! .2 TTTK OREGON STATESMAN. SALEMj OREGON TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 25. 1921 BREACH IS NOT HEALED Crisis Caused by DeVa! era's .Message to Pope May Be Smoothed Over ULTIMATUM IS ISSUED In Four-Hour Conference Government Put Plain Case Before Dail LONDON, Oct. 24; (By the Associated Press) The Ilrst real crisis in the Irish conference, caused by Eamonn De Valera'i in. Distance on Ireland's Indepen dence in his message . to Tope Benedict last week, is not healed, but there are hopes, If not pros, pecta, that It may , me smoothed ovcror compromised. ; Long Conference Held Representatives of the British government and Dail Elreann con ferred nearly four hours" today and this question was the only one before the conference which adjourned until 4 p. m. tomorrow. The g orernmentja understood to have placed before the Sinn Fein delegates Its ultimatum, or decla ration, that Great Britain will; deal yith Sinn .Fein (Ireland only as a part of the British empire and not with representatives -of the Sinn Fein as : plenipotentiaries of an Independent republic. , v. roller Mado Clear . ; . . Premier Lloyd George made the. government's policy clear to the house of commons. . He said Mr. De Valera'a message was a "grave challenge" that the government's position on that question ( mean ing Independence) had been made clear and that the conference could not proceed on any other 'basis . -.: v . . The business of today's confer ence was described as an attempt ; to agree on a formula which would carry the conference . over i tho apparent dadlock. , ' , for prices even to settle. He de clared that one New York bank had loaned $130,000,000 and they didn't know it wah specu lative investments," but that they could not trust the farmer, for fear he might speculate on his crops." Oregon Ca-ne Cited The speaker told of a case oc curring In Oregon, where local farmers decided to pool their vetch seed for 4 cents a pound. Seed dealers got together and im ported vetch from Russia for 2.6 cents a pound; then they shipped in alfalfa and other seed and thought it a pretty Rood bnsinetui to break down the growers' price scneauie. "You ought to know where vou are buying your stuff, and see if it has any bearing on your own ana your neighbor's prosperity, he said. The speaker told of speculators now ouying up alfalfa hay at is.&u a ton down in the Klamath country, and buying cattle at half their value, because under the reaeral reserve control of fin ances the farmers must sell. we cant trust the country bankers to loan the federal funds," the reserve officers have said, according to the speaker "They are too humane with their customers who need help.r ine country and all other banks outside of the great fed eration, he says, are as much the victims of the system as are the farmers themselves. They are powerless to help themselves or their constituents. ine farm bureau. Mr. Mans field asserted, is in the field on ly to convince the people that national home protection dema, attention Ho farm conditions. "We have only about 37.5 per cent of the population, and we'd have to get enough to make a majority, to make any plan op erative. The farm bureau bates no one, it preaches no gospel of destruction or ovethrow merely the gospel of the American home and general prosperity!" - The bureau is to be organized fa the state in the near future, on a comprehensive, basis. It claims 22 United States senators and 110 congressmen in the agri cultural bloc in Washington, and is fast coming to be a unified power in shaping national legisla tion. .One of the largest audiences of tne year was In attendance, to II TIEN Ex-Emperor and Queen Cap tured Near Komorn and Held! in Castle i MONARCH! 5t5 BEATEN Admiral Horthy Succeeds in Putting Royalist Armies toj Flight MANSFIELD TELLS OBJECT OF BUREAU : (Continued from page 1.) crnor Small of New York, one of the federal reserve governors; commenting publicly on the dis astrous showing made by the re serve head In his attempt to prove by incomplete later charts that 1 there was no deflation. . Two-Phase Policy Outlined The aereve point of view that It was logical to' divide business into at least two phases, Hhe pro ductive and the merchandising, and while it could finance the far mer to produce a crop it could finance the farmer to produce a crop it could and would not help him a penny's worth to: market his crop, but called his loans and forced him to sell immediately on