The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 28, 1921, Page 1, Image 1

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Friday rain; strong southerly
The Statesman receives tie leased'
wire report ot . th Associated
Press, the greatest and most re
liable press asaodaUott la the
world, i
i n r 9 Vr i f
1 vJ v I 1J i
I LJU LI Ul 1 1
n n n n nn nnr
r M II II 1(1 1 W!l"
1 , ,
Mysterious Voice Heard by
Silverton Business Men
During Social Confab
Onlv - Eiaht Votes Prevent
Tvn nrv,no f d LEAL). S. 1).. Uet. L(. Biooanounas, put on ine irau
ing txpelled AS Member whose body was found in Poprman's Gulch road yesterday
nf Rpnppcontativp Rnriv momintr. ed a posse tonicrht i through a blinding snowstorm
1 t i i i i i 1 l ' 1 1 rT I x Hnliin
airectiy to tne nome occupteu uy xuny jaiLUiuiv, an xwuau,
and a man named Nimon Kootzman.
Bartolino, reported to have discovered the body of the
Neither Bartolino nor Kootsman were arrested but Coun
ty Attorney James Fowler, J who questioned the men, an
nounced 'that "important developments naa resulted.
Under-Sheriff Warren Owen, alter a conterence with tne
county attorney, said "arrests may be made at any time
I SILVERTON. Or.. Oct. 2 7.-
- ... ,jSpciaI to The Statesman )
Governor, Attorney General i s0ne excitement was created the
and Lahnr Commissioner ! other day in the m e of At tor-
Are on Trial in Special
Election Today.
.Substitute Resolution Call
ing for Reprimand Ad
opted Unanimously
The house is at the side of the
road directly opposite the place
where the nriesfs body was found.
Kootzman Tells Story
WASHINGTON. Oct. 27. Sav- Kootzman said he and Barto
ed from being thrown out of the lino both heard shots about 3:30
bouse of representatives by only o'clock yesterday morning ana
eight votes, Thomas L. Blanton, that Bartolino ran out to see what
a Texas Democrat, was publicly bad happened. He said he return
reprimanded late today by Spea- ed and reported a man reclining
aer Gillette, In acordance with a on the road. ODDOsite the house. i
resolution of censure, against Bartolino said he though!
which no man cast a vote. someone was shooting at his
Then, a moment later, as he horse, runnlne loose in the yard.
walked out of the charmber with .j ran out and saw a man across
all eyes on him, he toppled over the road, he told County Attor
ln a heap. Some of his colleagues n,v oowleFr. "I shouted 'what
who had voted - to expell him, you trying to do? Kill my animal?'
picked him up and placed him an and the man acr0ss the road
a lounge, nut ne am noi stay t c1lfw vav 'vnn m fo .
. thereong. Reusing himself, he Ym, h-ttpr W9tCh nnf."
stumbled about, tears streaming iuin Ah.i nr Hound.
down his cheeks. He was heard nDrtilnn oqJH m. hncv t
to express the hope that he might . nnt nn h. s. rtM flnfl out
again when he saw a man's body
never see the house again
rm v - i
IHCUIUCi O 1 . v J A
men run tu a poiepuunc uuu no
tified the police
There is no doubt, as
expressed It that the Texan was
crushed and worn by his exper
ience of the day, an experience
that seldom comes during the life
of a man In congress. I? or an
hour and ten minutes, with hos
tile eyes on him, he -fought to
defend himself lrom the charge
The bloodhounds were taken by
train to Rapid City and broiuU
here by automobile after rain last
night had interrupted their prog
ress here from Mitchell by auto
mobile. They were put on the
I a. l i i a t a ii :
that he had transgressed the law irau immeaiaie.y auer meir ar
hv nnttlnir Intn tha Pun c resRional I rival at 6 O Clock.
Record a document dcciioea as
"unspeakably vile."
Before he got np to speak, -it
was the view of Republicans and
Democrats that action upon the
resolution to expell him would de
nend unon his own attitude. Ho
sat with folded hands as Kepre
sentative Mofldell. Republican
leader, pleaded to have him cast
out. And then, palo and smiling,
he stepped, to the fioni as the
leader sa flown.
