I 1 il SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 20, 1021 J uiuuuuil oxivj.uuittfm onuumruuuuii r . L EAOBETTEH CT IS IN CASE Action Against Executor of Pittock Estate Remand ed to Lower Court F. W. Leadbetter, as petition er and appellant, in an action againxt O. i. Price, as executor of the estate of the late II. L. Pittock, was upheld by the su preme court yesterday in an opin ion 1y VThief Justice Burnett, Which reverses Judge George Taz well of the lower court for Mult nomah county and remands the case. To quote from the opinion, Leadbetter "asserts that he and the deceased were partners, hold ing na Kuch some shares of stock In certain corporations, and sun dry trad a of real estate, and that the executor of Pittock's will has listed as the Individual property of tho decedent only one-half of those properties, both real and personal, of the partnership, Ig noring the other moiety, and pro pose?, tVnell part "of the partner ship estate." Piirtnershfp) In Question . . The bf.inion' holds that essenti al' the isuua in whether there? was a partnership existing be tween Pittock t-nd Load better at th time of the former's death. The care was presented to th.J j circuit court on the pleadings on j the miestion of whether "that court i had iurisdiction. and that waa' alJiif they were tennants in common fo the form of the issue as pre-of certain realty, (he executor has Rented to the supreme court. The " , ,1 M.J.I J , 4 courti er Muitnoman coantyi n is heild that the lower court has j jurisdiction" to decide Hall ques- fonsf presented. I 1 j . Hint Is fJiven In ! coricliifii ;u i th- opinion of- fers be lowr-r court the? hint that if indeed Pittock owned, so many shares of stock in lws own risht. and j Iad better owned certain other shares in Bis own right, the exceptor has no bu?in?ss with the holdiPKS of the latter. Likewise CIS WILL SIT decision of the lower court wa against the petitioner and he ap pealed. The supreme court does not de cide whether a partnership actu ally exists, leaving that to be de termined by the lower court, but the opinion today holds that the lower court has jurisdiction in the case. Full JuritfcjH'tfon Accorded "(rn questionably," says? the opinion, '"a surviving .partner, if thers Is one, has a right to have the partnership estate properly administered according to the statutory formula, in connection with the estate of the deceased partner. The suestion to be de termined is whether or. not that can be adjudicated In the circuit Lints, and - . . . . JII! I'd.. , no rgoi ... "v Scttlf town, appellant JOnfc'Wf; UJ Lrrauin-un, win id 1-imi- j eerned only with the undivided ' shart of Pittock." j Opinions were handed down j yesterday out of regular sched- j ule in preparation for the court's j leaving for rendition, j Other opinions were handed ! dov,'ri as follows:- G. I Grant vs. State industrial ac- c ideal commission, appellant; ap-j peal from Multnomah county; j suit jto collect compensation, tin- I der Workmen's compensation act. j Opinfon by Justice Harris. Judge j W. ri. Gateiis affirmed. wj K. fcileby vs. Adelainc R. ! WilHjs. appellant; appeal from) Multpomah county; suit by mo- j lion "picture director to collect on services rendered for an author of photo playa. Opinion by Ju3- nrnPTn IT Mil 111 srsr- JuJseF 51 C3,ktotHtblblnflllUiil Ur State of Oregon on relation of j J. O. Eriekson, district attorney.! of Clat.;op county vs. Georpre W. j Sanborn al, appellants; ap peal from Cif.tsop county; quo warranto action thallenginjr right of definuuiit to hold office of j civie'eenter commissioner in As toria. Opinion by Justice Bean. Jndj?e J- A. F'akin reversed and j cas remanded. j R. H. Catly vs Bay City Land company. deiendant, and Solon j appeal from : Tillamook county. Petition fur rehearing denied by Chief Justice ! Burnett j L. S. Scott et al vs. Ida A. "VVal-; lace and G. Wf Wallace, appel-! Bank of Commerce of ' be Dr. Edward T. Devine. arrange- nt. hiving been made for ni Date Not Later than Tuesday, Says Announce ment from Department Announcement is made from j the ; tate automobile registration ; department that the registration j of motor vehicles tor i:.22 will J begin not later than Tuday, Jso- i Tt-mher 1. Blank application! tonus nave Deen mailed to aoout Eugene, defendant; appeal from i lT.m u motor vehicle owners ' M . -5 -v I appearance hew on Novetaber 2.. in AVatler