harvesting, was characterized as unsound. This distinction, he said, was made so that the spe culator could get any amount of money to "merchandise" the crop. but the- farmer could not hold it BUDAPEST,, Oct. 24 (By the Associated Press) Ex-Emperor Charles andi Ex-Empress Zita were captured today near Komorn and are confined in the castle at Tata-Tovaros,! guarded by two companies of i government troops Colonel Oastenburga troops, covering the 1 retreat of the for mer rulers, ! were corced to sur render and are prisoners. Monarchists Defeated Monarchist! : troops attempting to open the Way for the entry of ex-king Charles to the Hungarian capital were I defeated today in hand to hand fighting, in which grenades wefe used, near Tata Tovaros, about 35 miles from Bu- l dapest. They lost 200 killed and about 1,000 wounded. The Budapest garrison is sup porting Regent Harthy. The Stu dents' organizations are arming and hurrying; to the front, which i3 now before; Bicske, much furth er westward, f ! " Charles' army was menated in the rear today by the advancing West Hungarian insurgents, led by Baron Pronay, enemy of Col onel Oestenburg, commander of the monarchist forces and who has promised to shoot the Karlist plotters If he ; captures them. Charles Moved to Tears In Sunday's action around Torbagy, Admiral Rorthy led his, troops, drivin the Royalists baclc i Both sides rested on which is considered above the average high school team, they must exhibit an enormous amount of fight if they will return to Portland with the big end of the Ecorc. The line which has been the weakest part of the Salem squad has been subjected to hard prac ard of the unusually strong back tice by the Salem high mentors and is now very near the stand- field. With Adolph to punt the red and black team out of dar.r in the pinches. Salem has little to fear of a strong machine. Ie re. turn Socolofsky i the fctar yard age man since the days of "Luke" Gi'l. Brown will probably snap the ball from the quarter position and will probably give it a good share of the time to Wielder, the new Salem fullback. Columbia is accredited with i having a fair team of much mor- j experienced plavers than the red i and black squad. They were de feated by the O. A. C. rooks by a small score but won from Mt. Angel 14 to 0. They promise a stiff battle, especially if Salem la unable to stiffen its line. Albany 'was defeated by Leba. i.3n Friday when a goodly number of Albany players were laid out. Lebanon's record this year has been one victory after another and reputation classes them as be ing one of the storngest teams in the state. In addition to winning by large scores from all of. (he small schools around them. Leb anon held Euerene high school to a tie score. The Salem game November 11 here is looked upon by many fans as being the cham pionship game as there seems to be a fairly genral opinion that the victor of that battle will be able to humble the remained of the state. BURGH TRIAL NOVEMBER I Obenchain Woman to Be Tried Separately for Mur der of Kennedy ATTORNEY'S IN TROUBLE Prosecutor " Declares Erb stein of Chicago Not Fit for Practice pointed his weapon at his stom ach. I Forcing the driver to turn over the key. one bandit unlocked the cage and pawed over the pouches inside. Selecting four, he trans ferred them to the automobile wh'ch stood at the curb with. its motor running. After threaten ing to "blow his brains; out" if he moved, the driver said, the trio moved off Broadway west throneh Leonard street and disappeared. ARMS MEET TO STIR SDBETY Arrival of a Few Foreign De legates to Conclave is Cause of Pomp ESCORTS ARE MILITARY By Other Members Make Official Calls to Bioske. enjoy the bountiful table spread, tbeir arms i from mid-afternoon, as well as. the strong presentation ne regent receiving many thous- of a vital Oregon subject by the and additional forces. Charles sneaker. and Zita visited the battlefield after yesterday s action. Charles Daopftumant fAnA ; wept and Zita fainted. iiMuyuuiciiiuiucicu ill At steinamaneer. where the WlSfinnin RntP fiacp garrison went over to the former w . .www. WWW I . . - . King, a uumuer ui viucero, nuuso faith in the king wavered, were imprisoned. The Rumanians are asserted to be crossing the Hransyvania bor der and JugO-Slav and Czecho slovak forces are ready o march into Hungary j if necessary. The Czecho-Slovak mobilization is said to comprise 350,000 add! tlonal men. Military Honors Are Paid Aubrey P. Jones