The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 04, 1921, Page 1, Image 1

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t 4
not possible
' Make, Known
1i la . '
riansr to Kenurp Rnvom.
mental Costs by Total of
Supplemental Deficiency
Appropriations Account
ed, for in Figures
administration , expects to erfect
great redaction in eovernment
expenditures for, the fiscal year of
192?. of $439,000,000. Instead of
Its previous; estimated redaction
h of 360.000.000Jlr8ldent Hard-
t ,nK in tornied congress through a
i letteitolSpeaeUiette, made
I todayr f OnitW basis of lat"
eit estimates received, the presi
dent said, total expenditures , for
the next fiscal year, stands at $3,
S40.O00.0Q0. a redaction of $94.-
000,000 from the estimate of $4,-
L U 034)00,000 to congress August
If 10.
ft. The "nre&ident'a. Mllmalsa ware
If submitted In connection with
1 transmission . of supplemental and
I deficiency estimates of appropria-
7l tions amounting to nearly $188,-
i ooo.uuo,. which he. said were.tak
t en into consideration in arriving
at -the expenditures total tor next
Letter Rent Congress
r The president's letter said:
. '. "1 1 have the honor to trans-
i mit herewith . for c the considera-
tion.of -congress, supplemental and
deficiency estimates of apprppria?
tions in the sum of 1187,922,-
''As jl actor In their .considers
tlonl It la to he noted that on Aug-
l--urjr .stated" (that ' the, committee, op
f ways ways and means that, ac-
cording to the latest advices .re
J celved from tne.ipendirig depart
mntit and .ftr takln' 1nt ac
count" all estimated reductions in
expdnditqre, the treasury . estim
ates .that the total expenditure for
the .fiscal year,.Ii22, for.whicb
provision should be made out of
the icunjent reyenues of the gov
ernment would be about- 4,5 60,
OOO.OOp. "This. In Itself would .mean
substantial reduction , in , current
revenues and. expenditures below
the fiscal year ,192 V
roller Announced
1 "At the time this statement
was made, by the. secretary, the
4 results' of the, imposition, of execu
tive pressure upon the spending
departments. Inaugurated. at tae
meeting called by .the; president of
Uhe body of the business organiza
tion of government,, had .not been
ifully developed. On August 10,
1921. after, a conference, an
nouncement was made through
the secretary of the .treasury that
,lhe administration,' in cooperation
with ( the' commute oh .ways and
.means bad deermlnedio reduce
the (Ordlnarr expendltufes' of tlie
government for the fiscal 'year
'1922 out of other ptfblle debt re
' telpts during the year-to the ex
entrof $170,000,000, -4 Thus the
expected aggregate, reduction: m
ipejiditure for the fiscal Tear on
the above basis was announced as
t 620.000,000, leaving. the wtlmat
1 total expenditure for the fiscal
jrear, 1922 as of date. August 19,
1921, about $4,034,000,000.
Jebanon Man Protests Evi-
dence as He is Bound ,
5 , Oyer to Grand Jury
ALBANY. Ore., Nov. 3. -While
rotestlnjc his innocence, Carson
Douglas eBebe.- to named, by his
trenta but, generaUy. known as
Peter Beebe was bound 'over today
Rthout bail to await the action of
e Linn county! grand jury on
two .separate charges .of m.urder
h the first degree.
f District Attorney Lewelling
fted, two complaint tin.: one of
vhlch Beebe is accused or the
siurder of John Painter, and, his
H-yesr-old son. October, 1! was
Uvea. as the date of the commis
sion .of each murder. The bodies
J the two men rere unearthed
I on the elder Painter's farm.
1 f nwBen Lebanon and Lacomb. 4 -
f,rier tne hearing Beebe was re
turned to the T.lnn rnnnfv Ull
here he, m,uat ,remain ,nntil ,the
"Tt;sesslon, of.the ; grand jury,
ich will probably "fce helii the
week Of this month.
i -;. s? 4:, -
f ... i ! . ...,.,,,.-.? jl
I - , k
- r Vv f .
