The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 29, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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Issued Dally Except Monday by
215 8. Commercial St., Salera, Oregon
(Portland Of rice. 627 Board of Trade Building. Phone Automatic
:" - . . 627-69)
The Associated Press la exclusively entitled to the use for repub
lication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited
In this paper and also the local news published herein.
K. J. Hendricks. . .
Stephen A. Stone...
Ralph Olorer .....
frank Jukoskl . . . .
Business Office. 23.
Circulation Department, 68S
Job Department. 683 -Society
Editor, 106
Entered at the Postoffice in Salem,
.-, Why was the folly of the threatened railroad strike al
lowed to get as far as it did ? All sober minded people in the
country, including the railroad men themselves who voted
for the strike, see the folly of it now, or will see it when the
air becomes fully cleared
For it would have been a strike against the railroad la
bor board
And that would have meant a strike against the gov
ernment . And for what? ,
When would the strike, if one could conceive that it
could have been successful, been called off? What was the
proposed strike against? If it was against the average 12
per cent wage cut ordered by the labor board last July, is it
conceivable that that board, on which the railroad laborers
are represented, would have reversed itself, 6r could have
done so, under the law? It would have meant official sui
cide by the labor board, and the reduction of federal author
ity to pusillanimity. 4 : .
No good American citizen would wish to see his govern
ment so humiliated and its authority so emasculated.
Then why was the folly of the threatened strike, lead
ing to no definite purpose, committed ?
f . Mainly because it was worked up by a group of Socialists
in Washington who are issuing propaganda constantly calcu
lated to bring into disrepute all private ownership and con
trol of property. These people are constantly misrepresent
ing facts in favor of their socialistic propaganda. They have
been attempting to prove to the railroad laborers that it does
not matter how high their wages that the government must
make up the losses, if any, to the railroads
Whereas the government is not now subsidizing the
railroads andsince September; 1920 the government has not
obligated tself in any manner that could be construed as a
guarantee of one cent income to any. railroad.
, The people of the United States got all the government
operation of railroads during the war period that they will
want tot a long, long time. t -
The people of this country want neither government op
eration nor ownership of . railroads,
The socialistic group at Washington unwittingly did one
good thing, in pushing the railroad laborers into the folly of
calling the threatened strike
I J They set back the Bolshevism o government ownership
and control of private property almost as much as the actual
pulling off of the strike would have done. And that is say
ing a great deal for its utter failure, after temporarily throw-?
ing the whole business of the United States out of joint
vtould have netted finally merely the loss of the jobs of the
striking railroad laborers. Y ' . .. i
- There is one large group of men in' the United States
who .were disappointed at the calling off of the general rail
road strike the jobless thousands who vrere hoping to get
the good paying jobs of the strikers.
It iaUkely that the proceedings
of the. disarmament conference
will be. secret Bat It would be
different If Admiral Sims were on
the Job. Exchange.
Admiral Beattlj has arrlred in
this country for a Tialt. ' Possibly
he can tell us who won the bat
tle of Jutland. Nobody else ap
pears to .know. f St .
I 'Our net Increase ot gold In
peren months 'of this, year.' was
more than Ho.OO.O.OOO." This Is
not our? personal ? bank account,
but that of , Uncle Sam. Ex
change. '. ' ? ' ; '
.- : :
-i .The Chinese aay tbey will lay
their cards on the table at the
disarmament conference, possibly
so, bat Uncle Sam will insist that
they do not wear long, flowing
sleeves In the room.
; The discussion all over the
United States that was brought
out on account of the threatened
general railroad strike ought to
bring about some benefits. It
seems an anomaly that the United !
States, railroad labor board should
have charge of the fixing of the
wage scales,- imposing the chief
burden of expense on the rail
roads, and that another body, the
interstate commerce commission,
should have charge of the fixing
of the passenger tand freight rates
through -which the revenues of the
railroads ir awnral Th fall-
road managers themselves merely
have to try to make both ends
meet, after these two federal bod
ies, pulling at cross' purposes, get
through with the , wage scales and
the passenger and freight rates.
