The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 23, 1921, Page 13, Image 13

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4nfd, frulbnol and Classified
Motorcycles Bicycles Accessories;
J '!
. '
Pacific Highway
Portland-Oregon City: Regular
routes of Pacific Highway via
West Side,, payed and open to
Bolton; , under,, construction and
closed from Bolton to Oregon City.
Traffic should take the Milwaa
kie stret or 82 nd Street routes
on the East Side out of Portland,
both of which are pared toOre
f g&n ' City with no dettur.
i v j Oregon CIty-Canby: 'faved.
,Canfoy-BarIow: Pavemon iun
der - construction and. highway
- closed; necessary to detour oyer
the old road, which is gravellel
and rn fair condition.
Barlo w-Salem : Paved except
; short gap at Pudding River.
Salem-Albany: Paved.
! Albany-Junction City: Best
route via Corvalll. Good gravel
macadam, Albany to Corvailjs'and
paved from Corvallts to Junction
City. New concrete pavement
and Rim Parts for all Can
. Free Expert Advice
' : : f' ' ikJL JOItGENSE '
i0 South High Street
south of Corvallis opened October
15th. j
Junction C'ty-Eugene: Payed.
Eugene-Cottage Grove: .Paved
to Goshen; highway closed at Go
sheii, detour east at Goshen; fol
lowing detanr and "Temparory
road" signs' through Cloverdale,
coming back to the West Side of
the river about one mile south of
Cresswell, continue due west to
new concrete Tavement turn south
and follow pavement to Cottage
Grove. I '
Cottage Grove-Divide: Pave
ment begins one mile south of
Cottage Grbve, no detaurs. I
Divide- Oakland: NeV pave
ment completed and open to tra
vel Divide to Drain. Excellent
macadam from, Drain to a point
3.7 miles south of Yoncolta and
from there it is paved to Oakland.
Oakland-Sutherlin: PivedJ
Sutherlin-Roseburg: Pevement
completed from Sutherjin to; Wil
bur, no detours, gravelled from
Wlllbur to.Roseburg with no de
tours. - .j- j: . ; ;
Roseburg-Myrtle Creek- Paved.
Myrtle Creek- Canyon villei The
bridge across the Umpqua River
is completed so that traffUj lean
use the main highway. Macadam
is completed from Myrtle Creek
to the TTmpqna River., a distance
"of six miles, and tb remaining
three. miles to Canyonvllle is be
ing macadamized; the road over
this section is fair.
! Canyonville-Galeavllle: Good
! Galesvllle-Wolf Creek: Paving
la .progress from both ends, 11
miles being already, completed.
About 7 miles south of. Galesville
between the hours of .7:30 a. m.
and 5:30 p. m. south bound traf
fic is detoured over the bid road
via Glendale to Stage Rocd Pass.
The Tunnel Road to Wolf Creek
is no longer used. This detour is
in good condition to Glendale and
from there to Stace. Road Pass,
the road has been lately graveled
by the County Court All north
bound traffic will use main high
war at all hours. Short delays necessary .between Stage
Ro&d Pass and Cow Creek, where
construction is in progress,
i Wolf Creek-Grave Creek: Pav
ed. This section is being widened
and when .wet the pavement Is
very slippery and it may be nec
essary to use chains.
Grave Creek-Pleasant Valley:
Good macadam.
i Pleasant Valley-Granta Pass:
aving operations have started
about two miles north of Grants
Pass 2 miles being air eady com
pleted. Short detours are pro
vided around most ot thi work.
Where detours are not available,
traffic is allowed to pass through
with but short delays.
Grants Pass-Through Medford-
t t
KM '. j-itP i
'' ' ' I i '
' i j iV' II' - ' - -Sfi' j
THE STANDARD on which SOUND TIRES are made and offered
to you is that of quality the highest quality:
The inherent quality which is the result wherl tires are huilt of the
finest, strongest mosl expensive materials, ah(j hand built bjrlthe
craftsmanship 'of expert tire builders. j
This quaHty means that SOUND TIRES are built to stand the pun
hhmenti to Endure the roughest abuse: to be at your senrice at all
times. -&-;. j : : i i ' -.. -i
The standard of quality is maintained at all times in manufacturing
- ' w
The price may change, as the cost of raw materials and manufacture
may diaiigent nerbr byv 'the -sidrif icef of; bnc ; ftta oi the high.
standard whbse ideal it is to be
High Street. at-Trade
iK't'sJZ- "J--Jri
lip - Zfs.&te , , '-vi?.$iSl3
si- r i
mated to be worth f 10,000. The x docked. , The Vigilance and Re
package was wrapped ir a water- tion Of Captain Wise and the offi-
tight covering and was dangling
at the end of a rope, apparently In
tended tbj be picked up by the
sampan. ;
' The ship' officers seited the
package and turned it over to gov
cers was praisea nigniy at ne
time by Acting .Collector of the
P6rt O'Keil. The commendatory
.words, however, did. not. deter
other officials from fining the
China several hundred dollars, be-
ernment officials when the China cause the 6pinm was not listed on
the vessel's manifest. . j
j These f tnes Captain Wise la f
tempting to have Remitted, poi
ing,. out, that thef? ship's pffic
frustrated the smugling plot, a
that the ielxure was entered (
the vessel's log Immediately ar
liwaaJ accomplished.
pr. F, N. Miller has Invented a coUapsible rim, which, he claims,
can be pat on or taken off in thirty seconds. The days of tie dreaded
blowouts and punctures sure do seem to be waning
Ashland-Californla Line: Paved.
