The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 23, 1921, Page 12, Image 12

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    ' - - i : . ... - , i -:- : VJ, "ir-T?- --.Mi- " i : 7 U -
kU ifll I I II U eO H .ef Central CngregationallO -j.. Son- I " f I 1
'lUIlil H fa wI H II H -f " dr ''o' ' church services combined.) I ! u';, - '1 1 4 I
I sirs. j. . unranu, SBperinieiMient4 j II 1 iaW, ' ' - i 1 1 ''
floerial mnaie. 6:45. Christian endeavor. 1 II : ..':aMMa am .a - - ! . ' "'Maav' r .ark .a"C"t ' t . I t I.
: 1 . M 3 nT T . nasasnr S KB sW V - 1 lr k . h. i ' 1
M ri jiri' j u Jl Ji Miiio. .; ;J ;..:
lealia lftholimt IT V
Pwnbrrton, will ' eodt both -mom in?
, and Tainr terrtcea. Tb aoiit will b
ander tha direction of Mn. liam Rih-
p. Sunday school, 9:45 .m. . gemor
department nnder thf direction ol K.
A. Rboten, oaerlntendent. Primar de-
panmeni nnaer tb direction ' of Helen
t it . .
"ruin( worinip ii, Mnum
object "Th Communion f 8aim."
ETeninr aerricea: EDworth learoa. 0:30:
chnrch aerrlce, 7:30. - rcning aennon
ScaadintTUn , If.'' K. ' Church Corner
of Fifteenth and Mill' atreeta. Darid
C. Haaacl, paator. ..' Bandar Oct. 23. aer
iea at 11 l.m, bj tot paator, and Sun
day acbool at 12. In the eninr tn
dtirtrict arperintendent, O. P. Lliidttrom,
will preach at 1 :S0. If you understand
aur Utncnaga. eome and ' be with na.
Firat Kethodiat Epiaopal Rt. Blaine
E: . Kirkpatrick.ii mlnUter. t:15. old-tin
class meatins: :45, Banday school, i.
B. Littler, superintendent. 11 a.m ser
Mon, "Naboth'a Vtaeyaid." C:0 p.m,
eenior Epworth leagnie, led by Mirt
Humphreys. ttpic, "d 8ae Within;
Whither Hhall I Flea." Intermediates at
the (am hour in epworth hall.
1:30, sermon, "The Unfolding Herela
ti." Jason Lea Mem6rta: .Winter ' aad
Jefferson arreeta, Thoroaa Acheaon, pas
tor. At tha-Junior charch aenrice the
Rot, Karl K. Officer will lpeak to the
younr people on the subject, "Golden
Apples' Tbo Bieasage for the nvorama:
hour in, tho adult church will be on the
theme, rThe Face oJ Ged." Eraneel
latie mcetinc in . the . ereninr at 7 :30.
Subject, "The Inevitable in True Re
llion.' tSunday school , at 9:15 a.m.
Epworth league mceta at 6:il0 p.m. Vo
got forjet prayef mcetlnc on Wedneaday
ermine at 7:30 p.m. Junior church de
votional meeting Thuraday 4:45.
Flrtt Christian Church- Center and
High atreeta, J. 4. ?!?';, A
class will 0 orgnled at the Bible achool
.our today. :. Agea apprpaimately
wttwem-VW -I will e eligible to
membership, Voth men and women. Vt.
Epley rondtt.ta an nlifenng period ol
eoag, - chalk Ulnatratloira by. T. E.
CroskrV and apeeial numbera -and other
warship. The intermediate 9 ,K. aoeiety
will meet for luneh at 5 "doek. . --Tfc-sVn
lor toaag people Ml at the aame
kou? 6. Wed'SeVd.y an all-day meeting
wilt be held in the church, po.ned by the
membera t the bungalow ehurch ! t w 11
U Ja the nature ol ateward.hip . ri i"7
Sirected by prominent JVUn from
Ji,,..,,. The program begins at
and closes in the evening with
tereoptieon lecture.
- Court Street ChrUtianth
teenth and Court atreeta. .Serv";8 eTSr7
light eeept Saturday at 7:dO p.m. To-Z-Z.
