"IT THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 23. 1921 5 I . AriTZlm, TttZmwm q,,.,,yPLkfa....,,.iM iiww,,- ),,,. liM 'iyy SOCIETY NEWS 1 WEE Women's Activities TIE Women's Auxiliary of the American Legion will bold its national convention in Kan Fas City at the same time the Le gion is in session, according to Mrs. Walter K. Spaulding. state secretary of the Oregon state aux iliary who will be one of the dele, gates. Mrs. Spaulding will leave on Wednesday accompanied by Mrs. J. W, Mclntruff of Marsh field. Mrs. W. A. Ivers. of Portland, who is state president of the aux iliary in Oregon will be another delegate. Other women who will attend as' delegates are Mrs. P. A. Rankin of Eugene and Mrs. Harold Herchner of Hood River. A delegate from Bend will also be in attendance, Mrs. Spaulding says but baa not reportetd her nanre to the secretary. .The American Legion will be hosts for the Women's Auxiliary October 31, according' to the plans outlined for the convention. It will close Tuesday evening. Mrs. Spaulding and Mrs. Mciiituru of Marshfield will go to Chicago from the convention returning to Oregon in two weeks. TIE large collection of Indian pottery and Indian baskets belonging to Mr. and Mrs. Harwood Hall of the Chemawa Indian school was studied by the P. E. O. Sisterhood at their meet, ing Thursday;. The group is takj ing up the study of pottery this year and found the collection to gether with the Information and history which Mrs. Hal gave In structive and interesting. Mr, and Mrs. Hall have been 'in the Indian service for many years and their collection Is one of the largest in the country, pie ; ces of pottery and baskets being included from practically every tribe known to the United States, and some from Alaska. i That the designs on the baskets are not in any case imitations and that many of them are sacred em blems of the tribes in which they were woven was brought out by Mrs. Hall in discussing the pot tery.7 f V" " ' ' ' Every design used in the weav ing of the baskets or the design ing of the pottery Is original with the tribe and has a meaning to them often of religious signifi cance, Mrs. Hall told the club wo men. Tbls is the second collec tion made by Mr. and Mrs. Hall, the first having been disposed of before tbey came to Oregon and while they were still in California. The baskets in the collection range from large ones four feet in diameter to tiny baskets which will not tit on the end of a per son's little finger yet with perfect designs and fitted covers. Mrs. Hall served luncheon to the members of the club following the study of the baskets and so cial hour. She was assisted in serving by her daughter. Mra. C. B. McCullough on Court street will be hostess for the P. E. O.'s at their meeting November 3. v A business meeting , was held at the W. H. Byrd home Thursday previous to the trip to the Indian school ' at Chemawa. -A Americanization will be the subject of a talk by Mrs. Lee Davenport Monday afternoon at the meeting of the Republican Women's Study club. Mrs. R. J. Hendricks will be hostess for the club.' Mrs. Davenport is a well known lecturer on Americanization and citizenship and talks often before D. A. R. meetings. Members of the D. A. R. are being invited to attend. The D. A. R. met yesterday af ternoon with Mrs. C. C. Clark, and the study of the Constitution was begun. Mrs. Clark will lead the women in this study which will continue through November and December. Miss Bowman of Pittsburgh, Pa., was a guest of the club during the afternoon. Miss Bowman is an aunt of Mrs. J. W. Harbison's. The West Central Circle of the First Methodist church met with Mrs. E. E. Fisher, Wednesday af ternoon. Following a brief Bible study led by Mrs. Ronald Glover from the Book of Acts by the Grace Saxe system, the afternoon was devoted to sewing on rugs for room in the Deaconess's hospital which was furnished by the Methodist church.' , Dainty refreshments were serv ed on the spacious sun porth by the hostess assisted by the Mrs. J. B. Littler. Fall blossoms were used about the rooms and on the small tea tables at which the Salem Music Directory : DOROTHY PEARCE . .... JTeacher . of Piano 267 North Winter St. Phone 345J LILLIAN HARTSHORN Teacher of Piano and Organ 394 N! Church Phone 178 MRS. WALTER A. DENTON State accredited teacher. Modern methods in the study of piano.; Training; of children a specialty Studio 148 North 12th St. Phone 134 BEATRICE SHELTON ? , ' Teacher of Piano I , . State accredited teacher ; J; Studio 345 Marion St. Phone 1299 Derby Building, Wednesdays and "Thursdays. Thone 208 CONTRALTO TEACHER OF SINGING ACCEEDITED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Announces Concert to be given by pupils at the First - - Christian Church, Tuesday evening, November S ELMA WELLER, Piano The modern-weight relaxation, governing the laws of tone pro: ducflon, promoting elasticity, plasticity and resiliency, for ad vanced students. Accredited by State Board of Education. Dunning System of Improved Music Study for Beginners, en dorsed