They have, very little to. say con
cerning their own business. Eome
ton, of Bw 8a Vn ItMpiUl.
wIIImmi . P-tft niTrity '
NoT.nihr uJ, Saturday Sum in nail
mcHinc of Htrinii ralv Parent Ttetrh-
cr amMM-isflon. Hirh rhMil.
NoTmW S. Tuesday Elimination of
fMitionl GiardmarB for ntranr to Wtit
l'oint, Balna Armory.
Kjnmlw 8. Tb4 !Wil 1et!oa
In Polk conaty ,-. ea $70,000 road tea
NorW S. TaaHT Admiral ' Mayo
to addrraa Kiwaaia Club.
Hfcr . " sa UartM om
rcntir 4. RnndT tX$ Manorial
lervko, Grand Thtata. .
Managing Editor
Manager Job Dept.
Oregon, as second class matter.
of the brightest business men in
the country i believe both func
tions should be performed by one
board or commission. Another
thing that stands out, as a fault
with, the present method of fix
ing wages is the idea of making
the scales uniform throughout the
country. Living conditions are
different in different sections.
The fixing of wage scales should
be by regions. The whole matter
ought to be taken up and ironed,
out by congress, along construc
tive lines, giving the railroad
managers the greatest liberty pos
sible, and at the same time safe
guarding the Interests of the pub
lie and doing justice to the men
who perform the labor in the var
ious departments of the trans
portation systems of the country.
And there, should never be a
general strike, or a threat of a
general strike.
When the .president asserted
in the course of his address to
postal employes in Washington
that 'I'd rather have a hard-
boiled Democrat than a yellow
Republican" he set the tongues
nf the Democratic editors wag
ging. They accuaa him of plac
ing a premium on partisanship.
Out the people of the country
as a whole are likely to form a
different opinion of the message
the president intended to convey.
He was simply telling' the postal
employes that he preferred a man
with mi opinion contrary , to his
own to one with no opinions at
To the president insincerity is
a vice. He likes not the man who
alternately bays with the honnds
and runs with the hare. He views
one without convictions as with
out conscience; and he is seeking
to rid the government of un
scrupulous opportunists. The man
whose opinions are alwoys those
of the party in power is neither
a good official nor a good citi
zen. He said frankly that he was
not averse to postmasters being
in politics; but he nsed the terra
"politics" in the higher and no
bler terse. . , He , sought to Im
press upon ' those whom le ad
dressed that he did not desire to
bind the mouths of those in the
government service or to dictate
their utterances.
The president has been cen
sored by some members of con
gress because be has not thown
more diligence in "turning the
rascals out," a term which , the
Democrats: invariably use. to get
possession of all the offices as
soon as their party is in power.
The president holds that because
a man Is a Democrat is not suffic
ient reason for his dismissal if
he is rendering efficient service.
This view l is antithetical to that
of the parity politician, who is in
terested only in the spoils of of
fice, but it is one which the peo
ple will commend.
A famous Philadelphia art col
lector has! purchased the Rem
brandt painting known to the cat
alogues as; "Gentleman with High
Hat" for a trifle of 2800,000 in
cash. In Rembrandt's time no
gentleman ; in a high hat was
worth that much money, and he
himself did not know there was
that much coin in the world. He
created more than 700 paintings
in his lifetime. At $100,000
apiece he might even have had
the attention of that other emi
nent artist In oil, John D. Rock
efeller, but it is doubtful that he
realized half on his whole but-
The head astronomer at Green
wich observatory announces,, that
the moon lis twelve minutes off
from its usual time and is devi
ating from its accustomed path
to a perceptible degree. Some one
suggests that possibly it is on
account of the moonshine.
The Russian soviet govern
ment is about to establish a work
tax. According to present plana
this will require every citizen to
give 100 days of work each year
to the state. This would repre
sent nearly one-third of his time
in addition to taxes already levied.
The, men 'would be assigned to
work by-the commissars ot the
district and would have to do
whatever tasks were Assigned.
Sweet and beautiful are the So
viets! S
: - i .hi. . f . I . ; -
Over 84 different makes of
automobiles and motor trucks are
turned ont; In Detroit Henry isn't
the whole works by a long shot.