hall. Dr. 1 Petine is internationally known f s on investor speaker and an ; thor of numerous books. He was k timp nrofetver of soclalogy at ! Columbia aniver-ity d,,afrm 1 tor of The Suevey. of whu h mas Mavt azine he is nor assot ,a!e et.iior. noAl . , . ,,,mhr oi the eontn- f everiil otner imfuni H, as active uur- Ireau of the American Red l ! in. Paris and :in PeraSTad. l or i -i whiV ha r.etod as special agent I for the American emba:? at, Pe- ! trorad. . , . ! ur Devine i at the present 1 tine "devot'ner ",hi attention to the I collecting of data on social and noiifii-rtl nroblbms. Wffotiationi are tinder way ile ss ' periodicals. Lane co;mt:; suit to foreclose on. contract. Opinion by Chief Jus tice Burnett. Judge G. P. Skip worth affirmed. Catarrh is an excessive secre tion, accompanied with chronic in flamation, from t'no numerous mtniiiranea. Hood's Sarsaparilla acts on the mucous membrane through the blood, reduces Intlam- mation, establishes healthy action, and radically cures all cases of catarrh - Adv. asaBaTHF PEOPLE'S CASH STORE, SALEM1 A notlier CAN t I i DO ven WE CAN AND DO SELL CLEAN STAPLE MERCHANDISE Cheaper than any other store in Salem That's our slogan, folks -and we stand back of it. That's the corner stone we have built this business on, consistently and constantly. Day in and day out we work on that basis. We give values that we think are uneqoaled. We give quality, too, and we give you SERVICE?, qnick service, courteous service. Wo pride ourselves on that, too, as well as the values that give you thrills. PEOPLES CASH STORE r 1 1 j HBHBBflBMWMBnBHHnHHnt A New Arrival Shipment JERSEY JACKETS For Saturday's Selling $3.98 . The colors are of blue, black, navy, tan, wren, red, green a complete run of' sizes for the school girls and ladies. Sizes 12 to 46 Saturday only. (The Three Day Sale Clothes Another Special for Saturday $2 VELOUR TAMS In all the New Colors 98c Yes, ladies positively the greatest value that ever came to the Capital City all wool velour Tams with black crosgrain ribbon front piece. 25c Children's Hibbed - Stockings In all colors of tdack, brown, .white; all sizes. Saturday Special . . 75c Ladies Silk Stockings One big lot in all colors and sizes; fine quality fibre silk. Saturday Special . . $1.25 Quilted Cotton Batts Large 6lzes 72x 90, all stitched; white sanitary fleece. Saturday Special . . 1 ldtl Snecial. . UC Rnecial.. OJt Biaefcets ' 1 ' ,' ."1, -. " . Cotton Blankets Size 76x80 in gray; white and tan. Saturday spec- per pair $1.49 Nashua Wool Nap Size 66x80 colorful plaids Bilk taped edges. Sat urday special, $Q AO per pair A Sale of Silk Charraeuse The ! good news spread over ttiiwn in a very short time men from all dir- ' ections flocked to our; great sale of men's cloth-: ing I YES, IT'S A FACT 1 ': pj i Gf Men's Good Clothes If you haven't been here yet, you'd better hurry. We'-ve got a stock amlli large selection but the eager crowds are buying one, two and three suits for the coming season at these low price., Saturday Special - Eitra . heavy and fine quality; light, dark, alice and medium blue, gray tan and black, pink, yellow and other colors. Bargain Basement Sale of Gray Graniteware 14 quart Dish Pan v- 10 quart Water Buckets 10 quart stew Kettles 2 quart coffee Pota and other articles Groc Saturday special at. 4qc OF 10S IS PQUND SUGAR with the purchase of $3 in ourigroeery or dry goods or shoe department tpJL G pounds $1 Aft 2 cans d J(- Coffee P Apricot3 V TT Crown Flour, 1 AO 1 large pkg Snow oo per sack . .- Flake Soda Crackers LO White Cap Flour, 1 7fl Mixed candies, OA perlack ........ A.I W d YtV: 1.45 VEGETABLES Standard Tomatoes, - M( Dry Onions, n 5 cans tXM 5 pounds , J 5 cans Armour's rr Cabbage, io milk, tall ....... OD 1 pound J 2 c&ns Cranberries, in Oysfers mOD 1 pound - 17 2 cans Royal fl Bananas, i n "Ann Cherries 1 pound 1U 2 cans Off Apple3, a Pineapple OD i box IUU 2 canfe Best Potatoes- 12 lDS- ft A Peaches, .2 's for 25c, or 100 lb. "sk teUU A Newly Arrived Shipment Philippine Hand-Made Embroidered Gowns and Envelopes . . . I An excepfional offering of 200 hand-made Philippine gowns and enVelopes, obtained at prices far under ordinary and grouped at this low price, though the values are far and above those you expeet to find at such low prices. The materials are extra fine soft quality ba tiste and naijksopk. The designs are exqnisitely done even the $2.93 garments a re 1 elaborately patterned, as shown in sketches. Gowns in clude high nek, round neck, and sleeveless models. Sizes 14 to 18, t correspond ing to 31 to 44 bust). The enVelopes include both built up and bodice styles aiaes 38 to 44. SHOP WHERE THE CROWDS BUY PEOPLE'S CASH STORE motorcycle owners. 