WASHINGTON. Oct. 24. Au thor ty of the interstate com merce commission to supervise purely intrastate transportation rates probably will not be finally determined before the' new year as a result of the supreme court today ordering a reargument of the Wisconsin, rate case, involving thi disputed point. - The da Be was ordered docketed for reargument on December and there have been few instanc es in which the courts have hand ed down a decision in a major case in less than a month after it was argued- loway; of Portland, for the Ku Brought originally by Wiscon- KIux Klan in Oregon, made a sin to test the validity of an or- statement to the Statesman . by der of the cdmmission providing long-distance ' ohone. Calloway for increased ratts between said that bl$ ' first knowledge of points entirely within the state the affair had been through an the case was immediately broad- article in a Portland paper. The With services attended by a throng at the armory and which later brought nearly a thousand persons to City View cemetery, the remains of Aubrey P. Jones, a member of Salem's old Company M. who was killed in France, were laid, to rest Sunday afternoon. A. Ted Gooding. "The Hoy Evangelist' of Eugene, and Rev. R. L. Putnam of the Bungalow Christian church, Salem, offici ated at the armory services. The auditorium had been specially de corated by a committee of which Paul Burris, Harry Plant. Elton Hewitt and Raymond Brunkal were members. Special music was furnished by"a male quartet com posed of former members of M company. The services at the cemetery were of the simple military form. The American legion service was said over the flag-draped casket. Final honors were by a firing squad and two buglers, all for mer members of M company. Th3 pallbearers were Francis M Banta. John Elliot, Allan Car son, 'Paul: HencrlCks, Paul Burris, Allan Jones and Paul Wallace. KU KLUXj KLAN SENDS MEN HERE (Continued from page 1.) LOS ANGELES, Cal.. Oct. 24 I Trial of -Arthur Burch on the charge of murder of J. Belton Kennedy was set for November 1 in the superior court here today. District attorney Thomas Leel Woolwine made no objection to a motion for separate trials of Mrs. Madalynne Obenchain and Arthur Burch, aftd elected to proceed first with the trial of Burch. Woolwine offered "Vigorous and unqualified" objection to the court granting privilege to Char les Erbenstoin of Chicago, of ap pearing as attorney for Mrs. Oben chain. Retcntionn Challenged "Ie believe him to be a person wholly unfit to practice law at tills bar." Woolwine declared. A telegram from Maclay Hoyne, former state's attorney of Cook county, Illinois, was read by Mr. Woolwine as an answer to a query by Woolwine concerning Hoyne's complaining of Erbstein. Hoyne's telegram, as read into the court record, was as follows: "A witty, unconscionable crook. A fixer and suborner of neriurv indicted twice and acquitted both times. A reckless gambler. Will write you fully." Judpe Reeve, without comment referred District Attorney Wool wine's objection against Erb stein's admission to practice in California to the Los Angeles Bar association. Erbstein Replies Erbstein was heard by the court in answer to the charges. Voicing a protest that these charges were made after he had come from Chicago, he referred to the charge of "trickster," and said that he believed this charge might be applied to the prosecu tor. "Hoyne is my bitterest enemy," he said. "If I were not a sick man I would take care of Mr. Woolwine." Later, m derense against the charges. Erbstein declared they were entirely unexpected. Pastor's Wife Surprised On Birthday Occasion SILVERTON, Or.. Oct. 2 Special to Th? Statesman) Tho members of the Tr nity church gave Mrs. George Henrickson the Japanesfe Leader FollOWed naelnr u-tfo a Viirth iiv tirrrlse r yesterday immediately afer ser-i vices. The affair was planned byr ;i committee of the Ladles' Aid j society. 1 The church dining room was decorated in p'nk and ; white, pink sweet peas and roses with white chrysanthemums lfcing used. A buffet lnnnron, prepare! by the Indies" AH society was serv ed. A large pink and white birthday cake was the center "f attraction. A purse containing 560 whic-i was donated ly the confrrerat on. was handed to Mrs. Henricksen by M G. Gundc:son. B. Tingle stad, N. Helge-?on and N. John son were calle I upon to give short talks. It.'