 225 North . Fourth street and hid the two-wheeled machine so well that its owner did not find it until Wednesday evening, he told the police last night. On October 31, the wheel had been reported as stolen. Kiddie's Wagon Taken Mrs: Lloyd Stiffler told the po lice that an "Invincible" wooden- wheeled coaster wagon, the prop erty of her small son, had been stolen from the Stiffler residence at 200 South Twenty-third street. A Classified Ad- Will bring you a buyer. -AdT. Car Hits Motorcycle W. M. Savage reported yester day that his car had been involved in a collision with a motorcycle at Court and Church streets. IMr. Savage did not report the number of the motorcycle or the name of its driver. Bread Making Studied the advanced cookinjr class of Professor Lida Fake of Willam ette university visited the Cherry City bakery to observe how bread is made in a big plant. Professor Fake's class is now studying the suDject or oread making. Matthews Speaks Professor Matthews of Willam ette university addressed the Y . C. A. meeting yesterday after noon. Tbs meeting room was crowded and ono of the best meet ings of this year was held. Woman's Alliance Meets Today The Woman a Alliance of the Unitarian . church will meet this afternopn at 2: SO o'clock at the home of Mrs. J. R. Pollock, 602 North Winter street. Martin Fer eshetian, pastor of the Unitarian church, will attend and outline a program of community service for the year. Students to Give . Program The Misses Lila and Mildred Marcy, Mrs. Minnie Bates, Erwin G. Ran ton and Alfred -Bates -will go by auto to Wilsonvllle i this evening and give a program at the Methodist Episcopal - church there consisting of vocal and Instru mental music and-readings. The Wilsoaville women will serve re- and a big crowd is Free Bath and Sui The management of the Oregon bath houe requests that each teacher cf the public schotft send 10 of their pupils each to the Oregon bath house on Wednesday of each week, where they will be welcomed to a 20-minutes bath and 30 minutes swim between the hours of 3 and 4 o'clock p. m. Adv. HOTEL ARRIVALS MARION Portland arrivals were F. H. Corkell. W. H. Ad ams, E. A. Erick. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mortoal, Ira Reynolds. Mrs. F. L. Lesise. J. J. Wilson. E. E. -Mciune, C. E. Dempster. W. Bend. P. W. Cookingham. W. H. Fitzgerald, B. H. Hansen, R. IC Akin, W. J. Rcone. E. H. Willis. T. Wallace. W. IL Bryan. San Francisco; K. T. Holden, H. H. Booth, G. W. Livesley and C. Hardy, Seattle: J. O. Brodie. L. Canfield, S. Straus, San Francis co; Caroline Evans. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Zeazler. Denver: Martin H. Mogge. Detroit: C. B. Hods- Kins, Independence; Fred Serviss, Los Angeles; Earl F. Lee, Van couver; A. B. Movity, San Fran cisco; H. C. Watson. San Fran cisco Mrs. A. N. Miltoner, Mrs. j O. B. Clarke. Victor. Mont BLJGH Portland arrivals were J. N. Pernon, R. L. Taylor, C. Westagart. G. H. Smalley, H. M. Clack. C. P. Winters, O. Wyso, C. A. Peters. Others registering, R. W. Dixson, F. W. Conner, St. Helens; J. M. Haibert, Hood Riv er; E. E. Bargol. B. Fisher, In dependence; J. J. Keating, San Rafael, Cal. REALTY EXCHANGES Reported by Union Abstract Company Peter R. and Sarah E. Miller to John M. and Margaret F. Ross, 40 acres and roadway in section 6-4-2-W., 110. and other consid erations. Arbon B. and Elma Dental to P. A. and Lucinda Batchelor, 60 acres in section 34-3-1-W., $1 and other considerations. Belle Short to John R. Fits hugh. 2 3.25 acres William Short donation land claim, 7-2-W., $10. U. S. National bank to J. A. and Clara Beroley, part block 2, Knight's addition to Salem, $2, 150. P. E. and Lillian Fullerton to Luclla Walters, lot 5, block 9, Boise's second addition to Salem, $10. 