Old Fire lieiurns
His voice hoarse and broken,
he touched rapidly upon bin the
charges and then his old-time
fighting fire returned. At the
beginning he said he knew tno
house was prepareu to cxpcll him
When a rap 'of the gavel sound
vd the end of the hour alloted
him, he sto'pped in the midst of
a sentence and turning upon his
heels was half way out wlu.n a
request was made from the Dem
ocratic side that he have 30 minu
tes additional and was oposed by
Mondell. But the leader was
qluck to withdraw his objection,
and the Texan was resummoned,
wofnainir at first to yield for
questions, he permitted Represen
tative Longworth. Republican.
Ohio, to ask him something, and
Republicans asserted tonight that
the reply had turned the tide
against him. The Ohio memoer
wanted to know if the report was
true that Mr. Blanton had declar
ed an intention to mail 250. oo
copies of the undelivered speech,
with Its offending affidavit, after
the house had ordered it stricken
from the record.
Members Heap to Fct
Only lack ot money, he said
prevented Its mailing to every
voting man.
Instantly half dozen repre
sentatives were on their feet.
Representative Blanton had re
iterated that the publication had
been sent out. "in a just cause.'
that no law had been violated. Ho
pleaded with the house, for the
Bake of his wife and children to
put back Into the record nis own
undelivered speech, In which be
declared there was not one word
calculated to give offense. Re
publican objected
As the flro of questions started,
Mr. Blanton abruptly closed his
speech with 20 minutes still duo
him, and shot out of the house.
Old Rival Votes Present
The- vote to oust him. 203 to
US, with Summers or Texas, and
old politicat rival, voting "pies
ent" upset calculations of some
Democrats and Republicans who
earlier had predicted that the Re
publican leader was waging a los
ing Tlrht.
A'Jubstltute resolution, offered
Continued pa page 6.)
A guard was placed tonight
around the garage at the residence
of Bishop J. J. Lawler in which
Father Belknap kept his automo
bile. A fingerprint expert will be
put to work tomorrow on the car
in an effort to find if the man who
tampered with the machine Tues
day night left any trail behind
' Footprints Found
Footprints In an embankment
beside the road near which the
body of Rev. Father Belknap was
found, threo empty pistol car
tridges and discovery of a man
who saw the priest shortly before
his murder yesterday morning,
constituted today's developments.
Dr. R. E. Holvey, county coro
ner, postponed the inquest until
tomorrow in the hope that, wiih
the aid of the hotinds, some clue
tothe identity of the murderer
might be furnished for the official
Priests from many parts of
western South Dakota are plan
ning to attend the funeral here
Saturday morning. Bishop J. J.
Iiawler, at whose residence Father
Belknap made hjs home, will of
ficiate at solemn high requim
mass. Later tne bOdy will be sent
to Dubuque, Ia. for burial, ac
companied by a "guard of honor of
the Knights ot Columbus. " ,
Counsel Retained
County Attorney Fowler an
nounced he had retained John
Heffron of Deadwpod, former
county attorney, and'E. W. Fiske,
of Sioux Falls, former TJrrited
States district attorney-, to aid in
the investigation. . .
Orlando Wanted
Mrs. Hose Bertolero, hoardinp;
houso proprietor aod several of
her boarders, were examined to
night by County Attorney Fowtor
following alleged discovery of a
pistol and other "suspicious ar
ticles in the room of Andrew Or
lando, one of the boarders."
Orlando has been missing sinco
last night Mrs. Bertolero's in
quiry at a mine where Orlando is
employed brought the answer:
"We do not know, he has gone."
Sure .of Kuspect
After examining 15 witnesses
under oath, County Attorney
Fowler announced to newspaper
men just before midnight:
"We are satisfied- we know
who the man is and he will be
taken into custody within a reas
onable time."
Influence of Women's Votes
Expected to Be Felt
Throughout State
i ney .1. E. Hosmer when a few bu
siness men were gatlired discuss
ing various subjects. Suddenly a
voice seemingly coining from the,
inside of a des k joined in the J
conversation mufa to the surprise
of those present.
