The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 30, 1921, Page 1, Image 1

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"F3 HE? HE? A C7I
, 1 U I 2u a L
Citizen of World, Through
President Harding and
Other Officials, Accorded
Warm Greeting.
Guest Leaves on Special
Train Today for Kansas
City Convention
WASHINGTON, Oct. 29. (By
the Associated Press) Marshal
Ferdinand Foch, soldier of France
and citizen of the world, today re
ceived the official thanks of the
American people for having led
its sons to victory in the war.
Unofficial Washington also
joined in paying, tribute to the
soldier, who declared he was
deeply Impressed with the
warmth of his greeting.
CTheerlnjr Crowds Greet Foch
Cheering crowds greeted him,
and there was no mistaking the
warmth of the greeting extended
the little gray haired man who
humbled the German army. The
marshal's right hand frequently
came to his cap in salute and
smiles played across his features.
Late in the afternoon he vls
. Ited Washington's tomb, where he
laid a wreath on the grave of
"the father of our country." Af
ter laying the wreath on the tomb
he Btood in silent prayer several
Before the visiting the tomb
the marshal was taken through
the Washington homestead.
State Department Visited
Starting at 10 a.m. the marshal
first paid his respects to Presid
ent Harding, and then was re
ceived by Vice President Coolidge,
who hailed him as "the man who
paved both France and America."
Later he called at the state de
partment. The offclal party then motored
to the home of former President
Wilson where Brigadier General
W. D. Connor, who la acting as
honorarymilitary aide, was in
formed that Mr. Wilson was not
receiving visitors. General Con
nor Inquired about the former
president's health and then left
the marshal's card. Inulry later
developed Mr. Wilson had suffer
ed a slight digestive upset.
Ju.nfterand Serves Dinner
After a brief stay at his hotel
the marshal returned to the white
house for luncheon with Presid
ent and Mrs. Harding.
Marshal Foch -tonight was the
guest of Ambassador Jusserand
at the French embassy, where a
dinner was. given in bis honor
He will leave on a special train
tomorrow for Kansas city, where
he will address the national con
vention of the American Legion.
NEW YORK. Oct. 29.
orated apples nominal,
firm. Apricots quiet.
Plans are all completed for the official ceremony of the
laying of the cornerstone of the Salem hospital this after
noon at 2 o'clock. The committee in charge of the cere
monies consists of August Huckestein, chairman, Frank G.
Deckebach and Mrs. Grover C. Bellinger.
The program for the occasion is
as follows:
Music by the Salem Cherrian
Prayer by Rev. J., J. Evans of
the First Christian church.
Address by Mayor George E.
Address by Dr. W. II. Byrd, rep
resenting the medical profession.
Address by Dr. B. L. Sleeves on
"Our Hospital:"
Address by Bert Fleaman of Port
land. Benediction by Rev. J. R. Buck
of the Catholic church.
ItcconLs Go Into Stone
The Salem hospital board was
organized in ,1896 and among the
records to bepjaced in the corner
etono are the names of those on
this board, aa follows: Mrs. J. J.
Murphy, president; Ceorge Litch
field; ' vice-president; Frank L.
Jlodgkln, secretary; A. N. Bush,
treasurer; William Gray. Frank
Davey, Gideon Stelner, Thomas
Capital National Organized
October .0, 1885 Joe Al
bert Was Bookkeeper
Tho Capital National bank will
celebrate its 36th anniversary to-
day, Joseph H. Albert, cashier,
The bank was organized Oct
ober 30. 1885. .with the follow
ing officers and directors: H. S.
Wallace, president; J. 11. Albert,
cashier; W. W. Martin, Squire
Farrar, W. J. Polley, V. T. Gray
and J. M. Martin.
Mr. Wallace, who came to Ore
egon from Chicago, not only or
ganized the bank, but purchased
the city water works, and then
planted the largest pear orchard
in the northwest, now known as
the Wallace orchard.
Mr. Wallace died October 30,
1891, after serving as president
of the bank exactly six year. He
was succeeded by Dr. W. A. Cu
slck, who served as president un
til 1898, when he resigned. J.
H. Albert was then elected pres
ident, and he served until his
death, December 30, 1920.
