The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 23, 1921, Page 11, Image 11

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November 15 to 17 is Date
of Conference for
World Work
Many Groups Representing
Church Activities . Will
I Attend Conclave
t DETROIT. M!chJ, Oct. 20;
The Rev R, J.. Wade, D. D., Cor
responding Secretary of the Com
mittee on Conservation and Ad
vance of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, Chicago. Illinois, announ
l 1 " 1 .', ,,;'", ,' r ,',0 " v .r 1 .i
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Words He Would
Like to Say
MUSIC can omtimt tell
the "sweetest story" more
truly than words, If you have a
Brunswick to play for you. ,
Call at our shop and hear the
Brunswick Phonograph and
Brunswick Records (especially
the new Super-Features) and
learn about our convenient pay
ment plan.
Then tell "dad" you want a
Brunswick, and why. Come in
today. ,
Music Store
Masonic Building
r State and High Streets
: v.yjk- v.-
Government Works Out Pro
btem of Unemployed by
Civic Projects
on improving the telegraph and
telephone systems. And in addl- i
tion, the government has autho- j
rized the laying of a
cable po as to obtain direct com-!
muuieations with Spain, Greece, j
Brazil. Uruguay, and Argentina. '
Thus rendering Italy independent
of foreign cable companies.
I tower IeVf ojl
Te development of Italys water-power
is proceeding tapidlyj
liffore the war. she obtained ;
about 9ST..00O hors'vpowr from
that source. 3 nee then the total !
horse-iower has been increased j
to 1, 7 So.oyo.
, To make this posible, 59 reser
An-n voirs !d artificial lake3 have
RESOURCES DEVELOPED been constructed
Another important industrial ;
nroject i? the reclamation - of the;
Pontine marshes which cover
about liiDUmi acn-s helwt-en
Rome and Naples. This land here
tofore has been submerged for
five months each year by torrents
which poured down frjm tho
j ne'ghboring mouuta'ns an 1. stag-;
j nating on the land, converting
ROME, Sept 20. The Italian i J?aa aroa int0 a dangerous fever ,
government is meeting its proV , Marshe i,raiimi
lem of unemployment by setting j The company organized with a '
the idle men to work to develop j capital of 50 000,000 lire to re
to the utmost the natural resour-1 clai,m this section ha been in op
ces of the countrj. . ' era,tl?n about onfe year end has
, AA . ' reclaimed about 7.750 acres and
hJ'E 8"mi f. 1 k' T.'SS nn? made them fe't"e neat lands or
nt6116011?28 0;18 for growing tomatoes.
000 has been devoted to public : The nnt !ndusrlal plant- a to.
auuui nuuiuer, ma(n nQE, v,o a
tablished in tho Pontine marshes
Public Utilities Built up, Pon
tine Marshes Under
Drainage Plan
New Students Honored iG- Ranton- An a"ress n
... , .. ? half cf the Luella Kimball club
At Kimball Reception ; was g5v,n by Mrs. Aabrpy Clark.
rf- Ralph Thomas gave a ruHitg and
About lOo studertt? and frienU i
attended a reveptiuin in honor if j
the new student? at Kimball j
School of TheolofjyFriday nipht. j
John McXe?s prefclded.
levotions w ere led by David!
Hassell. Welcome on behalf of
the Kimball far-ulfv was extended
by President E-C Hickman.
Miss Ksther McCrtijrken sang and
an address of welcjome on behalf
of the students wast made by Aub
rey Clark and respnse was made
by Ralph Thomas. T. M. Rlen
kinson sang a soloj A violin and
piano duet was contributed by
-Mrs. E. C. Hickman and Erwin !
Dr. E. S. Hammond read a letter
of greeting from William Nlcoll.
a former student who is "now In
Boston School of Theology.'
At Hie Oregon Theatre Next Sunday
000.000 lire ($4,000 000) has
been asigned to land reclamation.
These works are being carried out
largely by private Initiative and
by consortiums, to whom the gov
ernment grants subsidies and con
cessions. Funds for these enterprises are
obtained from banks.
