THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM. OREGON FRIDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 4, 1921 IN COUR S FIGHT T S ORDER Chicago Circuit Court of Appeals Asked to Re scind Federal Ruling STRIKERS BACK ACTION Legal Efforts to Stop Union Method of Aiding Work 1 ers Causes Strife INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Not. 3.- Suspenslon of Federal Judge An derson's temporary injunction prohibiting the check-off of anion dues by operators and directing cessation of union efforts to or ganixe West Virginia coal fields. will be asked tomorrow of the A one eleven cigarettes Three Inseparables OMfarxn0dniiyiRGINlA O&rmellownes&BURLEY One for aroma.TUHRISH The finest tobaccos perfectly afd and blended circuit court of appeals at Chi cago by counsel for the Uaited Mine Workers of America, it was learned tonight. Counsel for the Indiana oper ators who also opposed the in junction suit, will not join in the appeal because of the walkouts of 25,000 miners having forced a shutdown of practically all In diana mines and the attitude of the operators was to let the uniou fight out of ths case. Formal application for the granting of an appeal also will be made at Chicago by the union but this was said by counsel to be a perfunctory proceeding that might either be brought before Judge Anderson or any judge of the circuit court. Failure to get complete sus pension of the injunction, the union's counsel was said to be prepared to press for a ruling that only Indiana operators were affected. Aside from favorable court action, union officials re garded further strike develop ments as hinging on the action of operators in discontinuing the check-off. President John L. Lewis was advised that the execu tive board of the Pittsburgh dis trict would meet tomorrow to act on district President R. R. Gib bons' decision to call a strike on Ionday. Approximately 40,000 miners would be affected, offic ials said. Elsewhere in coal pro ducing Etates the miners werfc said to be awaiting the decision of operators whether to stop the check-off. Doubt as to the interpretation of the original strike telegram expressed by Frank Farrington, president of the Illinois miners, was not removed by Mr. Lewis' answer sent today to the Illinois leader. Farrington, who was an anti-administration leader at the miners' convention, accused Lewi3 of trying to "pass the buck" in calling the strike and Lewis' re ply was that "detailed instruc tions" would be sent whenever Illinois operators declare their stand of stopping the check-off. The answer did not disclose the nature of the instructions, but it was said authoritatively that they would include a strike order. EDITORIALS OF THE PEOPLE COLUMBUS, Nov. 3. Ohio miners who ceased work in pro test against the federal injunc tion abolishing the check-off sys tem were ordered to return to work by the executive board of District No. 6, United Mine Work ers of America, after meeting to day. Lee Hall, president of the dis trict, was instructed to notify ail coal operators that compliance with their contract, which in cludes provision for the check-off system of collection of union dues is expected and that violation of it will result In strikes. Our Grocery Prices North Salem Situation Editor Statesman: Replying to Sunday's Statesman. Relation ot Property and Proposed Viaduct. After reading in Sunday' Statesman, and noting the values you have placed on our properties, that are adjacent to and will be affected by the proposed viaduct on the Silverton road, we, the property holders feel we have been done a great injustice. We notice where the Commer cial club of this city and the realty association are going to a BTeat deal of expense and time, to in duce easterners as well as others to come to our city and invest and make a greater Salem. From your attitude of publish ing values on our property, you show that Salem is going back ward, which, we all know to be false, further, you discourage the incentive for a larger and better business in North Salem as well as kill residence sales. We think you should have come end interviewed at least some of the owners that will be affected, if this viaduct is constructed in Etead of jumping at conclusions. In every instance where you placed an appraised value, you are ent'rely out of reason. Quite a number of years aso when the Southern Pacific rail road was buying to double track their system, they paid from $1000 to $1200 per acre, and surely values have not decreased since then. Using that as a basis, you have not even taken under considera tion any of the improvements on any of the property affected, not to say anything as to business cat'on. v th -nroDertv owners, oi both the Silverton road and Pacif ic highway feel that you should n ake a