The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 29, 1921, Page 1, Image 1

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llinnnnrn nrm
Corporations Would Be As
sessed 15 Per Cent
' Through Adoption of Fin
ance Committee Amend.
Senator Walsh Twfce De
. feated, But Declares He
is Not Yet Through
WASHINGTON, Oct. 28. After
rejecting two proposals for a
: graduated income tax on Corpor
ations -each by a margin of a
single vote, the senate adopted
today, 3 6 to 2 the finance cm
nf Jttee amendment to the taxi re
vision hill, providing for a Slat
IS per cent tax. . , ?
Proponents of a graduated levy
or of some othe.r plan that would
prevent the proposed increase of
60 per cent In the tax of thou
' sands of , - corporations , making
small i profits, gave notice that
they would renew their fight
later. .They expressed' confidence
tonight that; they; would, win
, ,s. Walfih Claims , Snpport
, J (Senator Walsh,. Democrat, Mas
sachnsetts, author of the two
amendments voted down
SS to 32, said be bad been as
sured by Senators Johnson, Re
publican, and 'Meyers, Democrat,
.Montana, who were absent at the
; roll calls . today, said, that they
would support his proposal when
, next called up.- , .
The first proposal of the Mas
sachusetts senator was for a tax
of 10 per cent on the first $100,
000 of income: 15 per cent on the
next $200,000, , and ' 20 per cent
on all over $300,000, with an
added provision that corporations
. which did not pay an excess prof
its tax for the calendar year 1920
should pay only at the rate of 10
per cent.' - ' k, .
i Second Offer Made
After this had been rejected.
Senator. Walsh offered It agaiq
with a proyislon that in addition
to those not paying an excess
profits tax In 1920, corporations
-whose net incomes did not exceed
8 -per cent on the .Invested capital
should pay only at the 10 per cent
rate. -
The fight over the estate, tax
section followed. It led the sen
ate into a night session and re
, suited, In the adoption, 44 to 15,
of the compromise agreement to
increase the present maximum
rate of 25 per cent on all that part
of an estate over $15,000,000 to
SO per cent on all over $100,000,
000. , - .
..Lone Fight Preclpitoted
Senator Walsh then "proposed
(Continued on page 2)
LEAD, S. D., Oct. 28. Andrew Rolando, a miner wanted
" here in connection with the death of Father A. B. Belknap,
pastor ! of St. Patrick's cathedral, has eluded pursuit and
"boarded a Chicago, Burlington and Quincy train at Edge
mont, bound for Butte', Mont., according to information re
ceived by officials here tonight
. ' Special Assistant County Attorney John Heffron an
nounced that Edgemont alithorities had learned from train
- men that a "man believed to be Rolando had been put off a
' train several times before he arrived in Edgemont today be-
cause-of failure to pay Vus fare and had left for the west,
presumably for Butte. !
Telegraphic dispatches were
filed to cities along the roadvao
tifying authorities of the ? $2000
reward ' for " the arrest of the al
leged murdered.
Valuable information was sup
plied by Mary Krasovio. a young
.-woman held by authorities as a
witness, it was said tonight. . Of
ficials said the young woman de
clared In a sworn statement that
' It . -
" : ! - :
Oscar 0. Webb Served More
Than 25 MonthsPub-
lished as Deserter I
That Oscar a Webb, listed as a
draft evader according to local
draft board records recently putn
lished, had in reality joined the
United States sevice early in 1917
and served for more than 25
months during the World war;
was bougrht to light yesterday; by
3. O. Mull, of this city. i
Mr. Mull reports that Webb'i
present address is the St. Charles
hotel, E0 gene. He asserts that &t
the time war upon Germany wai
declared, Webb was an 'employe of
the state school for feeble-minded.