.iivi,,, is Your Bible! me
F Christ fa
meeting. K U Pntnam, paator.
lilt t l'TmP
ieliing on Thursday at 1:30 p.m. . X.
tiTand Ida J. Lee, pastors.
iSSi Sunday achool -with classes for
? m "WhatlJeaua can do with
lurrendered PeAonality" Short .tory
: Facts About the Catholic
- 'sT .MV. J. B. BUCK
-The ehosen peopl. God in the old
fa len aaleep with godlineee, ui P
at tLir aia of diaobedience ; and that
; tie' ValUi leader JUa hj
affared for the rpoae of. the aouia m
?n.fead aoldiera. nd
ring, he aent tweWe thouaand irchm
ll ulx to Jeruaalem for
. vl --f fared for the aine of the oeaa,
' h'inkm, well and fnn
the reaurrection. For if ha
hoped that they that were alain ahould
rSVagaim, it would hara eeemed auper
finous and rata to pray for the dead. . .
$T therefori . lT jW'TS
' thoutht o pray for the dead, tn
K.,V looaed from theur am..
j Mach. xlU 43-46.) .
Protestants for the moat pert, deny
the 11 of the Machabeea a i m
inr the eanoninieal aeripturea. The re
pudiation of these inapired wrt ng. by
the. reformer. th kaetered by
Charle. Auguatu. Brigge. th most em
Inent Protestant acholar .
There ean be no doubt that the re
Ject'on of II Machabeea waa due in
treat measure to its support of the Ko-
Catholic doctrine rt'gLJ"
ihJTflaad" (Study of Holy Scripture
en ' 6 p. 145) ValTing the queatjon
t their eanoiriclty. .11 grea that the
book. are good Jewish history. A. his
torical documento - they teatify
Jew." fcelief In the -WdtaaU "Jf
their practice of praying for thread
Iadaed. the Jew have retained thia eua
tain ie the present day. as is aeen Dy
hTprayer: fir the dead In their prayer
look. Tho Jewa at the time of Christ
tfi in . pft pprgjUon Chrgt.
f.r from correcting thia belief, a.
.14km5o. were it false ...ume.
Ind it H UfMtt.
In the Sermon on the Mount tMtt.
25-36) Jeeu. warn. le hearer, to
at peace with their adTeraarie lt
Sdde"ly deliver-d to their
Jad, and by Him east int priaon. And
llfiadda: 4,I aay to thee, thou ahalt
.rt'eome T out henci till thn ha.t paid
?hi Us? farthing. ' Henca ChrUt apeaka
If'klan in Tth. er ortd.i. which
raund'ehriat to refer to the tern-
BTulSs? iTT&Ztt ?l
proTidence. m JewB t
rorgivaa' neither In.thja , world aor in
the world to eome. J ansiv. --'
VT. may fr " thes.word. th.t
' there art aomo a.u -- - .
given in tho world to eome a. alao In
thi" world, but not the ,i
Holy Ghost. Sia will not be
In 6eaeT nothing defiled en e nte
U: nor in hell where the fire i.
extinguished. There must bo third
etate where purgation sa i"-"; j-i"
AaguatUe, St. Gregory the '"Vmtr
Isidore and other father.
. . ri . ' - mpiI. it were a
- 1 IB HI 111 a - .. .v- I .
brave man who would question the ; tog
' Iral acumen of these Intellectnal gianU.
Thoir commentary haa alao
at reflecting the Chrietlan faith of the
early centuries. , , .
Many of tho Chriatian wrUern or the
first eenturiea, Including Origte"..,.
Ambrose, Jerome, Augustine, Miliary,
Gregory, see a simile of purgatory, no
a reference to it, in the word, of ot.
Paul: 'Tor other foundation no man
ean lay. but that which Is laid which
ia Christ Jesus. Now if any man build
upon thia foundation gold, ailrer, piw
ioua .tones, wood, hay, stubble: every
maa'a work shall be manifest. For the
day. of the Lord shall declare it, be
cause it .hall be revealed in fire. And
tha . lira shall trv ' avarv man's work.
' Af -ht aort it in If anv mil's work
he himself shall receive a reward. If
the , lire anal! try every man a wore,
of what sort it is. If any man's work
abide, which ha hath built thereupon.
ne nimaeii snau receive a rewara. ii
any; man', work burn, he shall anf fer
lost: but he himself shall bo eared a.
yet by lire." (I. Cor. UL 11-15.) And
like the Fathers of the first centuries
of Christianity, we believe ia purgatory,
and the eharitv Af nriv.t fa 1 k AamA
because these doctrines are taught by
the Church which Chriat ha left in thia
worM as the teacher ot His religion, and
wki.k Ma J J ; . i . i i -
bihty which assurea uo that ia teachings
re the truth, -
JI . a a. "'
Christ . Lutheran Church State , and
Eigbteetath , atreeta. Sunday scbooL ait
0:45 a.m. Xivine service (German) at
10:30 a.m. Luther League at 1:M
Topic, The Second Coming of Christ."