Attorney Hosiner requested the (
person to come out. He very em
phatically refused to io so. Tli"
door w;fs ot-enec. to the compnrt-
Later a voice came from behind
a closed door. The door was
opened and again no one could be
seen As the door was close.l
again th? voice called: "Ouch!
You closed it on my finper."
The mystery was lat'-r explain
ed by M. Sti:ie, a local painter,
who is also a ventriloqiiirt. Mr.
Stie has been a resident of S!l-
FARCO. N. I)., Oct. 27. Both
sides tonight were claiming vic
tory for their candidates in to
morrow's recall election aimed at verton for a long time but it was
state officials endorsed by the not until recently that any but
Flour Mills Official Accused
of Taking $8000 from
Funds, Bail Given
Road districts in the county
that want to ko ahead in building
roads faster than the county
money -permits, are entitled to
call elections and submit to the
voters a proposal to tax them
selves a certain niillage.
In the past, out of the 75 road
districts in the county, about half
have voted for additional road:
According to notices posted by
Judgo W. M. Bushey. elections
will be held in 4 0 road districts
on Saturday, November 7, for the
purpose of levying additional tax
es for the purpose of road build
ing. These districts are mostly
in the outlying parts of the coun
ty and the money voted will ha
used in grading and rocking the
In the Evergreen district, at
the school house.
At North Howell, the election
will be held at the Grange hall.
Labish Center and Union Hill
districts will hold their elections
at their schoolhouses.
Joseph Neuberger's hop house
will be the election place for that
district and the home of D. F.
Kastburn, one ond a half miles
south of Aumsville, for that dis
trict. For road district No. 27 the
election will be held at the home
of Paul Annis.
In road district 32, the election
will be held in the barn of Mrs.
N. J. Gehlen.
In the Fornridge. Elkhorn and
Detroit road districts the elec
Nonpartisan league.
While a fair sized vote was ex
pected with much, however, de
pending on weather conditions,
it was agreed in both camps to
night that the vote will not equal
that of the general election a
year ago, when 220,606 votes
were cast.
Thre Of fi rials Involved
" Officials whose recall is sought
are Governor Lynn J. Frazier;
William Lernke. attorney gene
ral, and J. N. Hagan, commission
er of agriculture and labor.:
Opposing them are R. A. Nes
tos for governor; Sveinbjorn
Johnson for attorney general and
J. A. Kitchen for commissioner.
One constitutional amendment
and several proposed laws aHo
will be voted on. The polls open
at S a. m. and close at 9 p. m.
Estimates of majorities from
both factions tonight were ad
mittedly based on "the general
outlook" and not on any specific
analysis by precinct or counties.
On this phase this information
was available from official
HUW)0 Majortiy Predicted
T. A. Nelson, secretary of the
Independent Voters' association,
said tonight there has been "no
marked change in the political
complexion of th state since a
year ago. But our majority to
morrow will be around 10,000 if
we can p:et our voters out."
Frank Ostman, publicity direc
tor of the league's state head
quarters, speaking for A. A. Lled
erbaeh. chairman of the league's
state executive committee, said
"the woman's vote will determ
ine the election in favor of the
league candidates and defeat the
independents' initiated laws.
Heavy Women's Vote lrolaMe
"Twelve thousand women in
the rural district did not vote a
year ago. but tomorrow they will
be out in force and swing the
I election to the league by a ma
jority in excess of thaf of a year
his Intimate friends knew of his
talent. Recently Mr. Stin has
been playing a number of very
practical jokes on some of the
Silverton business men in the
shops and offices about town.
Censure of Government to
be Discussed Monday in
House of Commons
CHICAGO, Oct 27.-(By The Associated Press)
The rail strike scheduled for October 30, was averted
J-Jj tonight when the leaders of the switchmen, trainmen,
i-uiiuHuuia, cfigmccis una firemen at a joint meeting
adopted resolutions withdrawing authorization of walk
oat and officials of the railroad telegraphers' organiza
tion announced they would take similar action. These
were the only unions which had authorized a strike, f
The vote calling off the strike was unaniiAcus by
organizations, W. G. Lee, president of the Brotherhood
of Railroad Trainmen announced. The official word'
ing of the resolution adopted was that the "strike be
declared not effective" !