:fc i 1
jit i'.lr
The new Ivlrs. Herbert, Harriman, who before her mar
riage to the millionaire banker and sportsman was Miss Sally
Hunter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Hunter, of New
York City. Miss Hunter first-met Mr. Harriman in France,
where she served as a Red Cross nurse. They Tenewed their
acquaintance here in America. They are spending part of
their honeymoon in French Lick, Ind., where they were se
cretly .wedded. ; .
State Board May Ignore
Letter of the Law, But
Welfare oi Boy at Stake
The state board of control may
have deviated from the, letter ; of
the law, yesterday, and ran a
chance of establishing a precedent
tnat may become a nuisance but
it was done for humanitarian rea
sons and had the approval of the
three members as well as of all
heads of institutions who were
This -was, the granting of au
thority to L. M. Gilbert, superin
tendent of. the state training
school 'for boys, to reopen the
doors of the institution for the
winter -to a paroiea ooy who is
now' out. of employment, and who
Frank NosacX a farmer of near Salem, received a shock
yesterday when Depijty Sheriffs W. Barber and Lee Morelock
descended upon his farm and seized 50 gallons of wine.
JVIien, Nosack was brought into justice court before
Judge G. E. Unruh, he received, a second set-back, the court
imposing a fine of $125 after Nosack had pleaded guilty to
the charge of having liquor in his possession. The wine had
been manufactured from a mixture of cherries, raspberries
and, loganberries, officials believe.
Nosack would .not admit to the officers that he made
the liguor for commercial purposes, asserting that the 50
gaUonsiad been intended for private consumption.
T!Tcllent examples of1 what
transpires., when parents fail to
keep in touch with. their children
is found in the cases of Youngster
No. 1. nine years old. and Young
ster No; 2, 12 years old now
pending i before County Judge Wv
M. Bushey In the local juvenu
court. : x. ,
In. the case of-Youngster No. 1,
the parents are divorced, the fath
er living in another state, while
the , mother : ia. obliged to work
away from home a great portion
of the time. The mother of Young
ster iio. 2, is dead and the father's
business has deprived the boy of
the needed association.
Taken Into Custody
Last Saturday, the two boys
were taken into custody by Chief
of Pnifoc Verftair Moffttt and icon
f eesed. to stealing -bicycles valued
at $300 aqd also to taking a num
ber, of t bicycle accessories, the
desires to. go to school during, the
winter. Under the law It is doubt
ful if this procedure ia legal with
out the lad. committing -some of
fense that would break his. parole..
The lad lives at La Grande.
Union county. He has ' worked
hard since he was paroled and has
has become an adept at operating
a tractor. His story was told. Su
perintendent Gilbert .in a: letter
from the county judge of ' Union
county. His employment came to
an end and he appealed to the
Judge for advice. The mills in that
(Continued on pax 2)
value, of which is placed M J5.
During the, past two. montns,, ui7
rvrln thieves have been Yery ac
tive in Saiem and. the local, poUce
department iias been put, to, much
trouble and expense in endeavor
ing to break up the. gangs of
thio-ves. Four boys have already
been sent to the state- training
school and property Yalued at
$a60- recovered.
iCity and county officials believe
that the public should realize juBt
what a certain class of careless
and, 'absentee ' parents ls""doinr in
augmenting police problems and
the burden of taxes. In this par
ticular easel the boys told Judge
Bushey thatthis was their first of
fense and pleaded for , another
chance. t For ' this reason, names
have been omitted. , .1 ... .
f- j Job Hard4toXp?q,, .
Youngster No. 1.. and Young
ster No. . 2 presented themselves
.(CosJUuned on pajge k) j
Ambassador George Harvey
Makes Frank Speech to
Audience at Liverpool
Chamber of Commerce.