Cvening 8ervice (English) at 7:30 Dm.
"Has the Church of Christ, or its Min
isters. Still the' Power to Heal all Man
aer of Sickness!" Everybody invited.
Veorge Koebier. pastor.
1348 w. Chnrch street. J. J.' OillesDie.
paator. Sunday achool 10 a.m. Mrs. J
t4. van Lydegraf, superintendent.
Preaching aenrice 11 a.m, tubject, "aCr
nality the Cause of' Divieioa Amongst
the People of God." Y. P. Meeting
1:30 p.m. and preaching service follow
ing at 7:80. Prayer meetink Wednesday
evening 7:30.
' Pirst United Brethren Twelfth and
Mission, hundny achool 10 a.m. Junior
C.K. at 11. President, Vada Burn.
Church aerrlre at 11. Senior C.E. at
7 p.m. Bveaing service S. A decision
service. Special music. Pastor, C. W.
tnrrr axian
tTnity Church Cottage and ChemeVe
ta streets. Rev. Martin Pereshetian, A.M.
H l., minister. C'hnreh school 1 a.m.
Devotional services 11. Subject, "Main
Street,'' or the "Brimming Cup." The
minister will answer the first aeriea ot
questions submitted to bim.
Baptist William T. Milliken,
Bible school 9:45, Kdwnrd
superintendent. Morning wor
1 and evening worship at 7:30.
term on, "What Fraternity
'Join'" Cvening topic, "Pool' a
B.Y.P.U. meets at 6:30. At
pastor conducts a class in the
Act in the audience room..
above the B.Y.P.U. age is wel-
pastor. '
ship at 1
HhcM i
:40 the
Book of
First Presbyterian On Church be
tween Chemeketa and Center. Halibut h
achool meet, at 9 :45 a.m., C. A. Kella,
auperintendent. At 11 a.m the paator.
Ward Willie Long, will preach on "Sacri
ligoue Religiosity." At 7:30 hi. sub
ject will be "Jesus and the Insincere."
Church night Thursday with picnic din
ner at 6 njn. Social time until 7:15.
Ladies Aid monthly meeting on Friday
t 2:30 p.m. in church parlors.
Christian and Missionary Alliance
Ur. and Mrs. H. K. Caswell. - recently
,from ixs Angeles, will have charge of
jthe alliance work in Salem in tho fu
ture. Services will be held at the usual
place, 632 S. Commercial street. Meet
inrs for week: Praver . aervise Tueadnv
evening 7:30. Begnlar afternoon meet
ing on Thursday at au moat cor
dially invited.
First Church 440 Chemeketa street.
At 11 a.m, Bible lesson, subject-? 1 Pro
bation After Death." Sunday achool at
9:45 a.m. Wednesday evening testi
monial meet at 8 o'clock.
W. O. T. TJ.
Ttia lual W (I T IT will bave anerial
Ver vices on Tuesday, October 25, at 2:30
VJA. ' A report from the state conven-
tion - win be siren. Heading dj Jirt.
K. M. Cleave of Portland. .
SHERIDAN. Or., Oct. 22.-4
Mrs. A. J. Bewley is a Portland
visitor this week.
Miss Frances Driver and Wiley
Driver of Albany are visiting
their brother, Lee Driver ot this
city. - I
Mrs. Roy Flynn has been taken;
to the Dallas hospital for an opj
Miss Veva Eckerson, who has
been visiting in Salem for some
time, returned home Wednesday!
Mrs. Otto Thompson is in the Mc4
Minnville hospital recovering from
an operation for appendicitis. 1
J. A. Kirkland of McMinnvillel
was a Sheridan visitor Thursday
Miss Vera Evans of Willamina
spent Wednesday with her grand-i
mother, ' Mrs. Sarah Evans.
O. B. Shipley and - family are
moving to Sheridan from Yakima,
Air. and Mrs. Markee of Cali-
Xornla are visiting with Mrs. Mar4
kee's father, George Payne.
A very pretty wedding was soj-j
emnized Wednesday morning at.
St. James church. McMinnvillej
when Miss Ann Dpherty becamej
the bride oMlenry Hintzen. Those
comprising the bridal party were
Barbara Padden, Walter Dunser,
Marguerite Hintzen, Maryi Hill,;
Ann Doherty, her father D. P.
