..jM J -....,-,. js)-'i ( J fr .-- I r ; . i t THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SUNDAY MORNING OCTOBER SO, 1921 NEW TODAY EMPLOYMENT FOR SALE BUSINESS CARDS . J BUSINESS CARDS BUSINESS CARDS REAL- ESTATE' f ,'t f - I I ,- V V. r t v t a Biilffm ASTUTXXZlCXVTf AM Pea Will ' Pet BSOertleB M Three Insertions.. UH tMk SU lBOeTtlOBs). 81 uatha' NtttMt, per me 1 &a 18 eseatha' eea tract, per me It Mia imam fat u advert lees at 85 v NORWICH UNION riKH INSURANCR HOCIKTT Ttiletwo, KoLaaxl 4k Bwnctuurtlt feMkleot A(eat 871 HUU Hi. MONEY TO. LOAN Oa Real Estate T. K. FORD i IQror Latdd 4b Bash But) LOANS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE We Insure anything Wo hsve too hi? to lee Pay hack like tmm Oar term sad eity property Beta are eo lata. See aa first. UTUE ft LArLAB 0-T Oregon Midg- Pkeas 1844 NEW TODAY MAXWELL TOURING CAR LATE Mo del -in fine condition. The tiraa ara good. Tbia rar ia very tow priced and for aala at a amall payment down. Tha balance payable one dollar par day See tbia ear between 11 and 2 Bun day. l.ee I.. Gilbert, 150 So. Commer cial St. Phone 881. LOST LADIES BLACK SASH WITH red beads. 1133 Walter St. Phone 1S08-W. FOR RF.XT FURNISHED FIVE ROOM modern bungalow with oarage. Can be aeen after Monday. Phona 881 R. COLORED WOMAN "WISHES JOB. Cook or chambermaid, or work by -hour. See Charlie Maxwell at Oregon Electric depot. FURNISHED SLEEPING ROOMS IX - modern ho raw, cloaa In, gentleman pre ferred. 447 X. Liberty 8t. - PEDIGREED WALKER FOR HOUND pnppiea. If you want eoyota dog try the. Writ for pedigree, p. A. Loor, Bilvcrton, Pro. ' . FOR RENT 5 ROOMS, WELL LOCAT ed. Phono 481-W. LOST SMALL LADD A BU8H PURSE , belonging to Viola Forstner Tyler. Containing lodge pina. Return to Ty ler's Drug Store. FOR SALE AUTO REPAIR BUSINESS cloao in, on good highway. Good atock of neeeaeorlea. Price $1000. Addreaa "A No. 7." Stateamaa office. FOR REST TWO FURNISHED LIGHT housekeeping room, ateeping porch, light, water, ga, wood furnished. Call in morning. 693 N. Hummer St. FOR RtJNT FURNISHED RLEEPIXQ rooms on car line. 2011 8. Counter cial. 1141R. ; FOR SALE BIO FIR AND LIMB WOOD $7, ah $8. Phona 42F14. FOR SALE BAT WORK TEAM, AOES A and 7, weight 1400 apiece. Write H. L. Wane, Gervaia. FOR REST FURSISHED COZY 5 room cottage. 1820 State atreet. . FOR REXT 8 "ROOM MODERX HOUSE wits araf. Phons 1123-W. SNAP 5 ROOM, SEW - BCXGALOW. V.mmAwift BTs-LnsFA. : Kn list ill kitchen, '$3500, 9700 eash. Becks A Hendrtcka, 20o v. . jans mug. WILL TAKE GOOD 1ST. FARM MORT gtgt aa pay for good modern 5 room cottage, located on south 12th Street, Priced at $3000. R. A. Mohney, 200 Oregon Bldg, - Phone 217. FOUND PACKAGE CONTAINING child's clothing, etc Call at 809 o 13th St. WANTED 25 STOCK EWES STATE - age, price and location L. C. Deni- son. Sat a . voltage oi. TO THADK FOBDSOX TRACTOR FOB milk eowa. Phone 44F2. Addrc A'Ne. ," care 8tsteaman. EX SERVICE MEX 17 ACRES EAST. 10 acrea fruit, good bnilding. apply for your loan and take immediate poa aeeaton. bo caah retuired. Becke . r Hendricks. 205 U. 8. Bsnk Bldg. TO TD1S OR4.NT TRUCK THREE fenrth'a ton for milk eow. Pbons 44 i. Address "A No. 54,M esre ' . Btstesmsn. ' ' " " 1 - TOR SALE SIX ROOM HOUSE -AT 1908 N. 5th atreet. Price $1900. Paving paid for. Krneger 209 Ore gon Bldg. ' v .'' ' ' '- CHEAP COWS FRESH AND COMING freah. 404 8. 16th St. - ' FOUND ON SOUTH HIGH STREET, - one aack poke. Pay for thi si at S tatman office. WOMAN WANTS WORK Bt ; HOUR or day. Addrett f'M' csrs ' fctsttt ." man. '. - '. ' jU", TERMS 4 ROOM . HOUSE, '. BASE- ' went, good plumbing, paved street, lights,' platre4. 1700; good terms. . hecke ft Hendricks, 205 U. 8. Bank I'.Bldg. - MANY THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS ARE saved each month, each day, to the , people of Oregon by the MeMinnville Co. Get your next fire inaurance with them. Steadier ft Foley, Agtsv Buah . Bank Bldg. Phone 847. THE HAT BOX 17fr 8. HIGH, renovated, blocked $1. HATS LOST SATURDAY EVENING 5 OR 8 parce la. by potting them in the - wrong auto at State ft High. Finder please leave aame at police station. FOR RENT ONE LIGHT HOUSE keeping room, $12; one large down . taira front sleeping room. Call 348 X. Frost. - IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 8 ROOM modern house, cloae to high school, r paved atreet and alley : full cement basement; completely built in kitchen. $4500 terma or will sell on ao'.diera loan. Becks ft Hendricks, 205 U. 8. , Bank Bldg. ' . 1 WANTED I WANT TO BUY A HOME - in town or s amall tract with my aol- dieiV loan. Have small amount of eaa to pay oows. "K.X" ears Stateaatan. SEE THIS BRAND NEW BUNGALOW with 2 bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, lsrgo living room with fireplace, cement baee ment. pavement and cement walk, lxj cated at 10 8. High atreet. Will finish to suit and immediate poaaea h today. Phone owner at 81B-W. IOR RENT FURNISHED SLEEPING ' K modem, $3.50 week. . 252 N. Cottage St. Phone 1709 W. ' YpU WANT A CLASSY CAR THAT " J?1" 'lkt Price, aee 1920 Paige light aix at Stateamaa office. , FOR RENT 5 ROOM MODERX HOME at $20 per month. 