Another 150,000,000 lire
(about $6,000,000) will be spent
and later wood-pulp and paper
millwill be erected.
An essential feature of the
work is an effort to control ma
larial fever in which the company
has engaged the foremost medi
cal experts who are making suc
cessful progress in the cure of
chronic malar a by means of X
ray treatment.
Get our prices before placing your orders for
Bathroom Fixtures and Plumbing Supplies
We are sure that we can
save you 10 to i15
219 North Commercial Street
Salem, Oregon
187 Front Street
Portland, Oregon
Captain "Johnny" Lyon, who has commanded the ferryboat be
tween Nyack and Tarrytown. N. Y for almost ' alf a century, will cel
ebrate his birthday by working. He has ferried many celebrities across
the Hudson and has followed the sea since he was fifteen.
ces a national conference of the
church to consider its world wide
missionary and benevolent inter
ests to be held in the church
house of Central Methodist Ep's
copal Church, Detrait, Michigan,
November 15, 16 and 17-
Dr. Wade said, "Th3-purpose of
the conference is to assemble
representatives of the Methodist
Episcopal Church for three days
of thanksgiving, prayer and coun
cil, a realized need and the
church's reply. The conference
will be, held for informat on. in
spiration and deepening of tho
epiritual life of the Methodist
Episcopal Church. It ia expected
that through this conference that
Amer'ca and all the world will
hear the solemn voice of a church
reiterating its loyal devotion to
Jesus Chrust as the hope of tho
world, at a time' when the spirit
ual forces of the world are arous
ed." rrogross Reviewed !
The conference wW" review
progress of Hhe world program
outlined in the centenary period
of five years. , To finance this
work Method sts of the United
States pledged in the Centenary
Campaign $108.000.000 payable
Only Refers to
Not Condition
v'ji' !
EVERY,' AUTOMOBILE that passed your house today
!" is a Ued Car and you will be just as satisfied as
the most enthusiastically satisfied of those drivers
, : if you buy your USED CAR from us. j
NOT ONLY SATISFIED, but you'll be proud. When you
tell your friends where you bought it, you won't
have to apologize for buying it from us. Just answer
" and that settles it.
SECONDi II AND" only refers to its ownership and im
plies nothing as to its condition, but when you say
your friends will know its a -good
car. It's 'Hhird-hand" in fact "second-hand" with
us, "third-hand" with you. And because it's pas
sed through our hands, you'll deserve to be proud.
It's pedigree is established.
TRIDE OF OWNERSHIP is the greatest joy of motor
ing. To be-obliged to tell your friends that you
dragged the cad off some vacant lot or "bought it
for a song" from some stranger takes the edge off
your keen sense of pride.- j
IF YOU BUY IT from some sidewalk vendor who speaks
one word for the car and 4 wo words for his com
mission, you'll still be in doubt, and when something
happens when you're out with friends, you'll apol
ogize for your judgment.
BUT IF YOU BUY a used car from us, you'll say "Never
. mind, the Gingrich folks are behind it. They are
reliable people." '
YOU WILL NOT PAY us more than it is worth you
won't pay a long bonus to buy it on time and we
-will see to it that you won't go broke running it.
We don't sell that kind.
WE HAVE A LARGE selection of used ears in all makes
' and models. Why not come in and let us sho.w
them to you.
Gingrich Motor
phone 635 Ask for.Moir
and Tire Co.
371 Court Street
iik five years. Dr. Morris W. E li
nes, Treasurer, recently reported
that over $33,000,000 had been
paid in the first two years.
The committee in churge has
placed the conference at the same
time with regular meetings of the
board of home missions and
church extension, the board of
education, the council of boards
of benevolence and meetings of
the bishopsu All seats at the con
terence will be asigned and re
i ! AH Groups Invited
i The following groups are be
ing invited: Bishops, district su
perintendents, members of the
council of boards of benevolence,
boards, the editors of Method st
members and staff of constituent
papers, five paetors and five lay
men from each episcopal area !n
addition: to members cf the
. j The fund for expenses of the
conference has been given by men
a?i,d wornen as testimony of their
devotionj and interest.
j Dr. Ralph E. Diffencfbrfer, sec
retary, Department of Education
Committee on Conservation and
Advance, Chicago, IH'nois. is exe
cutive secretary of the convention.