thorough investigation and make amends as far as possi ble for the wrong you have done us. ... W are all taxpayers and teei that we should have some vo!ce in matters so important to us. We the nroDerty owners do not feel that the taxpayers of Salem and the state of Oreeon ned bear the unnecessary expense or malt ing for the Southern Pacirtc rail road safer and better crossings. The Silverton, road ha3 ue?n raved for several years, yet the Southern Pacific crossing remains the same. This will apply to other south ern Pacific cross:ngs in Salem, as well. If the crossings ar a menace to the public, let the Southern Pa cific, who derives the benefits. improve their own crossings, in stead of the taxpayers ot this oiy ind state. The North Salem Property Owners .25 .25 .60 .39 6 cans Sardines in Oil - 2 cans Mustard Sardines............. - 3 cans Salmon;..'....:...,.., . ! cans Fork' and Beans 2 packages Snowflake" Crackers 25 1 poilnd Fresh Ginger Snaps 25 20 bars Crystal White Soap 1.00 25 bars Royal White Soap 1.00 35 bars Laundry Soap 10 100 pounds best Potatoes. 2.00 6 ounces Vanilla Flavoring, . - 25 Fresh Horseradish, per bottle - 15 Fresh Codfish, per pound.. 25 Fresh Kippered Salmon. 30 6 cans Salt Herring.. . Sauer' Kraut, per quart... 1 Idaho Honey, per cake....... .. 30 Valnuts, per pounds Kellers Corn Flakes .11 Yalley Flour, per sack. l.Jj X'ranberries, per pound. 25 1 pound Calumet Baking Powder 27 7 pounds Parsnips..... - r 2o 10 pounds Carrots... . r - '25 6 pound Rutabagas. 25 1 1 large package WashingTowder .20 HIGHLAND GROCERY 746 Highland Avenue Phone 496 Built For The Great Outdoors : SCOTCH WOOLEN MILLS - Suits nd Overcoats $25.00 to $55.00 FALL and WINTER days demand Clothes that must do a lot of resisting. Dressed in a suit and overcoat of pure. Wool made to your measure, winter will have no terrors for you and you save money buying here. ' SCOTCH WOOLEN MILLS STATE ST. SALEM. ORE. provided the authorities with in formation as follows relative to social influences or experiences: Boy No. 1 Never interested in the Boy Scouts, never asked to join. Went to free swimming class at the Y.M.C.A., twice. Attended Sunday school three years ago. Never have been interested in the V.M.C.A. Clothes Too Poor Boy No. 2 Came to Salem from a little town about 1$ months ago. I had attended Sun day school there but never in Sa lem. I did not hare nice enough clothes. I always wanted to know more about the Boy Scouts', butt had no chance in the country. Since I came to Salem, no one ever asked me to join. Boy No,. 3 Only been in Salem a few years. Atteaded Sunday school a few times. I quit going there just a little while before we .started to steal those bicycles. The Sunday school is too slow for a fellow. Once I was asked to join the Boy Scouts but some older boys told me that they are a I bunch of sissies who can't ever do anyimng. HinMiHi VAN r i mini in Mill!) IM CUE EXPERT HERE would assume all costs of liquid ating the closed bank except leSal expenses. It was announced that 'P" D. Stacy, former president of tne Scandinavian-American bank, had been named president of Bank or Washington. Miss Frances Anderson Will; Executor of Will Sues Give Exhibit at Ad olph's Tonight Salem exponents of billiards will have an opportunity tonight to witness the work of Miss Fran ces Anderson, world's champion woman billiardist. Miss Anderson is touring the west and at 8 Fred A. Kurtz Company Complaint has been filed by Carev F. Martin, as executor of the will of N. C. Jorgensen against Fred A. Kurtz, doing bus.ness un der the name of the Fred A. Kurt", company. asklng for judg ment amounting to $235. Mr. Martin alleges that dunng the 1919 season. N. C. Jorgensen BONFIRE WILL BIHTIKIIT Willamette Team! Prepared for Game Withi Pacific University Saturday es tne iqmow'us Silverton, the Iter. George Hen Mcksen Alt. Angel, G. D. Ebcer; Hubbard j Mrs. C. W. Magyer; Stayton. jO. V. White; Dallas, Dr.. A. B. Starbuck. There has been no special quota assigned! to any district. Cap tains have been instructed to se. I. Hi cure as j many members as po. sibl?. It is hoped that in Marion and Polk counties there, may . be enrolled I this year at least 7000 members. 