' t 0 i i I1 4 k ) ' . i ' GITYiNEWS IN ;RRlRFp8 - . . Districts Tn f'imfir Mission Bottom school district nd the Clear Lake district repre sentatives -will - rneet'Novembsr 4 before the county district board to eetle the question whether children from the southern part of Mission Hottom district may at tend the Clear Lake school. It srems that during: the winter It is difficult for some of the pupils In the Mission bottom district to get to their own school, on account of high water and a slough. It Is much more convenient for them to attend at the Clear Lake school. . A Hox of Candy . One pound and three-quarters for. one dollar' and a quarter. IIa3s Home Made Special. The Ace, 127 J."Highr street Adv. SlxM-lal Bargain! Used Oldsmobile '" coupe, like new. Seats four passengers com fortably and an Ideal car for the RUPERT HUGHES h Heart-Gripping ; Drama of Home - r "THE OLD NEST" J24-r5i45--7:30 and . See It From The Start 1 Hartman's Glasses Easier and Better Wear them and sea HARTMAN BROS. 'frhone- 1265 Salem, Oregon NOMKING fistiln at 162 ST. Commercial stmt Ohtp 8oy, HoodlM and Amwliu lUbM, . U cretin and drinks. , ; Open Jl ua. to 1 sjb. ' Bpeeiil 8adiy . OHICKE3T DIX1TZS - TREES for Spring Planting Order From TltE SJLLEM NURSERY CO, t 428 , Oregon -Building JALEM :: OKEOON Phone 1763 ;SAVE.$$$ by buying your hardware and furniture at The Capital Hard, 1ware& Furniture Co., 285 N. 'Commercial street. Phone 947 A DTI UD Phone A1V111LU 930 TDAMCCTD A 1 lVrVlUl -iAV W M0T6, Pack and Store ANYTHING WOOD W COAL US Do you take iJURKISH BATHS : If not, why not! No other baths or treatments can: produce the permanent re lief to the person suffering from disagreeable cold or all meats of the, flesh or body like the Turkish Baths will. Open 8 a. m. until 9 p. m, OREGON BATH HOUSE Lady and Gentlemen attendants CAPITAL BARGAIN HOUSE We pay Mgbert price. We bay and sell everything. We sell for lcs 113 Center St. Plum 898 School Supplies For Teachers : - 3V - - V"' Monthly school report cards each .......... . . . , lc Yearly school report books, ' each............ ,,.2Ke Manila envelopes for either, ;each He Teachers examination ques tions for one year certifi- ; cate, each . . . 80c "Western Songester; a splen did song book for school. Institute or community sing ing, each , . 25c Per dozen .... ; far Per 100..... f 1JL50 Any of the above supplies'; will be Bhlpped same day as order is received. ' ' ; School annuals and, diplo mas printed in a thoroughly first class manner. - OREGON TEACHERS' MONTHLY 213 South, Commercial St. Salem Oregon ... I TilR OREGON STATESMAN, SALElt, OREGON iom;ng winter weather. Also a new Chevrolet at a very low price See our line of new ami used cars. Vick Uro3., Trade and High street. To KjK-nk Monday George A. Mansfield, president of the Oregon Farm Uur.?au fed eration will be the speaker at the Monday noon hincheon of the Sa lem Commercial club. He will discuss, farm bureaus and alo standardization. He has been in this part of the state for some time organizing farm bureaus and will be engaged next week in talking- to farmers in Marion an3 Polk counties. And mill wood, 16-inch, $11.25 r r Tracy Wood Co. Phone 520. Adv. Wood Special Four loads 16-Inch ralll wocd. one load planer trimming?, all for $11.50. Tracy Wood Co. Phone 52 0 Adv. Marriage Bureau Business Rod The- past week has been an es pecially slow one at the marriage counter in the office of the coun ty clerk. During the Whole week, there have been issued only five marriage licenses. In September, five licenses were considered a regulation Saturday's business. Wood Five loads IS Inch mill wood $13.73. Guaranteed two-thirds cord per loa,d. Prompt delivery. Spaulding Logging Co. Adv. Sunday Morning - Sacred recital this evening at First Congregational church y Mrs. K. F. Morris-Cleaves of Cal ifornia Adv. Sues For $208.43 D. G. Barrow