Joseph H. Albert, who took a
position as bookkeeper with the
bank when it was organized in
1885 was elected cashier on Jan
uary 10, 1899, and has held the
position since. He is the only one
living who was with the bank;
when organized 36 years ago.
Harry E. Albert was associated
with the bank for about 20 years,
resigning to accept a position with
the federal bank In St. Paul.
J. H. Albert, who came to Sa
lem in 1865, served as cashier
of the Ladd & Bush bank from
1868 until 1885, the year he was
elected cashier of the Capital
National bank.
Trial of Mrs. Southard
Drags Through Fifth Week
TWIN FALLS. Idaho, Oct. 29J
-The trial of Mrs. Lyda Meyer
Southard, accused of murdering
her fourth husband, Edward F.
Meyer, dragged to the close of
its fifth week here today.
The day was given over mainly
to examination of medical experts
called by the defense. Long hy
pothetical questions were the rule
William F. Dooley, brother of
Edward Dooley, whom the state
contends Mrs. Southard poisoned.
told of the disposal of his broth
er's body at bis home in Keytes
Yille, Mo., and efforts to draw
from his statements concerning
steps said to have been taken by
an undertaker there were blocked
on the ground that they would be
hearsay testimony.
Ship Reported Foundered
Is Sighted by Empress
SEATTLE, Oct. 29. The Jap
anese steamship Fukui Mam, re
ported foundered at sea Thursday
night, was sighted by the Canadi
an liner Empress of Russia Fri
day, according to wireless advice?
from Capt. C. llopcroft of the
latter vessel received here today.
With her decks well washed but
evidently kept afloat by her lum-
ber cargo, the abandoned vessel
was drifting approximately 1250
miles west by north of Seattle.
Her officers and crew were res
cued from the sea by the steam
ship West Ivan and are now en
route to Japan.
Bruce and Mrs. Frank A. Moore r
The names of the present board
of directors will also be preserved
for future generations, as tnee
also will be filed for record in the
cornerstone. These are: Irwin
Griffith, president; If. S. Gile,
vice president; C. A. Park, secre
tary; August Huckestein, treas
urer; H. W. Meyers. C. K. Spauld
ing. T. B. Kay, Russell , Catlln,
Theq. Roth L. J. Simeral, Mrs.
William Brown. Mrs. G. C. Bellin
ger, Mrs. Al H. Steiner, Wililam
McGilchrist, Jr., and F. G, Decke
bach. ;
Weather Prediction Fair
A copy of each of the Salem
daily papers will also be enclosed
in the corner stone for record. !
For those who wish to go to
the hospital by street car, take
tho Chemeketa car. Tho barome
ter reading indicates fair weather
this afternoon.
All churches and organizations
in the city have been asked to at
Oriental Delegation to
Washington Gives Out
Statement at Seattle
" !
Nippon Eager to Go to Any
Reasonable Extent To
ward World Peace
SEATTLE, Oct. 29. The Jap
anese delegation to the Washing
ton conference on limitation of
armaments and Far Eastern ques
tions approach the conference
"with hope and confidence" in its
success, they declared in a for
mal statement to the press issued
just after their arrival here to
day on the liner Kashjma Maru.
The statement reads in part:
Armament Held Burden
"There is no denying that the
heavy burden under which indus
try and human progress are suf
fering today is largely due to
the enormous expenditures in the
increasing armaments of the pres
ent time. The government and
people of Japan strongly feel that
the most urgent and real need of
the world today is to find a basis
for an agreement among the pow
ers whereby limitation of arma
ments may be effected. They be
lieve that the age of nations liv
ing in distrust and antagonism of
each other is past and that the
world is seriously looking for a
new era when all nations will be
allowed to live their own lives
peacefully and in harmony with
one another. Difficult as it may
seem, they nevertheless believe
that there is no reason why the
powers should not be able to come
to such an agreement a above
indicated, if they only approach
the subject with an open and
judicious mind and in a spirit of
mutual accommodation and help
fulness. Japan Would Go Limit
"So far as Japan Is concerned
she is prepared to go, in co-operation
with other powers, to any
reasonable extent to achieve this
desired end in the interest of the
peace and welfare of the world
which have ever been the cher
ished object of solicitude on her
part. It was with such belief
and idea that the government of
Japan gladly and wholeheartedly
responded to the call of President
Harding, a rail which plainly
spoke out the inmost desire of
all progressive and peace-loving
"Wo. the delegates of Japan,
go to Washington with full hope
I and confidence in the success of
the conference.