A short time later Webb enf
listed in the service, it Is claimed,
and sereved for more than 1$
months at a camp near El Paso,
Texas, in addition to other star
tions in the United States. : i
The publication of federal and
local lists- of draft evaders was
made several days ago, many pal
pers, including The Statesman, de
clining to publish the lists on the
grounds that Innocent men might
be Injured through error in draff
service recods. - S
The Webb case will be called to
the attention of Adjutant Genea
George A. White, it was stated
last night. In the work of culling
the lists and removing the name
of those men whose actual ser?
viee had not been noted by the
draft boards. Colonel .White has
had an active part and it is held
certain that a correction in the
case will be made at once If Mr
Mull's report is verified. i
Van Doren Divorce Is j
Granted by Judge Be
PALLAS, Or.; Oct. 28. (Spej
clal to The Statesman)- Gratragj
Joseph L. Van Doren's plea for a
divorce from, his wife, Edna Van
Doren, Judge Harry H. Belt!
Thursday granted the Salem resif
dent a decree annullng the mar-j
riage. Mr. Van Doren's first ae
tion in the Polk county courts,
was dismissed by Judge Belt. i
In his first decision on the case.
Judge Belt held that there was
sufficient grounds for the belief
that there had been .collusion be4
tween Mr. and Mrs. Van Doren
with the ' intent to secure a di4
vorce. i
NEW YORK, Oct. 28. In an
eight-round bout Joe ' Gorman i
Portland, Ore., featherweight
boxed a draw with Sammy Seiger
of New York. -
IN TlliS
she was to have left Lead Wednes-j
day with Rolando in an automo-i
bile for Butte, Mont. At that time;
her reported statement said Ro
lando had not yet obtained an au
tomobile for the trip, f j.
' Victor Lucier, local hanker, in4
formed officials Rolando had
sought to borrow $300 from the
bank with which to buy an auto
mobile. ' The loan was not ob
talned. . - i i-
City of New York Converted Into Vast Stadium, Where
Myriads of Men, Women and Children Greet Out
. standing Figure of World War
NEW YORK, Oct. 28. Marshal Foch of France came
to America today, He, captured New York and then jsped
away to conquer the rest of the country.
General Pershing was first to welcome his old cornirade
to these shores. L f
The marshal's welcome began a-hundred miles out at
sea. There the liner Paris bearing him to the new world was
joined by 12 American destroyers. For a time the war craft
had it all to themselves, but soon through the mist broke
a squadron of seaplanes.
The marshal raised his head at the familiar sound of
sputtering motors. The Paris passed the George Wash
ington which had raced into rbrt with General Pershing
in order that he might be first to grasp the marshal's; hand
as he stepped on American soil, enroute to the American
Legion national convention at Kansas City, Mo. Tonight he
went to Washingtdh to call on President Harding.
E C If If
Officers and Committeemen
Elected to Put Over In
terstate Structure
THE DALLES, Ore., Oct. 28.
Officers and directors of the Oregon-Washington
Toll Bridge com
pany were today elected at a meet
ing of stockholders in The Dalles
and the Contract for plans and
specifications for the proposed
new interstate bride was let to
the Union Bridge- company of
The following officers and di
rectors were elected:
N. B. Brooks, Goldendale, presi
dent; J. R. Rorick The Dalles,
vice-president; E. H. French, The
Dalles, treasurer; A. E. Crosby,
The Dalles, BCTfetary; directors.
N. B. Brooks; John Wtisl. Yak
Ima; II. 7. Overturf, Bend; Geore
W. Johnstou, Durfur; Geo v;o C.
Blakeiy, J. T. Rorick. E. H.
French, W. J. Seufert and J. L.
Kelly, The Dalles.
