The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 29, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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1 terger Deeds to Iteat -
A warranty led was filed for
record yenterday la which F. Hi
Merger conveys to Carl P. Rent
13 acres of fruit land -about half
a mile east of. Koeedale. Part of
the acreage Is given.' as lot I of
the Sunnyside Fruit farnys. Tbe
consideration was $5000.
asked for proofs as to where they
got money which it was atleged
was paid to the defendants. He
declares that J- Way . Is tho wit
ness needed and that this witnes3
Is in Yakima,, Wash. At the trial
a short time ago the case was dismissed-
and no damages allowed.
Today Only
Free cage with each imported
Holler sold: E. II. Flake, birds and
flowers, 444 Stateby Gray Belle)
AdW V v
j Brunswick Phonographs
I And 'records. Moore-Dunn Mu
sic StoYe, Masonic Bldg. Adv.
Appraisal Made
In the guardiansnip 01 lwd
Meyers, Edward Meyers and Paul
ing Meyers, the estate left thsm
has been valued at $585. 6j. Tne
appraisers were M. G. Gunderson,
C. A. Heynoids and J. A. Campbell.
Open Houea Held
The Adalante Literary society
held open house Friday afternoon
in the meeting halls of Willam
ette university. All freshman
girls and non-members of literary
societies were extended an invi
tation and many were present.
$2.V)0-1 louses In Htyl
In reviewing general building
in Salem, a contractor who is fa
miliar with building conditions in
Salem, says that just at present
there are many homes under con
struction costing from $2000 to
$2500. He says this amount un
der present conditions will build
a pretty fair home of five rooms,
and everything modern.
Assumed Xante Filed
Myrtle Bernard has filed with
the county clerk the name "Model
Bteam Hatha," under which name
she will conduct business at 110
North Commercial street. The
Oregon law resulres that where
an assumed name is given a busi
ness the name must be filed for
record with the county clerk.
Cut flowers, potted plants and
Holland bulbs. Plant's Floral
Shop, 121 S. Com'l St. Phone 1659
We specialize in funeral de
signs. Adv.
Horn at Silverton, 1837
A pioneer's hunting license iand
fishing license was issued yester
day to A. C. Murray. In his ap
plication he Ftated that he was
born in Silverton on February 18,
The Latest Son Hit
' Just received Mooe -Dunn
Music Store, Masonic Bldg. Adv.
West Salem Church
Sunday, Oct. 20, A. Hawthorne,
pastor. Sunday school. 10:30;
Merrill H. Fox superintendent.
Epworth, 6:30 p. m.. Miss Latona
Leach leader. Preaching at 7:30.
Thursday, Nov. 3, prayer meeting.
Sherman Clay & Co.
Pianos. Moore-Dunn Musis
Store, Masonic Hldg. Adv.
Bird and Flowei
Free cage with each Roller sold
today. E. B. Flake, 444 State.
Neimeyer, Drugs
Moved to 175 N. Com'l St.
.? .
Ask for He-trial
An affidavit has been filed In
the Marion county circuit court
by W. O. Fisher, in which he asks
for a new trial in the case of W.
G. Fisher and J. B. Fisher and
Will E. Purdy. against Citizen's
Investment company and others.
In his affidavit Mr. Fisher Btatea
that at the first trial the plain
tiffs were taken by surprise when
Sale Confirmed
The executrices of the estate of
A. C. Hauseman have been given
a confirmation of their sale of
real estate by' virtue of an order
of court dated June 27, 1921. The
sale includes lot 7. block 2 of
Capital Park addition to Salem,
sold to Frances Sanders for Sl,
400. The executricies of the es
tate are Matilda J. llauaman and
Iielle Hauseman Morton.
Pioneer's Ucen
A pioneer's hunting and fish
ing license has been granted to
W, H. Goulet of Woodburn. His
i application states that he came
'to Oregon in November of 18i9,
and that he first lived at St.
Louis, in Marion county. Had
he come a few months later he
would not have ben entitled to
the free hunting and fishing
licenses accorded Oregon pioneers.
A 'rfa pioneer is one who either
arrived or was living in Oregon
before or durjng the year 1859.
Salmon For Cannine
For best quality and lowest
prices at Fitts Market. 44 4 Coart
St. Phone 211. Adv.
mond, Oakland and C. W. Hub
bard. Corvallia.
BL.IGH Portland people were
C. D. James, John Rlecke, J. H.
Baquet. G. Harmon, Laura Lar
son, Mary Holeman, Oscar Oleson.