and Thomas Mc Gilchrist have brought suit against N. C. Kuhn, alleging work done in baling hay at the rate of $2.50 a, ton. They hay is located within the state fair grounds and is held on mechanic's Hen, filed against the hay August 1. Highland Bus Line See schedule in classified ad. Advi The Eden, New, Price $119.75 Best electric washing machine makes a record drop in price. See us about it- Salem Electric o "If it's electric, come to us." Adv. " Community Organization Formed A community club has been or ganized in the North Howell dis trict and arrangements are being mn H a tnr at filiation with the Marion County Community feder ation. At a meeting held Friday evening at the community hau, presided over by Miss Helen C. WnirfimaTi. It. was decided to send delegates to the next meeting of the county federation. DIED FOSTER Mrs. Nannie A. Foster. of Salem, route 4, at a local hospital, October 22. 1921, age 4 6 years. : She leaves ; a hus band, three sons and one 1 daughter, all residents of Sa lem. The body is' at the Webb and Clouch parlors. Announ cements will be made later. FUXEKALS Funeral services for Mrs. Sarah Hargraffin, who died at Quinaby October 20, will be held Monday afternoon, October 24 at 2 o'clock from the parlors of Webb & Clough. The services will be con ducted by Rev. G. 1. Lovell and burial will be in City View cem etery. Webb & Clough Leading Funeral 'Directors Expert Embdmers RIGDON & SON Leading Morticii&j 8. C. STOHE, M.D Cnre Cancan na doet gen' ral office pro lice. Office. TTler'i Irujr Store, 151 south Commer cut itreet. How Do You Spend Your Evenings? : - i .- " --r; f These long winter even ings are an asset if you use them to the best advantage. We offer courses that -will help you toward attaining a better-paid position. ' ' Our. classes in shorthand, typewriting, y bookkeeping. spelling, penmanship ' and arithmetic $vil -begin tomor row, October 21. ' Investigate at the school office. Capital Business Collie Salem, -Oregoa. f' V A- II illlliiMlBl T Jtlilli liillllSWIi 111.' ' I New Price on Th Iklen Wautiiugtou machine, the best electric Imacbinu on ihz iuark.t. J11'J.7G.: I Saiuni Kiar trio Co. U it's electtic, come to us." Adv. , i Attending CoquilU- Institute In the icase of W . O. l isher, J Ktsni? and Will. E. Purdy against the citizens' Investment compaDyjiu which possession of Uu"rl21der truck was involved anu a null given in part payment. alter hearing the evidence ou both: sides, the court dismissed he case; on the grounds that the plaintiffs! had not made a sutfi cient showing. Salmon For Canning For best quality and lowest prices at Fitts Market. 444 Court St, PhOhe 211. Adv. Used Fordson In goOU condition at a special low price, See It at Vick Kids. Adv. : h Recorder's Office liusy The past week has been an un usually busy one at the office o the Marion county recorder. The total number of instruments filed number 160. Used Clctrac Tractor- Used i One season for sale at Vick Bros Adv. Big Itcutl Estate Transfer A warranty deed was tiled in the MaHon county ; recorder s office I yesterday in which Amelia A. Cornjck, formerly Amelia A. CornlCK. Glover, and husDana, Theo Cbrnick, sell to Margaret Frank, i 80 acre3 in Sections 33 and 34.! T 8 S H 1 W. This lana is about a mile west of Stayton. The Cray Belle Will 'serve fried chicken din- ner all day today. Adv. Moved1 Neimeyer, Drugs, now open for business : at 175 N. Com'l bt- AdV. : Fifty-one Study I.aw The Willamette university law school now has a registration o ol. And just to give the young students practice, there is held a moot; ; court every Tuesday night at the Clarion county court house, j At this court, there is a regudlar trial proceedure. and the young attorneys thresh it out as they hope to later in real life. The public is invited to attend the moot court at any session. Dr. L. G. Altman, Phone 147 Homeopathic physician. Adv. . . Sieve1 Grip Samson Tractor- Three wheel type. Pull3 three 14-inch plows, in good order at ?350.i ;See Vick Bros. Adv. Just Stopped Ov H. P.