Detroitjmight even be on the map
without his saving presenceT
Bandits stole $5000 worth of
whiskey from a railway train. It
was billed and shipped as break
fast food. I It must be a pleasant
shock to nip a shipment of cream
of wheat and have it turn out to
be Cream of rye..
The kin of Italy has conferred
his noblest decoration upon the
champion macaroni and spaghetti
manufacturer of St. Louis. There
are rewards for those who make
the world safer for men who eat
with their1 knives.
Beautiful: sunshine again.
Marshal Foch had a great wel
come. M
It will be just one great wel
come after another at New York
and Washington for quite a while.
Angora goat sold at auction the
other dav, at Senora. Texas, for
3080; the greatest amount over
paid for a goat. There are plen
ty i of Salem district Angoras
worth as much.
The bomb and Italian souads
on the New York poltcw force
wear corsets; made of eUk, can
vas and Norwegian : steel. Thev
are bullet and 'knife proof i and
weight only six pounds.
There are two kinds of peopl.
those whof know-and won't tell
and those- who don't know and
tell. r;:
. ; i -,t--- Mn.t a m . -A
' " 'They, are discussing the possi
bility of n (British baronetcy for
Charlie Chaplin. Good knight!
' ' i : 'V ; "
.Some one suggents that the
judges dealing with bootleggers
may be better unde?tood if they
ngei longer sentences.
. i j s
Wth th hi?h nrlces they are
TPoelvinr. the walnut men o' the
Salem district are not considered
in the nut class.
There is i a new th'r in the
treatment ot hmp. There s a
proce that take- out the fiber
end leaves ! the bv-prdnct for
making naperj Th Hays inter
)it. of San Jos. Cl-. own'n
r rset ! "f , the Labish Mead
ows below ;$lem. ar mnsiderins:
trying it oat with forty acres,
next year: ': It may mean big
things for Hhe 'Salem : district.'
California Meets W. S. C. in
Portland. Aggies Play
at Stanford
Whitman-Montana Fray at
Missoula Will Count To
ward Championship
Two football games which will go
far toward determining th? Pacif- j
ic Coast conference race will oe j
played tomorrow hetweeu (Califor
nia and Washington Staze at Port
land and Stanford and the Ore
gon Agg es at Stanford.
California and the Aggies are
considered the leading contend
ers for the title nn'l both vaiit to
win tomorrow o keep in the
tight. Neither, however, has easy
opposition and upsefs are not im
possible. Smith Worried
Andy Smith, California coach,
said recently he was worried
about the W. S. C game and blue
and gold backers paid attention,
for Smith seldom predicts any
thing but victory. The cause of
Smith's worry is the fact injuries
may keep two star backs, Toomey
tind Morrison. o;it of tr.3 gama
Washington Stat 3 will hae a
smoother-running machinj than
the Cougar eleven California de
feated 49 to 0 last year There
are 10 veterans in thi lineup,
among them ElJon Jenne, proba
bly the best pun fir in the north
west. Jenne did not iJay aga'nst
California last year but this sea
son Coach Welch ;q depending up
on his boot for gains Welch
plans to use two sets o nds.
Baclc to Wall
Down on the Stanforl farm the
Cardinal varsity, fighti-ig with its
Lack to the wall, w 11 present its
full strength against the Aggies.
Carter, tackle, and Dougty, half
back, who did not eet Into the
game Stanford lost to the TacKic
fleetlast week, probably will play
tomorrow and Coach Van Gent ev
pects to use several olays he has
tot attempted bfcve this season.
Stanford has cause for fear, for
O. A. C has come out of the north
w'th a r"putat:on ti" weicnt,
power And football k'.uw.Mds-;.
iney fve one 01 tne no ie.-mo
ever iWeloped at Cvvalln aulj
are out in earnest for t&3 title
The team Is bnllt arouna aptam
"Gap" Powell, battering fall
back who we ighs 200 pounds and
stands 6 feet 2 inches in height.