Hearty Applause, Especially
by Republicans, When
Statement is Read
apology to the house, which at
tempted yesterday to expel him,
was made today by Representa
tive Thomas Li Blanton. Democrat
of Texas, in a letter to Speaker
Gillett, read to his colleagues and
warmly applauded especially by
The Texan, occupying the same
seat from which he arose to de
fend himself against the charge
that he had printed in the con
gressional record an obscene af
fidavit relating to a conversation
between two printers, took no
part in the brief discussion pre
ceding the presentation , of his
The letter was sent to the speak
er and laid before the house by
Representative Walsh, Republican
Massachusetts, acting In the fOr
mer's absence.
Lowden Will Lead Party
of Stockmen Westward
CHICAGO, Oct. 28. Frank O.
Lowden. former governor of Illi
nois, president of the Holstein
Frieslan association of America,
"will lead a delegation of middle
western and eastern. cattle breed
ers leaving here November 4 lo
attend the Pacific International
Livestock Exposition at Portland,
Ore., November 6 to 12. The del
egation will, also tour the leading
dairy establishments : of the far
west, y Dairy herds at Seattle,
Wash., and other . western points
will tlso be Inspected
At quarantine came another
welcome. - Transferred to the
navy, cutter Vigilant, the isoldier
pf France clasped hands with Am
bassador Jusserand. Assistant
Secretary of the Navy Roosevelt
and many other, notables.
But the series of receptions had
hardly begun. The next came off
at Fort Jay, when guns thund
ered a general's ealnte. j : And
then the climax.
Landing a few yards from! Cas
tle Garden where his famous
countryman, LaFayette, had set
foot on American soil, the mar
shal found awaiting him a recepr
tion that even his imagination
could not have conceived. ;
The wide stretch of open
ground had been converted into
a great stadium, the wals of
which were skyscrapers stretch
ing stories high. At every win
dow, on the roofs, even out on
dizzy cornices 25 stories above the
street were perched men and wo
men waving flags of America and
France. On the streets ( below
were massed a great army of wel
comers men, women and little
children. Indeed, it seemed as if
all the little girls in New York
were there with bouquets : which
they wished to press into the mar
shal's bands.
As soon as the soldierly little
figure in the light blue uniform
of France stepped off the pier a
mighty shout arose. A few min
utes previous General Pershing
had appeared to the sound of ruf
fles and flourishes, and these
were repeated for the French war
Forward stepped the marshal,
his scarlet cap at a rakish angle,
of the merciless warrior In his
smiling face or keen, kindly eyes,
as marching straight ahead, he
advanced with hands outstretched
to greet America's military lead
er. A hush seemed for a moment
to fall over the crowds as the two
men of war warmly clasped
hands. Standing in the; open
square, the pair chatted as old
frfends meeting at a railroad sta
tion, each intent only the words
of the other. '
When the greeting was over
and the marshal started toward
his car the cheering broke forth
afresh. Nearly the first of his
short choppy Falutes was : given
to veterans of France men who
had fought with him on the battle-scarred
plains and valleys of
the western front.
There they were, a gallant plat
oon sold'ers of the French artil
lery and Infantry, blue devils and
fclrdmen, some with empty sleeves
all with decorations.
Next the marshal's glance fell
upon a battalion of American reg
ulars, with khaki and tin hats.
And then, a sight' tenderer than
the rest, a group of Red Cross
nurses In uniforms of white.
Photographers would not per
mit the allied generalissimo im
mediately to step into, his car.
Photographed the first time in
many years. Marshal Foch had to
take orders.- "Stand there,"
"over this way," "hold it!"
They came fast and furious but
they were soon over and the
marshal didn't seen to mind at be
ing ordered about.
Then started the parade pf tri
umph. As the line of motor cars
moved under the elevated tracks,
motormen forgot to moFei their
train They just opened their
whistles and kept theli open.;
There were no steps to be seen
on the custom house. There were
just row upon row of people
pecrole mad with enthusiasm, who
shouted and cheered long after
the marshal's car had passed. It
was soon evident that, like the
humblest patron of the subway,
he was to- stand all the way np
(Continued on page 2)
Officials Announce That
Calling Off of Strike Will
Not Change Plans of
Carrier Systems.