Others registering were P. D. Ott.
Hebo; T. W. Darcy. Dallas; H. A.
File. Spokane; Mr. and Mrs. H. L.
smau. miss urace cauanan ana; . ni J
Mrs. Frances Morely, Victoria several Large ntlUgtJb rtlC
artists and L. J. Graves, Marenette
ehange., 1 know my boy ttrabna , Greeting : Card
Th. kit riona wonaera ir mil : . 7 . , '
Transients G-et Bed
H. P. Ryan, Jack Martin, O.
Crowley, Jacob Vogel, Edwin Rob
ertson and Lewis Andrae secured
beds at the city, jail last night.
Miss Annie Lavender of Wil
lamette university is a visitor at
Eugene for over Sunday.
Miss Mary Jane Albert and
Miss Josephine Baumgardner
were the guests of Miss Mary
Legge at the Beta Chi sorority
Thursday evening.
Contingent on Others
of Equal Amount
boy, and'I believe they have tor
all of the boys, and I believe if
a. wte was taken among the boys
they would vote to keep Mr. Gil
bert; and my wife and I certainly
are not in favor of any change
while our boy Is there and will
do all we can to prevent It.
1762 Courtney street, Portland,
Ore., Oct. 26. 1921.
Our large ahowlBg now tier. Xrt
ns take yonr order mom mma M"
rare complete sUsfctloau
163 N. Commercial Tboa 4
New Shipments
Of imported St Andreasberg
Rollers. Special prices and Tree
cage today. E. B. Flake, birds and
flowers, 444 Btate street. Adv.
j Reports Cnrb Accident
When George Thomas puneu
away from me rnrn on iai
street, in front of tin Price shoe
We Carry a Full Line
Of stock and poultry feed. All
ground or rolled grain Bold-by us
is prepared in our own mill, from
selected grain. It will pay every
user to investigate our feed prices.
Charles It. Archerd Implement
Co. Adv.
Masons Dance Twice Monthly
Accordine to F. G. Brock chair
man of the entertainment commit
tee of the Arabian Knights club,
two Masonic dances will be held
each month at -the Salem Shrine
Mosque, 167 North Liberty street.
On the second Thursday of each
month, the dance will be for all
who have advanced in Masonry
from the Master Mason degree and
higher degrees. On the fourth
Thursday of each month, the
Shrine dance will be held.
Only Three More Days
Pheasant hunters have Just
three more days to do their hunt
ing this year, as at sunset of next
store Jast night, he was struck I Monday, the season la over.! It
Myrtle Reed's
"Lavender and Old
Coming Sunday
William S. Hart
by a machine driven by Roy
Taschina. according to a report
made by Thomas at police head
quarters. Thomas' car was un
injured but Tasching's touring
car sustained an Injured tire and
Eteerlng gear.
Hartman's Glasses
j&sier ana
Wear them and see
rhone 1258 : 8alem. Oregon
,cam Inav. Soodhw an AtUa
Ir.W ! crtua sad axlnks.
Ogu 11 aja. W. a
Spaelal Bnnay-
lor 8prtaR Planting Order From
At firarnn BulldlnC :: on BO ON
' Phone 1763
uJ ktVvino' vnur hardware and
furniture at The Capital Hard.
ware a r urnrture w
Commercial street. Phone 947
JONES At his home. 160 Luth
er street, Salem. Prentice M.
Jones. October 27, at the age
of 83 years. He is survived
only by his widow. The fune
ral services will be in charge
of the Masons and the G. A. R.
Burial will be in the G. A. R.
circle of City View cemetery.
The hour and place of the ser
vices will be. announced later.
is unlawful in Oregon1 to hunt or
fish at night.
Is 44 Revelation" a Mystery?
Beginning 9:45 Sunday, Oct
30, the men's class of the First
Baptist Bible school, teacher Dr.
Milliken. will study the Bookvof
Revelations together with the
various theories held concerning
it. Men, if not members of some
Sunday school, come and enjoy
these discussions. Marlon and Lib
erty streets. Adv.
fjMral Rlanks
Get them at The Statesman oi-
flee. Catalog on application.
Five Fatalities Reported
Out of 4 23. accidents reportea
to the state industrial accident
commission for the week ending
October 27 five were fatal. The
fatalities were: Liberio Gonzales,
Prouss, Ore., miner; Albert Men
egat, Preuss Ore., miner; William
Mahoney, Kerry, brakeman; Mor
gan Tipton, Goble, signal boy;
Homer Johnson. Oregon City,
bucker. Of the total number of
accidents reported 372 were sub
ject to the provisions of the work
men's compensation act, 22 were
from firms and corporations that
have not elected to operate under
the act. and 29 were from public
utility corporations not subject to
the act.
