1 U THE OREGON STATESMAN; SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 25, 1921 II Threw insert tana. 0 Mk (six Insert teas) 8e 0 awMth Ta fix aaatka' eentract, pw aaa-.lSa asenths' eaatraet, per m 12e Kin las ana lor any advartioaaaeat Sae NORWICH UJaOM riKH INSURANCE SOCIETY Tbielaon, Roland & Barghardt fMtdent Agent 871 Btate St. w MONEY TO -LOAN On Real Estate T. K. FORD (Orer Ladd Bush Bank) LOANS REAL ESTATE M INSURANCE ' Wa tneara anything Wa have the aseney t. lnna -Pay aa back lika ran Our larsa aaa any property liata are aa lata. Baa first LilXiR u T.irr.A taOv-T Oregoa Rldg. Phoaa 144 NEW TODAY J; a. .SOLDIERS' LOAN WILL BUY FIXE .iwu pwticmi nouse, nose to ear li line, electric lights, 3 fine lots with good barn. $250 rath and your state rloan when van net it If von want a 'real home with lota of ground bp its . a j"ur nanny geia mis. oeexe Hendricks, 205 U. 8. Bank Bldg.- liOOD SECOND GROWTH FIR WOOD , tfor sals, 87 cord. I'bone 808. CRt-tX TOMATOES AND CABBAGE , tor saie. rnone 3Z9F4. i- s 1 i FOR 8 A IK WOOD. BIO FIR AND iioio, ; asn, 8. Phone 42F14 FANTED LIVE PARTNER IX GOOD paying business. Sea Barff, 371 State street, rnone 99. IX-BERVICE MEN GOOD INVEST ment and fine home at 70S N. Winter street; 8 rooms, nil reuiett basement, hcilt-in kitchen, paved street and al- Inff Vah. u. : 1 1 I. .1 1 1 ....!. t : s Hendricka, 203 U. . Bank Bldg. t:: " " 1 1 I J l FOUND RING. OWNER MAY HaVE f ,iam by calling at Hartmana ana ff identifying same. j f , JlfR SALE CHARTER OAK RANGE. r inqnire 2260 X. Fifth St. FOR SALE FRESH CIDER, GRAPES and grape juice; also apples, nice as , sortment. Phone 1F14, D. R. Ruble. WCT THK MeMINNVILLE CO. RENEW ' virmni T1RIF von , yonr policy when next expiring. Iw:IOR ? - J, rA. , - V- J eost ind' .ootid proteetion. Handler cl M- ph)ne ll2j-w- Au Buh Bnk Bld- Phon l RUNNING BOARD LINOLEUM -MAX t ' O. Biiren. 179 N. rmmcrcial. FOR BALE CLIPPER DOUBLE HEAD grain cleaner, No. 18, 40 sieves si; kinds. Also 5-ton wagon scale. Fair Hank Moreia. Brooks. Or. NEW BUNGALOW ON S. CAPITOL atteet: double construction throughout, full cement basement, fine fireplace, . fine bath, furnace, double garage, e.it .front. Price 5."00. Becke k Hen fdricks, 205 U. 8. Bank Bl lg. LOST BETWEEN THE , CORNER OF "lourt and N. Commercial street and Cheerful Home farm oa Silverton road, .sack Sugar.- Finder' please retnrn to Maiesmau office ..and get reward. UL.ADY WOULD LIKE TO KEEP HOUSE for gentleman. Address "M.C.," care . Statesman. 1 REAL BUY 7 ROOM BUNGALOW IN .,n.n.n( trAr .mm.ll k i f i K w n rfiitl living, dining i 2 bedrooms' 1st floor, 2 bedrooms se-ond floor, concrete base- 1 ment, 2 blocks to nehool. . Sea this fine borne. " Price $3500. R. A. Mohney, 209 Oregon Bldg. Phone 217. GOOD LOT ON NORTH 5TH STREET t Price $600. Paving paid for. Krues r. 209 Oregon Bldg. laUOD 5 ROOM BUNGALOW AND BATH located at 2943 Portland road, with 1H acres of land. A real home. For a price see Krueger, Realtor, 203 Ore gon Bldg. KOR RENT LAND IN N. SALEM TO lot oa shares. Inquire of R. P. Boise, Breyman Block. WILL PAY CASH FOR LOT IN GOOD location. Mnst be bargain. Phone 1148 K or 68. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WANTED a Prefer close to Capital Busini-ss col . lege. Box 483, Salem. a'OUR SUIT PRESSED WHILE YOU wait. Wardrobe, 19 8. High. fcOST ENGLISH BRr.D1,E BULLDOtS, female, a small boy s playmate, suit able reward. Phone 1014. USED PIANOS STANDARD MAKES some like new; email, medium and ronrert upright aises. Every one bit nam. Easy terms, i Call 450 Court streetf phone 11 I; 7 " FALL PEARS FOR CANNING $1 AND 1.25 ner box. delivered. Ward K. i Richardson. Phone 494. KXAP 70 ACRES. 15 BEARING n runes- lO logaos, fine 7 room house bath, toilet and hot water, fine barn, cninoletelv aniiiiiped prune dryer. All enuii.ment. teed, stock, tools and the furniture" in house goes. Price only $15 000. Bec.ke A Hendricks. 205 U 8. Bank Bldg. GOOD BUYS 0 rooms, large lot, $1100. . . v mi-rm on naved road. : good 4 room house, tine land, oine personal prop r . hirnin l $1400.'. A nice new borne, good location, ready to hove into, this can be bought righ mm sv tprma . ' ti.. k.. in ssalem. 5 roonii part mod n nl .iiml 2 lartre lots with fruit and berries. Only $2100, small atna-B sirmiuiit. If vou want a vacaut a lot let as show you what we have. THOMASON 831 ,4 State St. Worth While An irm. eloaa In Salem, well improved with all stock and equipment. Only $10,500. Will take city property as part pay. 50 acres. 35 acre plow land, 7 room . liouse. barn and other outbuildings. mile to railroad station. $50 per acre 5 room bungalow, $l,.'