Policy Enunciated by George
Washington Must be Ad
hered to Strictly
LIVERPOOL, Nov. 3. George
Harvey, United States ambassador
to Great Britain, told an audience
at the Liverpool Chamber of
Commerce tonight that it was fu
tile to hope that, .America, as Lord,
Derby had recently suggested,
may some day be merged in a defi
nite alliance with England and
This statement was made as a
digression from an address on ec
onomics and the international in
dustrial situation, x which the
ambassador attacked communism
and socialism and defended indi
vidualism. Ierby Speech JtccaUed
He recalled Lord Derby' state;
ment in a address in Birming
ham, in which the latter voiced
the conviction that the success of
the Washington conference would
mean peace, and its failure would
mean war in the iKTmediate fu
ture.. He also recalled Lord Derby's
suggestion to former President
Po'.ncare of France, that an Anelo
French alliance would be desir
able in the interests of peace, inti
mating the . "strong hope" that
America might eventually join, the
Hope Declared, Futile
"Now it seems to have fallen
to my unhappy lot, since I have
been in England," continued the
ambassador, "to dispel illusions
respecting the attitude, of the
United States. I can conceive of
no, more effective service on the
part of an envoy than to set forth
frankly any certainty which may
bear on the immediate future,
however disappointing it may be
to his hearers. I feel impelled to
say frankly that the hope voiced
by Lord Derby must -be regarded
as futile.
"Our first president fixed the
forpign policy of the Unite
States clearly and unequivocally
when he abjured his countrymen
never to enter a permanent alli
ance with any other power. This
policy has been reaffirmed by
practically all his successors. It
was reiterated with great positive
ness in our latest national cam
paign by our present president
and was confirmed by a majority
of the people.
Ambassador Speaks Frankly
"In view of . these circumstances
am I doing more than stating the
wholly obvious and Inescapable
fact when I pronounce . the en
trance of. the, United. SaWes into
any permanent alliance, however
desirable that action may seem to
be, an utter impossibility? May it
not be thon, the part of wisdom
to avoid discussion or even. :sugi
gestion.of a proposal which, how
ever praiseworthy it may be.
could hardly serve any purpose
other than to feed enemies and
distress friends of both Great
Britain and France, who live in
Ambassador Harvey in dealing
with world economics, said the
aftermath of the war was hardly
less disconcerting and devastating
than was the war.
Test Yearn Progress .
"At the expiration of the en
suing week," he, continued, "we
shall have reached -the beginning
ot the fourth year following the
armistice. Even then we shall
only be approaching what we hop
may prove to be the first definite
and enduring settlements lopking
toward the lifting of burdens and
the establishment of international
agreements or understandings
loresnadowing prosperity, which
can be attained only through the
assurance of tranquil relations
among the powers."
There was. he added, political
peace in a broad Bense and it was
industrial peace now that was be
ing sought and which 'mUst be ob-'
Economic Laws Superior
"We must face the issue spuare
ly and manfully," he said, "as it
befits our race. The first funda
mental principle that we must rec
ognize is , that economic laws are
f superior to legislative enact
ments." ;,
He declared supply and riemand
constitute the-basic law of all ih-
custry. and that a period of what
normally would i be termed over
production, should now follow the
long period of under production.
Instead, however. , he declared
both England and America had
been persistent in under producr
tidn. i
Total is $8200 in Last Ten
Days, Records, of City Re
corder Race Disclose
Just a little matter of buildings
and repairs to cost approximately
Salem property owners during the
last 10 days in October, according
to city records. This shows a
strong gain over October's total
for 1921 by nearly $5,000.
An average of one item daily
for the ten-day period . in the
month just past is shown in the
big book in the office of City Re
corder Earl Race. The applica
tions for permits were received as
October 20: E. L. Weinheimer,
754 North High street, to altor
and repair one and one-half story
frame dwelling to cost $500.
Robert Heing, 525 North Four
teenth street, erection or a one
story frame dwelling, Carl Bahl
berg. builder, to cost $1800 Fred
Thielsen, of the Slough road, to
alter and repair one and ontvhalf
ttory building, the work being
done by Carl Rahlbcrg, and to
cost abou t$5Q0.
