The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 26, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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    I A
i '
1 1
Taken Under Consideration
After taking testimony for two
ay, me divorce suit of uoidte
, Way Sharpe against Claude C.
Shafpe closed yesterday morning.
On nrnn n f r f lha vnnth rif Hnt h
t parties, and tne tact tney nave
two children. Judge George G.
, IMnghara stated that he would
take the matter under advise
ment. He said the evidence In
if the caw showed that the young
- husband endeavored to establish
a home and that as young folks,
' they hardly realized the serious
ness ot breaking up the family, (
IHg Pan ce-Tonight.
The Elite. Adv,
Dr. round Unable to (i
Dr. II. V.. Pound, commander
Capital post No. American le
gion, has been unable to arrange
to attend the third annuar meet
ing ot the- legion to be held In
Kansas City, beginning Octobor
31. Colonel Georpe A. White, ad-
Last Times
Rupert Hughes
27 9 p. m.
Matinees 35c
Evenings 50c
Friday Saturday
'Lavender and Old;
H Lace"
H&rtrnan's Glasses
Easier and Better
Wear them and see
fhone 12 S 8 Salem, Oregon
fyctatxs a 162 V. Ooauawdal strvet
Com Iu7, VeodlM aa4 AjmUmb
lUaaa, cims and drinks.
Opia 11 aj. U- aja.
MytAiX Bandar-
CHicxxaf szHvn
for 8prlng Planting Order From
428 Oregon Building
, Phone 1763
vn i Ma us ur us
W bnvincr your hardware ana
i ' inrniTiirR Rr i no Ldiniiai jluu
rare & Furniture Co., 285 N.
Commercial street. Phone 947
We Move,
Pack, tad Store .
Do you take
- If not,, why not?
No other baths or treatments
can produce the permanent re
lief to the person suffering
from . disagreeable cold or ail
ments or the flesh or body like
the Turkish Baths will.
Open S a. m. nutll 9 p. m.
Lady and Gentlemen attendants
We pay highest price.
We boy and sell everything.
We sell for less.
815 Center SC fnon W8
School Supplies
For Teachers
Monthly school report cards
each lc
Yearly school report books,
.each 2ttc
Manila envelopes for either,
each He
Teachers' examination ques-
tions for one year certifi
cate, eachi.. 80c
Western Songester; a splen
did song book for school.
Institute or community sing
ing, each . . 7 a"c
Fer dozen $3
Ter 100. $12.50
Any of the above supplies
wtil be shipped same day as
order Is received.
School annuals and diplo
mas printed in a thoroughly
first class manner.
, . 218 South Commercial St.
, ... Salem Oregon . , .
Jutant general, left yesterday af
ternoon for Portland. Those go
ing from Portland will leave this
morning at 9 o'clock.
Latest Song II it
Just In. Moore-Dann masic
store, Masonic building. Adv.
Naturopaths Incorporate
Articles of Incorporation were
filed here yesterday by the Ore
gon College of Naturopathic nhv-
sicians and eraduate school of
physio-therapy, having headquar
ters 'in Portland. The Incorpor
ators are Dr. Edward A. Perkins.
Dr. B. B. Ackley and Dr. B. A.
Bcdynek. There is no capitaliza
tion. Resolutions showing an In
crease In capitalization from $20,-
000 to $50,000 were filed by the
Portland Brazing & Machine
works, and from $35,000 to $70,-
000 by the Windemuth Amuse
ment company of Portland.
November Brunswick Records
On sale today. See list in our
big ad. Moore-Dunn music store,
Masonic bldg. Adv.
Bonds Certified
The state irrigation securities
com mission yesterday certified
$7000 bonds for the Rainier
drainage district of Columbia
county. Bonds in the sum of
$29,700 were certified two years
ago. The project contains 1317
Dance, Dreamland Rink
Exposition Novelty orchestra,
Wednesday, October 26. Adv.
Officer To Marry
Virgil C. Statson, firRt lieuten
ant 16 2nd infantry, O. N. G. how
itzer company. Portland, will be
married tonight in Port'and to
Ml3 Leon a Philo. Lieutenant
Statson is with the state aid com
mission. They will make their
home in Salem.