1 room modern bouae ot atreet ear line. Well located. Square Deal Co. Phono 470 WANTED TO BORROW$2.000 , on first mortgage on a 16,500 property, for three years. Ad- . , dress W. E. S., care Statesman. FOR RENT FURNISHED FLAT i oi- rerry. 1 45 a month f ti immediate possession. , Phone 24, or can statesman business vitice. . - - . , - 1920 FORD TOrRING FULLY EQUIP pd. Good aa new. Call an; time. usU N. Jin. Improved Acreage Bargain in 2 irm, with neat 4 room bungalow, barn, garae; aoioe fruit, good noil, on paved road, close to town. rTi-e jtoo ; term. W)0 down. We have acreage ail kind for sale or S. R. PEARSON 210 211 I. S. Bank BMg. BEST BIY IN TOWN MODERN 6 room hou with full conr-rete base t.enl. extra large lot. fruit, garage, one block off State street. You will buy thia if-' yon have the price. 42200; terma- ' raxh. S, R. PEARSON 210 211 V. 8. Bank Bldg. Best Buys HOI'S 5 room modern house on pared street, 1 block from earline, price $3200. Term. 5 room modern plastered buna-stow, gravel treet, at rarl'ue; only $2750 Term. G room strictly modern bungalow, every convenience. $4250, and take in aee ond hand Dodge rar. 6 room f irnt clan bungalow with lot 60x200; located at limit, one block from rarline. $4000; half cash. 8 room strictly modern 1 tory bun galow, paved street, clone in : upstair in apartment rent for $50 per month Price $5000; terma. r'AKM.S 94 acre half cultivated, family orchard, good bnilding. 1 mile from railroad, price $70O0; $3000 down. 110 acre grain and dairy farm, 90 acre cultivated, electric light in all build in rn, ipring water piped, a fine home. 9 mile Salem, 4 mile achool.; On- - ly $14000, 1-3 cah. Federal loan of $7000 at 5V4 percent now on place. Hee thia if you mean buaineas. 70 acre heavy black loam, good build ing, water system, ',4 mile from town with Catholic churrh and acbool. A good bay at $125 per acre; Vi cah. 363 acre firat elaaa dairy and atock farm; $125 per acre. Will aelt with or without fine Guemeey herd. 574 acre is Waldo hi 11a, alt cultivated, 8 acrea prunea, new building, silo, tir: 3 milem from 8haw on rock road. $10,000 and everything, atock, implement, feed, furniture go. See u if you want to buy, aell, or trade. S0C0L0FSKY Realtors 341 State Worth While 5 room bungalow in fine condition. $1650, $G00 caah, balance easy pay menta. A fine home cloce in on paved atreet. 5 large room, full basement, garage, bearina- fruit. Price $4000, terma. 40 acrea cloae to Salem, good building, fine land. Price includinc stock and eauiDment. $10,500. Will take Salem property TffillsT&PLEY Realtors 3314 State St. GOOD BUYS ic - - .kink.. -.Tt.i B11 j.Bltiv&tAd 2 m I t , It I HI.. . .., " " - " ' " ' sere of mixed orchard, alao grape and Englian wainnts, gooa i room piaairr ed houae with cement baaement and l-.v (. aIavmr KntlHinv in ml on place. Located 4 block from paved road near Tualatin. Price $8000, or will trade for modern home in Salem. n n - il Mu:..tu1 A knnvatnw it f ICICI Pll Vlilil'.i, " barn and wood house, located 8 mile eaat on Silverton road. Price $5250. 11. .Inivn hi!nM time. Vi acre tots X good location near pared road and ca Une. Price $400 per lot, $25 down, balance SIO per month, 6 infwMt It mil r lookina for a location to build, here ii is at a small coat. 210 acre, 20 cultivated, 24 million feet and barn. Will take part trade on property near oaiera. nBvt trade on nronertv near Salem. 10 room house at 1107 8. Commercial atreet. v Price $2300. K nL.lmi1. Knniralnflr tn VAAit Mn d it ion, partly furniched. Price $2200 term. 5 room bnnga!ow, new taat year, located near MeKinley achool. : Price $1900 ah. 8 room honae located at 1008 S. 12 th atreet. Price $2300, terma. Good 9 room houe located 8 blocks out. Price 2io can. If you are looking to buy, trade or sell. see - W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. Realtors 275 State Street GOOD BUYS 3 rooms partly modern, large lot, garage, 2 block to ear: a barf in at $1250. Good terma. 5 room modern, 2 large lota, with fruit and berries, good gravel - atreet, good buy for $2100. $200 will - handle, ft acres most sll in fruit, fair buildinra. bett of land. 4 miles north Trad for houae in, Salem. Farm for rent. THOMASON 831 8tt St.: A Good Buy, $2600 6 room house, on psved street, M block from csr, esst front, gsrsge, located 407 N. 18th St. $5600 for a modern 8 room honae. noth ing ' lacking in thia bouse; concrete porch, east front, garsge, on alley cor- awe Awaall Ll n ttiA $4500 buy this 6 room bnncslow, mod ern except nrepiace. jrTtj tiaae aeeal 1 1 rial What have you' to exchange for a farm. Bring na your proposition. Liston & Darby 484 Court St. : EMPLOYMENT MEN WANTED FOR DETKCTJVE work. Experience unnecessary, write J. Gsnor, former U. S. Gov't. Detec tive. St. Louis. : MEN WANTED TO QUALIFY FOR firemen, oraaemen, experience huuoc cessary. Trsnsportstion furnished. Write W. Boggess, St. Louis. LOVERS OF ADVENTURE MEN MEN tally snd physicslly fit, who wsnt to see the world snd rough it, who rsn invest a little money, who wsnt per msnent Jobs and ahare in company profit; atrong men. who will take a chance and never whimper, can become members of Foreign Exploration Corp. Britiah Continental Exploration Com pany. Limited. Yorkshire Building, Vancouver, B.C.. Canada. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS PAYING 81600 tO S430U. Auditor income Tax. railway uait elerka. Examina tions soon. Information free. Federal Auditor League, Room 260, Washing ton, D. G. : . HUNDREDS MEN-BOYS, OVER 17 wanted a covernment railway mail clerks, commence $135 month. Stesdy. i it uosition free. Write immediately. Franklin Inatitnte, Dept. 865-A, Roch ester, N. Y. WANTED WORK OUT OF SCHOOL hoars by Filipino young msn. Hsve lots of time, forenoon, afternoon and evening. Willing to do janitor work, run elevator, office boy'a work, mea aenger, houae work of all kind, office filing. Attending nniveraity and moat have work. Address "A-," esre Btateaman. WANTED ENEBGETrv TOTJKQ MAN whs has kad experience gelling life Insurance, stocks or advertising. Mast be able to devote his entire time aad be ambitious for advancement. Meat have the courage to present business proposition to merchants aad profro stoael men. Answer la yonr ova hand- writing statins age, ed neat ion al eaal tficationa. experienee as solicitor, esc. I N l. twaeeaw errtee GOVERNMENT POSITIONS PAYING. $1600 to $4500. Auditors Income Tax, Railway Mail Clerks. Examina tion aooa. Information free. Feder al Auditor League, Room 260, Waah ington, D.C. SALESMAN FOR FAST SELLING LIE IPbune Grimes, 1937 J after 5:30 or call 541 Mill. BE i A DETECTIVE GREAT DEMAND jTravel, experience uiine-esarv. Write Dept. 962, Amem-an Detective Smleiu, 196 Broadway. N Y. FIREMEN, BKAKEMES, BEGINNEKS $150, later $250 monthly. Write ' 'Railvwav. " rare Statemsn AGENTS WANTED AGENTS Bit; MONEY TAKING ORD er Overcoat. PantK, Blankets, direct woolen mill to wearer. Donohue made tlOH first week. I'moc.i make $2UU per week. No capital refvire'. Com piete outfit free. Taylor, Wells, 2740 N. Paulina, Chicago. MANUFACTURER WANTS CAXVAS- Cr every town for ft selling house hold article, eaay make dollar an hour. Write quick about aainple and full par tieulmrs. Mauufarturer. 7iK .No. Main St., Lo, Angeles, Cal. START YOUR FORD INSTANTLY ON coldest morning, new invention, aves gaaoline. tarter and battery. Agent, dealers. Ford owners, seud for sample. J. I. K. Specialtiea Co., Dept. 219. Cin, O. 8ALE8MUN WANTED SAtF.SMAN FOR THIS AND NEARBY S territory. Calendar and advertUm: ;, Bpeeialtie. One of the strongest and :; most complete line in the industry, j Exclusive designs in our famous duo : tone calendar and fan. Alio copy ! righted sulijei-t in four color process : aud water color finishes. High grade i; proposition in leather and aigns. fcpec ;i ialtie in variots other materials. Ex i elusive territory contract for year be ginning uet-emoer 27th. Give age, aales experience and business refer ence for consideration. Merchants Publishing Company, Kalamazoo, Mich igan. Wfi RECOGNIZE NO COMPETITION ; because of our unique, U. S. protected ; article, exclusively owned and control : led by ua, clearing upward of $20 i per week for alesmen. It is a year i: after year repeater. Government cre ; ated demand. Exclusive territories i now beinv assirned. Jerome Laadt. Prea., 8 South DearbornSt..Chieago. MALE AND FEMALE WANT WORK WASHING OR HOUSE : cleaning. Phone 1893-J. MAN OR WOMAN WANTED SALARY ; $36 full time, 75c an hour aflare time, ! selling guaranteed hosiery to wearer. 1 Experience unnecessary. Internation- j al Hosiery Mills, Norrislown, Pa. vTAJSTID MKat aM. WOMEN TO take farm paper subscriptions. A good I wewoeieitioa te the right oeople. Addreaa ! the Paetf ie lLomestead, Stateamaa Bldg ; Salem. Ore. PERSONAL FACIAL SCALP THwaTMENTS; VIO i let rar: maaiearing, ahampoolng. Or i of on Bath houss. Phono 640. 'ICHICAGO LONESOME CLUB" tbousanda - belong. Send stamped en- I velope, 2928 Broadway, Chicago, II ; linoia. NOTICE A LARGE COLLECTION OF i pictures and descriptions of beautiful iadiea sent free to anyone upon re ) quest. Address Prof. Wsrd, B509, i Valley, Neb. ' MARRY THOUSANDS; WORTH $5000 I to S4OO.0OQ; willing to marry; list i free. Ralph Hyde, 106, San Fran j Cisco, Cal. MARRY FOR SPEEDY MARRIAGE. absolutely the best, largest in the country; established 16 years; thous and wealthy members, both sexes, wishing early marriage; confidential descriptions free. The Old Reliable Club, Mrs. Wruble, Box 26, Oakland, Calif. MARRY IP LONELY; FOR RESULTS try me; tes ana most iuii "Home Maker"; hundreds rich wish marriage soon; strictly confidential; most reliable; year' experience; de aeription free. '"The Succes.ful i Club," Mrs. Nsah, Box 5o6, Oakland, California. IF YOU WANT A HEALTHY, WEAL thy loving wife, write me. Enclosing lit imped envelope. Violet Rays, len t nUon, Ohio. RIC3I YOUNG WIDOW PRETTY AND ; affectionate. Would marry. Suite eleven, 10601 Saint Clair, Cleveland. Ohio. . ASTROLOGY STARH TELL LITrS story. 8end birthdste and dime for trial resding. Eddy. Westport Bt $8 8A Kansas City. Miasaurt FOR SALE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE ONE OF BEST BUSINESS ' locations, with fixture, in Salem, with or without atock. Address "A No. 5," Ststesman Of ties. WANTED LIVE PARTNER IN GOOD paying buaines. See Sarff. 