October Elgin,
frame garage at 1 475 North Lib
erty street, to cost $300.
October 24. Fred Armpriest,
2030 State street, one-story frame
dwelling to cost $2650. Charles
Zeigler, 449 South Eighteenth
street, repairs to one and one-half
story frame dwelling, cost, $3iu.
October 25 C. A. Bost. 1232
North Liberty street,, one and one
half story frame dwelling, cost
$1,000. Swedish Methodist
church to alter end repair church
building at Fifteenth and Mill
streets at a cost of $700.
. October 27 Marion county, to
erect one-story machine shed at
Jason and Center streets, cost
$700., David Silver, Twenty-second
and Oxford streets, to alter
and'iepair one-story framo dwell
ing, W8t. $300.
i October 31 John M. Myer,
North Commercial 6treet. to alter
and repair one-Etory frame build
ing at a cost of $800. Anna S.
Flint, 178 West Wilson street, to
alter and. repair one-story frame
dwelling at a cost of about $900.
E, J. Tucker, builder.
Didn't Know it Was Loaded
Type of Drivers Warned
To Slow Up
Traffic violators who tear, into
the city traffic ordinances and
then expect a please-don't-do-it-again
attitude from City Recorder
Earl Race will receive an un
pleasant jar on their next un
willing visit to the city hall. Af
ter a long period of accepting
promises that were son forgotten
or broken. Judge Race has issued
the following statement:
"In future for the violating of
the traffic ordinance in the city ;
of Salem, speeding, glaring head-,
lights and cutting corners, the
minimum fine imposed by this
court will e b$20.
"In looking over the number
of accidents that have happened,
and the lives that have been sac
rificed, we have become satisfied
that an automobile in the hands
of a careless or reckless driver is
a . deadly weapon placed in the
same class with the people that
didn't know the gun was loaded.
If an automobile wiis not consid
ered dangerous when on the road
it would not be surrounded by
the laws to protect both life and
property. " .
Ben Kantolberg and Carl Booth
were each arrested during the
week and after pleading guilty to
charges of exceeding the speed
limits within city bounds received
proof, that Judge Jt ace is indeed in
earnest. Each was fined $20.
Short Circuit Causes
Loss of Near $1,000,000
Flames, believed to have origin
ated through an electrical short
circuit, burned 150,0000 bags of
sugar in the shipping warehouse
of the Los Alamitos Sugar com
pany here today. E. C. Hamil
ton, manager of the plant, said
the loss of sugar and damage to
the warehouse was estimated it
I $925,000, fully covered by insur-
Cloudy- and threatening, proba
bly followed by rain west portion;
moderate southerly winds.
The sales tax was rejected to
night by the senate.
The Democrats voted solid
ly against the measure and
were joined by 17 Republi
cans. The vote, as against, to 25
for, was on a proposal by Sen
ator Smoot, Republican, Utah,
for a 1 per cent levy with ex
emptions provided in the case
of sales by farmers of the
products of their farms, sales
by public utilities and those
by the United States or any
foreign government or any
state or territory, the army
and navy and hospitals.
The roll call for the amend
ment showed 25, including Re
publicans Gooding of Idaho
and Jones and Poindexier of
Washington. ; Against the
measure was 43, including
Borah, Republican, Idaho and
Walsh, Democrat, Montana.
The vote was regarded gener
ally as decisive of the question of
a sales tax at present, but imme
diately after it had b?en an
nounced. Senator Smoot offered
another amendment embodying a
business sales tax of one half of
1 per cent on gross sales in exces3
of $6000 a year.
This went over until tomorrow.
In the debate on the defeated
manufacturers' sales tax plan.
some Republican leaders indicated
a sales tax might have to be pro
vided for in connection with the
soldiers' bonus bill which they
predicted would be passed at the
next session.
Discussion of the sales tax was
comparatively brief. Senator
Smoot was the chief speaker for
the plan, which was opposed
among others by Senator Jones of
New Mexico, Democrat.