Sunday: Fair;
westerly winds.
gentle north-
tend the ceremonies. About $75,-
000 has been contributed by Salem
people for the'building of the first
unit of the hospital. When com
pleted, it will cost about $125,
000. Many VurMs Graduated
One of the pleasing features of
the cornerstone laying this after
noon will be the attendance of
many of the nurses who have been
graduated from the hospital. The
superintendents who have Berved
at the hospital are Miss Boman,
Abby J. Mills, Lillian McNary. R.
N and the present superintendent.
Gladvs W. Steele, R. 3NT. The fol
lowing Is a list of nurses who have
been graduated:
Bertha Savage, Viola Mann,
Cora Smith, Myra Murphy Grace
Taylor, Pauline Pfil. Mary Myers,
Lyda Thompson, Mary M. Patton,
Julia Williams, Edna Put, Emma
Mashburn, Anna Boehringer,
Mary Holstrom, Gertrude Gal
breath, Elizabeth De Sart, Nellie
Walling. Nellie Arnold, Marie Fle
ner. Edith Graves. Loulla Holm
strum Lillian Jones. Mary Lar
don. Iris Looney, Gertrude Harri
son, Cornelia Kelzer, Grace Kei
zer. Marie Blodgett, Nell Coppock.
(Continued on pace 6)
VANCOUVER, B. C, Oct. 29. Between 35 and 50 lives
'ost a,u Property damage-of several 'million dollars tonight
was the estimated toll of floods that swept away parts of
several towns north and east of here last night and today.
Th most destructive flood was
at Britannia Ueach, a mining vil
lage with a population f Jpo.
IN miles north of Vancouver,; At
Britannia Beach last nighti a
cloudburst broke through a fill t
the mine and released a fierce
torrent of water, which rushed
down to th" ocean, carrying about
half the houses in the town. Iat
er in the atternoon meager advic
es placed the number of dead and
missing at ''. A ship Tiearliu
medical aid had gone from Van
couver. A portion of Port Coquitlam,
1 4 miles east of Vancouver, was
destroyed by flood waters of the
Coquitlam river. Several build
ings uprooted, went floating down
I the river. No mention was made
j of casualties in reports from this
I district, but 14 families were said
to he marooned. Communication
with the stricken area was impos
sible -except by boat.
The Canadian Pacific railway
reported extensive damage to its
property. Several bridges and
miles of track were washed away
on the main line paralyzing trans
continental traffic. The Canad
ian Pacific estimated its damage
at $1,000,000.
Sulden lowering of tempera
ture, together with steady rains
for weeks were contributing caus
es of the flood.
At Britannia Beach several
bodies had been recovered, and
at an improvised morgue the work
of identifying them was proceed
ing tonight.
Although the proposed viaduct
over the Southern Pacific tracks
near the state fair grounds was
given a temporary set-bark at the
held at the Commercial
club on the night of October 24.
this was due to the fact that resi
dents whose interests are in that
immediate neighborhood consti
tuted the big majority present.
The general talk was that the
proposed viaduct on the Silverton
road would destroy valuable prop
erty and ruin business that had
taken years to develop.
The high point of the proposed
viaduct would be over the South
ern Pacific tracks on the Silver
ton road opposite' the I'nion Oil
company's buildings. Here it
would be 24 feet high, with 22
feet in the clear, and extend COO
feet each way on the Silverton
road. On the north this would
bring the viaduct to the point
where the side road enters the
state fair grounds, and on the
south extend past Doe's grocery,
to the point where Highland ave
uue intersects Pacific highway.
The Union Oil company on the
Silverton road and the railroad,
owns a little more than an acre of
i ground. It has constructed build
ings and tanks, valued at auoui
$8,400. This is the highest valu
ation of any interest that would j
be affected by the viaduct. j
On the north side of the Silver-
White robed spectres appeared
at the Salem Deaconess hospital
last night for the second time
within a week. However, these
ghastly visitors were not sheet
wearing masculine skulkers who
scared women nurses and patients
by kicking on doors and waving
torches. Neither was an anony
mous threat against county offic
ials found in token of the uncan-
nv visitation.