by the world renowned Masters in Music of both America and Europe Student can register for winter work now Phone 1361. I Residence Studio 696 No. Liberty St. Miss Elizabeth Levy - Teacher of Violin Recently returned from European study of the best and most modern violin playing. Orchestra training. Director of largest Ensemble in the state, which appeared at Oregon State Fairs the seasons of 1918 and 1919. guests were seated. The members j entertain in order of their birth- day month, the next meeting will j be with Mrs. J. H. Mills on Court street. The Art Craft section cf the j Salem Arts league will hold a meeting Tuesday evening at the studio of Miss Gunnell. This sec tion will be devoted to all forms of pictoral expression, such as photography, drawing from life, modeling, landscape sketching, etc. Anybody interested in any of these subjects is invited to at tend this raeetine. The Gunnell Robb studio is located on the fourth floor of the Oregon Elec tric building. Honoring Mrs. Lanna Jones Newton of Portland, who has come to Salem for the winter. Mrs. A. E. Watson was at honie Wednesday afternoon to G. A. R. women. Chysanthemutns used about the rooms formed a delight ful setting for a social afternoon. Recollections of war time days formed conversational topics for the afternoon and with musical numbers filled the time. The officers club of the Wo men's Relief Corp met with Mrs. Ruth Dennison, Monday after noon. Sewing for the "L. M. B." occupied the afternoon. A spe cial meeting of the Officers club will be held with Mrs. S. W. Cook on Sotvth Cottage street, Monday afternoon. The Birthday Dinner for the comrades of the G. A. R.. whose birthdays come in August, Sep tember, October and November will be held October 2D. le will be held in the hall at noon and a program will be given by the groups. Mrs. L. H. Compton was hostess at an afternoon party Wednesday for 25 friends. Decorations and refreshments carried out the hal lowe'en them and a dlightful in fordmal time was enjoyed by the guests. The Naomi Circle of the First Methodist church met with Mrs. E. B4 Millard Wednesday after noon. Mrs. M. G. Findley was chosen president to succeed Mrs. E. R. Schramm, Mrs. G. H. Jewett vtlll be hostess for the circle in November. The Rapheterian Sewing clul met with Mrs. G. C. Bellinger Thursday afternoon. Fourteen women were present and during the afternoon the hostess served refreshments assisted by Mrs. E. A. Colony. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Fred Thompson. The Nancy Hanks Mothers' club of the Lincoln and McKinley schools will meet Monday after noon in the McKinley school The meeting will be called to order at 3:30. A president and secretary will be elected due to the resig nation of Mrs. James Elvm and Mrs. S. E. Edwards, who have moved out of town. C. A. Kells of the Y. M. C. A. will address the clug on the work being1 done for the boys in Salem by the association. A new Girl Reserve corps was organized Friday in Washington Studio 5G3 Court St. Phone 244J Lena Belle Tartar Teacher of Singing Director of Music Salem High schools. Soloist First Church of Christ Scientist; English. French. Italian, Latin Diction. Credits given in Oregon High Schools. Pupil of William Frederic Gaskins, Corrallis; Gib Tyler Taglierl, Portland; Irving M. Glen, Seattle; Karleton Hackett, Chicago. Graduate O. A. C. School of Music; American Conservatory, Chicago; Post Graduate University of Washington. .. ' H ' -v. Studio, ICS Liberty St N. Phone 834 Underwear "Feel the Fit" Once you have worn R. A. you will never tol erate the creeping, gaping, nagging unions which ' many women put up with. Reasons for R. A. fit and comfort durable and flex ible fabric narrow back land fuU bust long, wide ! curved gusset, giving j plenty of room at hips and j keeping seat closed. No creeping up or binding. No uncomfortable sagging. ; R. A- wears two or three times as long as ordinary i underwear when properly j washed. j Unions and separate gar- ments. medium and heavy, i for women and children. A$k Tour Dealer J. C ROULETTE A SONS H ACIJtSTOWN. MD. ! If aaufacturcrs of R. A. Undarwut Oregon! Our State! Word3 by Mrs. J. M. Clifford Music by Mrs. Carrie B. Adams l.We hold on high the banner that jroclaims the (JoKlen West; We sing of scenic beauty and of riches yet unguessed ; We hail our glorious Commonwealth the love of (Jod has blessed;- All hail our glorious state! CHORUS: Hail our State proclaim her glory! Praise her name in song and story! Sing of righteousness in victory! Hail Oregon Our State! 2. The past has left a heritage that we must claim today; The ges of justice stand ajar, and we the urge obey; Our hands the staff of courage hold," our hearts to mercy sway; Be loyal to our state! Chorus. .1. The sun has touched the gates with ! gold and we have flung them wide. The path of progress lies beyond, by service glorified; Love all mankind as brothers; tread the pathway side by side; Do honor to our State! Chorus. 