Inspects Plant
E. I. Garland of the Silver Falls
Timber company was in Salem
Friday Inspecting the West Side
Lumber company. ; i
WILSON On the Pacific hign-
way, five miles south of Sa
lem, October 27, James H.
.Wilson, age 62 years, husband
of Mrs. Libby Wilson and fath
er of S. C. Wilson. The body
is at Rigdon's. Notice of fune
eral later.
WORTH AM -On the Pacific high
wav. five miles soutb or ssaiem.
late Thursday evening, October
27, Miss Ruth Wortham, late a
resident of -San Bernardino,
ral. Services will be held on
Sunday morning at 9:30 o'clock
froni Rigdon's. after which tne
body will be forwarded to San
Bernardino for interment.
..; We More,
- pack and Store
I V.l V
if , -j :
EVANS At the residence, Broad
way and streets, Friday
evening. October 28, Allan i.a
ward Evans, age 71 years, bus
band of Mrs. Catherine Evans
father of Mrs. V. H., Mrs. J
W. Ritchie of Salem, Mrs. A
F. Wood of Brooks, Mrs. S
Paul Jones of Waconda, Don
Vr-cA and Will Evans of Wrens
Or, and Harvey Evans of Sa
lem. The body 1b at RIgdon s
Kotlce of funeral later.
. 5
v t
, Do yoa take .
If not, why not!
to other, baths or treatment
can produce the permanent re
Af to the neraon suffering
from disagreeable cold or ail-
menu, qi u "
the. Turkish, Batbe wllL
Open t a. ta.' until -
Lady and Gentlemen attenoante
School Supplies
For Teachers
Monthly ach'obl repbit cards
, , each Jc
Yearly school report books,
i-, eacn... .....
Jdanlla envelopes for either,
: each .... He
Teachers examination, anes
: tions for one year certlfi
- eate, each ..... 800
Western Songester; a splen
did song book for school,
institute or community slng-
Lei Jinj Morticlanj .
Mbals 2Zc, Quick Lunch-
Chinese dishes. Sann Louie,
420 Ferry. Adv.
Neimeyer Pharmacy
Ready to serve you at 175 N
Commercial street. Adv.
Will Talk Apples
Prof. Walter S. Brown of Ore
gon Agricultural college will be
the speaker at the Monday noon
luncheon of the Commercial club.
He is head of the horticultural
department of O. A. C. His talk
will be on fruits afnd especially
apples, as next Monday is to bs
pbserved as Apple day through
out the state.
Caso Reopened
The investigation of fuel costs
for the Cottage Grove Electric
company, which some time ago
was initiated by the public service
commission on its own motion,
wilk be reopened Tuesday, 'Novem
ber 8 for additional testimony, ac
cording to announcement at the
offices of the commission yesterday.
November Brunswick Records
On sale today. Moore-Dunn
Music Store, Masonic Bldg. Adv.
Webb & Clough
Leading Funeral
Expert Embalmert
, Per dozen ...
Tei 100..'... ..... $12.5
4iy of the above supplies
wtU be as
order Is received. .
school. annuals and diplo
mas printed in a thoroughly
, flrat, class manner. '
213 South Commercial St.
T." Balem-r-Oregoa
We pay bisthest price.
We buy ami sell everything.
We sell for lesa.
IIS Center St. Phono R98
Ladies Night at Elk's TiOdge
Next Monday night 'will be ob
served by. the Elks as ladles'
night. ' The special entertainment
for the- evening will include I the
Meneley attraction. By an error
In dating, these entertainers failed
to appear last Thursday evening.
Hence the entertainment commit
tee decided to announce a ladies
night -when they appear next Mon
day night.
Wood 1
Fiv loads 16 Inch m'H wood
113.75. Guaranteed two-thirds
cord per load. Prompt delivery
Spaulding Logging Co. Adv.
To Issne Calendar j
In Order that the 1200 or iriore
Elks, members of Salem lodge No
33G, may know the program ; for
the winter, ths lodge will soon
isaiid a Calendar which' will be
mailed to each member,
nicrhland Bus Line-
See schedule in classified ad.