Indeed not. For the childish
, ,,, ,k.i,.
ia.iBni-r rcMiuiiu w" ,
the lower floor of the hospital
and was perhaps heard by the pa
tients in the rooms above. Gaines
and pranks peculiar to the tima
of Hallowe'en were indulged in
and one of the merriest in the
merry group was Sister Marie
Wedel, head of the hospital.
lunix'l (iives Away
C. P. Browning, superintendent j
of the mine at Britannica Beach, j
was pear the tunnel fill when ;t
gave way. Destruction of the fill I
caused the railroad track to - be i
suspended in mid-air over this
perilous bridge about 50 miners
from the tunned camp crawled
down the river in an effort to res
cue victims.
The town was in darkness. The
miners had great difficulty pro
ceeding. A long rope finally was
stretched across the torrent tha
had cut the town in two. The
men crossed this, hand over hand
at the risk of their lives, for had
they dropped the torrent would
have swept them into the sea.
Wail of Water Hits
A wall cf water TO feet wide
and from three to five feet deep
had struck the town like some ti
tanic monster, sweeping every
thing before it. Houses were
telescoped. Trees no feet long
swirled along the flood. Houses
were pulled apart as if structures
of pasteboard.
When daylight came the res
cue workers had to search for
bodies beneath piles of debris
along the beach 10 feet high. The
home of Mr. and Mrs. James An
dison was washed down to the
wharf and their bodies wer-;
found under a pile of logs. Three
children who were in the house
are missing. ,
ton road, north and adjoining the
acre owned by the Union Oil coni
pany Mrs. Stella Waller owns
about two acres on which there is
a house. This property has a valu
ation r about $2100 and would
not 1h; so desirable a home with
the viaduct about 15 feet high at
that point.
Still on the north side of the
Silverton road and adjoining the
Waller property, George Savage
owns l'J 1-2 acres on which is a
house. This property is worth j
about $7X00. The viaduct yould
troublethis property but little, but
it is through this land of Mr. Sav
age that it is proposed to bring
Pacific highway from a point
north of the Valley Packing corn
puny and north of the railroad
No other property would be in
jured by the viaduct on the Sil
verton road as the fair grounds
are on the south side of the road.
The grocery store ot H. Doe &
Sons is located atthe jufnetion of
Pacific highway and the Silverton
road and at this point, the viaduct
would be a few feet higher than
the present road. The traffic
would fail to pass the store, as ac
cording to present plans for the
viaduct, Pacific highway from the
Doe store to the railroad track
would be just a stub end street
and not a thoroughfare.
(Continued from page 6)
Other nurses who coul dbe ex
cused from duty were also there
as guests, for the entire evening's
program was in charge of the lit-: WASHINGTON, Oct. 29. Es
tle girls who regard the hospital ; tablishment of agricultural loan
as Uieir home. There were a few agencies in Idaho and New Mexico
bidaen guests fro mthe outside was announced today by the war
world, but the children very evid- finance i corporation. Crawford
ently had the whip hand in di- 1 Moore was named chairman of the
; reeling proceedings.
j One unwary visitor, a rather re -
I tiring young man, was suddenly
j confronted by a tall robed figure
who baptized the victim with a
n nf Kwepf anDle cider
. ..s!, P.P.!
then delivered him to other robed
! tigurep. Suddenly the roh was
whisked away and Thelma Perry,
one of the leaders of the merri
ment, was discovered as the
(Continued on page 2)
Choice Business Property
Transferred by Fennel
Heirs to Theater Man
i torium. where an : amputation of
a portion of the injured member
. . . . was performed. The patient is
QUARTER BLOCK OWNED ! making a good recovery, it is
' said.