371 State ' street. Pbone 99. LEARN OF THE VALE OF PARADISE, where dreama come true. Thia wonder : city ia having a magic growth, aad a : million dollara in muncipal impiove menti are authorized for this year. Every kind of business opening hei. We hsve seventeen miles of protected i waterfront, with gorgeoualy beautiful home sites. Wonderful homes. Won derful velvety lawns. Wonderful flow I era in aemi-tropical profusion.: Fih- line; upreme. Every day you can catch the big fellows until your back ache 'and your hands blister. Paradise for . 'motor boat, with hundred of mile of protected waterwaya: with wonder apota to viait. Finest motoring road in the south. Bathing in bay and gulf wonderful. Healthiest city in America, with no businesa for doctor. Great et golf course in America under con atruction. Coolest place in America ia summer, delightful ia winter. .You , may own a beautiful home here, with a : perpetual income, at practically no investment. Grasp the opportunity ot a! lifetime. Addreaa THE MAYOR, i Valparaiso, Fla ) i OAJART BIXPS FOR 8ALE CANARY BIRDS. DAI and night singers. Mrs. Beanett i Phone 12X0. 1030 Chemeketa farm rini tt tOV WANT TO GET THE BE81 farm paper, sand 18e to Tha Facifb Idem ea la ad. Baiam, uregon, ar a taree months trial enheeriptWaV Meatier this ad. HOC" SEE "ALADDIN READY CUT HOUSES" SO percent saved In cost ef eeaatrac , tioa. Chas. F. 8mith, factory repree etatlva, 620 NoAhwest Bank Bldg. Perland. Oregon. MISCXLLAJTEOUB APPLES DELIVERED. PHONE 4 F-2 FOR SALE A POINTER PUP. SIX months old. Call 646. ; FOR SALE CHARTER OAK RANGE inquire 2260 N. Fifth St. FOR SALE 10 OZ. NEW TENT 12x16; alao 8 ox. used tent, 12x14. -402 N. Commercial St. GASOLINE AND OIL TANKS from the largeat to smallest. L. A W'estaoott, factory representative. 864 SJ 12th St, phona 1602 J. FULLER BRUSHES FOR DEMON atrationa. O. Grimes, 541 Mill, Pnone 1937-J. FOR SALE CLIPPER DOUBLE HEAD grain cleaner. No. id, au aievee an kind. Also 5-ton wagon acale. Fair- . hanWMnrris. Brook, tire. FOR SALE OR TRADE ONE PAIR I biaca and tn hound, good rnatlers. two year old. Prefer saddle ia trade. ; A Fried), route 1, box 68, Sublimity, Oregon. M j .. . f ; m8CEXJLAjrE0TJS FALL AND WINTER APPLES BALD win. King, Jonathan, Northern py, Spi'tenberj. Rome beauty, Vanderpool and other. SJye-iat prxies for 5 or lo box lot. Ward K.j Hicbardson, phone 491. THE HoLiiE OK HALF jt MILLION aud one bargain We &uy, aell r exchange an thing and everything in the I ne of junk or eonfi baud good Mae us before you buy or- BH stem bock Junk Co hVu.i.br tlo place. 4u2 N. Commercial St. "rnoue FHE WESTERN SONGSTER SCHOOL AND UOlOirKlTt 8INUINO Aa eapeeieJly good aelectraa of the aong you have been wauling with werda aud musk couplet. No matter buw man) soagbooka you hava you ; akwuld ba Lb ia one. eoutaiamg the Oregon ' Pricea: Single topiea. 25ci; lii'.i eeuU each in Iota of a doaea er more; 12. 5" the hundred, postpaid. Second edition riatd ainc ticptaiiiber OKKOOk TKACHEKS MONTHLY !I15 B. Culumereisl Hi cailru. Oragoa FOR SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS. 10 renta a bundle. Circulation dooartuieat. Oregon Stateaman. '- POOLTRT POULTKYMKN SEND EIOHT TWO cent ataiupa fur ipecwl tbree utontb triai for tb best aud etldeat journal in the west. The articles and adver tiaementa are of apecial interest to tUa poultry breeder of the oorttweat. Nortbweat Poultry Journal. 211 Com mereial St, Salem, Oreroa. WOOD FORGOOD VALUE IN REAL WOOD. Phone Judd, 106K3. FOR DRY MILL WOOD AND OLD ritt call Tracy Wood Co, Phone 620. FOR SALE FIRST CLASS SECOND growth big fir and oak. ; Phone 1 154. DRY FIR AND OAK WOOD FOat BALE Phone 77 F2. OLD GROWTH 18 IN. FIR. $8.60; 4 ft. second growth sad ash. Pheae 1487. FOR SALI BEST GRADE MILL WOOD second growth aud old fir, 4 ft. or 16 in. Fred E. Welle. Phone 1542. 3(i5 8. Church. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOUR ROOM FURNISHED apartment on North Cottage atreet, centrally located. For particulars write 1312 Mill St., Eugene, Oregon. KOOMft A NICE WARM BEDROOM TO RENT Very near the State House. Pbone 1330-W. ; FOR RENT ROOM IN MODERN house. Two blocks north of Stale boctu. Pbone 624-R. FOR RENT ROOM FOB GENTLEMAN in modern home aud eeuusiiy locat ed. Please giro name and addreaa. K. care anatoamaa. HOUSES F. L. WOOD, II'- -fTATal BT, eatate. rentals .0ST AND FOUND LOST LOST OCTOBER 15, AT MACLEAY one roan cow. Also shepherd pup, near Capitol and "D" atreeta, Saieni. Notify Valley Packing Co. rOUNI FOUND ON COURT 8T. SMALL PAC kage. Owner apply at Boy Scout Headquarters, Room 11, McCornaek Bldg. WANTED -bUSCELLAJTKOUI OLD MATTRESSES MrADE OVER Capitol City Bedding Co, Phone 10. WANTED USED HOUSEHOLD GOODS ranges and eookstores. tools, men's nits and ghoea. Liberty Exchange. 241 N. Commercial. Phono 841. WANTED TO RENT HOUSE, 4 TO 6 rooms, immediate possession. Pbone 1118 M. WANTED E V ERTTHTN IN HARD ware and furniture. Beat prices paid TUB CAPITAL HARDWARE AND FURNITURE : CO. 185 N. Commercial St Phona 84' LANDLORDS ESTABLISHED BCSI neti in Salem for 15 years. Wsnt new location. What hsve yon to of fer f Immediste possession not ne essary, but will cloae ten year lease at any time if location aatiafactory "Buaineea, care Stateaman, BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory STOSAOB OAJUkGB TRACT'S STORAGE GARAGE 844 Ferry street AUTO TOPS) iUTO TOPS W. 0. WRIGHT, 171 Booth High. 4UTO TOP. faaranteod. 