May Extend to Llveley -
William Bell, prominent hop
man, with interests just south of
the city, is endeavoring to inter
est residents of the Rlverview
road In securing electric service
from Salem to Livesley. Wires
now extend from Salem as far as
the Schindler dairy. ine pro
posed extension to Livesley would
mean the extenFion or aooui mre?
miles of wire. And then once at
Livesley. the golf club could se
rnro electric service by securing
an extension of about one mile of
Cm Rent-
Front office room. Apply Gray
Ren. Adv. : '
Dr. Hickman to Speak
Dr. E. C. Hickman of Kimball
college will speak Sunday after
noon at Brush college in Polk
county. le will talk beginning at
Reported by Union Abstract
F. H. Berger, et ux to Carl T.
Reuf et uv, 8 acres sec. 1 0-8-3 w
also lot 7 S. S. Fruit farm No. 2,
w. d., $10.
Hammond Lumber Co., to B. F.
Russell, 11 acres, sec. 11 10 S R
5 E, w d, $10 and other consid
eration. J. W. and Emma Ebner to Geo.
and Teresia Wollek, 3.85 acres
sec. 4 T 6-1 w, w d, $2700.
P. C. and Annie M. Galbraith
to James L. S. Rossell, lots S, 6,
block 9, O. Luettich add., to
Stayton and fraction south, q c
deed, $450.
Othmar Gelsdorf et ux to Franz
Nioier, 38 acres sec 3t-o-zw, w.
Ladd & Bush to Chas. L. Dick
fr. lot 7. Liberty Fruit farms d.
Chas. L. Dick et ux to uscar
melson et ux, fr. lot 7, Liberty
Fruit farm, w d.. $10.
J. P. Wehrum et ux to James .
Mahoney, 130 acres sec. 11-b-J
w., w. d.. $10.
Peter Borchers et ux to Hiram
J. Hess, tracts 1, 7, Laflemme
acres T 6-2-w, w. d., $3000.
O. F. Franklin to Maude
Franklin, fr. lot 3. block 11.
George H. Jones add. alem, q. c.
d.. $1.
C. F. and J E- DeGuire to A.
F. S'.meral et ux 1 2 acres in James
Brown d 1 c 6-1-w q. c. d. $1.
H H Craltr et ux to IT. G.
Wickoff et ux. 13.26 acres in Al
fred tSanton d 1 c T-7-2-W, w. d.,
Earl H. Jory et ux to Jonathan
E- Bourne et al, lots 19, 2 0, ire
ton Fruit Farms, $10.-
Ermengarde and G. W. Bedient
to Frederick J. Lafky. B0 by 91
feet Kearnev & Saginaw street.
Salem. $1600.
Fred E. and Bessie Clark to
Andrew and Arthur C. Overland,
ir half tract 7. Wiseacres. $950.
Sophia KCfene to Earl and
Frances Seamser, tract 2, Marion
Gardens, $10.
John T. and Leila McRosa to
Jos. E. and Grau L. Madison, part
lot 8. block 24. Salem, $10.
Floyd and Minnie Yandle to G.
W. Oa'nes. S of SE sec. 18-8-2-E,
$1 and other
The Sal?ra Elks' is the
first organised body in the city to
vcte to aid the Y. M C. A. in se
curing its budget for the coming
At a recent meeting, the lodge
voted to give $250 provided the
Y M. C. -A. management would se
cure seven othe,- organixations or
men, who would give a like sum.
At a meeting held two weeks
ago of Y. M. C A. workers, three
prominent c'.tizens pledge $-aU
ench. Since then two others of
fered a tentative pledge of 2aQ
ecch provided eight were found
who would give a like amount.
With the offer of the Elks.
there remains need of oui i
Stewardship Rally Held
At Silverton Church
SILERTON. Ore.. Oct. 27.
(Special to The Statesman)
An all day stewardship rally was
held at the Christian church of
Silverton yesterday. The affair
was not to raise mony and no col
lections were taken nor were any
refreshments served. A large
crowd attended.
The day's program was arrang
ed from an educational point of
view. Roy Roadrick and Mrs. Eda
Voore. eastern lecturers were
r resent and gave talks. Mra.
Ward Swope and C. F. S wander
of Portland were also speakers of
the day.
Probably the most interesting
The Store for
Cooking Utensils
The Store of Housewares
more cu-zens or ""''""e part of the program was the steri
five 1250 each n order to secure ,... ... v
all the tentative offers.
At the noon luncheon held yes-,
terday pledges amounting to
were reported, making a total of
all amounting to $7,909.