.o. si.oq easb. ' MILLS & COPLEY Kaaltors 331 State St WOOD'S BARGAINS Dairy farm, 1 80 acres. loae to pavec! highway. $45 per acre or take ama! tract, part pay. 40 acre improved, . f 1WHI, trade for home in Salem. Hav . .w.ar hnnvalaw for $950. Apart n.ni bouse, good income, price right An r-r j, fru pay. I'hoi'-e lots for sale. r. L.. rooo F. L. WOOD 811 Trade St. STATU TREASURER'S l-'OURTII AOTICTJ Kfat of Oreeon. Treasurer's Of- ! . fice, Salem, Oregon, October 24 1821. y ' Notice is hereby given that there are funds in the fetate Treaee- ury with which to redeem all out- standing State Warrants drawn on the general fund, indorsed "pre- sented and not paid for want of funds." All such warrants,- pro perly indorsed, wilt bo paid upon presentation at this office; inter est thereon ceasing from and after .date of this notice. : . . 0. P, 110 KF, State Treas. New today NOTICE oa hereby riven by the City oi Salem. Oregon that ail street assessments which have not been bonded and which have been delinquet for a period of one year or more must either be bonded or paid on or before November 7th. 1921. By order of the Common Coun cil dated October 17th. 1921. C. O. RICE, City Treasurer. EMPLOYMENT dfANTED EN EKGETtv TOUNG MAN wka has had experience aelltof life Insurance, stocks or advertising. Must ha able to devote hia eatire time and pa ambition for adranceiuent. Moat hate the courage to prevent business proposition ta merehanta aad profes aioaal men. Anawer in your own hand writing atating . age, educational qual ifications, experience aa solicitor, etc. Address I Na. btateaira" affice SALESMEN WANTED SALESMAN WANTED TO HANDLE guaranteed line. rite for appoint ment, t'haa. Grimes, 541 Mill. MALE AUB ravatALE WANTED ME am. TTOMIN TO take tana paper subscriptions, a good propoaitioa to tha right people. Address taa Pacific Eomestead, Statesman Bldg. PERSONAL fAClAL tiCALP Tnt.TMENT8; VIO let ray; msnicnriag, shampooing. Or egon Bath house. Phone 540. ASTROLOGY STARS? TELL LIFE'S tory. Send birthdste and dime for trial reading. Eddy, Westport St., 83 SA Kansas City. Miassuri OAaiARX BIKDS FOR BALE CANARY BIRDS. DAY and night singers. 11 rs. Bennett. Pbone 1280. 1030 Chemekets FARM PAPER IF TOD WANT TO GET THI BEST farm paper, send 15e to Tha Pacific bomeatead, Salem Oregon, far a taree Bionlbs trial ubecnpliou. Mention this ad. BOUSES "ALADDIN READY CUT HOUSES" to percent saved in cost of construe tion. Ckss. F. 8mith, factory repres entative, 620 Northwest Bank Bldg.. ror-iid. Oregon. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE GOOD FAMILY COW. NEL aon Vanderhoof, Route 9. Box 22-A, Portland road. MISCELLANEOUS 1 1 Mill ONE TEAM BLACK HORSES, WEIGHT 8400; wagon, harness. Reasonable. Pbone 1403, Woodburn, Oregon. GASOLINE AND OIL TANKS from the largest to smallest. L. A. Westaeott, factory representative. 664 S. 12th Su phone 1602 J. FULLER BRUSHE3 FOR DEMON strations. C. Grimes, 541 Mill, Phone 1937-J. GLIDDENS LINOLEUM VARNISH for all printed linoleum and congoleum Max O. Buren, 179 N. Commercial. FOR SALE BUESCHER GRAND SLIDE , trombone, good conditMffi. $40. See this at Moore-Dunn Music Store, Ala sonic Bldg. FOR SALE. CHEAP ORCHARD RUN and cull apples. All varieties. Bring your box and call at our plant. Trade and High streets Oregon Li rowers Cooperative association. THE HOUSE OF HALF A MILLION and one bargains. We buy, sell or exchange anything and everything in the line of junk or second hand goods see us before you buy or sell. Btein bock Junk Co. Remember the place 402 N. Commercial St. Phone oi6 THE WESTERN SONGSTER SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY SINGING Aa especially good selection of the songs yon have been wanting with words and annate complete. No matter how manj aoagbooks you have you should havt this one, containing the Oregon aongs Prices:- Single copies, 26e; 16 cents each in lots of a doxeo or moro: $12. 5u tha hundred, postpaid. Second edition arinted since September. OREGON TEACHERS MONTHLY IIS 8. Commercial St. Salem. Oregon FOR BALE OLD NEWSPAPERS, 10 cents a bundle. Circulation department, Oregon Statesman. POULTBT POULTR T M EN SEND EIGHT TWO cant stamps for special three months trim for the best and oldest ionrna in the west. The articles and adver tisementa are of special intermit tha poultry breeder of the northwest Northwest Poultry Journal. 211 Com aaereial Bt Halem, Oregon. WOO FOR GOOD VALUE IN REAL WOOD, Phone Judd, 108F3. FOB DRY MILL WOOD AND OLD F1K rail Tracy Wood Co.. I'hona 520. FOR SALE FIRST CLASS SECOND growth big fir and oak. Phone 1154 DRT FIR AND OAK WOOD POkt BAU. rkone 77JTS. OLD GROWTH 16 IN. FIR, $8 50: it. secona grata and ssk. Pkoat 14B7. FOR 8ALS BEST GRADE MILL WOOD second growth and old fir, 4 ft. or 18 in. rred E. Wells, Phona 1542 . s. Church. FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Cottage Apts., 160 Cotrt. FOR RENT SLEEPING ROOMS, $3.50 a week and up. 1(U Court St. TOR RENT ROOM FOB GENTLEMAN in modern horns aad centrally laeat ad. Please give name and ad drees a -are Statesman ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD 1331 FERRY KT HOUSES F. L. WOOD. -.ATS ST.. KAAj s lata, rentals FOR RENT ABOUT NOV. 1ST. GOOD 8 room house on car line and paved street. Garage and woodshed, hen house and seteral fruit trees, 3 tots. nice location. Csll or rhon owner.: K. B. Perrine. 