1 BITS FOR BREAKFAST Fiir and foggy. . The flax discussion at the luncheon of the realtors jester day was a long drawn out affair; something like two and a half hours 'm And it resulted in no new con clusions whatever But one thing that might be of great importance was accomplish ed, and that was this: Every one present was convinced that this is a real flax country; that the S& lem district raises a fibre flax as pood as can be grown in any sec tion of the world; as 'good as the best grown in the best flax sec tion of Belgium. This has been demonstrated by tne greatest l nen mill in the world, at Belfast, Ireland demonstrated clear through all the processes, down to the making of fine linens from the fibre turned out at the peniten tiary plant. S S Now, let every one In Oregon get that; get himself "solid" on this Idea; this fact. Then, if some one can be found to organize the flax industry here, it can be put over now .with Oregon capital; even though the sales of stock be in small amounts. It would take $300,000, perhaps, possibly more, to put up a plant that could take the processes clear through to the spinning of the twine and the weaving of the. fabrics. But then there would be a market for the fibre, and at reasonable prices, for linen manufacturers will be well protected under the new tar iff law. The realtors have continued their committee. The thing for this committee to do i3 to seek for an organizer, and a man who knows all about flax manufactur ing, and then let everybody in Oregon get behind the proposition, in a large or small way. That is the solution. It can be done if two men can be found to under take it; an organizer who can function, and a man who knows the manufacturing end ot the in dustry. Silverton Seeks Portland Speaker for Celebration SILVERTON, Or., Nov. 3. -(Special to The Statesman)" Rev. George Henriksen is at Portland to secure a speaker for the Armistice day celebration i which is to be held at Silverton. Rev. Mr Henriksen and Superin tendent of the Silverton schools, B. T. Youel. have been placed In charge of the program for the day. There will be a parade in the morning consisting of all the school children and representa tions from the various churches and other . organizations. In the afternoon the program will be held in the opera house. ' Rev. Mr. Henriksen reports that the celebration is to be the most interesting Armistice celebration yet held at Silverton. " Mrs." Henriksen, "Mrs. Marie Buness and Mrs. H. Dahlen, ac companied ReT. Mr. Henriksen to Portland, freshments exitf-ctfd. PROBLEM THRESHED BUT Discussion Before Realtors With Compton and Craw ford Questioned FARMERS DISCOURAGED Inability of State to Pay .Promptly Puts Industry t in Jeopardy After a two hours discussion or the flax situation held yesterday noon by the Marion County Real tors association, in which Robert Crawford, former superintendent of the Etate flax plant, and Louis H. Compton, warden of the peni tentiary participated, members of the association came out of tho conference with the following im- That the state cannot pay the growers of flax for this year's crop delivered to the penitentiary until the next legislature provides money or unless some miracle happens in higher prices for raw materials. Industry in Danger That the flax indnstry of the state is in serious danger, as far mers next year will not grow flax with a feeling that the state will not pay or issue warrants on de livery. Robert Crawford, deposed su perintendent, had letters and sam- ples from the great Belfast manu i iacturers, showing that flax Crown In true :vol1oir uroa mnef C..W..U ... VUIO . 1.4 j .1 AO ill UU. satisfactory for the manufacture of the finest linens, that the Wil lamette valley flax stood all testa of color, spinning and bleaching, and was the equal to the finebt flax grown in any part of the world. Mr Crawford stated that the province of OBtario, Canada, started in flax growing in 1915 about the same year as Oregon be gan. At present the province has i.1 flax mills, and the Industry was flourishing, while in Oregon it is in serious danger, with no progress being- made. As to the financial returns in growing flax, Mr. Crawford sad that on a basH of 20 bushels to q the acre whea returned about $20 an acre with, $16 expense. On the contrary flax! returns $70 an ecre with an expense of $40 an acre. f ; Market Drop Hurts Warden Compton said that since the state contracted for its flax, the market l had dropped to one-third of its former .price. "There is no ; money; in the treasury to