126 UPHOLSTERY, WORK $48 South 12th, phont TIRES AND ACCSSSORlXa SMITH-W ATKINS. 147 NORTH HIGH Fiak, Silverton Cord, Hood extra pi tires. Everything for auto. USED AKS FOR SALE 1911 S PASSENGER light car, good condition, good tire. $150. Merchant Delivery, 554 Ferry atreet. WANTED LIGHT TRUCK IN El change oa Hudson. Eaaex or Bab Overland. Fred Kirk wood, 248 State street OARAGE AND REPAIR 1UTO REPAIR 8HOP x. WIXdEat. 84' Center. P in R90 HOFFMAN A ZOSEL TIRE REPA1H ing, vulcanising, retreading; 197 Soutr Commercial atreet. Phone 471. CAPITAI GAR AGE BUICK, STUPE baker repairing. ITS South Liberty Phot 88. PAIR GROUNDS GARAGE TIRES. AO wavwasva, hm car. VBT wwa a aateed. 2641 Portland Road. Phone 40UTH COMMERCIAL GARAGE GEN oral repairinc and overhauling. 420 H Commercial Ht.. Sa'env BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN VCTO ELECTRICIAN; EXPERT TBOU ble ahootiag. 288 North High. Phea 208. PRESTO-LIFE BATTERY- SERVICE station. ' Expert battery and electrical work, rarria droa. Paoae lBua. etc Conrt RADIATOR SHOPS 4ALEM AUTO RADIATOB ; BH0P W South 12th. Pbone 28. I C RAtR. HtDMTOR rgMDIBS Bodies repaired. 444 Faery. 00K7S0TX0XZXT REMINGTON CONFEOTIONIBT. HO Mat- mad a eaadiea, eoafeetioaa, eigara, aiiaaa. 1278 Statav BEAUTY PAXLORa NOW OPERATTNO MOT3XXi BEAUTY Parlor, 110 NorU gotamereial Straot. 958, ,- ( CHZMEas rBrsicLUi DR. U M. HUM CUKES ANY KNOWN dieaae. 153 8. High Bt. Pheae 28$ CLEANING a PRESSING CLEAN 1NU, PRESSING I)NE TO YOUK satiafactMin. Claaay 4)o of collar. ti. TLe Toggery, 1S57 State. DBUO STOBXS BKgWEkt DRUG oa fbone IH4 SOS OOflBtT ELECT EJCIAHB fM HIt sir riGt HES ON WIKtSU Hy "outran, by hour. At pre war unc, H. W Hatch, paoae 1744 W FINANCIAL MAktiON f Ol.K COUNTY FAKat iAJAS aaaoctatioa baa aioney to loae at an percent. W. D SuiiU. aecrcUry trena urer. Maeaa Bank ef Lemuuirr rUILS ITU HE STORES FRANK F. RICHTEK NEW, SECOND band furniture. 34V N Oaiiiu.rcLal Phone Obb. FURNITURE HOSPITAL r'l' R. 111 Rh, REPAIRED OR MADE TO order. Kefioiahemg and upholstering a speciality. t'houe 1742. Urown aud tiroves, rjnl South Comiiiercial St. GREENHOUSES PORCH BOXES BEDfINO PLANTS for aala. Smith's 801 North Oommer cial HOTELS LEONARD HOTEL KKW MANAGE meat, clean, neat rooms sad apartioaats. 254 North Front bt. CHERRY CITY HOTEL; ROOMS 75c up; dining room in connertioa, family ttvle. C-orpcr High and State INSU&AJ'Cat MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE company. J. C. Batch, agent, room 6. McCornaek Bldg. Phone 88. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY WITH Banker' Reierve Life; G. T. Booth, Oeneral Agent,phone20a8W. Ladies' Wearing Apparel CORSETS a MRS. ESCH, AGENT FOR PRINCESS Coreta hona 104 R 91 S 12lh PRESS afAKIlTO DRESSMAKING TAILORING. MRS. Goodwin, 445 North Commercial. MRS. C. J EPSON" Oak, phone 929. MODISTE, 2567 MRS VARTY, DESIGNER AND MAKER Ladiea' Suita and Gowaa. Over Mil ler'a Store. LA CLASIQUE GOWK SHOP EXCLUS ive modela. Expert designing. 831 hi State. MAUD SIMONS, DRESSMAKER. 1710 Bellevue St. CARRIE FISHER DKESSMAK1NU designing. Spencer eorecto to order 2 McCormaek Bldg. DRESSMAKING BY THE DAT. PHONI 645 J. Mrs. Reid. EDITH M. A8HLEY DRE8SMAKER 1345 Broadway; 1436 J. MRS. R. CARTER EXPERIENCE! dressmaker. Paons 197 1W. RUTH McADAMS DRESSMAKER. 78 Ooutb lztb. Pbone 1834 M. BATTIE WILLIAMS DRESSMAKING 248 North Cottage. Phone 1662W. MESDAMES SCOTT ft CHASE DRESS mskers, 219 Ststa St. Phono 937. HEM8T1TCUXR O MRS. BRECKENRIDGE HEMSTITCH ing. mail orders solicited. 175 8. 19tl Pbone 174-M. SALEM ELITE HEMSTITCHING ehainititching. pleating, butteaa. 829 880 Oregon Big. Phone 879. MTLLINESY MRS. 0. A. GRIMM. MILLINERY, MA tron, children -a bate specialty ; remod sling. 226 Oregon Bldg. PLEATING MRS. HILDEBRAND. PLEATING r 890 Booth 24th. Pheae 798 11 1 HAT CHOPS AT SHOP MEN'S AND WOMEN' hats renovated aad blocked 498 Ooor street LANDSCAPE GARDENER FRED BLAKE, LANDSCAPE GARDEN ar. 1505 South Liberty. Phone 379. LAI) MDKXEB 4ALEM LAUNDRY COMPAlfY. 1S8 Liberty street. Phone 25. Oldest largest best Established 1888. CAPITAL CITY BTEAM LAUNDRY Vnality work, prompt eervioe. 1884 Rrnadwav Pbone 165. MAGNETIC HEALER OR. H. J. ANDERSEN, MAGNETIC healer. Dragleas phyiielsa. 416 Or egon Bldg. Phono 1108. MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 617-W. MUSIC STORES GEO. C. WILL PIANOS. PHONO graph, aewing machines, sheet music. and piano studies. Repairing phon ographs and aewing machines. 432 State. Salem. NURSERY STOCK WILLAMETTE VALLEY NURSERY All kinda nurserv stock for sale. Rte 7. Phone 105F5. COMPLETE LINK TREES. SMAL1 fruits, ornamentala. Capital City Nnra ery Co. 426 Oregon Bldg. Phone 75 STRAWBERRY PLANTS 8MM.1 fro its, other nursery stock, for Oct ober deliverv Place vour order gnu Ward K. Richardson, 2395 Front. Pbone 494. PRACTICAL NURSE PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE NURSE Mra. Meitxler, Florence Hotel. Phone 928. PAINT WALLPAPER SEE PORTER PON. fATHTS, WAL1 a per and Picture Framing. Good werk 45. Conrt St- Phone 485. PRINTING FOR WEDDING INVITATIONS AND announcementa. see Bertelaon. printer. v Knildinr PRIVATE HOSPITALS WANTED CONFINEMENT CASES AT private hospital. I hava beat ef eqetp PAINT CONTRACTOR! PAINTING AND DECORATING HIGH class work for particular people. I.. D Brandon, contractor. 