ANET In this city, October 24,
Andrew Anet, age 40 years.
Body forwarded to Astoria on
Tuesday, October 23, by Rig
don & Son, morticians, for fun
eral services and Interment.
ROYCE In this city, October 25,
Ira Royce,' age 66 years, late
a resident of Portland. Body
will be forwarded to Portland
Wednesday, October 26, by
Rigdon & Son, morticians,
where funeral services and In
terment will take place.
FOSTER At a local hospital.
October 22, Mrs. Nannie A.
.Foster, at the tv?e of 46 years.
She is survived by her husband,
three sons and one daughter.
Funeral services will be held
j Friday afternoon,-the 28th, at
- 230 o'clock p. m. and will be
conducted by the Rev. W. T.
' 'Millikin. Burial will he in the
City View cemetery.
Leading Morticians
Webb & Clough
Leading Funeral
Expert Embalmer
See Our Stationery
You'll be surprised at the large
variety of designs we are show
ing. There's a style for every
Individual taste.
163 N. Com'I. Phone 64
Cold Tablets
That Cure
Schaefer's Cold Tablets
are noted for the way;;
they break up those dis-i
agreeable colds and for
the' rapidity with which
they do it.
A 25c box will convince
you of their worth.
Schaefer's Drug
Sole Agent ;
Garden Court Preparations
135 N Coml. Phone 197
Theologs Organizing
The student theologs of Wil
lamette university are trying to
organize a society of all the boys
who are studying for the minis
try at Willamette. This society
will co-operate with the Kimball
School of Theolopy in study prob
lems of the ministry.
Five loads 16 inch mill wood
$13.75. Guaranteed two-thirds
cord per load. Prompt delivery.
Spaulding Logging Co. Adv.
Boya Worker Appointed
It was announced last ' night
that the Y. M. C. A. boys' work
representatives of each local
church had ben appointed and
that the task of enrolling young
sters for service memberships is
well under way.
Highland Ban Line
See schedule in classified ad
Story Tellers Will Meet-
The "Story Tellers' Circle" of
the Salem Art league will meet
at the educational rooms o the
Salem library tonight at 7:30
o'clock and will organize and for
mulate plans for work.
For Bent
Front office room. Apply Gray
Belle. Adv.
Br. Bellinger in IUck
Dr. Grover C. Bellinger, super
intendent of the Oregon State
tuberculosis hospital, played in
luck yesterday noon. He not only
had a most appreciative audience
in addressing the Kiwanians, but
he was fortunate enough to draw
the attendance prize, a flash light
offered by Paul Hauser.
Salmon For Canning
For best qual'ty and lowest
prices at Fitts Market. 444 Court
St. Phone .211. Adv.
Shriners to Dance-
All changes and interior decor
ations of the Salem Shrine mos
que are now completed and the
ceiling lighting installed, already
for the opening of the mosque
for the Shriners' dance to be held
Thursday evening of this week.
bninessl at
Drugs now open for
175 N. Com'I St
James Crawfcrtl to Portland
James W. Crawford, deputy
state treasurer, will officially
sever his connection with the
treasurer's office and go to Port
land December 1 where he will
take up his new duties as su
preme court reporter.
Woodmen to Entertain
Members of Woodmen of the
World, Salem camp, are prepar
ing for an interesting entertain
ment to be held in the Elks' tem
ple on the evening of Friday, Oc
tober 28. Members of the lodge
and their friends are to be in at
tendance. The entertainment ot
the evening consists of a -Mr.
Nielson and son. generally known
as "the two Bobs." who will do
Scottish songs, after the Harry
Lauder style. The younger Bob
is also a violinist. The entertain
ment is put on by the lodge.
In Onr New Ijocatlon
Neimeyer Drugs, now at
N Commercial street. Adv.
Award of Honor Made .
