The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 23, 1921, Page 14, Image 14

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Iued Dally Except Monday by
" 215 8. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon
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It- J. Hendricks.....
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Ralph Olorer
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Entered at the Postofflce in Salem, Oregon, as second class matter.
of 62, could quote the Bible word
for word from memory, it is said.
It illustrates the j cyclopedic qual
ity of his Wind, which he employ
ed In many works of profound
scholarship. He wrote equally
well, it is said, in English,
brew, French and German,
was a native of Austria.
"A paramount! obligation" the
American Red Cross declares its
duty to care for disabled veterans
of the World war, and it might
with equal truth; have character
ized the i United j States govern
ment's duty in the same terms.
France and Great Britain for the , group of patriots.
upkeep of the American army on
German boil since the armistice.
The treaty doe3 not. prevent the
American army from supporting
France on German territory and
it dots not prevent the Germans
To now defi
nitely bar the Bible from any Am
erican school is to run counter to
the will and intents of the foun
ders o? the republic. It la tLe
intention of the Presbyterian syn-
od to make a test case and carry jiue cascaaes.
I'redence is placed in tne na
tural bridge of F. H. Balch, auth
vestigators have reported that the
red man's story may be true.
When the waters of the Columbia
are clear and low late In the year
remains of trees may be seen
standing, as they may have stood
before the bridge fell and foruiel
(Copyrighted by The San Jose Mercury)
" In the last few years what may be called a new school of
religious thought has been coming into being in this country.
Although still largely unnamed and unorganized, in some form
this new school is rapidly coming to be the settled conviction
of many people. While not openly and militantly antagonis
tic the the-dogmas of the old forms of established Christian
belief, in effect it denies the soundness of these dogmas. It
may be interesting to compare this new school of religious
thought with the ideas of the older Christian organizations.
, Very briefly stated in secular, not religious terras, the fun
damental beliefs of practically all organized Christian churches
tre that God created man a perfect being, placed him in the
Uarden of Eden, and gave him certain specific commands to
guide his conduct. That notwithstanding his perfection, almost
man's first act was to disobey the command of Cod. That as
punishment for this disobedience God condemned this man
and all his descendants, to eternal torture in hell after death.
That after thousands of years, when the human family had
increased to hundreds of millions, God relented in His judg
ment to the extent that He sent Ilia only begotten Son, who
was with him in Heaven, to the earth to become a propitiation
for-the multiplying sins of men. That this Son took on him
self the form of a babe, was born of a woman, grew to man
hood, manifested many of the attributes and powers of divinity,
was crucified by his religious enemies and returned to His
divine Father in Heaven. That thereafter all persons who
willingly accept this Son as their Lord and Savior shall be !
pardoned of their sins and at their death ascend into heaven
and become a part of the family of God. All who do not so
aecept the Son shall still be subject to condemnation to eternal
Buffering after death.
- e
The religious understanding of this newer school, above
referred to, briefly stated in the same secular terms, ia that all
life upon the earth started in a very primitive, physical form,
but that it had been made active by the presence in it of an
infinitesimal part of the Divine life ; that, in short, there is
no other life but the life of. God. That" in the primitive man
there was present this Divine element which not only animated
him but has been working in man's organism to cleanse, purify
and elevate the grosser elements into which it was placed and to
unfold and enlarge the attributes of the spark of the Divine
life that was. present in the first manifestation of his life.
That in man, as in all other forms of life, although the process
of bringing the individual to perfection is a slow one, even
tually these divine elements in him will be so enlarged and
strengthened as to dwarf and control all grosser attributs of his
being and so purify and elevate them that he will come to be
a spiritual, a 'divine man. " That because of the presence of this
divine life in them, all men are immortal as the life of God
everywhere is immortal. ,
To the objection that man does not now manifest many of
the attributes of divinity those who entertain this newer belief
answer that with the passage of time there are growing mani
festations of the wisdom and power of God present in the
lives of men; that the apparent slowness of this development
is in part at least, accounted for by the fact that in this life
we only observe the development that takes place daring the
first fifty to one hundred years of man's existence; that this
is a brief period in. which to develop an individual from the
rudimentary, condition in which the babe comes into the world
into the unfolded, godly' man which he is designed eventually
a Wnm That we cannot follow this process of unfoldment
after the individual passes beyond our vision through death;
could we do so we should see an increasing maniiestation oi m
divine nature in men and should find in this manifestation proof
of the4ruth of the statement of the Bible as to Jesus, that
"He is the first born of many brethren."
" -
It i a Tar of this belief that God not only loves all men
but having blessed them all by the bestowal upon them of a part
of His life, He watches over all, guards and sustains tins life
in all the multitude of evil and repulsive experiences through
which most physical men pass in the process of working out
the lower nature, and finally brings all into the divine life
through this process of purification.