1 " In Wcjodburn the Women'i club will take charge ot the campaign for menjbershig in that city. STATE BOARD ALLOWS BOY TO RETURN (Continued from page 1.) district are closed down and no work is to be had. He told the judge he wished to come back to the training school for the winter and go ahead witA his studies. Mr. Gilbert described him as a boy of unusual ability and favored his return. State. Treasurer Hoff said to refuse would be to encourage him to commit an offense so he mght be sent back. The board voted that he should be allowed to re urn. Mr. Gilbert told of another youth who recently has been dis charged from the navy. He re turned to Salem yesterday and called up the school. "I have a notion to do some thing so 1 can come back." he told I the superintendent over the phone. Mr. Gilbert advised him not to. but to keep looking for a job. Some fear was expressed that the action of the board in the case of the Union county lad would furnish precedent for simi lar action with respect to the state prison and the hospital for the in sane, it was held that the con dition could be guarded against. POLICIES FOR ARM PARLEY TAKE FORM (Continued from page 1) Methodists May Add to Sunday School Rooms 11 a; .... ... tt-.i i o'clock tonight will appear at the i ld and delivered 10 iue r. ... Adolph Brothers parlors. ; Kurtx company a certain .uan; n admission will he rharori ! titv of aDules and received part for the exhibition during which j payment for them, and that at a Miss Anderson demonstrates trick ! settlement of accounts last March TV. a rtonrrflt bonfire on Sweet- :anbfen1hStiC ToiST. Cheeraj Greet Proposal ; 10 uust me napsourgs team. and fancy shots. She challenges the best of Salem's players to a match during the evening. Miss Anderson claims that she has lost only 19 of more than 250 matches during the present tour. She has played billiards since .she was 14 years old and won the title about 10 years a She .ases a 21 ounce cue .highest run, she says, was 51 made at Dayton, O., two years ago. there was still due Mr. Jorgen sen the sum of $235 and this Mr. Kurtz promised to pay on Moy 1. Mr. Martin alleges the amo'int has not been paid, and asks for judgment. if-! Drager Files Demurrer Her j . . .. .... . ..: In School uisinci ouu One More Pledge Means j Much to Association The impression that such a method may not lead to an imme diate agreement has been given color by the apparent intention of some other powers to pursue an opposite course and enter the conference setting a high figure aj the measure ot the naval arm ament they consider requisite to their national safety. Japan has indicated she would suggest the necessity of maintaining a navy equal to any which might enter her sphere in the Far East, a proportion which naval experts say is well in excess of her pres ent power. Naval Question First The naval armament question is considered certain to be the first to occupy attention of the conferenca, but it is not the ex pectation of officials that the live problems of Far Eastern diplom acy will remain long in the back ground. As the conference is viewed In prospect, it is believed that the diplomatic and armament angles may develop simultane ously so that Instead of having a fixed program of consecutive subjects the delegates will fall into the practice of considering this or that problem as occasion may bring it to the front. TWO BOYS ARE HELD , FOR BICYCLE THEFTS (Continued from page 1.) That the present housing anu ejuipment were inadejuale for th-j Sunday school enrollment was the decision of the official board ot the First Methodist church at a meeting Wednesday night. More than 350 new students have been added to the Sunday school en rollment in the past year, accord ing to Rev. Blain E. Klrkpatrick which brings the total number taking instruction up to 1100. A temporary building to foe erected on the rear of the lot now Occupied by the church was one of the proposed ways of meeting the conditions as shown last night. Committees on ways and means and a special building committee were named last night to investi gate. These committees will re port at a meeting of the officfcil board November 9. The special building committee is composed of R. R. Jones, A. A. Siewerf and J. B .Littler. The regular finance committee will act as a ways and means com mittee, w. C. Winslow is chair man of the regular committee. The Y. M. C. A. needs but one more pledge of $250 to assure the tentative pledges of seven others who have been given with the understanding that a total of eight pledges of $250 each will be subscribed. Thosa in charge of the cam paign hope to close their work this week. It is known that a number who have pledged for work have not as yet Been many who supported the Y. M. C. A. a year ago. There will be the usual noon luncheon of workers. The following pledges were re ported yesterday, bringing the total up to $8569.50. J. A. Kapphahn, $5; P. J. Lar sen & Sons, $5; Charles H. Whit more, $5; Edward Phernetton, $20; Harry E. White, $5; K. W. Durbin, $20; W. T. Jenks, $50; D. T. Potter, $5; H. S. Gile. $50; W. L. Phillips. $16; Julius Cohen $16; C. M. Mial. $25; c; J. Brier Co. $10; A. C. Bishop, $10; Wil liam H. Paulus, $16; G. T- Frey, $16; F. B. Southwick, $5. Presbyterian Workers Ready to Break Strike A district meeting of the Pres byterian churches within a short distance from Saiem met