- Jewett of TaiePt. stopped in the city a few hours yesterday to renew acquaintances. He "was on his way to Corvallis to witness the big; game. Mr. Jewett is a 1916 graduate of the University of Oregon and is now teaching at Talent. ; In Onr "Jfew Ixcaioni ; Neimeyer Drugs, now at 175 N Commercial streets Adv. Servo Gray Belle- French pastry. Adv. American Dollar Standard Instructions have been received at the Salem postof fice - that in the issuing of money orders for Canada, ithe American dollar will be the standard. That i3, when a Canadian wishes to send $100 to this ; country by money order he will pay the extra exchange ol $15 or whatever it happens to be when ; buying the money order Sending from this country to Can ada, if $100 is paid here for the order, there would be paid that much and then in addition, the difference in exchange between the -two countries. Trusses - y Fitted at Tyler's drug store by an expert in the business.- Adv. Thesei Cold Night: i Feel, like a new comforter would bp fine. We have cotton and Wool bats. C. S. Hamilton, Good ! Furniture Adv. Registration Growing ! Registration at Willamette uni versity reached a total of 522 yesterday. The last three to en roll are ; as follows Sergeant Clyde R. Ellis of the Salem police force. He is from Vale, Or., high school and is now in the sen ior class of the university's law school. IMrs Annetta J. Beyerle of Salem, entered for the fresh man class in the law school. Amy Lueders of 228 North Capitol street, formerly of the Newberg high school, entered; for liberal arts. ! : ; i Willamette Hardwood Floor Co. I R. LA. j Deland, manager. New hardwood floors furnished, laid and finished. Old floors refin lshedi two . sanding machines. Phone. 663. 210 Oregon Bldg., Salem. -Adv. Dra. Whit and Marshall ; Osteopathic physicians, TJ SBk. Adf . i Children's Hour at Library U Mlas Lucile Crockett, who has fcharge '. of children's work for Saturdays will begjn on Novem ber 5. 1 For the first Saturday, children of the grade schools "will tell the! stories, but on following Saturdays Mis? Crockett will tell the stories. The hours are the same as last year, the first hour beginning 9:30 and the j second honrjatrlOtSO. Mis? Crockett is a recent graduate of the Syracuse, N.. Y university library school. & Classified Ad i ; , Will bring you a buyer. Adv. Lost English Brindle ball Dos : j Female- Phone 1014.4 Adv,. Hospital . ProRressinR The first floor ol! thej ftilem hospital will be poured Monda And those who .wian ,tosee some thing in the yray of a!new kind of i floor are Invited to attend. The " i 1 floor is to be a combination of concrete, tile, steel and wire and is thought to be .the firt of thl kind ever poured in Salem. Legal Clanks Get them at The Statesman of fice. Catalog on application. Adv. Open Till Noon G?t yo;ir chrysanthemum", carnations, etc., early today. We specialize in funeral design Plant's Floral Shop. 121 S. Com'l St.' Phone 1G.9. Adv liirtchett Makes Arret Homer Pptf lniipr nf Woodbnrn -aa arrested yesterdav br Officer Dirtchett on a charge of cutting the corner at Court and High streets. Mr. Settlemier deposited $5 as bond for hi3 appearance In court. N'ight School Pays mg dividends, vvhy not join the new elates which are begin ning at the Capital Business Col lege tomorrow night, October 24. Adv. Room Is Robbed That the sum of $18 had been taken from their room at a local lodging house was reported to the police yesterday by Kenneth Day and .F. A. Lane of Portland. Cotton and Wool I tats At Hamilton'.