Unofficial reports were that the firemen's execa
tives had strenuously opposed adoption of the resolu
tion. None of the presidents would confirm this, low
ever, . -1
L, E. Skeppard, president of the Order of Railway
conductors, said that the unions had decided to caU off
the strike because of "the growing public opinion thai
the strike would be against the Ubor beard and cott
sequently the government and not against the railroads,
"It was evident also that the entire Washington admin-
sperry; Flour company officials istration was opposed to us and that we have had little chanco
T A COMA, Oct. 27. Frank E.
Searle. forty-three, cashier of the
hperry h lour company here, was
arrested at his home today on a
grand larceny warrant charging
embezzlement of the company's
funds estimated by officials at
$8,000. He was released tonight
from the county jail on furnish
ing $5,000 cash bail.
The alleged defalcations, ac
cording to J. D. Armstrong, north
west manager of the Sperry Flour
company have extended over a
period of at least a year and were
detected, Armstrong alleges, dur
ing the annual audit of the com
pany's books now being conduct
ed. Searle according to the deputy
sheriffs submitted to arrest with
out protest merely stating: "All
His wife and two children broke
into tears. Searle at the county
jail had no statement to make
but county officers stated he ex
pressed a willingness to plead
guilty to the charge.
declared tonight that the accused
man as cashier was intrusted with
the buying for the loral mill and
obtained the money by represent
ing that' he made certain pur
chases when it is alleged no such
transactions had been made.
LONDON', Oct. 27. Announce
ment of Premier Lloyd George to
day that Monday had been allo
cated by the government for a dis
cussion in the house of common-
on the motion of the unionist !
members, censuring the govern-! Aiirnra LoriflP Gf)P5 Aftpr
ment for conducting the Irish ne. HUI Ul d l-UUye UUtJb MllCr
gotiations, was taken as bringing
the Irish issue to aother critical
Sinn Fein indicated tonight they I
had expected parliament would'
Pythian Home Selection
not be consulted until there was
The KniglUs of Pythias of Ore
gon and VVa -hington have decided
to bujd a Pythian home jointly
the s te to be within 50 miles of
a nearer approacu 10 an "b1 i Portland or Vancouver. This ac
ment.. They have negotiated with tjon has heP!1 taken bv lhR two
Mr. Lloyd George believing him to rt ,od of he orfir
De in a position 10 sine a Dinn
ing bargain; and they expressed
.7' T 7 ii V w ; '0,,Kft at Aurora has taken up the
hat the debate mKht enable him ma(ter wUh yj , (.on.
to modify his proposals. . ihut r. t;t:.,,, inr.
jilTTil i c w nan inai ihhimu ;
likelv to happen in the house
of gaining our objectives," said Mr. Sheppard.
"We called this strike to tfain certain rights to which
the men were entitled," Mr. Sheppard told the Associated
"It soon became evident, however,, that the roads were
succeeding in their misleading propaganda to the effect that
we really would be striking against the government.
"This railroad propaganda found its way to the United
States railroad labor board. This governmentar agency told
us that it would look on a strike as against it and the gov
ernment and not against the roads, and that the full force
of the government would be brought to bear against us if
we walked out. Under such circumstances there was nothing
to do but annul our orders for the October 30 walkout.
There will of course be com-
petilion for the site. The local
could better the terms obtainable
by Sinn Fein, but thnt on the
contrary, the debate might easily
lessen these terms.
Thomas Spotted Dog is
First to Wear Uniform
W hen pro-
i pei transportation facilities are
: provide, fa the friends of An
i rora. that town will become an
j ideal home place for men doing
; business in Portland or Salem.
like so many big cities in the ea t
I have.
Thehome will be Tor taking
j care of th' pged as weM as tlx'
' unfortunate children of Mie mem-
Thomas Spotted Dav, 11. stu- j bers of thr Pythjan order
dent at the Chemawa Indian' The initial cost of the home
ago. when Frazier defeated the ; K0ilooi is a proud boy. Vesterdav ' will be not le-s than $100,000.