62j dealers and 6500 chauffeurs. Beginning with 1922 the license fee on passenger cars is to be based on the we'.cht of the vein- i the cle With the blanks that have ! to been sent out by tha department wew enclosed printed schedules of the weights of the various mod els of the make of car that hereto fore has been registered by each owner if it has boen possible to obtain these. This Is to, aid the owner in determining the license fee required tor his car. "In cases where such a schedule doe-; not aecomopany the blank ap plications being sent out, it has been impossible to obtain this in formation from the manufacturers of the particular car," says a statnipnt from the department. "In all such cases it will be neces sary for the owner to ascertain the weight of his car on a scale which has been inspected and sealed by the state, sealer of weights and measures or his duly appointed deputies. A blank cer tificate of weight to be used by tho owner of the scale on which the weight of such machines is de termined was enclosed by the sc- j retary of state with those appli cations in which a printed sched ule of weights could not be furn ished. This certificate, properly made out. must be returned by the owner when he returns his appli cation accompanied by the neces sary fee. "In order that motor vehicle owners may be assured of receiv ing their 1922 license plates by January 1 and that the congestion of handling this enormous volume of business may be kept at a mini mum, owners of Jiiotor vehicles are urged promptly to fill out their applications and return them with the necessary fee to this de partment. In view of the further fact that it is the purpose of all peace officers, beginning January 1, to strictly enforce the license requirements of the motor vehicle law as they apply to 1922 licenses, it is important that motor vehicle owners give the matter of secur ing their 1922 licenses immediate attention." other speakers to conirici" series of which the dates w'Jl oe announced later A verv small sum will be charged for admission to coyer cost of bringing it. w.iuv thi citv. Should mere oe .i surplus after paying the expenses it v be used to purchase addi tion? 1 books fh the social science deicrtment of Willamette university. SHERIDAN NOTES SHEW PAN,; Or.. Oct. 28. Dalton Hrame is home from As toria where he has been working with a surveying gang. A. J. Hewley, who has teen in eastern Oregon and Idaho for several 'woeks returned home Monday night. The Sheridan schools closed Tuesday for the remainder of the week so the teachers can attend the institute at McMinnville. Mr. and Mrs.' F. M. Arnold came down from Portland Satur day and are packing their house hold goods, preparatory to mov ing them to Portland. I,. B Matusch, who has been conHned to him home for several months with the rheumatism is again able to be out. FUTURE CITIZENS OYS and girls now in the schools of Marion and Polk Counties tomor row willi be farmers, merchants, and professional men and women. The the They should early, learn to keep ac counts; to manage money so as to pay expenses and leaVe a margin; to save intelligently. - fers United States National appreciates savings accounts of children, and of- cooperation nr teaching them the lipitl Ultimo Ul uuuntugi y Never Wants Anytiiins Else The season or coughs, colds, croup and bronchial troubles is at hand. Every mother wl be in terested in this letter from Mrs. E. K. Olson, 1917 Ohio Ave., Su perior, Wis. "I tried many dif ferent kinds of cough medicine, but now I never want anythinc else than Foley's Honey and Tar used it for ail my children wher. I lived in Iowa abd also for mj grandchild in Duluth, and it has always done good work." Con tains no opiates. Sold everywhere Adv. neon i T TO REMOFFICE Governor Issues Denial of Rumor That He Will Take Federal Job Try Tills tor Indigestion. Foley Cathartic TaDiets are Just the thing for constipation? Their action is wholesome and thor oughly cleansing, without griping. nausea or inconvenience.