-, priced low from $1',G0 up. C S. Hamilton. Adv. Car Found in Yard J. W. Dame of 1595 Chemeketa street reported that a car had been left in his yard last night. Police ascertained that the car's number was recorded in the name of E. T. Foster, 1577 Chemeketa street. Xeimeyer Pharmacy Ready to serve you at 175 N. Commercial street. Adv. Lives in Canal Zone Sergeant George W. Williams, now of the regular army, station ed at Fort Davis in the Canal Zone, has written the American legion headquarters asking for information regarding the bonus act. He states that his preference is for the cash benefits, as he is now in the regular army-. While in Marion county, he worked at one of the T. A. Livesley com pany hop ranches. Slake Your Own Omifoiters We have cotton and wooi bats at Hamilton's. Adv. Will Go To Kansas City Col. George A. White, attorney general, Dr. B. F. Pound, com mander of Capital American le gion post, No. 9. and Oliver V. Matthews, formerly in theh ser vice, will attend the third annual convention of th-e American leg ion, to be held at Kansas City be ginning October 31. They will leave Portland next Wednesday morning nt 9 o'clock, traveling over the Union Pacific. See Our East Window" For wool and cotton bats. Priced from $1.50 and up. C. S. Hamilton, Good Furniture. Adv. Gd4Jng Ready For lousiness The" West Side Lumber com pany of West Salem, a company recently organized, is now putting up its sheds, and completing the erection of a bungalow office. The company is also erecting ware houses for a stock of cement, lime and other building materials. Xeimeyer, Drugs Moved to 173 NT. Adv. Com'l St.- Proof of Labor Filed Proof of labor done on a mine in the North Santiam district was filed for record yesterday in the county recorder's office. W. H. Lotz files affidavit that at the re quest of Luke Potter, owner of unpatented mining claims on Bouled creek, he performed labor orf the "Daisy" and "Mabel" claims of what is known as the Potter group, the value of the work amounting to $200. PERSONALS I r Oscar Steelhammer went to Portland yesterday to attend a session of Shriners. Miss Marguerite Cook of Wil lamette university, is In Portland for an, over-Sunday visit. Ben Sheldon of Medford, fruit grower and legislator, was in the city yesterday, appearing before the state highway commission. Z. J. Riggs and F. G. Brock went to Portland Saturday eve ning to attend a session of Al Kader Shrine. C. H. Grossett of Portland, a member of an engineering firm of that city, was in Salem yester day. Closing Hour Discussed By Business Men's; League The closir.g of retail stoics in Salem at 6 o'i'ice every business -.:iv in the --.ek was advocated at a recent meeting of members of the Salem Business Men's league. In order to secure a general ex pression of opinion, a eommittee was appointed to interview mer chants- This committee consists of P. B. Keawey, S. K. Kaf oury and J. W. Chambers. Jr. The special object in bringing up the matter ot closing 's to se cure uniform closing among re tail stores for Saturday evenings. As to the hour of opening stores it is understood, this will be Mt to each individual merchant and no effort made to secure uniform opening hours. The Question a to whether re- tall stores will close Armistice day, Friday; Novemher 11, was discussed at the meeting but no definite action taken. The day is a legal holiday declared so by the last legislature. This closes all banks, state institutions - and county offices, v No school will be in session in the county on Arrn isiice aay. Read eassITiea TOsV mi urn nrnnirn u im: r i.n n iULIIII ULUMILU MODERN LORE Leader of Zion City Asserts That Earth Has No Mo tion and Is Flat SCIENCE CALLED FAKE Instances Cited by Religious Head in Effort to Sub stantiate Views CHICAGO, Oct. 16. The story of "The Village that Voted the Earth is Flat" has an earnest ad herent In Wilbur Glenn Voliva. overseer of Zion, the religious community that Alejrander Dowie founded at Zion City, a little to the north of Chicago. Declaring thatthere is -no proof whatsoever