Independent candidate 117,118 to I 1e wag dressed out in a Boy Scout 1 and probably a great deal more.
11-.4KS.' I uniform and is said to be, the first
'Indian boy in the United States to fjp paS FrOm Ulll I
nave tne aisiincuon 01 wearing
the scout attire. He is a Sioux.
AS CrawfOrd'S SUCCeSSOr I Four troops of scouts were organ-
! ized at the Chemawa school a few
Schroder May Be Named
And Drowns in Naselle
With Two Bank Robbers
roads, to connect with main mar- jtions will be hid in the school
ket roads of the county. houses.
Elections to bo held on Novem-i; At Gates it will be in the I. O.
ber 5. arc ca' the following o. F. buildrtig. and at Mill City,
I- -
roan msircis: ; I In the 1ammond, Lumber com-
Aurora roan district, .no. 1. at nanv hall.
tne Odd reuows nan. Aurora.
Hubbard, road district No. ; 2
It is rumored that John Schro-I?"" Ro. the first Indian troops
der. Portland attorney, will he i the history of boy scoutdoin.
-apop'nted by O. P. floff, state j
treasury, as his deputy to sue- j shots Are Exchanged
wi:i resign to ucrome reporter "t
the supreme court. Schroder has
been clerk of th-" ways and means j
committeess of the state legisla-j
ture for several sessions and pro
baly is as familiar with the stat's j
financial condition as anyone else;
:n th" state outside of tho stitc j
house. lie wa a caller yester
day at the treasurer's office.
FrVtw Men Informed
The first announcement ot tho
executives'- action was made by
Mr. Lee. Rushing to (he floor
below the hotel meeting room,
where dozens of newspapermen,
were? congregated, he smilingly
"The strike Is off, boys, bttti
I've only got one copy of the reso-4
lution and I'll show that to Jon
All of tho union men were.
smiting as they came out, and)
many of them jocularly pressed!
ami shoved each other down the!
' j stairs. To all queries,; most ofi
Groeerv stores are lining uu in i the" merely replied
' "It's all settled. See you to-J
lino c n n n a in Ibn ritrrmpr.n mnn I
l "" - im0rrOW
merit to close earlier Saturday
evenings, according to Edward j
Petition Readily Signed By
Local Firms When Cir
culated Yesterday
Codes Oo Out Today
rr-1 - 11: rm
Schunke of tho Loth Grocery com-!., 1 uu oue
j 1113 sirme, arrangea m aartacej
I will be sent out tomorrow mor-4
le.-ieruay a petition was circu-
at the Fellers warehouse, Fellers
At the Fairfield school house
in the Fairfield road district, i j
At West Woodburn, in the Mei
Corniick store. t j
In tho Harmony districtt. at
the Harmony school. ,;
Itoad district No. 10, at Ebj
ncr's hop house. - i '- j
In the Noble district, at the
school house. j
In the Porter district at the
Porter school.
In road district No. 26, at the
school house. i . ; i ;
St. Maries, Ida.. Oct. 27.- Five
shots were exchanged today be
tween a posse and two .men. be
lieved to be the robbers who held
up the First State bank at t. .Joe
Idaho, Tuesday and escaped with
approximately f2"'0 and a posse
near the village ot Santa. Idaho.
When last seen the men were
entering a dense stand of timber.
Sheriff P. C. "Wolfe left here late
today for .Santa with a larp posse
Troon 1 fi Nov Scouts of the to continue the hunt, me men
Chemawa Indian school, has chal- j v ere believed to have been sur
lenged troop 6, the Methodist rounded last nifrht a few miles
church irnnn nf Sulcm in a came 1 west of Santa. Sheriff AVolfe said
also in the Evans Valley district, j nf f00tball Ar Saturday and the j they escaped the posse by follow
At Macleay it will be held at j challeiiRe has been accepted. The 'ing an unguarded trail. They
the town hall in that town. ; came will be nlaved on Sweetiand tirst appeared early today at a
At Rosed5T it. will be in the
Rosedale school house.