Doherty, Henry Hintzen and Mat-'
thew Hintzen. After a short val
ley trip Mr. and Mrs. Hintzen will
be at home to their friends in
big prlaei
Rearrange tho figure in the abort
square in such a manner that they wil'
count 15 every way and aead us yom
anawer, together with your aame am
ddreaa. and it it i correct, we will m
a nee mail you a magnificent three-eo lot J
auto road map and 1920 oenan. of th
etate of Oiegon, and full particular, e
ont simple condition that yon nnit 'fnl
fill ioether with aa tnuatrated prls.
Hat. . Thia condition ia very easy . aad
need mot cost yon ono cent of your own
money it ia merely a matter of aeenrin
two annual subscriptions ($1.00 eaea
to tna fAuiriu humcoteaii, tno old
est and best weekly farm magaaino pub
liabod in tho Pacific Northwest.
How to Send Your Solutions
, . . . . .
Use only one aide or the paperNhai
eontajna the aolution aad put your ami
and nddroM ea tho npper right hand
Three Independent Judges, having m
connection with thia firm will award tht
prtiea, and the answer gaining 350 poind
will toko tho first prise. Yon will get
100 points for siMng the pusile, 40 wil
be awarded for general appearance, atyla
spelling, punctuation, etc.. 10 points fo
hand writing, and 100 points for fulfill
lag tho conditions of tho contest. 1 '
Tho announcement of the prise "Win
ner and the correct - solution win: be
printed at the close of the contest, and
a copy mailed to each person sending
in a solution. .
This eplendid offer win only bo goo
for a limited time, so send in your st
lution right away now ta "
Paula Contest Editor :
Monday, v a. m.. and (uontiniiing
For One Week Ending Saturday 6 p. mi, Dcti 29
Absolutely Oane
i -
: .
! i
fM I ff , Y1LL BE
r- u b 0 n
1 i
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- i
With Every Dollars' Worth of Merchandise Purchased
i .!--.
i ' ' : - '
(Bony Ms WaBslhi Ms Ym
Every Department in This Store Including Downstairs Store
Shares in This Event
There Us lMs Llml1t9$1tlfaninig
Positively no sugar sold under a dollar merchandise purchase.
BBSaaaaar ; w . SBmaMSMSwaw""
' ' " - 'I
.'!'. - ",'
'i -
. '.
i i
your purchase amounts to $ 1.00, yo
Ii your purchase amounts to $ 2.00, yo
If your purchase amounts to $ 3.00, yo
If your purchase amounts to $ 4.00, yo
If your purchase' amounts to $ 5.00, yo
If your purchase amounts to $10.00, yo
If your purchase amounts to $15.00, yo
' your purchase amounts to $20.00, yo
If your purchase amounts to $25.00, yo
If your purchase amounts to $30.00, yo
If your purchase amounts to $50.00, yo
If your purchase amounts to $75.00, yo
If your purchase amounts to $100, yo
u may buy
u may buy
u may buy
u may buy
u may buy
1 pound of sugar for $ .01
2 pounds of sugar for .02
3 pounds of sugar for .03
4 pounds of sugar for .04
5 pounds of sugar for .05
u may buy 10 pounds of sugar for .10
u may buy 15 pounds of sugar for .15
u may buy 20 pounds of sugar for 20
u may buy 25 pounds of sugar for 25
u may buy 30 pounds of sugar for JO
u may buy 50 pounds of sugar for JO
u may buy 75 pounds of sugar for .75
u may buy 100 lbs. of sugar for 1.00
Wonderful ore the opportunities! As our prices ore alvsoyo right and
reasonable, and the merchandise the best obtainable, it will be to your
interest to make out your want list and come down and do your shon
ping eHrly in the day as the store will be drowded. ! - -
Wool Dress Goods
Dress Velvets
Dress Silks
Wash Goods
Pillow Slips
Infants' Goods
Bath Robes
Ribbons .
Lunch Cloths
Pl i' "...
. 1
State Street . JPhok ; r5- v' , :
: . mm -mw mm mm mmm - ! i g a ' , r
; ;i . k i . .. .'!: ;
V-:.-. .. . -. . -:: ': ' ' . ' '-:, : ''- U i r - 2'-. ;-': i -
- ... - . ... - I,- --; - - "- - j --
BsssSJannanssBsnBnnB 'MM,aawaMWiaai t .
h tvwtnaueoj j. est eaaaaf J
i :