Texas Workers Ordered
Back to Work by General
Brotherhood Chairman
CHICAGO, Oct. 28. Railroad
heads tonight declared the na
tion's carriers would go right
ahead with plans to seek new
wage cuts through railrpad labor
board hearings despite the an
nouncement from the unions that
their action in calling off th9
strike scheduled for October 30
had been Influenced by the
board's announcement that pay
reduction petitions for any class
would not be considered until
working conditions for that class
had been settled.
Plans Xot Changed
"The calling off of the strike
will have no effect on the plans
announced by the carriers Octo
ber 14 to seek Immediate wage
reductions so that rates could ba
reduced," said Samuel Felton,
president of the Chicago, Great
Western, and chairman of the As
sociation of Western Railroad Ex
ecutives. "I don't know how long under
the board's ruling it will take to
reach a decision on any pay cut
petition, but these petitions un
doubtedly will be presented with
in a very short time. It will be
up to the board to decide when
action should be taken.
Law Will be Followed . .
"I want it made plain, how
ever, that we will seek these pe
titions in accordance with the law
posting notices of cuts and then
discussing them with the employ
es, and if no agreement is reach
ed, appealing to the board to set
tle the dispute,"
With the code messages offici
ally calling off the strike sent out
today, only one echo remained of
the railroad crisis which for two
weeks threatened to develop into
a general rail strike.
Iiabor Hoard at Work
The chiefs of the "big five" left
for their homes today and tonight
and by midnight scarcely an out-of-town
union man will be in the
The labor board continued work
on its .decision on Wednesday's
hearings and probably will ren-
(Con tinned on page 2)
Primed to the highest notch of enthusiasm, the red and
black defenders of the Salem high eleven will put a strong
fight for the winning score when they mix with the much
more experienced and heavier team of Columbia university
this afternoon on Sweetland field.
The tentative lineup to start will j probably include Mc
Kennon and Wielder on the wings, Purvine and Max Jones
in the tackle positions, McRoberts nd Stolzheise in the
guard berths and Robertson at center. In the backfield Post
or Brown will take the job of quarter,! Lynn Jones will start
at fullback and Lillegren and Socolof$ky will play the half
positions. It is expected that this liheup will be radically
changed within the first five minutes and will continue to
undergo alterations until the men are I formed into a perfect
Adolph, premier punter of the
state, is back at his old job, and
ready to punt the locals out of
the tight places; and Socolofsky
Is entering the game determined
to make up for all of the chances
he lost' in the McMinnville game
to carry the ball because of an
injured knee.
Fan 9 Encouraged
On the whole Salem fans are
optimistic as to the outcome of
the game, although all admit that
the spirit of the ' team may de
cide the victory. Feeling seems
generally prevalent that if Sa
I " .,! "'"-'"'
Reports that Chief of Police Verden M. Moffitt would
soon resign his position as head of SalemVpoIice department
and accept the -tender of a deputy-ship under Dr. Joseph Lin
ville, federal prohibition director for Oregon, were laid at
rest lait night when the local officer announced that he had
declined the offer.
"Dr. tinnville's kindness in re
cently commissioning me as a dep
uty was; a very pleasant surprise
to me and I wish at this time to
express appreciation of the doc
tor's act; and also to thank Sena
tor Charles L. AlcNary. who had
made the recommendation, tor
this district," said Chief Moffitt
last night
"Several factors have causel
me to take this action. Perhaps
the most important is that only
a few months have passed since
the peopje of Salem, entrusted me
with this department and to re
sign the position now would be to
leave a task undone. The feder
al appointment is financially a
better one than to remain in Sa
lem, but as Salem is our home
town, Mrs. Moffitt and myself feel
that the necessary move to Port
land would be undesirable as it
would mean a separation from our
ties here,
"Since: the circulation of re
ports of this offer, I have re
ceived many messages of congrat
ulation on the appointment. To
these friends I can only say that
I have appreciated the coopera
tion extended by Salem citizens in
(Special! to The Statesman.)