4. With Cod and love to guide us, and the will to wisely do, We can make both State and Nation strong and safe for me and you; We are building for the future See the vision, hold it true, God bless our home and State! Chorsu. v TBS SEEfJ BY A mm III Hi I The Famine Horrors Will Haunt These People for I Many Long Days icity. The other day thre men j -re killed on the exojeution j gronids. most horribly thej were j tied to posts then their noses and i ears cut off, then their hearts and livers taken out, then their! head? 'cut off and left hanging j with their intestines out. They -were t soldiers and had turned robbers. ! Two robbers were beheaded and their heads hung up at north gate for a day. then thrown down on the ground. I saw a human head eaten up by bugs and ft es on the wav out to the boy's school. Oi iday 17 were shot; another day Id. 1 Robbers are worse than ever so Mrs E.sthcr Plurfier-Schreiber ; many turned robbers as tbrtjy were had charge of the China Mission desperate with no food to fit. Our of the Evangelical church, at i city oineais is one oi tne geeuesi tfrn so we will nave that this ve'ar! I w;il have a special meet Ing for the Tal Tals this year, also a mothers meeting. "Some o' those days" says Georgia philosopher,' "you'll sea things so clearly that you'll wish you were back where you're locat ed now, and you won't have a fce-, turn ticket." Atlanta Constitu tion. ' Junior high school among the sev enth B girls who have juit enter ed the school. Twenty-one giri3 are included in the list and Paul ine Findley la president of the group. Dorothy Livesley, was chosen secretary and Virginia Donnell treasurer. Miss Joseph ine Bross of Willamette univer sity is to be leader of the group. The Interior Decorating section of the Salem Art3 league will meet Monday evening at the Gil bert Stud o and Craft Shop. The section is to be organized at this time and anybody who would t3 interested in joining the section for the work to be taken up dur ing the next few moTrfrh-s is wel come to join. Emma! Wilk'nson of Chicago, supreme bees will 1 Portland sentinel of the Macca be a guest of the local women n?t Saturday she win aecoihnanied to Salein from by Mrs. Pauline Moore Rieley. state commander, whose home is n Portland. , A banquet will be served in McCormalck hall Saturday even ing following a specia.1 afternoon sess'on of the lodge. A regular lodge meteting will follow the ban quet Donald and Independence women Will unite with Salem wo men in honoring the visiting officials. "The ceremony was performed in the Y. W. C. A. living room which was lovely with . '. ." will become part of the town corre spondent's report of lots of wed dings, if; the start already mde along this Una of service contin ues, according to the national board- I Weddings of girls away from home have taken place in the Central Branch in New York City, in the Y. W. C. A. of Valle jo, Calif., Hollywood, Calif., Springfield, Mo., andsevtral oth er middle western Y. W. C. A. centers. The wedd'ng in Vallejo wa3 due to Miss Jean C. Moore, execu tive for the town and country work who urged the loc8l asso ciation to make it possible for engaged girls without homes or away from home to be married from there. Dignified open stairways, fire places and low windows wh'ch typify the modern Y. W. C. A. buildings lend themselves to stately decorations and impres sive ceremonies in a way which appeals to most young girls. For the Y W. C. A. weddingn on rec ord, the house secretaries and the girls who live in the home have made everv effort to make them the "weddingest" of weddings. Next to being the bride, the most excitement has been to have a part in giving the bride the kind of wedding that giris dream about. A group of foreign women meet ng in the Vallejo '"Y" dur Irig the preparations were so thrilled that they at once took out Y. W. CJ A. memberships and csk ed if their 6tsters might he mar ried In the same spot. And 'hen they promptly tell to helping with the aisle of greens and the waxing of the floor. A Missouri farmer's wife re ctntly wrote to the Y. W C. A. In Springfield that her niece was coming to the city to meet her fiance and be married. Would the Y. M. C. A. look after her un til after the marriage? And so it came about that the wedding took p'ace in the Y. W C. A., that the oth?r girls who l'vcd there held a shower for the bride, that the bride found herselt marching to a festively decorat ed altar to the strains of Lohen grin when she had expected only a pathetically lovely wedding in .the minister's back parlor. be able to come down for a later meeting. Free lectures to be g.ven in town during the winter will be discussed at the meeting of the Literary section of tho Women's club Tuesday afternoon, October 25. They will meet with Mr. H. M. Webb at her country home. Mrs. H. L. Ci idler will act as hostess should the weather prove rainy. The V. C. T. TJ. met in the home of Mrs. A. H. Morr'son Tuesday. Mrs. H. Butz and Mts. Pearl Miller, just returned from the state convention, gave an ex ceedingly interesting report of the gathering which was held in Oregon City. A petition