. Deerfield told hospital officials
! that he had been employed at
Transaction Increases Areaia wHtl-. ral .- nd l,hat
Acquired at State and
High Streets
T. G. Rligh. for a cash consid
eration of $30,000, has purchased
what is known as the Patrick
Fennell property on tate street,
extending from the Salem hotl
property east to the alley. The
deal was handled by Leo N. Childa
local real estate dealer. j
With the purchase of this ad- j
ditional frontage of 82Vfc feet on
State, Mr. Hligh acquires another
one of the most desirable busi
ness properties in Salem. He is
now owner of one quarter of the
block, opposite and east of the
Oregon Electric depot. His hold
ings, which include the Salem
hotel, have a frontage of lGU
feet on State street and 160 feet
on High street.
rrojK'itj' Highly Desirable '
The business . block just pur
chased by Mr. Hligh is at present
occupied by the White confection
ery store, Leo N. Childs, real es
tate, office of Fruitland nurtery,
Mangis Brothers, Swiss Dye
works, Singer sewing machine of
fice, Jeff's photographer, and thi
of rice of Murray Wade.
Mr. Hligh says that at present
he has no building plans. He feels
that he now has some of the most
desirable business property for
hotel and retail purposes in the
With the purchase of this prop
erty Mr. lUigh becomes one of
the heavy property owners of the
city. In addition to owning three
apartment houses, he owns the
Hligh and Liberty moving picture
theaters and the Hligh hotel.
Property History Told.
The Fennell heirs who signed
the deed of transfer are Elizabeth
Hunt and James B. Hunt of Broad
Acres; Margaret Clare Barr of
Portland; Winnifred O. Barr and
H. W. Harr of Bend, and James
Fennell of Calexico, Cal.
The property was first trans
ferred by William H. Wilson, who
entered the land in 1848, to V.
K. Pringle. The deed is dated
lM'.t. The United States patent
to the land was not filed for re
cord until 102. Dr. S. JessupL.
ut-cuiiie jmer oi ine grouna in
1S77 and his house stood on tho
property for many years. It was
purchased, by Patrick Fennel!
from the Jessup heirs.
Portland Will Entertain
Japanese Business Men
PORTLAND, Oct. 29. A party
of Japanese businessmen who
have arrived at Seattle on a tour
of the country will be entertained
here Monday. They will be wel
comed by a committee represent
ing tha;l925 exposition and later
will be taken on an inspection trip
of Portland industries and term
inals. In the afternoon they will
be taken over the Columbia river
Brumfleld Stronger, is
To Be Sentenced Monday
ROSKBURG. Or . Oct. 2ft. Dr.
II. N. Rrumfield, who is to be sen
tenced Monday for th murder of
Dennis Russell, was much im
proved and stronger today. Me
was up yesterday for the first time
since his attempt to end his life
host week by slashing his throat.
Idaho agency with headquarters at
1 Boise.
EFGENE, Or.. Oct. 29. A loss
of 1 13,00 0 feet of standing tim
j her caused by 6 4 fires covering
j an area of 1S00 acres in the
! western; Lane fire patrol associa
tion district for the past season
i was today reported by Warden
1 C. V. Oglesby.
E. Deerfield, 20 Years Old,
Victim of Accident Vhile
En Route Home
J. E. Deerfield, 20, was the
victim of an accident on the
Southern Pacific main line here
last night when be fell from a
passing train, his left foot being
badly crushed beneather the car
The injured man was at once
removed to the Willamette sani-
upon losing mis piumion iuei uuu
been "beating" his way on the
return journey to his home at
Cataldo, Idaho.
Murder of Father Belknap
Not Attributed to Relig
ous Differences
LEAD, S. D., Oct. 29. Active
search far Andrew Rolando,
wanted in connection with the
death here Wednesday of Father
A," B. Belknap, pastor of St. Pat
rick's catheral, was resumed to
day following the funeral Of the
Officers in automobiles left
Lead late today in the second ex
pedition of the day in an effort
to locate the miner in case he
still remained in the Clack Hills
country. Officials expressed the
belief, however, that he still was
on his way to Butte ,Mont, beat
ing his way on '' freight trains.
They said it had been virtually es
tablished that be had been in
Edgemont. Several reports that
he had been seen in western South
Dakota and Wyoming, however,
lacked verification.
Tonight the priest's body was
being taken to Dubuque, la., for
Following the funeral, James L.