Election of a county committee to
serve throughout the coming year
and approval of a county budget
were probably the most impor
tant actions taken at the conven
tion of the Marion County Young
Men's Christian association which
was held in the Christian church
here tonight. The county budget
ror the year totals $5000.
County Committee Named
The members of the county
committee are:
Chairman, Luther J. Chapin.
Salem; vice chairmn, A. E. Aus
tin, Woddburn; recording secre
tary. H.j F. Butterfield. Wood
burn; treasurer, Dr. Frank E.
Brown, j Salem; to serve with
these officers as executive com
mittee, Paul B. Wallace, Salem,
and B. T, Youel, Silverton; other
members-, A. L. Lindbeck, Salem;
Henry L Bents. Aurora; O. V.
White, Stayton; W. A. Weddle,
Styton;:H. E. Bennett, Stayton;
John S. Harper, Gervais; Sam H.
Brown,, pervals; L. L. Hershber
ger, Hubbard; L. C. McShane,
Hubbard; iJ. C. Moomaw Hub
bard; Ml C. Woodard, Silverton,
and George Hubbs. Silverton,
B. T. I Youel. superintendent of
lem can j rejuvenate its spirit the
chances ire good for the red and
black men walking away with the
big end pf the score.
The biggest handicap of the lo
cals is the loss of three of the
best placers. Ellis White, cap
tain of fhe team and the best
lineman, j will be unable to lead
his raenj and Dailey and Rlngle,
the two lends, will be out of te
game. McRoberts, who is taking
White's positien, although a hard
fighter, is comparatively green at
the game, and the same is trno
of McKennon. McKennon, how-
the problems and difficulties of
the past and hope to continu0
to merit their good will.!
Doctor Confused When
uestioned on Stand
TWIN FALLS, Ida., Oct. 28.
Dr. G. s. Murphy, testifying today
for the defense In the case of
Lyda Meyer Southard, charged
with murder, as an expert witness,
was unable to assign a reason for
the death of Harlan C. Lewis,
third husband of j the defendant.
. Answering questions based upon
the symptoms and findings in the
cases of Edward Dooley, brother-in-law,
and Gordon McHaffie; for
mer husband of the defendant, he
gave it as his opinion that "ty
phoid fever waa responsible In the
first case and "flu" complicated
by pneumonia in the second.
O. A. C 39, jALBA-JY 0
ALBANY, Or., Oct. 28. Foot
ball: Oregon Agricultural college
freshmen 39; Albany college 0.
the Silverton schools,, was chair
man of the program committee
for the convention, and was as
sisted by H. X. Simms In making
the local arrangements. A ban
quet was served j by the women
of the Christian church.
President Kerr Saks
The main address for the con
vention was delivered by W. J.
Kerr, president of Oregon Agri
cultural college, whose theme was
the need for Christian leadership.
He sketched the; history of the
Y. M. C. A. and told of the Im
portance of its touching the rural
life of the nationl Other speak
ers were JU M. Gilbert, superin
tendent of the state training
school; Franklin Tyler of Wtood
burn high school; Alexander Vorl
evik of Silverton high school, H.
F. Butterfield, a teacher in the
Woodburn high School; W. W.
Dillon, executive secretary of the
state Y. M. C. A , and Mr. Youel,
who gave an address of welcome.
Toasts were responded to by W.
I. Staley of Salem and C. A.
Kells. general secretary of the Sa
lem Y. M. C. A.