. George Hen ricksen responded to these. About 500 persons wete present. iivrv at-Pendleton that led the killing bf:snertu-u -Tney were ! taken to Pendleton, . Sunday and Ire-sentenced yester day by Judge Gilbert W. Phelps. v. vlin ve committed ' AW iiiius) " " - : - a murder In Wasco county, is un der sentence Jto hang on the same , day, but it is, understood his case will be appealed to the supreme court. " j , $ Students Hear Address f . - By Dr. H. T. Elliott Russell Brooks Coming To America for Tests ened by the entrance of about 40 states. m M kleagle stat$ emphatically that that purported attack upon Judge Bushey and jthe Deaconess hospi tal had no official sanction of the klan and that it was doubtful that any Klansmah could have been in volved in. the episode. Mr. Calloway said in part: "Every piec? of our regalia In Oregon is und-'ir my control and under lock fend key. Seize any regalia found and hold for th's nrirnnizatlnn a offic'al regalia oil"' tfmimiiiiiimmimir7 rihinLr . "r " Klan condemns uch procedure as T" tho nparnntu hospital I ffsir at Salem. I am Mending two men t3 your city at bncethey will inves tigate as to I the reported use of the letters : K. KK. by the ma- I 1 L3 u rv -After VTEvery Meal iiifti UtitiltllllMIIIIIIII Next time you want to concen trate on a piece of work Just slip astickofWRIGLEY'S between your teetin It's a wonderful help in daily tasks and sports as well. - EH 1 Inability toj Recuperate After Lebanori Defeat is Giv- en As Reason Russell M. Brooks, graduate of Willamette university, and at present vice consul at Newcastle-. on-Tyne, England, will come to America early in November for his oral examination in the civil serv ice. But on account of his being given only a 30-day vacation, he will be unable to come west for a short visit here. As soon as he is temporarily re lieved from his work, with his wife he will go to Bordeaux, France, the home of Mrs. Brooks. After restitng thtere a week, he will sail for Washington, D. C. Mr. Brooks was appointed through the- recommendation of Senator Charles L. McNary, vice consul to Rotterdam, Holland, in July, 1919. After serving there about a year, he was transferred to Newcastle-on-the-Tyne. Armistice Day Plans Are Made by Legion That the American legion will have a special program in obser vance of Armistice day, was an nounced last night by Command er B. F. Pound, of the local post, A special program of ' music is being arranged, Salem artists co operating with the ex-serfice men in making arrangements. The committee is Theodore Condo. chairman; Carl Gabrielson, Fred Mangis and Earl Hinges. TO BE OBSERVED Preparations Are Under Way By Legion and People Of Independence WASHINGTON, Oct. 24. Washington got a foretasts today of the ceremonies to come with the meeting of the armament con ference. Presence here cf the army and naval representatives on the Jap anese delegation to the conlerence and of three foreign military lead ers General Dias of Italy, Ad miral Reatty of England and General Jacques of Belg'um filled hn state, war and navy d- partments wita the glitter and color of uniforms. CtmrtOfy Shown Each of the visiting military parties as they paid rormai calls on the president and on state, war and navy ilepartmeni dear's, were escorted by cavalry and Am erican army and navy officers in assistine in the receiving of the calls appeared : in full uniform. The Japanese headed by Alajur General K. Tanaka and Vice Ad miral H. Kato. were the first to begin their round of offcial calls on cabinet officers. On their heels Came General Diai and the officers of his stair. General Jacques and the Belgian party were next and Admiral Beatty anu his officers concluded the callers. Luncheon at White lWuso Then nearly noon the vis'tors. each party accompanied by its re spective ambassador, proceeded to the White House. After mak ing the calls separately, each mil itary leader accompanied by the chief members of his staff, re turned to the White Houe for luncheon with President and Mrs. Hard'ng. More calls followed during the afternoon and tonight there was a round of dinners at the various embassies. Dr. H. T, Elliot, vice president of the board of trustees of Wil lamette university, addressed the student bodj 4nr ng chapel per iod yesterday. He spoke on the subject of -Life Accumulation!. He said: J t "The youn;g nan . who does HQ , value his inheritance? Is doomed to failure. f What you hava mind and vhat yon are doifi now makes ijyour contribution Jto ; your universi ty. One must have ambition to be better, to leave the world better in general than when he found it; to contribute more to tb( community,, to the country, thekity nd to your un verslty." ' Argument j in Arbuckle ' Case Comes up Today . 