1098 X. 17th St. Phone 710M. EMPLOYMENT MALI WANTED FARM HAND WHO UNDER. stands berries, must bach. 7 miles south. Write box 186. Rt. 3. WA NT ED0 X E OR TWO EXPERIENCE ed men to cut oak 75-50 enrda. Mus) ir:h ih. Address "A No. 3." care " Statesman. POSITION WANTED BY MARRIED inan of experience in advertising and salesmanship. J. W. Jones, care Vick , Bros, Salem. I Classified Ads. In The Statesman Bring Results' J,0ST AND FOUND LOST STRAYED OR STOLEN' FROM MY farm near Dallas, a !i?ht bay mare. 4 years old, mane and tail black; weight abont 1200 lbs. $50 reward will le paid for recovery. Henry Fern, Dai la. Oregon. WANTED kfXSCELLAJrBOD a OLD MATTRESSES Si WE OVER Capitol City Bedding Co.. Phone 19. WANTED QUINCES, PEARS, DRIED prunes and Concord crapes. Ward K. Richardson, phone 494. WANTED FRESH COW& OR COM in (j fresh soon. L. Townsend. Phone 6F3. WANTED TO RENT FIVE OR SIX room modern house or apartment un furnished. Phone 642 R. WANTED USED HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ranges and cooks to ves. tools, mea a suits and ; shoes. Liberty Exchange. 241 N. Commercial Phona 041. WANTED EVEBTTH1NO IS HARD war and furniture. Best prices paid. THE CAPITAL HAKOWAKJf. AND FLKNITCKK CO. 185 N. Commercial bt Pboae t47 WANTED TO RENT flOUSE, 4 TO 6 rooms, immediate possession. Phone 1118 M. LANDLORDS ESTABLISHED Busi ness in Salem for 15 years. Want new location. What have you to of fer t Immediate possession not ne essary, but will close ten year lease at any time if location satisfactory. "Business, care statesman. BUSINESS CARDS Auto Directory AUTO TOP AUTO TOPS W. 0. WRIGHT. South Hifch. 171 IUTO TOP. UPHOLSTERI. WORK $k South 12th, phone guaranteed. 1126. TIRES AND ACCESSORIES SMITH-WATKINS. 147 NORTH HIGH. risk, oiiverin Cord, llood extra ply tires Kverytamir for auto. STORAGE OARAGE TKACY'S STORAGE GARAQ1 (44 Ferry atreet. : USED CASS WANTED TO BUY GOOD LIGHT CAR have small truck to trade. I'bone Sieiner 220, evenings 191 It. FOR j SALE 191T s PASSENGER light car, good condition, good tires, $150. Alercliunta Delivery, 554 Perry atreet. WANTED LIGHT TRUCK IN KX change oa Hudson, Essex or Baby Overlaad i Fred Kirkwood, 246 State street. OARAGE ANP REPAIR AUTO REPAIR SHOP li. M.ILO.JCM. 145 Center P nae 8i HOFFMAN A ZOSEL TIRE REPAIR ing, vulcanising, retreading; 197 South Commercial street. Pnone 471. CAPITAL GARAGE BUI CK, 8TUDE baker repairing. 173 South Liberty. Piiuie 88. FAIR GROUNDS GARAGE TIRES. AO eeaeoriea, naed ears. Our work guar anteed. 2041 Portland Road. Paou $08. SOUTH j COMMERCIAL GARAGE GEN eral repairing and overhauling. 420 ta Commercial ft.. Salem BATTERY AND ELECTRICIAN AUTO ELECTRICIAN ; EXPERT TROD- ble ahootia. 23a North High. Pkont 80S. PRESTO-LITE BAT1EKT SERVICE , station. Expert battery and electrical work.; farrta Bros. Phone 1803, 41e Court. RADIATOR SHOPS .SALEM AUTO RADIATOR SOP 19f South 12th. Pbone 28. i C. BAlR, RADIATORS, FENDERS Bodies repaired. 444 Ferry CONPECTIONERT REMINGTON CONFECTIONERY. HOME made candiaa, coufacuona, a. gars, mag asinea. la 72 relate. BEAUTY PARLORS SOW 'OPERATING MODEL BEAUTY Parlor, 110 North Commercial Street 956. CHINESE PHYSICIAN OR L. at. disease. HUM CURES ANT KNOWN 153 8. High Bl Pbone 28S CLEANING A PRESSING CLEANING, PRESSING DONE TO YOUR atisfarlion. Classy line of collars, tie. Tha Toggery, 1857 Stat. D&nO STOSZS BREWER DRUG tne 184 CO. 403 OOUBT ELECTRICIANS SECURE MY FIGURES ON WIRING By contract, by hour. At pre war prices. II. W. Hatch, phone 1744 W FINANCIAL XAKION-POLK COUNTY FARM LOAN eaaociation has money to loan at aia percent!. W. D. Smith, aecretary-treaa erer. d08 Salem Sank of Commerce FURNITURE STORES FRANK T. R1CHTER NEW. SECOND band furniture. 849 N Commercial Phone 666. GREENHOUSES PORCH BOXES BEDDING PLANTS for sola. Smith 'a 801 North Oommer eial. HOTELS LEONARD HOTEL NEW MANAGE Bient. clean, neat rooms and spar tin an ta 254 North Front St. CHERRY CITY HOTE7.; ROOMS 75c bp; dining room in connection, family Stylo. ; Corner High and State INSURANCES MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE company. J. C. Batch, agent, room 5, McCornack Bldg, Phone 96. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY WITH Bankers' Reserve Life; G. P. Booth, Oeneral Agent. - phone 1098 W. SAVE FROM 15 TO 20 PERCENT OX your automobile fire, theft and auto liability insurance by insuring in a reliable western company through . i Bohrristedt. Realtor, 407 Masonic : Temple, Salem, Ore. Ladies' Wearing Apparel CORSETS MRS. KSCH AGENT FOR PRINCESS j Corsets bone 1043 R 891 K 12th DRESSUAKINO DRESSMAKING TAILORING. MRS. '', Goodwin. 