Plan Large Asembly
This Will be the greatest Rath
ering ever held except the quad
rennial conference of the Metho
dist Episcopal Church. Three
thousand Methodist leaders from
all over! the United States are to
assemble at this meeting of na
ti6nal and international impor
tance, and at the same t'me Mich
igan Methodists wl assemble in
the church building adjoining, and
have the privilege of hearing
these national leaders on world-
Wide problems and their solution
Betterj Butter Campaign Is
Aided. by Recent Show
At St. Paul
WASHINGTON'. D. C. Oct. 20
f-r-ln the past butter makers have
bften been in the dark as to the
ireal quality of the butter they
jput upon the market, and fre-
qnentlyi they fee they have not
been fairly treated by commission
men and others in the markets.
iBUt thej creamery man is not with
out friends, for the United States
Department of Agriculture offers
him an Inspection service that
stands almost as a court of last
resort. Any person who wants
this servlcs may have it by ap
iplying jfor it. The government
inspectors examine butter, in cars
in Ftorage, or in storet, and th
certificates they Issue: stand in
court, but they seldom get that
far, as! they are almost univer
sally accepted.
! At thA National Dairy Sho-.v
held in St. Paul. Minn., October
8 to 15, butter inspectors demon
strated; how they do their work
and exhib'ts that were prepared
fcy .the! department proved the
great advantage that comes from
marketing butter of high grade.
On the face of it butter that scores
88 would not seem to be much
Inferior to that which scores 92,
showing that the spread- of price
between thoe two- grades is very
laree. far greater than the dif
ference in cost of manufacture
As Poor Richard might have said,
"A little better butter makes a
much Iblgger bank balance." .
"Huh!" sarcastically ejaculat
ed young Yancey law. "You
wouldn't never ketch me be!ng j
bossed: around by a mere wo
man!"! i
"Yotig feller" grimly returned
nn Johnson of Rumpus Ridg,
f'wheiy you've been married to
one or rem as long as inave you u
sorter! get the idy into your head
that women ain't so darn mere as
you might think!" Country Gen
Some One
: I . . ....
Mi' i :
.M i i, mm
On Wednesday, at Grand Theatre, the New Edison
proved that there is no difference between its RE
CREATION of music and the original music. It was
proof that would be good in any court of law.
If you did not attend, take the trouble to find out ex
actly what happened. Investigate all the details of
this drastic test. It was given particularly for the
music-lovers of Salem so that they might know,
through their own personal experience, that there is
a phonograph which can give them the exact per
formance of the living artist.
Helen Clark, famous contralto, made the test. She
stood on the platform, beside the New Edison. She
sang. In the midst of her song, she stopped singing.
The NE
The New Edison took up the song, and continued it
alone. Thus, they alternated singer and phonograph.
The audience had to watch Miss Clark's lips, in order
to be certain which was singing. The New Edison's
triumph was complete and spectacular.
A similar test was made by Joseps Phillips with the
RE-CREATIONS of his baritone solos. Again the
same result there was no difference between RE
CREATED voice and living voice.
Remember that no other phonograph can sustain this
test! Remember that you want a phonograph which
does! And remember that the New Edison did it
right here in Salem.
"The Phonograph With a Soal"
You can have, in your own home, the exact kind of
instrument used in the test. This was an Official
Laboratory Model out of our own stock. Select any
Official Laboratory Model in our store, and we will
guarantee it to sustain, the test of direct comparison,
and to do everything that was done in the test at the
Grand Theatre.
Ask us about our Budget Plan. It brings you this
New Edison for a small payment. Any man or wo
man, who loves music, can make a gentleman's agree
ment with us.
433 State St.
Salem, Oregon
tleman. : " i
I v'