- Thej banish biliousness, headache, bloating, gas, bad breath, coated tongue and other symptoms ol disordered digestion. Mrs. II. J. Marchard, 3G Lawrence street. Salem, Mass., writes: "I used Foley Cathartic Tablets for con stipation with good results. I keep them in the house." Sold everywhere Adv. STARTS TOMORROW Strang ThanHcticm SALEM .,!.. .1 1 v i wmsm n , n 9 f? "GROCKRIES B O W OF QUALITY! " Safe Place to -Trade- , , . I' New Crop of Prunes for Shipping j The 1921 Crop of Prunes now on the market and we can supply the nine-pound boxesV JSMQs which is the popular size for shipping to friends in the EastjTh, quality of prunes is exceptionally good this yeiilrj and you could send your eastern friends no better reminder of the Willamette Valley than a box of these prunes- . r $1185 nor box ' t t ',1 ", The eccpress charges on a box of prunes is 51c to nearly any part of the United States. I 1 Dried Loganberries ! 1 . " Packed in five-ppund boxes, ready for shipment I $2.10 per box ; , MS I Delicious Apples .: ;M These Apples are now at the best and only a few boxes. , left , I ' .V , -Ml U Jumble Pack $2.25 per box; Fancy Pack $3.00 per boxj , Extra Fancy $4.00 per box I I V Vanderpool Apples f- f A new variety of apples of fine color, very juicy: and fine flavor, $1.75 per box. ; i J Jonathan Apples $1.25 per box ; Spitzenbergs? $1.50 i Cooking Apples $1.00. " .! cider. , . r: i Sweet Apple Cider fresh from the cider press, every 1 day 40c per gallon, 20c extra for container which is returnable. .... i A formal statement was made yesterday by Governor Oleott tor the purpose of setting at rest the rumor that he contemplates re signing as governor to accept a federal appointment. The gover nor said that he has no such In tention and never has had. The statement is taken to indicate the governor will be a candidate for re-election. "I regret to see rumors persist to tho effect that I am contemplat ing resigning as governor to ac cept some federal position," said Governor Oleott. "I have no such intention in mind. In fact I pub licly denied the rumor emphati cally when it first was printed some weeks ago and the denial was published in some of the pa pers at least. Regardless of that fact the rumor persists. Once for all I desire to say there is no basis for such a rumor and there never has been." IN California Grape Fruit, 2 for .....$ .25 Florida Grape Fruit each : i 20 Cranberries, lb 1.. .25 Huckleberries, 20 Ground Cherries, lb. .35 Bananas, 2 lbs......J.$ Casabas, lb. , Tokay Grapes, lb...: J Concord Grapes, Z ,lbs.:..L J Cornice Pears, box! 1.50 Oranges, dozen...:.... .60 .os) J2S III SPEAKERS WILL :E TO SALEM 1 Notable Lectures Will Be Brought to City by Wil lamette University Profesor C. M. Tanunzia, head of the department or social science at Willamette university announced that Willamette uni vers ty and the citizens of Salem will be given an opoprtunity this coming winter to hear some of the kevnept thinkers and speakers on the present day problems, and needs. A series oF community lectures to which the public of Salem will he welcomed is being planned. The nten to address these meet ings will be of high reputation as writers and speakers brought to the Pacific northwest with mes sages on problems of the hoar. wesievfoarry m i Stranger. Than fiction' LIBERTY f HlAraT Children's Matinee, 11 a. m. Today Freckled Faced Kids Free Spinach Greens, 2 lbs. .35 Green Peppers, lb. .15 Caulflower, large heads, ea. 25c and .30 Swee.t Potatoes,! 4 lbs... L... .25 Rutabagas, lb J Bvinanas, 2 lbs : Cabbage, lb . Turnips,- lb. Celery ....... ... i Celery Hearts Lettuce .. .. j Cakes and Pastry I A full line of fresh cakes for Saturday, Angel, Sun shine, Prune, Coeoanut, Mocha, Nut, Chocolate. Mince Pies Made from our Home Made Mince Meat. 35c each Mince Meat 25c pound a pound for a pie Nothing bettfer in Hams than Swift's Premium 10 to 12 pounds each, 39c pound Sour Kraut ' J i , Libby's Kraut, machine cut and packed, 15c quart j . ROTHiGROGERY CO: Phones 1883-6-7 No charge for deliverer HEW PLAID You just can't afford to pass up these new plaid skirts i at j - $4.98 They are the new all wool velours in the large and small plaids as well as narrow and wide pleats. Fashion color combinations in hlue and brown, tan and brown, black and white !i i ' '' ' " ' '-' ' '" Specially Priced $4.98 Oar Pnces Always The Lowest GALE $ GO. Commercial and Court Streets f ii H ;h i One of the first speakers will i f .1 i 1 .-4