365 North High, phone 6ta-J. AUBREY H. CLARK PAINTING, PAP rh&nr'mr. kalaomininff. Werk Euar anteed. Terms reaaoaable. Pbone 2035 J. 14H4 Ferry. DiiVTivn vr riDPrvTPll wniC t ht fiKi l-, workman. Dav er ran ' tract. Wells. 2-09 Mario n, pbone I 1692 W. PERIODICALS una Annnmw Tina srrrTtltrntTV tiona far all magaxinea. Ill So. ITth SUeeL Phoao 741M. MOSIOAX FRANKLIN LAI N ER PIANO. 28 N. ITth. Pboue 1 W. GEKTRCDE SM iTH PIANO, KILVEK toa, Oregun Gret-n eui. MRS. HENRY I. EE PIANO. 1S21 N Capitol. I'hoiia 1017 W. LAURA GRANT PIANO SCHOO! credit gives. 336 N. High. Phone is;iw. MINN ETTA M A(J ERS -VOCAL, DERBY Building. Friday afternoon, Satur-Iy. JESSIE F. BUSH TEACHER PIANO, formerly inaiructor Metropolitan Call lege Muaic, Pbiladelpbia. liiii South Cfuiuierclal. I'boue 883 J. LENA BELLE TARTAR IrurlMiu. i'lloae 934. VOCAL IN DOROTHY I'K.iHCE PIANO. North Winter. Phone 345 J. 28" NKLL1K Ml'LREY STONg PIANO 313 Leslie. 1'booa 751 W. U.I.I t t HASDLkM - Pll Sal North Ctlg. Pboa 829 W. BEATRICE 8 li ELTON PIANO NTUDIO 845 Marios. Phona 1299. LILLIAN HARTSHORN PIANO. 89' North Chureb, Phone 178. T. H. ROBERTS PIANO, ORGAN South 14 in. ; Phone 770. 7i. DAN r. LANOKNBkKG. VOCAL -Owby Bldg. Phone 07. LENA WATERS lANO. Pnone 1184M. 1472 Mil J MOLLIS STYLES VOICE. PIANO. Salt Outer Pheaa 201 SR. JULIA MILLS WEIGEL, PIANO, 15ft South Chunk. Phone 139 IB. IAJC1LE ROSS PIANO. ORGAN. North Liberty. Phoao 1187W. 48f MATT IB GILBERT STRING INSTMU moate, 1572 Slate. Fa Sue 11 1168 B, MISS MABLE SHEPHERD, PIANO L layer; daaces, all occasions. 287 N. iberty. BERTHA JUNK DARBY. AUTHORIZED teacher. Uodowaky Progreaaive Series 1'iauo. 079 North Cottage. Phona 1950-W. WESTERN CONSERVATORY OF MU8 ic of Chicago, Frank K. Churchill, rep reaentative. Diplomas granted. Odd fellow's Bldg. SALKM CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC All breaches taught, diploma s greeted Joha M. Sites, director. 1287 Go art Phone 628 TUNERS vT EN DELL HELM TUirTNS. REPAIR ing. Phoao 492. EDWARD WKLP EXPERIENCED piano tuaer. Leave orders Will's Music atore . PIANOS PIANOS, PLAfER PIANOS; NEW. naad. J. W. Tallmaa. 121 Bo. Com 1 SHERMAN CLAY ft CO PIANOS. 8TEIN- waya, Duo-Art aao others. Moore Dunn Music Store. Mssonie Temple. 0HERR1NGTON PIANO HOUSE. HAN dlee Bush-Lane celebrated piaaoa 415 Court Phone 862. DANCING WHITE DANCING ACADEMY MRS. R. L. White, principal. Phono 273-J. PERFUME AND TOILET ARTICLES CALIFORNIA PERFUME CO Ex tracts, toilet artieles. Mrs. Moyor, 170 South 23rd. Phone 1224. PUBLIO STENOGRAPHER MARGARET BURNS PUBLIO 8TEN ogrspker. 408 Maaonie Bldg. Phono 262. PLUMBING PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work. Pbone 1397-J. Shop, 127 Union street. A. L. Godfrey. NORTH WESTERN PIPE CO. WHpLK aala and retail plumbing aupplies. 219 N. CommercisL Phone 179. '0E 8 PLUMBING SHOP, SHIPPING and Broadway, Phone 1602. Pricea reasonable. If you have anything to nx iei oe no it REPAIRING AND EHARPENTNa 'UTLERY GRINDING. LAWN MOWERS safety rasors. etc Stewart's Repair Shop, 847 Court street BEN WHEELER EVERYTHING ME paired. General aharpeaing. ehimaey sweep 1485 N. 17th at. Phone 1418W 100F SXPAISINQ ROOFS RESHINGLED. CLEANED. BE paired, painted or tarred. Phoao Kayos 84F8. 8IGNS UNION SIGN CO SIGNS WITH KICK. Show carda that talk. 424 N Com mar cial. Phone 546 8E0OND HAND GOOD! aiGHEST PRICES PAID FOB SECOND hand clothing and shoe. Also da cleaning, pressing snd repsiring. Call and deliver. Capital Exchange, 842 North Commercial. Phone ' 1868-W. WE BUY AND BELL SECOND HAND goods of all kinds, pipe fittings, har ness, collar, collar pad a, tools, aad ehaiaa. Fred Behind dler. 158 Oeater HOE RF.PATRTNO WILLIAM'S SHOE SHOP 198 SOUTH High. STUDieaa UK LUXE STUDIO. KODAK FINISH tag. 147 North Commercial. SCAVENGER 4ALEM 80AVENGER GARBAGE. REP a a of all kinda rnoed. Oeeapuels cleaned. I'hone 998. STOVES STOVE EXPATJUMO STOVE8 REBUILT A tTEP AIRED 40 years experience; Depot Nations) fence, siaes 26 to 28 las. high. Paints oil snd vai nishee, etc.. loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence aad Stove Wnrka 2 SO Court atreet. Phone 184 TAXI DIRECTORY LAN HAM TAXI COMPANY PHONE 40. THE OREGON TAX? TRANSFER CO. Liberty ft Ferry. Phone 77. Dry slab. 16-inch wood for sale TRANBFORTATIOM SCHEDULE FOR HIGHLAND BUS LINE WEEK DAYS ONLY f.v. Fair Grnds. Lv. Down town fi:30 am 6:45 a.m. 7;00 a m j 7:15 a.m. and every half hour up to: 9:30 a m :45 am 10:00 a.m t.- 10:15 a.m 2:00 p m 2:15 pra 2:30 p n 2:45 pa. and everv half hour no o: 8:30 p.m. . 