Columbia IUver Highway
Astoria-Portland Paved ex
cept about one mile through city
of Rainier, which is graveled bul
quite rough.
Portland-Moiser Pave.
Mbsler-The Dalles Paving op
erations under way two follies feast
of Rowena. Road closed from 7
a. m. to 12:15 noon. Open lz:lo
tc 12:45. Closed 12:4t to 5:30
p. m. open a: 30 p. m. to l a. m.
Travel can detour over old road
over Seven Mile hill at ail hours.
The Dalles-Seufert Paved.
Senfert-Deschntes River- New-
highway open. Road for about
300 yards past Cape Horn only 12
feet wide. Contractors still work
ing atthis point, and travelers are
cautioned to drive slow Balance
of road new gravel and still loose
on the .sides. Cars are warned to
drive slow and keep on gravel in
Heppner Junction - Pendleton
through Umatilla, Hermiston and
Eco Standard, state highway con
struction, gravel macadam:
West Side Pacific Highway
Portland-West Dayton Paved.
West Dayton-St. Joe Grav
eled and in lair condition. Conntyl
road from West Dayton to Mc
Mlnnvllle via Dayton and Three
Mile Lane paved and open to traf
fic. St. Joe-McMinnville . Paved.
McMinnville-Aniity Use old
road which is graveled but rough.
Amity-Holmes Gap Paved ex
cept short graveled stretch near.
Holmes Gap.
Holmes Gap-Crowley Newly
graveled, fair going.
Crowley-Rickreall Under con
struction, adobe fill near Basketi
Slough bridge impassable in rainy
weather; traffic should detour
via Crowley Station and Green
wood road.
Rickreall-Monmouth Paved
Monmouth-Corvallis Paved ex
cept t miles just south of Mon
mouth, which is closed to through
traffic. Traffic being detoured yia
Monmouth and Independence and
Corvallis-Junction City 'Paved.
Mt. Hood Loop
Portland-Sandy Paved - to
Gresham; take Bluff road which
Is graveled and in good condition
from Gresham to Sandy.
: Sandy - Brightwood Under
construction; practically impass
able after rains. Through traffic
to points east of Salmon river have
option of road via Marmot whfeh
is passable but very rough.
Brightwood to Government
Camp Dirt road but soil is sandy
and road is passable and fair go
ing. Tualatin Valley Highway -
Gaston McMinnville Paved
entire distance i except short de
tour south of Gaston.
Corrallis-Xewport Highway
Corvallis-Blodgett Good , grav
eled road via Philomath.
Blodgett-Toledo Road im
passable. since rain
Toledo-NewportPassable with
prospects of being i rocked before.;
next rains.
tempting to Induce the United
States government to accept at
true the old opy-book exercises,
"Honesty is the best policy," and
"Virtue is its own reward," it was
revealed here when the China
stopped on her latest voyage long
enough for Captain Wise to make
certain affidavits to support his
contention that the government
should realize the truth ci the
Captain Wise Is . asking that
fiues levied on the vessel's last
trip trom the far east be remitted.
As the China , was entering this
port that -voyage, the ship's offi
cers noticed a woman hovering in
the offing, apparently signalling
to some person aboard the China.
The officers investigated and
found a package of opium esti-
It is a pleasant sight totdj In'al
most every city or town, the hosts
of mothers, with their children;
enjoying the Sedan.
It holds the family group together--,
in itself no small service to the nation.
Thm guoIlMcormamptioa ts atmaoady lota.
Tb lira fnfleagft is anoaxudly btgfcw
Commercial and Ferry Sts Salem, Ore. ( ,
Skipper of Steamship China
Claims Sei2ure of Drugs,
Asks ReSease
HONOLULU, i T. H-, . Oct. 20.
Cactaln F. W. Wise of the China
,Iajl gteamship loer China, at.
Man oe Aetomobile
Will Repair or Uyerhaul Your Automobile at a, very-Keason-
able Price
mAmm& t
H it,-!..
Goodyear and United
Tire arid Tubes
A Repair Kit May Save You Several Dollars
M - . '1 i
Complete Line of Accessories Including
Truck Mirrors i
Chains ;
Spot Lights
Brake Lining
Flash Lights
Light Bulbs
: r
Top Dressing
Zenith Carburetors
1 i
Oils -Gre aseGas
Cars Washed and Polish ed Open Day ad Night
Marion jAutoiribile Coittpaisy
235 South Commercial Street
.! I
Phone 362