Big Teams Idio
Oregon and Washington,, ...the,
other two coast conference mem
ters, do not play tomorrow. Ia
the northwest coherence cnlv the
game between Montana and Whit
man at Missoula will count to
ward the championship.
In non-conference games Ttfano
will play Utah at Salt Lake.Neva
da will meet Davis at Reno end
Gonzaga will play Montana State
at Spokane. ' ;f '.
University of Southern Califor
nia, which ts- an aspirant lor the
coast championship, plafs its an
nual game against Potaona : col
lege at Los Angeles tomorrow and
does not expect stiff opposfon.
Many Minor CJamcs
In the Southern California con
ference, Yhtttier meets California
fr,o, nri Occidental play the
southern branch of the University
of California, Whitt er by winning
can take the conference leader-
BhSanta Clara university plays the
Mare Island marines at Santa
Cruz Sunday. Sunday also the
Olympic club meets the N'Rta
armv corp3 team from Camp Lew
is here. :
Water Street Pavement
Before Silverton Council
SILVERTON. Or. Oct. 27-
(Special to The Statesman) The
city council had its regular meet
ing last night. A petition was
brought in for the improvement
of North Water street. It was
referred to the stret committee
The 'mprovement o' Pme street
was also discussed. The improve
ments of these streets have been
nn hifore the council before but
dne to some mistake the improve
ments have not been carried out
There will be a recall for bids for
tlie paving of the-two streets.
Cut This Ont ft Is Worth Monej
Cut out this slip, enclose wlt
5c and mail it to Foley & Co., 283 S
Sheffield Ave., Chicago. 111., writ
ing yonr name and address clear
ly You wil? receive in return a
trial package containing Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound for
coughs, colds and roup; Follei
Kidney Pills for pains n sides and
back; rheumatism, backache, kid
ney and bladder ailments; and
Foley Cathartic Tablets, a whole
some and thoroughly cleansing
cathartic for constipation, billions
ness. headaches, and slugtfsb
bowels. Sold everywhere. Adv.
Bradstreets Comments on
Industrial Situation
NEW YORK, Oct. 2S Brad
streets tomorrow will say:
"Pending final action oa the
announced intention of some rail
way employes to go on Btrike, the
rest of the country this week
rtt rbon Us business with sur
prisingly little besitatlon. and it
must be noted that a good deal of
confidence was expressed that the
threatened tie-up would not oc
cur even if the strike did.
Irregularities have besn risi
ble some of them due to strike
talk, bnt more growing out of
varying weather conditions, sea
sonal needa for foodstuf f s and
fuel, predictions ot lower freight
VNifK('"'.S U
i ? jl'- la.
fhsy Xt ir fV$: i :
...:'.v.-.,.-,. ,...y...y , ::.v., ..y . m -.- .'.i . iji . . ........
t A' .
Although apples are even more scarce this jtTar than .they have been in several ycira past, t.ieie iil
at least be enough available for the Hallowe'en party. Of all the Hallowe'en games and pastimes, ducking
for appl ; ia undoubtedly the oldest and greatest fun producing of alL The picture above, taken during
Hallowe'en party, shows the fun producing pastime under way. . .
rates affecting prices of important
staples and uncertainties as to
yields or prices, or both, of lead
ing farm products, notably cotton
and grain; Wholesale and pob
bing trade has bt'en rather b?tter,
strike talk as a whole being still
somewhat of a stimulant to buy
ing and prices, especially In live
stock, foodstuffs, some lines of
drygoods and coal. Retail distri
bution has been very irregular,
but probably slightly above that
of the week before, and industry
has been more active, with un
employment again slightly de
creased, while collections have
been a shade better."
Weekly bank clearings $C
248,501.000. Wool Quotations Wilt
Be Published Today
' BOSTON. Oct.
mercial Bulletin
28. The Corn
tomorrow will
publish wool
lows- 1
quotations ,as fol-
Scoured basis: Texas, fine 12
months. 67 at 75; fine 8 months,
50 at 55.
California, northern, 70 at 75;
middle counties, 65 at 68; south
ern, 50 at 55.'