This spiritual evolution of nan is to be differentiated from
what is ordinarily understood as to evolution T)y the fact that
the evolution of science deals primarily with the development
of his latent powers that finally unfold 'and "expand into the
spiritual or godly man. They regard this process as a part of
a universal plan by which God purifies His creation and that
it is fixed and as certain to take place in every individual as
all the other laws of God are certain, fixed and unchangeable.
It is contended by these believers that the fact that all men
-will eventually develop into godly individuals does not take
away man's responsibility for his life; because the attitude
man assumes toward the things that are good, pure and holy
determines the length of the period during which he must
struKle with lower propensities of his nature and endure the
resulting trouble and suffering. It is contended that these are
u o-. w trhioh God causes man willingly to turn away
I from the lower, grosser tendencies of the physical life to the
I hizher. better promptings of the divine elements that are strug-
cling for mastery wnnin mm. iv , . . . ' .
L.iw .;i. man lives in the atmosphere of divinity, in
harmony with the ultimate purpose of God for him and enjoys
-. . ,. .i i . ,itot. -thaf art incident
the bliss and displays me wwuuui F-v :
to the possession within ..himself of the controlling life of
divinity. :
New York is proud of its low
death rate" as compared with other
American! cities; but Health
Commissioner Copeland finds that
It is surpassed by three European
cities. The healthiest city in the
world in 1920 was Amsterdam,
with a death rte of but 11.07
per 1000.! Then come Birming
ham and London, both with a re
cord a little better than New
York's 12.93.
from paying the French and their i it clear to the supreme court oi
allies for the American army, but j the United States if necessary,
it does prevent the American The Bible may not be freely ad
army from petting the German milled into school service, but it
money. lis not to be specifically excluded.
Maybe the soldiers had better ! Los Angeles Times,
come home before the reparations In Oregon a study of the Bible
commission thinks to turn in a ! is included in the course of our
bill for rental of an occupied i public schools,
town. That might run Into real j
(From the Washington Post)
The recent educational survey
on every-dayi topics clearly show
ed the need of current events
courses in the schools and colleg
es of the country. When a big
percentage of students displays
ignorance of the men and affairs
of the day, it is high time to do
something to correct the condi
tion. Boys and girls should be
kept abreast of, the times. In
order to round out their educa
tion they need to know things
other than those contained in
text books.
Current event courses will fill
the need. More stress laid on the
affairs of the day will make in
teresting : the hours that are so
boresome to all healthy children.
An added zest can be given to
study.' That will help the young
sters and the teachers, too. The
practical ' can well be combined
with the theoretical, to the end
that the young men and women
of the country will have a broad
er education than the survey in
dicates to be the vogue at pres
ent. ! jj '
Parents and teachers would do
wall to demand that children keep
in touch with the news of the day.
History is made every 24 hour3.
Not all of it is lasting, but the
lessons and j Impressions of the
fleeting day should be read by
alL The newspapers furnish the
medium of instruction that is
needed by grownups, as well as
children.! Through their columns
one can gain a liberal education.
No one Ignorant of the affair of
the day is well educated. Hence
a knowledge; of 'current events Is
an obligation that rests upon
every good citizen. It is one of
the greatest1 of our educational
needs. Ill
In many parts of the world
hanging is the white man's meth
od of capital punishment, a cus
tom handed down for thousanc s
of years. As a matter of fact
hanging is a religious relic. Odin,
the great god, according to Norse
mythology, once hanged himsell.
and on coming back to life prom
ised that all who would follow
his example would join a band of
his companions and live happy
ever after. Many followed this
injunction voluntarily, and it be
came a religious ceremony. But
soon offers diminished, and the
priests were forced to take pris
oners of war, and finally crimin
als, from which resulted the cus
tom which is still followed. De
troit News.
or of the Indian romanced ''The
Bridge of the Gods." He says
'that Indians everywherei along
I the mid-Columbia tell of the great
j bridsre that once stood over the j
, cascades. !' i
j "All Columbian tribes tell the
story," he says, "in difierent ver-
! sions and different dialects, but
all agreeing on the essential feat
ures as one of the preat fact of
past history." ! - f
Engineers were recently! re
! ported making preliminary J5ur
I veys on both sides of the Colum-
foreman remonstrated with him,
not wishing to see the man dis
charged. "What's the Idea ot going to
all those funera'j. Dennis, when
the people are not even distantly
related to you? Your absence
from work if getting you In bad
with the superintendent."
"Oi'm an old man. sor, a very
ould m .on," he replied earnestly.
"Oi must look out for the future
mesilf. sor. If ys doan't go to
other folk's funeral how; c T
i - " f fl T '
pect them to so to jw
Saturday- Evening Post
pb Pill. sfc 4 4.pll "V
Kpr uua. .t soU Ant TT
Ptat-at UrH lor "lUlwf "
rwimlin it's Ifr... A&ireu
Wi Wi
A new oil lamp that gives an
amazingly brililant, soft, white
light, even better than gas or elec
tricity, has been tested by the U.
S. Government and 35 leading
universities and found to be su
perior to 10 ordinary oil lamps.