4 45 North Commercial. MRS, V ARTY, DESIGNER AND MAKER j Ladies' Suits and Gowns. Over Mil '; ter'a Svre. j - LA CLASIQUK GOWK SHOP EXCLUS hvcis. tipen pegnu.g. . State. . i euie BUSINESS CARDS MTJSICAL FRANKLIN LACXER PIANO. 17th. Phone 10O-W. 263 N. G ERTRt'DE SMITH FIAXO, SILVER ton, Oregon. Green 801. MRS. HENRY LEE PIANO. 1321 N. Capital. Phone 1017 W. LAURA GRANT PIANO SCHOOL credita given. 336 N. High. Phone 197 1W. MI NX ETTA MAGERS VOCAL. DERBY - Building. Friday afternoon, Saturliy. JESSIE F. BUSH TEACHER PIANO, formerly instructor Metropolitan Col lege Music Philadelphia 1363 South Commercial. Phone 88J-J. LENA BELLE TARTAR VOCAL 1S- atruction. Pbone 344. w DOROTHY PEARCE PIANO. North Winter. Phone 345-J. ai LLRC i o i iv'V. i 373 Leslie. Pbone 751 VV. ALLift CHANDLlfcP -North Cottage. Phone 161 829 W. BEATRICE SHELTON PIANO 8TLDIO 845 Mar ton. Phone 1208. LILLIAN HARTSHORN PIANO, 194 North Church. Pnone 178 X. fct. ROBERTS PIANO. ORGAN South 14lh. Phou 770. 270 DAN F. LANUESBEKG. VOCAL Derby Bldg. Phone 2079. LENA WATERS PIANO. Phone llssM. 1472 MILL MOLLIS STYLES VOICE. PIANO, Center Pkoae 2016H. 86V JULIA MILLS WE1GEL, PIANO. 1560 Sooth Church. Phone lawiK. LUCILE ROKS PIANO. ORGAN. North Liberty. Phona 1187W. 498 J4ATTIE GILBERT STRING INSTRU ments, 1572 S'.at. l'uone 1156 R. MISS MABLE SHEPHERD. PIANO & layer; dances, all occaaiona. 257 N. iberty. j BERTHA JUNK DARBY. AUTHORIZED , teacher, Godowsky Progressive Series Piano. 079 North Cottage. Phone 1950-W. WESTERN CONSERVATORY OF MU3 ic of Cfticago, Frank E. Churchill, rep resentative. Diplomas granted. Odd fellow a Bldg. 8 A 1 K M CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC AH branches taught, diploma ' granted. John R. Sites, director. 1237 Court Phone 62B TUNERS WENDELL HELM TUNING, RSPA1B ing, Pkoae 493. EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED iano tuner. - Ltave orders A ill's Inaic store PIANOS PIANOS, PLAYER PIANOS; NEW. ud. J. W. Tallman. 121 So. Com 'I SHERMAN CLAY ft CO PIANOS. STEIN ways, Duo-Art aba. others. Moore Dunn Music Store. Masonic Temple. CHERRINGTON PIANO HOUSR, HAN dies Bush-Lane celebrated pianos 415 Court. Phona 852. DANCING WHITE DANCING ACADEMY MRS. R. L. White, principal Phona 273-J. Ladies' Wearing Apparel DRESSMAKING MAUD SIMONS, DRESSMAKER. Belleme St. 1710 DRESSMAKING BY THE DAY. PHONE 645-J Mrs. Reid. EDITH M. ASHLEY DRESSMAKER, 1345 Broadway; 1436 J. MRS. R. CARTER -dressmaker. Pbone EXPERIENCED 1971W RUTH McADAM 8 DRESSMAKER, 766 South 12th. Phone 1824 M. HATTIE WILLIAMS DRESSMAKING 248 North Cottage. Phono 1552W. MESDAMES SCOTT & CHASE DRESS makers, 219 State St. Phone 937. UAKRfE FISHER DRESSMAKING designing Spencer eorsvts to order 2 McCormack Bldg HEMSTITCHING MRS. BRECKEN1UIK3E HEMSTITCH in;, mail orders solicited. 175 S. 19th Phona 174-M. SALEM Rl.ITE HEMSTITCHING cheinstitching, pleating, buttons. $29 330 Oregon Big. Phone 879 MILLINERY MRS O A ORfMM. MILLINERY. MA tron, children's hats specialty; rsmod eling 226 Orer.n Bldg. PLEATING MRS. HILDEBRAND, PLEATING So"th 24fh I'bone 7JM M 1 89 hat huot-s I AT SHOP MEN'S AND WOMEN'r hate renovated and blocked 495 Oonr atreet. LAND8CAPE GARDENER FHKi) BI.AKK. LANDSCAPE GARDEN er. 1565 South Liberty. Phcne .179. MAGNETIC HEALER DH H J. ANDERSEN. MAGNETH healer. Dmglesa physician. 416 Or egon Bldg Phone 1106 LAtnrD&Txs 4ALKM LAUNDRY COMi-ANY. 18 t Liberty street. Phone 25. Oidat largest beat. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY 8TEAM LAUNDRT Quelity work, prompt service. 128' Rmadwav Phone 16S MEDICAL FOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phnne SI7-W NUESERT STOCK WILLAMETTE VALLEY NURSEItY All kinds nursery stock for sale. Rte 7. Phone 105F5. COMPLETE LINE TREES. 8MAL1 fruits, ornamentals. Capital City Nurs ery Co. 426 Orecnn Bldg.. Phone 7.' PRACTICAL NURSE PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE NUBE lleuiltr, Florence Hotel. Phom 928. PAINT WALLPAPER WALLPAPER MANY ,' ATT K K Xf AT half off. Max O. Burfi. 1 7i N. Com'i. BEAUTIFUL WALL TINT AND FLA1 wstl paiiit fn rular color ; n.I piistr1 sliades: Max O. ituren, 17 N Com 'I ifcr. PKTKH rois e-AT NTS W.th. aprr and Pietnr Framing Good work n.en. 455 Court St Phone 485 PRINTING FOR WEDDING INVITATIONS AND announcements, see Berteisoa. printer. KniM re PRIVATE HOSPITALS WANTED CONFINEMENT CASKS AT private aospitsr. I have boat af eqeip -e rrin taOJ PERIODICALS MISS OOODHCF. TAKES SITBSOKIP itwow tor alt niagaaieeo. $51 Ho. 17th ami PVonr "IM - I : r ncaa -1 fie uassniea aqs i 1 BUSINESS CARDS PAXST COH7&ACTOM DAVIS STKAvrSBAvejTI GENIMAL contraetars; paicia, oil. wailpapar. 1X0 tfouia LiUeny. fhoae Pol AUBREY H. CLARE PAINTING, PAP erl.anging. kalkumming. Work guar anteed. Term reasonable. Pnone 2oii J. H64 Ferry. PAINTING AND CARPENTER WORfv b first class worauian. Day or con tract. Wells, 2-.09 Marion, phone ltyj W. PERFTJaCE AND TOILET ARTICLES ! CALIFORNIA PERFUME CO EX-1 tracta, toilet artists. Mrs. Mayer, j iiv goiiin i.na. fBone 1234. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER , 1 , un A V h'T BL'R.NS PUBLIC 40S MaauBjc Bldg. HTES- ocraDeer. Pkone PLUatBLKO r"ioTVfl Dm.TDtvn ivn rotf work. I'bone 137-J. Snop, 17 Union street. A. L.. Crodfrey. SOKTH WtiTTERN PIPE CO. WUOLE- saie slid retail plumbing supplies. 219 N. UouinitTiial. Phone 179. J'jt. B 1'LU.MBLNG SHOP. SH1PP1NC and Broadway, i'huuc IbOi Prices j reaaoiiabie. 11 jou save auyiliiug to (it lei Joe do it ROOr REPAIRING KOOrS KESHINGLED. CLEANED. HE- paireti. pawtti or tarrMt. raoin kvayea 4. ELPAiaiJiC AND SHARPEN! hi O CUTLERY GRINDING. LAWN MOWERS .aaiety razors, etc blew art B awpaur Bnop, 847 Court street. btn HutsUB E LrtKTHlNG BE pairwL General suarpBnui. ciimiuni s ee isna N 17tl. st-. t-aii lelav SIGNS UNION SIGN CO SIGNS WITH KICK, bnow cards that talk.. 424 N Couiinar Clal. Pfioue 54tt " second hand goods H10HKgx PRlcEa VAW F0B SECOND band clothing surf abaea. Alao do cleaning, pressing and repairing. Call aud deliver. Capital Excbanre 342 Nortb Commercial. Phone 1368-W. WE BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND gucla of ail kiDUa, pipe fitlinga, bar ana a. collaia. collar pads, lot.,, aud chains. krsd bcfewdior. 3e Oenter i r mi SHOE REPAIRING WILLIAM'S SHOE SHOP 19a SOUTH High. STUDIOS DK LUXE STUDIO, KODAK FlNISfl mg. 147 North Commercial. SCAVENGERS SALEM SCAVENGER GASBAGS. REF- aae of aU kinds rmosa. Oeeepvola cleaned. Pbone 167 STOVES STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT A. REPAIRED 40 years experience; Depot National fence, sues 24 to 28 ins. bigh. Paints ail and varuiahea, etc, loganberry and hop hooka. Haiein fence aad Stove Works 250 Court street. Phone 124. TAXI DIRECTORY LAN. 1AM TAXI COMPANY PHONAV 64U. THE OREGON TAX'-TRANSFER CO, Liberty A Ferry. Phone 77. Dry slr.b. ln-inoh wood for sale TAILORS FRANK PALM MERCHANT TAILOR 21 1 8 High sod r erry. XBAK8FEE HAUXTNQ CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State Sv phone 933. Distributing, forwarding and storage oar apeeialty. Hef our rate TRANSPORTATION SCHEDULE FOR HIGHLAND BUS LINE WEEK DAYS ONLY Lv. Fair Grnds. Lv. Down town 6SI0 a.m 6:45 a m. 7;O0 a. in 7:15 a.m. and evtrv haif hour up to: 9:.5(i a 111. U:l. a.m. 10:00 a.m 10:lj a.m. 2:00 p. in 2:15 p.m. 2:30 p.m 2 :45 p m. and every hull hour up to: 3 :30 p.m 8 : 1 p m. 9 : p.m 9 : l. p m. bAL&M 8lU-r:KTtv STAGE Leavea Leaves Salem Bilvertoc 0. E Depot News Stand 7:00 a.m. 8:15 a.m tl :HI a bl. 1 :Of p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:15 pm. eM l.EM-INDErENDENCa MONMOUTH STAGE Iaave Salem O E. depot 7 :00 ll:0O a.m., 5:00 p.m Leave Monmouth Hotel 8:15 1:00 p.m., 6:15 p.oi. Leae Independeica Hotel 8:10 a.m., a.m. a.m.. 1:15 p.m, 6: JO p.m. Special trips by appointment. Seven passenger car for hire. J W. PARKER, Prop. Kes. phona 61$ Business phona WOOD SAWS CITY AND COUNTRY WOOD SAWING Phone 2'U6. Fisher Bros. W ATEB 4AI.EM WATER, LIGHT S POWER CO Ofiice, ani bouttt Com I . Ten per eebt discount oa domestic flwP-rateo aid in advarce. No dadurtiona for ab senna or any cause nnleaa water la aknt off yonr nremiee. WHERE TO EAT WHITE CLOUD TEA HOUSE OPEN Sunday morning 8 o'clock. American stvle. HOVi North Commercial. Phone 472 PROFESSIONAL CHIROPODISTS V. J. FOSTER PAINLESS CHlttOPO dist. Corr.K. I, unions, inrrosa nails ren'oved. 322 State St., I'atton Blk. ;ORNS AND CALLOUSES REMOVED without pain Appliances from indi viriual impression. Dr. Tatro. Masonic Bldg.. Phone 42. CHIROPRACTO RS i)B O. L. SCOTT. P. R O.. CHIKOPRAC tor. 809 12 U S Bsnk Bidg Phen 87: Rs. 828R OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS )RS. WHITE AND MARSHALL. $06 U. S. National Bank Bldg. )R W. L. MERCER. OSTEOPATHIC Physician and snrgeoo: K irks ill graduate. 404-406 U. S. National Bank Bldg Phones Office. 919; Rea 614 DR. JOHN N LYNCH. OHTEOP A TH l( i'hvsmaa nad 8j!on. 408 404 (lrrm. 1..T. "S,,; Of fire 1301: Ra OFTI CLANS POME ROY k KEFNF JEWELERS AND Optometrists. 388 State. H.AsiHF.8 FITTED BT DR L. 8 BUR d-tt at the Bow Ootieal Oomoanv. 825 State street, eppoeite Ladd and Rnah Rank - I LODGE DIRECTORY UNITED SPANISH WAR VETERANS, camp V Artnorv Ftrat. Third SJowHave. REAL ESTATE ROOMING OPENING A targe residence close to 1 O. soitable with a little added for rooming and boarding, open to sale for a few days, then or rent fnrniskevt ! nt sold. See Wm. Fleming, S41 State St. REAL ESTATE GOOD BUYS 100 acres located S1 miles from Salem, 50 acres under cult nation, balance ttmbe'r and pasture: b--.ldins, iprins. rock road. Price ? 10,000.. 20 acres located 7'j miles east of Sa lem on main Silrerton road. All cul tivated. 4 room plastered eotlafe, rood barn, woodhoose, paved road. Price 15.250; caah, balance terms. 10 acre ail in bearing frttit. d acres prunes, 1 ls acres logans. Uood build- j injrs. Price $5,000. 10 acres, 6 acres logans. 