The schoolhouses will also be
used for the election in the Clo
verdale, Shaw, Union, Victor
Point and Brush creek districts.
Indians and Pale Face
Scouts to Play Football
'In the interest of better work-
T,U rlM,t of-porflin-l tr word ! Conditions
received here tod.iy. She had been
hunting cow3 and is believed to
have lost her way and plunged
over the ciifT in the darkness.
NOUKOf.K. Oct. 27. The Stan
dard Oil tanker. V. I). Asche is
aground! on Mantanilla ref. Ba
hamas, according to word received
today at coast guard division
headquarter?. The coast guard
cutter Yamacraw was ordered
from Charleston. S. ('., to the as
sistance; of the tanker, which has
a crew of "It.
ning, the union heads said. ; AJ
code word will be sent to each!
general chairman of the. unions
ASTORIA. Ore . Oct. 27. Clara
Rinehart ot aseuo. uasn., v.aM;itrd among grocers as follows
drowned when sh fell from a .;'i-1
lor our employes " - 1
,v n i n,. ,,.1,1, , ,.u iu caiu vk iuo iiuviuuuia
, " .'' luw -officials under him.
of other lines of business tendins- In difccUESing the teaolutlon an
toward an earlier closing hour, : nulling the strike orders, thd
.wo. the undersigned grocers ot j union presidents declared that lt
; Salem, anrw to close our stores j outstanding feature was that i?
promptly at t o ciock every sat- -waa based on ithe statementa
;nrday evening beginning October j made tothe unions by Ben Hoop
: er of the board,' that I wage fo
I The. petition was signed by the i d uct ion j would not be conEfSereq
following grocery iirms: by the board for any! empHJye
j. i.. i.usick At .-ons, uoin .ro-,Jintii thft nleB anft WOrkInc con
eery company, C. M. Roberts. Wei-1 ditions for those employes had
ler Brothers. R. D. Gilbert & Co.. ! i .-..i-j t. . 1
sox, Skaggs United stores, Cap
lan's Cash store, B. U. Eshelman,
A. Dauo & Sons. Simon & Pade,
D. L.. Shrode. Lebold & Co. W. 1 of Mr.
Jl. V IrtllV CII1U V. (;uiu
In West Stayton in McClclland's
The schoolhouses will be usi
at Talbot, Central Howell. Belle
Pass!. Rock Point and Sunnysido
In road district 90, the home
' '
field at 10 o'clock a. m.j so the
rrciinds may he available for the
Salem high school-Columbia uni
vrs'ty game in the arternoon.
Troop 1G is one of the four
troops at Chemawa, organized this
week, and which are the first In
dian troops to be organized in the
Vnited States. j v
storo in Santa to buy food.
WAI.JA WAT. LA. Wash.. Oct.
27 'Michael Kenny', aged i last i visit Tuhrsclay and Mr. Schunke
survivor or the Steptoe;' confident that every grocery m
ASTORIA, Ore,. Oct. 27 There
was a 60-mile south wind at
North Head at 4 o'clock this after
noon. The velocity had increased
from 48 miles at noon.
iv-.k ,t;,t vm todnv after n longlt,! c:i v-" 1 n In? petuion as
il'.ne-s. ' Kenny lived in the west ! soon as given an opportunity. By
for 67 years and fought Indians
in Utah. Oregon and Washington.
He lived for 46 years 'n the house
in which he died. He traded a
Hooper Hinffe Member
Mr. Hooper's arguments, madd
possible by tho missionary worh
McMenimen, labor mem
ber of the labor; boardj werp th
turning point in the discussion
stores were the only ones over the calling off the walkout
int.- uiiiui if uut-is eam. i
The-chieftains: pointed out thai
the etriko "absolutely j was off,
ana tnat awaikout could not nod
b9 called until a new; vote had
been taken, , f ., ? "
"We are not making any plan
this agreement, the grocery stores
will hereafter close at 7 o'clock
on Saturday evenings, Instead of
keeping open aq hour later.
rifle for the lots in the early days. He leaves a widows
.(Continued on page 2)