' School districts in Marion coun
ty that had an attendance of 95
per cent or more up to, and In
cluding October 7. will soon re
ceive special awards of honor, to
be sent put by the off ice of the
county superintendent of schools.
More than half of the schools in
the county made a 9T per cent
attendance record up to the close
of October 7.
A nnftfttfled Ad
Will bring you a buyer.
Addresses Realty Hoard
I Ora F. Melntyre, secretary of
the; Marion County Realtors' as
sociation, addressed the Portland
Realty board last night, telling of
the multiple listing system that
has proved such a success In Ma
rion county. She will also attend
the state convention of realtors
to be held at Eugene Saturday of
this week.
Legal Blanks
i Get them at The Statesman of
fice. Catalog on application.
Adf . .
Bank Is Administrator
' X'pon petition of Anna Bump,
Myrtle, Owynrf and W. F. Barrett
heirs of Perlina Barrett, who
died October 15. the county court
appointed the Capital National
bank as administrator. In the
netition the request was made
that the bank serve as adminis
t rat or rather than those who were
bersonally interested. The estate
has a value of about S3nOO..and
the heirs are two sons, three
daughters and three granddaugh
iters. - !
Xeimcyer Pharmacy
i Ready to serve you nt 175 N
Commercial street. Adv.
Taking IViwaation
Postoffice officials In Salem
have received instructions from
the postoffice department in
Washington to make Inquiry. as
to whether mail could be handled
from Salem to Black Rock bv
automobile, should there be a tie
up of railroad service.
Nelmycr, Prnffs
Moved to 175
Adv. r
N. Com'I St.
Tit In Heareil
In the suit brought In the Ma
rlbn county court by E. Hartlev,
J. n. Crslc and R. W. Craig
aeainstSMrs. fl. C. Wall to clear
title to! lot 25 of Hollywood ad
dition to Salem, the court entered
a decree that the "plaintiffs were
the absolute owners of the prop-
ierty.' . jAlso that, the defendant
had no interest whatsoever in the
$5000 For Salem Property
Joseph E. Maddison has pur
chased a house and lot on Mar
ion street near Liberty from John
T. Ross. The consideration was
$5000. The property is on the
south side of Marion street.
Estate Closed t
The county court has approved
the final report of Alta B. Lin-
holm of Silverton, administrator
of the estate of Dianna Forshey.
The administrator has been dis
charged and released from fur
ther liability.
Daughter Is Born
A daughter was born October
23 to Mr. and Mfs. J. C. Barker
of 636 North Sixteenth street.
Salem. She has been named
Maude Genevieve. Mr. Barker is
employed in the Statesman press
room. A son was born Monday.
October 2 4, to Mr. and Mrs. R.
D. Barton. He has been named
Richard Paul. Mr. Barton is in
the automotive equipment busi
ness on South Commercial street.
Guy Astle left yesterday over
the Oregon Electric for Hutchi
son, Kan., called there by the ill
nes of his father.
William J. Smith, rancher from
the Gates section, was transact
ing business in Salem yesterday-
A. C Bohrnstedt was in Cor
vallis yesterday transact ng busi
ness. Lee George of the George Bro
thers restaurant will be operated
upon at the Salem hospital today
for a tumorous abdominal condi
tion. Miss Margaret McDaniels of
Willamette university is confined
to her home in Portland by ill
ness. 8T
Special Rally Program Will
Be Held at First Chris
tian Church
A stewardship rally is to be
conducted today at the First
Christian church. It is one of 20
fuch rallies to be held in Oregon
by a team of specialists sent out
by the United Missionary society
of the Disciples of Christ. Mr3.
Eda Moore, of New York City,
special field worker for the socie
ty; A. O. Kuhn, relig'ous tduca-.
tional director in the Rocky
Mountain region and C. E. Ben
lehr, superintendent of a large
bovs orphanage at Damoh, India,
are to be the speakers during ttie
sions of the fiay.
C. F. Swander, superintendent
of missions m Oregon, will direct
the program. The members of
the Bungalow Christian church
will join in the services. The wo
men are preparing to serve din
ner at 6 o'clock to those in attend
The program begins at 10
o'clock for the session.