7 I SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 2 Li Owing to the inability o& Supe rior Judge llarold LouderbackLto return from i an out-oMown trjp on time, argument on a defense ; motion thatj it be permitted jo take certainf depositions la the case of Roscoe C, (Fatty) Ar buckle, accufeed of manslaughter in connectloji with the death pot Virginia Rape. motion picture actress, was jcontlnued today, en- , til tomorrow at 10 a. m. 1 The depositions sought are those of Vi. Maurice Rosebsrs and Mrs. Josephine Roth aid Virginia Warren. nUrses. all t of Chicago, and Lowell Sherman.fan actor, now playing in Washing ton. an n k ic. Fill is iw m Additional Names Reported Grand Rally Set for Thursday Noon ElkhorrTs One Pupil To Another District ess Tho H Flavor g Lacts Hazards disappear and hard Places come easy, for WRIGLEVS gives you comfort and poise It adds the zest that means success. ... ,r.; if---. - - A great deal. for5c SEALED TIGHT KEPT RIGHT Albany high school yesterday cancelled theji football' game whic was to have been piayed with ba lem high school next Saturady land because ;of no other date be- "ing 'open ok the Salem schedule no . game can be played with the Albany' school this season. Lack of ability Ad get into condition I after the teim had been severely crippled : in-'itho .Albany Lebanon j game Friday was assigned as tne tause of the cancellation. i "'A game I with Columbia- univer sity has been arranged as a sub stitute and I will be played on 2 ; Sweetland j field Saturday after noon. .:.--! j: ! It is definitely understood that ihe necessity; for the cancellation ! came from no trouble between the two scbiols and deep rcgr has been expressed by both tha their teams cannot meet after the -representatives of the schools had come to' a! satisfactory agreement in. the conference held here. Lers than a week ago it was agreed that the threads of friendly rela tions which has been severed two years ago should again be unite and that by an agreement that all d fferences should be submitt- When it comes to the number, or rather lack of number, of pu pils in a school district, that known as the Elkhorn district, near Gates, in Marion county, holds lh,e rpcord thfa year, as the total Enrollment for the district is just one. But that is one more pupil than was In the district last4year. so it is understood the directors are not worrying. The district is fully organized, and this one pupil is entitled to a school, and just now it is understood the di rector will not encage a teach er, ;btit make arrangements to send the one pupil to another dis trict The asspssd value of the dis trict was $111,500 last year. Ed Sisho is clerk of th- district. According to the school law. if Jess then six pupiis are in a dis trict for two years, and no school maintained, the district boundary hoard takes charge of money raised from taxation. And after mree more years, u there are not six children In the district and no school Is maintained, the property of the district is sold and the district generally consolidated with an adjoining district. Total subscriptions for the TuM.C.A. reported at the Monday noon luncheon at the association amounted to $7,085, according to c. A. Hens, secretary. It has been decided not to hold the regular luncheon Tuesday and Wednesday, but to make next Thursday noon a grand ral ly luncheon, when it is hoped that all interested may be able to report that the entire amount necessary has been pledged. The following is a list of those who have pledged, not previously published, and amounts, as re ported at the Monday noon lun cheon. E. M. Brewer $1.00 G. G. Brown 5.00 W. H. Byrd 5.00 T. W. Davie3 10.00 M. O. Evans 5.00 Geo. M. Grilley 5.00 A. M. Lafollett 10.00 Albert Loughridge 10.00 Jens L. Peterson 1.00 Chas. A. Park 50.00 INDEPENDE, Or., Oct. 24. (Special to The Satesman) Ar mistice Day, November 11, will be fittingly observed here iwith the American Legion in charge of the program and festivities. Prepara tions are being made to make the event a big affair and invitations will be sent out to all towns in Polk county giving them an invi tation to participate in; the pro gram. A. L. Keeney was chosen at a meeting recently held; to direct the event. While the program has been only tentatively