Oregon, eastern No. 1 staple,
73' at SO; fine and fine medium
combing, 70 at 74; eastern cloth
fag.! 60 at C5; valley No. 1, 60
At 701
Territory, fine staple choice,
SO at 85; half-blood combings,
68 at 72; three-eighths blood
combing, 50 at 55; quarter-blood
combing, 38 at 42; fine and fine
medium clothing, 60 at 65; fine
and fine medium French comb
ing, 62 at 70.'
Pulled. Delaine, 30 at 65; AA,
75 at 80; A supers, 60 at 70.
Mohair, best combing. 27 at
30; best carding, 22 at 25.
lis IS,
la a r
Reducecf Rate on Grain
Products is! Announced
Westbound rntes on bran, mixed
wheat feed, wheat grits, rye, mid
lings and shorts when shipments
originate at North Dakota points,
except Bismark, N.TD., and are
bound for territory north and ast
of Portland and sortie other Ore
gon io nts, have been reduced ef
fective December 1 5
' The reduction, according to an
nouncement by G.; W. Luc:?,
freight traffic manager of the
Southern Pacific company here
will be from 61 1-2 cents to 57-!-2
cents, the rate on flour also
to be reduced from ' 81 1-2 cents
to 70 1-2 cents. Substantial re
ductions also are promised on
loading' unloading, feeding water
ing and bedding in connection
with livestock shipments.
Testimony is Completed
In Henderson Hearing
PORTLAND, Or.," Oct. 28
Testimony was completed today
in the trial of Joseph Henderson,
charged with the murder of hia
wife on August S. Arguments and
a recess over Saturday were ex
pected to place the case in the
hands ot the jury Monday
Deputy District Attorney Maur
ice E. Crumpacjcer began the first
argument for the state, Morris
Notice is .hereby given that.
road district meeting will he held)
at Central Howell school house in I
Road District No. 89 in Marion
County, Oregon, on Saturday, the
5th day of November, 1921. at t
o'clock p. m., for the purpose of
levying an additional tax for road
purposes in said district. -
County Judge
2Y-'C if: V t. SX n v ' - -
- t
1 1
I 1.4.
A research recendy con
ducted has' shown that'
Hills Bros;
Red Can"CofFee
leads all other brands
in volume of sales
Proof that the public is
a judge of good coffee.
s aV
. : 4 ; i all
- A li
i " "f llit
acldsteln. attorney for the de
fense, spoke this "afternoon and
Deputy District Attorney George
Mowry was scheduled to make tne
prosecution's closing statement.
The testimony was closed with
an array of witnesses tor ! the
state who testified that enderson
showed no mental pecul arities at
the time of the divorce and after
ward. SMILE
Everybody admires the
person who carries a contin
ual smile. If you can't smile
something is wrong with
you and it's time you cor
rected it.
Perfect eyes will give you
that good feeling that
makes you want to smile.
If you have that disagree
ableness that makes you
want to pick a fight with
all the rest of the worldi
just give a good optometr3t
a chance, at your eyes.
There may be more to ' it
than you think.
'204-211 Salem Bank otr
Commerce Building
Oregon's Largest Optical
Institution J
Phone 239 for appointment
-j t in
If Price and;
1 Quality Counts
Sj ith vdu it will pay you
to try me vuusyu "
have -beerl forced to cn
gage . extra help, which
goes to show that the
public appreciate our 'ef
forts to sell the , very
choicest at prices within
reason. Judjirt : from
the; prices asked, some
markets don't seem j to
hae heard that the "war
is over."
If what you want U not
quoted here, call in and
get our price and see the
quality. ,
"Delicious ror "Swiss
Steaks" 1 ,
18c lb.
' s j ;
i5c lb.
50c ;
w Center Cuts . ,
22c lb.
' , : ' . !
; If you want any. Salman
Ket it now before.the sea
son closki FAN CX,
SALMON,4 whole fish ! ; ,
9c lb. . V
' Prime Younrj (1
8c lb:
Ac lb.
! -v
12V2C lb.
25c lb.
Just ; Arrived FAT
Originators of Low ,
Prices -J jf
331 State Street,;;:.
Classified Ads, In The
Statesman Brine: Results
jk 1 ri x.' wi