Before taking lip the sales tax,
the senate, perfected the commit
tee bill with the adoption of some
additional amendments offered by
individual senators.
The Sale Will Be Through
out the Country for En
dowing Hospital Ward
The towns of ; Marion county
are giving splendid co-operation
in the tag day to be held tomorrow
nnder the auspices of the Ameri
can War Mothers, to raise funds
for the four-bed ' ward to be en
dowed in the new Salem hospital
for ex-service men.
Twelve of the town of Marion
county have responded to the call,
and the activities of tag day will
be under the auspices of tho fol
lowing ladies in those towns:
Aurora Miss Emma Snyder.
Aumsville Mrs. Edgar T.
Brooks Mrs. Howard Ramp.
Donald Mrs. Harry Evans.
Gervais, Mrs. 0. J. Mpisan.
Hubbard Mrs. Alice Grim
Weaver. Jefferson Mrs. Jos. Fontaine.
Silverton, Mrs! Clarence Kecne.
Stayton Mrs. Lulu R. Lilly.
Turner Mrs. Dr. Gragg.
Waconda Mrs. John Savage.
Woodburn Mrs. C. W. Gil
lette. ;
As the beds to be endowed are
to be for the benefit of all Marion
county ex-service men, it is en
tirely appropriate that all the peo
ple of the county should assist in
the most praiseworthy enter
prise. The tags are to be sold for 10
cents each; but; already Beveral
public spirited citizens of Sarem
have bought tags at higher prices,
and no doubt, this same spirit of
liberality will be shown through
out tthe countty, with the hope of
giving the, fund for the most
worthy purpose the final success
that it must be made.
Woman at Powers Killed
When Hit by Locomotive
M AUSHFIELD, ; Or., Nov. 3.
Mrs. J. B. Hill was run down and
killed by the engine of a logging
train at Powers, according to a
report reaching here today. The
engineer reported) she apparently
failed to heed warning whistles
and etood on the. track. T train
could not be stopped in time to
avoid striking her. 3Irs.i Hill's
husband is an engineer who is
now in Nevada. She was 36 years
old and had lived at Powers for
some months past.
Capital Crimes So Numerous
Special Fund May Be Neces
sary Prom Legislature
Warden L. H. Compton of the
state penitentiary will probably
ask Governor Olcott to recom
mend to the state legislature at
the next session a separate appio
praition for the, maintenance ot
men in the prison . who are un
der sentence of death.
The condemned men are not
maintained on the regular prison
accounts in the same way as other
prisoners, though they are fed
and cared for at prison expense.
With five men in the prison now
awaiting execution, and with the
executions of some of them de
layed many months by appeals to
the supreme court, they are quite
expensive to the state. At a meet
ing of the state board of control
yesterday Warden Compton said
that if the unusually large num
ber of condemned men becomes
a regular condition he will prob-
obly request the governor to ask
the next legislature for a separate
appropriation for their mainte
nance. E TO
Plans for Large Develop
ment Costing $350,000
Filed With Engineer
Applications for 'permit to con
struct a reservoir on the head
waters of Nestucca river for the
storage of approximately 6000
acre feet, and to, appropriate 35
second feet of water through a
tunnel and pipe line five miles in
length, dropping the same into
Panther creek under a head of
1460 feet, for the -development of
!07 horsepower, have been filed
in the office of the state engi
neer Percy A. Cupper, by the city
of McMinnville.
This development contemplates
the construction of a 50-foot earth
fill dam on the headwaters ot
Nestucca river, a tunnel about
one-half mile in length, about five
miles of 48-inch pipe line and
a power house at an estimated
cost of $350,000. : The power is
to be used for municipol purpo
ses for the city of McMinnville.
The Cherrians will meet next Tuesday evening at 6:15
o'clock at the Commercial club fori their regular, monthly
dinner and business session.