In addition to names anj
reported who have pledged to sup
nnrt the Y. M. C. A., the follow
ing vers reported yesterday:
L F. Griffith .; i "
Dr. Evans . . . .
Charles Welder
Percy M. Varney
F. C. DeLong
opticon lecture given by Ben Lehr,
a missionary of India, Mr. Lenr
had several trophies from his
work in India which he showed
and told of their value and use.
Archie Holt ... .
frigerator, rugs, tables and all
kinds of furniture. Must be
sold, at sacrifice. Inquire 45
N. Summer.
That The 1
P. c s.
Watch This Space
Frank Jaskoski
William A. Boddy . .
W. H. Welch
Gertrude J. M. Page
D. Wiggins . . .!
O. D. Bower ...
J. A. Sellwood ...
AuF Kebrberger . . .
X VtlAH - -.
James S. DusenDury
Charles E. Gjedsted
Lee Canfield
W. A. Johnson :. . -D.
H. Mosher ... .
Farris Bros.
5 00
F. 00
2 00
16 00
5 00
J. C. Jones,..- !.
MoTed -
Neimeyer, Drugs, now open tor
business at 175 N. Com'l St
Boy Scouts Meet
TroOn 6 and Troop 8, under tne
direction of Scout Masters Harris
and Scott met last night, at the
state school for the deaf. In all
.13 boys took part in the evening's
program. Doughnuts and cider
were served..
Chester Cox
Becke & Hendricks
A. T. Yeaton . , .
IT. E. Bolinger
F. E. Loose ...
t tr . 5 00
r. J.
H S. Radcllff
Cap City Nursery Co.
Sim Phillips ...
10 00
Established 1868
Miss Wallace Returns
Miss Ruth Wallace, deputy In
the office of U. G. Boyer, county
clerk, -has returned from a two
weeks visit with relatives at
Marshfield. For those who Intend
to get married, and the prospec
tive bride lives In Marion county,
it is to Miss Wallace that applica
tion must be made and she wll!
ask all the strange questions, a3
required by law in filling out the
In Our Xew Location .
Neimeyer Drugs, now at 17&
N Commercial street. Adv.
Program Not Completed
The pro gram for the corner
stone laying of the Salem hospi
tal has not as yet been completed.
accodine to August Huchestem,
chairman of the committee for the
ceremonies. However, it is known
that the Rev. J. J. Evans, pastor
of the First Christian church, and
the Rev. J. R, Buck of the Cath
olic church, will take part in tho
A Classified Ad
Will bring you a buyer.-
To Have Monthly Dinner
Members of the business men s
class of the Y.M.C.A. will hold
their annoal dinner next Wednes.
day evening at the Y.M.C.A. Roy
Shields. Dresident of the class
will send out a letter to all of the
75 or more members reminding
them of the fact that their prea
ence is requested.
Let us supply you with
Shoes Hosiery Hats
v Dishes, etc.
s at the.Lowest Prices
V373-77 Court St.
BIG 11
And a Big
Ronald F. Cameron Drops
from Exhaustion on High
way Near Hubbard
Ronald F. Cameron, veteran of
three armies, was found on tne
highway Thursday night near
Hubbard. He was exhausted from
lack of food and from worry In
not having found work in Fort-
He was taken to the home 01
Dr. S. W. Weaver of Hubbard and
rnrert ftir. Yesterday the local
Red Cross headquarters was nou-
ried and arrangements at once
made for his proper care and
transportation to his home ai
Grants Pass.
Accordine to Mr. Cameron wno
s about 50 years old, he enlist
ed first in the Canadian army.
was later transferred to tne Eng
lish army and then later served
with the American force, receiy-
ng his discharge on beptemoer
t7 1919.
T.ivinir at Grants Pass, he nas
endeavored to make a living for
th widow of his brother who was
killed in the war. and ber two
children. Not being able to se
iir wnrV in Grants Pass, he wene
to Portland. Without tunas, ne
tt-ao onrionvnriTie tO Walk tO
Grants Pass when he fell from ex
The local Red Cross has ouer-
ed its services in endeavoring 10
appiirp nrnoer recognition for ftir
Cameron for his services in the
American army. The mstrr has
nlan been taken UT With the
Grants Pass Red Cross.