1 acre straw- ; berries, rock road: 1 mile from paved highway. 4 miles out. Price $2.6.50. j 210 acres, house, bam and orchard; 20 j acres cultivated, some f'Be saw tim- ber. Price J3500, terms. j 2 acre lots close to S. Commercial St. ! car line and paved road, sightly lo cation. Good drainage, good berry soil Price $400: $25 down, balance $10 i Ier month. 6 percent interest. o room cottage. 4 tlocks sooth. Trice , JJ.4.0 Terms j C room house at 1330 S. Commercial ; street irice .-ov: teran. 5 room lmnSaIow located at 1795 S. High street. Price ?4,(.hh: terms. If ; on are kicking to buy, trade or sell, see W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. Realtors 275 State Street FOR SALE 10 ACRES 8H MILES north of Dallas. 5 acres in prunes, fair house ami barn, good fence all around. Price $150(1. See owner at 331 N. Liberty St., Salem; I WANT MORE SALEM HOUSES dandy farm and orchard trades Chas. W. Niemeyer Some Just Real Estate" varieties 2IV216 Masonic Temple, phones 1000 i For Rent 180 ii-re farm. 120 acres plow land. most of stock, equipment, feed and seed furnished to good tenant an 50 50 basis FOR SALE 2'!0 acres, 40 acres in cultivation, run- nine water: an excellent stock or dairy ranch. Price $17.50 per acre. Good terms. 80 acre stock ranch, 4 miles to railroad. good buildings, finer soil. I'-j per acre. o acres close to car line, small bouse. running water, $2200, terms. MILLS & COPLEY Realtors 331 Vs State St GREAT REDUCTION- OS HOUSES BOTH NEW AMI OLD Some we own, some we are handling for other folks, and for the next 10 days we wil give you some real bargains. If not sold by November 1st we will have to rent them, but we prefer sell-i-v.r, even at creatly reduced prices. See us Monday morning if you want to buy. JOSEPH BARBER & SON 200 Gray Bldg. FOR SALE 5 ROOM MODERN BUN g-'ow on N. Church street. $4850. 6 room modern bungalow. Yew Park $3900. 6 room modern bungalow near state capital. $5250. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 031 '-i State St. - - Realtor - - Phone 531 EXTRA SPECIAL 5 ACRES GOOD soil with variety fruit., Good 5 room bungalow, barn, poultry house. This is the best barzain in improved acre age you have Been this year. Price $2200. Terms. $1500 or less down. Walking distance. S, R. Pearson 403 U. S. Bank Bids. FOR SALE OR IRADg BT OWNER nice improved 40-acre farm close to Balein. Price right. Phone 53 F5. NOTICE TO THE rt'BLlC THE WORD Realtor is copyrighted and for asso ciation members only.. We sre Real tors. H. E. Brown, Hueh Magee. Bes sie Snyder. Over Busick'a store. Sute sod Commercial. TIMBER A GOOD TIMBER TRACT fnf a good residence in Salem. Orchard A vry good one close in, for a good town house. Farms A good little farm near by for a Salem bouse; and also a farm for rent. Fair play We will undertake to get you a fair, equitable exchange on any of our trading deals, if jfou sre willing THE FLEMING REALTY CO. 341 State Street A GOOD BUY 5 ACRES NEAR RISER school, shout half in cherries, locsns and strawberries. Cheap bldgs. Square Deal Co. 22 U. S. Bank ; hono 470 FOR SALE 10 ACRES LOG AXBER ries. planted this sprine. pood growth fronts on main road, ss mile east of Beaver. Small house. i lights and wat er. Also 50 a-re dairy ranch, good hnildinz. stocks, machinery, silo. Iichts and wstcr s-stem. Addrss W. ('lent King. Beaver, Tillamook Co., Or "n. J FINE NEW FIVE ROOM HOUSE ON carline. paved street, and immediate possession. $300 cash, balance easy terms. Nice 6 room house with larjn lot, on carline. close in. $750 cash, balance I i k e re n t . Good 0 room house for $1600, large lot. plenty of fruit tor family; if you want a ho"'e see H. L. MARSTERS 211 Grsy Bldg. Phone 907 6-ROOM. 1 -STORY PLASTERED HOUSE on Center St., L, rwra, I), room, kit chen, 3 bedrooms, bath, toilet, porch, gas, electric lishl, fruit, etc. Paved street, remet walks. Pri'e $3400.00. Cash to handle $700. o balance, $15.00 and interest per month. See L A, HAYFORD, REALTOR 305 State Street SMALL AND LARGE FARMS, CITY homes and choice lots. Fire and auto insurance. Arthur E. Peterson 229 Oregon Bldg. a Best Buys and; Exchanges i ACRES. ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY. 4 ares bearing Irnit, best of well drain ed soil, only $.''750. ; This is a snap Will you get it? 10 acres. 3 1-2 hearia? lozuns, 5 room house, harn'i running water, on paved highway, si! well fenced, $2750, $1750 cash. 40 acre, 30 Jc.learcd, 10 small timber, on paved road, 1,12 miles fro.i. town, fine runnning: water, $5 per a-.rc, terms 3 acres ali in besrinj fruit, city water and sewer, $:l.rii0, half cash. 30 acres to exchange for bonds or SalTn residence. 20 acres at Sa'em, to exchange for Salem income, bond or sell on tay erms. f S0C0L0FSKY 341 State Street Jinn IMIWN WILL BUY GOOD 3 ROOM modern l unza'ow: ;piove ncht in ! Ped freet en ear line. Don't over 1 nk tl-" i...t let us show you. We have others. t. K. PEARSON 408 U. S. Bank Bldg. FOR SALE NICE 12'aCRE TRACT ON 'arden road. far net farm huildinjs. fruit and berries U t miles from car line. Snap, 'J"'0 rash, balance cur crT". Se Mrs. S.S M. Walker. Route 7. Box 211. f TRtl'E ACRES CLOSE TO TOWN h Rood room house. 