This meeting will be the last one before the December
session when officers for the coming year will be. nominated
and immediately elected. Nominations will be made from
the floor, as provided by the Cherrian by-laws and consti
tution. Officials elected in December will be. installed at
the annual January meeting. I
Although the election is more
than a month in the future, there
is some quiet talk as to possible
candidates for the big job, that
of King Bing. While no one ca
didate has even whispered thit
he would be willing to wear the
crown of King Bing, yet it is un
derstood there are a number who
are good King Bing' material
Hamilton Mentioned
V M. Hamilton has been men
tioned as of proper material for
a 1922 King Bing. ; He has been
active in the organization and last
summer represented King Bing
Knowland at several events !h
William McGilchrist, Jr., Is al
so a possibility for the next wear
er of the Cherrian crown. At
present he is holding down the
job of Lord Governor Wood. He
has been a live Chsrrian since it3
U. G. Shipley is also mentioned.
He is a charter member, has al
ways been faithful In the duties ot
a Cherrian, and while it H under
stood that he is moist willing to
side-step a promotion, yet it is
recognized that he has"" the right
makings for a King Bing.
Eyre Considered
David' W. Eyre, keeper of the
orchards, while willing to handle
American Delegation ; Will
Present Concrete System
for Reduction offc Naval
Armament, - .
Publicity Desired, So Con
ference May Be Helped
i By Public Opinion .
WASHINGTON, 1 'Nov. 3. Th
policies and program ot the Am
erican delegation.' : to the arma
ment conference are beginning to
assume definite outline and it the
expectations -of official Washing
ton are realised, the opening day
will see a sequence. ot develop
ments something like this:
Presentation ot a concrete Am
erican plan for far-reaching re
duction of naval armament.
Consideration of such trouble
some; problems. of the Far East
as may naturally project them
selves into the .picture,
j Publication Itosired
Meantime, am effort by the
United States to keep the negotia
tions! in the open so that publle
opinion may exert Its pressure
toward practical accomplishment.
Salient features of the Ameri
can naval, armament , proposals)
have been established and al
though details remain to be fixed,
there is reason to. believe the re
duction suggested wilr be sweep
ing enough to convince the world
that, the- United. - Stats- meant
business .when It. called -the coa
ference... . ,,,j:;,..:..;.:.;: ,
It would cause no surprise " If
lead&g . naral powers ' fouild It
necessary to . submit, the plan of
this government to long study
before they determine on their'
course. Should the reductions
proposed prove unacceptable itle
believed likely that, the American'
delegates, hating once taken the
Initiative, would invite the pow
ers to present some concrete
counter proposal.'
Detail. Xot Revealed
All evidence surrounding; thfl
conference of the American biff
four with their naval advisors,
have pointed to Inclusion of a set
ot maximum reduction figures la
the plan to be presented by thif
government. No official has been
willing to reveal details, but
there has been apparent a dasire
to layj bare at the outset, of the
negotiations the, full", extent to
which the United States would be,
willing to go in limitation of arm
ament. (Continued, on page 2.)
the financial affairs of the Cher
rians, has ben known to say that
he has no ambition to wear a
crown and like Caesar, would
push it away two or three times
should It be offered. However, Mr.'
Eyre is regarded as ot right ma
terial. William Gahlsdorf Is another
good Cherrian who , has served
since the beginning and there is
talk that he will be urged to serve."
Mr. Gahlsdorf has served the
Cherrians as chancellor of the
rolls for three terms and be Is
known to be a first class execu
tive. ! .
J. C. Perry, another faithful
Cherriah in sun and often in ram,
has been referred to as a most
suitable man for the job of King
Ping thje coming year. Mr. Perry
is serving as member of the legis
lature from Marion county and
some of his friends think that he
might as well take on another job.
Former Mayor on Lfc.t
Harley O. White la anot her
charter member who has worked
and suffered for the Cherriann in
all kinds of weather. Mr. White
once demonstrated hlg ability as
mayor of- Salem,, and - he . Is : now
regarded as of first class material
for supporting the .Cherrian crowa
the coming year. -
i f