8:45 p.m. 9:00 p'.m i- - a1: 15 p m. SALEM SILTXKTwrr STAGE Leaves Loaros saiena Silver toe O. K Depot News Stead 7 :Ofi a m ' 11:00 ant. 1:00 D.BL 8:00 p.m. 6:1 pm. BALIM ISDEFtfiUEIItl MONMOUTH 8TAOB Tva Salem O E. depot 7:4)0 I 11:00 a.m, 5:00 pm Leave Moamoath HoUl $:15 I p.a, e.le t a. Leave ladependeaee Hatal 8:80 i I :15 p.m, 6:do a.m. Special tripe by appelntmest Revet ' J W. PARKER. Proa. Res. phone Oil ttaaiaess phsao T Use Btateaman ClaasUled Ada. TAILOU FRKK PALM MERCHANT TAILOR 211 8 High sad Ferry TKAJtSFEl CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO 22 a Lake bt.. pbeave 4S. DtaUiheltavg. terwacdiag aaxl elarajge ewr aaaelattv 04 atM WOOD SAW! FOR SWVING W tXD CALL 1939 J i Snnr a Son. CITY AND tXJUNTRY WOOD BAW1NU fboaa 2'-ie Fiaber Brat WATEB SALEM WATER. LIGHT m POWER OO Office Sol 8ooth Ooaa'l 84. Tew swr cettl diacouua ea domeetic flat rates paid ia ad lane. No deduction fee b seace er any cauae eat watat at atf tw KrmlM WHERE TO SAT WHITE CLOL TEA HOUSE OPES ; Sunday morning 8 o'clock. American ; alvta. ItuSs North Commareial. fa-aaa 472 PROFESSIONAL CHIROPODISTS A. J FOSTER PAINLESS CHIROPO dist. Corns, bunions, ingrowa naila reuved 322 State St. I'attoa Blk. CORN'S AND CALLOUSES REMOVED without pain. Applienraa from ladi : vidual impresiioa. Dr. Tatra, Maaeaie Bldg . Phone 442. cmtGTSJkCTOia DR. O. L. 800TT. P. R C., CTHROPRA0 tor. 808-12 U. 8 Baak Bldg Pheae ST : Ree. ftSDR. wBTEOPATHIO PHTEICTANS DR8. WHITE AND MARSHALL, 60S U. & Natmaal Baak BMg. DR. W. L. MERCER, OSTEOPATHIC ; Phyatclaa aad aurfeoa; KirksUI : graduate, 404-405 C. 8. National Baak Bldg. Phones Office, 919; Rao. 814. OR. JOHN LYNCH. OSTEOPATHIC Physieiaa aad Suigeea, 408-404 Oragoa ' Bldg; Pbojeo: Office. 1894: Bee. 8Vt j 0PTI0IAN8 POMEROY ft KEENE JEWELERS AND Optometrists. 888 State. GLASSES FITTED BY DR. L K. BUR dette at the Bow Optical Compear, 825 8 tale atreet. Opposite Ledd aad : fttiab Haak LODGE DIRECTORY' UNITED 8PANI8H WAR VETERANS, amo , Armorv, First Third Menda REAL ESTATE LET I S EXPLAIN THE SEW SYSTEM of telling your property. Property listed not exclusive. Your property photographed. Brown. Magee and i Bessie Snyder. Over Buaick'a Store. State and Commercial. , Phone 559. WANTED TO HEAR FROM OWNER of good ranch for Bale. State eaah price, full particulars. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis Minn. GREAT REDUCTION ON HOUSES BOTH NEW AND OLD Some we own. some we are handling fer other folks, and for the next 10 daya we will give yon some real bargains. If not sold by Kovcmbr 1st wa will ; have to rent them, but we prefer aell ing. even at greatly reduced prtcee. : See ns Monday morning U you waat : to boy. JOSEPH BARBER & SON 200 Gray Bldg. FOR 8 ALE OR TRADE BT OWNER nice improved 40 acre farm close to eaiem. price right. Pnoae 58F5. FRUIT AND trTOCK hAXCH of 233 sere, 6 miles from Sslem on a psved snd macadam road, 180 acrea under cultivation, 80 fere of prunea. Seven room 'modern houae, furnace, . fireplace, electric lighta, bath, etc, ful ly equipped with atock and machin ery. Price 8180 per acre. Excellent terms. Will take lotne trade. LAFLAR & LAFLAR I Realtor 406-7 Oregon Bldg. 3t"6 ACRES 3 MILES FROM PRATUM i under cultivation, firat claaa buildinga. Price 8HO per acre. Will divide. 220 acrea, all under cultivation, no bnild ing. $80 per acre. Will divide. 17 acres, lo seres in fruit, good 5 room house, good out buildings. Price 86500. Good terms. LAFLAR & LAFLAR, Resltori 406-7 Oregon Bldg. 17 Vt seres sll ia cultivation, nearly level, located 4 mile to city limits of Wood burn, on paved road: 9 room houae, bath, toilet, houae painted white, aee and houae 14x26, with kitchen 9s 12, one barn, 42x64, second barn 42x44, ; ailo in barn, garage 18x44, blacksmith . shop, wood shed, etc. All fenced and crosa fenced; good family orchard. 1 bearing; land is sll tiled; 2 deep wells with water tower. Ahia is good, deep, black fertile aoil. occupied by owner and in good eondtiton. Price 824,500. : First payment, 015,000. See L. A. HAYFORD, REALTOR 805 Btat Street SACRIFICE Close in, lightly corner lot, S. Commer cial. Your own terma. Or will -ex change for late model Buick Hup. or Dodge. O. C. Wolfe, Scappoose, Ore. NOTICE OF SALE OF OOVEBNMENT TIMBEB GENERAL LAND OITICE, WASHING TON, D.C, OCTOBER 20, 192L Notice ia bereb given that aubject to the condition and limitation of the Act of June 9, 1916 (39 Stat. 218), and June 4, 1920 (41 Stat. 728), and the instructions of the Secretary of the In terior of September 15, 1917, and June 22, 1920, the timber on the following land will be sold at 10 o clock a.m.. December 5, 1921, at public auction at Ibe United ri tales land office at Port land. Oregon, to the highest bidder at not lei than the appraiaed value as shown by this notice, sale to be Subject to the s.iproral cf the Secretary of the Interior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one-fifth of one percent thereof, being commissions allowed, muat be de posited at time of sale, money to be returned if tale is not approved, other wise patent will isu for - the timber which muat be removed within tea year li.d will be received from citixens ef (be L'eited State, associations of such eitix en snd corporation organ iijd coder lb-i laws of the United State or any -ttc, territory or district tberef oa'y. Upon application of s qualified purchaser, the timber .in any legal subdivitioa will lie offered separately before being in cluded in ana- offer of a larger, unit. T. 4 S, h. 3 E, See. 17. 