pay for flax deliver ed," Mr. Compton said. "And there is not likely to be any with the market conditions as they are. The state has no authority to is sue vouchers when there is no money." Several rather ; pointed ques tions were asked. One was why the state is trying to kill the flax industry by playing politics and hiring inefficient j help. "I don't know; what ; interest realtors have in this flax contro versy," replied the warden. Asked as to tne hiring of al leged inefficient help since Craw lord was deposed, Mr. Compton eaid: "That's my own business. As for Crawford, We severed our connections purely for private reasons." Fanners Refuse To Row A. C. Bohrnstedt said that no farmer would plant flax next spring if the state would not pay He couldn t understand why a state should not pay for its flax while under the same conditions a business firm Would be obliged to pay. or why the state should not keep good faith in its con tracts. He referred to one grow er who had a weight receipt of flax delivered to the state, valued at $7,900, yet this weight receipt was regarded of no value by a lo cal bank as collateral for a loan. In discussing the state's point of view Mr. Compton said: "I know of no way we can fur nish money fori the flax growers. The emergency board can vote no money for any deficiency wher-a there has not already been money appropriated. Outride Capital Needed "The flax industry is in the penitentiary to stay until sucn time as outside capital can handle I Let Us PRESS YOUR SUIT Our guaranteed quality, Df workmanship, our prompt service, and our low prices are earning for us a large patronage among the men of Salem. Phone us today and we' will call for your suit. Remember we buy and sell all kinds of used clothing. . CAPITAL ' EXCHANGE 342 North Commercial Phone 1368W We call for and deliver the business. Then we will sell. Th'o grower has bis contract and wf ight checks but he may 1 have to wait until next year tor hi money. We hope in tim a com- pany may be formed that will ds- velop the industry- It' nasi been I demonstrated that flax can LADD & BUSH, j BANKERS Established 1868 General Banking Business Office Hours from NOTICE Owing to the very disastrous fire in our store on October 31, we are now, oc cupying temporarily quarters at corner of High and .Trade streets. . Telephone same, No. 1374. ; v . We will be able needs in a very few Showalter SMITH '& W ATKINS x Sale 0ir - TIRES! .TIRES! TIEESt: ri :::':s- You are. paying too. much for your tires .. ; Look over our prices on extra heavy full oversize ' Empire tires, both cord and fabrics H - Fabrics Cords' , 30x3 -,f $9.50 30x3Vi 10.50 $18.30 32x3 14.40 220 31x4 15.30 i 32x4 . 19.20 33x4 20.40 34x4 21.25 32x4 V2 33x414 , ... ... For example a 30x3........ .... $10.50 For example a 32x4 Cord $27.75 You must see these bargains to appreciate 'them Smith & Watkins i x Auto Supply House j Y Phone 44. Great Western Garage Building V Tire Service Anywhere , , Opposite Court House ROSTEIN & QREEHBRUr.! Nashua Woolnap Blanket , 36-inch . Charmeuse For Fine Underwear, per yard 75c ! Pequot andDwight Anchor Tubing 36, 4Q, 42 and. 4$ inch Feather Ticking u Guaranteed f e a t h e r proof, fancy and striped, ' best grades. Art Linen in brown at 75c a yard -. Shoes that are Cost little guaranteed, tnore than cheap unreliable shoes. Best grades of Oil Clpihing. : The j Celebrated WalrusBrarid 4 ' - - '240246 Commercial .Street succpssfully grown and no, ,ou wanks to see it die la its infancy. iysi Physicians tlalra that garlia willi rtHiuca bUori nr&su re. It will also reduce tho number of frieads likely to call If they are wared in advance. 10 a. rru to 3 p. m. i ' to take care oftftll ' ; days. 4 ?l i & 1 T i Cords 34x4i4.$33.00 35x4. 35.00 36x4y2 36.00 33x5 40.15 35x5 41 .35 37x5 43.20 27.75 28.60 29.25 3L20 31.60 fretty plaids, special "'Friday, Saturday and Monday $3.37, a pair K 36-inch Flannelette - Pretty Patterns, yard I 25c : : ' Bed Spreads Large sizes, special, good values,-scalloped and cut i. corners. T Ruhberl Boots vand Shoes ' Guaranteed. Great var iety. Little ones and b& Satisfaction or your money back. Jacobs : . i