of the sphericity of the earth or that the earth has any motion, Overseer Voliva says he is "prepared to refute modern as tronomy, scientifically as well as from the standpoint of the Bible." Here are some of the Doints he advances: All standing water is level. Let any one disapprove it if he can. They cannot disprove it. This is conclusive . evidence that the Pythagorean-Copernicon system of the sphericity of the earth is false. . Light Visible Many Miles. "A man stood at Kingston, Ja maica, and saw the lighthouse at Havana Harbor 82 miles distant, which is another conclusive proof that the sphericity of the earth is a fake. "The midnight sun has ; been seen hundreds of times, but it would be absolutely impossible to see it on a sphere. You would have to look through hundreds of miles of earth and rock. "There is a railroad in South America 2000 miles long which is almost perfectly level. The Suez Canal is a hundred mile3 long without locks and with scarcely any rise atall. Where i3 your curvature of the earth? There is none. Flood Story Supported "No wonder higher critics and modern believers in the Coperni can system of astronomy laugh at the flood and say that such a thing as a flood could not occur on a globe ora spherical earth and I agree with them. They are perfectly right That is what the Devil intended when he invented the modern astronomical theory to destroy the Word of God. "They say that eclipses are caused by the earth passing be tween the moon and the sun, causing the shadow; but how can ?jou have an eclipse with both the sun and the moon above the hori zon? It is a matter of record that there have been a number of eclipses with both the moon and the sun above the horizon. No one knows what causes eclipses. "They tell you that the sun is 92 million, miles away. I faugh at that, not only as a mathemati cian but also as a student of Ood Almighty's word. Defies Scientists "Did God Almighty create the earth and then create a light to light It up and put it 92 million miles distant and make it a mil lion times larger than the earth? hit kind of a fool would build a house up in Kenosha and erect a light a hundred miles from it to light up the parlor? "Tney say that science Is not speculation; but if science is true, then there can be no conflict be tween it and the Word of God but when it comes to the Word of God, they have not a leg to stand on. I will take the Word of God and down any modern astronomer on the face of the earth and dis pose of him in less than 30 min utes." Church Workers to Give Home Products Banquet SILVERTON, Or., Oct. 22.- (Special to The Statesman) D. C. Freeman, manager of the Ore gon Products association, of Port "ioke Bearers class of the Chris tian church to give an address at the banquet to be given i nevt Thursday . evening from 6:30 to 7:30. The dinner will be! com posed entirely of Oregon grown ' Cold Tablets That Cure Schaef er's Cold Tablets are noted for the way they break up those dis agreeable colds and for the rapidity withwhich they do it. ' A 25c box will convince you of ; their worth. Schaefer's'Drug Store ;. ! Sole Agent Garden Court Preparations "'135 X. fcom-L PhoM 187 1 ' SUNDAY MORNING. prod victs "and all the foods served have been &iien. ihrough th lo cal stores. . iThft proceeds of the dinner will gt toward the pea ces of the new'patsSuae for the Christian church, j i i j ! Third Market Day at I Silverton is Success SILVERTON, Of., Oct. 22. (Spec?al to The Statesman) The third Uuarket day at Silverton oe cured today and was as much of a suoicess as tte: second. The streets of Silverton : were crowded with scars and tha stores with shoppers. Dallas is Defeated by i Silverton High School SILVERTON. Or,, Oct. 22. (Special . to Th'e Staesman) Sil verton high school football team won a game over; Dallas today with a score of 2 to 0. The game was played on the local