Curran. district deputy of the
Knights of Columbus, Issued a
statement In which he expressed
the opinion that the slaying of
the priest was not, in the opinion
of church authorities, due to local
religious feeling.
"We are of the opinion that the
death of Father Belknap was due
to personal motives and that re
ligious feeling did not enter into
it," he said.
Jury Unable to Agree
In Liquor Selling Case
MEDFORD. Or.. Oct. 29. Af
ter deliberating 14 hours without
reaching a verdict a jury In clr'
cuit court was discharged by
Judge Calkins late last night in
the case of the state against
James (Shine) Edwards, charged
with selling intoxicating liquor.
This is the first liquor case of a
number to be tried at the present
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Oct. 29. Rain, recalling to mil
similar day in France, greeted the American Legionair
who arrived today to attend the national convention of t'.
legion, which opens Monday. : j f j
But the ties of friendship were stronger than me;
physical comfort and on dozens of downtown street c6rne:
stood groups of khaki-clad heroes, oblivious to the downpoi
living again the days of Chateau-Thierry and the Argoni
Here and there in the groups
were seen men leaning on crutches
or canes. To them the tales of
thrilling days brought back espe
cial memories and frequently pale
faces would light up with an ani
mation as another would call to
mind some feat of heroism per
formed by "Yanks." Frequently
members of a group would crowd
their way aside to give a hug and
a handshake to a new arrival.
Westerners Colorful
Particularly colorful was a
western group of former service
men who wore high boots, Bora
breros and flannel shirts ot vivid
hues. Each state delegation
sought by means ot similar dress
or ornament to make themselves
Governor, Attorney Genera!
and Labor Commissioner
Ousted ! from Office By
Independent Voters.
R. A. Nestos Elected Gover
nor Over; Frazier by Sub-
stantial Lead
FARGO, N. D Oct. 29.
(By The Associated Press)- j
Recall in yesterday's election
of Governor Lynn J. Frazier
and two other state officials,'
endorsed by the Non-Partisan
League was conceded tonight
by the Fargo Courier-News,'
official paper of the league in
North Dakota. r"f j
This concession, came after
unofficial returns from ap
proximately 1800 of th
state's 2,086 precincts hat:
shown a majority of 12,00C
for R. A. . Nestos, Independ
ent gubernatorial, candidate
Sveinbjorn Johnson and Jo-'
seph A. Kitchen held corres ,
ponding leads respectivel.v
over Attorney General Wil
liam Lemke and JVN. Hagen!
commissioner of agriculture
and labor, thejothettwo offi
dais, whose recall is conceded
Returns on the" proposed 3 cor.
ttitution amendments and the lr
itiated laws were not tabulated
promptly as those on the cand
dates, but the prediction In bot;
Independent and Non-Partisa
camps was that although thi
would run behind the candidate
they would foe in about the sam
ratio. J
All the amendments and la
were endorsed by the Indepem
ents and opposed by the leagu
They have to do with changes 1
the election laws and liquidate
of the State Bank of North D.
-The Non-Partipan league h.
been defeated." the Courier Nev
will say In an editorial tomorro
"The Independent victory Is n
so sweeping that it can be conn ,
ed upon as permanent, howererj
State campaign headquarters
the league here and the state o
ticials had : not conceded defer
up to 9 o'clock. r , (
A. C. Townley, president of tl
National Non-Partisan leagu
conferred tonight with Wllllat
Lemke, attorney general and ot!
er state league leaders.
The Fargo Courier-News, In I
news columns Sunday wUl conce
the recall of Frailer. Lemke ai
Hagan and the election of thf
Independent opponents by majc
(Continued on page C.)
distinctive. Tomorrow! the fi
of the noted foreign military n
who will attend the convent
are to arrive. They; are Gene
Diaz of Italy and General Bai
Jacques ot Belgium. Elabor
welcoming ceremonies have b
arranged. . ,! . ' j
Treasury Blamed
The treasury department of
United States is accused of "
lay In allocating the 11 8,C 00 ,
appropriation for the construct
of new hospitals for disabled a
erans, In a statement Issued
night by Thomas Taylor, : v
chairman of the natlbnal legi
tive committee,' - which" says t
the question will be taken top
the convention and the respo:
blllty placed where it belong