Wednes day for a conference her? The churches included in the district are Salem. Dallas. Woodbum, Marion, Gervais, Fairfield. Me hama. Pleasant Grove and Spring Valley. Among outside speakers present were Mrs. C. W. Williams of Port- lend, representing the Women 3 Missionary board of the northwect district; Westen T. Johnson of peneral missionary board and Rev. W. H. Amos of Portland, as sistant superintendent of Home missionary board. Dinner was served to the dele gates in the Y. W. C. A. dining room and informal talks were giv en following the dinner. D. G. Drager, treasurer of Mar ion county, in answer to a writ of mandamus ordering him to bay certain school warrants or show cause why he should not pay, has demurred on the ground tnat tne mandamus does not state facts sufficient to justify its issuance or to constitute a valid cause against him. The mandamus proceedings were brought against Mr. Drager as treasurer by a school district in the northern part of the county and the legal points involved brings up the question as to whether a school district which has voted funds for a school house may use the funds temporarily for other purposes. The district about a year ago voted $23,500 in ordef to buy grounds and build a school house. Later, the directors decided to'put off building a year or so. In or der to secure interest from the idle funds, the directors decided to loan the money to the Willam ette Valley Mortgage & Loan com pany at 6 per cent for one year. . The directors then issued a warrant and order on the county treasurer, in favor of the Willam ette Valley Mortgage & Loan com pany. Mr. Drager refused to hon or the warrant, on the ground that the money voted by the district could be withdrawn from the county treasury for one purpose only that of buying property and erecting a school house. n),loi members Ot me rooters, faculty members, co-eds. will have a part on ne program, ana u I"' ' - verize Pacific saiuruaj. -nothing in signs or yells. The team U going ahead stead ily, working while it waits for the Pacific bunch to arrive. It is pretty certain to be a hot game, for Pacific is said to have the riavlest. strongest team in its history a leant witb no cripples of accidents, while j Willamette has had enough sprains and breaks to furnish a whole row of hospitals with horrible exam ples. The loss of Barnes, from the scrimmage Wednesday night, is the latest discouraging an nouncement. Rut there have been so many that It's a rather old story The Bearcat squad was photo graphed, making a rather Impos- iiur showing. There are gooa men in reserve for every position; some are pretty green, even rreener than their green caps might indicate, but they promise strength and courage, and they can, soon ;Jt experience In a came. several iresnmen win doubtless play In the Pacific came. Saturday's game will be the last on the home field. The next will be at Walla Walla, Novem ber 19. with Whitman. The week following the Bearcats will clash with the College of Puget Sound at Tacoma. Then they will de flate the pigskin, put the mo'e skins in mothballs and get Into the basketball swim. Bingham Overrules Motion For Children to Appear Declaring that he did not feel jualified to pass an opinion as to whether children should be re leased from the state institution of the feebleminded, Judge George G. Bingham yesterday overruled a motion that the four Councilman children should be brought into court, to show why they should be permitted to return to their Eugene home. Attorneys for the children hoped to have them brought into court and there examined. Par ents of the children claim that the children were taken from the Boys' and Girls' Aid society at Portland, and without their con sent, sent to the feeble-minded school. The parents are endeav oring to have them returned home. On complaint of neigh bors last year the Councilman children were originally brought before the Coos county court and sent to the Portland institution. at the offices of Judge Bushey yesterday afternoon. "Well, boys, have you put those bicycles together yet?" queried Judee Bushey. And then followed the lad's summing up of their activities since they were taken into custo dy by the police last Saturday and six bicycles stolen by them re covered. Each of the wheels Is In a more or less damaged condi tion, as the two boys had been busily occupied in dismantling the wheels and tires and In repainting frames. Youngster No. 1. told Judge Bushey that he was having much trouble in making the bicycles "as good as new" which was his promise to the court Monday. "It was easy to ride the wheels away and hide them while their owners were in school. '' said the little fellow, but somehow I can't find all the pedals and other parts that we took off the bikes. Judge Wants to Help