A Father Protests
Editor Statesman: Will you
allow me a little space in your
paper. I see lri this mornings
Oregonian, October 26. a message
by our governor to the people 01
Oregon advocating the buying of
home products. I have also
learned through the papers that
he Is advocating sending out of
tbo state to get a man to ba the
of the most import
ant institutions of the state, that
is the boys training school, and he
is also advocating paying h m
more than threa times a3 much as
is paid to the present superinten
dent of the school. Now I don 1
ti,iT,ir thA eovernoi is very consis
tent in his advice. It we are to
h..v nrecon made goods why send
out of the state for a superinten
dent for the school? I for one
don't think it is just the thing to
do I also dee an article in the
same paper written by Mr. Hoff.
tate treasurer and one of the
board of control, saying he is not
In favor ot making any change in
the superintendent at the school.
1 nn heartilv commena uuu
for the stand he has taken in tin
matter and now I want to say a
word for Mr. and Mr. Gilbert. I
huva a bov in the school and I
havA been at the school quite often
and have gotten quite well ac
quainted with Mr. ana .Mrs Gil
bert, and I don't think yo can
find any liner people in uregou
or Iowa, either nor any one taai
is more capable of looking aner
the boys and I believe the boys
get as square a deal irom mem
as anyone could give them, and I
on't believe the boys v-uni a
10,305 ex-Servfce Men Respond
Ud to yesteniay noon, 10.30
ex-service men have sent in thei
annlirationa to the World war
veterans' state aid commission, ac
cording to Captain H- C. Brum
baugh, secretary. Of this nlmber
5614 have expressed a preference
for cash and 4691 for the benefits
of a loan on real estate.
Silverton Lodgers Are
Robbed During Night
MARION Portland people reg
istering last night were: Tom
Booth. I. L. Templeton. Sol Rich
ards, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Cousins.
W. W. Sliffio. J. P. Richards. S.
C. Shankland. .Phil ifew. G. E.
Rrourh. A. M. Maschimeyer. W.
W. TMHon. J -N. Rodeers. Other
neoole at - the hotel were W. J
Kerr. Corvallls; Wm. Cavanaugh,
JV: A. Grass. Seattle: Max Flem-
lsr Chlcaeo: H. K. Read Los An
relesi- W.' Cassell. Seattle'-Jr-A.
linmn. San PranciaCO. N. J. KlCtU
SILVERTON. Or.. Oct. 28.
if Special to The Statesman)
The roomers ot the Hansen hotel
Oh Front street were robbed
some t me during Neanesoay
night. It is thought tnat me
theif was familiar with the inside
of the house judging from the
manner he succeeded in entering
the rooms. It is necessary to
climb two flights of sta rs in Or
der to gain entrance to the rooms
which were robbed.
Among those who were robbed
re f anley Cochran who lost 110.
R. King, a watch and chain:
James Daly, a watch and chain.
L. Laffcer. a safety razor. no
trace ot the thief has so far been
rl of Americanism
are verv cheno. They consist
mostly 1 of talking about 100 per
cent Americanism.
III X ! j I - ui -mi
IB i 'CiVK ..4". J
It J. . ' -
rPfl 1
In a Brand New Laugh
On With
Today Only
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. mJ
I ,:
at For Less at
Phone 1421 . 173 S. Commercial St.
There is no market in Salem using better steers' than
we are.v We sell this same jrrade of 'steer beef 5c "to
15c cheaper per pound than the other that
handle steer beef. ) ' , '.,'' ' ;'.'
... .......... ..f;
Tp Roast. ..u -
To Fry, 3 lbs. for.rr . ..
stew :....
Freshly Ground Hamburg
Choice Pork to Roast... .
, Our Own Sugar Cured Bacon... ...
25c to 30c
Our Own Pure Lard In 10s. ..... -.---$1.45
5's ...... ."7 5 c
3 s.... ... . . . ---. -. Q
Open Until 8 p. m.
In the interest of better working conditions
for our employees and to keep in line with
the policy in other lines of merchandising
tending towards an earlier closing hour, we,
the undersigned grocers of the City of Salem,
agree to close our stores promptly at 7 o'clock
p. m. every Saturday evening beginning Sat
urday, October 29th. . , i . r
J. L. Busick & Sons
Roth Grocery Co.
C. M. Roberts
R. D. Gilbert & Co.
Foster & Baker
Carl & Bowersox
Ska ggs United Stores
Caplan's Cash Store
B.B. Eschleman
A. Dane & Sons
Simon & Pade
D. L Shrode
Lebold & Co.
C Eppley Co.
W. H. Clark j V
Ed. Rocks "
Jos. Domagalla '
Ward K. Richardson
Geo, W. Stoner f