It burns without odor, smoke or
noise no pumping up, is simple,
clean, safe. Burns 94 air and
6 common kerosene (coal oil).
The inventor, W. V. Johnson.
31 N. Fifth St., Portland, Ore., is
offering to send a lamp on 10
days' FREE trial, or even to give
one FREE to the first user in
each locality who will help him
introduce it. Write him today for
full particulars. Also ask him to
explain how you can get the
agency, and without experience or
money make $250 to $500 per
month. Adv.
On a dozen occasions;; within
six months the old fellow had ab
sented himself from the shop to
attend funerals. Finally the
Tire Experts
That's us but you'd expect us to sas that Better
bring us your next job and judge for yourself. All
kinds of repairing, vulcanizing, retrending, etc
Kattv Korner Marion Hotel
B U I C It
The Presbyterian church is de
termined to prove that the action
of the state of Washington in
specifically; excluding! the Bible
from the public schools is uncon
stitutional. The church does not
ask for the regular use of the
Bible in the schools, but it .does
insist that its direct exclusion is
not in accordance with the prin
ciples upon which the government
was founded. The constitution
guarantees religious liberty, but
that does not mean the exclusion
of the Christian Bible from the
educational institutions of the
state. The constitution was larg
ely based upon the Bible-reading
Steel Structure Planned on
Spot Where Bridge of
Gods Stood
Secretair'ChrisUani disclosure
that President Harding once sejri
ously considered locating in Ten
nessee prompta . unprofitable re
flections. For instance, that there
may be some Tennesseean who If
he had located In Ohio would hate
become "president. .-.:..
Mr. Balfonr was asked bj a
group of newspaper , correspond
ents It he was going to Washing
ton, and he laughingly answered
that he had a shrewd idea: "Th
j rlme minister has Just called me
to decide whether h goes or I
go, or we both go." The Units
States would be glad to see both.
"Boys," remarked Noah, "we
can consider , ourselves ; luck.''
"In what wayt ;iaot haTing
to wait for a legislative appropri
ation to carry out our shipbuild
ing enterprise." 4 Washington
Star. vi--- ?t-
A Hint to Pathe
Amazing ignorace about current
events is repealed by an examin
ation of 17, p00 students in gram
mar schools,! high schools and col
leges scattered through the coun
try. The questions asked were
not difficult, but an average )f
4 4 per cent was the best result
possible.; Only; seven persons
knew who Senator Lodge was, and
such conspicuous characters as
Lloyd Georga and Hughes were
variously misplaced. Obviously
more attention is needed to cur
rent events In home and school.
More young men are going int
the academies and colleges than
ever beforej but fewer are going
into the; ministry. A bishop says
that the Methodist church alone
needs 1000 j new preachers today.
An exchange says: "Looks as if
the women! would have to take
more e-tensively to the ministry.
They are taking men's jobs in
every field,! but are making less
progress in! the pulpit than ; in
most aisles; of effort. Women
keep the church fires burning, yet
they fail to superintend the fuel
supply.'? 1 v
(From the Chicago Tribune)
Briand, tta; French premier,
will take up with President Har
ding whenj or if, he comes i to
Washington! the matter of the ex
penses jof the American army on
the Rhine, i The cost has been
$300,000,000 thus far. The Ger
mans have ipaid it.
The French
The United
and British! have it.
States can't' get it.
The preparations commission is
supposed to! pay it over, but is pre
vented by jits understanding! of
the situation. The United States
has not signed the treaty. The
reparations)- commission handles
funds under the terms of the
if; ;
treaty. I A 'hundred years from
1 "' iow, When (Germany has paid in
Dr. Gotthard uemtscn, aean oi
the Hebrew Union college of Cin-
fulL $65,000,000,000, it may! be
possible to turn over to the United
cinatti, who has died at the age States (what Germany paid to
It pays to look ahead when
you buy a battery.
It only takes a minute or two
to be sure you are getting a
VVillard Threaded Rubber Bat
tery with insulation instead
of separators between 4 the
plates. -
Threaded Rubber Insulation
will save you dollars and hours
later, because it keeps orf doing
its work as long as the plates
last. No bills for replacing
insulation as there always are
for replacing wood separators.
Drive in. Let us tell you the
whole story.
Auto Electricians
238 North High SU
Phone 203
CASCADE LOCKS, Or., Oct. 20.
The "Bridge of the Gods," a
natural bridge which Indian leg
end says once spanned the wide
Colambia river here, may be re
placed by a bridge oi steel or
concrete for passage of the white
man's automobile.
From father to son, back farther-
than the white man's writ
ings go, has come the tale of
how once a great mass of stone
and earth and huge trees arched
the Columbia as a causeway upon
which Indians crossed the wide
flQwing stream. Then there came
a day when the bridge of nature
was shaken from its moorings,
and sank into the water. And
that is how, they say, the cas
cades were created.
Geographical and geological in-
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The major part of our establishment ex ists to serve after the tale.
Salem Dallas
- 4