As in scores of other juvenile rnes handled by him. County Judge Bushey is co-operating with the boys in their efforts to make up for their past offenses and to regain a good standing in the community. When questioned as to what their interests had been, both lads stated that they had never paid mucu attention to the work of the Y.M.O.A. or to the Boy Scouts. Three other boys recently sent to the reform school because ot failure to convince the court that their home surroundings would W. HIS IS SCHOOL HOA Miss Grace Taylor Elected Nurse at Special Meet ing of Board Af a meeting held yesteday of a special committee appointed by the school board. Dr. J. O. Mat- thls was elected school physician and Miss Grace Taylor, school nurse. Both will begin their du ties at once. Due to the fact that the school board had but a small budget with which to work on. there has been no school physician or nurse. But at the last meeting of the boird. the opinion was expressed that it would be for the best for he schools to have a physician and nurse and a committee was appointed with power to act. This will be the first work of Dr. Matthis in an official capacity for the schools. Miss Taylor has served for a number of years as school nurse and is well known to school patrons. The position of school nurse carries with it a salary of $100 a month and school physician keep them out of further trouble $50 a month. XO SOUTHARD VERDICT TWIN FALLS, Ida., Nov. 3. The case of Lyda Meyer Southard charged with first degree murder of Edward F. Meyer, Went to the jury today at 4:40 o'clock, follow ing the reading of instructions by the court which consumed exactly 40 minutes. At 1 o'clock this morning the jury had failed to arrive at a ver dict and ceased its deliverations asking that they be conducted to the hotel where they will spend the remainder of the night. Mary Nelson Commits Suicide in Portland PORTLAND, Or.. Nov. 3. Mary Nelson, aged 20. was found dead in her room here today with the gas turned on and doors and windows plugged up. A note to her room mate. Miss Ona May Mitchell, stated she was tired of the struggle of life and asked for giveness for her act. The girl had a brother in Hart line. Wash., and a sister in Wood- burn, Or. She had worked as a waitress in local restaurants. Her roommate is in a hospital for an operation. Portland Wheat Bids Go Down to 97 Cents PORTLAND. Or . Nov. 3. Portland wheat bids went down to 97 cents a bushel for the be3t varieties today on the Merchants Exchange a loss of 2 to 3 cents a bushel for the day. The new prices are the lowest named in this market for approx imately six years. Because of the lower prices that wheat is available at in Canada and in Australia. Japanese buyers have been trying to resell wheat purchased here. MISICIAX DIES HOUSTON, Tex., Nov. 3. Gio vanni Scottl, conducting the or chestra to the presentation of the opera "La Foza del Destino," dropped dead back of the curtain after the close of the first act tonight. Savage Rapids Dam Will Be Dedicated Saturday BUD A PEST. Nov 3. (By the Associated Press) When Pre mier Dejthlen today introduced in the assembly th bill calling for the dethroning or former King Charles (and the ousting of the Hapsburg dynasty from Hungary. ? there were cheerg for Charles by " the legitimists. The bill protests against Inter ference of foreign powers In Huni gary, provides removal of . the Hapsburgs from power and calU for postponement for an indefin- -. Ite period of the election ot a new king of Hungary. The bill will tome up for debate tomorrow. Eight days or mourning for Hungary because of the country"! humiliation through the escapade of Charles has been ordered by tha minister of the interior. MIGRATK TO CANADA X VICTORIA, D. C Not; S-" , One thousand families from the British isles will emigrate to Brlu ish Columbia to settle In the Stuart Lake cpuntry, in the nor-r them part of the province, it wai: learned; here today. This It the result dr action bjr.Jthe commJtt. of the house of commons, Vbictt acted o(n proposal of T. ID. Pat' tulo, British Columbia minister of lands, who recently was In Lou- don., The area to; be coloured includes 200,000 acrjes. .. HUNTER KILLED U- '. T KALISPEL, Mont.; Nov. 3. irs. ' ( In-. mm 16 m Y BE DROPPED Motion to Quash Sensation al Issue Will Be Made in Senate Tomorrow WASHINGTON, Nov. 3. A mo tion is to be made in the senate tomorrow. Democratic senators announced tonight, to drop the investigation by the special sen ate committee into the charges of Senator Watson, : Democrat, Geor gia, that American soldiers were hanged in France without trial. Whether a partisan issue would develop out of the ca3e was un certain tonight, but several Re publicans declared they were ready to resist the Democratic motion, which Senator