outlined, it will include entertaining numbers at Monmouth during the fore noon, a program at the high schoo; gymnasium. Special musical numbers will be a featuro and negotiations are un der way to secure a band. Com mittees have been appointed. Highway Commission Holds Session in Portland Today At a called meeting of the state hiphwav department in Portland today bids on : $1,500,000 state highway bonds will be opened. Also bids will be opened on about 18 paving, grading and bridge jobs, a portion of which can be done during the winter months. in eon TO GRID JURY LABOR HALL 10 EE T New Building in Portland to Be Dedicated November 1, Says Hartwig Confessed Bank Robber Waives Examination Bond Fixed at $2000 Man Indicted for Timber Land Fraud Jumps Bail In Portland I L. S. Mclntyre R. W. Siraeral E. S. Tillinghast t . , C. H. Brocushio . . Barrett & Springer R. B. Fleming 5.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 35.00 5J)0 MIL muss ',. (Mli .-AAV '''mmtimv- tration it ishould be made impos- oible for the' two schools againto cut athletic ) relations. i With f Adolph and Socolofsky back in their old positions the Sa lem team Is: In the pink of condi- tion tor the Saturday mix. Al State Treasury Relieved By Over Million Dollars The treasurer of Multnomah county has transferred to the Ktate treasury more than 5 1.083.. 000 in tax money, and pnongh has been received from other counties to bring the total fim received from the counties in excess of $1,200,000. The result is that the SEIZE MILL! New York Mail Truck is Held Up and Pouches of Val uables Are Taken PORTLAND, Or., Oct. 21. The new labor temple here will be occupied November I, accord ing to announcement today by Ot to It. Hartwig, president of the labor temple association. The building was scheduled ! for com pletion Labor day, but could not bo finished by that dale. The temple is six stories in height and occupies lOOxloO feet of ground space. Estimated cot is $350,000 and it was financed by the sale of bonds tot members of local labor organizations. The temple houses an auditorium with a large stage and balcony alons three sides. There are 12 small halls for the accomodation of la bor organization meetings and 4 5 Offices and committee rooms. The basement will be used for a club room and a large library is one of the features of the ground floor. Walter O. Brinson, whoso con fession that he had robbd the Oregon State ank of Jefferson followed his arrest at Albiny Sat urday, was yesterday bound over to await the action ot the Marion county grand jury. His Vnd was set at $2000 by Judge G. E. Un ruh. of Salem justice court. lir'nson has: been held In the Marion county- jail since beins returned from' Albany Saturday afternoon. He waived examina tion when taken before Justice of the Peace Unruh. Kirby and Rathie Will Be Hanged December 2 Elvie D. Klrby and John L. Rathie must die on December 2, to pay the penalty on the gal- Yarnell Will Referee California-Stanford Game state treasurer will not for several ed to an impartial board of arbirSjjfaftfcH have to endorse any more though j Columbia warrants "not nd for war fnds." State Treasurer Hoff, upon the state general fund be coming depleted, made an appeal to the county; treasnrers ot the stale to hurry in some of their tax moneys and the response has has team been generous. NEW YORK. Oct. 2 4. Tbrpe armed band ts in an automobile forced the driver of a mail truck to stop on lower Broadwav late tonight while they rifled the truck of four pouches of regis tered mail valued at $1,000,000 by postal authorities. The truck was on its way from th? city hall station to the Penn svlvania railroad terminal with 17 pouches of mail. 1 1 of them -j containing registered matter The ! driver had gone only a few blocks when an automobile cortaining three men drew alongside. Th?y confronted him with drawn revol vers and ordered him to slow down- ' " tAtlAOnrd " street . tw.t jr. men jumped from th? automob'le onto the trnek and ordered the driver to get down from his seat: one i held a ; revolver to tho driver's head, he said, while SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 24. George Varnell ot Spokane has been selected to referee the an nual University of California Stanford football game. It was an nounced today by J. It . Klawans, secretary of the Pacific coast foot ball association. H. H. Huebel. former University of i Michigan football star, was named umpire. lows at the state