8WA, SK, rir 360 M., NE4. NW4. fir 425 M NW4 NW4, fir 1050 M, SUM NW14. fir 1650 M, 8WH NW4, fir 750 M, NK4 SE4, fir 330 M, cedar 25 M, NW4 SEVt. fir 850 M., SK SE4. fir 1025 M, cedar 95 H. hembiock 30 M, SW4 SE4. fir 1675 M, pine 20 M, NEV SW4. fir 1550 M.. NW4 SW4, fir 1480 M, 8E4 SW4, fir 1275 M, SW4 EWU, fir 475 M, See. 21, NE4 NE4. fir 1320 M., cellar 120 M hemlock 150 M, NWVi. Nil,, fir 1440 M, cedar 240 M, hemlock 290 M Sb4 NE4, fir 1940 M, cedar 70 M hemlock 270 M, SW4 SZ. f j 18SO M, cedar 60 M, hemlock 130 M . NE4 NW4, fir 1820 M, cedar, ISi M., hemlock 810 M, NW NW4 fir 2340 M . cedar. SO M, hem lock lOO M, SE4 KWU, fir 11150 hi, hemlocx 20M, SWVi NW4. fir 1920 51, pine 20 M, NE4 8E4, fir 2i60 M, NW4 SE4. fir 2100 M. BE SE4. fir 1G50 SWVi SE4. fir 1865 M, hemlock 20 M, NE4 8W4, fir 1440 M, NWV 8W4, fir 2900 M, SE 8W4, fir 2000 M, SW4 SW4. fir 2550 M, i none of the fir, cedar, hemlock or pine t ; timber to do soia lor less tasn f a per K . . (signed) Geo. R. Wickham, 'Aetlag Coumisgionet Uenaral Land, attics. "ARM FOR TRADE FARM FOR RENT. faraiabed liowse fer rl. BeaaiMrei 10 acre trart, 5 miles out, good build ing. $SSiMl. ClMt. to Paeiflo high-, way. MagOe ecaer State A Comaaer cial, ever BuBM-k'a. i j - 10 HEAD PlfRE BRED ; JKRSKTSj FOR sale rbeap if take at once. 15 42 acres Waldo HiLa land, Meally a it ua ted tei ula'na IrarMtka) lairvue. 1'iue bey fter etoertlce aaea.-. A Q. Bohrnstedt . I REALTOR 407 Maaeajk Templa, Saleea Orefea, WOOD'S BARGAINS ' Dairy farm. ISO serea, 1 eloee to paTOd highway. 115 per ara or Uka amall tract, parti pay. 40 evre kaxpreved. t !'. tra4e for heme-lav Sales. Have a new eujigatow lor $t5. Apart ment heuai good income, price right. 40 acre f r ait reach, take houae part pay. Cbwirl lota for sale F. L. Weed rf L. WOOD , , 841 Trsdo Bt. J 1 WANT . MORE SALEM HOUSES i Some dandy farm and ; orchard traaea Chast W. Niemeyer i 'Jfc. at Real Estate" 57 varieties' j 215218 1014. Ifaaoaio Temple, Phossg lOOw FOR SALE (-9 ROOM HOUSE. EAST terms. Phjoae 208T W. - - t ' TIMBER A GOOD TIMBER TRACT fer a good reaideaee a .Sehaas, ! Orchard A, 4ery good eee casee la, fot a good towa house. ' Farm A good little farm Bear by for. a Salem aouaet aad also a farm for rent j . ' -u". ' 1 ' ' ' 1 Fair play W will aadertake to got y a fair, eeuiuble aeheage oa asy of oer trading deala. If yea are willing. , THE FLEMING REALTY CO, 841 State -street SMALL AND LARGE FARMS. CITY homes sad choice Iota. . Fire and a WO insurance. Arthur E. Peterson 229 Oregon Bldg. - 4 FOR SALE 20 ACRES FRUIT I AND .berry land Red Hills! located S mile aouta ia $4,O00. Will take sol- dier'. bonu 73 acres da good towa. ( 83m State Iry ranch just outside ot f H.UUU. 1 '. H. CANNON ! St. Realtor ; Phona 524 FOR SALE- ACRE TRACT JjUST outaide of ity limit. Five room bun galow, levlrle lighu. Oa gravel street Will divli'e to salt. : inree oiocae from south Commercial rar lino. Krue ger, Realto r, Oregon Bldg. S FOR SALE Three room houae and nice lot. Frfe $850. 1 erms, Fire room house, gooi lot, for 11650; Sis room heaae. Urge , lot i S4 aa buy for S l (BOw ; tor Fir Largaiaa See' ' ! H. it MARSTERS Gray Bldg. Phone; Pfl? R0OM1NW OPENING f A large residence eioea to P.O. aaluhlo with a Utile added tor teeming anal boarding, open to eale for a few daya, then (or rent furnished it aot sold. Ree Wm. Fleming. 141 8uta 8t PUBLIC NOTICES XOT1CE Notice ia hereby riven that meeting will ti held road district at Central He owell school hpura Jn, Road District No, 89 in Marlon County, OrteRon, on Saturday,! the 5th day of November. 1921. at l o'clock p. levying an jtn., for the purport of additional tax for. road purposes la said district. W. M. BUSUET; County Ju'le whole Milk j d j AND CREAM WANTED ' Marion Creamery & Product Salem. Oregon ; Phone 2483 I I SALEM MARKETS Prices Quoted are wholesale end prbr es received by formers.- No retail prioae are given. ; J ( v . . , s Wheat, sacked, S3 Cb 85s. M Oata, milting, net, . -i Oata. feed. Ib5e. - Vetch aad lost hay, ttSv ' Clover Hoy, $10. Mill run till feed, $24. Eggs, Utter end Batterf. Egg. 45e. i . Creamery Butter, 49. - . Buttorfat, 47e. 1 . I P0TJLTRT liens, light; 16e. 1 liana, heav 7, Ste. ' 1 Chickens, siirlng, 20e O 2te, Roosters, old, 80 tj) loo. Pork.! Mnttoa ind Boat - Hogs. 89.50 (a $9.75, Lambs, 5e.l , . Top veal, 2e O Its. 4 Pork, dresaed, 12 lie. Steers, 4 a 5Vs ' Balls, So I ; Toksy grape 10s. . - i i j t 1,1 J ,1 : - Bananaa. 9 Me. lemons, ail .za, Orange. 81.60 & 18. Florida gralpe fruit, $8. California grape front, 4U ' -Huckleberries, 15s. Crsaherrieai box, $3.25. VEOETABLES Sweet potasoee, 4Vke. 1 a' Potatoes, 2. ii if Cabbace. lUc. a ' Tomatoea, beahaL 75e. m Cucumbers, $1 25. J CaulifU.wer.l $2. I Turnips, $2,.5t. r r. 1 t I J! c I':- Bell peppers. ID, lis. : Parnipa. . . ' Oregon onion $3.75 Carrot. 81,25. ., j ' . Head tettuei. 75. V ' Celery. 85' I Beet. $2.5fj r Dates, Pica, Heaey stes, 15c i: Figs, 12e. Comb boneyi case. $8.00. XOT IS.VAIS AT ALLi A tall. gAunt Individual of the sort known in some parts of the South as " ordered by poor white traah" was the judge of a certain police court to atand up. un said His Honor, "ac- "You.areJ cused of place." profanlty In a public I reckon the cracker, to steal my I did It, ledge." said "A darky was tryin hoss." . "But yovJ should I know better than to take the name ot tae Lot-ri in val "It wa'a' In rain, Jedge. Von seen that darky ruB, Jept ouiiuterj Exchange CHICHESTER 6PILL0 m JJ in Hi 1 Bw.lfin.AeaTaa.li,i sfJlJ?r PUIta 8U4 4 .4 ZZZXSJ) baaas. aili I iuaa t - - - X term .1