Simmons, Democrat, Nort Carolina, said he planned to offer. He Is to move discharge of dissolution of the special investigating committee. tne Simmons motion was agreed on after conferences be tween Republican and Democratis leaders and Senator Watson and after presentation by Mr. Wat son of letters, telegrams and newspaper clippings as substan tiating his charges. Democratic senators claimedthey had assur ances from some Republican lead ers that they would not object to dissolution of the committee, but other Republicans declared they would oppose the Simmons motion. Senator Wratson said he con tinued to object to presenting the case before any committee and that he proposed to proceed with his evidence in, the open senate. GRANTS PASS.. Or.. Nov. 3. Dedicatory services of the Savage Rapids irrigation dam which has "been completed this month will be held Saturday, November 5th. Plans are being made, and an ex tensive program has already been prepared for the event. President W. J. Kerr of the Oregon Agricultural college will deliver the dedicatory address. Other speakers of ; the day are State Engineer Percy Cupper, of Salem, and J. W. Harrison of San Francisco. Secretary of State Sam Kozer will Press the; button which will loose the waters Into the canals. Invitations have been sent' to many prominent persons all over the Pacific coast and a large at tendance is expected at the celebration.. James j Pullman, 35, of Somers. Mont., was shot and fatally tn nwl fit. hi. hiinltni. mi n. nn . t. Bert Schlogal, while the two aiea .v were stalking a deer In the vicin- ' Ity of Loon lake on Tuesday. The -body was brought here by Schlo- ' gel, who reported the accident. PRINT DKRS' SPEECH CHICAGO, Nov. 3 Socialist national headquarters today - an nounced that It has printed and prepared to distribute copies ot Eugene V. Debs' speech at CaM ton OlSIn Hnrfncr f Vi rar o m m,1iI.W Ul kt. X -ft V.V iu ftllH VUUTIHUUU HUU Dcii L Oil CO - to 10 years in prison. LEWIS WINS NEW YORK, Nov. 3. Ed (Strangler) Lewis, former heavy weight wrestling champion, to night defeated Joe Polk, inter allied title holder in a two-fall match. The first fall was gained after 6 minutes and 40 seconds with a double wristlock, and the second in four minutes 19 seconds with o double body hold. Red Cross Captains Are Announced by Mr. Fields With the campaign for mem bership in the Red Cross. Willam ette chapter, beginning Armistice day. Dr. D. M. Field, who is in charge of the campaign, announc- Tonight 8 o9Clock World's Champion Lady' Pocket Billiard Player I Performs at Adolph Bros. ! Billiard Parlor 7. ; r . . V ; . '. No Admission Charged ft -it, ..The New Hardware Store- SQUARE DEAL i HARDWARE AND FURNITURE CO. W. COHEN, Prop. r 220 N. Commercial St Builders Hardware Tools , Plumbing Supplies Crockery Dishes Cookinj? Utensils Bid Made for Assets of Defunct Seattle Bank SEATTLE, Nov. 3 Purchase of all assets of the defunct Scandinavian-American bank were offer ed in a bid today submitted to a state supervisor of banking, through the Superior court, by a committee representing ths Bank of Washington and the Lumber men's bank, institutions incorpor ated at Olympia last Saturday. The board would provide a sum rufficient to pay immediately all depositors of the Scandinavian American bank, 0 per cent cf their claims. Depositors claiming $100, or less, would be paid in fulL - The proposal stipulates fur ther that the two new rianre Called Absurd LANSING. Mich.. Nov. 3 Col. S. D. Pepper, assistant attorney general and former judge advo cate of the Fifth army corps, to day declared he was prepared to submit record of the Firth corps in refutation of charges made in the senate that American soldiers were executed in France without proper trial. Colonel Pepper said there probably were three execu tions in the Fifth corps but all followed court martials in which "entPTire was approved by General Pershing. He declared Senator Watson's charges "absurd." Watson Support rl OTTAWA. Ont., Nov. 3. T. J. Frye of Morrisburg. Ont.. today announced he had sent Senator Watson of Georgia a telegram of fering "a volume of additional evidence" in support of the sena tor's charge that American sol i'rs were banged in France with out trial. Frye added that he had no direct connection with the ar- banks my and had not been overseas. n F. N. WOO DRY Livestock, Merchandise,! Real Estate AUCTIONEER Phone 511 for Sale Dates Salem, Oregon Cabinet Steam Baths Tub Baths Shower BathsSwedish Massage By Appointment Myrtle Bernard, Masseuse Residence Phone 1250R At Model Beauty Parlors, 110 n! Com'l. Phone 956 SALE Machinery AUCTION SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5th of Horses, Harness, Silk Floss Mattresses One Lot of Small Rugs at: SATTERLEE AUCTION HOUSE ! . 404 Ferry Street j