The afternoon will be given al
most wholly to the stewardship
plan and the evening, beginning
at 7:30 will be devoted to a ster-
eoptlran lecture. The public is
Funeral Services Held
for Prominent Dallas Man
DALLAS, Or., Oct. 25. (Spe
cial to The Statesman.) Funeral
services over the remains of the
late T. D. Phillips, who died at
his home in this, city Thursday
morning, were held Sunday af
ternoon from the United Evan
gelical church, of which he was i
a member, interment was in the
local I. O. O. F. cemetery.
Mr. Thillips had been ill but
a snort time, lie was i yeais
old and had lived in and near this
cily for a number of years. He
is survived by his wife and oignt
Phildren. as follows: Mrs. V.-S.
Jost and Mrs. Tracy Staats and
B. I. Phillips of this city; I. D.
Phillips of Portland; Mrs. Claud
Huston of Moro; Miss Eugenia
Phillips, a missionary in Guate
mala; Mrs. Leonard Shaw of
Walla Walla, Wash., and Mrs. A.
G. Rix of Portland.
No doubt the shocking tragedy
at San Francisco has many morals.
but the most obvious of them is
the demoralizing effect of sudden
wealth upon the people unfit for
the responsibilities that weath
brings.Springfield Republican.
n s
Public Auction
Piano and New
697 Market Street, corner Fifth Street
"Don't Miss It"
T. W. Tucker,
State Treasurer Tells Why
He Opposes Change at
Training School
support; given gilbert
Official Believes Proposed
New Salary for Superin
tendent Excessive
Sharp issues with Governor 01
cott and Secretary of State Kozer.
the other two members of the
state board of control, is taken
by State Treasurer O. . Hoff in
a statement issued yesterday rela
tive to the proposed employment
of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Kuser of
Eldora la., as heads of the new
Etate training school when its con
siruction is completed next year.
Mr. Hoff charges that an inter
view was given out by Mr. Kuser
implying that he was selected by
the unanimous vote of the board
and that the selection was neces
sary to give the boys at the school
a "square deal."
- In False Light, Says Hoff
Mr. Hoff avers that the state
ment has placed him in a false
light in the eyes of many people,
since he did not vote for Mr. and
Mrs. Kuser, and that it is unjust
reflection upon L. M. Gilbert,
present superintendent of the
boys school.
"This is an important matter,"
says Mr. Hoff, 'and as I opposed
the action of the majority of the
board in this case, I believe the
public should know the reasons
Reasons Set Forth
He sets for th the reasons as
"First. The record of Mr. and
Mrs. Gilbert, the present superin
tendent and matron of the boys'
training school the last year, since
they have receive some additional
equipment has been, to my mind,
excellent. Thyy have had five
"Go And
Get It"
Thursday is
Bargain Day
Republic of Uruguay
5 External Gold Bonds
of 1010
at $61 and interest per bond
At the prtce per bond of
$61 and interest these bonds
give you a day-to-day return
'of almost 8 7.97 to be
exact and in addition a
profit of $36.20 when the
bond is paid at its maturity
value of $97.20 in U. S. gold
Although expressed in the
British pound sterling, these
securities are payable, prin
cipal and interest. In U. S.
gold coin In New York City
at the fixed rate of $4.86
American gold to the pound.
Consequently, uncontrollable
fluctuations in currency of
other countries do not af
fect the maturing value of
principal or interest.
Wm. McGilchrist, Jr.
Besident EpresntUV
Room 200 U. S. Bank Bldg.
F. N. Woodry,
The Auctioneer
years experience in this same El
dora, la., school, and as far as I
know, were the first to advocate
the cottage system in this state.
Their popularity with the boys is
unquestionable, and as far as the
boys receiving a square dealjs con
cerned, I don't believe that there
is a boy in the whole school that
does not wish that Mr. and Mrs.
Gilbert bo retained, and no rea
son fcr a change has appeared to
me. )
Salary Held ExcesslTe
'Second. The salary Is exces
sive. The present superintendent
and wife receive $2100 a year and
riving accommodation's that would
be considered worth J 1700 more.