2 li a-re to- gans. variety Iruit. ail first class so.l About l- mile from rr line. lood road win Ui on terw. r take in L . 1, 1 . 1 . linnx t'p to f ju"Uj i riccu cneap at $4200. ;. S. R. Pearson 408 U. C. flsnk Bldg. Caa Statesaxa ClaasUled Ada, MT HEART AND MK HUSBAND Adele (iarrtMUBi'a Nw Itusae of REVELATIONS OF A WIFE CHAPTER 2U1 THE NEWS THAT MRS. KEE BROUGHT OF GRANTLAND. Dl'K MAJ. With TMclty'3 niinp tirhtlr hands holding nrnro Hnsrlv . . , . - ,- i w llu wicny s iace Ifnaeriy Close to mine, l at last drilled oft to the "restful s'.umber I so sorely! needed after my accident. When j I awoke darkness had come out- side, and by the dim light I saw that Dicky had gone and that an "tbcr fa mil ar figure sat near my bedside. 'Lillian:" I exclaimed feebly but sladly. Not even my husband could give me the feeling of childish security which the very presence of my friend afforded me. You dear child." phe said soft. '' ana coming over to tne net k sseil me fenrtPrlv "Tn think tnat j. should have chon this uay ui an uiiinn 111 iiif inicmni to take Marion to the city! Not that I could have done any more for you than the others couid have done " "Yes vmi could." I interrupted whimsically. "You conld have kept me from h ng a whining baby I don't think I'd dare to whimper with you looking on, you're always so brave." A Troubled Memory. "Never mind the nosegays for me she returned. "Hettor pm some on yourself. They tell me you were very plucky under "the pain " "Mother Graham for one. your father for two, Kati for three. and Mai. Crantland for four.' Lillian checked the names off a? woti'd a child upon her fingers, sm ling at me the while. I won dered if I had fancied her hesita tion before the officer's nam-J. had a sudden reniiniscert flash of a hospital room and Lillian's voice saying gravely, meaningly. "You haven't a very good per spective Just now, Madge- Retter change it bfore you go cn w.th your drawing." I felt my face flushing hotly at the remembrance, knew that even the dim night light could not hide my sudden color from Lillian's keen eyes, and was fur ious at myself for my weakness. She had read me so clearly dur ing that Ions past emot'onal brain storm of mine that 1 won dered "Is she asleep?" The clear voice of Her Fluffi ness came from tha doorway. For once I was glad of an interruption in a talk with Lillian, something which usually irritates me. But I wanted a change in the pubject of my thought, and that quicK iy. "Very wide awake," I return ed, pretending iiot to fic L llian's Eesture of protect. "Come in. Mrs. DuVkee. Don t you think. Lillian, we could have a little more Hsrht?" '"that s up to your ladyship. Li'lian said lightly, moving as she spoke to the table and Increasing th? current on the 1 ght. Her Kluffine r, camra to tho hedside. looked down at ni brightly. Lillian Is Otdurato. "Feeling better, dear" sh asked, hrr voi-e brimming with varm-harted sympathy: "Have you had anything to eat?" I laughed outright. It is a standing joke in our 1 ttle circle, this propensity cf little Mrs. Dur kee to feed invalids. Fond of good food herself, she 's a most intractable patient when she is ill. demanding all sorts of dishee imposs ble for her to have. And when she is installed is nurse to any of her friends, tbe only fault that con be found with her. for she is otherwise admir able in a sifk room, is hr weak ness for giviiu her patient sur rept tions dainties. Her Fluffiness pouted prettily. "You .needn't laugh." she said. "I'll bet you're as hungry as a wolf this minute. Shan't I go down and fix jou someth'i'.g tas ty?" ! "You'd break Katie's heart H yon did." Lillian smiled. "She's heen on tenter hooks for the last hour waiting the s gnal to bring up some wonderful sickroom con coction which Dr. Gibson sanc tioned. I believe she waylaid him iti the hall as he wnt out to find out jut what she couid feex for Mcssis Graham. But there'll be nothing doinn w'th ceiptals in the food line until 1 do a stunt with a thermometer around here." She took her clinical thermom eter from its case. shook it down, deftly inserted it under my tcngue. inspected It carefully when she had temoved t. "You're a wondT, Madge.' she said. "You'll be getting on your feet in no time. Now I'll bulletin Katie that she may bring on her wonderful dish " "You'd better bulleti.t that Maj. Grantland whfle you're about it." little Mrs. Durkee put in slyly- "He's decorating my front porch, aid I'm afraid the undertaker w 11 mistake h!:n for ! ! a Piece of cren ana come 1:1. I looks SO doleful." ! i CHAPTER 202 THE MESSAGE MUS. DVRKEIi HROUGHT HACK TO MADGE. Lillian whirled from th2 door- aa-... W 0 way and conirontea 1 me rs. Duckee mllitantly. "What do you mean? -h,7 ne- manded Bharplv. , -.., j Grantland dntc , n r. V. r , , f 'i rv - "1 saw Maj. away in his car an hour ago Her Fluffiness bridled, "Suppose he cid." she "retorted. I "' could coma back, couldn't, he?" I "Unoucst onably." : I tended Lillian's difapproral la fcer into nation. ! "He didnjt gr far." little Mr. Purkee volants red with a hint of mystery as if she were in tae secret of the officer's expedition. -Just long enough for aa rrraud in which hf was very especially interested. You' 1 know all about it, Madge, by and by." Mrs. Durkef's Idea1 i Her tonef held connettlfh leas ing, for alii the world.