was drawn up to send to congress m favor of the international limita tion of armament and signed by those present. The W C. T. V. agiin meets on Tuesday, October 25, at 2 p. m. instead of 2:30, in the home of Mrs. Z. M. Knight. A special program is prepared for young mothers. The civic section of the Dallas Women's club gave a silver tsa at the home of Mrs. C. N. Bilyeu on Clay street Tuesday. Hostess es for the afternoon were: Mrs. John Orr, Mrs. Conrad Stafr:n. Mrs. E. V. Dalton. Mrs. II. A. Woods and Mrs. M. L. Lloyd. Civic matters tor the com ing year were discussed, but no definite plans were made. The rooms were beautifully decorat ed in gladioli and presented a very pleasing appearance. Light refreshments were served to 30 guests. j Tungjen, district of Kweichow. ; She is the daughter of Itev. G. W. Plumer, 355 South Fourteenth j street, Salem. While she is ab sent on sick leave being now in I Portland. Clara Schuermau is in i ciiarge of the Tungjeu station j Mrs. Scbreiber hopes to go back to China, to her work there, when she recovers her health. Clara Schuerman, in charge of the work, as stated, wrote Mrs. ' Schreiber under date of August 18, and the following excerpts j Horn that letter will be interest I ing to the people of this country: j "You should bo here now to ! help leed the starving. It is es timated that 2000 have died and scores more each day, We are feeding about 400 here and a tew hundred at South Gate. "Of all the sights these faces haunt me: it is so terrible. You have no idea what it means to hear the cries for food and to see these human skeletons walking the streets. Some die in our alley r-very day, and the back street u the school I haven't used for weeks and weeks, as there are so mtny along there. Going to the south gate we see three or four dead people "and many are too weak to walk. They are eating a stone, sort of clay, grind it to powder and eat it to fill up. So many are dying that they throw the bodies out by the city wall. The odor is unbearable near there. These sights will haunt us for months to come. I pity the peo ple up north whose conditions were even worse. Many mothers have sold their children and lots of little boys have i been turned loose on the streets to shift for themselves. "This ds a dark, dark, heathen dye. He orders proclamations every so often that no meat is to be eaten for three days while they pray for rain hard on u4 who like pork so well. Another time they put dope in the river to kill all the fish .thereby to appease the dragon; and tbey even dressed up a dog and paraded throUgh the streets." s i "I found that child welfare ex- llivib in Gil: i lai tinu etui fc1" ready for this fall had it trans lated and written in large! charts and will have samples of (Slothes, and Renny will give a real demon stration in bathing a live baby. 1 think DrN B. will brng the lan- 1Mlj See Our Stationery You'll be surprised at the large variety of designs we are show ing. There's a style for every individual taste, COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE f 163 N. Com'l. Phone 04 Sergeant York la lecturing to pay the mortgage of $12,500 on his Tennessee farm. It is none of our business, but what intrigues us is how did he manage to bor row so much coin on a farm? Exchange. Now is the time to buy your "Lang" Range A Northwest Product Eleven Exclusive Features Makes her work easier Guaranteed to cut your fuel one-half A range for every use A range for every purse PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE 271 N. Commercial Street SALEM, OREGON Mrs. F. E. Mull HEMSTITCHING Stamping Braiding Hand Embroidery Buttons Room 10, Over Miller's Store j Phone 117 Salem, Oregon I PAINTING THE I ROSE One wonders how it is possible to im prove on the al ready a 1 1 r active tuxedo cdltt, tail ored suit or simple frock. But once you have added the finishing touch of an exqui site and dainty bit of lace, organdy or mull fashioned in to the most fasci nating of vestee, straight or round collars, you will realize how they bring out the perfection of the garment they adorn. ' - J You cannot have too many of these bits of femi ninity, and a multitude of them is made possible by the splendid prices which range from $4.80 to $5.95 ; : U. G. Shipley Co. It profits you to "Pay As You Go." DALLAS CLUBS Mrs. John Keating, state re gent of the D. A- R., who was to have been present at the meeting of the ldcat chapter this ve-k wag unable to attend because of ill ness. It Is hoped that shewlU BOYS' SHOES You may save a trifle at the time of purchase through buying cheap shoes for your boy but paying a liitlq more insures a great deal long er service. We consider service first price afterwards, pricing our shoes at a very narrow margin, that you may have utmost value. Many styles, many leathers and moderately priced, from $3.45 up. wards. Headquarters Footwear for and Children Buster Brown Shoe Store 125 North Commercial St. j i t S . i.i JJ 2 j 1 1 I ! lw!II!ilis!ltiiilii!;ri N I T, si 1 UWAill l iil i AWA l. 5 V 1 1 " II i f i Ml ' f 4 ,