Mr. Kuser's present salary is
$2500 and living accommodations.
His wife is not employed. This in
a population more than three
times as large as ours. Mr. Kuser
and wife have been offered $5000
and living accommodations; that
is equivalent to 13000 to $3500
more, making it a position worth
$S00 a year or more. Such a
large expenditure is to my ifiind
wholly unwarranted.
"Third. 1 have no doubt that
Mr. Kuser is well qualified to head
head this institution but I am op
posed to filling Oregon positions
with outside people. The millions
of dolJars spent in Oregon in edu
cational and training work should
make this unnecessary.
CriUsm Not Olicrctl
"My opposition to the proposed
location of this new institution
and this statement is not offered
in a spirit of criticism but to cor
rect an error and set forth my po
sition as a minority member of
the board of control and is based
on a careful study of the situation
and my own best Judgment."
"Crystal WHite" Laun
dry Soap, per bar 5c
or 21 bars for $1
383 Court Street
We wish to appologize to our many customers in not being able to give then
usual prompt Skaggs service last Saturday. The throngs of people in our
store from early morning until late a t night, were so large that we could not
handle them. We will increase our s ales force next Saturday and promise .
to give you the efficient Service you are accustomed to at our store. 1
Skagg's "Everyday Prices" Are Winning Out No
1 lb. Tins . ....
2 lb. Tins. u...
5 lb. Tins.. ....
.... 1.11
... 1.85
5 lb. Tins. 1 2.00
22 lb. Tins 1.02
1 lb. Tins j. 42
It's got the flavor.
roasted weekly, per
lb. ,
3 pkgs. Shredded
3 pkgs. ; Kelloggs
Corn Flakes
3 Post Toast ies
Kest Creamery, lb.
2 lbs. Nut Butter. ..
Nucoa, per lb J30
We make! four deliveries ilaily. Phone orders are given oof mo 'it careful
attention. Order your grocerie s and meats together. Phone 47B ; ?
"Marry you?" I exclaimed the
temperamental girl. "Why I
woudn't marry you It you had a
million dollars") "You're right,
you woudn't," replied the mere
man. "In that case I would be
Established 1863
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a, m, to 3 p. zn.
- The New '
That Speak In
Terms ot
ol O
TIME WAS when a blouse was a blouse nothing more
or less. But these modern times, the blouse for the
business girl during office hours and for the woman
i -----
who shops in a simple suit does a great deal to give
her a distinctive and stylish air.
t; i
ii t . . .
TIME IS when the newest blouses that are Bhown in
every big fashion center from New York to San Fran
cisco are-being shown at our store at remarkably low
ered prices, f ;
And The U. G. Shipley Cos
Plan Has Made It So! ' '
Last week we celebrated the opening of Skaggs
Stores iii Oakland, California and Reno, Nevada.
Skaggs Stores are now; operating in thirty-three
cities and towns in six j states. We have set our
mark to have 100 stores by 1922.
White Wonder, Easy
Day, Van Hoeters'
Bleaching, 22 bars any
assortment of above 1.00
Crystal White, 22
bars i 1.00
Ivory, 14 bars 1.05
Palmolive or Creal-
oil, 9 bars. . .73
No. 2 can L & P.
Mammoth Shrimp .39
Ideal size for parties.
This is a very high grade
9 lb. cans. 1.59
6 lb. cans..! 1.09
3 lb. cans.i .54
Swifts "Silverleaf Lard"
10 lbs. netl 1.89
5 lbs. neC .99
2 lbs. net; 42
(Montana Hard wheat) It pleases all who use it By
Sack $2.05 By the Barrell $8.10
more idlscriminattng." American.
Legion Weekly.
Read The Classified Ads.
Pints ; AO
3 tans Libby's No.
2Vi Solid Pack
3 cans Del Monte
No. 2Yi Sauer
3 leans Del Monte
No. 2ft Pumpkin
3 medium size Van
Camps Pork and
- .50