gridiron. j THE WIXTVCP. At ithe school examination the examiner asked one child: "What are the products of our Indiah empire?" The unhappy infant began nervously to reel off the list she had jjtot by heart: "Please, sir, India produces curries and pepper and rice and citron and chillis and chutney and-4-and and and " "Yes, yes," said the examiner, impatiently. "What comes after all that?" Another Infant's hand was raised. "Well, you tell her what comes after that?" "Please, sir, India-gestion." - Tid-pits. The recent advance In prices of Liberty bonds is pleasing to the holders of the government secur Itiesj And it is tppraaching the point when the declaration that he "could get it back any time he wanted," employed in the bond selling campaign, is about to be made good. Until tl ey reach par the investor can get back only part of the money he invested. Applied Science. Miss Perkins, the Sunday school teacher, besides having little Wil lie Donn among her pupils, is also a friend of his mother. One day, while calling on the mother, Miss Perkins asked why William had not attended Sunday school for several weeks. Much to her astonishment, the mother replied, coldly: "I have kept him away from your class. Miss Perkins, because he learns wicKed things there." "Wicked!" gasped Miss Perk ins, j "Why, whatever do you mean?" i 'Well," explalriedr-Mrs. Donn, Special Chicken Dinner Sunday I $1.00 Plate SOUP: I Cream of Chicken a la ; Dutchess ' SALADS: Potato, shrimp or fruit CHICKEN: Fried chicken with country I gravy or roast chicken with cranberry sauce VEGETABLES: Creamed new cauliflower or j sweet corn Mashed Potatoes DESSERTS: Choice of: home made ice ; cream or cake, or home ; made apple, mince huckleberry, cocoa nut cream, or cus tard 1 pie ! Tea, Coffee or Milk THE SPA time. OCTOBER 23. 1021 "the last time Willie went to Sun day school you taught him that we are made of dust. . When he came home he. nearly frightened At The Oregon Theatre Next Sunday LADD & BUSH, BANKERS Established 1SC3 General Banking Business Office Hoilrs from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. , AUCTION SALE Of Farm Land and At my farm, fotir and a on Facific highway! at Millersburg. Wednesday, Oct. 26, 1921, beginning at 10 aan. Land consists 06 sixty acres, divided into three tracts, of one forty and tofo ten acre tracts. ; All; improved 'and, near the paved highway and 'railroads. ; I Personal property consists of three tractors, one llax well truck, one Forfl bug and;gencfal line of 'farm imple ments. Twelve head of cows and heifers, 28 head of young ewes, four dozen pullets and hens, of Barred Bock and Rhode Island, stock. .1 i ; j j 'AlbynEssonrQwne I . ... " ' . ' i Ben T. Sudiell, Auctioneer , . i Hi' nl 'Imi'." 11 HI' ill ' 1 il'i'-'itiif In . 1 I n 1 f 1 1 ' 1 I 1 -.-... - r 1 - " 1 - Jewelry Gits TMit Ilast ! Enduring satisfaction marks Jewelry isn't something that is bought today, and forgot ten tomorrow. It is usually as lasting as life itself land frequently more so. One never maes a mistake in buying gifts here for, the confidence we have built up is one of the assets of this business. 1 Remember alwavsi Reaxonahlv Price rl Hon'rls T . u..ixLfaa. . W -2a.ijZ I Hartman ! Jewelers Qualityf-Service Price Salem, Oregon the life out of hla father' and my self by trying to draw-his baby sister into the vacuum "cleaner. Exchange. 4 i -J . s . - !. I PersonaVProperty half mile north .of. Albany, , Your . v- - oat For aHardiWiriter $25 to $50 What's , your .. choice f 'A hfisky greatcoat for , motoring . or general outdoor wear; an Ulsterette with the proper de gree of smartness; or a ' staple Chesterfield or dress coat? We can suit your state in and style and 'materials. . Prices, let us add, are one-third lower than yast year. ; 7 TJ "WOOLEN MILLS 426 State St. Salem, Ore.' Overc SCOfCH the Gift of Jewelry at this B ros.