- I toM my self w th disgust, as if I were a young girl and Maj. Grantland a suitor. Hut it was worse than folly to utter any protest. "Her Fluffiness"! is not particularly amenable to d'sclpline, especially to moral suasioi.. If she wre the child she often appears ont coud take in old- fashioned hickory switch to her. -. . ..-.. .v j K,. as it 13 mric ts iiuiuiug i-j to amue oruinore ner impuone". Lillian took the latter course, I guessed that tha was In no mood for mirth, knew It by the way she left the room to aummrm Katie. W aen l illian is displeas ed her very back is eloquent of her d ."approval. "I wish 1 1 wre twenty years younger," "Her Ftuffiness" ob served pensively, not m pensive ly, however, as to prevent hr sending a saucy rhruc in Lill an's direction, f -I'll bet I'd bronk two ribs but what I'd make Mai. Grantland sit up ami take notice. He's just iabout the peachtest thlnj; I've ipeen since I was a Kirl.. He isn't so handsome. Indeed, sometimes! I th'nk he quits plain, but there's something o very special, so different about him don't you think so, Madge?" She shqt a bright, fhfewd rlance at fme. one wh'ch I know held mod thar. a aplce of mis chief. Little Mrs Durkee la Hk a naughty!! tile girl sometimes tn her good-natured malice. . "He is a very remarkabH man. of course ! I replied," r.takln my voice as se'late and . noti-coinmlt-tal as poisfltle. "but f nevor thought him as a particularly at tractive tvpe." "Her Flufffness" looked at m archly. ' I v... A Surprl so for Madgo. "You're, either telling a ' tall one or yoit're as blind a a bat," she remarked, "and I never no t'ced anything the natter with your eye since I've kmwn you. Hut I nittrt run along bark to th poor man. Goodness knows I -never saw bo forlorn a specimen. He's got It into his head that be s to blame' because it wad his car that struck your., snt he cer tainly in 'an awful state about it. I did my best to cheer li'm up with my very best tea, abw my most cheerful brand of conversa- Hon. butft wasn't o'.e bit hf use. "Gee. ' wish t could hav. a man as Concerned over me as he ;s over yc)u.' I'd l.il him a dance I prom'se you. Well." so long! What shall I tll the mu.or abo-tt tou? He's sittinT over there wltk his tongue haninc oi:u wbltinc to see whether you've waked with a high Ijemperaturo or not; H t teein-d o th'ntc the D.te of tha ; , world depended upon th nrord" cf vour thermom ler. I wish i you'd send him .1 wor.I or two. He m'c):t kis .re in gU'.tudi?. "fh do t.rt that nonsenRP,, i exclaln;d pov.ttlv "There Is n't a wod of sen?-? n what you're saying, jj Do be aeriotia a minute and fUi me one thing. Does Maj. Grahtland really imagine that he Is to blame In any way for . the crdent?" ' iVhaf have I just been telling yni?" ?tae demand il huffily. "Then you may glvo him a met tre from me.' l rvLI earnestly. "Tell him that I nald I wa alone to blame, and that it Is only ow ing to his sk II and nuicknoHM that a terrible accl.i-nt wa averted, "I'll t'nkc him r'tal message in ; p hurryi"' the littte woman said from the doorwiiv. and her high- ; heeled pumps click-clacked rapid-. ly downs the stairs. Lillian was feed n? m Kalle'i dellctou concoction, with my lit tle maid herself hoverlM t.t.vons ly aroupd its. wkn "Ihr Fluff i nesi" returned with an Immense florist'a' box in her chubby nrm. "I woulin't let iinybfidv bring these up but Just myaelf." fche! said, tttgg'ns! at tho wrappings. "I made Maj. Gnmtland ?lTe rne Just one look at them when -to brought them nark In his car that. wi his errand, and he's been waiting ever sincj for 'yon. to wakt up to wnd them up. I'll bet your eyes will pop out of your head when you a i these " !(To be continued I f FRUIT NkW YORK, Oct. 2 4 Evapor ated ai'ples nominal. Prunes easy. California's 6 and 17 I-4" Oregons 6 3-4 and 15 centa. Peaches dull; standard 11 cents; choice ff2 and 12 1-2; fancy 14 and 1.1 1-2 cents. Tata QrcUt la Zmt-XA;aim la ml. ply auSp rar tb kaad, clam at ana aetaa aat wgty liaaa. toiir dealer can 't get it tend actual bust measure, name, ad dress CS SI. 50. We'll send thi Circlet prepaid. Sixes 34 to 48 ft Hyrionic-Fashion Inatituta 120 E. 16 St. New York, Dap't M. I - a I -- tt f- -'.! !! :1