penitentiary for J time of the J 'bunco' game acford their implication in the jail de- ing t'o the indictment. ii I! SILVERTON PERSONALS AND BRIEFS 1 i Auto Goes Into Ditch, But Occupants Unhurt Narrowly escaping serious in jury, occupants of an automobile pwned by H. E. Joy,: of 1835 South High street were able to clamber unscathed front the road side ditch into which the machine had turned up-side-down as it 'ere Salem shoppers Saturday SILVERTON. Or., Oct. 24. (Special to The Statesman.) Mrs. Gertrude! Ingram of Tilla mook is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Frank Hubbs. Her mother and sister, Mrs. J. Madson and Miss Sophia Madson may return to Tillamook with her this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Lauderback of Salem spent Sunday at (Silver ton. Alfred Jensen and Willie Dybe vik spent the week-end at Jeffer son as guests at the M. Tinglestad home. Misa HeTen Currie. Miss Doro thy Hubbs, Miss Vivian Cramer and Elgin McCleary, all ot Ore gon Agricultural college, spent the week-end with their parents here. Miss Helen; Wolcott is at the home of her father for a visit. The firemen's dance given Sat urday night at the armory was a success. Three market day prizes were given away to thosa drawing luckjf numbers Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sfadsen plunged from the pavement on Jefferson way last night. The accident occurred ' three miles south of Salem while Mr. Joy was driving north on the new the other highway, L. C. Gonlerud. whn tin Wh spending several weeks in eastern states, is expected home this ween. . ,j ., j Mr;., and Mrs. P. 'Moherr nA m t , . - laiany oi bcotts Mills spent Sua- PORTLAND, Ore.. Oct. 24. ! Carlos' L. Byron, charged Jointly ! with John WTbdd of uslnrtbf u United States mails to defraud,:! has forfeited his $5000 bail an . will be reaifasted if found, j Federal Judge Wolverton mad this ruling today following th filing of a mption by United Slatet Attorney L. W. Humphrey!, which I charged that federal authorities had been unable to find trade ot Byron, whose home la In Seattle. . Judge Wolverton issued a bench warrant and! fixed the new bail at $20,000. -1 The defense counsel. Jl J. Beckman, of Seattle, moved that separate trials be given the jmen on the grounds that the refcord of Byron, who has twice been Con victed In United States court's, would prejudice the Jury against Todd. The; court overruled J the motion. I I Date of the trial was set f lor November 15. ; Byron, who was serving a term in the United States prison at Mc- ' Nell Island, was paroled last spring. Efforts ot the office to locate him during the last month have failed fand his attorney fas nptlfied that unless he appeared In court today his bail would; bo forfeited anl a bench warrant is sued. , j j -'-1 Told anq Byron are charged with using he malls to perpetu ate a glgantjc swindle. Byroni It is alleged, represented himself as . "having infeide information' ion timber tractk. The settler wail to pay the government $1000 (ad a commission f to Todd and Bylim) and obtain timber valued at' flora $10,000 to 120,000. . I Large Amount Secured. I Revised f, estimates of flthe amount secured by the operations in Salem are said by federal at torneys to jbe $58,500. Thjrtjr seven witnesses, which the pfwe- cuuon has jsubpenaed, were:;! vie- day at the jU II. Meyer home on. Paradise rokd. r v li; E. M. Subke has Purchased th Hermina Mlkkleson nronertV on Salem-Silverton road. The Jead was made! through the, real estate Agency. 4j a. E. Steward and O. T. Lar realtors of (Silverton, were busi ness callertiat Salem Friday-! af ternoon. ., I Mr. and Mrs. O. Aurland; of Falls City, Or., drove to SUver ton Sunday! They were accom panied by Misses Lillie and Mar tha Opedali who are teacheraj at Falls City. They were gucsti at the L. Opedal home.'' ..- Attorney fO. G. La r sen andf At torney J. R. Hosmer sold thi C. A. Jeglundf farm of 231 ares to W, It. Varrler last week.The farm is situated in the Silvertoa hills and H noted as one jf! the best farms jln the Silverton farm ing community. Silas Toujrveno formerly lifed dn this farmi Mr. Jeglund took two tracts of and. one an 80 and the other ii"27 and 7.1 0-are tract In part pay ment for tle farm. ' 1 W. M. siegmnnd of Salem was a business taller at Silverton yes terday ' ; : ... , -.. Miss Jeahette Towe, teachr at Noble. and! Miss V.m Ueacher at pcotts Mills, visifed at Silverton over Sunday, r $ 1 r .1 : 1 M 4 f