About 60 persons attended the
convention. .L. X, Chapin of Sa
lem presided.
ever, has shown up very well In
the last two games and bids fair
to work himself to a star's po
sition. The remainder of the
line is for the most part new,
and has not had the opportunity
of working together. In the back
field the lineup has been changed
again. "Soco" has been shifted
to half again after serving as
fullback In the McMinnville game
and Wielder has been fhlfted to
the line. j
Attendance Will Help "
Whatever the outcome, the de
cision will be greatly influenced
by the attendance at the game,
its managers insist. The team is
loaded to the brim with fight and
claims Btrocg backing Is needed
to prevent its slump, similar to
that of the game at McMinnville.
A big rally, with a serpentine
over two blocks long staged last
night by the high! school marked
the opening of the season at home
Following speeches at the high
school by the members of the
team, the students formed a long
serpentine which entered" The Spa
and the Gray Belle, and wound
through the main streets of town.
The Grand and Liberty theaters
also granted permission for the
rooters to enter j their " houses.
Over 400 students took part.
Anti-League ' : Candidates
Show Gains, But Non
partisan Leaders Reiter
ate Majority Claim.
Independent i! Shows Net
Gain of 551 1 in First
Nineteen Precincts
(Latest Beporti)
FARGO, N. D4 Oct 23.
The Fargo Courier-New, offic
ial newspaper of th Noh-Par-tisan
league in this state, gave
for 392 precincts: Ncstos S3,.
901 1 Fraxier, 23,875. ; ;
Forty of the itate'i 53 cotm
tics were represented ia ro
turns received opto 2:30 iba.
The counties not heard Iron
are all in the western part and
are not as readily accessible
as those that replied earlier.
Farffo, Oct. 29. Mora than
half the estimated vote cast in
the gubernatorial V contest in
yesterday's recall elected had
been tabulated up to 2 ajn. to
dayalmost entirely from in
dependent territory and show
ed : B. A. Nestos, Independent
candidate, . : leading . Governor
Lynn JV Fraxier,1 Non-Partisan
by 25,000 votes, j ' " I f
When 731 of pie state'i 2CC 1
precincts- had reported, tha
count stood: Nestos i 63.801
Frarier 3fi n i ? - t .
FARGO, Oct1 28. Return
on governor from 671 out ol
2094 precincts in the state give
Nestos 52,795 -r Fraxier j 30,635.
FARGO, Oct. 28. When 341
precincts , out of 2094 in the
state had reported at midnight
from today's recall election in
North Dakota,; j the jfigures
stood: R. A. Nestos, Indepen
dent candidate for , governor,
26,358; Governor, Lynn jj. Fra
rier, Non-Partisan 17,C3.
These returns were from scat
tered precincts! in 25 lof the
state's 53 counties, j
It was pointed out in Inde
pendent and Non-Part i an lea
gue circles alike that the Uh
souri slope voU undoubtedly i
would decide the election as it j
has in former years. J Reco?-1
nixing that section as Non-Par- j
tisan, the question was wheth-1
er the league majority in that :
region could overcome the In
dependent lead died np in the
eastern part of the state.
, r These returns 1 were I admit-;
tedly from Independent terri
tory as a rule and included the !
incomplete vote of 'several
large eastern cities and of XXin-
ot in the northwest. I . i
The Non-Partisan league)
leaders maintained that later j
returns from the strictly rural j
sections where they predomin- j
ate, would swing the final vela
decisively to their favor.
The candiates for attorney
general and - commissioner fit
agriculture and ' labor; were
running about on the same bas
is as the gubernatorial: candi-!
dates and it was aparent the
final vote in their cases' would
approximate that of the head,
of the ticket Returns; on tha
constitutional amendments and
initiated laws had not been
compiled at midnight j -
Returns from 421 prednct3
out of 2,094 in the state give
for governor: Nestos, 2,0C3;
"Fraxier, 23,348. ';.. ;
FARGO, N. , D.. Oct 28
While early city retnrns from to
day's recall electiba in North Da
kota aimed at three -state offic
ials endorsed hy the Nonpartisan
league. showed s. sll?ht net gala
for the antl-leagne candidates as
; " (Continued on page 2j